翻译 旅游景点 中英翻译

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HYDE PARK :HYDE PARK is one of the most famous PARK in London. Hyde park of Britain's biggest royal park. In central London's Westminster (Westminster Abbey, the Westminster) area, covers an area of more than 360 acres, the original industry belong to Westminster Abbey. In the eighteenth century ago here is the king of the inaugural and area. Henry viii of England in the 16th century, it is used as a royal park. Charles I, Hyde park has opened to the public. Was first held in 1851, queen Victoria London international fair.
小桥流水婀娜多姿的月湖,充满时尚气息的三江口; 又有流淌的剡溪(yan),幽谷飞瀑的千丈岩,五龙潭; 旷远浩渺的东钱湖;阳光,海浪,沙滩的松兰山,中国渔村; 全国三大温泉之一南溪温泉; 还有正投入新建世界第一的杭州湾宁波大桥 Here in downtown Ningbo are charming landscapes of the Moon Lake and the Sanjiangkou Area; here in the suburbs are the tranquil Yixi River, the magnificent Waterfalls at Qianzhang Crag, the vast Dongqian Lake and the secluded Ninghai Hot Springs Resort; here along the coastal areas are such tourist resources as the sunnybeaches at Songlan Mountain and the unique fishing villages;Here at Hangzhou Bay will be built a cross-sea bridge connecting Ningbo with shanghai,the longest bridge in the word…… 原文:偏正结构,用词讲究,降宁波的经典描述的方式娓娓道来,给读者很大的想象空间 译文:沿用了原文的排比局势,但弱化了文中四字成语的叠用。用曾加词语的策略将原文 中缺失的文化信息补充进去;采用意译的方法描写了宁波的特色。选词朴实,逻辑分明。
动感之都:就是香港! City of Life: Hong Kong is it!
[1]香港地方虽小,却多彩多姿。她那与别不同的气质,是多么独一无二…… [2]中国人的传统,西方的文化,加上百多年的殖民历史,香港俨如是一个多元文化的万花筒,眼见 耳闻,千姿百态,难怪号称“动感之都”。 [3]世界级的建筑、全年不绝的盛事、时尚的生活方式,造就了香港典雅风华,令人目眩心醉。另一 方面,她也可令人疯狂,精致美食和潮流精品,最为旅客津津乐道,超过一万家餐厅和无数商店, 正等待着您去发掘。 [4]由现在至2003年,“动感之都:就是香港!”大型旅游推广项目带来一连串缤纷热闹的盛事。焦 点是五个主要大型活动,打响头炮的是2001年12月至2002年2月的“全城动感灯辉”,接踵而来的 有“国泰航空国际汇演贺新禧”、“花城荟萃大展”、“新世纪劲买”、以及2003年的“动感热舞 嘉年华”。如您能适逢其会,参与其中,您的香港之旅必定会留下更多美好的回忆。 [1] Hong Kong City of Life is a small place that lives large. A living fusion of East and West, it presents visitors with an ever-changing kaleidoscope of color and culture. [2] Combining around 150 yeas of colonial influence and 5,000 years of Chinese tradition, Hong Kong has its own special brand of magic and mystique. [3] From now until 2003, Hong Kong is featuring its City of Life: Hong Kong is it! campaign, with 5 major events including “Hong Kong Lights Up” in December 2001 to February 2002, the Cathay Pacific International Chinese New Year Parade, the Hong Kong Flower Extravaganza, as well as the Mega Hong Kong Sale in 2002 and the City of Life Street Carnival in 2003. If you can include these events in your itinerary, your trip to Hong Kong will be all the more memorable.
London Eye:The London Eye, The full name of British Airways London Eye (The British Airways London Eye), also known as The millennium wheel is one of The world's first, was The world's largest observation wheel. "London eye" is one of London's tourist attraction of the great sights, towering over the Thames river northern lance area, facing the palace of Westminster and Big Ben. The London eye is now the world's third largest Ferris wheel (after is located in China Nanchang 160 - meter - high "Nanchang star" Ferris wheel and April 15, 2008 opening of the 165 - meter - high flier in Singapore), is a London landmark. It is regarded as a miracle on mathematics; Engineer, to build the computing power needed for the Ferris wheel, more than the world's largest and most complex construction. "London eye" weighs 1600 tons, lying in a platform built on floating on the river
英汉景点介绍文本目的在于向游客客观、准确地介绍景点的历史 风貌、景点特点、景点价值等内容,两种文本共同之处如下。 文字简洁明了。一般来说,景点介绍所用的文字简介明 了,没有很多华丽的词藻,但力求准确生动,时常运用 一些专有名词或术语进行说明,专业性较强 英、汉民族生活的地理环境、历史条件、生产力式、社会结构等状况各异, 形成了不同的文化传统、思维方式和中关习惯。西方传统哲学思维具有 “天人各,偏重现性、突出个性的特点。这种趋势反映到话言表达形式上. 就出现了英语重形式、重写实、重埋性的特点,形成厂其句式构架严整、 表达思维缜密、行文名重逻料性、用词强调符洁自然的风格。相比之下,在 H 观情琪与客观物象的关系上,汉民族突出通过物象表现情理、强调客观 融人主观,喜欢托物寄情、遗形写神。反收在治言表达形式上,汉语行义 讲究四六骈体、用字凝练含荐、音韵和谐的传统和习惯
Ninth group
目录 / Contents
Introduction to Ningbo Tourist attractions in English and Chinese
The tourist Attraction of Ningbo
海德公园(HYDE PARK)是伦敦最知名的公园。 海德公园英国最大的皇家公园。位于伦敦市中 心的威斯敏斯特教堂 (Westminster Abbey,即西 敏寺)地区,占地360多英亩。海德公园西边即 为肯辛顿公园,有一个蛇形湖泊,其旁的同名艺 廊(Serpentine Gallery) 颇受欢迎
伦敦眼:全称英国航空伦敦眼(The British Airways London Eye)又称千禧之轮 是世界上首座、也曾经是世界最大的观景摩天轮。“伦敦眼”是伦敦最吸引游人的观光点, 耸立於泰晤士河南畔的贝兰斯区,面向威斯敏斯特宫与大本钟。伦敦眼是现在世界第三大摩 天轮(仅次于坐落在中国南昌高160米的“南昌之星”摩天轮和2008年4月15日开放的新加坡 高165米的飞行者),是伦敦的地标。 它被誉为数学上的奇迹;工程师透露,建造这座摩天轮所需的电脑计算能力,超过世界上最 大、最复杂的建筑。“伦敦之眼”重1600吨,横躺在浮于河面的一个平台上建造,原本预定9 月初立正伦敦眼与河对岸庄严的大本钟形成极大的对比。