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Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
神经节细胞缺如; 胆碱能神经系统异常; 肾上腺素能神经及非肾上腺素能非胆碱能神经
对部分新生儿HD,因结肠被动性扩张尚不明显,与狭 窄段对比差异不大,可能会对诊断有影响。
24小时后复查,钡剂残留的情况可反映结肠的蠕动功 能,HD的患儿钡剂排空的功能很差,这点对诊断也有 重要意义。
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
一般认为是由于在胚胎第12周前神经节细胞 发育停顿所致,停顿越早,无神经节细胞段 越长。尾端的直肠、乙状结肠最后才有神经 母细胞生长,因此是最常见的病变部位。
近年来人们主要从基因突变、早期胚胎阶段 微环境改变及遗传因素等方面对HD的发病 原因进行了相关研究。
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
形态学改变 典型的分为
痉挛段 移行段 扩张段
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
异常; Cajal间质细胞异常;
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
腹部膨隆,腹壁变薄,可见肠型; 肛门指检,内括约肌紧张,壶腹部空虚,退指时常有爆
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
腹部立位片:简单易行的基本检查;可见低位性肠 梗阻,扩张的结肠及气液平。
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
The important role of barium enema in the diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
先天性巨结肠(Hirschsprung's disease)又称肠 无神经节细胞症。
发病率 国内资料 1:5000 家族发病率 4% 性别比率 男:女=4:1
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
常见型(约75%):无神经节细胞区自肛门开 始向上延伸至乙状结肠远端;
凡新生儿时期出现胎便排出异常,或以后反复便秘、肛 门指检壶腹部空虚,随之有大量气便排出症状缓解者, 均应怀疑有先天性巨结肠之可能;
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
短段型及超短段型(8%):无神经节细胞段局 限于直肠远端部分;
长段型:包括降结肠、结肠脾曲(10%),甚 至大部分横结肠(4%);
极少数整个结肠受累,甚至包括回肠末端 (3%)。
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
1886年丹麦医师Harald Hirschsprung 首次 详细描述并命名为Hirschsprung Disease。
1908年Finney总结该病的9种发病机制。 1948年Swenson和Bill报告手术切除痉挛
段,治疗成功,此后认识到主要病变在结肠 痉挛段无神经节细胞。
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks A便或胎便排出延迟,90%以上HD患儿在出生后 24小时内不排便;
腹胀,呈蛙状腹,进行性加重,大量肠内容物及气体滞 留于结肠;
一般情况差,长期营养不良、消瘦、发育延迟,肾上腺 素能神经及非肾上腺素能非胆碱能神经异常;
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
如果HD患儿出现腹泻、发热、腹胀加重,应考虑小肠 结肠炎;
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
X线检查:腹部立位片 钡剂灌肠
直肠肛管测压:直肠肛管抑制反射(RAIR)对HD诊断 有重要价值,90%以上的HD患儿RAIR消失。
直肠黏膜吸引活检组织化学检查:乙酰胆碱酯酶定性检 查。
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
Asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients on an ProDepression A Risk Factor for Infant Mental HealthMammography Benchmarks Angoff Process
钡剂灌肠:对于典型的HD在新生儿期钡灌肠仍可见狭 窄段、移行段及扩张段。