情商 EQ

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EQ is the life ability, it can not only make IQ effect, it also affect an individual health, happiness and success of important factor. 情商是生活的能力,它不仅可以让智商发挥效应,同时它也是影 响个人健康、幸福和成功的重要因素。
One is able to comfort him- or herself and get rid of intense anxiety and deep depression, to effectively cut off the root of bad emotions. 能够安抚自己,摆脱强烈的焦虑忧郁,有效地控制刺激 情绪的根源。
4. Skill of sensing others’ feelings
One is able to sense how other people feel and what they need and be sympathetic 理解别人的感觉,察觉别人的真正需要,具有同情心。 5. Skill of maintaining a harmony in interpersonal relationship
伤伤 肺肝 、、 喜恐 伤伤 心肾 、
Some people acquire higher IQ but lower EQ, and unable to get better control over themselves and surrounding atmosphere, so they fail to be better adapted to the environment. 有人IQ很高,但EQ却很低,不能很好地控制自己的情绪和周 围环境的氛围,很难适应环境。 Increasing studies have shown that IQ plays only 20% part in one’s success while EQ takes the 80% part. 越来越多的研究已经证明,一个人的智商对其事业成功只能 起到20%的作用,而情商则在其中起到了80%的作用。 One who has acquired higher EQ will be more successful. 谁的情商高,谁的人生成功的机会就大。
正向的情绪与情感: 高兴、 感动、 愉悦、 安然、 淡泊 to be glad, touched, pleased, peaceful
爱慕、 希望、 稳定、 平静、 热情 to cherish admiration and hopes, to be emotionally steady, calm and passionate 善良、 温和、 幽默、 感恩、 宽容 to be kind, easygoing, humorous, thankful and tolerant 悔悟、 友好、 果敢、 乐观、 谦逊 to be reflective, friendly, decisive, optimistic and modest 坚毅、 自信、 守信、 博爱、 坦诚、等等 to be persistent, confident, honest and of universal love, and sincerity, and so forth.
A person wants to become excellent managers, should pay attention to improving their own EQ level.
The conception of EQ was first introduced in 1990, to measure a person’s ability to comprehend himself and other people emotionally, to discern and use information that is created in comprehension thereby instructing one’s thinking and acting way.
负向的情绪与情感: 焦虑、 愠怒、 烦躁、 恐惧、 冷漠、 To be anxiety, anger, fidgety, fear, indifference
嫉妒、 怨恨、 多疑、 抑郁、 急躁、 To be jealousness, hatred, over sensitiveness, sense of frustration and irritableness 悲观、 沉闷、 冲动、 粗暴、 蛮横、 Te be pessimism, oppressiveness, impetuousness, rudeness, peremptoriness 绝望、 怯懦、 伤感、 忧虑、 浮躁、 To be despair, timidity, mawkishness, anxiety, fickleness
情 商
Emotional Quotient
High IQ is not the only factor in the success
Intelligence quotient (IQ) Refers to a person has how many of the wisdom of scientific knowledge and understanding, to master ability. IQ=智商(智力商数) 指一个人所具有的智慧多少和对科学知识理解、掌握能力。 Emotional quotient (EQ) Refers to a person to the environment, personal or emotional control ability and the operation ability for team relationship. EQ=情绪商数 指一个人对环境、个人情绪的掌控能力和对团队关系的 运作能力。
One can orient himself in different environments and get used to changes.
情商是测定和描述人的“情绪情感”的一种指标。它具体包括 情绪的自控性、人际关系的处理能力、挫折的承受力、自我的了 解程度以及对他人的理解与宽容。 EQ is an indicant of measuring and describing one’s emotions and feelings, which can be elaborated upon into capabilities of self-control over emotions, skills in handling interpersonal relationship, endure ability for drawbacks, extent to which one knows about himself and tolerance of others. 情商的后天可塑性很高,这为人们开辟了一条事业成功 的新途径,它使人们摆脱了过去只讲智商所造成的无可奈何 的宿命论态度。 EQ is of high plasticity, which opens up a new way for people to success and frees people from the helpless fatalism caused by being IQ-oriented.
EQ according to Gorman(戈尔曼) is a measure of one’s capability of handling one’s personal emotions.
EQ differs from IQ in that the former is not a born ability but consisted of five skills that can be acquired in learning..
3. Skill of being self-motivated 激励自己的能力 One is capable of handling all kinds of emotions and get more concentrated, and then makes their endeavors to get closer to the destination. 能够整顿情绪,增强注意力,让自己朝着一定的目标努力。
狭隘、 软弱、 自卑、 紧张等等 To be narrow-mindedness, flabbiness, sense of inferiority, nervousness
The term of high EQ is used to describe a person who is able to transfer, resist and overcome negative emotions, to keep positive ones and to be active-minded. 所谓“高情商”即淡化(转移)、抑制、克服 负向的情绪与情感的困扰,保持正向的情绪与 情感。
1.Skill of sensing one’s own emotions 了解自己情绪的能力 One is able to sense his or her own feelings at once and know their sources. 能立刻察觉自己的情绪,了解情绪产生的根源 2. Skill of controlling emotions 控制自己情绪的能力
1.EQ on one’s future 情商对个人命运的影响 EQ is different with different destiny. This is the influence of emotional quotient. 情商不同则有不同的命运。 这就是情商的影响力。
Leabharlann Baidu
2.EQ on family life
EQ more and more attention If the IQ were more likely to be used to predict a person‘s academic achievement (学业成绩). So, EQ is can be used to predict whether successful career.
Don't talk to strangers
狭 隘,猜忌心重,上演了一 出家庭暴力的悲剧。安嘉和是一 个优秀的外科医生,智商不低, 但情商较低,不够宽容,不够大 度,以致发展成性格扭曲,最终 成为悲剧角色。
Emotions have close relation to human body systems, such as : cardiovascular [,kɑ:diəu‘væskjulə] system(心血管系统), respiration [,respə’reiʃən] system (呼吸系统), urinary [‘juərinəri] system(泌尿系统), 思中 伤医 nervous system, 脾曰 digestion system and 、: incretion [in‘kri:ʃən] system (内分泌系统) .忧 怒 情绪与心血管、肌肉、呼吸、泌尿、 神经、消化和内分泌等系统的疾病 有着密切的关系。
One’s EQ does not work alone, degree of which can determine whether people can give full scope to their abilities, thereby deciding how successful one could be.