

I. 听录音,用V完成下面表格。(20 %) Susan Wu Ming Li Hua Wu Jian Tom Wu Jun

by pla ne

II.根据下面图画,猜测他们在使用什么交通工具。(12 %)

bike __________ taxi __________ bus __________

air _________ the car __________ the train __________

根据短文内容,在方框内选择合适的词并用其适当形式填入下面空格内。(每词只用一次)(20 %)

have see go come visit

be fly read take like

Lynn and Paul are in Paris this weekend. They (1) _____________ from London and arrive at the airport at 10 am on Saturday morning.

They (2)__________ a taxi from the airport to their hotel in the centre of Paris.

On Saturday after noon, Lynn (3) ___________ to the bookstore and (4) ___________ a lot of comics books. In the eve ning they(5)dinner in a French restaura nt.

On Sun day they (6)the Louvre Museum where they (7)the Mona Lisa. They (8)all the things in the museum and they (9)very tired. They (10)home on Sun day eve ning.

B)根据短文内容回答下列问题。(28 %)

are Lynn and Paul?

do they go to Paris?

do they arrive?

do they go to their hotel?

does Lynn go on Saturday after noon?

does Lynn do in the bookstore?

do they go to the Louvre Museum?

on foot




四年级SJ Maybe you think cats and dogs don’t get along(相处) well. Wrong! This summer, cats and dogs will work together! Kitty Galore is a cat. She is an agent(特工)of a cat spy organization(间谍组织). She wants to take over(统治)the world. She has a plan(计划).She has to control humans(人类)and dogs first. One night, she dresses up as(乔装打扮成)a dog to steal a classified document(保密文件)from the dogs. The dogs find out about Kitty’s plan. They decide to stop Kitty and save humans. At the same time, they get help from other cats. Dogs and cats become partners. They will work together to stop Kitty. Will they stop her in time? Find out in the new movie Cats&Dogs: the Revenge of Kitty Galore(《猫狗大战之猫怪的复仇》)this summer. 判断下面句子正确与否,正确的写"T",错误的写“F”。 ( )1. Kitty is an agent of a cat spy organization。 ( ) 2. Dog Kitty wants to take over the world and she has to control humans and dogs first. ( ) 3. One night, Kitty dresses up as a dog to steal a classified document from the dogs. ( ) 4. Dogs find out about Kitty's plan and decide to help Kitty to control the world. The People in Christmas Day December 25th is Christmas day. In most countries it is the most important day in the year. All the people come back to their homes. On Christmas day, bells ring everywhere. The ringing bell tells people Christmas is coming. People sing and dance day and night. They have a good time. Most family buys a Christmas tree for their children. And there are some presents in the tree here and there. People also put presents in children’s stockin gs. In many places, Father Christmas himself brings presents to them. He is a kind man and in red clothes. There is a big bag on his back. In it there are a lot of presents. On Christmas Day, people enjoy all kinds of food. But some poor people have no food. But some poor people have no houses to live, and have no food to eat. They die of cold and hunger on Christmas Day. 根据上文,给下面各题选择正确的答案. ( ) 1. In most countries, ________ is the most important day in the year. A. Christmas Day B. New Year C. Children’s Day D. Teacher’s Day ( ) 2.which sentence is not true? __________. A. On Christmas Day all the people come back to their homes. B. On Christmas Day bells ring everywhere. C. People sing and dance day and night. D. Only children have a good time. ( ) 3. What do most family buy for their children? ___________. A. a Christmas tree B. some presents C. new clothes D. both A and B ( ) 4. In Father Christmas’s bag there are a lot of___________. A. food B. books C. presents D. bells


小学英语课堂教学活动设计的有效性 在小学英语教学中,活动是实施课堂教学的主要形式,而课堂教学又是在教学活动中得以体现的。因此,作为一名小学英语教师就应在课前精心设计有针对性、实效性的课堂教学活动。教师在课堂教学中应努力引导学生通过活动去体验、感悟、发现和探究,创设贴近学生实际的活动,组织并开展活动教学,提高学生运用英语的能力。因此如何加强小学英语教学有效性,不断提高教学质量,是每一位小学英语教师急需解决的问题。听了这次晋江市举行的研讨课及结合自己的教学实践,我就课堂教学活动设计的有效性谈几点体会。 一、教学目标是教学活动的出发点和回归点 一堂好课必须有一个恰当、实际的教学目标。新课程改革背景下,教师在表述教学目标时,不仅要做到意思明确,还要符合课改的精神和要求;不仅要涉及知识目标,还要涉及能力、情感和价值观。科学、合理的教学目标的设计才能使课堂教学活动更具有方向性、针对性和有效性。因此,教师对课堂教学设计和安排的各个环节的教学活动都必须有明确的目的,每个活动都应以达成教学目标为导向。教师要思考和明确设计活动的目的和意图是什么,通过活动是否能达成教学目标,活动与教学主题和教学目标是否相关,活动是否必要,活动是否体现了教育价值等。在活动实施过程中生成的新目标也应以预设的教学目标为基础。因此,活动从设计到实施都应在教学目标的调控下进行。 二、培养兴趣是有效教学活动的出发点 小学生在刚接触英语时,有新颖感出于好奇,兴趣盎然。但随着学习时间的增加,年级的升高,内容难度的加大,学习的兴趣就会逐渐降低,有的甚至会产生畏惧感。因而,教师在设计小学英语课堂教学活动时应注意以下几点:1、活动要符合小学生的年龄特征小学生具有好动、对新鲜事物易感兴趣。因此,设计教学活动时应形式多样,如对话、唱歌、叙述、演示、游戏、小制作、全身反应法、chant等,让学生的眼、耳、口和四肢都参与到活动中来。2、新课程标准明确指出,要重视从学生的日常生活出发,培养学生实际运用语言的能力。因此活动设计要贴近学生的生活。实践表明,学生对源于自己生活的活动特别感兴趣,并有强烈的参与欲望。教师要关注来自学生生活的各种信息,在设计活动时要以学生的生活为基础,选择符合学生生活经验和认知水平的活动,力图真实地反映学生的生活。让学生融入到学习活动中去,同时让学生享受在用中学英语和在学中用英语的喜悦。如在教学《A new house》一课后,我让学生设计了自己的理想之家,画室内房间图,然后用英语标出图中物品的名称,并用英语作简单的介绍,课后写成小短文。由于活动内容和形式十分贴近学生的生活经历。又富有挑战性,学生兴趣盎然,积极参与,他们发挥了丰富的想像力,设计出的房子五花


一、按字母表顺序写出所缺的相邻字母。(20分) C f L I s w q Y T x 二、正确抄写下列句子,并在括号里写出中文意思。(注意大、小写和标点符号)(8分) 1. he went to shandong with my cousin 2. wu dong did his homework in his room ( ) ( ) 三、写出下列动词的过去式。(15分) make→swim→am→say→buy→ come→have→go→visit→stay→ 四、选择适当的动词填空,并在括号里写出中文意思。(12分) 1. a flower show( ) 2. some books( ) 3. snowmen( ) 4. New Year programs ( ) 5. a mountain( ) 6. at home( ) 五、根据图意完成句子。(8分)

(1) (2) (3) (4) 1. They in the morning. 2. I went to in Shanghai. 3. My cousin yesterday. 4. Yesterday was Sunday. I at home. 六、选词填空。(14分) go goes went 1. I often to school at seven o’clock. 2. I to school at seven o’clock yesterday. 3. Sally to school at seven o’clock every day. 4. I to school with Sally yesterday morning. friend friends 1. We are good . 2. Wang Tao is my . 3. I have many . 七、根据所给图片判断句子正(T)、误(F)。(8分) ( ) 1.This is Li Ping. She is doing her homework.


四年级英语阅读理解20篇 姓名: 1、My name is Billy . I’m a boy . I am eleven . I’m in China now . My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher . I like Chinese food , but my parents (父母亲) don’t . They like bread . I have a nice room . There’s a bed , a desk and a chair in it . There’re many books on the desk . I like books . I often (经常)read books in the evening . ( )1. Billy is ________. A. a boy B. eleven C. in China D. A,B and C ( )2. Billy’s father is ________. A. a teacher B. a doctor C. Chinese D. a worker ( )3. Billy likes ________. A. Chinese B. Chinese food C. bread D. English ( )4. Billy has a ________ room . A. nice B. big C. small D. good ( )5. Billy often reads books ________. A. at home B. after class C. in the evening D. at school 2、阅读下面对话,判断句子,正确的写“T” ,错误的写“F” 。 My name is Tom. I’m a student. My school is not very big , but very beautiful. Look, this is my classroom. It’s very bright. There is a computer on the teacher’s desk. There are 46 students in my class. 22 girls and 24 boys . My school has two libraries. The big one is for the students. The small one is for the teachers. There’s a big playground in the school . I like to play football there . I like my school very much. ()1. Tom’s school is very big and beautiful. ()2. Tom’s classroom is very bright. ()3. There’s a computer in the classroom. ()4.There are twenty-four girls in Tom’s class. ()5. The big library is for the teachers.


活动手册参考答案 教科版科学三年级上册学生活动手册《课堂达标》参考答案 第一单元 第一课(P2) 一、1.闻、听、尝、摸放大镜 2.从上到下、从下到上、从远到近、从整体到局部、 二、×√√ 三、B B 四、略 第二课(P5) 一、1.树冠、树干、树根 2.根、茎、叶、花、果实、种子 二、√× 三、B C 四、把白纸紧压在树干上,先用手指在白纸上反复按压,再平捏蜡笔在纸上涂擦,使突起的部分染上颜色。 第三课(P7) 一、1.生命体 2.高矮、粗细、形状 3.一年 二、√√√ 三、1.BA 2.ABC 第四课(P9) 一、1.根茎叶水分阳光空气 2.水葫芦金鱼藻水花生浮萍 二、√√ 三、AB ABC 四、因为水葫芦叶柄部位有膨大的海绵状的气囊结构。 第五课(P11~12)

一、1.生命活力活死 2.叶片叶柄叶脉 3.共同 二、×√× 三AB C C 四、注意:收集到植物的叶要先清除表面杂物,然后夹在书本中压平整,阴干。 第六课(P13) 一、1.大小2.颜色 二、×√ 三、略 第七课(P15~16) 一、1.水生、水生2.水分空气阳光营养3.生命周期 二、×√√× 三、C C C 四、1.植物都有生命周期。 2.生老病死是自然现象也是自然规律,应该正确认识它。 第二单元 第一课(P18) 一、1.多样环境2.保护环境 二、×√ 三、1~4 D C C B 四、1.爱护小动物,不伤害它们。 2.保护动物的生存环境,保护它们的生存环境。 3.注意安全,不在危险的地方活动。 第二课(P20) 一、1.2 短2.触角身体 二、√√√× 三、B C 四、略 第三课(P22) 一、1.放入水中2.吃食排泄 二、√√ 三、C A B 四、用两个手指轻轻捏住蜗牛壳,当蜗牛的身体扭动时,就能看到壳的上部出现一个小孔,这就是蜗牛的呼吸孔。 第四课(P24~25) 一、1.潮湿2.一节一节环节 二、××√√


小学四年级英语阅读理解题 (1) Bob Pearson is an old man. He has two big houses and a new car. He has no wife, but he is a father of four children. He has two sons and two daughters. One son is from England. His name is Bill. The other son is from America. His name is Mike. One of his daughters is from China. Her name is Lanlan. The other one is from Japan. Her name is Nikon. Bob Pearson is not the children’s real father, but he loves them very much. The children love their “father”, too. Bob Pearso n has many toys for the children. He gives different toys to different children. The boys play with toy cars. The girls play with dolls and toy animals. Bob Pears on is the children’s “father”, and he is their good friend, too. ( )1. Bob Pearson has six children. ( )2. Bob Pearson is a nice young man. ( )3. Nikon is a Japanese girl. ( )4. Bill and Mike are from England. ( )5. Nikon and Lanlan like toy animals. (2) This is a picture of a family. The grandmother’s name is Harry Smith. The grandfather’s n ame is Jean Smith. They are very old. They are Americans. The father’s name is Lake Smith. He is 44. The mother’s name is Kate Smith. She is 40. They have a son of ten and a daughter of fifteen. The son’s name is John Smith and the daughter’s mane is Mary Smith. They are students of Middle School. Kate is a teacher of the same school. Lake is a policeman. It’s a very good family. ( )1. Lake Smith’s parents are. A. Americans B. American C. America ( )2. John’s f ather is . A. 44 B. 40 C. very old ( )3. Mary’s mother is a . A. teacher B. policeman C. doctor ( )4. they are in the school. A. some B. same C. any ( )5. The family has children. A. six B. two C. four


谈一谈课堂活动在小学英语教学中的作用 教育越来越重视素质的提升。许多科目都摒弃了应试教育的模式。初级教育阶段对英语语法、词汇的要求不是很高,小学英语的根本宗旨就是培养学生创新精神和实践能力、激发少儿语言潜能、培养学生对外语的兴趣。很多学生放学后接触不到英语的环境,课堂就成了学习英语的重要场所。如何让学生掌握每节课的学习任务了,聪明的教师总是会设计各种有趣的课堂活动来丰富教学形式,达成教学目的。今天,我就来谈一谈课堂活动在小学英语教学中的作用。 首先,来谈谈课堂活动在整节课中的意义。英语是一门语言,就是要教会学生听说读写。由于缺乏英语环境和长期以来死记硬背的传统教学观念,很多学生由于听不懂、读不好,而信心大失,对英语也失去了兴趣。故而造成了大批害怕学英语的孩子。要使学生不害怕、甚至主动参与课堂教学活动,信心与兴趣的重建就显得尤为重要。一些简单、新颖的教学活动,让所有学生参与其中。很多孩子发现英语其实不难,自己读得不难听,慢慢的信心就恢复了。这样利于激发学生学习的兴趣,调动学生的积极性,启发学生的思维,使他们主动地获取知识,从而提高课堂教学的效果。除了对后进的学生有帮助外,课外活动还能让领悟力高的学生学得更深入。一些有创造性的课堂活动可以培养学生个性的培养和发展。 接着,我们来谈谈怎么设计课堂活动。 1、要会选择。很多教学活动是直接来源于西方课堂。由于学生的层次不同,不能照搬照用。我们在使用时要随着教学目的和学生掌握情况,选择适合的活动,根据活动的大框架进行改动。而且课堂的主次要分清。很多课堂很热闹,活动很多,学生也很有兴趣,但是一节课后,学生都不知道应该学什么,学了什么。课堂的主要目的是完成教学任务,所以在组织课堂教学活动时要掌握好度,会选择。 2、要以学生为主体。在教学活动中,要充分发挥学生的主体作用。每一个学生都是一个生命的奇迹。他们的潜能是无限的。所以,好的教师应该营造宽松和谐的学习气氛,使学生敢于开口、勤于开口。活动难度由浅入深,在过程中对学生的成绩加以肯定,使他们获得成就感。一节课上要保证学生开口说英语的时间超过60%。 3、要设计多种多样的活动。学生对新奇的东西最有兴趣。要想学生不厌倦课堂活动,并获得较好的学习效果,要设计多种多样的活动。而且,学生活动过程的顺利进行受多种因素的制约,如学生的认知水平,学习能力、学习材料、活动方案的设计、活动方法的选择等等。当学生在学习活动过程的进行中遇到困难,受到阻碍将直接影响活动效果时,教师要灵活采取更合理、方便、科学的活动方案和方法,以保证活动过程的顺利进行。教师要依据活动目标、教材内容设计、教材内容特点、学生实际特征、活动环境等因素,灵活选择不同的活动方法。 计划制定好了,下一步就是如何实施了。我听过很多公开课,看过很多有趣新颖的课堂活动,发现掌握意义和原则并不代表能创设完美的课堂。因为许多教师都因为没能很好地掌控课堂活动,导致课堂混乱。所以教师要对活动进程进行主动地控制: 学习活动是一个过程,需要一定的时间。但在活动过程中由于活动内容不同、活动目的不同、活动主体水平的不同,所需时间也就不同。为了达到活动目的,时间的分配必须适度。如果实际操作中,时间出现误差,教师要能合理地控制,随时喊停。从而有效地控制活动进程,优化课堂结构,达到活动目的。


PEP英语六年级上册第一单元活动手册听力材料及部分参考答案: A. 1. Listen and maych.(听音,连线.) Teacher: How do you go to school, Amy? Amy: I usually go to school on foot, because ,my bome i s near. Teacher: What about you, Mike? Mike: My home i s near, too. So I usually go to school by bike. Teacher: That’t fun. How do you go to school, Sally? Sally: I go to school by car, because my father has a car. Teacher: What about you , Zhang Peng? Zhang: I go to school by bus, because it’s cheap. Teacher: Do you got oschool by bus too, Peter? Peter: No, I don’t go to school by bus. I go to school by subway, because it’s fast. 3. Listen and tick or cross.

(1) Chen: I’m C hen J ie. I usually go to school by bike. Sometimes I go on foot. (2) Sarah: How do you go to school, John? John: I usually goto school by subway. Sometimes I go by bus. (3) Zip: Hi! Zoom. You go to school by car. How cool! Zoom: Yes, my father has a car. (4) John: How do you usually go to work, Miss White? Miss White: My home is near. I usually go on foot. 4.Look , read and write. (1) How do you go to school? I go to school by bike. (2) How do you go to school? I go to school on foot. (3) How do you go to school?


1.Class One,Grade Four It is Tuesday today.Boys and girls are all at school。They usually come to school by bus. Their teacher is at school.too.The teacher’s name is Gu Yan.She is young.She usually comes to school on foot. Look at the classroom of Class One,Grade Four.In this room,you can see a boy and a girl.The boy is eleven.His name is Jack.The girl is Emma.She is twelve.John is Jack’s friend.He is an American boy. 根据短文内容判断正误 ( )1.Boys and girls are all at home today. ( )2.The boys and girls go to school by bus. ( )3.Miss Gu is not old. ( )4.Miss Gu usually goes to school by bike. 2.James Is Ill James is a primary school(小学) student.He’s in Grade(年级) Three now.He has a round face and wears glasses.He likes playing football and swimming.But today he doesn’t go to school.He’s ill.He’s in bed.He had a bad cold.He must stay in bed for a week. 根据短文选择正确的答案 ( )1.James is a _____ student. A.primary school B.middle school C.senior school ( )2.Jame is in Grade _____. A.Too B.Three C.Two ( )3.Jame likes _____. A.basketball B.football C.table tennis ( )4.James is in bed because _____. A.he is tired B.he is ill C.he is sleepy ( )5.James must stay in bed for _____. A.a day B.a week C.two weeks 3.The Lion’s Dinner Lion:Good afternoon,Mrs Rabbit.Let me eat you. Rabbit:Don’t eat me,Mr Lion.I’m old.That mouse is younger than me. Lion:Miss Mouse,Miss Mouse,let me eat you. Mouse:Oh,no.Many birds are standing over there. Lion:Birds,I will eat you.You are my dinner. Birds:You are bad.We can fly,can you? Lion:No,I can’t.But where is my dinner? 根据短文选择正确答案 ( )1.The lion is ______. A.full B.hungry C.scared(受惊吓的) D.happy


Unit 1.Welcome to my new home 1.Look at my bedroom. 2.There is a new computer. 3.What is in your bedroom? 4.There are two sofas and four armchairs. 5.There is a big clock on the wall. https://www.360docs.net/doc/c14334459.html,e to my birthday party ? 7.Can you do some housework with me ? 8.What can I do for you ? 9.Can you clean the windows with me ? Unit 2.It is time to get up 1.Wake up,It is time to get up . 2.What time is it ? 3.It is eight o’ clock. 4.Let’s have breakfast. 5.I brush my teeth. 6.What’s the first class ? 7.We have rice ,beef,pork. 8.What a nice dinner ! 9.Put away your pen and pencil. 10.It’time for class. 11. The first class is Chinese. Unit 3. How many class do you have? 1.How many words do you have ? 2.We have 26 words. 3.Good morning,Miss Green. 4.How many students are there in your class ? 5.Fifty students. 6.May I ask you some questions ? 7.How many classes do you have today ? 8.They’re maths. 9.I like science. 10.What do you do in English class ? 11.We speak and sing . 12.Show me your science book. 13.Take out your book. Unit 4 There are seven days in a week. 1.How many days are there in a week ? 2.Sunday is the first day. 3.What day is today ? 4.What day is the next day ? 5.My favourite subject is Chinese. 6 We have English on Tuesday. 7.My favourite class is PE. 9.What do you usually do on weekends ? 10.I usually go to the park on Sunday. 11.When do you have music classes? 12.I have music classes on Wednesday. Unit 5 What will you do this weekend ? 1.Shall we have a picnic ? 2.What would you like ? 3.Here you are .


【篇一】小学四年级英语阅读理解题 Hello, I’m a boy. He’s ten. You can call me Martin. I have two big ears and two eyes. I can run and jump. I can’t paint or swim. This is my house. It is not very big. But it is beautiful. Look! In the sitting-room, there is a big plan t. I’ve got many beautiful flowers. They’re under the big plant. There are four apples on the table. I like my house. () 1. Martin is a _______. A. girl B. boy C. ten () 2. Martin can ______ and run. A. swim B. jump C. paint () 3. Martin’s house is ______. A. big B. small and beautiful C. big and beautiful () 4. _________are under the big plant. A. Four apples B. A big plant C. Many flowers 【篇二】小学四年级英语阅读理解题 阅读短文,判断句子的对错,对的打“√”,否则打“X”。 It’s 11:30. I’m in the school cantee n. I have rice, beef and potatoes for lunch. It’s cold today. I wear my new sweater. It’s 25 yuan. It’s cheap. But it’s very nice. I like it very much. ()1、It’s eleven thirteen. ()2、I have rice, beef and tomatoes for lunch. ()3、It’s not hot tod ay. ()4、My sweater is twenty-four yuan. ()5、The sweater is very expensive. 【篇三】小学四年级英语阅读理解题


Look!That’s the playground. Where’s the library? It’s next to the art room. Oh,no! That’s my library! Is this the teachers’ office? No, it isn’t. It’s the computer room. Do you have an art room? Yes, it’s on the second floor. Excuse me. Where’s the teachers’ office? It’s on the second floor. OK. Thanks. Hi. Is this the teachers’ office? No, it isn’t. The teachers’ office is next to the library. Hi, Miss White! Here’s my homework. Thank you, Mike. Bye, Miss White. Where’s the library? It’s on the second floor. Is it next to the Classroom 3? Yes, it is. Where’s the library? It’s on the first floor Welcome to our school! This is my classroom. It’s so big! How many students are there in your class? Forty-five students. Is that the computer room? No, it isn’t. It’s the teachers’ office. Do you have a library? Yes, we do. It’s on the second floor. This way, please.


教科版科学四年级下册学生活动手册参考答案 第一单元《电》 第一课《生活中的静电现象》P2 一、1.物质生物非生物 2.正电荷负电荷排斥吸引 3.电流电源电路 二、1对2错3对 三、把在头发上摩擦过的塑料笔慢慢靠近碎纸屑,纸屑会被吸起。 第二课《点亮小灯泡》P4 一、1.灯丝 2.导线小灯泡回路电流 二、1错2对 三、能。连接图略 第三课《简单电路》P6 一、1.电源用电器导线 2.电源 二、1---3对对对 三、简单电路图略 第四课《电路出故障了》P8 一、1---3错对错 二、用验电笔来检测。如果有电流通过,电流通过验电器、人体、大地形成回路,氖泡会发亮。反之,氖泡不亮。 第五课《导体与绝缘体》P10 一、1---5 错错对错对 二、1---3 B D C 三、参考答案教室里的电器设备使用的绝缘材料正确的使用方法开关外壳、手触摸点 保护好这些绝缘材料。不要用湿布擦拭, 不用湿手触摸电器和开关。使用电器时,应该先插电源插头,再开电器开关,用完后,先关开关,再拔插头。 插座外壳、导线外层电灯灯座外壳电风扇电机外罩 第六课《做个小开关》P12 一、1.导体绝缘体2.开关 二、1.错对错 2.对对错错对错对错 三、参考答案:电视、空调、洗衣机、冰箱等都有开关,开关的种类很多,有接触式的,如按键开关、旋扭开关、拉线开关、闸刀开关,也有非接触式的,如遥控开关、感应光亮、声控开关等。此类电器的开关主要作用是连接或断开电路,控制电路中电器元件的工作状态。 第七课《不一样的电路连接》P14 一、串联并联并联 二、2.3伏更亮1.5伏不太亮3.暗亮

三、1---2C B 四、电路图略 第二单元《新的生命》 第一课《油菜花开了》P17 1.(1)根、茎、叶、花、果实、种子(2)雄蕊,雌蕊,雌蕊,雄蕊。 2.(1)×(2)√(3)√(4)× 3.参考答案:不是所有的油菜花都能结果;不是所有的花都有雄蕊赫然雌蕊;有些花是不长花瓣的。 第二课《各种各样的花》P19 1.(1)萼片、花瓣、雄蕊、雌蕊。(2)雄花(3)雌花(4)两性花 2.(1)A,B (2)B,A。 3.参考答案:种子是由胚珠发育而成,果实是由子房发育而成,而胚珠是子房构成的一个部分,同样,种子也只是果实的一个组成部分。开花后,雄蕊顶端的花药释放花粉,在风力、昆虫或自身生理结构的帮助下,花粉到达雌蕊顶端(花柱的柱头),在柱头分泌物的刺激下,花粉萌发花粉管,沿花柱直下到达胚珠,花粉中蕴藏的镜子沿花粉管到达胚珠与卵子结合,形成受精卵,受精卵发育,刺激胚珠以至整个子房发育,最后形成果实。 第三课《花、果实和种子》P21 1.(1)花、种子(2)雄蕊、雌蕊,胚珠。果实、种子,受精的胚珠。 (3)雄蕊、雌蕊 2.(1)×(2)×(3)× 3.参考答案:不能了。因为雌蕊的子房是产生果实的结构,雌蕊被吃掉了那么就不能产生果实了。 第四课《把种子散播到远处》P22-23 1.(1)动物传播、风传播、水传播和弹射传播。(2)种子的外部形态、结构。 2.(1)A (2)A (3)C (4)B 3.参考答案:会导致大量同种植物挤在一起,进而导致植物养分、阳光等生长要素的不足,影响植物生长,最终的结果就是这一种植物会死亡。所以植物都尽量把种子远远地传播出去 第五课《种子的萌发》P25 1.(1)种皮、胚。胚根、胚芽和子叶。(2)茎和叶;根;种皮;子叶。 (3)胚,生命,植物。 2.(1)C (2)C 3.参考答案:种子发芽需要的条件:充足的水分、适宜的温度和足够的氧气。 第六课《动物的卵》P27 1.(1)蛋壳、蛋白、蛋黄和胚胎。(2)21(3)卵生动物。 2.(1)B (2)C(3)C(4)C(5)C 3.参考答案:蛋壳:保护胚胎的作用;气室:直接给胚胎提供氧气;蛋黄(卵黄):直接提供胚胎营养;蛋白(蛋清或卵白),蛋白质,主要作用:保护胚胎,做缓冲剂,并提供一定胚胎成长所需蛋白质和水分。


小学四年级英语阅读理解30 篇( )3.Jame likes _____. It is Tuesday today.Boys and girls are all at school. A.basketball B.football C.table tennis Their teacher is at school.too.The teacher’( )4.James is in bed because _____. Look at the classroom of Class One,Grade Four.In this room,you A.he is tired B.he is ill C.he is sleepy can see a boy and a girl.The boy is eleven.His name is Jack.The girl is( )5.James must stay in bed for _____. Emma.She is twelve.John is Jack’ s friend.He is an American boy. A.a day B.a week C.two weeks 根据短文内容判断正误 3.The Lion ’ s Dinner ( )1.Boys and girls are all at home today.Lion:Good afternoon,Mrs Rabbit.Let me eat you. ( )2.The boys and girls go to school by bus.Rabbit:Don’ t eat me,Mr Lion.I’ m old.That mouse is younger ( )3.Miss Gu is not old.me. ( )4.Miss Gu usually goes to school by bike.Lion:Miss Mouse,Miss Mouse,let me eat you. 2.James Is Ill Mouse:Oh,no.Many birds are standing over there. James is a primary school(小学 ) student.He ’ s in年级 Grade()Three Lion:Birds,I will eat you.You are my dinner. now.He has a round face and wears glasses.He likes playing football and Birds:You are bad.We can fly,can you? swimming.But today he doesn’ t go to school.He’ s ill.He ’ s in bed.He had’ t.But where is my dinner? Lion:No,I can a bad cold.He must stay in bed for a week.根据短文选择正确答案 根据短文选择正确的答案( )1.The lion is ______. ( )1.James is a _____ student. A.full B.hungry C.scared(受惊吓的 ) D.happy A.primary school B.middle school C.senior school( )2.The lion doesn’ t eat the rabbit,because there is a ______ ove ( )2.Jame is in Grade _____.there. A.Too B.Three C.Two A.deer B.bird C.goat D.mouse
