



思科考试题目复习题1、使用MAC地址来转发帧的交换机工作于OSI模型的哪一层?A:第一层B:第二层C:第三层D:第四层2、以下交换机的模式中,哪一个是线路配置模式( )A:student1(config)#B:student1(config-line)#C:student1(config-if)#D:student1#3、以下交换机的模式中,哪一个是接口配置模式()A:student1#B:student1(config)#C:student1(config-if)#D:student1>4、网络管理员为一台Cisco交换机配置IP地址,他该如何操作?A:在特权模式下B:在交换机的接口FastEthernet 0/0上C:在管理Vlan中D:在连接到路由器或下一条设备的物理接口上5、设置主机名的命令是( )A:host name B:hostname C: name D:name V6、选择交换机的第1至第24口的快速以太网端口,则配置命令为( )A:student1(config)# interface fa0/1 - 24B:student1(config)# interface range fa0/1 ~ 24C:student1(config)# interface range fa0/1 , 24D:student1(config)# interface range fa0/1 - 247、取消管理IP地址,可执行( )配置命令A:no address B:no ip addressC:ip address D:no ip8、启用HTTP服务,配置命令:( )A:ip serverB:ip http serverC:ip httpD:http server9、Catalyst交换机必须处于哪个VTP模式,才能在管理中删除或添加VLAN?A:客户端B:服务器C:指定模式D:以上都不对10、无线接入点工作于OSI模型的哪一层?A:物理层B:数据链路层C:网络层D:应用层11、以下交换机的模式中,哪一个是全局配置模式()A:student1(config-if)#B:student1(config)#C:student1#D:student1>12、将交换机命名为stu的命令是()A:student1(config)#hostname stu B:student1(config)#name stuC:student1(config)# stu D:student1(config)#namehost stu13、执行命令student1>enable后的作用是( )A:进入用户模式B:进入特权模式C:进入安全模式D:进入全局模式14、网络管理员为一台Cisco交换机配置特权密码地址,他该如何操作?A:在全局模式下,配置密码B:在交换机的接口FastEthernet 0/0上C:在管理Vlan中D:在用户模式下15、以下交换机的模式中,哪一个是特权配置模式( )A:student1(config)#B:student1#C:student1(config-if)#D:student1(config-line)#16、Catalyst交换机处于哪个VTP模式,不能删除或添加VLAN?A:客户端B:服务器C:指定模式D:以上都不对17、配置管理IP地址,可执行( )配置命令A:no address B:no ip addressC:ip address D:no ip18、show running-config 命令的作用是( )A:显示当前正在运行的配置B:显示故障配置C:显示启动配置D:以上都不对19、选择交换机的第1至第24口的快速以太网端口,则配置命令为( )A:student1(config)# interface fa0/1 - 24B:student1(config)# interface range fa0/1 ~ 24C:student1(config)# interface range fa0/1 , 24D:student1(config)# interface range fa0/1 - 2420、禁用HTTP服务,配置命令:( )A:ip serverB:ip httpC:ip http serverD:no ip http server1、_____虚拟局域网_________(Virtual Local Area Network)通常简称为___VLAN_________。




BGP 从EBGP学习到的路由学到路由的A-D管理距离是; BGP从IBGP学习到的路由学到路由的A-D管理距离是。

2、BGP的默认MED值为;其中MED越越优选被用于选路;BGP从邻居哪里学到的权重为;BGP自己本路由产生的路由(始发路由)产生权重是;BGP 的默认本地优先级为:。







9、OSPF发送hello包的组播地址是,EIGRP组播地址是;HSRP发送hello包组播地址是;VRRP发送hello 包的组播地址是。



第二部分选择1、在对基于CEF的多层交换(MLS)进行排错的时候,例如解决无法到达特定的IP目标等问题,首先需要先查看哪两张表去验证错误?()A、IP路由表和路由表B、IP路由和CEF邻接关系表C、TCAM中的IP CEF FIB和邻接关系表D、IP路由表和ARP表2、EIGRP位一个混合距离矢量协议,位一个混合距离矢量协议,在在METRIC值中使用K1-K5五个K值,默认情况下,使用K值分别是()A、K1,K2 B K3,K4 C、K1,K5 D、K1,K3 3、OSPF中router-id能标识一台设备的身份,下面说法正确的是()A、先选举手工配置,然后选择设备loopback地址大的,在选运行了宣告进OSPF最大的物理接口最大的地址。



思科认证考试试题该公司针对其产品的网络规划和网络支持推出了工程师资格认证计划(Cisco Career Certification Program,简称CCCP),并要求其在各国的代理拥有这样的工程师,以提高对用户的'服务质量,建立Cisco产品网络工程师的资格认证体系。

ip classlessip default-network route http serverRTR_1#show ip route192.168.36.0/30 is subnetted, 1 subnetsC is directly connected, Serial 0/0192.168.60.0/24 is variably subnetted, 5 subnets, 2 masksC is directly connected, Serial0/1D [ 90/21026560 ] via, 00:00:57, Serial 0/1D [ 90/21026560 ] via, 00:00:57, Serial 0/1D [ 90/21026560 ] via, 00:00:57, Serial 0/0192.168.77.0/30 is subnetted, 1 subnetsC is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0C is directly connected, Serial 1/0*S via the faults in configuration on RTR_1 and RTR_2. As the SIM specifies all other inter connectivity and internet access for the existing locations of the company are working properly.Routing Protocols used in the SIM is EIGRP with AS 212 as provided by exhibit.Faults Identified:Wrong AS (EIGRP 22) provided at RTR_2 (New router)RTR_1 does not advertise the new network between RTR_1 and RTR_2 into EIGRP.We need to correct the above two configuration mistakes to have full connectivityStep2: Correcting the EIGRP AS to 212Wrong AS (EIGRP 22) provided at RTR_2 (New router)All routers that want to exchange routes within EIGRP needs to be in same Autonomous System.Step 2.1:First we need to remove the current wrong EIGRP AS 22 from Router RTR_2Click on Host-F to get CLI of RTR_2RTR_2>enablePassword : cisco (Provided by SIM Q )RTR_2#conf tRTR_2(conf)#Step 2.2:Removing the wrong EIGRP routing process with AS 22RTR_2(conf)#no router eigrp 22The above statement removes all the EIGRP configuration configured for AS 22 .Step 2.3:Adding the correct EIGRP configurationStart the EIGRP routing process with AS 212RTR_2(conf)#router eigrp 212Step 2.4:Advertise the directly connected networks into EIGRP on RTR_2Fa 0/0 - 1/0 - 0/1 - auto-summaryRTR_2(config-router)#endStep 2.5:Important save the changes made to router RTR_2RTR_2#copy run startStep 3:RTR_1 does not advertise the new network between RTR_1 and RTR_2 into EIGRP.Click on Host-G to get CLI of RTR_1The network is used between RTR_1 Fa0/0 - RTR_2 Fa 0/0This network needs to be advertise into EIGRP routing process at RTR_1RTR_1>enablePassword : cisco (Provided by SIM Q )RTR_1#conf tRTR_1(conf)#Step 3.1:Enter EIGRP routing process for AS 212RTR_1(conf)#router eigrp 212Step 3.2:The network is used between RTR_1 Fa0/0 - RTR_2 Fa 0/0 . Advertise this network into EIGRPRTR_1(config-router)#network 3.3:Important save the changes made to router RTR_1RTR_1#copy run startVerification:From RTR_2 CLIping RTR_1 Serial 1/0 IP address!!!!!A successful ping shows the new RTR_2 will have fullconnectivity with other routers.Any Questions are welcomed!!!!!。



Cisco认证实验考试经典题库CCIE_BootCamp3.0(第十章) is subnetted, 1 subnets c is directly connected, ethernet 0 is variably subnetted, 7 subnets, 2 masks o ia [110/65] via, 00:09:03, serial 1.1 i [100/8576] via, 00:01:11, serial 1.2 o ia [110/1572] via 00:09:03, bri0 c is directly connected, bri0 c172.168.100.0/24 is directly connected, serial 1.1 o172.168.100.0/24 [110/64] via, 00:09:13, serial 1.1 c is directly connected, serial 1.2 o e1 192.168. 21.0/24 [110/21] via, ethernet 0 o e1 192.168. 17.0/24 [110/21] via 00:09:03, ethernet 0 o e1 192.168. 70.0/24 [110/21] via 00:09:03, ethernet 0 o*e10.0.0.0/0 [110/21] via 00:09:03, ethernet 0r5#show ip ospf int bri0 bri0 is up, line protocol is up (spoofing) internet address, area 10 process id 1, router id, network typepoint_to_point, cost 1562 run as demand circuit donotage lsa allowed. transmit delay is 1 sec, state point_to_point,timer intervals configured, hello 10, dead 40, wait 40, retransmit 5 hello due in 00:00:06 neighbor count is 1, adjacent neighbor count is 1 adjacent with neighbor172.168.100.6 (hello suppressed) suppress hello for 1 neighbor(s) r5#show dialer bri0 – dialer type =isdn dial string successes failures last called last status 4930622 1 0 00:08:45 successful 0 incoming call(s) have been screened 0 incoming call(s) rejected for callback bri0:1 – dialer type =isdn idle time(45 secs), fast idle timer (20 secs) wait for carrier (30 secs), re-enable (15 secs) dialer state is idle bri0:2 – dialer type =isdn idle time(45 secs), fast idle timer (20 secs) wait for carrier (30 secs), re-enable (15 secs) dialer state is idle r5# now go back to router r7 and bring up router r7’s interface s4 again 3. ipx configuration –15 pts (1 hour) a. configure all the active interfaces, including loopbacks, on routers r1, r2, r3, r5, r6, and r8 for ipx. b. configure router r8 and the lan interfaces on routers r3, r4, r5 and r6 for ipx rip. c. configure router r1 & r2 for ipx nlsp. d. configure the serial interfaces on the rest of the routers for ipx eigrp( not routers r1& r2 these oly use nlsp), also make the ethernet interface on router r2 ipx eigrp only. e.configure the bri0 interfaces on routers r5 & r6 as ipx rip. f. after this point you should be able to see all the ipx networks in all the routers routing table. test connectivity with ipx ping.Cisco认证实验考试经典题库CCIE_BootCamp3.0(第九章)j. make the default route on r2 appear in he routing table of all the other routers. k. configure routers r1, r2’ss1, and router r8’s ethernet interface e0 for eigrp. configure router r8’s interface to0 for rip. l. redistribute all routers between all routing protocols such that all routes are visible in all routers and every router can ping each other’s ip interfaces (even the loopback on r2) as shown on the lab diagram lab 5a. m. make sure that all ospf external routes appear as type-1, verify your routes. are the routes appearing in the correctly routing protocol? n. configure router r5 such that the only route on r6 for the 137. 20.0.0 network appears exactly as follows; o [110/65] via,00:51:03, serial 1. hint pay attention to the underlined value 65. o. configure routers r3 & r4 to resolve dns namesusing dns servers & 2. ospf demand circuit –15 pts (1 hour) a. use network172.168.65.0/24 for the isdn interfaces on routers r5 &r6 and ass them to ospf. configure routers r5 & r6 to use the isdn interfaces for restoral[ 恢复]. the isdn link should only come up when you administratively shutdown the serial 4 interface on router r7, and there is interesting traffic trying to get between routers r5 & r6 (i.e. use ping as the interesting traffic to test. make sure you test from router r6 and from router r5. see the router ports/configuration into online for the phone #’s, spids, and switch type if you are using our remote racks. configure the isdn link so that it will shutdown 45 seconds after an inbound or outbound ping packet. both routers should shave full ospf routes when the frame link is functional or not. you are required to use ospf demand-circuit as your solution here, after the initial isdn call to synchronize ospf, your isdn interfaces should stay down unless you break the frame connection between r5 and r6 and there is interesting traffic. now go to router r7 and shut down interface s4, your isdn connection should kick in and provide a backup path for router r6 to reach the rest of the network, butonly when there is data to send. ospf router updates should not keep the isdn up. pretend [假装]your isdn line is charged at $5 per minute and it comes out of your check. at this point when router r7’s interfaces s4 (your frame connection) is still down. router r5 should have the following displays for:”show ip route”, “show ip ospfint bri0”, and “show dialer”notice that the isdn connection is down and router r5 has a routing table with ospf entries using interface bri0 to get to router r6’s ethernet network, and is suppressing ospf hellos for 1 neighbor. also pay attention to the ospf dead time on r5’s bri0 interface. output from router r5 r5# show ip route codes: c- connected, s-static i- igrp, r-rip, m-mobile, b-bgp, d-eigrp, ex-eigrp external, o-ospf, ia-ospf inter area, n1-ospf nssa external type 1, n2- ospf nssa external type2, e1- ospf external type 1, e2- ospf external type 2 e- egp i- is-is, l1- is-is lever-1, l2- is-is level-2, *- candidate default, u- per-user static route, o- od gateway of last resort is to network0.0.0.0Cisco认证实验考试经典题库CCIE_BootCamp3.0(第八章)3. bgp configuration –15pts (1h)a. place router r4 in bgp as 1 and router r3 in bgp as 2. create two static routes to null0 using a class a address with a 24-bit mask on r4 and inject into bgp such that router r3 can see it. use loopbacks as the update source on both routers r3 and r4. create loopback interface as necessary.b. filter one of the static routes with a route-map statement on router r4.c. configure bgp on router r4 such that the sub-netted class a route is seen. for example, the bgp route on router r3 could be not configure a second loopback interface on router r4 at and enable rip on this router for this network. inject this route and the previous one with a metric of 5.e. configure router r2, r1, and r5 in bgp as3. use only one neighbor x.x.x.x remote-as x statement on routers r2 andr5.f. create a static route on router r2 (ip route null0) inject this route into bgp. make sure the other routers running bgp can see this route.g. also make sure all routers can ping have completed lab 4 compare your configurations to the ones we provided. often there is more than one to complete a task so your configuration may be different than ours. if your configuration are different than ours make sure you understand how to complete the lab with our configurations toolab5at the end of this lab verify connectivity to all ports. you should be able to ping every interface from any router. (don’t worry about being able to ping a local frame-relay interface. please disregard this statement if you are asked to filter packets. routes or other specific tasks.)1. initial configuration & ospf -35pts (2 h)a. use the pre-configuration files to apply proper ip addresses to the router interfaces. add ip addresses as needed as shown on the network diagram. you may have to add additional ip addresses to complete some tasks.b. configure router r2’s ethernet interfaces with ip address and router r2’s default route to137.20.20.2.c. use a 24-bit mask unless told to use otherwise.d. create a loopback interface on router r2 with200.200.200.1/24.e. connect router r3, r4, r5, and r6 over frame-relay. configure router r5 using sub-interfaces.f. connect routers r3, r4, r5 and r6 over frame-relay. configure router r5 and router r4 on a different subnet.g. configure ospf on router r3’s interface s1, router r6’s interface s1, and router r5’s sub-interface s1.1 for ospf area 10, place r5’s and r2’s ethernet interface in ospf area 0.h. configure the connection between router r5’s interface s1.2 and router r4 for igrp.i. configure router r6’s ethernet e0 as ospf area 6. configure router r3’s token-ring interface to0 as ospf area 3. configure two loopback interfaces on router r3 with networks that contain at most 30 hosts and put both loopbacks in the same area as the token-ring interface. summarize the loopback subnets and router r3’s interface to0 to appear as one route to ospf.Cisco认证实验考试经典题库CCIE_BootCamp3.0(第七章)d. routers r1, r3 and r5 should share network 10.10.x.x on their frame-relay interfaces.e. routers r1 and r2 should share network 10.20.x.x255.255.0.0 on their frame-relay interfaces.f. router r1 should have network 10.1.x.x with a 9-bit subnet mask on its ethernet interface.(the mask should be sue subnet-zero here.g. router r2 should have network with a 24-bit mask on its ethernet interface.h. router r3 should have network 10.3.x.x with an 8-bit subnet mask on its token-ring interface. (the mask shouldbe use network 11.1.x.x between routers r5 &r6.2. ospf & other ip routing configuration –35 pts (1hous 30 mins)a. configure ospf area 0 on the frame-relay interfaces between routers r1,r3, and r5.b. place router r1’s ethernet in ospf area 1. place router r3’s interface to 0 in ospf area 2.c. place router r3’s interface serial 0, and all of router r4 in ospf area 3. make ospf area 3 a totally-stubby area.d. place r5 and r6 ethernet interface in ospf area 4. make this ospf area a nssa (not-so-stubby-area) make the default cost 20.e. configure router r6’s interface serial 0 and routerr8’s interfaces s0, e0,and loop 0 for eigrp.f. place router r2’s interface serial 0 and router r1’ss0.1 in ospf area 5.g. redistribute all routes so that you can see all routes and ping from everywhere.h. summarize the routers for router r8’s interface e0, loop0, and s0 that were redistributed into ospf by routerr6 on router r5 so that all of router r8’s networks appear as one route to the rest of the ospf routers except r6.i. when you redistribute eigrp into ospf make these routes appear as type-1 external routes.j. configure router r2 such that it propagates a default route the other ospf routers.k. create a second loopback interface on router r2 with an address of make sure you can ping the second loopback interface on router r2 from other the routers.l. create two loopbacks on router r3 with networks that could contain at most 30 hosts. place the loopbacks onrouter r3 in one area and summarize such that one route appears for both loopacks.m. place the ethernet interface on router r2 in area 10. n. configure simple password authentication in ospf area 4. o. use the ip ospf priority command on router r5 to make it become the dr for ospf area 4.p. change the cost on router r5’s interface e0 using an ip ospf command to make it appear as 100mbps as it relates to ospf metrics.q. change the cost on r6’s e0 without using an ip ospf command to make it appear as 100mbps as it relates to ospf metics.Cisco认证实验考试经典题库CCIE_BootCamp3.0(第六章)d. configure two static saps on router r3. filter on router r5 such that routers r6 and r8 only see one of the saps.e. disable ipx on the between routers r3 &r4 all routes should still be seen by all routers running ipx.f. change the frequency of the rip updates across the r3-r4serial connection to once every 2 minutes.g. configure router r1’s ethernet with ipx 802.2 and 802.3 raw frame types.h. configure routers r3 and r4 to pass ipx netbios type-20 broadcasts between their lan interfaces.5. dlsw configuration – 10 pts (45 mins)a. configure dlsw between router r3’s interface token-ring0 and router r4’s interface ethernet 0.b. place router r2’s interface ethernet 0 into the dlsw network. make sure there is connectivity between all lan interfaces.c. configure a filter that blocks netbios packets with destination name ‘cciering1” from leaving router r3’s interface to0.d. setup a filter that would permit only sna traffic between routers r3 & r4.6. bgp configuration – 15 pts (1h)a. configure bgp on router r4 using as number 1. configure bgp on routers r1, r2, r3 and r5 using as number 2. you can only use one neighbor x.x..x.x remote-as 2 command on routers r2 and r5.b. configure two static routes to and172.168.2.0/24 using the command ip route null 0 on router r4, redistribute the second route into bgp using the route-map command.c. make sure that router r5 can see the route.d. setup router r8 with bgp in as number 3. on router r8 use the loopback interface lo0 as the source for its bgp connection to as2. make sure router r8 can see the specific route, and not the aggregate have completed lab 3. compare your configurations to the ones we provided. often there si more than one to complete a task so your configuration may be different than ours. if your configuration are different than ours make sure you understand how to complete the lab with our configurations too.lab4at the end of this lab verify connectivity to all ports. you should be able to ping every interface from any router. (don’t worry about being able to ping a local frame-relay interface. please disregard this statement if you are asked to filter packets. routes or other specific tasks.)1. initial configuration -10pts (30 mins)a. use the pre-configuration files to apply proper ip addresses to the router interfaces. add ip addresses as needed as shown on the network diagram. you may have to add additional ip addresses to complete some tasks.b. connect routers r1,r2,r3, and r5 over the frame-relay. configure router r1 using sub-interfaces. configure routers r2.r3, and r5 without using sub-interfaces.c. use only frame-relay pvc on routers r2, r3 and r5. the recommended dlci numbers, and 501 are indicated on the network diagram.Cisco认证实验考试经典题库CCIE_BootCamp3.0(5)i. configure the ethernet interface e0 on router r4 to bein ospf area 40. j. configure the r5, r6, and r8 ethernet 0 interface to use eigrp. k. configure r8’s interface loop5 as and add it to rip l. redistribute routes between all protocols such that router r1 can ping any interface. m. configure 2 loopbacks interfaces onrouter r8 with & add there to rip and redistribute rip to eigrp. summarize such that allrouters only see one route to the loopback interfaces. test connectivity to loopback interface via ping. n. filter such that router r6 can ping the loopbacks on router r1, but not the ethernet interface on router r1. the route for the ethernet on router r1 should still be visible and all other traffic such as telnet should still pass unfiltered. o. filter on router r5 such that routers r1 r2, r3, and r4, don’t see the route to router r8’s interface loopback 5. p. create three loopback interfaces on router r8 and use for loopback 2, q. for loopback 3, and for loopback 4. now summarize the three loopback networks into one route. when done router r1 should see only one route for these three loopback interfaces ana should be able to ping all three of them. hint, the route may not look like what you think. 3. ntp & access-list & other tasks -15 pts (30 mins) a. configure ntp between routers r2 &r3. make r2 the time source. set the correct time and date on router on router r2. set the time-zone on routers r2 & r3, verify that router r3 has synced with router r2 via ntp. b. configure queuing on router r3’s s0 interface such that telnet, ip, ipx, and everything else use 25% of the bandwidth each.configure the queuing such that none of the traffic defined at 25% above uses more than 1000 bytes per time slice. you are allowed to exceed 1000 bytes per time slice only if there is part of a remaining individual packet that needs to be emptied from the queue. c. configure the frame-relay interface on router r2’s interface so such that ip is discard eligible on the frame. d. create the following 6 static routes on router r6; suing the cisco ios command ip route 192.168.x.0 null 0. use the number1,2,3,4,5 and 6 for the variable x. redistribute the static routes such that they are seen by all the other routers. now filter on router r5 using any method that use an access list so that only the even routes (i.e. x=2,4,and 6) are seen past router r5 towards the ospf network. your access-list can only have two lines in it, not seven for this exercise. all the 192.168.x.0 routes must still be seen in router r5’s routing table.4. ipx configuration – 20 pts (1h) a. configure all interface(including loopbacks ) for ipx b. configure ipx eigrp on the nbma frame-relay network c. configure ipxrip/sap everywhere else.Cisco认证实验考试经典题库CCIE_BootCamp3.0(第四章)n. filter on router r5 such that the bgp route to null0 defined on router r4 isn’t seen on routers r6 &r8. o. hint the object of this bgp section is to provide end-to-end connectivity between all routers and interfaces. in this exercise you are not allowed to configure igp or two-way static route connectivity between routers r5 & r6, bgp should be providing the necessary routing information. you are allowed to setup a default route on router r6 to point to router r5. now that you have completed lab 2 check., the routing tables on all routers. do they make sense? ping all interfaces from all routers. can you ping everywhere? do the appropriate routers see the static route to null0 on r4 via bgp? go to every router and ping every interface. if you can’t ping everything you are not done yes. you have completed lab 2. compare your configuration to ones we provided. often there is more than one to complete a task so your configurations may be different than ours. if your configurations are different than ours make sure you understand how to complete the lab with our configurations too lab 3 at the end of this lab verify connectivity to allports. you should be able to ping every interface from any router. (don’t worry about being able to ping a local frame-relay interface. please disregard this statement if you are asked to filter packets. routes or other specific tasks. 1. initial configuration -5 pts (30 mins) a. use the pre-configuration files to apply proper ip addresses to the router interfaces. add ip addresses as needed as shown on the network diagram. you may have to add additional ip addresses to complete some tasks. b. configure lab 3 network using network 137.20.x.x c. create a loopback interface on router r2 with d. connect routers r1,r2, r3, and r5 over frame-relay cloud. e. configure router r1 using sub-interfaces. f. configure router r2 without using sub-interfaces or frame-relay map commands. g. put routers r1 &r2 frame-relay interfaces on one subnet and routers r1, r3, and r5 on a different subnet. 2. ospf & other ip routing configuration -35 pts ( 2 h) a. configure ospf with the frame-relay cloud in ospf area 0 b. configure the r3-r4 serial connection to be in area 1. c. set the ring-speed on router r3 to 16 mbps. d. configure the loopback interface on router r2 in adifferent ospf area. e. configure the lan interfaces onrouters r1, r2,and r3 to be in different ospf areas. f. configure two loopbacks on router r3 using subnets thatwill contain at most 30 host ip addresses. g. configure two loopback interfaces on router r1 using subnets that will contain at most 14 host ip addresses. h. summarize the two loopback interfaces on routers r1 and r3 such that routerr2 only sees one route from each.Cisco认证实验考试经典题库CCIE_BootCamp3.0(第三章)k. configure router r6 for ospf with a different process id than used thus far. do not configure r6’s e0 for ospf. l. configure router r8 to be in the same ospf area as routerr6. put router r8’s interface e0&lo0 into the ospf routing process. configure router r6 so that its s1 interface speed is correctly reflected in the ospf metrics without using the “ip ospf cost xxx” command. m. configure ospf message-digest authentication between routers r6 & r8. n. change the ospf hello interval between routers r6 & r8 to 45 seconds. o. configure router r8 suing the “ip ospf cost” command such that the speed of the link forinterface s0 is correctly reflected in the ospf metrics. p.change the ospf transmit interval delay to 10 seconds between routes r6 & r8. q. add a default route to router r2 that points to configure one static route on router r2 so that full connectivity to r4’s interface e0 is available. you will notice that the default gateway of router r2 has a lower administrative cost than the one learned via router r1. as a result, the other default route never makes it in the routing table for router r2. r. you will notice that r2 can’t ping the serial interfaces between routers r3 & r4. fix this problem by only making changes to router r3 without static routes. 3. bgp configuration -15 pts (1 hour) a. configure router r4 in bgp autonomous system 1. b. create a static route to null0 router r4 and redistribute into bgp. c. create a loopback interface on r4 and add its network to bgp d. when adding the first loopback to bgp use a class a address with a 24-bit mask. the network that was added to bgp from the first loopback address should appear in the routing table of other routers as “ b…” e. create another loopback on router r4 with a class a address and put this network into rip and redistribute rip into bgp. f. configure router r3 in bgp autonomous system 1 and useinterface loopback 0 as the update source. g. configure routers r1, r2, and r5 in bgp autonomous system 2, only use one neighbor x.x.x.x remote-as 2 command on routers r2, r3. &r5 for autonomous system 2. h. place routers r6 and r8 in bgp autonomous system 3. i. configure bgp authentication between router r6 & r8. j. configure a loopback interface on router r8 and enable rip for this network. redistribute this rip network into ospf. k. redistribute the ospf routing process that contains routers r6 and r8 into bgp. l. you are not allowed to add any static routes to routerr8 during this exercise. m. configure router r6 such that all bgp routes learned from router r5 have a local preference of 300.Cisco认证实验考试经典题库CCIE_BootCamp3.0(第二章)lab 2at the end of this lab verify connectivity to all ports. you should be able to ping every interface from and router. (don’t worry about being able to ping a local frame-relayinterface. please disregard this statement if you are asked to filter packets. routes or other specific tasks.)1. initial configuration – 5 pts (30 mins)a. use the pre-configuration files to apply proper ip addresses to the router interfaces. add ip addresses as needed as shown on the network diagram. you may have to add additional ip addresses to complete some tasks.b. connect routers r1, r2, r3, and r5 over the frame-relay cloud. configure router r1 using sub-interfaces. configure routers r2, r3, and r5 without using sub-interface.c. use only one frame-relay pvc on routers r2, r3, and r5, the recommended dlci numbers 102,201,103, 301,105, and 501 for the frame-relay pvc’s are indicated on the network diagram.d. routers r1,r3,and r5 should share network 10.10.x.x on their frame-relay interfacese. routers r1 and r2 should share network 10.20.x.x255.255.0.0 on their frame-relay interfaces.f. router r1 should have network 10.1.x.x with an 8-bit subnet mask on its ethernet interface( the mask should be router r2 should have network with a 24-bit mask on its ethernet interface.h. router r3 should have network 10.3.x.x with an 8-bit subnet mask on its token-ring interface ( the mask shouldbe ospf configuration –30 pts (2 hours 30 minutes)a. configure ospf area 0 on the frame-relay interfaces between routers r1, r3 and router r5.b. place router r1’s ethernet in ospf area 1. place router r5’s interface e0 in ospf area 0.c. setup a default static route (default gateway) from r3to r4. redistribute this default static route into ospfwith a metric-type of 1 and a metric of 500.d. configure router r3’s serial 1 interface as173.168.40.1/24 and router r4’s serial 0 interface as172.168.40.2/24.e. configure router r4’s e0 interface as configure a default gateway on router r4 to route all packets for which it has no routes to router r3.g. configure two loopback interfaces on router r3 with networks that could have at most 254 hosts and put themboth in the same ospf area, but different from ospf area 0. summarize this route into ospf so that the two subnets appear as one route.h. configure router r2 for eigrp and put all interface in the routing process.i. configure router r1 with eigrp and redistribute with ospf. set the metric type to type-1 when you redistribute from eigrp to ospf. also, redistribute ospf into eigrp.j. configure router r1 so that it only listens to eigrp updates on e0 and s0.2.Cisco认证实验考试经典题库CCIE_BootCamp3.0(第一章)1- day format version 3.002- policy routing frame relay ospflab#1network learning, inc. r&s ccie practice lab 1 version2.00 1-day versionat the end of this lab verify connectivity to all ports. you should be able to ping every interface form any router. (don’t worry about being able to ping a local frame-relay interface. please disregard this statement if you are askedto filter packets, routers or other specific tasks.)1. initial configuration – 5 pts (30 minutes)a. use the pre-configuration files to apply proper ip addresses to the router interfaces. add ip addresses as needed as shown on the network diagram.b. configure router r7 as a frame-relay switch. refer to the diagram for interface connections to other routers connected to router r7.c. connect routers r1,r2, r3, and r5 over the frame-relay cloud. configure router r1’s s0 interface as a sub-interface. configure r2,r3, and r5 without using sub-interfaces. use only one frame-relay pvc on routers r2, r3, and r5. the recommended dlci numbers 102, 201,103,301,105, and 501 are indicated on the lab diagram.d. routers r1, r2, r3, and r5 should share network10.10.x.x on their frame-relay interfaces.e. router r1 should have network 10.1.x.x with an 8-bit subnet mask on its ethernet interface( the mask should be make sure all the ethernet interfaces are in their own broadcast domain if you are using an ethernet switch for your ethernet connections.2. ospf configuration –25pts (2 hours 30 minutes)a. configure ospf area 0 on the frame-relay interfaces between r1, r2, r3, and r5.b. configure router r1’s interface ethernet 0 for ospf area 1c. configure router r2’s interface e0 for ospf area 10d. configure router r3’s interface s 1 and all of router r4’s interface for ospf area 3.e. configure router r5’s interface e 0 for ospf area 4.f. create two loopback interface on r4 and put both of the associated subnets on these interfaces in ospf area 44.g. summarize the (2) loopback interface you just created on router r4 so they appear as one route to the rest of the ospf routers in your network..h. here is the tricky part. you can’t use the command ip ospf network xxxx anywhere in your router configurations.i. redistribute the default route on router r2 as type-1 with a metric of 100. this route is already part of the initial configurations we provided for you.j. also, one of the problems in this lab can be solved with multiple frame map ip statements, but that is not the solution we want you to use, solve the problem with。



思科模拟试题及答案一、选择题1. 以下哪个命令用于查看路由器的接口状态?A. show interfaceB. show ip interfaceC. show running-configD. show ip route答案:A2. 在思科路由器上配置默认网关的命令是什么?A. ip default-gatewayB. default gatewayC. ip route route答案:C3. 以下哪个协议用于在大型网络中自动发现路由?A. RIPB. OSPFC. BGPD. EIGRP答案:B4. 以下哪个命令用于查看当前路由器的配置?A. show running-configB. show startup-configC. show interfaceD. show ip route答案:A5. 以下哪个命令用于在路由器上配置静态路由?A. ip routeB. routeC. static routeD. configure static route答案:A二、填空题6. 思科的网络操作系统称为________。

答案:IOS7. 在思科设备上,使用________命令可以进入特权模式。

答案:enable8. 配置VLAN的命令是________。

答案:VLAN configuration mode9. 动态主机配置协议的缩写是________。

答案:DHCP10. 用于测试网络连通性的命令是________。

答案:ping三、简答题11. 简述什么是子网掩码,并说明其作用。



12. 描述什么是VLAN,以及它在网络中的作用。




大二思科考试题库和答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 思科公司(Cisco)成立于哪一年?A. 1984年B. 1990年C. 1995年D. 2000年答案:A2. 以下哪个协议是用于在IP网络中传输数据的?A. HTTPB. FTPC. TCPD. IP答案:D3. 在OSI模型中,哪一层负责建立、维护和终止通信会话?A. 应用层B. 传输层C. 会话层D. 网络层答案:C4. 以下哪个设备不是网络交换机?A. Layer 2 SwitchB. Layer 3 SwitchC. RouterD. Hub答案:D5. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上显示当前配置?A. show running-configB. show startup-configC. show interfaceD. show ip interface brief答案:A6. 在Cisco设备上,哪个命令用于保存当前的配置到启动配置文件?A. copy running-config startup-configB. copy startup-config running-configC. save running-configD. write memory答案:A7. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上创建一个新的VLAN?A. vlan databaseB. configure terminalC. enableD. show vlan答案:A8. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上将接口配置为Trunk模式?A. switchport mode accessB. switchport mode dynamicC. switchport mode trunkD. switchport mode static答案:C9. 以下哪个协议用于在IP网络中自动分配IP地址?A. DHCPB. DNSC. FTPD. HTTP答案:A10. 在Cisco设备上,哪个命令用于查看设备的接口状态?A. show interfacesB. show ip interface briefC. show running-configD. show vlan答案:B二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 以下哪些协议属于TCP/IP模型的应用层协议?A. HTTPB. FTPC. SNMPD. IP答案:A, B, C12. 在Cisco设备上,以下哪些命令用于配置接口?A. interfaceB. ip addressC. no shutdownD. enable答案:A, B, C13. 以下哪些设备可以作为网络的核心设备?A. SwitchB. RouterC. FirewallD. Hub答案:A, B14. 以下哪些命令用于在Cisco设备上查看网络信息?A. show ip routeB. show running-configC. show interfaceD. ping答案:A, C, D15. 以下哪些因素可以影响网络的性能?A. 带宽B. 延迟C. 丢包率D. 网络拓扑结构答案:A, B, C, D三、填空题(每题2分,共20分)16. 在Cisco设备上,使用________命令可以进入特权模式。



思科期末考试题库和答案一、单选题1. 在思科网络技术中,OSI模型的第4层是什么?A. 传输层B. 会话层C. 表示层D. 应用层答案:A2. 以下哪个协议是用于在网络层进行路由选择的?A. TCPB. IPC. UDPD. FTP答案:B3. 动态主机配置协议(DHCP)工作在OSI模型的哪一层?A. 应用层B. 传输层C. 网络层D. 数据链路层答案:D4. 以下哪个命令用于在思科设备上查看当前配置?A. show running-configB. show startup-configC. show interface statusD. show ip route答案:A5. 在思科设备上,哪个命令用于保存当前的配置到启动配置中?A. copy running-config startup-configB. copy startup-config running-configC. saveD. write答案:A二、多选题6. 以下哪些是思科交换机上常用的端口类型?A. FastEthernetB. GigabitEthernetC. TenGigabitEthernetD. Serial答案:A, B, C, D7. 在思科设备上,以下哪些命令用于管理VLAN?A. vlan databaseB. enableC. configure terminalD. exit答案:A, C8. 以下哪些是思科路由器上常用的接口类型?A. FastEthernetB. GigabitEthernetC. SerialD. ATM答案:A, B, C, D9. 以下哪些是思科设备上用于查看网络状态的命令?A. show ip interface briefB. show running-configC. show interface statusD. ping答案:A, C, D10. 在思科设备上,以下哪些命令用于配置静态路由?A. ip routeB. ip routingC. routeD. configure terminal答案:A, D三、判断题11. 思科的IOS(Internetworking Operating System)是运行在所有思科设备上的软件。



思科考试真题和答案****一、单选题1. 以下哪项是思科设备默认的VLAN?A. VLAN 1B. VLAN 10C. VLAN 100D. VLAN 200答案:A2. 思科设备默认的管理VLAN是哪个?A. VLAN 1B. VLAN 10C. VLAN 20D. VLAN 100答案:A3. 在思科设备上,以下哪个命令可以查看当前设备的VLAN信息?A. show vlanB. show interfaceC. show running-configD. show ip interface brief答案:A4. 在思科设备上,以下哪个命令可以进入全局配置模式?A. enableB. configure terminalC. privileged execD. user exec答案:B5. 在思科设备上,以下哪个命令可以查看设备的接口状态?A. show interfaceB. show running-configC. show vlanD. show ip interface brief答案:A二、多选题1. 以下哪些命令可以在思科设备上创建VLAN?A. vlan <vlan_id>B. configure terminalC. interface vlan <vlan_id>D. switchport mode access答案:A, C2. 在思科设备上,以下哪些命令可以配置接口为Trunk模式?A. switchport mode trunkB. switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qC. switchport nonegotiateD. switchport mode dynamic auto答案:A, B, C, D3. 以下哪些命令可以在思科设备上查看接口的Trunk信息?A. show interfaces trunkB. show interface statusC. show vlanD. show running-config答案:A, B三、判断题1. 思科设备默认的VLAN是VLAN 1。



思科Cisco认证最新真题50道:TCP/IP1: Your junior network administrator wants to know what the default subnet mask is for a Class C IP address. What do you tell him?A. An application needs to have reliable, end-to-end connect-ivity. Which of the following protocols will give you reliable connectivity?A. TCPB. UDPC. IPD. ICMP3: You are designing a network, which needs to support 55 users. You don't plan to extend the segment beyond the current number of users. Which subnet mask would best meet your needs?A. You have added a new switch to your network. You want to manage it remotely, so you need to assign it an IP address. Your router that connects to the switch has an IP address of Which of the following addresses can you assign to this switch?A. The address is a host address in which of the following subnets?A.–––– You are designing an IP address scheme for your brand new remote office. The vice president of IT calls to tell you that you will be in charge of the subnetwork. This supplies you with a single subnetwork with 62 hosts. You need to have at least two subnets with 14 hosts in each subnet. What custom subnet mask should you use?A. You have subnetted the network with a /24 mask. Your boss at Acme, Inc. wants to know how many usable subnetworks and usable host addresses per subnet this would provide. What should you tell her?A. One network with 254 hostsB. Two networks with 128 hostsC. Four networks with 64 hostsD. Six networks with 30 hosts8: Identify three valid host addresses in any subnet of the network, assuming a fixed subnet mask of (Choose three.)A. What is the subnetwork address for a host with the IP address Which of the following protocols uses a three-way handshake mechanism to establish sessions?A. TCPB. IPC. UDPD. IPXE. Frame relay11: Which of the following protocols is connection-oriented?A. TCPB. IPC. IPXD. Frame relay12: You are using an application on your Windows 2000 client machines that provides error correction. You need a protocol to provide fast transport. Which protocol should your application use?A. TCPB. IPC. UDPD. SPXE. AppleTalk13: When using TCP, after a session is open, the applications can adjust the number of segments they receive before sending an acknowledgment. This behavior is known as _________.A. MTU adjustmentB. WindowingC. Flexible Send PathD. FCS14: If the destination did not receive a segment, how will the TCP host know to resend the information?A. The ACK received will not include the segment number that was not received.B. The ACK received will include the segment number that was not received.C. The sending host will send a PACK to verify segment receipt.D. The destination host will send a YACK message back to the sending host.15: You are planning on using a single network that supports 208 users. Which IP address class would you choose to be the most efficient?A. Class AB. Class BC. Class CD. Class DE. Class E16: RFC 1918 defines the private IP address ranges. Which of the following IP addresses are considered part of these ranges? (Choose three.)A. A new network is being designed for your company, Acme, Inc. If you use a Class C IP network, which subnet mask will provide one usable subnet per department while allowing enough usable host addresses for each department specified in the table?DepartmentNumber of UsersCorporate7Customer Support15Financial13HR7Engineering16A. Which of these protocols provides data transport, relying on the error correction capabilities of the application itself?A. UDPB. TCPC. SNMPD. ICMP19: Which of the following are used by TCP to ensure reliable delivery of data? (Choose two.)A. MAC address resolutionB. Sequence numbersC. AcknowledgmentsD. PingE. Routing updates20: You discover that you are able to adjust the window size of the TCP segment. You increase the window size to test the results. What will you observe happening on your network?A. Increased throughputB. Decreased throughputC. Increased latencyD. Decreased reliability21: Your organization is using the address space. You need 28 subnets. What subnet mask would you use to create these subnets?A. Which of the following protocols maps IP addresses to MAC addresses for connectivity to occur between two hosts?A. ARPB. RARPC. SLARPD. DHCP23: Your junior network administrator cannot seem to ping a host in another network and asks you why it isn't working. Which of the following is not an answer that you would give him?A. The host's default gateway is down.B. The destination host is not powered on.C. The IP address of the router interface is incorrect.D. The IP address of the switch to which the destination host connects is incorrect.E. The host is in a different subnet.24: Which of the following classes of IP addresses is utilized for multicasting?A. Class AB. Class BC. Class CD. Class D25: You give your IT department a spreadsheet of IP addresses and their subnets. You receive a call from one of the junior techs asking what the /26 means next to the IP addresses. You tell her:A. It represents the number of hosts possible on that subnetwork.B. It represents the number of subnetworks that are being used.C. It represents the class of IP address being used.D. It represents the number of bits in the subnet mask that are 1.26: You are given an IP network of and told that you need to separate this network into subnetworks that can support a maximum of 16 hosts per subnet. This will help alleviate congestion on the network. What subnet mask can you use to create the subnets necessary to meet the given criteria?A. Which of the following would a Class A network be assigned to?A. Government agencyB. Small-to-medium sized corporationC. SOHOD. An individual28: A client has the IP address Which of the following addresses are on the same subnet as this host? (Choose two.)A. Which of the following IP addresses is not a public IP address that can be routed over the Internet?A. You are given a Class B network. What is the default subnet mask assigned to the Class B network?A. You are troubleshooting your router's interfaces. For some reason, the Ethernet interface will not accept the IP address of that you've assigned. Which of the following explains the router's refusal to take the IP address?A. Class C addresses cannot be assigned to Ethernet interfaces.B. The /27 is an invalid mask.C. It is a broadcast address.D. It is a public IP address.E. It is a private IP address.32: You are a network technician at Acme, Inc. You are required to divide the network into subnets. Each subnet must have the capacity of 458 IP addresses. Also, according to the requirements, you must provide the maximum number of subnets. Which subnet mask should you use?A. What is the subnetwork and broadcast IP address of with the subnet mask of One of your co-workers at Acme, Inc., needs to convert the binary number 11011010 into a decimal. What is the decimal equivalent?A. 218B. 219C. 220D. 221E. 22235: One of your co-workers at Acme, Inc., needs to convert the binary number 01011010 into a decimal. What is the decimal equivalent?A. 75B. 83C. 90D. 9736: One of your co-workers at Acme, Inc., needs to convert the binary number 11010110 into a decimal. What is the decimal equivalent?A. 198B. 214C. 252D. 25537: One of your co-workers at Acme, Inc., needs to convert the binary number 10110110 into a decimal. What is the decimal equivalent?A. 182B. 192C. 202D. 21238: You are configuring a subnet for the Acme, Inc., branch office in Beijing. You need to assign IP addresses to hosts in this subnet. You have been given the subnet mask of Which of these IP addresses would be valid? (Choose three.)A. You are a network technician at Acme, Inc. You have subnetted the network with a /28 mask. Your boss asks you how many usable subnetworks and usable host addresses per subnet this will provide. What should you tell her, assuming your router is using ip subnet-zero?A. 62 networks and 2 hostsB. 6 networks and 30 hostsC. 8 networks and 32 hostsD. 16 networks and 16 hostsE. 16 networks and 14 hosts40: What is a disadvantage of using a connection-oriented protocol such as TCP?A. Packet acknowledgment might add overhead.B. Packets are not tagged with sequence numbers.C. Loss or duplication of data packets is more likely to occur.D. The application layer must assume responsibility for the correct sequencing of the data packets.41: You are a network technician at Acme, Inc. You have subnetted the network with a /30 mask for connections between your routers. Your boss asks you how many usable subnetworks and usable host addresses per subnet this will provide. What should you tell her, assuming your router cannot use ip subnet-zero?A. 62 networks and 2 hostsB. 6 networks and 30 hostsC. 8 networks and 32 hostsD. 16 networks and 16 hostsE. 14 networks and 14 hosts42: Which of the following IP addresses are considered "network" addresses with a /26 prefix? (Choose two.)A. Identify three valid hosts in any subnet of, assuming the subnet mask used is (Choose three.)A. A Class C network address has been subnetted with a /27 mask. Which of the following addresses is a broadcast address for one of the resulting subnets?A. What is the subnetwork address for a host with IP address Your boss wants to know what TCP stands for. What do you tell him?A. Transmission Check ProtocolB. Transport Check ProtocolC. Transmission Control ProtocolD. Transport Control Protocol47: Your boss wants to know what UDP stands for. What do you tell him?A. Unreliable Data ProtocolB. Unreliable Data ProgramC. User-Defined ProtocolD. User Datagram Protocol48: Which of the following statements accurately describes UDP?A. UDP copies files between a computer and a system running rshd, the remote shell service (daemon).B. UDP is a member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols that governs the exchange of electronic mail between message transfer agents.C. UDP is a member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols and is used to copy files between two computers on the Internet. Both computers must support their respective roles: one must be a client, and the other a server.D. UDP is a TCP complement that offers a connectionless datagram service guaranteeing neither delivery nor correct sequencing of delivered packets (much like IP).49: Which of the following host addresses are members of networks that can be routed across the public Internet? (Choose three.)A. You are connecting your Serial 0/1 interface to the Internet. Which of the following need to be done for the connection to work? (Choose two.)A. Assign a public IP address.B. Use the shutdown command.C. Use the no shutdown command.D. Make sure the interface is running in full-duplex.。



思科第九章考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在思科网络技术中,以下哪个协议用于在IP网络中自动发现网络设备?A. SNMPB. CDPC. RADIUSD. TACACS+答案:B2. 动态路由协议RIP使用哪种度量标准来确定最佳路径?A. 跳数B. 带宽C. 延迟D. 负载答案:A3. 以下哪个命令用于在思科路由器上启用密码加密?A. service password-encryptionB. enable secretC. line vty 0 4D. service config答案:A4. 哪种类型的VLAN可以跨越多个交换机?A. 静态VLANB. 动态VLANC. 本地VLAND. 远程VLAN答案:B5. 在思科路由器上,哪个命令用于查看当前的路由表?A. show ip routeB. show ip interface briefC. show running-configD. show ip protocols答案:A6. 以下哪个命令用于在思科交换机上创建一个新的VLAN?A. vlan databaseB. configure terminalC. switchport mode accessD. vlan 10答案:D7. 在思科设备上,哪个命令用于查看设备的IOS版本?A. show versionB. show running-configC. show startup-configD. show ip interface brief答案:A8. 哪种类型的ACL可以基于时间来过滤流量?A. 标准ACLB. 扩展ACLC. 时间ACLD. 命名ACL答案:C9. 在思科设备上,以下哪个命令用于关闭接口上的CDP?A. no cdp enableB. no cdp runC. no cdp timerD. no cdp transmit答案:B10. 以下哪个协议用于在思科设备上进行远程登录?A. SSHB. TelnetC. HTTPD. FTP答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些命令用于在思科设备上配置静态路由?(多选)A. ip routeB. route ipC. ip staticD. ip route答案:A, D2. 以下哪些协议用于在思科网络中实现VTP?(多选)A. VTPB. CDPC. SNMPD. RADIUS答案:A, B3. 在思科设备上,以下哪些命令用于配置DHCP服务?(多选)A. ip dhcp poolB. ip dhcp excluded-addressC. ip dhcp serverD. ip dhcp relay答案:A, B4. 以下哪些命令用于在思科设备上配置NAT?(多选)A. ip nat inside source staticB. ip nat outside source staticC. access-listD. ip nat pool答案:A, C, D5. 在思科设备上,以下哪些命令用于配置端口安全?(多选)A. switchport port-securityB. switchport port-security maximumC. switchport port-security violationD. switchport port-security mac-address答案:A, B, C三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 描述思科设备上如何配置端口镜像。



ccna考试题及答案1. 以下哪项是网络层的功能?A. 路由选择B. 错误检测C. 流量控制D. 封装数据包答案:A2. 在OSI模型中,哪一层负责在网络中传输数据?A. 应用层B. 传输层C. 会话层D. 网络层答案:D3. 以下哪个协议是用于在IP网络中发现网络设备的?A. ARPB. RARPC. ICMPD. OSPF答案:A4. 在TCP/IP模型中,哪一层与OSI模型的传输层相对应?A. 应用层B. 互联网层C. 网络接口层D. 传输层答案:D5. 以下哪个地址是一个有效的IPv4地址?A. 172.16.300.1答案:B6. 在配置路由器时,以下哪个命令用于进入全局配置模式?A. enableB. configure terminalC. privileged execD. user exec答案:B7. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上显示当前配置?A. show running-configB. show startup-configC. show configD. show current-config答案:A8. 在Cisco设备上,以下哪个命令用于保存当前的配置到启动配置文件?A. copy running-config startup-configB. copy startup-config running-configC. save running-configD. save startup-config答案:A9. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看所有接口的状态?A. show interfacesB. show ip interface briefC. show interface statusD. show running-config interface答案:B10. 在Cisco设备上,以下哪个命令用于关闭接口?A. shutdownB. no shutdownC. disableD. no enable答案:A11. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上启用接口?A. shutdownB. no shutdownC. disableD. no enable答案:B12. 在配置静态路由时,以下哪个命令用于指定下一跳地址?B. ip static-routeC. route ipD. static-route ip答案:A13. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上清除ARP表?A. clear arp-cacheB. clear arpC. clear arp tableD. clear ip arp答案:D14. 在配置动态路由协议时,以下哪个命令用于在接口上启用RIP?A. ip rip enableB. ip rip receiveD. network rip答案:C15. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看RIP路由表?A. show ip ripB. show ip route ripC. show ripD. show ip protocols答案:B16. 在配置EIGRP时,以下哪个命令用于指定自动汇总?A. metric weightsB. auto-summaryC. network auto-summaryD. no auto-summary答案:B17. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看EIGRP邻居?A. show ip eigrp neighborsB. show eigrp neighborsC. show ip eigrpD. show eigrp interfaces答案:A18. 在配置OSPF时,以下哪个命令用于指定路由器ID?A. router-idB. router ospfC. networkD. area答案:A19. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看OSPF路由表?A. show ip ospfB. show ip ospf databaseC. show ospfD. show ip route ospf答案:D20. 在配置VLAN时,以下哪个命令用于创建一个新的VLAN?A. vlan databaseB. configure terminalC. vlan [vlan-id]D. new-vlan答案:C21. 以下哪个命令用于将接口分配给VLAN?A. switchport mode accessB. switchport mode trunkC. switchport access vlan [vlan-id]D. switchport trunk vlan [vlan-id]答案:C22. 在配置交换机时,以下哪个命令用于将接口设置为Trunk 模式?A. switchport mode accessB. switchport mode trunkC. switchport access vlan [vlan-id]D. switchport trunk vlan [vlan-id]答案:B23. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看VLAN配置?A. show vlanB. show vlan briefC. show vlan detailD. show vlan all答案:B24. 在配置VTP时,以下哪个命令用于将交换机设置为VTP服务器模式?A. vtp mode serverB. vtp mode clientC. vtp mode transparentD. vtp mode off答案:A25. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看VTP状态?A. show vtp statusB. show vtp statisticsC. show vtp passwordD. show vtp configuration答案:A26. 在配置STP时,以下哪个命令用于设置根桥?A. spanning-tree root primaryB. spanning-tree root secondaryC. spanning-tree root primary [priority]D. spanning-tree root secondary [priority]答案:C27. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看STP状态?A. show spanning-treeB. show spanning-tree detailC. show spanning-tree summaryD. show spanning-tree interface答案:A28. 在配置VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) 时,以下哪个命令用于设置VTP域名?A. vtp domain [domain-name]B. vtp password [password]C. vtp mode [mode]D. vtp version [version]答案:A29. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看当前的VTP版本?A. show vtp statusB. show vtp statisticsC. show vtp passwordD. show vtp configuration答案:A30. 在配置端口安全时,以下哪个命令用于限制接口上可以学习到的最大MAC地址数量?A. switchport port-security maximum [mac-count]B. port-security maximum [mac-count]C. switchport port-security violation restrictD. port-security violation shutdown答案:A这些题目和答案仅供学习和参考之用,实际的CCNA考试内容和形式可能会有所不同。



思科期末考试及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. 思科公司(Cisco)成立于哪一年?A. 1984年B. 1985年C. 1986年D. 1987年答案:A2. 以下哪个不是思科公司的主要业务领域?A. 网络设备制造B. 网络安全C. 云计算服务D. 个人电脑制造答案:D3. 思科的网络操作系统(IOS)是基于哪种操作系统开发的?A. UNIXB. LinuxC. WindowsD. Solaris答案:A4. 思科的CCNA认证主要涉及哪个领域的知识?A. 网络安全B. 无线网络C. 网络基础D. 数据中心技术答案:C5. 思科的CCNP认证主要涉及哪个领域的知识?A. 网络安全B. 无线网络C. 网络基础D. 企业级网络架构答案:D6. 思科的CCIE认证是思科认证体系中的哪个级别?A. 入门级B. 中级C. 高级D. 专家级答案:D7. 思科的SD-WAN技术主要解决什么问题?A. 网络安全B. 无线网络覆盖C. 广域网优化D. 数据中心管理答案:C8. 思科的Meraki产品线主要提供什么类型的解决方案?A. 网络安全B. 无线网络C. 广域网优化D. 云管理网络设备答案:D9. 思科的ASA防火墙系列主要提供什么功能?A. 入侵检测B. 防火墙C. 负载均衡D. 无线接入控制答案:B10. 思科的Prime Infrastructure管理平台主要提供什么功能?A. 网络安全管理B. 无线网络管理C. 网络设备配置D. 网络性能监控答案:D二、多选题(每题3分,共15分)11. 思科的网络设备包括哪些类型?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 无线接入点D. 防火墙答案:ABCD12. 思科的CCNA认证课程通常包括哪些内容?A. 网络基础B. 网络设备配置C. 网络故障排除D. 网络安全答案:ABC13. 思科的CCNP认证课程通常包括哪些内容?A. 路由技术B. 交换技术C. 网络安全D. 网络自动化答案:ABCD14. 思科的SD-WAN解决方案可以提供哪些优势?A. 降低广域网成本B. 提高网络性能C. 简化网络管理D. 提高网络安全性答案:ABCD15. 思科的Meraki产品线可以提供哪些类型的设备?A. 无线接入点B. 交换机C. 安全设备D. 云管理平台答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)16. 思科公司是由斯坦福大学的两位教授创立的。



思科网院考试题库和答案一、单选题1. 思科网院课程中,CCNA(Cisco Certified Network Associate)认证主要涉及哪些技术领域?A. 网络基础B. 网络安全C. 无线网络D. 云服务答案:A2. 在思科网院的课程中,OSI模型的第3层是什么?A. 应用层B. 传输层C. 数据链路层D. 网络层答案:D3. 以下哪个协议是用于在IP网络中路由数据包的?A. TCPB. UDPC. IPD. ICMP答案:C4. 思科网院课程中,哪个设备用于连接不同网络或子网?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 集线器D. 网桥答案:A5. 在思科网院课程中,VLAN(虚拟局域网)的主要作用是什么?A. 提高网络速度B. 提高网络安全性C. 增加网络带宽D. 减少网络延迟答案:B二、多选题6. 思科网院课程中,以下哪些因素会影响网络的性能?A. 带宽B. 延迟C. 丢包率D. 网络拓扑结构答案:A, B, C, D7. 在思科网院课程中,以下哪些设备属于网络核心层设备?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 集线器D. 网桥答案:A, B8. 思科网院课程中,以下哪些协议属于传输层协议?A. TCPB. UDPC. IPD. ICMP答案:A, B9. 在思科网院课程中,以下哪些因素可以提高网络的安全性?A. 使用防火墙B. 定期更新软件C. 限制不必要的服务D. 使用VPN答案:A, B, C, D10. 思科网院课程中,以下哪些技术可以用于网络故障排除?A. PINGB. TRACEROUTEC. SHOW COMMANDSD. PACKET TRACER答案:A, B, C, D三、判断题11. 思科网院课程中,IP地址192.168.1.1是一个公网IP地址。

(对/错)答案:错12. 在思科网院课程中,交换机可以减少网络中的冲突域。

(对/错)答案:对13. 思科网院课程中,路由器的主要功能是在不同网络之间转发数据包。



2023年Cisco认证考试真题(正文开始)一. 选择题1. 在计算机网络中,下列哪种网络设备可以实现不同网络之间的数据传输?a. 路由器b. 集线器c. 交换机d. 网桥2. OSI参考模型中,负责传输数据的层次是:a. 物理层b. 数据链路层c. 网络层d. 传输层3. 下列哪种协议用于应用层的电子邮件传输?a. FTPb. SMTPc. HTTPd. SNMP4. 下列哪种协议用于在网络中获取IP地址?a. DNSb. DHCPc. ARPd. RARP5. 在TCP/IP协议中,下列哪种协议用于为应用程序提供可靠的、面向连接的数据传输服务?a. TCPb. UDPc. IPd. HTTP二. 填空题1. ICMP是Internet控制报文协议的缩写,它位于(网络层/传输层),主要用于发送网络错误、确认消息。

2. IP地址由(多少个/32个)比特构成。

3. OSI模型中,网络层主要负责在不同网络之间的(通信/传输)。

4. 在数据链路层,最长的帧长度为(1500/2000)字节。

5. SNMP是(简单网络管理协议/边界网关协议)的缩写。

三. 简答题1. 请简要介绍下OSI参考模型的七层结构和各层的主要功能。

2. 请说明TCP/IP协议族包括哪些协议,分别用于哪些功能?3. 请解释什么是IP地址和子网掩码?它们之间有什么关系?四. 论述题计算机网络的发展对人们的生活和工作已经产生了深远的影响。



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CCNA640-802 V13题库试题分析题库讲解:吴老师(艾迪飞CCIE实验室首发网站:1. What are two reasons that a network administrator would use access lists? (Choose two.)A. to control vty access into a routerB. to control broadcast traffic through a routerC. to filter traffic as it passes through a routerD. to filter traffic that originates from the routerE. to replace passwords as a line of defense against security incursionsAnswer: AC解释一下:在VTY线路下应用ACL,可以控制从VTY线路进来的telnet的流量。


2. A default Frame Relay WAN is classified as what type of physical network?A. point-to-pointB. broadcast multi-accessC. nonbroadcast multi-accessD. nonbroadcast multipointE. broadcast point-to-multipointAnswer: C解释一下:在默认的情况下,帧中继为非广播多路访问链路。


3.Refer to the exhibit. How many broadcast domains exist in the exhibited topology?A. oneB. twoC. threeD. fourE. fiveF. sixAnswer: C解释一下:广播域的问题,在默认的情况下,每个交换机是不能隔离广播域的,所以在同一个区域的所有交换机都在同一个广播域中,但是为了减少广播的危害,将广播限制在一个更小的范围,有了VLAN的概念,VLAN表示的是一个虚拟的局域网,而他的作用就是隔离广播。


4. A single 802.11g access point has been configured and installed in the center of a square office. A few wireless users are experiencing slow performance and drops while most users are operating at peak efficiency. What are three likely causes of this problem? (Choose three.)A. mismatched TKIP encryptionB. null SSIDC. cordless phonesD. mismatched SSIDE. metal file cabinetsF. antenna type or directionAnswer: CEF6. The command frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast was entered on the router. Which of the following statements is true concerning this command?A. This command should be executed from the global configuration mode.B. The IP address is the local router port used to forward data.C. 102 is the remote DLCI that will receive the information.D. This command is required for all Frame Relay configurations.E. The broadcast option allows packets, such as RIP updates, to be forwarded across the PVC.Answer: E解释一下:关于命令frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast ,这个命令用于手工静态添加一条映射,到达10.121.16.8的流量封装一个DLCI号为102,而且这条PVC是支持广播的流量的,比如RIP的更新包。


8.Which of the following are associated with the application layer of the OSI model? (Choose two.)A. pingB. TelnetC. FTPD. TCPE. IPAnswer: BC解释一下:在OSI 7层模型中位于应用层的应用有telnet 和ftp 这两种应用。

9. For security reasons, the network administrator needs to prevent pings into the corporate networks from hosts outside the internetwork. Which protocol should be blocked with access control lists?A. IPB. ICMPC. TCPD. UDPAnswer: B解释一下:PING命令利用ICMP协议的echo,和echo-replay两个报文来检测链路是否连通的。


10.Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has created a new VLAN on Switch1 and added host C and host D. The administrator has properly configured switch interfaces FastEthernet0/13 through FastEthernet0/24 to be members of the new VLAN. However, after the network administrator completed the configuration, host A could communicate with host B, but host A could not communicate with host C or host D. Which commands are required to resolve this problem?A. Router(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1.3Router(config-if)# encapsulation dot1q 3Router(config-if)# ip address Router(config)# router ripRouter(config-router)# network network network Switch1# vlan databaseSwitch1(vlan)# vtp v2-modeSwitch1(vlan)# vtp domain ciscoSwitch1(vlan)# vtp serverD. Switch1(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1Switch1(config-if)# switchport mode trunkSwitch1(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation islAnswer: A解释一下:这是一个多VLAN间通讯的问题,虽然都同在一台交换机上,但是由于处在不同的VLAN中,而导致了不同VLAN中的主机是不能通讯的。


在这个题中,题目给出了路由器的的子接口的网段,而又给出了VLAN 2与路由器相连的接口的IP地址,所以剩下的一个网段就是给VLAN 3的了,所以要在路由器上将与一个子接口划分到VLAN 3,并给其分配另一个网段中的IP地址。


11.What are two recommended ways of protecting network device configuration files from outside network security threats? (Choose two.)A. Allow unrestricted access to the console or VTY ports.B. Use a firewall to restrict access from the outside to the network devices.C. Always use Telnet to access the device command line because its data is automatically encrypted.D. Use SSH or another encrypted and authenticated transport to access device configurations.E. Prevent the loss of passwords by disabling password encryption.Answer: BD解释一下:要确保外部的安全的站点才可以访问我的网络,这就涉及到了安全的问题了,我们可以使用防火墙来限制外网中来的设备;也可以通过SSH或加密和认证来控制。
