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ISSN 1009-5039
Overseas English 海外英语 Overseas English 海 外 英 语
zwwh@ 2010 年 1 月 Tel:+86-551-5690811 5690812
王 华 1,2
(1. 华中师范大学 外国语学院,湖北 武汉 430000 ;2. 武汉生物工程学院 外语系,湖北 武汉 430000 )
摘要:《鲁滨逊漂流记》是笛福最具有代表性的作品,因此也奠定了他作为英国小说之父的地位。 笛福采用了流行于 16 ,17 世纪流浪 汉传奇的体裁,第一次把流浪汉传奇带入了现代小说的轨道,并在一定程度上反映了中产阶级的价值观念和宗教信仰。 流浪汉传奇 是由中世纪骑士文学发展而来的,该文从文学传统的继承和相互影响出 发 ,阐 述 了 中 世 纪 骑 士 文 学 在 叙 事 结 构 ,主 题 ,和 人 物 性 格 塑造三个方面对《鲁滨逊漂流记》的影响。 关键词:中世纪骑士文学;鲁滨逊漂流记;影响 中图分类号:I106 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-5039(2010)01-0110-02
Robinson Crusoe is the most representative novel of all Defoe's works. This novel depicts the hero, Robinson Crusoe is shipwrecked. He fights his way out of water and finds himself on an uninhabited island, where he is to remain for 18 years. All alone he builds a fortified place, grows barley and rice, domesticates the goats, makes a boat fights with cannibals and has innumerable mishaps before he is carried home by an English ship. After publication it was at once immensely successful and brought Defoe general recognition as the first English novelist. Robinson Crusoe is not marked not only by the imaginative scope of Defoe's narratives, but in particular by his ability to identify with, and therefore bring to life, his principal characters. And because this work is still picaresque in type he is considered as the first person that took the picaresque narrative prevailing in the 16th and 17th century into the track of the modern realistic novel with a certain deep thought and the values of the capitalist class. Picaresque narrative, emerged in 16th century Spain, is a loose series of episodes recounting the adventures of wanderers and lovable rouges. "Picaro ” is Spanish for "rogue." The picaresque fiction is realistic in manner, episodic in structure (as opposed to the sustained development of a single plot), and often satiric in aim. For instance, Cervantes's great quasi -picaresque narrative Don Quixote was the single most important progenitor of the modern novel, in which engaging madman tries to live by the ideals of chivalric romance in everyday world. Picaresque narrative is developed by the knight tale, which is one kind of chivalric literature. Chivalric literature, the typical form of the feudal literature in the middle ages, is the product of the knight system. In Europe, there were often conflicts between each feudal lord, so they raised many knights to defend themselves, which led to the knight system. Owing to the development of the knight system, the chivalric literature was beginning to form and then flourish. As a genre of literature, chivalric refers to a medieval narrative in a romance language. It often adopts leg-
endary form, and unfolds the plots by one or two heroes' adventures. The chivalric literature is often based on legend, love and adventure, which developed in the 12th century France, especially the heroic folk and oral sagas, such as the famous representative chivalric works, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and Beowulf. Chivalric literature is first written in verse, later in prose as well, using the narrative style's extempore and free methods. Their authors are some unknown minstrels and court poets who write these chivalric works to meet the pleasure of court and knight status. So the chivalric literature is regarded as the representative of a courtly and chivalric age. As the times passed, its forms were gradually changed from verse to essay, and its subject matter is also transformed from hero histories to meadow legends, eventually the Picaresque narrative. Though it also describes the experiences of the adventures, the protagonists have become the thieves, robbers, or rogues at the bottom of the society. It' seen that though the knight system had destroyed since three hundred years ago, the blood of the chivalric literature has still been flown in the vein of the Europe literature. This thesis discusses that the influence of the chivalric literature upon Defoe when he wrote the famous masterpiece Robinson Crusoe in three aspects: narration, theme, and characterization.
1 Narration
Narration refers to both the story and sequence of events in the novel. The study of narrative structures and the activity of narrative comprehension is the subject of narrative analysis, which focuses on the interaction of the various factors of the narrative work, distinguishing such elements as story outline and plot structure, the spheres of action taken by different characters and the way narrative information is channeled and controlled through points of view. This part mainly discusses narrative structure, narrative methods and narrative forms in Robinson Crusoe as compared with the chivalric works. Chivalric, as a genre of literature in middle ages, often unfolds the plots by one
收稿日期:2009-12-05 作者简介:王华(1982- ),女,湖北人,讲师,研究方向为文学翻译。
本栏目责任编辑:梁 书
