
Fluent模拟的基本步骤1.运行Fluent 出现选择Fluent version选择界面一般二维问题就选择默认的2d,即单精度二维版本就可以了,但就是本问题求解区域就是一个扁长形状的,建议选择2ddp,即二维双精度版本,计算效果更好。
将其中的Grid wascreated by 中的单位m,更改为mm,此时scale factor X与Y都出现0、001。
然后按Scale4.选择模型该问题就是稳态问题,在Solver 中已经就是默认,只就是求解温度场。
由菜单Define →Models→Energy然后选择Energy Equation。
5.指定边界条件与求解区域的材料需要将求解区域的四个边界进行说明,由菜单单Define →Models →Boundary conditions。
点击left项,Type 列表中缺省指定在Wall,所以不需要改变,再点击Set选择thermal conditions列表中的Temperature,并且在右侧Temperature(k)中填入323(即50℃),然后点击OK完成。
按照同样方法对up、down与right 三个边界进行设置。
在zone 列表中选择zone(在Gambit 中指定的名字),已经就是默认的solid、点击set点击Edit编辑材料的物性,本问题只就是设计材料的导热系数,所以仅需将导热系数的值更改为160,然后点击Change后再close,上一个页面后按ok。
此时可关闭Boundary conditions。

在“Mesh”选项卡中选择“2D Mesh”菜单,选择“Triangle”网格类型。
最后,点击“Generate Mesh”按钮生成网格。
在Fluent主界面的左侧面板选择“Boundary Conditions”选项卡。
首先选择“Viscous”和“Steady”选项,然后在“Methods”菜单中选择“Unsteady”. 调整所需参数并计算时间,包括时间步长和计算时间范围。
在Fluent主界面的左侧面板选择“Compute”选项卡,点击“Start Calculation”按钮开始求解。

第35卷第4期2020年08月中国海洋平台CHINA OFFSHORE PLATFORMVol.35No.4Aug.,2020文章编号:1001-4500(2020)04-0056-04基于Fluent的波浪对海岸冲击的数值模拟陈从磊1,刘桢S王玉红彳,梁旭$(1•中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院,北京100083;2•浙江大学海洋学院,浙江舟山316021)摘要:在Fluent软件的基础上,通过流体体积算法,数值模拟波高为0.2m.周期为1.5s、波长为3.5m的波浪对墙体的冲击过程,重点研究波浪对墙体的冲击力作用和网格尺寸对流场变化的影响。
关键词:Fluent软件;海岸冲击;流场;数值模拟中图分类号:U656.2文献标志码:ANumerical Simulation for Impact of Waves on Coast Based on FluentCHEN Conglei1,LIU Zhen2,WANG Yuhong2,LIANG Xu2(1.Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development,China Petroleumand Chemical Corporation,Beijing100083,China;2.Ocean College,Zhejiang University,Zhoushan316021,Zhejiang,China)Abstract:On the basis of Fluent software,Volume of Fluid(VOF)algorithm is used to numerically simulate the impact of waves on the wall under certain conditions that wave height is0.2m,wave period is1.5s and wave length is3.5m.Main attention is paid to the impact pressure,velocity field and the effects of grid size on the characteristics of the flow field.The simulation results show that:the impact pressure on the wall is of some periodicity in time history but the peak of the impact pressure is of some randomness;different grid sizes will affect different reconstructions of the free surface,so that the speed and pressure of the flow field captured by the VOF method are different,and the finer the grid,the more accurate the captured impact pressure is.Key words:Fluent software;impact on coast;velocity field;numerical simulation0引言我国每年都遭受严重的台风灾害。

基于FLUENT 的波浪管道热传递耦合模拟CFD 可以对热传递耦合的流体流动进行模拟。
CFD 模拟可以观察到管道内部的流动行为和热传递,这样可以改进波浪壁面复杂通道几何形状中的热传递。
目的:(1) 创建由足够数量的完整波浪组成的波浪管道,提供充分发展条件; (2) 应用周期性边界条件创建波浪通道的一部分; (3) 研究不同湍流模型以及壁面函数对求解的影响; (4) 采用固定表面温度以及固定表面热流量条件,确定雷诺数与热特性之间的关系。
图1 管道模型空气的流动特性如下: 质量流量: m=0.816kg/s; 密度: ρ=1kg/m 3;动力粘度:μ=0.0001kg/(m ·s); 流动温度: Tb=300K ;流体其他热特性选择默认项。
流动初试条件:x 方向的速度=0.816m/s ; 湍动能=1m 2/s 2;湍流耗散率=1×105m 2/s 3。
操作过程:一、 完整波浪管道模型的数值模拟(1) 计算Re=u H/v=0.816×1/ (0.0001/1) =8160Cf/2=0.0359Re -0.2=0.0359× (8160)-0.2=0.00592590628.00059259.0816.02=⨯==f t C u uy +=u t y/v y=0.00159(2)创建网格本例为波浪形管道,管道壁面为我们所感兴趣的地方所以要局部细化。
图2 边网格生成面网格图3 管道网格(3)运用Fluent进行计算本例涉及热传递耦合,所以在fluent中启动能量方程,如图。
图4 能量方程设定条件,湍流模型选择标准k-e模型,近壁面处理选择增强壁面处理。
图5 湍流模型设定材料,密度为1,动力粘度改为0.0001如图。
图6 材料设定设定边界条件,入口速度为0.816,湍动能为1,湍流耗散率为100000。

二维模拟:一、模拟类型:1、 大区域空间速度场模拟计算区域大小设置:迎风面是建筑长度的3倍,背风面是建筑长度的12倍,两侧面是建筑宽度的3倍,高度是建筑高度的4倍。
根据相似理论:l C -几何比例尺 速度比例尺:210l C C =υ 风量比例尺:2520l l Q C C C C =⋅=υ 热量比例尺:250l T Q C C C Cq =⋅=∆2、 建筑户型温度场、速度场模拟二、基本操作步骤及注意事项:A gambit 建模1、 建模:方法一:直接在GAMBIT 建模;方法二:CAD 导入gambit ;1) 在CAD 中用PL 线将户型的基本构造画出来,创建为面域;2) 输入命令acisoutver ,把‘70’修改为‘30’。
3) “文件”——“输出”——sat 文件4) 在gambit 中导入Acis 文件注意:在用PL 线构画户型时,在进口和出口边界(窗户、内户门),要各边界端点连续画线。
2、 划分网格:Interval Size :503、 设置边界条件内部开口边界(门)设置为internal ,房间相邻墙壁设置为Wall4、 保存文件,并输出mesh 文件B 导入fluent 计算:1、 导入mesh 文件2、 检查网格3、 设置单位gambit 里可以缩小建筑比例建模,在fluent 中设置单位恢复原模型。
4、 选择计算模型5、 设置材料类型6、 设置边界条件7、 设置模拟控制条件8、 边界初始化9、设置监视窗口10、设置迭代次数进行计算11、结果显示12、保存文件三、需解决问题:1、湍流强度等计算;2、层流湍流界定问题;3、壁面湿度设置问题;四、待提高部分:1、户型流场模拟时,墙壁考虑采用双钱;2、南京理工校区原始模型(不简化)模拟;3、三维模型模拟;五、。
fluent 二维大涡模拟命令

fluent 二维大涡模拟命令Fluent(通常称为ANSYS Fluent)是一种基于计算流体动力学(CFD)的软件,它使用数值方法解决流体力学和热力学方程。
其中,二维大涡模拟(Large Eddy Simulation,LES)是一种用于模拟湍流流动的CFD方法,通过分解流体的速度场为大尺度和小尺度来模拟湍流流动。
1. 设定模拟参数在开始二维大涡模拟前,需要设定一些模拟参数,包括流体属性和边界条件。
在Fluent中,通过以下命令可以设定流体属性和边界条件:(1)设定流体属性DEFINE > MODELS > VISCOSITY2. 定义二维网格在进行CFD模拟前,需要先定义计算网格,以便数值求解器能够在其上执行算法。
在Fluent中,通过以下命令定义二维网格:(1)导入二维网格FILE > IMPORT > MESH3. 指定求解器有关Fluent的求解器已经在第一段中提到。
(1)可分离流边界层(Detached Eddy Simulation,DES)MODEL > VISCOSITY > DES(2)壁面函数(Wall Function)MODEL > VISCOSITY > WALL FUNCTION在进行CFD模拟时,需要设定一些计算参数以控制模拟进程,以及获得所需的结果。
在Fluent中,用户可以使用以下命令设定计算参数:6. 运行模拟在完成所有设定后,可以通过以下命令在Fluent中运行二维大涡模拟:SOLVE > EXECUTE COMMAND FILE > RUN此时,Fluent将自动执行过程,直至收敛或达到设定的计算时间。

二维流体动画实例软件版本Fluent-6.3.26.Gambit-2.2.30.具体步骤1.在Fluen t中导入已经定义好的各种参数条件的cas文件开启Fluen t,选择2ddp,在Fluen t中,“File”—“Read”—“Case&Data”,选择文件夹“Fluent-File”中的“mix-data.cas”文件。
2.初始化数据在Fluen t中,“Solve”—“Initia lize”—“Initia lize”,点击“Init”,初始化完后点击“Close”关闭对话框,如图1所示。
图1 初始化数据3.定义动画在Fluen t中,“Solve”—“Animat e”—“Define”,弹出Solu tionAnimati on 对话框,如图2所示的设置。
图2 动画设置对话框接下来点击图2对话框中的“Define”,弹出Anim ation Sequen ce对话框,在“Storag e Type”中选择“PPM Image”,在“Storag e Direct ory”中设置动画序列的保存路径,注意路径不得有中文,在“Displa y Type”中选择“Contou rs”,弹出Cont ours对话框,按自己的显示需要设置好点击或直接点击“Displa y”弹出显示窗口,再点击“Close”完成等值线的设置,想要更改Di splay Type的话则点击“Proper ties”即可,分别如图3~5所示。
图3 动画序列对话框设置图4 显示窗口图5 等值线设置设置完成后,在AnimationSequen ce对话框中点击OK完成设置,再在“Soluti on Animati on”对话框中点击OK完成设置。

在波浪水槽模拟中,FLUENT软件的应用主要体现在以下几个方面:波浪生成与模拟:通过设定特定的边界条件和初始条件,FLUENT 可以模拟出不同波形、波高和周期的波浪。
史上Fluent最详细操作步骤 一看就懂

Mode选择缺省的Full Simulation即可。
然后进入如下图示意界面:第2步:与网格相关的操作1.读入网格文件car1.mesh操作如下图所示:打开的“Select File”对话框如图所示:(1)找到网格文件E:\gfiles\car1.mesh;(2)点击OK,完成输入网格文件的操作。
操作:→Smooth/Swap...打开“Smooth/Swap Grid”对话框如图所示:(1)点击Smooth按钮,再点击Swap,重复上述操作,直到FLUENT 报告没有需要交换的面为止。
4.确定长度单位操作如下图所示:打开“Scale Grid”对话框如图所示:(1)在单位转换(Units Conversion)栏中的(Grid Was Created In)网格长度单位右侧下拉列表中选择m;(2)看区域的范围是否正确,如果不正确,可以在Scale Factors 的X和Y中分别输入值10,然后点击“Scale”或“Unscale”即可;(3)点击Scale;(4)点击Close关闭对话框。

Fluent模拟的基本步骤1.运行Fluent 出现选择Fluent version选择界面一般二维问题就选择默认的2d,即单精度二维版本就可以了,但是本问题求解区域是一个扁长形状的,建议选择2ddp,即二维双精度版本,计算效果更好。
将其中的Grid was created by 中的单位m,更改为mm,此时scale factor X和Y都出现0.001。
然后按Scale4.选择模型该问题是稳态问题,在Solver 中已经是默认,只是求解温度场。
由菜单Define →Models→Energy然后选择Energy Equation。
5.指定边界条件和求解区域的材料需要将求解区域的四个边界进行说明,由菜单单Define →Models →Boundary conditions。
点击left项,Type 列表中缺省指定在Wall,所以不需要改变,再点击Set选择thermal conditions列表中的Temperature,并且在右侧Temperature(k)中填入323(即50℃),然后点击OK完成。
按照同样方法对up、down和right 三个边界进行设置。
在zone 列表中选择zone(在Gambit 中指定的名字),已经是默认的solid.点击set点击Edit编辑材料的物性,本问题只是设计材料的导热系数,所以仅需将导热系数的值更改为160,然后点击Change后再close,上一个页面后按ok。
此时可关闭Boundary conditions。

Fluent二维波浪模拟教程Tutorial10.Simulation of Wave Generation in a TankIntroductionThe purpose of this tutorial is to illustrate the setup and solution of the2D laminar?uid ?ow in a tank with oscillating motion of a wall.The oscillating motion of a wall can generate waves in a tank partially?lled with a liquid and open to atmosphere.Smooth waves can be generated by setting appropriate frequency and amplitude.One of the tank walls is moved to and fro by specifying a sinusoidal motion.In this tutorial you will learn how to:Read an existing mesh?le in FLUENT.Check the grid for dimensions and quality.Add new?uid in the materials list.Set up a multiphase?ow problem.Use the dynamic mesh model.Set up an animation using Execute Commands panel.PrerequisitesThis tutorial assumes that you have little experience with FLUENT but are familiar with the interface.Problem DescriptionIn this tutorial,we consider a rectangular tank with a length(L)of15m and width(W) of0.8m(Figure10.1).The left wall is assigned a motion with sinusoidal time variation.The top wall is open to atmosphere and thus maintained at atmospheric pressure.The ?ow is assumed to be laminar.Simulation of Wave Generation in a TankFigure10.1:Problem SchematicPreparation1.Copy the mesh?le,wave.msh and libudf folder to your working directory.2.Start the2D double precision solver of FLUENT.Setup and SolutionStep1:Grid1.Read the grid?le,wave.msh.File?→Read?→Case...FLUENT will read the mesh?le and report the progress in the console window.2.Check the grid.Grid?→CheckThis procedure checks the integrity of the mesh.Make sure the reported minimumvolume is a positive number.3.Check the scale of the grid.Grid?→Scale...Simulation of Wave Generation in a Tank Check the domainextents to see if they correspond to the actual physical dimensions.If not,the grid has to be scaled with proper units.4.Display the grid(Figure10.2).Display?→Grid...(a)Click Colors....The Grid Colors panel opens.i.Under Options,enable Color by ID.ii.Click Close.(b)In the Grid Display panel,click Display(c)Zoom in near the moving-wall(Figure10.3). Simulation of Wave Generation in a TankFigure10.2:Grid DisplayFigure10.3:Grid Display(Close-up of moving-wall) Simulation of Wave Generation in a TankStep2:Models1.Specify the solver settings.De?ne?→Models?→Solver...(a)Under Time,enable Unsteady(b)Under Transient Controls,enable Non-Iterative Time Advancement.(c)Click OK.2.Enable VOF multiphase model.De?ne?→Models?→Multiphase...Simulation of Wave Generation in a Tank(a)Under Model,enable Volume of Fluid.The panel expands to show the other settings related to VOF model.Retainthe other settings as default.(b)Click OK.Step3:MaterialsDe?ne?→Materials...1.Add liquid water to the list of?uid materials by copying it from the materialsdatabase.Simulation of Wave Generation in a Tank(a)Click Fluent Database....Fluent Database Materials panel opens.Simulation of Wave Generation in a Tanki.Select water-liquid(h2o)from the Fluent Fluid Materials list. Scroll down to view water-liquid.ii.Click Copy and close the panel.(b)Click Change/Create and close the panel.Step4:PhasesDe?ne?→Phases...1.Set air as primary phase and water as secondary phase.(a)Under Phase,select phase-1.The Type will be shown as primary-phase.(b)Click Set....i.Change Name to air.ii.Select air in the Phase Material drop-down list.iii.Click OK.(c)Similarly,change the Name of phase-2to water and set its Type to water-liquid.(d)Close the Phases panel.Simulation of Wave Generation in a TankStep5:Operating ConditionsDe?ne?→Operating Conditions...1.Set the gravitational acceleration.(a)Enable Gravity.(b)Under Gravitational Acceleration,set Y to-9.81m/s2.As the tank bottom is perpendicular to Y axis,gravity points in the negativeY direction.2.Set the operating density.(a)Under Variable-Density Parameters,enable Speci?ed Operating Density.(b)Retain the default density of1.225kg/m3.Set the operating density to the density of the lighter phase.This excludesthe build-up of hydrostatic pressure within the lighter phase,improving theround-o?accuracy for the momentum balance.3.Set the reference pressure location.(a)Under Reference Pressure Location,retain the default value of zero for both Xand Y.This location corresponds to a region where the?uid willalways be100%ofone of the phases(water).If it is not,it is recommended to change the regionto a appropriate location where the pressure value does not change much overtime.This condition is essential for smooth and rapid convergence.4.Click OK to accept the settings and close the panel.Simulation of Wave Generation in a TankStep6:Boundary ConditionsFLUENT maintains zero velocity condition on all the walls.Also,the pressure condition for outlet boundary at the top is set by default to zero gauge(or atmospheric).Hence, there is no need to change the boundary conditions.Retain all the boundary conditions as default.Step7:UDF LibraryDe?ne?→User-De?ned?→Functions?→Compiled...1.Click Load to load the UDF library.The sinusoidal wall motion will be assigned using user de?ned function.A compiledUDF library named libudf is created for this purpose.Step8:Dynamic Mesh Model1.Set the dynamic mesh parameters.De?ne?→Dynamic Mesh?→Parameters...Simulation of Wave Generation in a Tank(a)Under Models,enable Dynamic Mesh.The panel expands.(b)Under Mesh Methods,disable Smoothing and enable Layering.(c)Under the Layering tab,set Collapse Factor to0.4.(d)Click OK.2.Set the dynamic mesh zones.De?ne?→Dynamic Mesh?→Zones...(a)Under Zone Names,select moving-wall.(b)Under Type,retain the default selection of Rigid Body.(c)Under Meshing Options tab,set Cell Height to0.008m. This is the average size of the cell normal to the moving wall.(d)Click Create and close the panel.Step9:Solution1.Retain the default solution controls.Solve?→Controls?→Solution...Simulation of Wave Generation in a Tank2.Initialize the?ow.Solve?→Initialize?→Initialize...(a)Click Init and close the panel.The complete domain is now initialized with air.The water level required atstart(t=0)can be patched.3.Create a register marking the region of initial water level.Adapt?→Region...Simulation of Wave Generation in a Tank(a)Set X Max to be15m.(b)Set Y Max to be0.5m.(c)Click Mark and close the panel.FLUENT displays the following message in the console:8510cells marked for re?nement,0cells marked for coarsening.4.Patch the initial water level.Solve?→Initialize?→Patch...(a)Under Registers to Patch,select hexahedron-r0.(b)Under Phase,select water.(c)Under Variable,select Volume Fraction.(d)Set Value to1.(e)Click Patch and close the panel.Simulation of Wave Generation in a Tank5.Display the zone motion to check the movement of moving-wall.(a)Display the grid(Figure10.4).Display?→Grid...i.Under Surfaces,deselect default-interior.Zoom-in the graphics window to get the view as shown in Figure10.4.ii.Click Display.Figure10.4:Grid Display Outline at t=0(b)Display the zone motion.Display?→Zone Motion...Simulation of Wave Generation in a Tanki.Under Motion History Integration,set Time Step to0.001. ii.Set Number of Steps to300.iii.Click Integrate.iv.Under Preview Controls,set Time Step to0.001.v.Set Number of Steps to300.vi.Click Preview to observe the wall motion.vii.Close the Zone Motion panel.6.View the contours of volume fraction for water(Figure10.5).Display?→Contours...(a)Select Phases...and Volume Fraction in the Contours of drop-down lists.(b)Under Phase,select water.(c)Under Options,enable Filled.(d)Click Display and close the panel.Simulation of Wave Generation in a TankFigure10.5:Contours of Volume Fraction for Water7.Enable the plotting of residuals during the calculation. Solve?→Monitors?→Residuals...(a)Under Options,enable Plot.(b)Under Plotting,set Iterations to10.This will display residuals for only the last10iterations.(c)Click OK.Simulation of Wave Generation in a Tank8.Set hardcopy settings.File?→Hardcopy...(a)Under Format,select TIFF.(b)Under Coloring,select Color.(c)Click Apply.(d)Click Preview.The background of graphics window is changed to white.FLUENT will displaya question dialog box asking you whether to reset the window.(e)Click Yes in the Question dialog box.(f)Close the panel.9.Set the commands to capture the images of contours.You need to use Text User Interface(TUI)commands to achieve this.For most of the graphical commands,corresponding TUI commands are available.Solve?→Execute Commands...Simulation of Wave Generation in a Tank(a)Set the number of De?ned Commands to3.(b)Enable On option for all the commands.(c)Under Every,set7for all the commands.(d)Under When,set Time Step for all the commands.(e)For command-1,specify the Command as:display set-window1This command will make the window-1active.(f)For command-2,specify the Command as:display contour water vof01This command will display the contours of water volume fraction in the activewindow.(g)For command-1,specify the Command as:display hard-copy"vof-%t.tif"This command will save the image in the TIF format.The%t option gets replaced with the time step number,when the image?leis saved.The TIF?les saved can then be used to create a movie.For theinformation on converting TIF?le to an animation?le,refer to/cfm/graphics01.htm(h)Click OK to accept the settings and close the panel.10.Set the surface monitors.Solve?→Monitors?→Surface...(a)Increase the number of Surface Monitors to1.(b)Enable Plot for monitor-1.(c)Under Every,select Time Step.(d)Click on De?ne...next to monitor-1.Simulation of Wave Generation in a Tank(e)Select Area Weighted Average in the Report Type drop-down list.(f)Select Grid and X-Coordinate in the Report of drop-down list.(g)Under Surfaces,select moving-wall.(h)Click OK to close both the panels.11.Save the case and data?les(wave-init.cas.gz and wave-init.dat.gz).File?→Write?→Case&Data...Retain the default Write Binary Files option so that you can write a binary?le.The .gz extension will save zipped?les on both,Windows and UNIX platforms.。

F l u e n t模拟的基本步骤SANY GROUP system office room 【SANYUA16H-F l u e n t模拟的基本步骤1.运行Fluent出现选择Fluentversion选择界面一般二维问题就选择默认的2d,即单精度二维版本就可以了,但是本问题求解区域是一个扁长形状的,建议选择2ddp,即二维双精度版本,计算效果更好。
5.指定边界条件和求解区域的材料需要将求解区域的四个边界进行说明,由菜单单Define→Models →Boundaryconditions。

Fluent模拟的基本步骤1.运行Fluent 出现选择Fluent version选择界面一般二维问题就选择默认的2d,即单精度二维版本就可以了,但是本问题求解区域是一个扁长形状的,建议选择2ddp,即二维双精度版本,计算效果更好。
将其中的Grid was created by 中的单位m,更改为mm,此时scale factor X和Y都出现0.001。
然后按Scale4.选择模型该问题是稳态问题,在Solver 中已经是默认,只是求解温度场。
由菜单Define →Models→Energy然后选择Energy Equation。
5.指定边界条件和求解区域的材料需要将求解区域的四个边界进行说明,由菜单单Define →Models →Boundary conditions。
点击left项,Type 列表中缺省指定在Wall,所以不需要改变,再点击Set选择thermal conditions列表中的Temperature,并且在右侧Temperature(k)中填入323(即50℃),然后点击OK完成。
按照同样方法对up、down和right 三个边界进行设置。
在zone 列表中选择zone(在Gambit 中指定的名字),已经是默认的solid.点击set点击Edit编辑材料的物性,本问题只是设计材料的导热系数,所以仅需将导热系数的值更改为160,然后点击Change后再close,上一个页面后按ok。
此时可关闭Boundary conditions。

二维流体动画实例软件版本Fluent-6.3.26.Gambit-2.2.30.具体步骤1. 在Fluent中导入已经定义好的各种参数条件的cas文件开启Fluent,选择2ddp,在Fluent中,“File” —“Read”—“Case&Data”,选择文件夹“Fluent-File”中的“mix-data.cas”文件。
2. 初始化数据在Fluent中,“Solve”—“Initialize”—“Initialize”,点击“Init”,初始化完后点击“Close”关闭对话框,如图1所示。
图1 初始化数据3. 定义动画在Fluent中,“Solve”—“Animate”—“Define”,弹出Solution Animation对话框,如图2所示的设置。
图2 动画设置对话框接下来点击图2对话框中的“Define”,弹出Animation Sequence对话框,在“Storage Type”中选择“PPM Image”,在“Storage Directory”中设置动画序列的保存路径,注意路径不得有中文,在“Display Type”中选择“Contours”,弹出Contours对话框,按自己的显示需要设置好点击或直接点击“Display”弹出显示窗口,再点击“Close”完成等值线的设置,想要更改Display Type的话则点击“Properties”即可,分别如图3~5所示。
图3 动画序列对话框设置图4 显示窗口图5 等值线设置设置完成后,在Animation Sequence对话框中点击OK完成设置,再在“Solution Animation”对话框中点击OK完成设置。
4. 进行迭代运算“Solve”—“Iterate”,弹出迭代运算对话框,迭代20次,如图6所示,迭代过程中,每迭代一次,会保存一帧动画到之前设定的保存路径中。

二、课题背景用计算机模拟取代或部分取代海岸与海洋工程模型试验的设想近些年正逐渐成为现实.与物理模型试验相比,数值模拟不仅成本低,可以避免比尺效应,而且在工况选择以及复杂流场的分析处理等方面也具有明显的优越性.关于数值波浪水池的想法由来已久[1],其实质是构建一个数值模拟平台,在该平台上赋予通常实验室中的波浪水池所具有的功能.基于势流理论和应用边界元方法构建数值波水池的工作已有不少尝试.目前发展了以时域高阶边界元方法求解完全非线性的势流方程,例如,Kim等和Grilli等的工作.然而,结构物附近由于粘性作用而导致的各种复杂流动状况毕竟不能用势流理论来反映.此外,边界元方法在处理复杂自由水面时难免失效.自Harlow等提出MAC方法和Hirt等提出VOF方法以来,带自由表面粘性不可压缩流体运动的数值计算技术得到了迅速的发展.在此基础上构建数值波浪水槽的工作也受到了重视.Wang基于VOF方法建立了二维数值波浪水槽并应用所建立的数值波浪水槽开展了波浪对近海平台底部冲击过程的研究.最近,日本一研究小组推出了一个二维的CADMAS-SURF系统,其核心技术是VOF方法.较早将VOF方法推广到三维带自由表面粘性流体运动的是Torrey等. Wang和Su应用改进的VOF方法进行了圆柱容器内液体晃动问题的三维数模在海洋工程问题中,波浪力是作用在工程结构上的最主要的外力之一。
[VIP专享]史上Fluent最详细操作步骤 一看就懂
![[VIP专享]史上Fluent最详细操作步骤 一看就懂](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/25d705bfcfc789eb162dc868.png)
Mode选择缺省的Full Simulation即可。
然后进入如下图示意界面:第2步:与网格相关的操作1.读入网格文件car1.mesh操作如下图所示:打开的“Select File”对话框如图所示:(1)找到网格文件E:\gfiles\car1.mesh;(2)点击OK,完成输入网格文件的操作。
操作:→Smooth/Swap...打开“Smooth/Swap Grid”对话框如图所示:(1)点击Smooth按钮,再点击Swap,重复上述操作,直到FLUENT报告没有需要交换的面为止。
4.确定长度单位操作如下图所示:打开“Scale Grid”对话框如图所示:(1)在单位转换(Units Conversion)栏中的(Grid Was Created In)网格长度单位右侧下拉列表中选择m;(2)看区域的范围是否正确,如果不正确,可以在Scale Factors 的X和Y中分别输入值10,然后点击“Scale”或“Unscale”即可;(3)点击Scale;(4)点击Close关闭对话框。
fluent 简单案例

fluent 简单案例
当然可以,以下是一个简单的 Fluent 案例,用于模拟一个简单的二维管道流。
1. 模型建立:
首先,在 Gambit 中创建一个二维管道模型。
例如,一个长为 1m,直径为的圆管。
2. 网格划分:
使用 Gambit 对模型进行网格划分,选择适当的网格类型和尺寸。
3. 边界条件设置:
入口:速度入口,速度为 m/s。
4. 求解器设置:
选择压力基求解器,湍流模型选择标准 k-ε 模型。
设置迭代次数为 500,收敛残差为 1e-6。
5. 开始模拟:
Fluent 将计算流场,并显示流速、压力、湍流强度等变量的分布。
6. 后处理:
模拟完成后,可以使用 Fluent 的后处理功能来查看和分析结果。
以上是一个简单的 Fluent 案例,用于模拟二维管道流。

influence of wave steepness on the numerical wave effect.The results show that the numerical wave height using the
of different mesh size and different wave steepness.Combining with the corresponding wave theory we comparing the
effects of numerical first ̄order linear wave second ̄order Stokes wave and third ̄order Stokes wave by three wave
作者简介: 童朝锋 (1973—) ꎬ 男ꎬ 博士ꎬ 副教授ꎬ 研究方向为河口海岸动力学ꎮ
2020 年
水 运 工 程
源造波、 消波技术ꎻ 其后孙大鹏等 2 、 赵艳 等 3
拟采用二阶迎风格式、 PISO 算法、 k - ε 模型ꎬ 结
度边界造波法建立基于 FLUENT 的数值波浪水槽ꎬ
基于 FLUENT 流体力学模型建立数值波浪水
周勤俊等 1 基 于 RANS 方 程 和 两 方 程 湍 流 模 型ꎬ
采用有限体积法ꎬ 首次提出了适用于 VOF 方法的
收稿日期: 2019 ̄08 ̄09

如为改扩建矿山, 应说明矿山现状、
(2 列出开发利用方案编制所依据的主要基础性资料的名称。
对改、扩建矿山应有生产实际资料, 如矿山总平面现状图、矿床开拓系统图、采场现状图和主要采选设备清单等。
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Tutorial10.Simulation of Wave Generation in a TankIntroductionThe purpose of this tutorial is to illustrate the setup and solution of the2D laminarfluid flow in a tank with oscillating motion of a wall.The oscillating motion of a wall can generate waves in a tank partiallyfilled with a liquid and open to atmosphere.Smooth waves can be generated by setting appropriate frequency and amplitude.One of the tank walls is moved to and fro by specifying a sinusoidal motion.In this tutorial you will learn how to:•Read an existing meshfile in FLUENT.•Check the grid for dimensions and quality.•Add newfluid in the materials list.•Set up a multiphaseflow problem.•Use the dynamic mesh model.•Set up an animation using Execute Commands panel.PrerequisitesThis tutorial assumes that you have little experience with FLUENT but are familiar with the interface.Problem DescriptionIn this tutorial,we consider a rectangular tank with a length(L)of15m and width(W) of0.8m(Figure10.1).The left wall is assigned a motion with sinusoidal time variation.The top wall is open to atmosphere and thus maintained at atmospheric pressure.The flow is assumed to be laminar.Simulation of Wave Generation in a TankFigure10.1:Problem SchematicPreparation1.Copy the meshfile,wave.msh and libudf folder to your working directory.2.Start the2D double precision solver of FLUENT.Setup and SolutionStep1:Grid1.Read the gridfile,wave.msh.File−→Read−→Case...FLUENT will read the meshfile and report the progress in the console window.2.Check the grid.Grid−→CheckThis procedure checks the integrity of the mesh.Make sure the reported minimumvolume is a positive number.3.Check the scale of the grid.Grid−→Scale...Simulation of Wave Generation in a Tank Check the domain extents to see if they correspond to the actual physical dimensions.If not,the grid has to be scaled with proper units.4.Display the grid(Figure10.2).Display−→Grid...(a)Click Colors....The Grid Colors panel opens.i.Under Options,enable Color by ID.ii.Click Close.(b)In the Grid Display panel,click Display(c)Zoom in near the moving-wall(Figure10.3).Simulation of Wave Generation in a TankFigure10.2:Grid DisplayFigure10.3:Grid Display(Close-up of moving-wall)Simulation of Wave Generation in a TankStep2:Models1.Specify the solver settings.Define−→Models−→Solver...(a)Under Time,enable Unsteady(b)Under Transient Controls,enable Non-Iterative Time Advancement.(c)Click OK.2.Enable VOF multiphase model.Define−→Models−→Multiphase...Simulation of Wave Generation in a Tank(a)Under Model,enable Volume of Fluid.The panel expands to show the other settings related to VOF model.Retainthe other settings as default.(b)Click OK.Step3:MaterialsDefine−→Materials...1.Add liquid water to the list offluid materials by copying it from the materialsdatabase.Simulation of Wave Generation in a Tank(a)Click Fluent Database....Fluent Database Materials panel opens.Simulation of Wave Generation in a Tanki.Select water-liquid(h2o<l>)from the Fluent Fluid Materials list.Scroll down to view water-liquid.ii.Click Copy and close the panel.(b)Click Change/Create and close the panel.Step4:PhasesDefine−→Phases...1.Set air as primary phase and water as secondary phase.(a)Under Phase,select phase-1.The Type will be shown as primary-phase.(b)Click Set....i.Change Name to air.ii.Select air in the Phase Material drop-down list.iii.Click OK.(c)Similarly,change the Name of phase-2to water and set its Type to water-liquid.(d)Close the Phases panel.Simulation of Wave Generation in a TankStep5:Operating ConditionsDefine−→Operating Conditions...1.Set the gravitational acceleration.(a)Enable Gravity.(b)Under Gravitational Acceleration,set Y to-9.81m/s2.As the tank bottom is perpendicular to Y axis,gravity points in the negativeY direction.2.Set the operating density.(a)Under Variable-Density Parameters,enable Specified Operating Density.(b)Retain the default density of1.225kg/m3.Set the operating density to the density of the lighter phase.This excludesthe build-up of hydrostatic pressure within the lighter phase,improving theround-offaccuracy for the momentum balance.3.Set the reference pressure location.(a)Under Reference Pressure Location,retain the default value of zero for both Xand Y.This location corresponds to a region where thefluid will always be100%ofone of the phases(water).If it is not,it is recommended to change the regionto a appropriate location where the pressure value does not change much overtime.This condition is essential for smooth and rapid convergence.4.Click OK to accept the settings and close the panel.Simulation of Wave Generation in a TankStep6:Boundary ConditionsFLUENT maintains zero velocity condition on all the walls.Also,the pressure condition for outlet boundary at the top is set by default to zero gauge(or atmospheric).Hence, there is no need to change the boundary conditions.Retain all the boundary conditions as default.Step7:UDF LibraryDefine−→User-Defined−→Functions−→Compiled...1.Click Load to load the UDF library.The sinusoidal wall motion will be assigned using user defined function.A compiledUDF library named libudf is created for this purpose.Step8:Dynamic Mesh Model1.Set the dynamic mesh parameters.Define−→Dynamic Mesh−→Parameters...(a)Under Models,enable Dynamic Mesh.The panel expands.(b)Under Mesh Methods,disable Smoothing and enable Layering.(c)Under the Layering tab,set Collapse Factor to0.4.(d)Click OK.2.Set the dynamic mesh zones.Define−→Dynamic Mesh−→Zones...(a)Under Zone Names,select moving-wall.(b)Under Type,retain the default selection of Rigid Body.(c)Under Meshing Options tab,set Cell Height to0.008m.This is the average size of the cell normal to the moving wall.(d)Click Create and close the panel.Step9:Solution1.Retain the default solution controls.Solve−→Controls−→Solution...Solve−→Initialize−→Initialize...(a)Click Init and close the panel.The complete domain is now initialized with air.The water level required at start(t=0)can be patched.3.Create a register marking the region of initial water level.Adapt−→Region...(a)Set X Max to be15m.(b)Set Y Max to be0.5m.(c)Click Mark and close the panel.FLUENT displays the following message in the console:8510cells marked for refinement,0cells marked for coarsening.4.Patch the initial water level.Solve−→Initialize−→Patch...(a)Under Registers to Patch,select hexahedron-r0.(b)Under Phase,select water.(c)Under Variable,select Volume Fraction.(d)Set Value to1.(e)Click Patch and close the panel.5.Display the zone motion to check the movement of moving-wall.(a)Display the grid(Figure10.4).Display−→Grid...i.Under Surfaces,deselect default-interior.Zoom-in the graphics window to get the view as shown in Figure10.4.ii.Click Display.Figure10.4:Grid Display Outline at t=0(b)Display the zone motion.Display−→Zone Motion...i.Under Motion History Integration,set Time Step to0.001.ii.Set Number of Steps to300.iii.Click Integrate.iv.Under Preview Controls,set Time Step to0.001.v.Set Number of Steps to300.vi.Click Preview to observe the wall motion.vii.Close the Zone Motion panel.6.View the contours of volume fraction for water(Figure10.5).Display−→Contours...(a)Select Phases...and Volume Fraction in the Contours of drop-down lists.(b)Under Phase,select water.(c)Under Options,enable Filled.(d)Click Display and close the panel.Figure10.5:Contours of Volume Fraction for Water7.Enable the plotting of residuals during the calculation.Solve−→Monitors−→Residuals...(a)Under Options,enable Plot.(b)Under Plotting,set Iterations to10.This will display residuals for only the last10iterations.(c)Click OK.8.Set hardcopy settings.File−→Hardcopy...(a)Under Format,select TIFF.(b)Under Coloring,select Color.(c)Click Apply.(d)Click Preview.The background of graphics window is changed to white.FLUENT will displaya question dialog box asking you whether to reset the window.(e)Click Yes in the Question dialog box.(f)Close the panel.9.Set the commands to capture the images of contours.You need to use Text User Interface(TUI)commands to achieve this.For most of the graphical commands,corresponding TUI commands are available.Solve−→Execute Commands...(a)Set the number of Defined Commands to3.(b)Enable On option for all the commands.(c)Under Every,set7for all the commands.(d)Under When,set Time Step for all the commands.(e)For command-1,specify the Command as:display set-window1This command will make the window-1active.(f)For command-2,specify the Command as:display contour water vof01This command will display the contours of water volume fraction in the activewindow.(g)For command-1,specify the Command as:display hard-copy"vof-%t.tif"This command will save the image in the TIF format.The%t option gets replaced with the time step number,when the imagefileis saved.The TIFfiles saved can then be used to create a movie.For theinformation on converting TIFfile to an animationfile,refer to/cfm/graphics01.htm(h)Click OK to accept the settings and close the panel.10.Set the surface monitors.Solve−→Monitors−→Surface...(a)Increase the number of Surface Monitors to1.(b)Enable Plot for monitor-1.(c)Under Every,select Time Step.(d)Click on Define...next to monitor-1.(e)Select Area Weighted Average in the Report Type drop-down list.(f)Select Grid and X-Coordinate in the Report of drop-down list.(g)Under Surfaces,select moving-wall.(h)Click OK to close both the panels.11.Save the case and datafiles(wave-init.cas.gz and wave-init.dat.gz).File−→Write−→Case&Data...Retain the default Write Binary Files option so that you can write a binaryfile.The .gz extension will save zippedfiles on both,Windows and UNIX platforms.12.Start the calculation.Solve−→Iterate...(a)Set the Time Step Size as0.001s(b)Set Number of Time Steps to4000.(c)Click Iterate.Figure10.6:Scaled Residuals13.Save the case and datafiles(wave-4000.cas.gz and wave-4000.dat.gz).Figure10.7:Monitor Plot of Area Weighted Average on moving-wallStep10:Postprocessing1.Displayfilled contours of static pressure(Figure10.8).Display−→Contours...(a)Select Pressure...and Static Pressure in the Contours of drop-down lists.(b)Click Display.The pressure at the bottom of the tank is maximum and goes on decreasingtowards the top.This shows the variation of hydrostatic pressure due to theheight of the liquid.Figure10.8:Contours of Static PressureSummaryThe dynamic mesh model is used to apply periodic sinusoidal motion to the wall.This generates a wave in thefluid.The VOF model is used to track the air-water interface and consequently the wave motion.Non-iterative time advancement(NITA)was used to reduce the run time of transient simulation.Images displaying contours of water phase were captured to visualize the transient effects.References1.Flow Around the Itsukushima Gate,an example from Fluent Inc.Marketing Cata-log,2003.Exercises/Discussions1.Run the simulation for longerflow time to check the wave pattern.2.Try running the simulation without non-iterative time advancement(NITA)option.(a)Are theflow patterns different?(b)Compare the wall clock time taken to reach the sameflow time.3.Run the simulation using variable time step option.4.Try different motions to the wall and observe wave patterns.This will need specific C compiler to create UDF library from the source code.5.What other situation can be simulated using the same meshfile?Links for Further Reading•http://www.prads2004.de/pdf/027.pdf•http://www.prads2004.de/pdf/138.pdf•http://www.math.rug.nl/∼veldman/preprints/OMAE2004-51084.pdf。