商务英语基础(下) Unit 23 Marketing Promotion

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Ⅵ.1.Our products are displayed in Stand B22 where you will find me during office hour. 2.We can assure you that these suiting are very popular in the Far-East Market where we have had much experience. 3.Can you spare me a few minutes when I can give you a product demonstration? 4.A questionnaire is a set of questions which are used in a survey to find out about people’s opinion,behaviour and practices. 5.Mr. Black explain the reason why he rejected the products. Ⅶ.D,B,B,A,B,B,B,B,D,A.
The key to the practice
Ⅰ.F,T,T,F,T Ⅲ.1.f 2.d 3.b 4.e 5.h 6.c 7.a 8.g Ⅳ.1.advertising 2.coupon 3.lure 4.market 5.audience Ⅴ.1.sales promotion 2.attempt to 3.be oriented toward 4.mass audience 5.be best suited for 6.saturated 7.sales promotion 8.Coupon
Ⅷ.1.人员销售,是一种销售及建立业务关系 为目的的个人表现。 2.广告宣传是在地理上分散的达到众多消费 者。 3.营销组合有四个被称为“四原则”的变量 组成:产品、价格、渠道和促销。 4.计划有效竞争的市场策略,公司需要找出 所有可能的竞争者。 5.它必须不断地比较产品、价格、渠道和促 销与那些接近的竞争者。 Ⅸ.A,B,C,C,D,B
Sales Promotion
Sales promotion is the aspect of marketing concerned with increasing sales.促销是营销方面关与增加销售的。It attempts to persuade and influence the customer’s attitude in various ways.它试 图以各种方式来说服顾客和影响顾客的态度。 It is oriented toward producing a customer for the product rather than a product for the customer.其目的是为产品 找到顾客,而不是为顾客找到产品。
The following may be useful:
Can I speak to…,please? 请问我可以跟……讲话吗? I’m calling to ask you…. 我打电话是想问你… Are you interested in advertising…? 你对……广告感兴趣呢? Could you give me a special rate…? 你能给我一个特殊的价格吗?
A different market situation requires a different method of promotion.不同的市场情况 要求不同的促销方法。When a market is saturated,it means that there are no new customers to be found.当市场饱和了,就意味着 找不到新的客户。To increase market share,the marketing department of a company must design a total program of promotion for a particular product.为了增加市场份额,公司的营 销部门必须设计一个完整的促销方案。Such a program may involve increased advertising to remind customers of the name of the product. 这样的一个项目可能包括增加广告提醒客户的产品 的名称。Sales promotion may include contests,coupons,and price discounting.促销 可能包括竞赛、优惠券和折扣。
P:Oh,thanks.I might just do that!我可能 会那样做。 S:So…how will you be spending the holidays this year?那…你今天如何度过 你的假期? P:Well,my daughter’s bringing her children,and my son and his partner will be staying too.我女儿会带她的孩子 们过来,我儿子和他女朋友也会来。 S:Ah,family!Well,I expect you ‘ll be needing to stock up on treats to keep everybody happy.我觉得你需要囤积食物 来让每个人都开心。
P:Hmmm…it does sound nice.听起来不错呀。 S:And there’s free delivery!还有包邮!Plus we’ll give you an extra 10% off your next order.加上我 们会给你下个订单额外打9折。 P:Well,Ok then.I’ll have the family one.我要个家 庭装。 S:Thanks very much for shopping with Smythe and Morrison,and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!非常感谢你在Smythe and Morrison购 物,希望你度过一个美好的圣诞节。 P:Ok,thanks,bye! S:Bye now.
Three main promotional activities are advertising,personal selling,and sales promotion.主要三个促销活动有广告、个人 销售和促销。Advertising is a nonpersonal presentation of goods,services,or ideas aimed at mass audience.广告宣传是面向大众,对商品、 服务或者观念进行的展示,它并不针对特定 人群。It is particularly suited for products that are widely distributed,such as convenience goods. 它特别适合于那些被广泛销售的产品诸如方 便商品。
Perhaps you’d be interested in one of our Family Festivities hampers.也许你会对我们的家 庭欢庆食篮感兴趣。For only £69.99 you get a selection of our finest luxury foods.只要£69.99 就能得到我们最好奢侈食物的选择。 P:Oh,well,that sounds a bit expensive…这听起 来挺贵的… S:Oh,but for you what you get it’s an absolute bargain!但对你来说,你能得到的是绝对超值的。 Five types of cheeses,jams,dried fruit,and our best Belgian chocolates…it’d sure to last you ages.五种奶酪、果酱、果脯,我们最好的比利时巧 克力… 老少皆宜。Plenty for everyone!每个人都 很多!Why not treat them?为什么不请他们吃呢?
We’ve just published our new catalogue for Winter 2008.我们刚刚发布了我们2008年冬天的 新目录。I can add you to our mailing list to receive the catalogue free of charge if you’d like.如果你想,我可以添加你到我们的邮件列表接 收免费目录。 P:Oh,no thank you.I’m slow under with catalogues at this time of year! 每年的这个时 候,在这些目录之下我都会慢下来。 S:Ok,no problem.If you want to find out more you can always take a look at our website at smythemorrisonfinefoods.com.如果你想了解 更多你可以看看我们的网站 smythemorrisonfinefoods.com。
Unit 23
Marketing Promotion
Biblioteka Baidu
Task Two
P:Hello? S:Good afternoon,my name is Steven and I’m calling on behalf of Smythe & Morrison Fine Foods.我代表食品公司。I was wondering if we could discuss your Christmas food needs?我在想我们是否能 讨论你方圣诞节的食品需要? P:Oh,if it won’t take too long.All right then.如果不会花费太长时间的话,那好吧。 S:Well,are you familiar with our seasonal ranges?你熟悉我们的圣诞季商品范围吗?