






听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What does the man want to do?

A. Get some paper.

B. Make some copies.

C. Replace the photocopier.

2. What’s the man?

A. A waiter.

B. An accountant.

C. A programmer.

3. Where might the speakers be?

A. In a park.

B. In a classroom.

C. In a gym.

4. What is the woman complaining about?

A. The bad traffic.

B. Her early work schedule.

C. The annoying construction.

5. What did the woman probably win?

A.A television. B.$64 in cash. C.A radio.




6.When was the flight supposed to take off?

A. At 8 am.

B. At 11 am.

C. At 2 pm.

7. What will the speakers fail to do?

A. Attend a meeting.

B. Meet some customers.

C. Go sightseeing in the city.


8. What are the speakers doing?

A. Baking a cake.

B. Making a pizza.

C. Eating some popcorn.

9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Father and daughter.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Brother and sister.


10. Where does the woman come from?

A. Japan.

B. Kenya.

C. China.

11. How is the woman’s country different from other countries?

A. Kids like plastic paper balls.

B. Kids are all good soccer players.

C. Kids make soccer balls themselves.

12. What might the woman be?

A. A bank clerk.

B. A soccer player.

C. A high school student.


13. How old is Corey?

A. 7 years old.

B. 16 years old.

C. 19 years old.

14. What is the woman’s favorite hobby now?

A. Skiing.

B. Swimming.

C. Acting.

15. What does the woman think of playing computer games?

A. It helps her make friends.

B. It’s a waste of time.

C. It’s relaxing.

16. What will the speakers do next?

A. Have an English class.

B. Go to the teacher’s office.

C. Meet the woman’s friends. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. What is the speech about?

A. School activities.

B. Traveling plans.

C. Outdoor courses.

18. Where will the students visit this time?

A. A lake.

B. A forest.

C. A beach.

19. What will the students learn to do?

A. Make a birdhouse.

B. Design backpacks.

C. Feed birds.

20. How many hours will the students spend in “Nature”?

A. 12.

B. 24.

C. 36.





Activities in Cincinnati Museum Center

Movie Magic Camp

Everything is awesome at Museum Camp! Discover what happens behind the scenes of a movie. Learn how to make a storyboard, study movie magic secrets and create an animation movie(动画片).

Admission: Admission Fee

Age Range: Grades 1-6

Category: Programs, Children, Education

Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Inside a Viking(斯坦的纳维亚人)Home

Take a look at the inside of a Viking home.

Admission: Free to Members or with Museum Admission

Age Range: Early Childhood, Grades 1-6, Preteen, Teen, Adult

Category: Traveling Exhibits

Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Parochial(教区的)and Private Schools History Session

Hear about the establishment of private, Catholic, Jewish and other independent schools

in Cincinnati including the growth of early Irish and German speaking schools.

Admission: Admission Fee

Age Range: Adult

Category: Programs, History, Education

Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm


Come to a camp that’s sure to be out of this world! Discover secrets of our solar system

and learn about galaxies far away!

Admission: Admission Fee

Age Range: Early Childhood, Teen

Category: Programs, Science, Children, Education

Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

21. What can we do at Movie Magic Camp?

A. Tell your favorite story.

B. Listen to a wonderful story.

C. Learn how to make movies.

D. Appreciate an animation movie.

22. What is special about Inside a Viking Home?

A. It is free to all people.

B. It suits both kids and adults.

C. It is open in the early morning.

D. It allows visitors to live in a house.

23. Where is the text probably taken from?

A. A poster.

B. A report.

C. A novel.

D. A textbook.


One stormy day, twelve-year-old Arjun Kumar was late getting home from school. It had been raining heavily near his school in Chennai, India. This delayed his school bus, and when he finally arrived, Arjun’s parents were worried.

His parents’ concern gave Arjun an idea--he’d create an app, which can tell parents the location of their children’s school bus. While researching different ways to write apps, Arjun located an online programming tool on the website of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT was making the tool, called App Inventor, available to anyone who wanted to use it. As the motto on MIT's website states, "Anyone Can Build Apps That Impact the World."

Arjun got to work doing just that. Using App Inventor, he created an app called “Ez School Bus Locator.” If a school introduced this app into its bus system, parents could log on to see the locations and estimated arrival times of their children’s school bus. Like other mapping apps, Ez School Bus Locator relied on GPS. GPS helps users determine their location, based on signals from a set of twenty-four satellites that orbit Earth. GPS-based apps calculate the location of a device by measuring the distances from three different GPS satellites. That's how Arjun's app determined where the buses were located.

The app could also confirm whether individual children were on the bus. Ez School Bus Locator used a specific bar code(编码)to identify each student. Students checked in when they got on and off the bus by using bar codes on their phones. As the bus driver drove, the app sent automatic messages to parents.

Does Ez School Bus Locator sound like a good idea? MIT thought so. In 2012, MIT held a contest to honor the best apps that had been created using App Inventor. Arjun's app won first place in the K-8 division, and in 2013, the app was available for purchase online.

Arjun didn't stop there. He continued developing new apps and he even started his own software development company. When asked for pointers for other young inventors, Arjun advised, “Look for problems around you, and get inspired from them.

You’ll see a lot of opportunities to use your skills to make this world a better place to live!”

24. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The life of inventor Arjun Kumar.

B. A student's invention of a bus locator app.

C. How App Inventor helped Arjun write an app.

D. How the rainy weather in India affected traffic.

25. What do we know about Arjun's app from the passage?

A. It could be downloaded online for free.

B. It helped the children know where they were.

C. It was introduced by Arjun into the school bus system.

D. It used bar codes to track which children were on board.

26. Why did Arjun continue to work on software development?

A. To inspire more young inventors.

B. To win many awards for his inventions.

C. To solve problems that he saw in the world.

D. To earn money to continue his education at MIT.

27. What can we learn from Arjun Kumar's story?

A. Youth means limitless possibilities.

B. A man owes his success to his family support.

C. If you don't aim high, you will never hit high.

D. Good problem solvers are problem finders first.


An online supermarket company—Ocado in the UK, has recently displayed a robotic hand that can pick fruits and vegetables!

When an embryo (胚胎) is in the womb(子宫), the very first sense it develops is touch. The sense of touch is also the one that lasts the longest—as we get older and our vision and hearing begins to weaken, touch still remains. Humans use their touch to protect themselves, to create emotional relationships with other people, and to experience pleasure. Can you imagine life without it?

The sense of touch comes from a network of nerve endings and special touch receptors on the surface of the skin. While there are different kinds of touch receptors (感受器), they help us judge pressure, texture and vibrations (震动). They are located in our fingertips, palms, soles of our feet, face, lips and tongue.

When we touch something, the mechano-receptors perceive the touch and through a network of nerves, send signals to the brain. This informs the brain about the location of the touch, the amount of force used, and the speed at which it was used.

Several different techniques have been tried in the past to create such a robotic hand—using three fingers. But this latest design by SoMa copies the human hand. The gripper (夹具) is made up of flexible materials which grasp onto the thing based on its size and shape. Then air pressure is used to control the movement of the robotic fingers to pick objects safely and without causing damage.

The next step would be for the robot to judge how ripe the fruits and vegetables are, and apply pressure accordingly. Members of the research team are currently working on adding computerized vision to the robots, so that they can see what they are gripping.

Does all this mean robots can replace people? According to Ocado, it helps improve productivity by removing some of the repetitive tasks done by humans.

28. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.The brain B.The touch. C.The nerve. D.The signal.

29. What is focused on in the second paragraph?

A.The important role of touch. B.The origin of touch

C.The process of transporting touch. D.The disappearance of touch.

30. What is the special feature of the latest robots?

A.They can tell whether the fruits and vegetables are ripe.

B.They can see what they’re taking hold of.

C.They can grasp things according to their shapes and sizes.

D.They can take the place of people in work places.

31. What might be the best title for the text?

A.A Robotic Hand for Classifying Fruits B.A Robot Made of Flexible Materials

C.A Sense of Touch for Robots D.A Robotic Hand with a Gentle Touch


Have you ever dreamt of being among the people talked about on a celebrity blog? Well 140 junior high and high school students from Edmonton, Alberta don’t have to dream any longer. An inter-school project they worked on was so successful that Perez Hilton blogged about it, which is surprising since his blog is usually for celebrities. They did a flash mob(快闪) in a

shopping center with the main message being “stand up to bullying”.

Over 140 students, aged from 12 to 17, participated in the anti-bullying flash mob, dancing to a well-known song called “Loser Like Me”. “We actually had almost too many; we had to cut back on the number at each school,”said Kristina Solikowski, one organizer of the event.

“ I was just really excited!” said Olivia Brassard, a grade seven student at RS Fowler School. Being one of the youngest student dancers, Olivia couldn’t get over her nerves at the start. But after interacting with a lot of grade eights and nines, she got more comfortable.

The reason why Olivia got involved was partly for the fun of dancing but also because she really believed in the message the bullies are bad! “ I thought it would be a good way to spread the word about the bullying that goes on in our society”, said Olivia.

Olivia’s friend Allison Wood, a grade eight student at St. Albert Catholic High School, got involved for the same reason as Olivia. “ I don’t think it’s going to be possible to stop bullying all together, but I think we can certainly decrease it,” explains Allison.

These students have set a good example for kids everywhere. There’s no better way to decrease something bad than by getting people together to do something good, right?

32. Why didi Perez Hilton blog about the flash mob in Edmonton?

A. He has a deep interest in flash mob.

B. He wanted to help realize the students’ dream

C. There were many famous people taking part.

D.The event achieved great success

33. What did the students do at the flash mob?

A.They sang the song “Loser Like Me”

B.They shouted out “ stand up to bullying.”

C. They danced to the song “Loser Like Me”.

D. They gave out posters saying “ stand up to bullying”.

34. How did Olivia feel at the start of the project?

A. excited

B. uneasy

C. desperate

D. annoyed

35. What is the main purpose of this text?

A. To introduce flash mobs

B. To encourage readers to fight bullying

C. To report a flash mob

D.To list the harm of bullying



A good afterschool program can turn free hours after school into productive learning time.___36___. Here are four things a good afterschool program can do for those kids.

Develop social skills.

In an afterschool program students have a chance to meet new people. And with more time to interact freely, they are able to practice and experiment with social skills._____37_____.

Provide academic support.

Many afterschool programs offer homework help. Homework can often cause friction(矛盾) between kids with learning and attention problems and their parents. ____38_____.

Besides, personalized help from afterschool program teachers allows students to learn a lesson they may have not understood during the day.


Some afterschool programs offer classes in areas like science or computers. In these classes, there aren’t tests and students may work together in groups. For kids with learning and attention problems, these classes can be relaxing, fun and meaningful. Programs may also offer arts choices like painting and music, which can help kids find new interests.

Build confidence.

For kids with learning and attention problems, an afterschool program may allow more room for mistakes than school does.The stakes(风险) may not feel as high. ____40____This, in turn, can lead to higher confidence.

A. Encourage teamwork.

B. Make learning more fun

C. Students have a chance to find out what they are good at.

D. They are allowed to fail and then learn from their failures.

E. As a result, they may feel freer to try new things and take more risks.

F. That can be very helpful for kids with learning and attention problems.

G. So getting it done during the program can make everyone’s evening more pleasant.





One day it was raining heavily and nearing dusk. I was__41__ for an appointment in a nearby city that 1 knew only by GPS, and now my phone had ___42___. The usual interstate (州际公路)exits were closed, and I couldn't ___43__ because it was raining so much. I couldn't ___44__ how to get where I was going or how to let my partners know that I was ___45 _to make it on time.

I __46__ at a McDonald's in a poor area of a town and walked up to what appeared to be a mother and her teen daughter. “I'm sorry,” 1 said “but do you mind ___47__ I search a number on your ___48___ and make a call ? I need to let them know I’m __49 ___? ” She handed me her phone and then told me I was ____50___. She was about to turn it off because she didn't have enough ___51___ to pay her bill.

The young girl and the mother __52__ to be clinging (依赖的)to each other and talked together as I made the ___53____ .1 managed to get in touch with the people. They thankfully knew where I was and told me ___54 ___to get there.

As I readied myself to leave, I ____55___ into my wallet I didn't usually have ____56___ , but today I found a $20 bill. In gratitude, I ____57___ it into the mother's hand and then turned to leave quickly, because 1 didn't want it to be about me.

As I walked through the doors, I heard the mother____58_____ . Her daughter called after me and said, “You have no idea how you just ____59____ us.”

I still think back to that day, even now, they had no idea how much they helped me, yet I was the one being thanked. It's funny how that ___60 ___.

41. A. hungry B. ready C. late D. nervous

42. A. started B. died C. charged D. disappeared

43. A. find B. sleep C. leave D. see

44. A. figure out B. make out C. pick out D. take out

45. A. possible B. quick C. unlikely D. able

46. A. left B. stopped C. stood D. sat

47. A. as B. so C. or D. if

48. A. phone B. map C. picture D. book

49. A. scared B. anxious C. lost D.gone

50. A. excited B. lucky C. worried D. upset

51. A. time B. effort C. energy D. money

52. A. wanted B. happened C. seemed D. prove

53. A. plan B. call C. decision D. point

54. A. how B. when C. why D. whether

55. A. put B. looked C. reached D. turned

56. A. change B. coins C. cards D. cash

57. A. passed B. pressed C.handed D. sent

58. A. talking B. listening C. crying D. laughing

59. A. helped B. moved C. troubled D. annoyed

60. A. pushes B. goes C. pays D. works




Many books are thrown away daily around the world. But some people refuse _____61_____(let) these valuable books go to waste.

Rubbish _____62_______(collect) in Turkey’s capital Ankara are recycling books they find in the trash. A few months ago they ____63_____(create) a mobile library full of books that people have thrown away. There are over 9,000 books on ___64___(it) shelves. The books are divided into over 20 categories, including politics, history and health. The library is inside a truck____65____tours schools around Ankara. They hope to make children more ______66______(passion) about reading books, especially in the age of mobile phones and tablets. Many schools neither have a reading room______67_____ a library. The library has got a lot of attention. People in Turkey want it to grow and are sending their old books to the library. The library director said: “The interest is growing. Each day we have guests ______68_____(come)here to borrow books or have a quiet time to read.”A library ____69______(work) said: “We have books for children aged from six to ten, but also books for _____70______(old) children. We hope that it will awaken a passion for books.”

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


增加:在缺词处加一个漏子符号(∧)并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I used to being a shy girl in my primary school. I was weak in English at that time, especially my speaking English, but I was afraid to answer the teacher’s questions in class. Af ter I entered my dream middle school, something changes. I started to read many interesting English story and my English teacher helped me a lot of. I studied hard in class and practiced by watching English films and listening English songs in my spare time. Little by little, I found that more and more interesting to learn English. I could even talk with my classmates fluent in English. At last, I got high grades in English and I had confidence to do it well in the future.


假定你是高三学生李华。一年前曾经在英国的 Bromsgrove School 参加过为期一个月的国际学生交流项目。那次活动对你的影响很大。现在请你根据以下要点,给你在该校学习期间的老师Mr. Woods 写一封电子邮件:

1. 询问他


2. 感谢在英国期间他对你的照顾,帮助(生活,英

3. 邀请他来中国(访问,观光……) 注意:1.词数 100~120; 2. 可适当加入细节,以使内容充实,行文连贯;

3. 开头,结尾以给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:国际学生交流项目 international students exchange program Dear Mr. Woods, How are you doing these days? ______________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ Best regards.

Yours, Li hua


2 ? ? 2 河北省衡水中学 2018 高三第一次模拟理科数学试题 一、选择题(本大题共 12 小题,每小题 5 分,共 60 分) 1. 设全集为实数集 R , M x 2 , N x 1 x ,则图中阴影部分表示的集合是 ( ) A . {x -2 ≤ x < 1} B . {x -2 ≤ x ≤ 2 } C . {x 1 < x ≤ 2} D . {x x < 2} 2. 设 a ∈ R , i 是虚数单位,则“ a = 1 ”是“ a + i 为纯虚数”的( ) a - i A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件 C.充要条件 D.既不充分又不必要条件 3.若{a n } 是等差数列,首项 a 1 > 0, a 2011 + a 2012 > 0 , a 2011 ? a 2012 和 S n > 0 成立的最大正整数 n 是( ) A .2011 B .2012 C .4022 D .4023 < 0 ,则使前 n 项 4. 在某地区某高传染性病毒流行期间,为了建立指标显示疫情已受控制,以便向该地区居众显示可以过正常生活,有公共卫生专家建议的指标是“连续 7 天每天新增感染人数不超过 5 人”, 根据连续 7 天的新增病例数计算,下列各选项中,一定符合上述指标的是( ) ①平均数 x ≤ 3 ;②标准差 S ≤ 2 ;③平均数 x ≤ 3 且标准差 S ≤ 2 ; ④平均数 x ≤ 3 且极差小于或等于 2;⑤众数等于 1 且极差小于或等于 1。 A .①② B .③④ C .③④⑤ D .④⑤ 5. 在长方体ABCD —A 1B 1C 1D 1 中,对角线 B 1D 与平面A 1BC 1 相交于点E ,则点 E 为△A 1BC 1 的( ) A .垂心 B .内心 C .外心 D .重心 ?3x - y - 6 ≤ 0, 6.设 x , y 满足约束条件 ? x - y + 2 ≥ 0, ?x , y ≥ 0, a 2 + b 2 的最小值是( ) 若目标函数 z = ax + b y (a , b > 0) 的最大值是 12,则 A. 6 13 B. 36 5 C. 6 5 D. 36 13 7.已知三棱锥的三视图如图所示,则它的外接球表面积为 ( ) A .16 B .4 C .8 D .2 8.已知函数 f ( x ) = 2 s in( x +) (ω > 0, -π < ? < π) 图像 的一部分(如图所示),则ω 与? 的值分别为( ) A . 11 , - 5π B . 1, - 2π C . 7 , - π D . 10 6 4 , - π 5 3 3 10 6 9. 双曲线 C 的左右焦点分别为 F 1, F 2 ,且 F 恰为抛物线 y 2 = 4x 的焦点,设双 曲线C 与该抛物线的一个交点为 A ,若 ?AF 1F 2 是以 AF 1 为底边的等腰三角形, 则双曲线C 的离心率为( ) A . B .1 + C .1 + D . 2 + 10. 已知函数 f (x ) 是定义在 R 上的奇函数,若对于任意给定的不等实数 x 1, x 2 ,不等式 2 3 3 1


河北衡水中学2019高三第一次调研考试--数学(文) 高三年级数学试卷〔文科〕 本试卷分第一卷〔选择题〕和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。第一卷共2页,第二卷共2页。 共150分。考试时间120分钟。 第一卷〔选择题 共60分〕 一、 选择题〔每题5分,共60分。每题所给选项只有一项符合题意,请将正确答案的 序号填涂在答题卡上〕 A 假设q 那么pB 假设?p 那么?qC 假设q ?那么p ?D 假设p 那么q ? 2假设集合{} 0A x x =≥,且A B B =,那么集合B 可能是〔〕 A 、 {}1,2 B.{}1x x ≤ C.{}1,0,1- D.R 3等差数列}a {n 中,前15项的和90S 15=,那么8a 等于〔〕、 A 、245 B 、 6 C 、4 45 D 、12 4()f x 在R 上是奇函数,且)()2(x f x f -=+2(4)),(0,2)()2,(7)f x f x f x x f +=∈==当时,则 () A.2- B.2 C.98- D.98 5函数 ???≤->-=) 0(1) 0(log )(2 2x x x x x f ,那么不等式0)(>x f 的解集为〔〕 A.}10|{<x x 6以下命题错误的选项是() A 命题“假设0m >那么方程20x x m +-=有实根”的逆否命题为:“假设方程 20x x m +-=无实根那么0m ≤” B 假设p q ∧为假命题,那么,p q 均为假命题 C “1x =”是“2320x x -+=”的充分不必要条件


衡水中学高三英语试卷 考生注意: 1.本试卷共四部分,共150分。考试时间120分钟。 2.请将各题答案填写在试卷后面的答题卡上。 3.本试卷主要考试内容:高中综合。 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What can we know about the woman? A. She has traveled by subway before. B. She thinks it’s fast to take a subway. C. She thinks the subway is the cheapest. 2.What’s the man doing? A. Seeking help. B. Giving advice. C. Offering help. 3.What does the woman mean? A. She didn’t like the comedy. B. She didn’t watch the comedy. C. She thought the comedy was funny. 4.When did the man enter Harvard University? A. Three years ago. B. Last year. C. This year. 5.Where does this conversation most probably take place? A. At an airport. B. On the beach. C. At a travel agency. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中做给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


河北省衡水中学2018届高三上学期七调考试 语文试题参考答案 2018年3月30日1.B(A.“这说明审美价值重于实用价值”。原文句子“中国的陶瓷闻名遐迩,丝绸远销世界,古代建筑令人陶醉,皆因实用价值与审美价值相得益彰。”C.错在“说到底就是为了增强科技产品的竞争力”。原文说“凝聚着美……给人更多便利感受和美的体验”。D.错在“多些技术的诗意,实质正是遵守技术伦理,把创意和人文有机融合。”偷换概念。)2.B(错在“是为了说明人文要素比效率、性能更重要”。两者之间是相得益彰,互不缺少的关系。缺少“效率、性能”的科技,没有使用价值。而缺少“人文要素”的科技创新美感。) 3.A(错在此句表述本身就是错误。“某些技术成果缺少良好的用户体验的根本原因在于设计者在“贪多求快的浮躁心理驱使下主动放弃了对诗意的探求”。) 4.A(牧羊人对“我”的怀疑和不相信,是因为汉人疯狂采伐石头,不仅对当地地貌造成不可逆转的破坏,也对当地游牧民族人们的价值观带来了冲击,起了贪念的是疯狂采伐石头的汉人。) 5.答案:①人类疯狂开采石头,对戈壁滩的地貌造成了极大的伤害,但所开采的石头制作成商品后在城市售卖,价格却十分廉价。②人类因贪婪对大自然造成了不可逆转的伤害,这种伤害让人感到“哀凉无望”。③现代文明对游牧文明的价值观带来了冲击。(第一、二点,每点2分,第三点1分。) 6.答案:因为“我”深深认识到: ①“我”虽然喜爱石头,但不能把“喜爱”变成“贪婪”而去占有不属于自己的石头; ②触碰石头不仅会改变一只虫子的命运,甚至可能会改变更多——季节、气候、降雪量等,从而造成各种自然灾害。 ③戈壁玉的确美丽,但一旦离开荒野,离开纯粹的蓝天和粗砾的大地,它的美丽便迅速枯萎(每点2分。) 7.A(本题考查文本内容的理解分析。本题要求找出不属于该书观点的一项。题中A 错在遗漏信息,林风眠被誉为“百年巨匠”之一的原因很多,“奠定了中国现代绘画的基础”和“培养了很多大师级的名家”等也不可忽视。) 8.B、E(本题重点考查学生把握文章内容和筛选文章信息的能力。找到答题区间,筛选关键词句,概括形成答案。A.林风眠从小接受了良好的教育,既在学校接受了系统的文化学习,又在梁伯聪、南洋回来的朋友等人的影响下关注西方的艺术世界,这为他日后进行中西调和的创新打下了基础。C.为接受了“西方现代艺术和思想的双重启蒙”,中国传统艺术的启蒙他幼时就接受了。D.无中生有,林风眠出国留学、在国外艺术展上一举成名并未提到他的爱国情怀。) 9.①保持好奇心,善于学习。无论是中国的传统艺术、西洋插画,还是西方的艺术理论与思想,林风眠都兼收并蓄。 ②善于创新,能打破传统。林风眠不一味地做守规矩的“好学生”,才能在复兴东方岂术和调和东西艺术方面走出了一条自己的路。 ③贴近生活,保持人味。他的画作直接描述生活,拷问人性,富有活力。 ④耐住寂寞,专心创作。林风眠在上海不问世事埋头作画,最终让自己的艺术达到前所未有的高度。 ⑤有师友亲人的帮助。梁伯聪将林风眠引向了艺术的新天地,蔡元培的任人唯贤,父亲的影响,等等,都促成了林风眠的成功。 10.C(抓住关键主语“帝”“言官”和关键词“使”“再”。) 11.D(“汉武帝”是谥号。谥法制度有两个要点:一是谥号要符合死者的为人,二是谥号在死后由别人评定并授予。君主的谥号由礼官确定,由即位皇帝宣布,大臣的谥号是朝廷赐予的。谥号带有评判性,相当于盖棺定论。) 12.B(“余懋衡和王基洪等御史官先后把这件事上奏皇帝弹劾梁永”与文中内容不符。由原文“永虑军民为难,召亡命擐甲自卫。御史王基洪声言永必反,具陈永斩关及杀掠吏民状。巡抚顾其志颇为永讳,永乃藉口辨。帝疑御史言不实。”可以推测。)


衡水中学2020—2021学年度上学期高三年级七调考试 文数试卷 本试卷共4页,23题(含选考题).全卷满分150分.考试用时120分钟. 注意事项: 1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、考号等填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置. 2.选择题的作答:选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效. 3.填空题和解答题的作答:用签字笔直接写在答题卡上对应的答题区域内.写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效. 4.选考题的作答:先把所选题目的题号在答题卡上指定的位置用2B 铅笔涂黑.答案写在答题卡上对应的答题区域内,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域无效. 5.考试结束一定时间后,通过扫描二维码查看讲解试题的视频. 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.设复数1z ,2z 在复平面内的对应点关于实轴对称,123z i =+,则 2 1 13z z =( ) A .112i - B .131255 i - + C .512i -+ D .512i -- 2.已知集合{}M a =,{40}N x ax =-=∣,若M N N =,则实数a 的值是( ) A .2 B .2- C .2或2- D .0,2或2- 3.已知直线210x y --=的倾斜角为α,则 2 1tan 2tan 2 α α -=( ) A .14 - B .1- C .1 4 D .1 4.由我国引领的5G 时代已经到来,5G 的发展将直接带动包括运营、制造、服务在内的通信行业整体的快速发展,进而对GDP 增长产生直接贡献,并通过产业间的关联效应和波及效应,间接带动国民经济各行业的发展,创造出更多的经济增加值.如图是某单位结合近年数据,对今后几年的5G 经济产出所作的预测.结合图,下列说法不正确的是( ) A .5G 的发展带动今后几年的总经济产出逐年增加 B .设备制造商的经济产出前期增长较快,后期放缓


仅供参考 2018-2019年度高三年级英语试卷 本试卷共150分,考试时间120分钟。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How many minutes does the woman think John will be late for the meeting? A. 10 minutes. B. 15 minutes. C. 20 minutes. 2. What does the man think the building will probably be? A. An apartment building. B. A hotel. C. A store. 3. How does the man feel about his present job seeking? A.He is confident. B. He is tired of it. C. He is not quite sure. 4. What do you know about the price of meat? A. It is going up every day. B. It is high everywhere. C. It is higher in other stores. 5. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. In the kitchen. B. In the living room. C. In the study. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. How does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation? A. Relieved. B. Angry. C. Excited. 7. Which city will the art exhibition go to next week? A. Los Angeles.


河北省衡水中学2018高三第一次模拟理科数学试题 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分) 1.设全集为实数集R ,{} 24M x x =>,{} 13N x x =<≤,则图中阴影部分表示的集合是( ) A .{}21x x -≤< B .{}22x x -≤≤ C .{}12x x <≤ D .{}2x x < 2.设,a R i ∈是虚数单位,则“1a =”是“ a i a i +-为纯虚数”的( ) A.充分不必要条件 C.充要条件 D.既不充分又不必要条件 3.若{}n a 是等差数列,首项10,a >201120120a a +>,201120120a a ?<,则使前n 项和0n S >成立的最大正整数n 是( ) A .2011 B .2012 C .4022 D .4023 4. 在某地区某高传染性病毒流行期间,为了建立指标显示疫情已受控制,以便向该地区居众显示可以过正常生活,有公共卫生专家建议的指标是“连续7天每天新增感染人数不超过5人”,根据连续天的新增病例数计算,下列各选项中,一定符合上述指标的是( ) ①平均数3x ≤;②标准差2S ≤;③平均数3x ≤且标准差2S ≤; ④平均数3x ≤且极差小于或等于2;⑤众数等于1且极差小于或等于1。 A C .③④⑤D .④⑤ 5. 在长方体ABCD —A 1 B 1 C 1 D 1中,对角线B 1D 与平面A 1BC 1相交于点 E ,则点E 为△A 1BC 1的( ) A .垂心 B .内心 C .外心 D .重心 6.设y x ,满足约束条件?? ? ??≥≥+-≤--,0,,02,063y x y x y x 若目标函数y b ax z +=)0,(>b a 的最大值是12,则 22a b +的最小值是( ) A .613 B . 365 C .65 D .3613 ( ) A .16π B .4π C .8π D .2π 8.已知函数()2sin()f x x =+ω?(0,)ω>-π


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 河北衡水中学2016-2017学年度 高三下学期数学第三次摸底考试(理科) 必考部分 一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1. 已知集合,则集合等于() A. B. C. D. 【答案】D 【解析】,选D. 2. ,若,则等于() A. B. C. D. 【答案】A 【解析】设,则 ,选A. 点睛:本题重点考查复数的基本运算和复数的概念,属于基本题.首先对于复数的四则运算,要切实掌握其运算技巧和常规思路,如 . 其次要熟悉复数相关基本概念,如复数的实部为、虚部为、模为、对应点为、共轭为

3. 数列为正项等比数列,若,且,则此数列的前5项和等于() A. B. 41 C. D. 【答案】A 【解析】因为,所以 ,选A. 4. 已知、分别是双曲线的左、右焦点,以线段为边作正三角形,如果线段的中点在双曲线的渐近线上,则该双曲线的离心率等于() A. B. C. D. 2 【答案】D 【解析】由题意得渐近线斜率为,即,选D. 5. 在中,“”是“”的() A. 充分不必要条件 B. 必要不充分条件 C. 充要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件 【答案】B 【解析】时,,所以必要性成立;时, ,所以充分性不成立,选B. 6. 已知二次函数的两个零点分别在区间和内,则 的取值范围是() A. B. C. D.

【答案】A学|科|网... 【解析】由题意得,可行域如图三角形内部(不包括三角形边界,其中三角形三顶点为): ,而,所以直线过C取最大值, 过B点取最小值,的取值范围是,选A. 点睛:线性规划的实质是把代数问题几何化,即数形结合的思想.需要注意的是:一,准确无误地作出可行域;二,画目标函数所对应的直线时,要注意与约束条件中的直线的斜率进行比较,避免出错;三,一般情况下,目标函数的最大或最小值会在可行域的端点或边界上取得. 7. 如图,一个简单几何体的正视图和侧视图都是边长为2的等边三角形,若该简单几何体的体积是,则其底面周长为() A. B. C. D. 【答案】C 【解析】由题意,几何体为锥体,高为正三角形的高,因此底面积为,即底面为等腰直角三角形,直角边长为2,周长为,选C.

2019年 河北衡水中学高三英语 易错题带答案

1.有机会做 2. 拍照 3. 在水边 4. 上演一出好戏 5. 有做某事的渴望 6. 转过头 7. 随着它越来越近8. 虚拟助手的儿童版本 9. 一个数码助手10. 给出句子 11. 教他们礼貌12. 在他八十多岁时 13. 残忍adj. n. 14. 目前的指导方针 15. modest 汉译16. 主张拥护v. / 拥护者n.主张拥护n. 17. for the most part 18. 参与v. n. 19. 占座20. 一个老顾客 21. 最初的,原始的22. 适度的,谦虚的 23. 搭便车24. 编程v. Keys: 1.have a chance to do 2. take pictures of 3. at the edge of 4. put on a good show 5. have the urge to do 6. turn to head back 7. as it got nearer and nearer 8. a children’s version of its virtual assistant 9. a digital assistant 10. give out sentences 11. teach them politeness 12. at his eighties 13. cruel cruelty 14. current guidelines 15. 谦虚的适度的16. advocate advocacy 17. 多数情况下,极大程度上18. engage in, engagement 19. occupy a seat 20. a regular 21. original 22. modest 23.give a ride 24. programme 单词和短语拼写: joy adj.__________ sorrow adj._________ mess adj. ________ value adj. _______ compete adj.__________ phenomenon pl._______________ 盛宴;款待_________ 感情破裂___________ 强行进入_________ 身体垮掉______ 爆发__________ 实在;事实上__________ 理论上_________ 简短来说_______ 轮流;反过来___________ 句子: 1.Students who do not plan ahead may delay starting college or take extra courses ______(give) themselves time to make up their ______ (mind). 2.Choosing a career while you are in high school also gives you time to explore your 5 (choose) industry. 3.You can also apply 8 a chance to get an informal position related to your desired industry. 4.If you do as much as you can to build a network 10 you are ready for a job, you will be more likely to succeed. Key: Joyful; sorrowful; messy; valuable; competitive; phenomena; feast; break up; break in; break up; break out; in truth; in theory; in brief; in turn To give, minds; chosen; for; before/when 一.Key words translation 1.spare another family this pain___________ 2.失去平衡_______________ 3.被宣布死亡_________________ 4.fall _____ the roof 5.客观的___________ 6.幽默地____________ 7.乐观的_____________ 8.生气的___________ 9.qualifications ________________ 10.Those clothes fashioned _____________(词义)out of ____________(必须) 11.garment __________12.original/primitive _____________ 13.inherently/naturally _________ 14.picture a leader with a commanding voice_____________ 15.distract________ 16.be immersed in _____________ 17.take time out _____________ 二.Fill in the blanks 1.We promised to do anything to help our baby. ________(But/So) I had to take her back to the doctor every two weeks to have each foot recast as she was growing. 2.I thought back the years of frustration for her as a child of two _________ (seldom/merely) wanted to walk. 3.We admired how far she had come on two tiny feet that had ________(never/once) been bound in heavy casts. 4.Douyin’s daily plays ____________(spread) over one billion in the past few years. 5.Similar to how Vine worked _____ a time-limited video platform, Douyin is a collection of 15-second music video. 6.Whenever we’re _____ with/ Whenever we _____ difficulties or in a dilemma, cooperation plays an important role in getting us out of trouble. 7.Now I am getting _____ well with my friends. 8.There was a time when I was ___ proud that I overlooked my classmates. Keys 1.赦免 2.lose one’s balance 3.be declared dead 4. off 5.objective 6.humourous 7.optimistic 8.annoyed 9.资格10.制造necessity 11.服装12. 最初的,原始的 13.自然地14.想象一个有着命令语气的领导15.分心16.陷入17.抽出时间 1.But 2.merely 3.once 4.have spread 5.as 6.faced/face 7.on/along 8.so 周日自助 1.My family and my friends had come to watch our class walk across that ___2___. (stage/period/moment)But like everyone in my graduating class, I had watched the economy ___3___(go/become)from bad to worse during my senior year. 2.The weeks ___7__ were not easy. I drove to California to find work. But what I thought would ___8___ me a week dragged into two, and then four, and 100 job applications later, I found myself __9___ I was before. 3.Days ___10___ like weeks, weeks like months and those many months seemed ___11___. The most ___12___ part was no matter how much I tried, I just couldn’t seem to make any ___13___. 4.I put my frustration into a children’s ___15___(book/story), one story of which was about a(n) ___16___, a little fish, who, fighting in a “river”, refusing to give up his dream. 1.stage go 2.ahead take where 3.felt endless frustrating progress 4.book hero


河北 中学2019~2020 学年高三第二次质量检测 注意事项: (1)本场语文科目考试时间为 150 分钟,试题共 8 页,满分 150 分。 (2)选择题,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 (3)非选择题,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。请用黑色签字笔将答案工整写在答题卡 相应区域内。 (4)交卷时,只收答题卡;考完后,保留好试卷 一、现代文阅读(36分) (一)论述类文本阅读(每小题3分,9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。 直接导致经学在二十世纪衰落的原因,是1912年以后经学这门学科的消亡。学科的消亡使经学失去了载体,经学被分割为文史哲三个学科,成为所谓“人文学科”的一部分。尽管可以从文史哲角度研究经学,但主要是一种外在的研究,经学的自主性丧失了。 晚清的失败带来一种客观效应,似乎中国传统经学不足以济时之难。这是后来新文化运动的推动者否定经学乃至文化传统的理由。道咸以后,清朝社会政治系统已开始崩解,以皇权及八旗、绿营兵为主体的政治架构已不足以因应困局。虽由以曾国藩为首的一批理学士大夫组成的湘淮军系统暂时稳住了局面,但在内对付太平军、捻军等似乎尚可,在外应对西洋文明却远远不够。譬如在与西洋交涉中,曾国藩所一贯主张的“以诚待人”其实并未真正得到遵守。许多中西交涉最终只能以战争形式解决,中国为此付出了惨重代价。 因此,经学研究必须要发生新变,这不只是经学的自我要求,同时也是为清代以来的历史补课。近代以来不少学者,如孙诒让、廖平、康有为、章太炎(后期)、唐文治、梁漱溟等已开始从事这些工作,尽管他们的许多工作在经学内部极有争议,但在主张有体有用、回归传统学术体系的意义上却是相通的。借用时下学科分类体系,经学不仅涵盖人文学科,也包括社会科学,两者相合,才是作为内圣外王形态的经学,才是未来新经学的应然形态。 经学应该取精用宏,广泛吸收人类文化遗产,抉发经典自身意蕴,形成能为与目前人类文明对话奠定基础的新的经典诠释。在这方面,无论晚周、汉唐、宋明还是清代,都产生了具有自己风格的重要经学著作,但能够代表中西会通时代的经学注疏,却凤毛麟角。中国经学学者应自觉进行自身义理的反思,在此基础上开展与其他文化的深入对话。在这方面,二十世纪留下不少遗产,这就是新儒学的各种形态。经学不能故步自封,应重新回到世界之中。 经学要重新回复自身的社会实践性。经学应显示其应对时代问题的能力,提出具有真知灼见的解决方案,而不是供寻章摘句之用。经学实践性最初的表现形式便是礼学,贯注于古典时代的人伦日用之中。但因古礼的原则在汉代以后遭到了破坏,礼俗逐渐取代了礼的精神原则。在经权之辨中,权的流变性超过了经的恒常性,这造成了唐宋、特别是明清以降中华文明某些根本弊端,譬如诚信的内在动力缺失。如何持守古礼中的常道,是当下经学应该致力的问题之一。


河北衡水中学2017—2018学年度第一学期高三模拟考试 数学试卷(理科) 一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分.下列每小题所给选项只有一项符合题意,请将正确答案的序号填涂在答题卡上) 1.设集合2{|log (2)}A x y x ==-,2{|320}B x x x =-+<,则A C B =( ) A .(,1)-∞ B .(,1]-∞ C .(2,)+∞ D .[2,)+∞ 2.在复平面内,复数 2332i z i -++对应的点的坐标为(2,2)-,则z 在复平面内对应的点位于( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 3.已知ABC ?中,sin 2sin cos 0A B C += c =,则tan A 的值是( ) A . 3 B .3 C .3 4.设{(,)|0,01}A x y x m y =<<<<,s 为(1)n e +的展开式的第一项(e 为自然对数的底数) , m ,若任取(,)a b A ∈,则满足1ab >的概率是( ) A . 2e B .2e C .2e e - D .1 e e - 5.函数4lg x x y x = 的图象大致是( ) A . B . C . D . 6.已知一个简单几何体的三视图如图所示,若该几何体的体积为2448π+,则该几何体的表面积为( ) A .2448π+ B .2490π++ C .4848π+ D .2466π++7.已知117 17a = ,16log b = 17log c =,则a ,b ,c 的大小关系为( ) A .a b c >> B .a c b >> C .b a c >> D .c b a >> 8.执行如下程序框图,则输出结果为( ) A .20200 B .5268.5- C .5050 D .5151- 9.如图,设椭圆E :22 221(0)x y a b a b +=>>的右顶点为A ,右焦点为F ,B 为椭圆在第二象 限上的点,直线BO 交椭圆E 于点C ,若直线BF 平分线段AC 于M ,则椭圆E 的离心率是( ) A . 12 B .23 C .13 D .1 4 10.设函数()f x 为定义域为R 的奇函数,且()(2)f x f x =-,当[0,1]x ∈时,()sin f x x =,则函数()cos()()g x x f x π=-在区间59 [,]22 - 上的所有零点的和为( ) A .6 B .7 C .13 D .14 11.已知函数2 ()sin 20191 x f x x = ++,其中'()f x 为函数()f x 的导数,求(2018)(2018)f f +-'(2019)'(2019)f f ++-=( ) A .2 B .2019 C .2018 D .0 12.已知直线l :1()y ax a a R =+-∈,若存在实数a 使得一条曲线与直线l 有两个不同的交点,且以这两个交点为端点的线段长度恰好等于a ,则称此曲线为直线l 的“绝对曲线”. 下面给出


河北衡水中学2021届全国高三第一次联合考试 数学 一、选择题:在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符题目要求的. 1.设集合A ={x |x 2-4x +3≤0},B ={x ∈Z |1<x <5},则A ∩B = A .{2} B .{3} C .{2,3} D .{1,2,3} 2.若复数z =1-i ,则| |1z z =- A .1 B C . D .4 3.某班级要从6名男生、3名女生中选派6人参加社区宣传活动,如果要求至少有2名女生参加,那么不同的选派方案种数为 A .19 B .38 C .55 D .65 4.数列1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,…称为斐波那契数列,是意大利著名数学家斐波那契于1202年在他撰写的《算盘全书》中提出的,该数列的特点是:从第三项起,每一项都等于它前面两项的和在该数列的前2020项中,偶数的个数为 A .505 B .673 C .674 D .1010 5.已知非零向量a ,b 满足||||a b =,且|||2|a b a b +=-,则a 与b 的夹角为 A .2π3 B .π2 C .π3 D .π6 6.为加快新冠肺炎检测效率,某检测机构采取合并检测法,即将多人的拭子样本合并检测,若为阴性,则可以确定所有样本都是阴性的,若为阳性,则还需要对本组的每个人再做检测.现对20名密切接触者的拭子样本进行合并检测,每份样本的检测结果是阴性还是阳性都是相互独立的,每人检测结果呈阳性的概率为p ,且检测次数的数学期望为20,则p 的值为 A .12011()20- B .12111()20- C .12011()21- D .121 11()21 - 7.已知未成年男性的体重G (单位:kg )与身高x (单位:cm )的关系可用指数模型G =a e bx 来描述,根据大数据统计计算得到a =2.004,b =0.0197.现有一名未成年男性身高为110 cm ,体重为17.5 kg ,预测当他体重为35 kg 时,身高约为(ln 2≈0.69) A .155 cm B .150 cm C .145 cm D .135 cm 8.已知正方体ABCD -A 1B 1C 1D 1的棱长为2,M 为CC 1的中点,点N 在侧面ADD 1A 1内,若BM ⊥A 1N .则△ABN 面积的最小值为 A B C .1 D .5 二、选择题:在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求. 9.已知π3cos()55α+=,则3 sin(2π)5 α-= A .2425- B .1225- C .1225 D .24 25 10.已知抛物线C :y 2=4x ,焦点为F ,过焦点的直线l 抛物线C 相交于A (x 1,y 1),B (x 2,y 2)两点,则下列说法一定正确的是 A .|A B |的最小值为2 B .线段AB 为直径的圆与直线x =-1相切 C .x 1x 2为定值 D .若M (-1,0),则∠AMF =∠BMF

河北省衡水中学2020年高三二模英语试题 含答案

2019~2020学年度高三年级下学期第二次模拟考试 英语试卷 时间:120分钟分值:150满分 命题人:高三英语研课组审核人:陈合舜 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考试务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 3. 在答题卡上与题号相对应的答题区域内答题,写在试卷、草稿纸上或答题卡非题号对应的答题区域的答案一律无效。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is the boy going to do? A. Post a letter. B. Go shopping. C. Meet some friends. 2. Where are the speakers probably? A. In an office. B. In a hospital. C. At the man's home. 3. What does the girl think of her exam? A. It was tough. B. It was interesting. C. It was successful. 4. Why does the man refer to Tom Barlow? A. To give back a book. B. To appreciate the name. C. To ask for sick leave. 5. What probably made the woman react this way? A. That the man opened the door at once. B. That the man matched the key's teeth quickly. C. That the man broke the key inside the lock. 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What are the speakers mainly doing?


高三年级物理配餐作业 周次 2 时间:2020.2.20 班级:姓名:编制:审核: 基础题 1、如图所示,物体A、B的质量都为m.现用手托着物体A使弹簧处于原长,细绳刚好竖直伸直,A与地面的距离为h,物体B静止在地面上.放手后物体A下落,与地面即将接触时速度大小为v,此时物体B对地面恰好无压力,设物体A 落地后不反弹.则下列说法中正确的是() A.A落地时,弹簧的弹性势能等于mgh+mv2/2 B.弹簧的劲度系数为 mg/h C.与地面即将接触时A的加速度大小为g,方向竖直向上 D.物体A落地后B能上升到的最大高度为h 2、如图所示,将质量为2m的重物悬挂在轻绳的一端,轻绳的另一端系一质量为m的环,环套在竖直固定的光滑直杆上,光滑的轻小定滑轮与直杆的距离为d,杆上的A点与定滑轮等高,杆上的B点在A点下方距离A为d处。现将环从A处由静止释放,不计一切摩擦阻力,下列说法正确的是() A.环到达B处时,重物上升的高度h=d/2 B.环到达B处时,环与重物的速度大小之比为二分之根号二 C.环从A到B,环减少的机械能大于重物增加的机械能 D.环能下降的最大高度为4d/3 3、如图所示,一内外侧均光滑的半圆柱槽置于光滑的水平面上,槽的左侧有一竖直墙壁.现让一小球(可认为质点)自左端槽口A点的正上方从静止开始下落,与半圆槽相切并从A点进入槽内.则下列说法正确的() A.小球在半圆形槽内运动的全过程中,只有重力对它做功 B.小球从A点向半圆形槽的最低点运动的过程中,小球处于失重状态 C.小球从A点经最低点向右侧最高点运动的过程中,小球与槽组成的系统机械能守恒 D.小球从下落到从右侧离开槽的过程机械能守恒 4、如图所示,楔形木块abc固定在水平面上,粗糙斜面ab和光滑斜面bc与水平面的夹角相同,顶角b处安装一定滑轮.质量分别为M、m(M>m)的滑块,通过不可伸长的轻绳跨过定滑轮连接,轻绳与斜面平行.两滑块由静止释放后,沿斜面做匀加速运动.若不计滑轮的质量和摩擦,在两滑块沿斜面运动的过程中()A.两滑块组成系统的机械能守恒 B.重力对M做的功等于M动能的增加 C.轻绳对m做的功等于m机械能的增加 D.两滑块组成系统的机械能损失等于M克服摩擦力做的功 5、.如图所示,固定的竖直光滑长杆上套有质量为m的小圆环,圆环与水平状态的 轻质弹簧一端连接,弹簧的另一端连接在墙上,且处于原长状态。现让圆环由静止开始下滑,已知弹簧原长为L,圆环下滑到最大距离时弹簧的长度变为2L(未超过弹性限度),则在圆环下滑到最大距离的过程中( ) A.圆环的机械能守恒 B.弹簧弹性势能变化了mgL C.圆环下滑到最大距离时,所受合力不为零 D.圆环重力势能与弹簧弹性势能之和保持不变
