


1、 I got a letter yesterday from Steve. It was certainly short and sweet.

A又短又甜B简短明确 C 精彩

2、 She is blue because she failed the exam.

A 看起来是蓝色的B看上去心情很好 C 看上去不高兴

3、Mr White’s speeches bring down the house every time.

A 博得全场喝彩B带来房屋 C 倾倒房屋

4、Tom had dinner at Jack’s house. Then he wrote a bread and butter letter.

A 面包和牛奶B装有面包和牛奶的信 C 感谢信

5、Tom and his wife lead a cat and dog life.

A 过着有一只猫和一只狗的生活

B 吵架的生活

C 美满的生活

6、He is really a strange fish.


7、This is a green winter.

A 一个温暖的冬天

B 一个绿色的冬天

C 一个寒冷的冬天

8、He doesn’t listen to home truths.

A恭维的话 B 花言巧语 C 逆耳忠言

9、Mr Black is a famous banker. He is at the top of the tree.

A 在树的顶端

B 在树的低端

C 在本行业居最高地位

10、 Mr Black is a sandwich man.

A 一个三明治人B一个记者 C 一个身体前后都挂着广告牌的人

11、Don’t let the cat out of the bag.译汉语

12、No littering! No parking! No smoking! 英译汉

13、In which country would you find a kangaroo? A 、America B、Australia

14、A man has two eyes. Sometimes says he has four eyes. Do you know the reason?

A、He has a pair of glasses.

B、He is a blind man.

C、He is a deaf man.

15、Mary is twelve years old. Her father is four times as old as her. Her grandfather is twice (两倍)as old as her

father. How old is her grandfather?

16、It made me look like a duck in water.英译汉

17、Dragonfly belongs to the class of ____.

A man

B plant

C bird

D insect

18、A=14 B=56 C=18 D=36 E=20 What is the answer to this sum written as a letter? B A C D E=________ [字母间的空儿为除乘减加]

19、There is a woman named Rose Green. She married a man named Jack Black. What’s the woman’s name after she married?

20、She is under the weather.英译汉

21、stay up 的意思是______ A留在家里 B 熬夜 C 外出不归

22、It’s flying through the flowers. It is one of the busiest insects. It can make honey. What is it?


A London

B Qingdao

C Chongqing

24、 He is a black sheep. (翻译)

25、在句子He has no money. He is as poor as a church mouse.


26、Lily is Mr Black’s girl Friday. She gives him a lot of help.

A 女仆人

B 得力的女助手

C 女儿

D 女上司

27、Did he run out of money?

A 跑出去

B 取出

C 跑去取

D 用完

28、Tom is a lucky dog.

A 幸运儿

B 倒霉蛋

C 可怜的人

D 倒霉狗

29、Why is the letter E so important?__________________

30、What letter is an animal?__________________________

31、What letter is a question? _______________________

32、Do you know what letter is a kind of drink? _________

33、What’s in the middle in “China”?

34 、It’s once in a blue moon that you get a chance like that.

A 轻而易举

B 去逛月球

C 守株待兔

D 千载难逢

35、She dolls up like a girl of eighteen.


36、Mike is standing in Group One. There are fifteen students in front of him and thirteen students behind him. How many students are there in Group One?

37、What’s black when it’s clean and white when it’s dirty? It is a _______.

38、I can’t finish this pizza. I’m afraid my eyes were bigger than my stomach as usual.

A眼睛太大 B 我的胃很小 C 没有胃口 D 眼馋肚饱

39、At a birthday party, half the guests drink cola, a quarter have lemonade, a sixth have orange juice, and the

remaining three have water. There are __________(how many)guests at the party.

40、It is not in a house. It is not outside a house. It is part of a house. What is it?

A Ceiling

B Window

C Roof

D bed

41、I know that from A to Z.

A 从A到Z B从头到尾 C 字母表D距离很远

42、We don’t want it. It’s “a white elephan t.”

A一件无用的东西 B 一头白象 C 白给的东西D白色陷阱

43 He is a yes-man.

A 唯唯诺诺的人B总有理的人 C 坚强的人 D 说一不二的人

44、The man always talks big. We don’t like him.



1 Never offer to teach fish to swim.

2 He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet.

3 All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.

4 Don’t judge a book by its cover.

5 You can’t have your cake and eat it ,too.

6 Business before pleasure.

7 Customs make all things easy.

8An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

9 Let sleeping dogs lie.

10 It is no use crying over split milk.

11 Love me, love my dog.

12 All time is no time when it is past.

13 All roads lead to Rome.

14 Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.

15 He is a lucky dog.

16 six of one and half a dozen of the other


2020年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)五年级组决赛赛题 听力部分(共四大题,计40分) I. 听辨单词(Words)(共10小题,计10分) A) 听音,从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出你所听到的单词。每个单词只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1. A. watch B. catch C. match D. what 2. A. tie B. time C. type D. tiger 3. A. fine B. mine C. pine D. wine 4. A. near B. dear C. hear D. tear 5. A. card B. park C. farm D. dark B) 听音,从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出代表你所听到的单词的图片。每个单词只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)

II. 句子理解(Sentences)(共10小题,计10分) A) 听音,根据你所听到的句子选出与其相对应的问句或答句。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 11. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he isn't. C. Yes, he is. D. No, he hasn't. 12. A. Who is the oldest in your family? B. Who is the tallest in your class? C. Who is the youngest in your office? D. Who is the thinnest in your group? 13. A. I can't go there. B. I stay at home on Sunday. C. I live in London. D. I go there by bus. 14. A. Because it's hungry. B. Because it's very lovely. C. Because you ate it. D. Because it's very lazy. 15. A. What do you want to do? B. What's this in English? C. When do you go there? D. Where will we meet? B) 听音,根据你所听到的句子判断下列图片正(T)误(F)。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸


经典智力测试题及答案 1、下图中的三角形,如何通过移动其中的三个圆圈,得到右图中的三角形? 2、一道逻辑推理题,通过你的选择帮你分析你的智商在哪个层级!

3、很经典的题型之一,难倒了无数人,你看看应该填什么才对? 4、这道数学题看你会不会做,其实很简单哦!

5、下面的3个圆中都填了数字,3个圆的规则是一样的,能否找出他们之间的规律,然后把最后一个圆中空缺的数字填上吗? 6、幼儿园的小朋友们的水平是如何呢?大家模拟一下,用幼儿园小朋友们的思路去解。

7、这题就简单啦,我已经有答案了,你呢?答案不止一种哦~ 8、不要以为这题无解。这题真的有答案的。聪明的人,已经想出来了吧?

9、这题乍一看似乎有点抽象,应该用什么思路去解呢?嘿嘿,开动你的脑筋。 10、这道题能算出来吗?

测试答案: 1、假设10个三角形是1到10的数字,那么就该是如下图 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (1)移动3个三角形该是把1放到7;8;9;10的下面(移动了第1个三角形)(2)把7放到2的前面(移动了第2个三角形) (3)把10放到3的后面(移动了第3个三角形) 现在得到的三角形就是如下图 7 2 3 10 4 5 6 8 9 1 2、1=5就是1后面是0,跟上一个5,但0是忽略不计(后面也是如此);2=15就是2后面是1,跟上一个5;3=215就是3后面是21,跟上一个5,由此可知5=43215 3、15是这样得出的:前面两位数先相加2+3=5,相加得出的数和第二位数相乘5×3=15,12是这样得出的:后面两位数相乘3×4=12……由此推出最后一列的答案:先6+7=13,再13×7=91,所以问号处答案是91.


全国大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)历年真题 (含完整答案) (说明:本文为word格式,下载后可编辑修改)

2012 National English Contest for College Students (Level C – Preliminary) (总分:150分时间:120分钟) Part I listening Comprehension (30 marks) Section A (5 marks) In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once .After each conversation, there will be a twenty-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. What does the man say we can do to deal with oil crisis? A. To make full use of oil. B. To use as little oil as possible C. To find alternative energy. 2. Where does this conversation most probably take place? A. In an insurance company. B. In a bank. C. In a supermarket. 3. According to the man, who is going to take over the position they are talking about? A. Janice. B. Someone else. C. Meryl. 4. What does the woman say about the man’s report for the meeting? A. He has to get it ready before tomorrow noon. B. He has done well enough. C. He has enough time to prepare it. 5. How many people will be on the earth by the year 2020 according to the professor? A. Some 5.8 billion. B. Nearly 7 billion. C. Over 8.5 billion. Section B (10 marks) In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the questions and the three choices marked A, Band C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre Conversation One 6. What’s the main job of Simon’s organization? A. They send out radio signals to communicate with other planets. B. They look for life and intelligence on other planets. C. They study stars that have planets orbiting around them. 7. Why does the organization search for radio signals from space? A. Their presence may prove the existence of aliens.


1.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? Cat - Lion - Dog - Turtle - Elephant 2.If you rearrange the letters UGNAIA, you would have the name of a: River - Country - City - Animal - Plant 3.What would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa ... bdzb ... cgac ... djzd ... ???? enae - ekze - elxe - emae - eize - I don't know 4.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five: 5. DIDIIDID is to 49499494 as DIIDIIDD is to: A)94494499 B)49949944 C)49499494 D)94944949 E) 49944949

6.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five: 7.If you count from 1 to 100, how many 7's will you pass on the way? a) 10 b) 11 c) 19 d) 20 e) 21 8.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five: 9.Igor was both the 15th highest and the 15th lowest in a tennis tournament. How many people were in the tournament? 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32


2006年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)四年级组决赛赛题 (时间:60分钟总分:100分) 听力部分(共四大题,计40分) I. 听辨单词 (Words) (共10小题,计10分) A) 听音,选出你所听到的单词。每个单词只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1. A. boat B. goat C. coat D. note 2. A. fun B. sun C. run D. rat 3. A. east B. easy C. cheap D. seat 4. A. fly B. eye C. mine D. my 5. A. water B. wall C. what D. watch B) 听音,选出你听到的单词所代表的图片。每个单词读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) II. 句子理解 (Sentences) (共10小题,计10分)

A) 听音,判断所给图片与所听句子是(Y)否(N)相符。每个句子读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) B) 听音,选出句中没有提到的单词。每个句子读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 16. A. I B. like C. you D. China 17. A. do B. have C. sister D. an 18. A. write B. words C. for D. pens 19. A. come B. to C. back D. seat 20. A. are B. late C. school D. home III. 对话理解 (Dialogues) (共10小题,计10分) A) 听音,看图,选择与所听内容相符的图片。每组对话读两遍。 (答案涂在答题纸上)


经典的智力测试题及答案 1 有两根不均匀分布的香,香烧完的时间是一个小时,你能用什么方法来确定一段15分钟的时间? 2 一个经理有三个女儿,三个女儿的年龄加起来等于13,三个女儿的年龄乘起来等于经理自己的年龄,有一个下属已知道经理的年龄,但仍不能确定经理三个女儿的年龄,这时经理说只有一个女儿的头发是黑的,然后这个下属就知道了经理三个女儿的年龄。请问三个女儿的年龄分别是多少?为什么? 3 有三个人去住旅馆,住三间房,每一间房$10元,于是他们一共付给老板$30, 第二天,老板觉得三间房只需要$25元就够了于是叫小弟退回$5给三位客人, 谁知小弟贪心,只退回每人$1,自己偷偷拿了$2,这样一来便等于那三位客人每人各花了九元, 于是三个人一共花了$27,再加上小弟独吞了不$2,总共是$29。可是当初他们三个人一共付出$30那么还有$1呢? 4 有两位盲人,他们都各自买了两对黑袜和两对白袜,八对袜了的布质、大小完全相同,而每对袜了都有一商标纸连着。两位盲人不小心将八对袜了混在一起。他们每人怎样才能取回黑袜和白袜各两对呢? 5 有一辆火车以每小时15公里的速度离开洛杉矶直奔纽约,另一辆火车以每小时20公里的速度从纽约开往洛杉矶。如果有一只鸟,以30公里每小时的速度和两辆火车同时启动,从洛杉矶出发,碰到另一辆车后返回,依次在两辆火车来回飞行,直到两辆火车相遇,请问,这只小鸟飞行了多长距离? 6 你有两个罐子,50个红色弹球,50个蓝色弹球,随机选出一个罐子,随机选取出一个弹球放入罐子,怎么给红色弹球最大的选中机会?在你的计划中,得到红球的准确几率是多少? 7 你有四个装药丸的罐子,每个药丸都有一定的重量,被污染的药丸是没被污染的重量+1.只称量一次,如何判断哪个罐子的药被污染了? 8 你有一桶果冻,其中有%%,绿色,红色三种,闭上眼睛,抓取两个同种颜色的果冻。抓取多少个就可以确定你肯定有两个同一颜色的果冻? 9 对一批编号为1~100,全部开关朝上(开)的灯进行以下*作:凡是1的倍数反方向拨一次开关;2的倍数反方向又拨一次开关;3的倍数反方向又拨一次开关……问:最后为关熄状态的灯的编号。 10 想象你在镜子前,请问,为什么镜子中的影像可以颠倒左右,却不能颠倒上下? 11 一群人开舞会,每人头上都戴着一顶帽子。帽子只有黑白两种,黑的至少有一顶。每个人都能看到其它人帽子的颜色,却看不到自己的。主持人先让大家看看别人头上戴的是什幺


学长分享英语竞赛技巧: 知己知彼百战不殆”,要想在全国大学生英语竞赛中取得好成绩,平时的积累是基础,而考前对考试的研究和分析以及练习则是升华。近几年来英语竞赛也在不断调整中。对我们来说,最重要的参考资料就是当年的竞赛样题,和官网的考试说明文件,从中我们可以了解到考试的题型、分值、时间分配、难度和新 注意力,才能不遗漏重要信息。此外,听写式填空也是对基本知识的一个考查,经常有同学听到了却不会写,这需要我们打好自己的基础。这一部分要力争拿到20分以上。 第二部分是词汇与语法结构,这也是对“双基”知识的一个考查,可以说基本上是考查基本功的,当然我们也要注意,这其中对话类的应用题目也呈逐年上

升的趋势。总分15分,官方建议完成时间是十分钟。这一部分要力争拿到10分以上。 第三部分是完形填空,也是我认为全卷除了智力测试以外最难的题目,题型包括根据上下文填空、根据给出的首字母填空、根据给出的单词的适当形式填空。分值是十分,官方建议完成时间是10分钟。这题不仅考查你的基本词汇语法知 / 间是15分钟。这一部分可以说是全卷最简单的题型,考查的内容都没超过四级甚至是平常练习的难度,对英译汉,还是要花点时间看看文章开头和结尾,“磨刀不误砍柴工”,很多翻译都要根据上下文进行,才能更加的到位。有时在翻译中遇到生词,也可以根据上下文进行推断。比如今年的汉译英试题中多次提到“dropout”这个单词,我考试时也忘了这是什么意思,最后还是通过文章最后

一句中的“to complete their educations”猜出是辍学的意思。至于汉译英就是我们很熟悉的题型了,注意英语表达的形式就问题不大。 第六部分是英语竞赛最有特色的一块,IQ测试,共5分,官方建议完成时间是5分钟。这道题目我的最大感觉就是鸡肋。不过还是很多同学还是不舍得这块,浪费太多时间在这上面,导致后面作文写不完,真是得不偿失啊。关于时间 英语竞赛时间分配及应试技巧: 上面分享了本人英语学习的一些经验心得和对考试题型、分值,题量等进行了一些说明。接下来就来说说很多考生关注的时间分配问题。英语竞赛里面的题目如果单独跳出来的话,很多都不超过四级的难度要求,甚至比我们平时的练习


历年全国英语竞赛智力题 汇总 The final revision was on November 23, 2020

历年全国英语竞赛智力题汇总 2005年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初三年级组试题 VI. 智力测试(IQ)(共5小题,计5分) 完成下列英语智力题。(答案写在答题纸上) 111. Whitney is playing a game with the spinner(旋转盘)shown below. If she spins(使旋转), what number is she most likely to get 112. Mr Green's boss allows him 10 holidays during the year. Three of these fall on Mondays, 2 fall on Wednesdays, and 5 fall on Fridays. How many times a year does Mr Green get to enjoy a 3-day weekend 113. A cow came out of its shed (牛棚) and walked ten steps towards the east. She then took two steps to the south and walked four steps backwards. After that she made eight steps to the west. Which direction was the cow's tail pointing 114. Look at the example. The word in the middle has been made from the other two words. Complete the set of words in the same way. Example SOUP SOAK MAKE GOAT _________ BALL 115. A well-known proverb has been divided into groups of three letters that have then been placed in the wrong order. Find the proverb. EST HON OBI LTW ONE RDS WIT KIL 答案VI. 智力测试(IQ) 111. 2. (Because there are three 2s in the spinner.) 112. 8 times. 113. It was pointing downwards. (Because a cow's tail always points downwards.) 114. GOAL 115. Kill two birds with one stone. 2005年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛初三年级组试题 VI. 智力测试(IQ)(共5小题,计5分) 完成下列英语智力题。(答案写在答题纸上) 111. In Albert’s class, the ratio (比率) of students who prefer soccer to football is 4 to 3. If there are 35 students in the class, how many prefer soccer


小学英语竞赛智力测试专项练习题 (内部练习题) 1 I got a letter yesterday from Steve. It was certainly short and sweet. A又短又甜B简短明确C 精彩 2 She is blue because she failed the exam. A 看起来是蓝色的B看上去心情很好C 看上去不高兴 3 Mr White’s speeches bring down the house every time. A 博得全场喝彩B带来房屋C 倾倒房屋 4 Tom had dinner at Jack’s house. Then he wrote a bread and butter letter. A 面包和牛奶B装有面包和牛奶的信C 感谢信 5 Tom and his wife lead a cat and dog life. A 过着有一只猫和一只狗的生活 B 吵架的生活 C 美满的生活 6 He is really a strange fish. A一条奇怪的鱼B一个奇怪的女人C一个奇才 7 This is a green winter. A 一个温暖的冬天 B 一个绿色的冬天 C 一个寒冷的冬天 8 He doesn’t listen to home truths. A恭维的话B 花言巧语C 逆耳忠言

9 Mr Black is a famous banker. He is at the top of the tree. A 在树的顶端 B 在树的低端 C 在本行业居最高地位 10 Mr Black is a sandwich man. A 一个三明治人B一个记者C 一个身体前后都挂着广告牌的人 11 Don’t let the cat out of the bag.译汉语 12 No littering! No parking! No smoking! 译汉语 13 In which country would you find a kangaroo?A America B Australia 14 A man has two eyes. Sometimes says he has four eyes. Do you know the reason? A He has a pair of glasses. B He is a blind man. C He is a deaf man. 15 Mary is twelve years old. Her father is four times as old as her. Her grandfather is twice (两倍)as old as her father. How old is her grandfather? 16 It made me look like a duck in water. 17 Dragonfly belongs to the class of ____. A man B plant C bird D insect 18 A=14 B=56 C=18 D=36 E=20 What is the answer to this sum written as a letter? B A C D E=________ [字母间的空儿为除乘减加]


2012 National English Contest for College Students (Level C – Preliminary) (总分:150分时间:120分钟) Part I listening Comprehension (30 marks) Section A (5 marks) In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once .After each conversation, there will be a twenty-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. What does the man say we can do to deal with oil crisis? A. To make full use of oil. B. To use as little oil as possible C. To find alternative energy. 2. Where does this conversation most probably take place? A. In an insurance company. B. In a bank. C. In a supermarket. 3. According to the man, who is going to take over the position they are talking about? A. Janice. B. Someone else. C. Meryl. 4. What does the woman say about the man’s report for the meeting? A. He has to get it ready before tomorrow noon. B. He has done well enough. C. He has enough time to prepare it. 5. How many people will be on the earth by the year 2020 according to the professor? A. Some 5.8 billion. B. Nearly 7 billion. C. Over 8.5 billion. Section B (10 marks) In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the questions and the three choices marked A, Band C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre Conversation One 6. What’s the main job of Simon’s organization? A. They send out radio signals to communicate with other planets. B. They look for life and intelligence on other planets. C. They study stars that have planets orbiting around them. 7. Why does the organization search for radio signals from space? A. Their presence may prove the existence of aliens. B. They may help scientists find out how the universe started. C. They convey messages about life on the earth. 8. Does Simon believe those stories about aliens visiting our planet?


历年全国英语竞赛智力题汇总 2005年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初三年级组试题 VI. 智力测试(IQ)(共5小题,计5分) 完成下列英语智力题。(答案写在答题纸上) 111. Whitney is playing a game with the spinner(旋转盘)shown below. If she spins(使旋转), what number is she most likely to get? 112. Mr Green's boss allows him 10 holidays during the year. Three of these fall on Mondays, 2 fall on Wednesdays, and 5 fall on Fridays. How many times a year does Mr Green get to enjoy a 3-day weekend? 113. A cow came out of its shed (牛棚)and walked ten steps towards the east. She then took two steps to the south and walked four steps backwards. After that she made eight steps to the west. Which direction was the cow's tail pointing? 114. Look at the example. The word in the middle has been made from the other two words. Complete the set of words in the same way. Example SOUP SOAK MAKE GOAT _________ BALL 115. A well-known proverb has been divided into groups of three letters that have then been placed in the wrong order. Find the proverb. EST HON OBI LTW ONE RDS WIT KIL 答案VI. 智力测试(IQ) 111. 2. (Because there are three 2s in the spinner.) 112. 8 times. 113. It was pointing downwards. (Because a cow's tail always points downwards.) 114. GOAL 115. Kill two birds with one stone. 2005年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛初三年级组试题 VI. 智力测试(IQ)(共5小题,计5分) 完成下列英语智力题。(答案写在答题纸上) 111. In Albert’s class, the ratio (比率) of students who prefer soccer to football is 4 to 3.

2015年全国小学生英语竞赛(低年级组)章节题库(智力测试) 【圣才出品】

第七章智力测试 ◆生活常识 1. What letter is a kind of drink(饮料)?___________ 【答案】T 【解析】题干:哪个字母是可以喝的?字母T发音与tea(茶)相同。 37. At what temperature does water freeze? (水在什么温度时开始结冰?) A) 0℃B) 15℃C) -5℃D) -10℃ 【答案】A 【解析】通过常识可知,水在0℃的时候开始结冰。 83. Which season comes before autumn? A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter. 【答案】B 【解析】一年四季是按照“春夏秋冬”的顺序循环的,秋天之前的季节是夏天,故答案为B项。 45. How many minutes are in an hour? A. 6 minutes B. 10 minutes C. 60 minutes D. 100 minutes ◆词义猜测

84. Be careful! Don’t let the cat out of the bag. What’s the Chinese meaning of the words “let the cat out of the bag”? A. 把猫从盒子里放出来。 B. 泄露秘密,露出马脚。 C. 给小狗自由。 【答案】B 【解析】“let the cat out of the bag”从字面上理解是“把猫从盒子里放出来”,汉语意思表示“(尤指无意中)泄露秘密”。 83. He doesn’t drive the car well, because he is a green hand. What is the meaning of “green hand”? A. 绿色的手 B. 戴绿色的手套 C. 新手 【答案】C 【解析】原文中提到“他开车开得不是很好”,可知他是新手。 85. A: The exam is coming soon. B: Yes, I have ants in my pants these days. What’s the meaning of “have ants in one’s pants”in the dialogue? A.坐立不安B.胸有成竹C.裤子里有蚂蚁 【答案】A 【解析】“have ants in one’s pants”是一句美国俚语,意为“坐立不安,跃跃欲试,神不守舍”,故答案为A项。 85. Miss William is rich, but he never puts on the dog. We all like her.


历史上最经典的智力测试题及答案 1。有两根不均匀分布的香,香烧完的时间是一个小时,你 能用什么方法来确定一段15分钟的时间? 一只两头点燃,另一只一头点燃,当第一只烧完后,第二只丙再头点燃,就可以得到15` 2。一个经理有三个女儿,三个女儿的年龄加起来等于13,三个女儿的年龄乘起来等于经理自己的年龄,有一个下属已知道经理的年龄,但仍不能确定经理三个女儿的年龄,这时经理说只有一个女儿的头发是黑的,然后这个下属就知道了经理三个女儿的年龄。请问三个女儿的年龄分别是多少?为什么? 2,2,9,因为只有36 = 6*6*1 36 = 9 * 2 * 2 3 。有三个人去住旅馆,住三间房,每一间房$10元,于是他们一共付给老板$30, 第二天,老板觉得三间房只需要$25元就够了于是叫小弟退回$5给三位客人, 谁知小弟贪心,只退回每人$1,自己偷偷拿了$2,这样一来便等于那三位客人每人各花了九元,

于是三个人一共花了$27,再加上小弟独吞了不$2,总共是$29。可是当初他们三个人一共付出$30那么还有$1呢? 4 。有两位盲人,他们都各自买了两对黑袜和两对白袜,八对袜了的布质、大小完全相同, 而每对袜了都有一张商标纸连着。两位盲人不小心将八对袜了混在一起。他们每人怎样才能取回黑袜和白袜各两对呢? 5。有一辆火车以每小时15公里的速度离开洛杉矶直奔纽约,另一辆火车以每小时20公里的速度从纽约开往洛杉矶。如果有一只鸟,以30公里每小时的速度和两辆火车同时启动,从洛杉矶出发,碰到另一辆车后返回,依次在两辆火车来回飞行,直到两辆火车相遇,请问,这只小鸟飞行了多长距离? 6。你有两个罐子,50个红色弹球,50个蓝色弹球,随机选出一个罐子,随机选取出一个弹球放入罐子,怎么给红色弹球最大的选中机会?在你的计划中,得到红球的准确几率是多少? 7。你有四个装药丸的罐子,每个药丸都有一定的重量,被污染的药丸是没被污染的重量+1.只称量一次,如何判断哪个罐子的药被污染了? 8。你有一桶果冻,其中有%%,绿色,红色三种,闭上眼睛,抓取两个同种颜色的果冻。抓取多少个就可以确定你肯定有两个同一颜色的果冻?


小学英语竞赛有趣的 智力题

1. this word has five letters. it has sit left(剩下)if you take two letters away. what is it? IT is____________________________________. 2. which province(省)is "tianya haijiao"in? IT is in______________________________. 3. Take four letters from the word "sweater",and make a drink.what is the word? Itis_____________________. 4. tom is grandma has eight children. Half are boys and half are girls. so tom is father has seven brothers and sisters. but how many brothers does he have? He has_________________ brothers and __________________ sisters. 5.What has two legs but cann’t walk? 6. From what number can you take half and leave nothing? 8.what two word have thousands of letters in them? 9.what 5- letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? 10.what kind of dog never bite? 11.where does afternoon always come before morning? 12.what is pronounced like one letter ,written with three let ters ,and belongs to all animals? 13.what number gets bigger when you turn it upside down? 41. He likes to drink black tea. 中的“black tea”的中文翻译是: __________________________________ A. 黑茶 B. 红茶 C. 绿茶 42. television的缩写形式是: __________________________________ 43. What letter is a kind of drink? __________________________________


小学英语四年级上册竞赛样题 听力部分(共四大题,计40分) I. 听辨单词(Words)(共10小题,计10分) A) 听音,选出你听到的单词所代表的图片。每个单词读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) B) 听音,选出你所听到的单词。每个单词读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 6. A. red B. read C. egg D. bag 7. A. camp B. jump C. jeep D. climb 8. A. hair B. ear C. chair D. hear 9. A. five B. have C. fine D. fun 10. A. bee B. me C. my D. he II. 句子理解(Sentences)(共10小题,计10分) A) 听音,选出你所听到句子中涉及到的单词。每个句子读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 11. A. pencil B. book C. ruler D. eraser 12. A. for B. to C. fox D. too 13. A. box B. nest C. best D. next 14. A. kite B. sky C. ski D. skate 15. A. cap B. shoes C. dress D. tie B) 听音,判断所给图片与所听句子是(Y)否(N)相符。每个句子读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)

III. 对话理解(Dialogues) (共10小题,计10分) A) 听音,看图,选择与所听内容相符的图片。每组对话读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) B) 听音,根据所听内容为相关的图片按英文字母(A, B, C, D, E)的顺序标号。每组对话读两遍。(答案写在答题纸上) IV. 短文理解(Passages) (共10小题,计10分) A) 听音,根据所听短文内容判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 31. David is nine years old. 32. He is short. 33. He has some milk and bread for his breakfast. 34. He goes to school on foot. 35. He is very happy today. B) 听音,填单词,补全短文(每空一词)。短文读两遍。(答案写在答题纸上) Mrs. White is a manager (经理). She is 35 years old. She has a 36 car. It is 37 . She likes it very much. On weekends she often drives her car to the seaside. One day, she drives very fast 38 the street. After five minutes, a policeman comes. He says, “Sorry, madam. You must give me 20 dollars because you are driving 39 fast.” “Oh, I‘m sorry. I don’t want to drive so fast. But I have just washed my hair. It‘s very 40 . I want to make it dry.”
