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1. Tapescript:

a. Jack was on the moon in his dream.

b. Jane was in the bedroom at four yesterday afternoon.

c. Tim had a science class this morning.

d. Bob had an English class yesterday.

e. Ken was on the farm last week.

f. Uncle Booky was in the supermarket this mornin



a. Yes.

b. No.

c. No.

d. Yes.

e. Yes.

f. No.

2. Tapescript:

It was Saturday yesterday. Ken and Ann were in the park. There was a tree near them, and there was a monkey behind the tree. Ann was afraid. It was Mocky. Ann was happy. They had lunch near the river together. They had lots of fun together.

Keys: 4 2 1 5 3

3. Tapescript:

a. In Ann’s dream, she was an astronaut.

Ken and Mocky were astronauts, too.

b. Ken and Ann were on Mars.

Martians were their friends.

They had a good time.

4. Tapescript:

Tommy was in Shanghai last week with his parents. It was very hot there, but Tommy was happy. He had many books from his grandparents. They all had a good time together.

Keys: No. (2) Yes (3) No (4) Yes

5. Tapescript:

Mocky had a good time last Sunday. He was at Unlce Booky’s house. They had a big dinner together. After dinner they were in the forest. There were many big birds. Mocky had a dream at night. In the dream, he was a big bird in the sky.

6. race river read red rectangle ride remember etc.

lemonade late lunch Lulu early slow close etc.


(1) were (2) was (3) were (4) were (5) had (6) was (7) had (8) had

8. doctor teacher pilot dancer vet policeman juggler astronaut


(1) In my dream, I was in the forest with Mocky.

(2) In my dream, I had many new toys.

(3) In my dream, the children were in the swimming pool.

(4) In my dream, Denny had a birthday party.


a. The thief was at home in the morning.

b. The thief was in the movie theater in the evening / morning / afternoon.

c. The thief was on the bus in the evening / morning / afternoon.

d. The thief was in the supermarket in the evening / morning / afternoon.

e. The thief was in the police station in the evening / morning / afternoon.

11. had was was was was had

12. A. 右上角的图片

B. No. No. Yes. No.



a. Eric was sick yesterday. He didn’t go to school.

b. John didn’t play with his friends yesterday afternoon. He watched TV at home

c. Jack didn’t sit next to Jim this morning. He sat next to Mary.

d. They didn’t have a birthday party last night. They went to the movie theater.

Keys: a. 图二 b. 图一 c. 图二 d. 图二


- Paul, you didn’t clean the table, you didn’t clean your room, you didn’t wash your socks. What did you do in the morning?

- Mom, I visited grandma. She coughed a lot yesterday. I helped John with his homework. And I cooked dinner for you.

Keys: Wrong Wrong Right Wrong Right Right

3. Tapescript:

Yesterday was my birthday, and it was Sunday. I got up late at about nine o’clock. In the morning my grandma came. She gave me a birthday gift. It was a pen. We ate birthday cake together. My friend Jenny called me in the afternoon. We went to the library together.

Keys: (1) Right (2) Right (3) Wrong (4) Right (5) Wrong (6) Wrong

4. Tapescript:

Yesterday was the last day of the vacation. Wang Ling got up very early. She cleaned her bag first, and then went to the shop for some new pencils and books. She put everything into her bag. In the evening she didn’t watch TV. She went to bed early.

5. (1) No. (2) No. (3) Yes. (4) No. (5) Yes. (6) Yes.

sweater: weather head bread

please: read cheap jeans

bike: sight hi

pig: him hit office
