印尼bayah项目劳务用工合同 (英文正式版)




印度尼西亚劳动合同范本甲方(雇主): ______乙方(雇员): ______鉴于甲方需要聘请乙方为其提供劳务,乙方愿意为甲方提供劳务,双方本着平等自愿、协商一致的原则,根据《印度尼西亚劳动法》及其他相关法律法规的规定,达成如下劳动合同:第一条合同期限1. 本合同自 ______ 年 ______ 月 ______ 日起至 ______ 年______ 月 ______ 日止。

2. 试用期自 ______ 年 ______ 月 ______ 日起至 ______ 年______ 月 ______ 日止。

第二条工作内容和工作地点1. 乙方同意根据甲方的工作需要,在 ______ (工作地点)从事______ (具体工作内容)工作。

2. 乙方应按照甲方的要求,按时完成工作任务,并达到规定的工作标准。

第三条工作时间和休息休假1. 乙方每日工作时间不超过8小时,每周工作时间不超过40小时。

2. 乙方享有国家规定的节假日和年休假。

第四条劳动报酬1. 甲方应按月支付乙方工资,工资标准为 ______ (货币单位)/月。

2. 甲方应在每月的第 ______ 日前支付乙方上月工资。

第五条社会保险和福利待遇1. 甲方应依法为乙方缴纳社会保险。

2. 乙方享有甲方提供的其他福利待遇,具体内容由甲方根据实际情况确定。

第六条劳动保护和劳动条件1. 甲方应为乙方提供符合国家规定的劳动安全卫生条件和必要的劳动保护用品。

2. 甲方应定期对乙方进行职业健康检查。

第七条劳动合同的变更、解除和终止1. 劳动合同的变更应经双方协商一致,并以书面形式确定。

2. 劳动合同的解除和终止应符合《印度尼西亚劳动法》的相关规定。

第八条违约责任1. 甲方违反本合同约定,未按时支付乙方工资的,应按未支付工资的______ %向乙方支付违约金。

2. 乙方违反本合同约定,给甲方造成损失的,应承担相应的赔偿责任。





一、合同期限1. 本合同期限自【2023】年【月】【日】起至【2024】年【月】【日】止,共计【12】个月。

2. 合同期满后,如双方无异议,可经协商一致后签订续约合同。

二、工作内容1. 乙方同意在甲方指定的地点和工作时间内,按照甲方的要求,从事【具体工作内容】。

2. 乙方应遵守甲方的各项规章制度,确保工作质量和工作效率。

三、工作时间和休息休假1. 乙方的工作时间为每周【5】个工作日,每天【8】小时,共计【40】小时。

2. 乙方享有国家法定节假日、年假、病假等休息休假权利。

四、工资和福利待遇1. 乙方的月工资为【人民币】【金额】元,支付方式为每月【日】支付。

2. 甲方按照国家规定和公司制度,为乙方缴纳社会保险和住房公积金。

3. 乙方在工作期间,甲方提供必要的劳动保护用品。

五、劳动合同解除和终止1. 任何一方违反本合同约定,另一方有权解除本合同。

2. 有以下情形之一的,甲方可以解除本合同:(1)乙方严重违反甲方规章制度,给甲方造成重大损失的;(2)乙方患病或非因工负伤,在规定的医疗期满后不能从事原工作,也不能从事由甲方另行安排的工作的;(3)乙方连续旷工超过【3】个工作日的;(4)乙方被依法追究刑事责任的。

3. 乙方有以下情形之一的,甲方应提前【30】日书面通知乙方解除合同:(1)乙方因工作需要,甲方单方面调整工作内容,乙方不能接受的;(2)甲方因经营困难,需要裁员,且乙方属于裁员范围的。

六、保密条款1. 乙方在任职期间及离职后,对甲方商业秘密负有保密义务。

2. 乙方违反保密义务,给甲方造成损失的,应承担相应的法律责任。



去印尼务工合同书范本甲方(雇主):名称:_____________________地址:_____________________法定代表人:_______________职务:_____________________### 乙方(雇员):姓名:_____________________国籍:_____________________护照号码:_________________联系电话:_________________### 鉴于:甲方为合法注册的公司,需要雇佣乙方前往印尼进行工作。


### 合同内容:1. 工作内容乙方同意在甲方指定的地点,从事甲方安排的工作,具体工作内容为:_______________。

2. 工作地点乙方的工作地点为印尼的__________________。

3. 合同期限本合同自______年______月______日起至______年______月______日止。

4. 工作时间乙方应遵守甲方规定的工作时间,具体为每周工作______天,每天工作______小时。

5. 薪资待遇甲方同意按照以下标准支付乙方薪资:月薪______美元/月,加班费按______美元/小时计算。

6. 社会保险与福利甲方负责为乙方在印尼购买必要的社会保险,并提供相应的福利待遇。

7. 工作条件与环境甲方应确保乙方的工作环境安全、健康,并提供必要的工作工具和设备。

8. 合同变更与解除合同一经签订,未经双方协商一致,任何一方不得擅自变更或解除合同。

9. 违约责任如一方违反合同条款,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。

10. 争议解决合同执行过程中如发生争议,双方应首先通过协商解决;协商不成时,可提交至甲方所在地人民法院诉讼解决。

11. 其他约定_______________。

### 附加条款:- 乙方应遵守印尼的法律法规,尊重当地的风俗习惯。



印尼劳动合同模板甲方(雇主): [公司名称]地址: [公司地址]乙方(雇员): [雇员姓名]地址: [雇员地址]第一条合同目的和范围本合同旨在规定甲乙双方在雇佣关系中的权利和义务。






第五条薪酬和福利1. 乙方的月薪为[具体金额]印尼盾,甲方应于每月[具体日期]支付给乙方。

2. 乙方享有印尼法律规定的社会保险和福利。



第八条合同终止1. 双方均可提前[具体天数]天书面通知对方终止本合同。

2. 如乙方违反合同条款,甲方有权立即终止合同,并无需支付任何赔偿。







印度尼西亚英文劳动合同In Indonesia, the labor contract is a crucial document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment. It is a legally binding agreement between the employer and the employee, ensuring mutual rights and obligations.The contract typically includes details such as job description, salary, working hours, and benefits. It is essential for both parties to understand the contents to avoid any future disputes.Employment laws in Indonesia require that the contract be written in both Indonesian and English, ensuring clarity and accessibility to foreign workers. This bilingual approach promotes a fair working environment.One of the key components of an Indonesian labor contract is the probation period, which allows both the employer and employee to assess the suitability of the employment relationship.Termination clauses are also vital, specifying the conditions under which the contract can be ended, whether by mutual agreement or due to breach of terms by either party.Additionally, the contract must address the employee's rights to social security, health insurance, and other statutory benefits, in compliance with Indonesian laborregulations.It is advisable for both parties to seek legal counsel when drafting or signing a labor contract to ensure that all provisions are in line with the prevailing labor laws and to protect their interests.Finally, the contract should be signed by both the employer and the employee, with copies kept for reference and legal purposes, should the need arise.。



印尼劳动合同范本工作合同在年月日星期的今天,在PLAZA MUTIARALantai 3 Kuningan签署Tanggal :公司地址 Alamat kantor:业务种类Divisi:备品备件进口和煤炭出口。

姓名Nama:职位 Jabatan:乙方Pihak Pertama:在这里作为个人 (需提供ID,户口簿原件并留存复印件) di sini mewakili individu (harus memberikan fotokopi KTP)姓名Nama:性别Jenis Kelamin:身份证号No KTP:出生地/日期Tempat,Tanggal Lahir:宗教Agama:地址(身份证)Alamat(sesuai KTP):现居住地Alamat Tempat Tinggal:宅电/手机号No Telepon:上述的甲方和乙方声明Kedua pihak terlebih dahulu menerangkan:从工作之日起,甲方需要的人才应具备良好的素质、能力、行为和态度Dari tanggal mulai kerja,Karyawan yang dibutuhkan pihak pertama harus memilikikemampuan,kualitas,perilaku dan sikap yang baik;甲方需要的人才可以在工作时间内开始并完成工作Pihak pertamamemerlukan karyawan yang dapatmenyelesaikan pekerjaan tepat pada waktunya;完成上述要求,甲方和乙方则默认同意并制定工作合同(以下简称“合同” ) Bahwa untuk memenuhikebutuhan tersebut,pihak pertama dan pihak kedua telah saling setuju dan mufakatuntuk membuat perjanjian waktu tertentu(selanjutnya dapat disebut dengan“Perjanjian”dengan syarat dan ketentuan sebagai berikut条款1 Pasal 1期限Jangka waktu乙方同意工作并执行固定工期内的工作,期限开始于:1Pihak kedua setuju untuk bekerja dan melakukan tugas jangka waktu tertentupekerjaan periode pelaksanaan pekerja tetap, periode dimulai pada:日期Tanggal: _____________结束于Selesai pada;日期Tanggal: ________________ 星期Hari星期Hari:固定期限结束时,条款1中的工作期限也同时结束Masa kerja sebagaimana diaturpada pasal 1,berakhir sendirinya pada saat berakhirnya jangka waktu yang ditentukan。





















第一条工作内容1.1 乙方同意根据甲方的要求,在甲方指定的海外工作地点提供劳务。

1.2 乙方的工作内容为:____________________第二条工作地点2.1 乙方的工作地点为:____________________第三条合同期限3.1 本合同自___年___月___日起至___年___月___日止,为期___年。

第四条薪资待遇4.1 甲方应按月支付乙方薪资,具体金额为:每月___美元(或等值货币)。

4.2 甲方应确保乙方的薪资在每月的第___个工作日支付。

第五条工作时间和休息日5.1 乙方每周工作时间不超过40小时,具体工作时间由甲方安排。

5.2 乙方享有法定节假日休息的权利。

第六条社会保险和福利6.1 甲方应为乙方购买必要的社会保险。

6.2 乙方享有甲方提供的相关福利待遇。

第七条工作条件和安全7.1 甲方应提供符合当地法律法规要求的工作环境。

7.2 甲方应确保乙方在工作期间的人身安全。

第八条违约责任8.1 如甲方未按合同约定支付薪资,应支付违约金,违约金为未支付薪资的___%。

8.2 如乙方违反合同约定,应支付违约金,违约金为___。

第九条争议解决9.1 双方因本合同发生争议,应首先通过友好协商解决。

9.2 如协商不成,可提交至甲方所在地人民法院诉讼解决。

第十条其他10.1 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

10.2 本合同未尽事宜,双方可另行协商补充。




二、工作内容和工作地点1. 乙方同意在甲方[具体部门]从事[具体工作岗位]工作。

2. 乙方的工作地点为[详细工作地点]。

三、工作时间和休息休假1. 甲方实行[工作制度类型],乙方的工作时间为[具体工作时间安排]。

2. 乙方享有国家规定的法定节假日、婚假、产假、丧假等休息休假权利。

四、劳动报酬1. 甲方每月以[货币形式]向乙方支付工资,工资为[具体金额或计算方式]。

2. 甲方支付乙方工资的时间为[发放工资的具体日期]。

五、社会保险和福利待遇1. 甲方按照国家和印尼当地的规定为乙方缴纳社会保险。

2. 乙方享有甲方规定的其他福利待遇,如[具体福利待遇描述]。

六、劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防护1. 甲方为乙方提供符合国家规定的劳动安全卫生条件和必要的劳动保护用品。

2. 甲方按照国家和印尼当地的规定对乙方进行职业培训和职业危害防护。

七、合同的解除和终止1. 经双方协商一致,可以解除本合同。

2. 乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方可以解除本合同:严重违反甲方规章制度的;严重失职、营私舞弊,给甲方造成重大损害的;被依法追究刑事责任的;法律法规规定的其他情形。

3. 本合同期满,双方未续签的,本合同终止。

八、保密和竞业限制1. 乙方对在工作过程中知悉的甲方商业秘密、技术秘密等负有保密义务,不得泄露或非法使用。



劳务雇佣合同范本英文Labor Employment Contract Template (English)This Labor Employment Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and entered into on this [Day] of [Month], [Year], and between the following Parties:[Employer's Full Name or Company Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Employer," and[Employee's Full Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Employee."WHEREAS, the Employer desires to employ the Employee, and the Employee desires to be employed the Employer, subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contned herein, the Parties hereto agree as follows:1. Employment PeriodThe Employee shall be employed the Employer for a period of [Duration of Employment] starting from [Start Date] and ending on [End Date]. The term of employment may be extended or terminated mutual agreement in writing.2. Job DescriptionThe Employee agrees to perform the duties and responsibilities as specified in the attached Schedule A, which is an integral part of this Contract. The Employee shall perform such duties to the best of their ability and in accordance with the Employer's instructions and policies.3. Work HoursThe Employee shall work a standard workweek of [Number of Hours] hours per week, as determined the Employer. The Employee's work schedule may be adjusted from time to time at the Employer's discretion.4. Salary and Benefits4.1 SalaryThe Employee shall be pd a gross annual salary of [Salary Amount] payablein equal installments on a [Monthly/Weekly/Biweekly] basis, less any applicable deductions.4.2 BenefitsThe Employee shall be end to the following benefits:a) Health Insurance: The Employer shall provide the Employee with a health insurance plan, the detls of which are specified in Schedule B attached hereto.b) Vacation: The Employee shall be end to [Number of Days] days of pd vacation per year, in accordance with the Employer's vacation policy.c) Other Benefits: The Employee may be eligible for other benefits as determined the Employer from time to time.5. Confidentiality and Non-DisclosureThe Employee acknowledges that during the course of employment, they may have access to confidential and proprietary information belonging to the Employer. The Employee agrees to keep such information strictly confidential and not to disclose it to any unauthorized person, either during or after the termination of employment.6. Termination of Employment6.1 Termination the EmployerThe Employer may terminate this Contract at any time, with or without cause, providing the Employee with written notice of termination. In the event of termination without cause, the Employee shall be end to [Notice Period] noticeor payment in lieu thereof.6.2 Termination the EmployeeThe Employee may terminate this Contract providing the Employer with written notice of [Notice Period]. The Employee shall be responsible for returning any pany property and pleting any outstanding work upon termination.7. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].8. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter hereof.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Labor Employment Contract as of the day and year first above written.EMPLOYER:_________________________[Employer's Signature][Printed Name][Date]EMPLOYEE:_________________________[Employee's Signature][Printed Name][Date]。



海外工作英文劳动协议样例(2024版)本合同目录一览1. 合同主体及定义1.1 甲方(雇主)1.2 乙方(雇员)1.3 合同期限1.4 工作地点1.5 工作岗位2. 工作内容2.1 工作职责2.2 工作目标2.3 工作量3. 劳动报酬3.1 薪资待遇3.2 奖金3.3 社会保险3.4 税收3.5 支付方式4. 工作时间与休息休假4.1 工作时间4.2 休息日4.3 法定节假日4.4 年假5. 劳动保护与职业健康5.1 劳动保护5.2 职业健康5.3 劳动条件6. 培训与晋升6.1 培训机会6.2 晋升机制7. 保密协议7.1 保密内容7.2 保密期限7.3 违约责任8. 合同解除与终止8.1 解除条件8.2 终止条件8.3 经济补偿9. 争议解决9.1 协商解决9.2 调解解决9.3 仲裁9.4 法律途径10. 合同的效力与修改10.1 合同效力10.2 合同修改11. 附件11.1 工作说明书11.2 职位说明书11.3 其他相关文件12. 其他约定12.1 语言12.2 法律适用12.3 争议解决法院13. 签字盖章13.1 甲方签字13.2 乙方签字13.3 见证人签字14. 合同生效日期第一部分:合同如下:1. 合同主体及定义1.1 甲方(雇主):指X公司,是一家具有合法营业执照和对外投资经营权的法人实体。

1.2 乙方(雇员):指X,具有合法身份和工作经验的外国人。

1.3 合同期限:本合同自签字之日起生效,有效期为两年,自2024年1月1日至2026年1月1日。

1.4 工作地点:甲方位于中国的办公地点。

1.5 工作岗位:乙方担任甲方公司的海外业务发展经理。

2. 工作内容2.1 工作职责:乙方负责拓展公司在海外市场的业务,维护客户关系,完成公司设定的销售目标。

2.2 工作目标:乙方需在合同期内实现至少20%的销售增长。

2.3 工作量:乙方需按照甲方的要求,完成相应的业务拓展和客户服务任务。



印尼用工合同合同编号:_______________________甲方:_______________________乙方:_______________________第一条:合同期限1.1 本合同自双方签字之日起生效,期限为________年,自________年________月________日起至________年________月________日止。

① 本合同自签字之日起生效,双方不得单方解除合同,除非有特别情况或合法理由。

② 合同期满后,甲方可根据乙方的工作表现决定是否续约。

③ 若乙方在合同期满前提前离职,需按约定向甲方支付违约金。

④ 甲方如需提前解除合同,应提前________天书面通知乙方。

1.2 若甲方在合同期内需要延长合同期限,甲乙双方可在合同到期前______个月内就续签事宜进行协商。

① 合同延长期限应明确具体的时间段。

② 延长合同期限的条件应包括乙方继续履行职责和甲方满足劳动条件。

③ 乙方在合同续签时可提出相关要求。

④ 合同延长需书面协议并由双方签字确认。

1.3 合同期满或解除后,乙方应向甲方返还所有甲方提供的设备及资料,且不得留存任何保密信息。


② 乙方不得在任何情况下保留甲方的商业机密。

③ 离职时,乙方应完成所有工作交接。

④ 双方应共同检查和确认设备与资料的归还情况。

第二条:工作内容与岗位职责2.1 乙方的工作岗位为_______________________,具体工作内容为:① 乙方负责_______________________。

② 乙方应按照甲方的要求及项目需要完成各项工作任务。

③ 乙方需定期向甲方汇报工作进度,并确保工作的质量。

④ 乙方应主动配合甲方的其他工作安排,完成公司内部规定的职责。

2.2 乙方需在工作期间遵守甲方的相关工作规定和职业道德要求。

① 乙方应按时上班,保证工作时间的充分利用。

② 乙方必须遵守甲方的管理制度,不得擅自离岗。



印尼用劳务合同模板甲方:(公司名称)住所:(公司地址)法定代表人:(法人代表)联系电话:(联系电话)乙方:(个人姓名)身份证号码:(身份证号码)联系地址:(联系地址)联系电话:(联系电话)根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《劳动合同法》和其他相关法律、法规的规定,甲方与乙方自愿遵守以下条款,签订如下劳务合同:第一条工作内容1.1 甲方聘用乙方从事(具体工作内容),乙方应按照甲方的安排和要求完成工作任务。

1.2 乙方应按照工作要求,遵守相关法律法规和甲方的规章制度,保守甲方的商业秘密,维护甲方的合法权益。

第二条工作时间和地点2.1 工作时间:乙方的工作时间为每周工作(具体工作日数)天,每天工作(具体工作小时数)小时。

2.2 工作地点:乙方的工作地点为(具体工作地点)。

第三条工资及福利3.1 甲方向乙方支付的工资为人民币(具体金额),工资支付方式为(工资支付方式)。

3.2 甲方按照相关规定为乙方缴纳社会保险费和住房公积金。

3.3 乙方享受法定的年休假、婚假、产假、丧假等假期。

第四条保险事宜4.1 甲方将为乙方购买意外伤害保险和医疗保险,保险费用由甲方承担。

4.2 乙方在工作中受到意外伤害或患病时,应及时向甲方报告并及时就医,甲方将给予必要的帮助和支持。

第五条合同期限5.1 本劳务合同自(具体日期)起生效,有效期为(具体期限)。

5.2 双方若协商一致可以提前终止本合同,提前通知对方(具体天数)。

第六条解除合同6.1 有下列情形之一,任何一方均有权解除本合同:(1)乙方擅离职守,严重违反工作纪律;(2)乙方被司法机关认定为犯罪行为。

6.2 本合同解除后,双方应按照《解除合同之处理》中的规定进行结算。

第七条其他约定7.1 本合同未尽事宜,双方可另行协商,并签订书面补充协议,具有法律效力。

7.2 本合同一式两份,甲方和乙方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。




This Labor Contract is hereby entered into on [Date] between the following parties:Employer:[Employer's Name][Employer's Address][Employer's Contact Information]Outsourced Worker:[Outsourced Worker's Name][Outsourced Worker's Address][Outsourced Worker's Contact Information]WHEREAS, the Employer is engaged in the business of [Employer's Business Description], and requires the services of an Outsourced Worker to perform certain tasks within its operations;AND WHEREAS, the Outsourced Worker is willing to provide services to the Employer on the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Scope of Work:The Outsourced Worker shall perform the following duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Employer:- [List of specific tasks and responsibilities to be performed by the Outsourced Worker]- Adhere to all safety regulations and guidelines provided by the Employer.- Maintain confidentiality of all information provided by the Employer.2. Duration of Employment:This Contract shall be effective from [Start Date] to [End Date], unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.3. Work Hours and Compensation:The Outsourced Worker shall work [Number of hours per day/week] hours during the duration of this Contract. The compensation for the services rendered shall be as follows:- Hourly Rate: [Hourly Rate]- Overtime Compensation: [Overtime Compensation Rate]Total Compensation for the duration of the Contract: [Total Compensation Amount]4. Payment Terms:Payment for the services rendered by the Outsourced Worker shall be made on a [Weekly/Monthly] basis, following the completion of the services and submission of the necessary documentation. Payments shall be made within [Number of days] days from the date of submission of the invoice.5. Benefits:The Outsourced Worker shall not be entitled to any benefits provided by the Employer to its full-time employees, including but not limited to health insurance, retirement plans, or paid leave.6. Termination of Employment:This Contract may be terminated by either party upon written notice to the other party, with or without cause, provided that such notice is given at least [Notice Period] days prior to the termination date.In the event of termination without cause, the Employer shall pay the Outsourced Worker the pro-rata portion of the compensation due for the remaining period of the Contract.In the event of termination for cause, the Employer may terminate this Contract immediately without notice, and the Outsourced Worker shall not be entitled to any compensation or benefits upon termination.7. Confidentiality:The Outsourced Worker agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all information provided by the Employer, including but not limited to trade secrets, customer information, and business strategies.8. Governing Law:This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].9. Entire Agreement:This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Employer's Signature:_________________________[Employer's Name]Outsourced Worker's Signature:_________________________[Outsourced Worker's Name]Witness:_________________________[Name of Witness][Contact Information]。



1、 第二方已被第一方录取,职位为翻译秘 书通过本合约即将履行 12 个月的合约期 限,从 2016 年 6 月 1 日 至 2017 年 5 月 31 日。
2、第一方,有权力延长或者不延长本工作协 议。
3、如果第一方有意愿延长或者不延长这个协 议,那么必须在协议到期的前一个月,书面的 通知第二方。
Pasal 1
1. Bahwa PIHAK KEDUA telah diterima bekerja di perusahaan PIHAK PERTAMA dengan jabatan sebagai Peterjemah/ Sekretaris dan untuk jangka waktu kerja selama 12 (duabelas) bulan terhitung mulai tanggal 01 Juni 2016 sampai tanggal 31 Mei 2017
c. Melakukan penipuan, pencurian atau penggelapan barang dan/atau uang milik PIHAK PERTAMA ;
d. Mabuk, meminum minuman keras yang
memabukkan, memakai dan/ataumengedarkan narkotika, psikotropika, dan zat adiktif lainnya di lingkungan kerja.
b. Bahwa apabila PIHAK KEDUA tidak menyelesaikan perjanjian kerja atau mengakhiri perjanjian kerja secara sepihak, maka PIHAK KEDUA tidak berhak atas pesangon.



到印尼打工的劳工合同模板劳工合同模板合同编号:[合同编号]本劳工合同(以下简称“合同”)由以下双方签署:雇主:公司名称:[雇主公司名称]注册地址:[雇主公司注册地址]法定代表人:[雇主公司法定代表人姓名]联系电话:[雇主公司联系电话]劳工:姓名:[劳工姓名]国籍:[劳工国籍]护照号码:[劳工护照号码]联系地址:[劳工联系地址]联系电话:[劳工联系电话]鉴于以下事实和约定,双方同意按照以下条款和条件执行本合同:第一条:工作职责和地点1.1 雇主聘请劳工作为[职位],并要求劳工履行与该职位相关的全部职责和义务。

1.2 劳工将在印尼的[工作地点]执行工作,除非雇主另有要求。

第二条:合同期限2.1 本合同的有效期为[合同期限],自[起始日期]起至[终止日期]止。

2.2 若双方同意延长合同期限,应在合同期满前[提前通知期限]以书面形式通知对方。

第三条:工资和福利3.1 雇主将向劳工支付约定的工资,支付方式为[支付方式]。


3.2 劳工享有法定的休假和假日福利,具体安排和福利待遇按照印尼劳动法规定执行。

第四条:工作时间和加班4.1 劳工的工作时间为每周[工作小时数]小时,具体工作时间安排由雇主决定。

4.2 若劳工需要加班工作,应事先获得雇主的书面许可,并按照印尼劳动法规定获得加班工资或休假抵偿。

第五条:保险和医疗5.1 雇主将为劳工购买适当的工作意外保险,保障劳工在工作期间的意外伤害。

5.2 雇主将为劳工提供基本的医疗保险,覆盖劳工在工作期间的基本医疗费用。

第六条:合同终止6.1 本合同在以下情况下终止:a) 合同期满;b) 双方协商一致解除合同;c) 劳工严重违反合同条款或雇主规章制度。

6.2 若劳工提前解除合同,应提前[提前通知期限]以书面形式通知雇主,并承担相应的违约责任。

第七条:争议解决7.1 对于因本合同引起的任何争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。

7.2 若协商无法解决争议,双方同意将争议提交至印尼相关法院进行裁决。



甲方(雇主): [雇主全称]乙方(雇员): [雇员全称]鉴于甲方需要乙方在印尼工作,乙方同意接受甲方的雇佣,双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,特订立本合同,以资共同遵守。

第一条工作内容1.1 乙方同意在甲方指定的印尼工作地点,按照甲方的要求,从事[具体工作内容]。

1.2 乙方应遵守甲方的工作规定和操作规程,确保工作质量和安全。

第二条工作时间和休息2.1 乙方的工作时间为每周[具体工作时间],每天[具体工作时间],共计[每周工作天数]天。

2.2 乙方有权享受国家法定节假日和休息日,具体安排由甲方根据印尼当地的法律法规和实际情况制定。

2.3 乙方如需加班,需经甲方同意,并按照印尼当地法律规定支付加班费。

第三条工资和福利3.1 乙方的基本工资为[具体金额],按月支付,具体支付日期为每月[具体日期]。

3.2 乙方享有[具体福利],包括但不限于:a. 社会保险:按照印尼法律规定,甲方将为乙方缴纳相应的社会保险。

b. 医疗保险:甲方将为乙方提供医疗保险。

c. 住房补贴:根据实际情况,甲方将提供住房补贴。

d. 交通补贴:根据实际情况,甲方将提供交通补贴。

3.3 乙方的工资和福利如有调整,甲方将另行通知。

第四条合同期限4.1 本合同自双方签字之日起生效,有效期为[具体期限],期满后,如双方同意,可续签合同。

4.2 合同期满或任何一方提出终止合同,应提前[具体天数]通知对方。

第五条合同终止5.1 在以下情况下,任何一方有权终止合同:a. 乙方因健康原因无法继续工作,并经医生证明。

b. 乙方严重违反甲方的工作规定和操作规程。

c. 双方协商一致。

5.2 合同终止后,甲方应按照国家法律规定和双方约定支付乙方相应的补偿。

第六条违约责任6.1 如一方违反本合同约定,应承担相应的违约责任,包括但不限于赔偿对方损失。

6.2 任何一方因违反本合同而给对方造成损失的,应承担相应的赔偿责任。

第七条争议解决7.1 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应首先通过友好协商解决。







第五条工资和福利1. 雇员的月工资为____印尼盾,支付日期为每月的____日。

2. 雇员享有以下福利:________________________。



第八条合同终止1. 本合同在以下情况下可以提前终止:________________________。

2. 合同终止时,双方应按照法律规定和本合同约定处理相关事宜。



第十一条其他1. 本合同的修改和补充须经双方书面同意。

2. 本合同一式两份,雇主和雇员各执一份,具有同等法律效力。





第一条合同期限1.1 本合同自2024年____月____日起至2025年____月____日止。

1.2 若双方同意,本合同到期后可自动续签一年,除非任何一方在合同到期前____个月书面通知对方不再续签。

第二条工作内容与地点2.1 乙方同意根据甲方的工作需要,在_________________(工作地点)担任_________________(职位名称)。

2.2 乙方应按照甲方的要求,认真履行职责,完成工作任务。

第三条工作时间与休息休假3.1 乙方的工作时间为每周____天,每天工作____小时,每周不超过____小时。

3.2 乙方享有印度尼西亚法律规定的公共假期和年假。

第四条薪酬与福利4.1 甲方应按月支付乙方薪酬,金额为_________________(货币单位)。

4.2 甲方应为乙方提供社会保险和医疗保险。

4.3 乙方在合同期内享有甲方提供的其他福利,包括但不限于年终奖金、绩效奖金等。

第五条保密与竞业禁止5.1 乙方应对在工作期间获得的甲方商业秘密负有保密义务。

5.2 未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得在合同期内及合同终止后____年内从事与甲方业务相竞争的活动。






四、工作时间和休息休假1. 乙方的工作时间按照_______国/地区当地的法律法规执行。

2. 甲方应保证乙方依法享有休息休假的权利。

五、劳动报酬1. 甲方应按照_______国/地区当地的法律法规及本合同的约定向乙方支付劳动报酬。

2. 乙方的劳动报酬为_______(货币种类及金额),支付方式为_______。

六、社会保险和福利待遇1. 甲方应按照_______国/地区当地的法律法规为乙方缴纳社会保险。

2. 甲方应依法为乙方提供福利待遇。

七、劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防护1. 甲方应保证乙方在劳动过程中的安全和健康,为乙方提供必要的劳动保护用品。

2. 甲方应采取有效措施预防职业危害,为乙方提供职业健康检查。

八、合同的变更、解除和终止1. 双方同意,合同的变更、解除和终止应遵循_______国/地区当地的法律法规。

2. 双方同意,任何一方提前解除合同,应提前_______日通知对方。


十、其他约定1. 本合同未尽事宜,双方可另行签订补充协议。

2. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。


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The Agreement of Labor Service Cooperation in Bayah 10,000TPDCement Plant projectThe parties hereto:Party A:PT. Sinoma Engineering Indonesia(hereinafter referred to as the “Employer” )Party B:PT. Mutiara Indah Anugrah(hereinafter referred to as the “Service Company”)Whereas:Employer is undertaking a construction project named Indonesia bayah 10,000 TPD clinker cement production line project, it entrusts Service Company to hire some qualified and healthy local manpower to support Chinese technicians during construction. In accordance with current Indonesia laws, regulations and local employment regulations and in order to manage and use local labors properly, this agreement is hereby entered into by both parties on the basis of equality, free will, mutual consent, and mutual benefit. The terms and conditions thereof are set out as follows:1. The rights and obligations of both parties1.1 The rights and obligations of Employer1.1.1 Employer shall give Service Company manpower demand planning, professions and personnel requirements, and shall advise Service Company one week ahead if there are any changes in the number of employment.1.1.2 Employer shall provide labors dispatched by Service Company with labor protection appliances, and machines and tools for construction.1.1.3 Employer shall be responsible for checking and confirming the work attendance of labors from Service Company, and shall verify the labor quantity on the first day of next month according to the working days of last month, and pay the relevant expenses to Service Company against the reception of equivalent VAT-included invoice (called “ppn invoice”) from Service Company.1.1.4 Employer shall undertake the overtime salary and relevant Indonesia welfare expenses for Service Company’s labors.1.1.5 Employer shall pay at one time the labors Rp 2,500,000 as travel expenses of round trip, if these labors hereof are from other islands and work in bayah project for 8(eight) months; in contrast, Service Company shall undertake the relevant travel expense if the labors work in project less than a year.1.1.6 Employer shall undertake 10.89% of total labor salary (will be calculated as “Payment A”) as social insurance (will be calculated as “Payment B”) for labors according to Indonesia law. (a. industrial injury compensation 0.89%; b. death compensation 0.3%; c. endowment insurance subsidy 3.7%; d. health subsidy 6%)1.1.7 Employer shall pay to Service Company 12% of total labor salary(PaymentA) and social insurance expense(Payment B) as administration expenses (Payment C; C=12%(A+B));The salary and social insurance of administrative staffs of Service Company will be undertaken by Service Company itself.1.1.8 Employer shall provide Service Company with such accommodation and dining place as is flat and unblocked; and Employer will pay to Service Company Rp20,000(twenty thousand Rupiah) per day for each labor from other islands, Rp10,000(ten thousand Rupiah) per day for each local labor.1.1.9 Employer has rights to dismiss or replace the illegal, unqualified and incompetent labor; Service Company shall obey unconditionally and cope with aftermath caused hereafter.1.2. The responsibilities of Service Company1.2.1Service Company shall comply with Employers’ requirement to recruit, train and manage relevant labors.1.2.2 Service Company shall register the hired labors in roster, which shall include labors’ name, birth date, ID number, native place,birthplace, profession, educational background, family address, and training information and so on.1.2.3 Service Company shall sign labor contract with hired labors in accordance with Indonesia law, and submit the copy to Employer for documentation as a record.1.2.4 Service Company shall undertake the expenses on meal, living water and electricity for hired labors, and shall bear the cost of injury, illness, physical disability, death, medical treatment and other relevant expenses that are caused during working period; Service Company shall also deal with the aroused resultsand the comfort work.1.2.5 Service Company shall apply for all formalities relating to labor employment during construction according to Indonesia laws, regulations, and the management system of local government; shall be responsible for the relationship with local government, relevant authorities and local residents, and paying the related expenses.1.2.6 Service Company shall provide the labors with living and office facilities in accordance with the local culture and habits in Indonesia at the place provided by Employer, but such expense shall be undertaken by Employer.1.2.7 Service Company shall dispatch 5 administrative staffs, 3 Chinese-Indonesia translators and at least 3 safety staffs (including 1 safety manager and 2 safety engineers); the safety staff shall hold relevant safety certificate, be qualified and be able to communicate in English and Bahasa Indonesia, it would be better if the safety staff can speak Chinese; these staffs shall be responsible for supervision management, safety management, safety education, administrative and accommodation and living guarantees, daily management and financial accounting of hired labors according to Employer’s requirement during construction period. Varieties of payment for these staffs will be undertaken by Service Company.1.2.8 Service Company shall pay the social cost for hired labors, and submit the evidence of such payment to Employer.1.2.9 Service Company shall take care of machines and tools that the labors receive from Employer, and shall return it to Employer every day when the job is finished; Service Company shall be positively to find the missing machines and tools used by employed labors; the cost will be deducted from Service Company based on actual amount of value, if the missing machines and tools cannot be found or it is deliberately damaged by Service Company employees.1.2.10 Service Company shall strengthen the management of labors working on site, ensure to follow each system and regulation established by Employer on construction site, prevent misconducts such as fight, strike and disturbance, and forbid labor to stay at non-relevant construction area. Service Company shall coordinate and solve the dispute arising from labors immediately, and shall undertake relevant responsibilities and cost, if the labors hereof complain to the department of labor or other departments.1.2.11 Service Company shall pay 2% withholding tax (called “pph”)for all expenses.1.2.12 Service Company shall pay adequate amount of salary to labors on time according to the monthly verified labor quantity by Employer and salary standard agreed in contract. Service Company shall not be in deduction or arrears of salary for unreasonable reason, and shall submit to Employer the pay slip signed by labors after the labors received the salary. If Service Company deducts the labors’ salary without any unreasonable reason(s), Employer has rights to reimburse the labors the double salary from Service Company’s administrative expenses.1.2.13 Labors hired by Service Company shall observe the Indonesia law, regulations, and the local customs and habits. If the labors are expelled or penalized by local government for violation of Indonesia law, regulations, local religions, fighting, strike, or destruction of public property, Service Company shall undertake all responsibilities and losses.1.2.14 Service Company cannot collect deposit by any forms from labors, and shall be fully responsible for the stability of labors in plant site. Service Company will bear all results arouse from the deposit.1.2.15 Service Company shall ensure that the labors can work continuously for more than 6 month. If the labors leave the job because of sickness, injury, Service Company shall submit the written application to Employer for approval to leave. If labors that leave the job for unreasonable reason or are dismissed, Service Company shall undertake all losses caused hereafter.2. Labor RecruitmentThe recruited labors shall have the following qualifications:2.1 For male citizen, the age shall be 20-45, for female citizen, the age shall be 20-40;2.2 The technicians shall be skilled, and competent to complete their assigned job independently.2.3 All hired labors are healthy, legal, and non-disabled.3. The labors’ salary standard and explanation.The Salary Standard of Indonesia Labor4. Salary terms and conditions:4.1 Salary shall be calculated according to the working hours confirmed with Employer signature, and labor withholding tax is covered.4.2 The salary do not include 10%VAT (ppn)4.3 The said salary standard shall not be adjusted for any other reasons; if the Indonesia law or regulation about salary standard is changed, the adjustment of the salary will be discussed accordingly.4.4 The working day is 40 hours per week from Monday to Saturday (excluding meal time and rest time); the working times shall comply with the Empl oyer’s arrangement. The labor who is absent on working day shall not be paid, unless otherwise specified in Indonesia law; 50% of daily salary shall be deducted from the labor(s) who come to work late and leave early within one hour, and no salary will be paid to labors who come late or leave early for more than 2 hour without the approval of Employer. If there is night shift, the working hours for daytime and night-time shall be calculated in aggregate.4.5 All the labors will get one day off once a week, and the Employer will pay to the labor(s) who work on Sunday or public holidays twice of the daily salary. (Please list the Public Holidays)4.6 If the labors have to work overtime after 8 hours of normal work, the Employer will pay the overtime cost by 1.5 times of hourly salary for the first extra hour, and by 2 times of hourly salary for the followed extra hours. Overtime shall be subject to Employer calculation.4.7 The payment method of labor salary and administrative cost: Employer and Service Company shall check together the quantity of labor for last month at the first day of present month; Employer shall pay the labor salary and administrative cost for last month to Service Company within 3 working days after the reception of equivalent VAT invoice from Service Company. The penalty of 3% of monthly payment will be paid to Service Company if the monthly payment from Employer is delayed for more than one month, but the total penalty will not exceed 10% of monthly payment.4.8 The labor salary and the administrative cost of labor service shall be all paid in Indonesia currency.5. The treatment of injury, illness, physical disability and death for dispatched employeesIf the hired labor encounters injury, illness, physical disability and death during construction, Service Company shall treat and cure the labor, deal with aftermath accordingly, undertake the relevant cost, and handle all social relationships arising from it.6. Labor protectionEmployer shall provide Service Company with each kind of labor protection appliances: one safety helmet, two suits of work clothes, and a pair of safety shoes. If the hired labor violates Employer’s management system to be abs ent for no reason or dismissed by Employer, Employer will deduct the cost of his labor protection appliances by the deduction method as below:6.1 If the working time of the labor is less than 1 month, 100% of total purchasing price shall be deducted;6.2 If the working time of the labor is more than 1 moth but less than 3 months, 75% of total purchasing price shall be deducted;6.3 If the working time of the labor is more than 3 moths but less than 6 months, 50% of total purchasing price shall be deducted;6.4 If the working time of the labor is more than 6 months but less than 12 months, 25% of total purchasing price shall be deducted;6.5 If the working time of the labor exceeds one year, no cost will be deducted. 6.6 The currency is Indonesia Rupiah.6.7 The purchasing price of some labor protection appliances: safety helmet Rp50, 000/set, safety shoes Rp140, 000/pair, work cloth Rp140, 000/suit.7. Termination of employment of dispatched laborsEmployer has rights to dismiss the employees from Service Company with the following conditions;7.1 The employee violates Indonesia law, regulations, local religious belief, and Employer’s terms and conditions.7.2 The employee does not obey the job arrangement and management from Employer, and refuses to correct his errors despite (after) twice of warning;7.3 The employee is negligent, comes late and leaves early in work, and refuses to correct his errors after twice of warning;7.4 The employee involves in absence, fighting, disturbance, and organizes or takes part in strike;7.5 The employee is not able to do site work because of illness or injury caused not on the job.7.6 Employer considers the employee as incompetent to do site work.8. Payment ChannelEmployer will pay to Service Company the payment by telegraphic transfer form in the bank account below:Company Name: PT. Mutiara Indah AnugrahA/C No: 6450270588Bank BCA (Bank Central Asia)KCP Lendeteves Branch, JakartaNPWP: 03.098.873.7-027.000Company Address: SUPER BLOK MGK BLOK A No 8GUNUNG SAHARI SELATAN KEMAYORAN, JAKARTA PUSAT9. Liquidated damages9.1 Both Employer and Service Company shall comply with this Agreement, and the liquidated damages shall be paid by either party who fails to perform the Agreement.9.2 Service Company shall ensure the completion of all scope of works of itself under Agreement; otherwise, Service Company shall pay liquidated damages to Employer if Employer suffers damages, but the aggregate of all liquidated damage payable shall not exceed 10% of total payment.10. Agreement Renewal, Modification, Rescission and Termination10.1 This Agreement shall be entered into force since signed by both parties concerned, and terminated after Indonesia Bayah project is completed and all employed personnel are demobilized.10.2 If this Agreement is suspended because of the adjustment of Indonesia national policy, force majeure or other reasons, the terms of the Agreement can be modified or terminated after consultations between two parties.10.3 Agreement Annex shall be deemed as the integral part of this Agreement; Annex and this Agreement have equal legal effect.10.4 This Agreement is duplicated in four copies, with each party holding two copies, and shall become effective after signed and sealed by both parties. For any other special cases which are not mentioned above, both parties have hereby agreed to settle the said cases by mutual compromise amicably.Bayah, Republic of IndonesiaFor and on behalf of the Employer For and on behalf of the ServiceCompanyPT. Sinoma Engineering Indonesia PT. Mutiara Indah AnugrahMr. Xia Yi Miss Chen BixianDirector Director。
