



1、how often 多久一次

2、 as for sth/doing sth 至于,关于

3、 of course=certainly=sure 当然

4、 look after=take care of=care for照顾

5、 hardly ever 很少

6、 surf the Internet 网上冲浪

7、 the results of the student activity survey 学生活动调查结果

8、 be good for my health 对我的健康有益

9、 her eating habits 她的饮食习惯

10、 want us to eat junk food 想让我吃垃圾食品1

1、exercise twice a week 一周锻炼两次

12、 go skateboarding 去滑板

13、 come home from school 放学回家

14、 try to eat a lot of vegetables 尽量多吃蔬菜

15、 healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式

16、 keep in good health=keep healthy=be in good health 保持身体健康

17、 improve your English 提高你的英语水平

18、 shop three or four times a month 一个月购物三次或者四次

19、 have a cold 感冒

20、 have a stomachache 胃疼2

1、have a toothache 牙疼

22、 have a fever 发烧

23、 have a sore throat 喉咙疼

24、 have a sore back 背疼

25、lie down and rest 躺下休息

26、see a dentist 看牙医

27、hot tea with honey 带蜂蜜的热茶

28、be stessed out 有压力的,紧张的

29、 at the moment 此时,现在

30、not…until 直到……才3

1、host family 寄宿家庭

9、 have a healthy lifestyle 有健康的生活方式

32、eat a balanced diet 膳食平衡

33、stay\ keep healthy 保持健康

34、traditional Chinese doctor传统中医

35、 need some conversation practice 需要一些对话练习


1、How often do you go to the movies? 你多久看一次电影?

2、 What does she do on weekends? 她周末做什么?She often watches TV、她经常看电视。

3、 Some students are very active and exercise every day、一些学生很活跃每天锻炼。

4、The results for “watch TV” are interesting、"看电视”这一调查结果很有趣。

5、 She says eating more meat is bad for our health、她说多吃肉对我们的健康不好。

6、 How many hours do you sleep every night? 你每晚睡几个小时?

7、I’m pretty healthy but she’s kind of unhealthy、我相当健康,而她却身体有点差。

8、 My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades、我健康的生活方式有助于我取得好成绩。

9、 Good food and exercise help me to study better、好食物和锻炼帮助我学习更好。

10、Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different?她的生活方式和你的相同还是不同?

11、So maybe I’m not very healthy, altho ugh I have one healthy habit、所以,虽然我有一个健康的习惯,但是也

许我的身体不是很好。(英语,although 和but 不用于同一句子中)

12、What sports do you play? 你做什么运动?I play basketball and baseball、篮球和棒球。

13、What’s the matter ? =What’s wrong? =What’s

up ?= What’s the trouble ? 出什么事了?

14、I hope you feel better soon 、我希望你快点好起来

15、Chinese medicine is now popular in many western countries 、中药现在在西方很多国家很受欢迎

16、Everybody gets tied sometimes 、有时每个人都会感到累。

17、 You should exercise to stay healthy 、你应该锻炼身体保持健康

18、I don’t think I’m improving 、我认为我没有进步。

19、Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this 、吃党参和黄芪也对这个有好处。


1、She shops with her friends twice a week、 (划线提问)________ ________ _____ she __________ with her friends?

2、 They surf the Internet on weekends、 (划线提

问)_____ ____ they _____ on weekends?

3、 My father wants me to drink more water、 (划线提问)

4、She has a toothache、 (划线提问)

_____the _____with her ?_________ ________ your

father want you _________ _________?

5、你的生活方式和我的不同。Your lifestyle____ ______ _____ ____、

6、做眼操对我们的眼睛有好处。_______ eye exercises _______ good _______ our eyes、

7、 Peter has a cold 、 (一般疑问句)

_____ Peter _____ a cold ?

8、They are looking after a baby now 、(同义句)They are ____ ____ ___ a baby ___ ___ ______ 、9、他们背部疼痛。T hey _____ a ______ back 、

10、现在他的歌曲很受青少年的欢迎。Now his songs ____ very ____ ____ teenagers 、

11、每天晚饭后,她最喜欢躺着休息。She enjoys_____

____and _____、

12、如果你的膳食平衡,就能很容易得保持健康。It’s easy_______stay________, if you eat a______ ________ 、

13、直到她妈妈到家,她才睡觉。She didn’t _____ _____ bed ________ her mother ________ home、


1、他的饮食习惯和她的一样吗?_______his eating habits ______ ________ ________hers?

2、 We play football and baseball every day、 (划线提问)

_________ __________ ___________ they play every day?

3、 People should do more sports to keep healthy、(同意句)=People should do more sports to _______ ______

______ _______、4、DearEditor,I am writing1 ____(say) that I am against2 ________(build)

a new zoo in our town、 Zoos are terrible places for animals3_____(live)、 I4 ________( visit)

a lot of zoos in my life and I5 _______never


one I liked or one that was suitable for animals6

________( live)

in、just last week I visited a zoo and couldn’t believe what I7 _____(see)、 The animals8 _______(keep) in tiny cages and can hardly move at all、 And they9 _______ only________( give)food once a day、 Is this a

good way for animals10 ________(live)? I don’t think so、5、 He went to bed after he had finished the work、(同义句)He______go to bed ______he had finished the

work 、6、刘翔是中国最受欢迎的明星之一。Liu Xiang is one of the __________ _______ stars in China 、7、别紧张、一切都会好起来的。Don’t be ________ ______、 Everything is going to be fine 、8、吃太多的不健康食物会对身体有害的。_______ too much _______food _____good for body 、9、Hi Jake,Sorry I couldn’t1 ________(get )back to you sooner、 I have so many chores2_____(do)

today、 I have3 ____________( do)

my homework of course、 I4 __________( start)

about an hour ago but I haven’t finished、 Then I have to take the dog for a walk water my mom’s plants and do some5 _______(shop)、I haven’t6 ______(do) any of those things yet because my grandfather came to chat with me、 He loves talking and I love7


to him、 He started8 ______(tell)

me about all of the chores he had to do when he9


a kid、 He had to get up at5 am10_______(chop)

wood and light the fire for breakfast、 Then he had to collect water from the village well、 Then he had to feed the animals- he and his family lived on the farm、Take care、Crystal初三英语第一轮复习八上 Unit3一Phrases:

1、babysit her sister =look after =take care of 照顾她的妹妹

2、spend time with friend 和朋友度过时光

3、go camping/ hiking /sightseeing/ fishing/shopping 去宿营/徒步旅行/观光/钓鱼/逛

4、go bike riding 骑车观光

5、go away for too long 离开很久

6、sleep a lot 睡大觉

7、go to Tibet for a week 去西藏一周

8、visit my friend in Hong Kong 拜访我在香港的朋友

9、how long 多久

10、relax at home 在家放松

11、send me a postcard from Hong Kong 从香港寄给我一张明信片

12、show me your photos =show your photos to me 给我看你的照片

13、get back to school =return to school 回到学校

14、rent videos 租录像

15、ask you a few questions about your vacation plans 问你几个关于假期计划的问题

16、ask you about places to visit in China 问你有关去中国参观的地方

17、plan to have a very relaxing vacation 计划去度一个很休闲的假期

18、take a long vacation this summer 这个夏天度过一个长假

19、think about doing sth 考虑做某事

20、decide on sth 决定某事 decide on doing sth

/decide to do sth决定做某事

21、want to do something different 想做些不同的事

22、finish doing sth 做完某事eg、finish making my last movie 完成我的上一部电影

23、a good place to go sightseeing 去观光的好地方

24、leave for Hong Kong on Tuesday 在星期六动身去香港leave Shanghai for Beijing 离开上海去北京

25、take sth with sb 某人随身带去某物

26、can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事

27、be famous for…以…而著名be famous as作为…而著名28 That sounds interesting 听起来很有趣二Sentences:

1、What are you doing for vacation ? I’m visiting my grandmother 、假期中你打算做什么?我打算拜访我的祖母。

2、What is he doing for vacation ? He is babysitting his brother、假期中他打算做什么?他要照顾他的弟弟。

3、When are they going ? They are going next week/on the12th/Monday、他们什么时候去?他们将在下周/二日/星期一去。

4、How long is he staying? He is staying for a

week 、他准备在那呆多久?他准备在那呆一周。

5、What’s it like there ? 那个地方怎么样?

6、Where are you going for vacation ? I’m going toHawaiifor vacation 、你打算去哪度假?我打算去夏威夷度假。

7、I heard that Canadais beautiful ,and I know there are many people there who speak French、我听说加拿大很美,我知道那有许多人讲法语。

8、I hope I can forget all my problems、我希望能忘掉所有的问题。

9、I’m planning my vacation to the south of Italy this weekend、我计划这个周末去意大利南部度假。

10、Who are you going with? I’m going with my parents、你准备和谁一起去?我准备和我的父母亲去。


1、What’s she doing for vacation? She is her

sister、A babysit B babysitsC babysiting D babysitting

2、When did youfinish these picture? A draw B drawingC to draw D drew

3、They are going to the countryside for vacation、

are they for vacation?

4、When are you going to Hong Kong?= When are you Hong Kong?5 Doing some exercise every day is important、

同义句 very imporant Some exercise every day、6、我刚拍完上一部电影 I just my last movie、7、泰国是个旅游观光的好

地方Thailandis8 去长城时别忘带相机 to the camera you when you go to the Great Wall、四


1、I hear Mr、 Smith is coming to give us a talk

____ 、 A in this afternoon

B、 on tomorrow morning

C、 at this evening

D、 next Monday morning

2、The boy with two dogs ___ in the yard when the earthquake rocked the city、

A、is playing

B、was playing

C、are playing

D、were playing

3、I hope you will have a good time there、=I hope you will ________ _______ there、

4、Her sister is staying there from July15 to August20 、_______ ________

_________her sister staying there ?

5、I’m going shopping with my mother、______ ______ _______ going shopping _______ ?

6、他想问我有关我英语学习的情况、He wants ________

________ me _______ my ________ ________


When did you ________ ________ fromLondon?8当你回家时,把你的照片给我看一下。_______ _______ _______ _______ when you _______ _______ _______、初三英语第一轮复习八年级(上)Unit Four一、词组

1、take the/a subway/boat to school = get/go to school by subway/boat乘地铁/船上学

2、take the/a bus/train/taxi to work=go to work by bus/train/taxi 乘公交车/火车/出租车上班

3、ride the/a bike to the subway station = go to the subway station by bike 骑车去地铁站

4、walk to school = get/go to school on foot 步行上学

5、drive to work 开车上班

6、go to school in one’s car/by car 坐车上学

7、how far/long/soon/often多远/多长时间/还有多久/多经常

8、from home to school 从家到学校

9、take him to school 带他去上学

10、on the school bus= by school bus 乘学校班车

11、depend on 视…、而定,取决于

12、in other parts of the world在世界的其他地方

13、means of transportation交通方式

14、be ill in (the)hospital 生病住院

15、have a quick breakfast=have breakfast quickly匆匆吃早饭

16、leave for school 动身去上学

17、a large number of 许多,大量的 a small number of 少数the number of… …的数目

18、in North America 在北美19 be different from 与…不同20 think of 想起,认为21 get to= arrived at/ in=reach 到达二、句型

1、How do you get to school ? I ride my bike (to school)、你怎样到校上学?我骑自行车上学How does he get to school? He walks to school、他怎样到校上学?


2、How far is it from your home to school ?你家离学校多远?It’s three miles/ten minutes on foot/ten minutes’ walk、三英里/步行分钟

3、How long does it take you to get from home to school?从家到学校你通常花多长时间?It takes me25 minutes (to get from home to school)、我需要二五分钟(It takes sb some time to do something)(某人花多长时间做某事)

4、 be +距离+(away)

from离某地多远Li Lei’s home is about10 kilometers (away)from school、李雷家离学校约公里

5、That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus、那


6、How far do you live from the bus station ?你住的离车站有多远?I live10 miles from the bus station 、英里7 He rides his bike to the bus station、= He goes to the bus station on his bike /by bike 他骑自行车去公共汽车站8 Some students drive, other students / others take the bus、一些学生开车,另一些学生乘公共汽车、9 InJapan, the

most three ways of getting to school are bus, train and bike、在日本,最受欢迎的三种上学方式是公共汽车,火车和自行车10 Let me have a look、让我看看11 If you have a problem, you can ask a policeman、如果你有麻烦,可以找警察(以if一道的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时态或情态动词,从句用一般现在时态)If the car comes, you can get into it、If I have time , I will help you、三、基础练习

1、He usually takes the subway to school、(划线提问)______ ______ he _______ to school ?

2、她每天花费30分钟锻炼身体。It_______ ______30 minutes _______ _______ exercise、

3、 I took the taxi to the airport to meet my aunt、(同义句)I ______ _____ the airport to meet my aunt ______ _____、

4、Sydneyis thousands of kilometers away fromBeijing、______ _______ isSydney________Beijing?5 It took me half an hour to go to the post office、(划线提问) it you to go to the post office?6 Her lifestyle is different from yours、(同义句)Her lifestyle is not yours、7 My mother

spent100 dollars on the coat、(同义句)My mother

spent100 dollars coat、My mother100 dollars the coat、My mother the coat100 dollars、The coat my mother100 dollars、8 并非所有的学生都乘公共汽车上学 students go to

school 、9那肯定比乘公共汽车有趣得多That more fun than a bus、That more fun than a bus、10 About10 minutes、A How far B How muchC How many D How long11- is it from the park to your house?- About10 minutes’ walk、A How far B How muchC How many D How long四、中考链接

1、It took several years to buildQinghai-----Tibet Railway、_____ ____ ____ it ____ to buildQinghai----Tibet Railway?

2、 Nobody else in her class lives farther from school than her、She _________ _________ from school in her class、


它取决于交通方式。---How long _______ it _____ you

____ ____ to school ?---It ______ _______ means of transportation、4、 It took him a year to finish his novel、(同义句)He ______ a year _______ his novel、初三第一轮复习八(上)Unit5 – Unit6I词组。后天前天顺便来我家拜访去看医生/牙医为考试做准备上钢琴课本周末有太多作业(too much +不可数名词,much too+形容/副词)another time 下一次去听音乐会谢谢你的邀请。和校队一起进行网球训练和我们一起来看电影保持安静假期后给我打电话whole /all 整天/一整天讨论科学报告直到晚上点才有空多于与…不同看上去一样使…发笑我和我双胞胎姐姐的照片都喜欢(两者)参加聚会公有

的更外向/严肃/活跃以…开始擅长* 注意1 be bale to / canNo one _______________ answer the question、He tried hard and ___________ swim across the river、2 sure:1> be sure to do2> be sure that3> make sure3 keep1> keep sb / sth+ adj、2> keep sb doing4 写出下列词的比较级warm _______ nice _______big ________hot ________thin_________ fat

________few________ lazy_______ early ________ slowly

______ popular ______ little ________ bad_______

far_______5 He is calmer than me、 (同义)6 They are more athletic than us、 (同义)7 Chemistry is easier than physics、 (同义)8 I have more money than Jim、 (同义)9 Tom has more pens than Jenny、 (同义)10 His hands are

b igger than Tony’s、 (同义)11 修饰比较级的词


______________________________________II句型Can you come to my party on Wednesday?你来参加我周三的聚会吗?Would you like come to my party?= Do you want to come to my party? Sure, I’d love to、当然了,我很乐意。I hope you can come to my party、Sorry, I can’t、非常抱歉我不能去。

What’s today? 今天几号?(-What was yesterday?)--It’s Monday, the14th、 (--It was Sunday, the13th、)I’m more

outgoing than my sister、我比姐姐外向。Although my hair is shorter than hers、Although I have shorter hair than she/her、尽管我的头发比她的短。Liu Ying is not as / so good at sports as her sister、Her sister is better at sports than Liu Ying、刘莹不像她姐姐那样擅长运动。For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me、对我来说,好朋友喜欢做和我一样的事情。I don’t think differences are i


英语模拟试题(一) 二、语言知识运用(共两小节,计20分) 第一节:单项填空(共10小题,计10分) 从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 16. —Who’s ________ young man with long hair? —He’s a friend of mine. A. a B. the C. an D. \ 17. —How do you study for a test ? —I study ________ working with a group. A. in B. by C. at D. on 18. —________ do you go for a trip with your family? — About once a year. A. How often B. How soon C. How much D. How long 19. —Would you like some coffee or tea? —________. Water is OK. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All 20. Jim came home late last night, ________? A. is he B. doesn’t he C. did he D. didn’t he 21. The young man used to drive to work, but he is used to________ to work now. A. walking B. walked C. walks D. walk 22. —What a beautiful factory! I want to work in it. —Well, workers ________ very much here. A. need B. are needing C. are needed D. will need 23. —Can I park my car here? —No, look at the sign. Which sign does the second speaker refer to (指)? A B C D 24. His father likes going hiking. ________. A. So does his mother B. So is his mother C. So his mother is D. So his mother does 25. Our teacher told us the sun ________ in the east. A. rise B. rose C. rising D. rises 第二节:完形填空(共10小题,计10分) 阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳答案。 Water is the 26 of all the things we eat and drink. Not many people understand this but 27 quite true. The human(人类) body can go without 28 for a long time. We’ve got many examples for this. Yet two 29 three days without water can usually make people 30 . A person can’t live31 water. Many people don’t understand how32 water the human body needs 33 work well, and many people, especially young people, do not drink enough, 34 in very hot weather. Our body has mostly water, about 65% to 75%. That is to say about two thirds of our body is water. When we do sports, some of the water will get away from our body. 35 we don’t drink some water, we won’t have enough water. And if we don’t have enough water, we’ll feel tired and many of us will get ill. So you know how important water is to us. 26. A. important B. most important C. more important D. different 27. A. it’s B. its C. it D. is 28. A. food B. water C. drink D. meat 29. A . so B. And C. But D. or 30. A. to die B. die C. to died D. died 31. A. have B. with C. without D. in 32. A. many B. much C. little D. few 33. A. and B. the C. / D. to 34. A. even B. ever C. almost D. hardly 35. A. If B. For C. Since D. Because 三、阅读理解(共20小题,计30分) 阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 A Americans are very direct(直接的)people. When they want something they say “yes” and when they don’t


Unit8 It must belong to Carla 一、短语归纳 1. belong to… 2. go to/attend a concert 3. something valuable/unusual/strange 4. the rest of.... 5. pick it up 6. each other=one another 7. go to a picnic=go for a picnic 8. be interviewed by... 9. strange noises 10. at first 11. run away 12. feel uneasy 13. have no idea=don't know 14. have fun doing sth. 15. There must be …doing sth. 16. run after 17. wear a suit 18. express a difference / result 19. add information 20. at the same time 21. most famous historical places 22. a group of… 23. communicate with ... 24. so many centuries ago 25. point out 26. on midsummer's morning 27. the center of ... …… 28. move up

二、知识点讲解 1. belong to 属于(=be) It must belong to Carla. = It must be Carla's. ※练一练 ① The notebook must be my friend's.(同义句) The notebook must __________ _______ my friend. ② The book must be Jim's.(否定句)The book _________ ________ Jim's. ③ The book on the chair must belong to ________. Her name is on the cover. A. her B. hers C. she D. him 2. attend a concert参加音乐会(go to concert 去听音乐会) 【比较应用】 attend主要指以观众或听众的身份参加婚礼,丧礼,会议或讲座或上课。join in参加某项活动,尤指参加正在进行的活动。 join 参加某个组织、党团、俱乐部等机构,成为其中一员。 take part in参加某些活动或工作,在其中起了作用。(可和join in 互换) ※练一练 Mr. John invited many friends to _______ his wedding. A. take part in B. join C. join in D attend 3. anything valuable贵重的东西 当形容词修饰something, anything, nothing, everything等复合不定代词时,后置。 something unusual anything strange nothing important ※练一练In this book, you can learn________. A. something educational B. educational something C. anything educational D. educational anything 4. the rest of my friends 我剩下的朋友 the rest of... (剩余的……)作主语,谓语动词的单复数由of 后边的名词决定。※练一练 ①The rest of the books_____dull.②The rest of oil _____not enough. 5. ...must have picked it up. ……一定是捡起它了。 ⑴must have done sth(过去一定做某事了)表示对过去的事情的推测 ⑵pick up捡起(代词放中间) ※练一练 When he saw a wallet on the ground, he _______ at once. A. picked it up B. gave it up C. picked up it D. worked it out 6. happen与take place 发生(无被动式) ⑴ happen 特别指那些偶然或未能预见的事件发生。


扬州中学教育集团树人学校九年级模拟考试 英语试卷 说明: 1.本试卷共8页,包含选择题(第1题~第45题,共45题)、非选择题(第46题~第81题, 共36题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间为100分钟。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2.答题前,考生务必将本人的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡相应的位置上,同时务必在试卷的装 订线内将本人的姓名、准考证号、毕业学校填写好,在试卷第4页的右下角填写好座位号。3.所有的试题都必须在专用的“答题卡”上作答,选择题用2B铅笔作答、非选择题在指定位置用 0.5毫米黑色水笔作答。在试卷或草稿纸上答题无效。 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分) 在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. Tom told me that he needed a chair and that soon he found _________. A. it B. that C. one D. the one ( )2. I knock at the door several times but ____answered, so I left. A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody ( )3. —_____ did your family spend the New Year? —In our hometown. A. Why B. When C. Where D. How ( )4. — How long will it be ________ the Stock Market returns to normal? — At least one year, I guess. A. before B. when C. until D. that ( )5. You are not ______ to smoke here. It’s dangerous. A. supposed B. suggested C. used D. allowing ( )6. — What took you so long? — I got lost. I have no _________ of direction. A. feeling B. ability C. knowledge D. sense ( )7. The best way to make sure that you can keep fit is to ______ healthy eating habits. A. find B. develop C. shape D. prepare ( )8. My computer began to return to the ______ running state after I killed the virus by newly-updated Kill 3000. A. ordinary B. normal C. average D. common ( )9. People _________ are bored are more likely to turn to unhealthy habits like smoking. A. which B. whom C. whose D. who ( )10. Their car broke down while they ________in the desert. A. drove B. were driving C. are driving D. will drive ( )11. Please pass the glasses, my dear. I can __________ read the words in the newspaper. A. hardly B. really C. rather D. clearly ( )12. The computer system _____suddenly while he was surfing the Internet.


人教版九年级英语第八单元知识点总结 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 一.单词 whose truck pic nic rabbit atte nd valuable pink an ybody happe ning no ise policema n wolf un easy laboratory outdoors coat sleepy land alie n run after suit express all the same time circle Brita in mystery receive historia n leader midsummer medical purpose prevent energy position burial honor ancestor victory enemy period hard-work ing 情态动词表推测:语气+时态 (一)情态动词表推测的三种语气 1. 在肯定句中一般用must( —定),may (可能),might / could (也许,或许)。 He must/may/might know the answer to this question? 他一定/ 可能/ 也许知道这个问题的答案。 2. 否定句中用can' t / couldn ' t(不可能),may not/might not( 可能不)。 It can ' t/couldn ' t be the headmaster. He has gone to America. 这不可能是校长,他去美国了。 3. 疑问句中用can/could ( 能..... ?)。 Could he have fi ni shed the task? 他可能把任务完成了吗? (注:以上三种句式中情态动词的语气按程度都是依次递减的。Might, could并非may, can 的过去式,而表示语气较为委婉或可能性较小。 (二)情态动词表推测的三种时态 1. 对将来情况的推测,用“情态动词+动词原形”。 She must / may / might / could arrive before 5. 5:00 前她一定/ 可能/ 也许到。 2. 对现在或一般情况的推测,用“情态动词+ be ”,“情态动词+be doing ”或“情态动 词+动词原形” (1)He must / may / might / could be listening to the radio now. (2)He can ' t ( couldn ' t ) / may ( might ) not be at home at this time. (3)Mr. Bush is on time for everything. Howcan ( could ) he be late for the opening ceremony ?布什先生一向准时,这次开幕式他怎么可能迟到呢? 3. 对过去情况的推测,用“情态动词+ have +过去分词”。 (1)It must / may / might / could have rained last night .The ground is wet. (2)The door was locked. He can ( could ) not / may ( might ) not have been at home . 门锁着,他不可能/可能不在家。 (3)Can / Could he have gotten the book ? 难道他找到书了吗? 总结:对某一次的推测句型有两部分:语气和时态 语气部分:(以下情态动词语气由强至弱) 肯定句:must、may、might (=could ) 否定句:can' t ( =couldn ' t )、mayn' t、mightn ' t 疑问句:can、could (语气更加委婉不确定) 时态部分:


初三英语模拟试题卷 第一卷选择题共55分 一、单项填空,在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共15分,每小题1分) ( )1. ---Which is city ,Sydney or Tokyo? --- Tokyo ,I think ,it’s city in Japan. A. larger, largest B. a large , a largest C. the larger, the largest D. larger ,the largest ( )2. In the bookshop, a reader asked the shopkeeper Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book. A. that B. how C. what D. if ( )3. I’d like to know . A. when will he give back the tape B. whether has he received higher education. C. that he has been busy. D. whether she will join in our English Evening. ( )4. She asked me where during my stay in New York ? A. I had gone B. had I stayed C. I had been D. did I live ( )5. ——When again? ——When , I’ll let you know. A. will he come ,he will come B. does he come, he comes C. will he come , he comes D. does he come ,he will come ( )6. How long did she reading the novel? A. pay B. spend C. cost D. take ( )7. All the students were pleased to find the exam for they found the answers A. easy ,easy B. easily ,easily C. easy, easily D. easily, easy ( )8. ---She looks very happy. She ____ have passed the exam. --- I guess so. It’s not difficult at all. A. should B. could C. must D. might ( )9.I have two good friends and we nurses. A. are all B. are both C. all are D. both are ( )10. Could you tell me how long the shop ? A. had opened B. has been open C. has opened D. had been open ( )11. --- do you like the picture on the wall? ---The colour. A. How of B. How C. What , about D. what ( )12. It was such an interesting book that he had read it for two hours he realized it. A. while B. until C. before D. after ( )13. Though Li Ming was weak in English, everyone passed the exam him. A. but B. except C. including D. besides ( )14. The hotel is crowded with people. Let’s go and see what . A. is happened B. was happening C. is going on D. is the trouble ( )15. A: May I use your bike ,Jack? A: .It’s broken.


九年级英语模拟试题 (满分: 150分考试时间: 120分钟) 第I 卷(共100分) I. 听力测试。(共30分) 一、听录音,选出正确的答语。句子听一遍。(每小题1.5分,共9分) ( )1. A. To study with a group. B. By studying with a group. C. For studying with a group. ( )2. A. Basketball. B. He’s very kind. C. He is a driver. ( )3. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I didn’t. C. Yes, I’d like to. ( )4. A. No, I don’t think so. B. Yes, they should. C. Yes, they do. ( )5. A. Really? B. Thank you. C. Not at all. ( )6. A. Friday B. September 28th C. Friday, September 28th 二、听录音,根据你所听到的对话及问题选出正确的答语。对话听一遍。(每小题1.5分, 共9分) ( )7. A. It’s rainy. B. It will be rainy soon C. It’s sunny. ( )8. A. By practice conversations with friends. B. By studying grammar. C. By watching Chinese movies. ( )9. A. Peter B. Tim C. Both A and B. ( )10. A. Tall and thin. B. Short and heavy C. She wears glasses. ( )11. A. 80 yuan B. 110 yuan C. 160 yuan ( )12. A. A doctor. B. A teacher C. A soldier. 三、听第一篇短文回答第13到16小题,短文听两遍。(每小题1.5分,共6分) ( )13. Sports can make us___________. A. strong and smart B. beautiful C. rich and famous ( )14. How much exercise we should do? A. The more, the better. B. 30 minutes each time C. Once a week. ( )15. What can we do in a healthy center? A. Eat and drink with friends. B. Do sports with friends. C. Watch movies with friends. ( )16. How many specific ways of exercise are mentioned in the passage. A. 6 B.5 C. 4 四、听第二篇短文回答第17到20小题,短文听两遍。(每小题1.5分,共6分) ( )17. Why do the schools want the students to wear uniforms? A. They think the uniforms are beautiful. B. They think it will make the students feel proud of their schools. C. They think it can help the students study better. ( )18. Do students like the name of the school on the uniforms? A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. Not mentioned. ( )19. Where was the school clothes competition held? A. In Beijing. B. In a school. C. In America. ( )20. Why don’t the students like school uniforms? Which one is NOT the reason? A. The school uniforms make the students feel bored B. The students think the uniforms cost too much. C. The school uniforms are not comfortable to wear.


绝密★启用前 2018 年初中学业水平模拟考试英语试题

友情提示:相信自己,祝你成功! 1.本试题分第I 卷和第II 卷两部分。第I 卷73 分,第II 卷47 分,共120 分,考试时间为 120 分钟; 2.答卷前务必将试题密封线内及答题卡上面的项目填涂清楚。所有答案都必须涂、写在答题卡相应位置,答在本试卷上一律无效。 3.用黑色钢笔或碳素笔作答。 第I卷(共73分) 一、听力测试(共25 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 25 分) (一)听句子,选择适当答语,每个句子读两遍。 () 1.A. It' s warm.B. It ' s beautiful.C. It ' s crowded. ) 2.A. Time is money.B. Let me help you.C. All right.(

) 3.A. On August 1st.B. On October 1st.(C. In December. B. Eight yuan a kilo.(A. They are cheap.) 4. C. I like apples. () 5.A. Read a book and write a review B. Stop and ask some questions. C. Buy some new books quickly. (二)听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片,每个句子读两遍。 7. ____________6.__________8. ____________ ABC页)页(共九年级英语试题第1 16 (三)听对话,根据对话内容选择每个问题的最佳答案,对话和问题读两遍。 ( ) 9. What present will they buy for Tony's birthday?


人教版九年级英语第八单元 知识点总结 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 一.单词 whose truck picnic rabbit attend valuable pink anybody happening noise policeman wolf uneasy laboratory outdoors coat sleepy land alien run after suit express all the same time circle Britain mystery receive historian leader midsummer medical purpose prevent energy position burial honor ancestor victory enemy period hard-working 情态动词表推测:语气+时态 (一)情态动词表推测的三种语气 1.在肯定句中一般用must (一定),may(可能),might / could(也许,或许)。 He must/may/might know the answer to this question?他一定/可能/也许知道这个问题的答案。 2.否定句中用can’t / couldn’t(不可能), may not/might not(可能不)。 It can’t/couldn’t be the headmaster. He has gone to America.这不可能是校长,他去美国了。 3.疑问句中用can/could (能……?)。 Could he have finished the task? 他可能把任务完成了吗? (注:以上三种句式中情态动词的语气按程度都是依次递减的。Might, could并非may, can的过去式,而表示语气较为委婉或可能性较小。 (二)情态动词表推测的三种时态 1.对将来情况的推测,用“情态动词+ 动词原形”。 She must / may / might / could arrive before 5. 5:00前她一定/可能/也许到。 2.对现在或一般情况的推测,用“情态动词+ be”,“情态动词+be doing”或“情态动词+


英语试卷 第I卷(55分) I. 单项选择(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分) 1. Boys and girls, keep calm and be confident. I am sure all of you are __________ excellent students. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. Look! The little dog can walk ________ two legs. A. at B. in C. with D. on 3. Tomorrow we will have a soccer game. We must do ________ best to win the game. A. us B. our C. we D. ours 4. This morning Sally went to the shopping centre in such a hurry that she________ the key at home. A. forgot B. missed C. lost D. left 5. —________ have you lived in Huai’an —Since I got married in 1990. A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far 6. I _______ him the good news as soon as he _______ back. A. will tell, comes B. told, comes C. will tell, will come D. tell, come 7. —Another bridge ________ over the river in several years. —I’ve heard about it. A. are built B. will be built C. has built D. is built 8. I think winter is a beautiful season, _______ when it snows. A. specially B. especially C. probably D. properly 9. -This physics problem is too difficult. Can you show me ________ , Wang Lin -Sure. A. what to work it out B. what to work out it C. how to work it out D. how to work out it 10. Jim ________ be at work. I know he has gone to England for holiday. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. may not 11. We can see _________stars in the sky at night in the countryside. A. million of B. three millions of C. millions of D. three million of 12. Please hold on to your dream_______ one day it comes true. A. if B. until C. unless D. though 13. When I knew that China had got two Aircraft Carriers (航空母舰), I felt excited and_________. A.strange B. terrible C. nervous D. proud 14. When I got back home I saw a note on the door _______ “Sorry to miss you; will call later.” A. say B. says C. to say D. saying 15. —The movie has already started. Do you still want to go in —Sure. ________________________. A. Better late than never B. Practice makes perfect C. It never rains but pours D. Early birds catch the worms


初三英语中考模拟试题(一) Ⅰ.词汇(15分) A.根据所给汉语意思,完成句子(5分) 1.I was _____(惊奇的) to see that he was badly hurt in the accident. 2.I don’t like eating apples _____(和) oranges. 3.“Help yourselves to some bananas.”Mother said to the _____(孩子). 4.What is the _____ (天气)like today? 5.There are _____(百)of people in the hall. B.用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1.The TV play is so _____(interest) that I want to see it again. 2.Look! How _____(happy) the children are dancing! 3.Many _____(travel) have visited the Great Wall of China. 4.The room next to mine is always _____(noise). 5.Don't open your books.Please keep them _____(close). 6.The dictionary is very _____(help) to my study. 7.Mr.Read learns Chinese as his _____(two) language. 8.In our class about two _____(three) of the students are boys. 9.English is spoken by the _____(large) number of people in the world. 10.I hear Tom is good at _____ (surf). Ⅱ.选择(15分) 1.Which of the following signs is often found in a doctor’s waiting room? 2.Meimei is not here.She _____ to the school library. A.is going B.will go C.has gone D.has been 3.—_____ is your school? —It's about ten minutes' walk. A.How soon B.How long C.How often D.How far 4.Lin Tao jumped _____ than Bill at the sports meeting. A.higher B.high C.highest D.the highest 5.This box is _____heavy_____ I can't carry it. A.too; to B.so; that C.too; that D.very; that 6.If I _____ free next Sunday, I _____ to the farm with you. A.will be; will go B.am; will go C.am; go D.will be; go 7.I don't feel very well.Mother asked me _____.


Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 词句精讲精练 词汇精讲 1. must be “must + 动词原形”表示对现在的情况进行推测或判断,用于肯定句中,语气十分肯定,意为“一定,肯定”。例如: This must be your room. 这一定是你的房间。 He must be eighty now. 他现在一定有八十岁了。 【拓展】 can’t be 意为“不可能是”,表示有把握的否定推测。例如: He can’t be Mike, for I saw him in the library just now. 他不可能是Mike,因为我刚才还看见他在图书馆呢。 含有must be的句子变为否定句时,需把must be改为can’t be。例如: It must be Linda’s coat. 它一定是Linda的外套。(肯定猜测) It can’t be Linda’s coat. 它不可能是Linda的外套。(否定推测) 2. belong to belong to意为“属于”,后接名词或代词,但后面不能接名词所有格。例如: The house belongs to Mr. Wang.这所房子是王先生的。 The MP5 belongs to me.这个MP5是我的。 【注意】belong to无被动语态和进行时。 3. happen happen是不及物动词,它的用法有: (1) 表示“某地/某时发生了什么事”,常用“sth. + happened + 时间/地点”这一结构,此时主语应该是物。 例如: The story happened in 2008. 这个故事发生在2008年。 An accident happened in that street. 那条街上发生了一起事故。 (2) 表示“某人出了某事(常指不好的事)”要用“sth. + happened + to sb.”这一结构。例如: A car accident happened to her this morning. 今天上午她出了车祸。 What happened to you? 你怎么啦? (3) 表示“某人碰巧做某事”要用“sb. + happened + to do sth.”这一结构。例如: I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday. 昨天我碰巧在街上遇到了我的一个朋友。 【拓展】happen和take place的辨析: (1) happen指具体客观事物的发生,常有偶然性,未能预见性,即“偶然发生”。例如: What happened to him? 他出了什么事? (2) take place常用于历史事件或会议的发生,以及化学、物理变化,有事先预料或计划的意思,即“计 划发生”。例如: The party took place yesterday evening. 昨晚举办了晚会。 注意:happen和take place均为不及物动词,无被动语态。 4. noise noise意为“噪音”、“喧闹声”,常指不悦耳、不和谐的嘈杂声。例如: Don’t make any noise! 别吵闹! The noise wakes me up.噪音吵醒了我!
