
1、complain (1分) ( D )
A、争辩 B、顺从
C、感激 D、抱怨

2、achievement (1分) ( B )
A、忠告 B、成就 )
C、冒险 D、同意

3、ability(1分) ( C )
A、压力 B、目标
C、能力 D、体制

4、make sure (1分) ( C )
A、采取措施 B、准备
C、确信 D、利用

5、focus on (1分) ( B )
A、联系 B、集中
C、写下 D、鉴于

6、交流(1分) ( C )
A、concern B、complain
C、communicate D、consider

7、面试 (1分) ( B )
A、inspection B、interview
C、invention D、invitation

8、实际的(1分) ( B )
A、physical B、practical
C、proposal D、personal

9、捐赠/分发(1分) ( C )
A、in addition B、at least
C、give away D、call in

10、弃权 (1分) ( C )
A、attach to B、break down
C、abstain from D、disagree with

11、Healthy diet and enough exerciese are the key ___B___ good health.(1分)
A、for B、about
C、in D、to

12、__D___ opposite to the teacher, he felt very nervous.(1分)
A、Seated B、Sat
C、Seating D、Being sat

13、You must take the ___B___ for the failure of the business.(1分)
A、regret B、duty
C、responsibility D、concern

14、She gazed at the tiny ___A___ of the candle.(1分)
A、flame B、fire
C、burn D、burst

15、It’s essential that these application forms ___D___ back as early as possible.(1分)
A、must be sent B、will be sent
C、are sent D、be sent

16、It was luck that you reminded me ___A___ my meeting with Jones.(1分)
A、of B、in
C、for D、to

17、If he __A____ tourists for his business, he would have to close his shop.(1分)
A、depends on B、had depended on
C、depends with D、had depended with

18、He doesnˊt _A_____ his study as burden, but ______ recreation.(1分)
A、think about … to be B、think of … as
C、think … as D、consider … be

19、He said he would __D____ me to Mr. Li but he didn’t.(1分)
A、comment B、suggest
C、command D、recommend

20、Young __D____ he was, he was equal to the task.(1分)
A、unless B、though
C、since D、as

21、The weather in Guilin is __A____ that in San Francisco.(1分)
A、the same as B、similar with
C、same D、similar to

22、As director of the company, I can’t __C____ three weeks away from work.(1分)
A、afford B、carry
C、cost D、pay

23、There will be a press ______ this afternoon.(1分)
A、meet B、meeting
C、conference D、party

24、Each year we waste tons of paper, and ______ for many years.(1分)
A、does so B、have done so
C、had done so D、did so

25、The meeting was put off, ______ was exactly what we expected.(1分)
A、it B、which
C、that D、what

26、They guaranteed our vi

ctory and ______ our victory helped them a lot.(1分)
A、on turn B、in turns
C、in turn D、in return

27、Heˊll ______ his nervousness once he’s on stage.(1分)
A、get away B、get off
C、get through D、get over.

28、Itˊs up to you to ______ or refuse it. No one will really interfere.(1分)
A、accept B、receive
C、take up D、except

29、He said he had great ______ in his secretary; she would do the right thing.(1分)
A、knowledge B、understanding
C、confidence D、dependence

30、_________, she can use computer quite well.(1分)
A、Since B、As time goes on
C、As soon as D、As long as

31、Only the person who has the letter of invitation has______ the party.(1分)
A、access to B、ability to
C、key to D、solution to

32、Some states in the United States ______ people to carry guns.(1分)
A、apply B、charm
C、ignore D、forbid

33、I called on him prior ______ my departure.(1分)
A、of B、to
C、with D、at

34、Many of the same techniques were applied ______ the solution of industrial, scientific and medical problems.(1分)
A、within B、to
C、for D、at

35、The policeman asked the witness (证人) to ______ to mind exactly what happened.(1分)
A、remember B、remind
C、mind D、recall

36、A better learning environment improves studentsˊ performance, and ______ good marks.(1分)
A、because of B、hence
C、therefore D、accordingly

37、I am a new ______. I was hired yesterday.(1分)
A、employer B、employee
C、employment D、employ

38、The ______ for the new city hall has been chosen.(1分)
A、sight B、sigh
C、site D、seat

39、He suggested ______ to tomorrow’s exhibition together.(1分)
A、us to go B、we went
C、we shall go D、we go

40、Most of my income ______ working as a salesgirl in the shop.(1分)
A、comes into B、comes from
C、comes about D、comes back

41、他正在努力想一个更好的办法来解决这个问题。(3分) ( B )
A、He is trying to figure out a better way to solve the problem. B、He is trying to figure of a better way to solve the problem.
C、He is trying to figure of a better way solving the problem. D、He is trying to figure out a better way solving the problem.

42、我们必须要好好准备下个星期的英语期末考试。(3分) ( C )
A、We must prepare good for our English final examination in the next week. B、We must prepare good for the next week our English final examination.
C、We must prepare well for our English final examination in the next week. D、We must prepare well for the next week our English final examination.

43、在长达几年的旅行之后,我最终选择了中国定居。(3分) ( D )
A、After travel for several years, I end up to settle in China. B、After travelling for several

years, I ended up to settle in China.
C、After traveled for several years, I end up settling in China. D、After travelling for several years, I ended up settling in China.

44、In America, the land of equal opportunity, Asians seem better able than most other people groups to succeed, especially in the field of education.(3分) ( D )
A、在美国这个人人机会均等的土地,亚洲人似乎比大多数其他民族更有可能获得成功,尤其在教育方面。 B、在美国这个人人机会均等的国度,亚洲人似乎比大多数其他人更有可能获得成功,尤其在教育领域。
C、在美国这个人人机会均等的土地,亚洲人似乎比大多数其他人更有可能获得成功,尤其在教育领域。 D、在美国这个人人机会均等的国度,亚洲人似乎比大多数其他民族更有可能获得成功,尤其在教育领域。

45、Remember, a truly beautiful body is one that is healthy, and a healthy body comes from eating right.(3分) ( A )
A、记住,真正美丽的是健康的身体,而健康的身体源自合理的饮食。 B、记住,真正美丽的是健康的体魄,而健康的体魄源自合理的饮食。
C、记住,真正美丽的身体是健康的体魄,而健康的体魄源自好的饮食。 D、记住,真正美丽的身体是健康的身体,而健康的身体源自好的饮食。

In a job interview, the first question is often a ″breaking the ice″ type of question. Donˊt be surprised if the interviewer asks you something like: “How are you
today?″ or ″What do you think of the weather lately?″ Answer the question without going into too much detail.
Talking about qualifications is the most important part of any job interview. Your qualifications include your education and any special training you may have received in
the past. Your qualifications also include your experience in any previous work. It is important to explain what experience you have in detail. Generally, employers want to
know exactly what you did and how well you accomplished your tasks. This is not the time to be modest.
Try to avoid some big mistakes in the job interview, such as leaving the mobile on and criticizing previous bosses. The worst thing is you yourself have no questions.
Having no questions shows you are either not interested or not prepared. Remember that interviewers are more impressed with the questions you ask than the selling points you
try to make.

1. The passage is mainly about ______________.
A) the typical questions asked in job interviews
B) importance of interviewees’ qualifications in job interviews
C) some common mistakes found in job interviews
D) Do’s and Don’ts in job interviews
2. A ″breaking the ice″ type of question is ____________.
A) a question that makes people unhappy
B) an opening question aske

d to make people less nervous
C) a sharp question that makes people angry
D) a question asked about serious topic
3. All of the following are considered to be the interviewee’s qualifications except ______.
A) educational background
B) social background
C) all kinds of special training received
D) experience in previous work
4. _______ is not mentioned in the passage as a mistake found in job interviews.
A) Leaving the mobile on
B) Criticizing previous bosses
C) Having no questions
D) Arriving late
5. If an interviewee has no question in the job interview, it may show he _______.
A) is not interested or not prepared
B) is modest
C) is familiar with the job
D) has good manners

James is a middle-aged New York builder. He’s lonely. Just like everyone else, James needs human contact from time to time, and he’s found a way: at cuddle (拥抱)
New York can be a terrible place: it has a high murder rate and some seriously disturbed people living in it. But James says he’s comfortable at a New York apartment
with twenty strange people. The floor of the “cuddle zone” is soon covered with complete strangers snuggling (依偎) and cuddling, but that’s as far as it goes.
Cuddle parties are the latest trend for lonely, isolated city folks who want to meet people and become safely intimate. The safety comes from rules before you come, bring
clean clothes, ask permission before you cuddle, and keep your clothes on. “We have ‘cuddle lifeguards’ to make sure everyone sticks to the rules, ” says Mihalko. The
lifeguards make sure nobody gets out of line, and everyone goes home feeling better than when they arrived.
Once the cuddle party is in full swing, people are soon crawling on top of one another, stretching out like dogs ready for a nap. Mihalko admits that the whole idea
“might seem a little odd” at first. But research has shown that being touched by other people helps reduce stress and can help sick people heal faster.

1. According to the passage, which of the following about James is true?
A) He is old
B) He is rich and happy.
C) He constructs buildings.
D) He has established cuddle parties.
2. What is the relationship among people at the cuddle parties?
A) They are friends.
B) They are relatives.
C) They are lovers.
D) They do not know each other.
3. What do people do at the cuddle zone?
A) They talk and cuddle.
B) They snuggle and hug.
C) They cuddle and take off their clothes.
D) They cuddle and kiss.
4. What should “cuddle lifeguards” make sure?
A) Everyone being cuddled should be glad to do so.
B) People should not make friends in the parties.
C) Strangers should not cuddle each other.
D) People can get out of line.
5. From the passage, we can infer that _______.
A) people in New York feel especially lonely
B) New York is a terrible city to li

ve in
C) some Americans consider cuddling people they do not know a strange action at first.
D) being touched by strangers does no good to human health

A team of archaeologists (考古学家) has gone to New Mexico to look for proof of one of the greatest stories of the 20th century: the UFO crash at Roswell.
William Foleman, an archaeologist at the University of New Mexico, agreed to excavate (发掘) the site where the UFO supposedly crashed in 1947.
What exactly happened on the site is unclear. In 1947, a young man discovered some debris (碎片) on the field. After investigating the crash, the US Army announced they
had recovered a “fly disc”.
Several hours later, an Air Force general announced that the crash was caused by a weather balloon again. The field was closed off for several days while the military
cleaned up the site.
Believers claim that the military found a crashed UFO, along with several dead bodies at the site. This story has inspired countless books, movies and TV shows, but no
one has been able to find any evidence to support it.
In 1997, the Air Force said the weather balloon story was made up and that the military was actually conducting a crash-test program with balloons.
But Foleman isn’t so sure. While he says he’s “Still uncertain” about UFOs, he knows that “something happened in July 1947”.

1. Some people believe a UFO ______ at Roswell.
A) Landed
B) flew
C) crashed
D) disappeared
2. An archaeologist went to the site to look for ______.
A) Answers
B) evidence
C) aliens
D) fossils
3. In 1947 some debris (残骸) was found ______.
A) in a field
B) in a park
C) in a house
D) on a military base
4. The Air Force said the debris had come from a(an) ______.
A) plane
B) car
C) explosion
D) weather balloon
5. In 1997, the Air Force said their original story was ______.
A) False
B) true
C) unclear
D) exaggerated (夸张的)

Directions: You are required to write a poster in English. You should base your writing on the following information given in Chinese
Words for reference: 雾都孤儿 Oliver Twist;
大礼堂 auditorium; 字幕 subtitle

