

Good morning (evening), every one

My name is Yuelang from Fensiting primary school, I am in grade four.

As we all know, there are lot of people in the world who like animals so much, they think animals are our friends, they help animals and protect them. I like animals too. I want a cute doggy to be my buddy. So I always beg my parents to let me

have a dog in our home; But Mom always turns me down.

She says, “We cannot keep a dog in home because we cannot provide what they need. For example, most of animals need a big space, need to be free outside for hours. If we forced them to stay in our small apartment every hour, everyday, without company, they would just like miserable


Mom also says, “Dogs also need to be taken good care of. You should wash it every day, you should feed it every day, and you should walk it every day. As for walking a dog, the important thing is that you should remember to remove its shit into a trash can with your hands, if not, our environment will be dirty and messy. ”

I still love dogs although I don’t like to remove its shit with my hands. I also understand it is not convenient to keep a dog in our home, because I am too busy to take care of it. But, some day, if we have a big house with a small dog’s door beside our front door, if I grow up to be an adult, I will be a civilized owner of a dog, I will never let dog’s shit on the ground to mess

our neighborhood, I will never let my dog feel like a miserable prisoner. .

Right now, I will be happier if I can be a volunteer of environment protector. I’d like to ask every owner of pets not only take good care of pets, but keep our environment be beautiful and clear. Then, our neighborhood will be a paradise for both animals and humans. Then, pets and

humans will live together in harmony. That is the true love of pets and animals. That is all

Thanks for listening


【篇一】英语口语对话小故事加翻译 Lily: Hi,Ann, why are you sitting here in a daze? 嗨,安,坐着发什么呆呢? Ann: Oh,Lily,I am thinking about our boss’s plan. 哦,莉莉啊,我正在想老板的计划。 Lily: Are you for or against his idea? 你是同意还是反对他的主意? Ann: In general, it is full of originality, but I think it is hard to carry out. 一般来说,他的主意很有创意,但我觉得很难实施。 Lily: I agree with you.Maybe we can make some advice to our boss. 我同意你的看法。或许我们可以给老板建议下。 Ann: Do you have good suggestion? 你有什么好建议吗? Lily: I am not sure,but according to the plan, I have made some modifications. 我不确定这是不是好的建议,但我根据那个计划做了些修改。 Ann: OK,let us visit the boss. 好的,我们去见老板吧。 Lily: Wait, I just remember that our boss went to bussiness this morning. 等等,我刚想起老板早上出差了。 Ann: We can tell him through E-mail. 那我们就给他发邮件吧。


小学生英语口语大赛演讲稿 篇一:小学生英语口语比赛演讲稿 Introduce myself Good morning!(Good afternoon) teachers! Today, I’m very happy to make a speech here. First, Let me introduce myself. (早上好,各位老师们,我很高兴能在这里给做演讲,首先让我先作一下自我介绍) My name is DingYihang. My English name is Tom. As you know , Tom is a naughty cat. Haha !(做猫咪的动作) .I’m ten years old. I come from The No. 1 attached Primary School of normal training college .I am in Grade 4. I am a lovely boy! 一只顽皮的猫,哈哈。我十岁了,我在师专一附小上学,我4年级了,我是一个可爱的男孩。) I like playing football,(做踢球的动作)Because every boy likes playing it. My dream is to be a good football player. Potatoes are my favorite food, They’re tasty (做好吃状)。My favorite color is blue , blue is a cold color, but I like it. Because sky is blue (指天空),sea is blue(作在大海里游泳的动作),I like sea very. Today I will make a speech about sea,I hope that


【小学生口语大赛自我介绍】四年级英语演讲小故事 小学生在参加比赛时,在短短的几分钟里面该说些什么才能抓住别人的心,这就看你自己的功力了,下面是的小学生口语大赛自我介绍,欢迎大家阅读。 我是一个活泼开朗的女孩。 不过,我先要告诉大家的是我的外貌,我很漂亮,每天早晨当我洗脸的时候,都会面对镜子不由自主的说:“哇!太漂亮了,长的差不多就行了嘛!怎么长这么漂亮啊!”大家听了一定会称赞,因为我本来就漂亮嘛。不过男生听了可别笑,因为我会害羞的。我长着一头黑油油的头发,较大而好看的嘴巴,哦!忘了告诉大家我的头发是短的,红红的脸蛋像苹果一样。还有一双炯炯有神的眼睛。 我的爱好是弹琴,唱歌,学英语。记得上学期我的英语和音乐都考了100分,不错吧。我唱歌的声音就像百灵鸟一样,一张嘴,那歌声准会吸引了你。不过,想听我唱歌可不一定那么容易奥! 我的性格调皮,可爱,捣蛋,幽默也很善良。别看我很宽容,可一但把我惹生气了那你可注定得挨Q。 这就是我,一个很特殊的女孩。

甘梦莹,女,现年十一岁,叶县昆阳镇第一小学。她品学兼优、乐于助人、热爱集体、积极争章。她小小年纪,却以良好的思想品质,优异的学习成绩,全面发展的综合素质。成为同学中的佼佼者。 勤奋学习,开阔视野 在学习上,她刻苦好学,勤于动脑。从一年级到现在,各科成绩一直在年级名列前茅,年年被评为三好学生。读书是她课余的一大乐事,从童话故事到历史读本,从自然科学到天文知识,她都读的津津有味。广泛的阅读开阔了她的眼界,同时也提高了她的写作水平。 心地善良,礼貌待人 她有一颗善良真诚的心灵。有人说,金子是最纯美的,但比金子更美的是人的心灵。甘梦莹同学有一颗洁白无暇、善良真诚的心灵,她心地善良、追求纯真、无私无邪。在家里,对待亲人,关注亲人的冷暖,经常帮助爸爸妈妈做一些力所能及的家务活,打扫卫生,摘菜洗菜、洗衣服,让亲情其乐融融。对待邻里,她文明礼貌、与人为善,休息时间绝不会制造噪音影响邻里的休息,深得邻里喜爱。 传递爱心,助人为乐


The Fox and the Goat(狐狸和山羊) One day a fox fell into a well. 一天,一只狐狸失足掉到了井里。 He tried to get out of it, but he couldn’t. 不论他如何挣扎仍没法爬上来。 Just then a goat came to the well. 就在当时,一只山羊来到井边。 She wanted to drink some water. 她想喝水。 She looked down into the well and saw a fox there. 她往井里看发现狐狸在井里。 The goat said to the fox, “Is the water good?”  便问狐狸:“井水好不好喝?” “Yes, the water is good,” said the fox.狐狸说:“是的,井里的水很好喝。” The goat jumped into the well and drank much water as she liked. 山羊便不假思索地跳了下去,咕咚咕咚痛饮。Afte r a while the goat said to the fox, “How can we get out of this well?”  一会儿之后,山羊问狐狸:“我们怎么从井里出去?” Put your feet on the wall.狐狸说:“你用前脚扒在井墙上。 The fox said, “Well! Then I jump up from your back.我从你后背跳上井去, After that I will help you out.”  再拉你上来,我们就都得救了。 “Oh, it’s a fine idea,” said the goat. “嗯,真的是个好办法。”山羊说。 And the fox got upon her back and jumped out of the well. 狐狸跳到他的背上,再用力一跳,跳出了井口。“Now help me out, please!” said the goat.“现在请把我救出去吧!”山羊说。 The fox said,then ran away. “Why didn’t you think of how to get out, before youjumped in?”  “为什么你在跳进井里之前没有想着如何上来呢?”狐狸说完就跑开了。 The story tell us: Think twice before your action. 这个故事告诉我们:三思而后行。


小学生英语口语大赛资料 My family Hello, everyone, I’m Wuhaoming. I’m a student. There are three people in my family—my father, mother and I. My father is 40 years old. He is a worker. I think he is a good worker. Because he works very hard. He gets up very early every day and he works for more than 10 hours a day. So he is always busy, he looks very tired when he gets home. He likes reading newspapers. He usually reads it after supper. So he gets lots of news. My mother is 38 years old. She is a worker too. She works in a very small factory. She is not tall and she has two big eyes. She loves me and she is good for me. She always buys some books for me. She wants me to be a top student. She also cares for my diet and life. I’ m 15 years old. I wear glasses. I like reading. I always read books after school. I like singing, too. My favorite singer is Jay Chou. His music is very nice. What do you think of him? I also like making friends. If you want to meet me, please write to me. Oh, my parents love me and I love them, too. My family is a happy family. 英语演讲稿:My hobby I have many hobbies. I like to do many things. Let me share a few. I like video games. Computer games are cool,too. I could play them all day. I like collecting cards. I play games with them. I trade them with my friends. Also,I like sports. I like being outdoors. I love fresh air and sunshine. Bike riding is fun. Rollerblading is neat. Swimming is my favorite. In addition,I like to draw pictures. I like to read comics. But please don't tell my parents. Furthermore, I like music. I like to sing songs. I'm learning to play an instrument. Of course, I enjoy learning English. I like speaking with foreigners. I love watching Disney cartoons. There is more I like to do. There is more I can say. I'll save it for another day My sweet home Hello! Everyone! I’m very pleased to be here. The topic of my speech is“My sweet home.” With a cry of joy, I was born and came to the world. My parents looked at me again and again, so lovingly. A year later, I began learning to walk. When I fell, it was mother and father who picked me up. When I was in trouble, it was also mother and father who helped me. Like every parents in the world, they gave food and clothes for me. They often told me some things about life, making me understand what was wrong and what was right. But sometimes I didn’t understand my parents. I still remember an unhappy event in my childhood. Once, I played with some children. Among us, there was an older boy. I can’t remember what was happening. But I still remember clearly he gave me a hit first, then I hit him back. We both cried. My parents and his parents came out to see what had happened. I believe


小学英语口语竞赛活动方案 为了培养小学生学习英语口语的兴趣,提升学生英语口语水平, 促使教师注重口语教学,根据本学期小学英语教研计划,将在本学期 末举行2020年桐乡市小学英语口语比赛。现将方案公布如下,具体比 赛通知日后再发。一、比赛年级:五年级二、参赛人员选拔 (1)校级选拔比赛由各校自行组织。 (2)市级比赛:根据年报数,班级数在5个以内的,每校1位选手;超过5个班的,每校2位选手。 三、比赛方式: (1)比赛分为2部分。选手先进入第一赛场,参加第一部分竞赛;然后进入第二赛场,参加第二部分竞赛。 (2)第一部分(50分。3分钟。)篇章朗读和造句。 朗读:内容源自五年级教材(上、下册)中各单元的对话和阅读 材料。(partc和recycle的内容除外。)约30秒内能够完成。 造句:共需要造5个句子。每一小题给出2个词汇。所造的句子 必须包括这两个词汇,并且必须为句子给出理由(用because)。例如: 词汇:yaoming,tall 答案:yaomingissotall---becausehisfatherandmotherlovesports. (3)第二部分(50分。3分钟。)单词朗读和看图说话。 单词朗读:朗读10个单词。所给单词在教材中没有出现过,但是 能够根据学生已有的语音知识推测出发音的。 看图说话:看一幅图片,说出至少5个句子,或者形成一个小篇章。

四、评分项目 (1)篇章朗读(20分):语音准确、重音合理、朗读流畅。综合评分。 (2)造句(30分):用到所给词汇。because之前语法准确。because之后合理、丰富、有创造性等。分小题评分。 (3)单词朗读(20分):能根据基本发音规律,准确朗读单词。分小题评分。 (4)看图说话(30分):语句数量,语句难度,逻辑合理,富有联想,……。综合评分。 五、奖项设置(1)参加市级比赛的选手中,40%为桐乡市一等奖,60%为桐乡市二等奖。 校级选拔比赛中,除参加桐乡市级比赛的选手,另外上报2位学生,为桐乡市三等奖。 六、其他事项 (1)每个部分的比赛中,只有开始和结束的提示音,中间无提示。需要选手自行把握进程。 (2)各校在5月31日前,将参加市级比赛的选手和获得桐乡市 三等奖的学生的姓名、班级、指导教师上报到english.tx@和lingyingqiang@ 桐乡市教研科研室


重庆工业职业技术学院 英语口语比赛策划书 一、活动背景 在21世纪的今天,英语是全球使用最广泛的使用语言,它是当今世界数十个国家的官方语言,而这些国家独占了全世界70%以上的财富,不精通英语就意味着跟这70%的机会无缘。身为大学生的我们更应该明白英语是我们跨入社会、跨入公司的基础,所以英语的综合运用能力在当今生活和学习中显得越来越重要了。 二、活动目的 本次英语口语比赛本着“培养兴趣、增强信心、展示风采、树立榜样”的原则,面向全体在校生,主要目的为: 1.提高同学学习英语的积极性,特别是提高对英语口语训练的积极性。 2.丰富学生的课余生活,让同学们“在快乐中享受英语的乐趣”。 3.为大学生提供一个学习和交流英语学习的平台,共同进步,在学校营造良好的英语学习氛围 4.加深对英语口语的重要性的认识。 5.通过举办活动,为广大英语爱好者提供一个互相交流和学习的机会。 三、活动主题 Enjoy English, enjoy life (快乐英语,快乐生活) free thought about the future(畅想未来)

四、活动负责单位 主办单位:重庆工业职业技术学院团委 承办单位:计算机系团总支自动化系团总支机械学院团总支 协办单位:各(院)系团总支 五、活动对象:全院学生 六、活动嘉宾及评委 嘉宾: 评委:xxx 七、活动时间 前期宣传时间:10月27日—11月4日 初赛时间:11月6日上午9:00开始(结束时间待定) 决赛时间:11月15日下午2:30—5:00 八、活动地点 初赛地点:第一教学楼115和119 决赛地点:学院操场 九、活动的评比标准与要求 (一)所设类别 1.演,包括唱歌、小品、话剧等(内容积极健康)。 2.说,包括演讲、朗诵 注:初赛可带稿子,决赛须脱稿,可带背景音乐和幻灯片,活动中选手所需要的个人器材请自行准备。 (二)比赛时间 1.唱歌、演讲、朗诵时间限制均为3-5分钟 2.小品、话剧时间限制均为8-10分钟


小学英语口语竞赛自我介绍 Dear teachers and classmates, thank you for giving me such a chance to introduce myself, it’s my great honor. 亲爱的老师们、同学门,感谢大家给了我这样一个机会来做自我介绍,这是我莫大的荣幸。 I’m Huang Tingting from Sijingshui Primary school. I’m ten years old. As you see, I am a cute girl. 我是来自于泗井水小学的黄婷婷。我今年十岁。正如你们所见,我是一个很可爱的小女孩。 I like yellow best. Do you know why? Because my family name is “Huang”. (Smile^_^) 我最喜欢黄颜色。大家知道为什么吗?因为我的姓是“黄”。(笑) In my free time, I like riding a bike, listening to music and drawing pictures. 在我的课余时间,我喜欢骑自行车,听音乐和画画。 I like rabbit very much. It has two long ears and a short tail. It’s as lovely as me. Am I right? 我非常喜欢小兔子。它有两个长长的耳朵和一个短尾巴,和我一样的可爱。我说的对吗? I like English very much, and I want to be an English teacher in my hometown in the future. 我非常喜欢英语,我以后要在家乡当一名英语老师。 Because my hometown is a mountain village, many children can’t speak English well. 因为我的家乡是一个山村,许多孩子不能很好地说英语。 I’m very confident. Because “Where there is a will, there is a way”. I believe my dream will come true. 我非常有信心,因为“有志者,事竟成。”我相信我的理想最终会实现。 That’s all. Thank you for listening. 谢谢大家的聆听。


###小学“快乐英语”口语大赛活动方案为了给同学们营造一个良好的英语学习氛围,提高同学们的英语口语能力,提供展现自我的舞台,调动同学们的英语学习积极性,进一步提高小学生英语听说能力的培养。特举办此次英语口语大赛。 目的是提高我校小学生英语口语水平,更好的完成《小学英语课程标准》中关于小学英语的最终目标:提高学生英语综合运用的能力。同时让学生体验英语学习的快乐与成功。给学生提供一个展示自我的交流的平台,为今后自己的学习打下一个良好的基础。 一、参加人员要求 三至六年级全体学生。 二、活动形式及内容 1、形式:大赛分初赛和复赛两个阶段进行。初赛以班为单位,由英语老师在班上组织初赛,每班选出4-5名代表,参加全校复赛。 2、内容(分年级层次) 三、四年级:1)自我介绍(打招呼、介绍姓名、爱好等)2)看图说单词,3次选择机会,共9个单词3)小游戏(抽签方式,选择一项,歌曲或者歌谣、missing游戏、数字游戏、我说你做4)教师现场提问1个 五、六年级:1)自我介绍(打招呼、介绍名字、爱好、家庭等)2)看图说单词(3次选择机会,共9个单词)3)看图说话(一张图片)4)小游戏(抽签方式,选择一项,歌曲或者歌谣、missing游戏、看图说话、我说你做,另:五年级绕口令,六年级模仿秀)5)教师现场提问2个 三、活动步骤 1.准备阶段:各班接到通知后,进行竞赛的初期准备活动,调动所有学生的 参与热情,确定参加人员。

2.初评阶段:本次大赛的初赛以班为单位,分班级进行初赛。 3.复赛阶段:在各班初评的基础上,推选出两名优秀的选手代表班级参加全 校的决赛。 四、活动要求 1. 请各班接此通知后,高度重视此项活动,严格按照要求进行操作,要与学生的日常教学相结合,提高学生的朗读和表演水平。初评阶段尽量扩大参与范围,并以此为契机,调动学生的参与热情和学习英语的信心。 2. 四年级的学生自我介绍不少于20秒,5、6年级的学生自我介绍不少于50秒,英语对话部分是由评委老师提出一至两个问题,由参赛选手组织语言作答。 3.参赛选手按当场抽签决定号码和演讲顺序。 五、评奖方式 在全校范围内评选出: 一等奖4人、二等奖6人,三等奖8人,其余为鼓励奖 六、活动时间和地点 大赛的决赛定于12月25日下午第一、二节课在三年级教室进行。届时请各位老师带参赛选手准时参加。 七、活动小组 领导小组: 大赛负责人: 评审组成员: 附1:三、四年级年级英语演讲比赛评分标准


第九届全国幼儿英语口语大赛—“英语小新星形象代言人”选拔赛 城市初赛考纲 一、组别设置 1、幼儿A组:幼儿小班 2、幼儿B组:幼儿中班 3、幼儿C组:幼儿大班 二、比赛内容及规则 自我介绍(1分钟,分值20分)用英文讲述自己、家人、爱好、小伙伴、幼儿园、喜爱的动物等。 注意事项:选手必须在规定时间内完成讲述,时间低于50秒或超过70秒将进行3分的扣分处理。评分标准: Happy family 欢乐一家亲(2分钟,分值30分) 必须是有英语兀素语言类节目,如英文歌曲、英语故事、英语诗歌朗诵等表演形式;需要家长与小朋友一起表演,展示家庭才艺,以体现家庭和睦为目的;小朋友必须用英语展示,家长可以用双语展示;若没有家长参与的,小朋友可单独进行英语个人才艺展示。注意事项: 1. 表演内容要充分展示幼儿的艺术修养以及大胆自由的发挥。 2. 选手表演所涉及的乐器、服装、头饰、道具须自带(注:不提供钢琴等乐器;),若需伴 奏须以mp3格式存于U盘并带到赛场。 评分标准: 同类联想(2分钟,分值30分) 此环节要求家长与参赛选手共同参与,家长首先抽取试题,然后向选手读出试题上的单词,选手说出与家长所读单词同类的其他英文单词。每说出一个得6分,说对5个得30分,即满分。 评分标准: 本环节备考词汇:(词汇均在下面各阶段的准备词汇中) 幼儿A组:animals动物、colors颜色、fruit水果、toys玩具; 幼儿B组:clothes衣服、body parts身体部位、stationery文具、food食物、family members 家庭成员;

幼儿C组:vehicles交通工具jobs职业,weather天气,classroom 教室,season季节,week 星期跟我说(1分钟,分值20分) 选手根据评委所说的内容进行及时复述。 评分标准: 本环节备考句型: 幼儿A组:句型1-20 幼儿B组:句型1-35 幼儿C组:句型1-50 本环节备考句型如下: 1、Hello ! ( How do you do?)你好! 2、How are you?— I ' m fineThank you, and you?你好吗?我很好。谢谢,你呢? 3、Good morning / afternoon/evening/nigh t 早上好/下午好/晚上好/晚安。 4、Excuse me (sorry/I ' m sorry打搅一下。(对不起/不好意思) 5、Thank you!谢谢你! 6、You are welcome 不用谢。 7、How are you today? 今天还好吗?. 8、Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 9、What' s your name?尔叫什么名字啊? My name is X X 我叫xxx 10、Let's play a game togethe让我们一起玩个游戏。 11、What can I do for you?我能为你做点什么? 12、At ease.稍息。 13、It ' s time for class该上课了。 14、Come in,please. 请进。 15、Let' s watch TV我们看电视吧! 16、Line up please! 请排队! 17、Attention please!请立正! 18、Don t worry about it 不要为这担心。 19、Turn left/right!向左/右转! 20、Stand up/sit down, please 请站起来/ 请坐下。 21、class is ove!下课! 22、It s time fo( (breakfast /lunch /supper/dinne).该吃早餐了/该吃午餐了/ 该吃晚餐了。 23、Do you understand?明白了吗? 24、Would you like some rice?想要吃点米饭吗? 25、Help yourself.请吃,别客气。 26、What' s on tonight?今晚有什么节目? 27、D o you want anymore?还要吗? 28、A nything to drink?喝点啥? 29、Look at me, please 请看着我。 30、W atch carefully. 看仔细。


Good morning teachers thank you for giving me such a chance to introduce myself, it’s my great honor. 亲爱的老师们、同学门,感谢大家给了我这样一个机会来做自我介绍,这是我莫大的荣幸。I’m liuchenxi。You can call me Cici I’m 11 years old. As you see, I am a cute girl. 正如你们所见,我是一个很可爱的小女孩。 I like cow best. Do you know why? Because my family name is “liu. (Smile^_^) I like rabbit very much. It has two long ears and a short tail. It’s as lovely as me. Am I right? 我非常喜欢小兔子。它有两个长长的耳朵和一个短尾巴,和我一样的可爱。我说的对吗 我最喜欢黄颜色。大家知道为什么吗?因为我的姓是“黄”。(笑) In my free time, I like riding a bike, listening to music and drawing pictures. 在我的课余时间,我喜欢骑自行车,听音乐和画画。 I have many friends at school and we usually study and play together . ?I like English very much, and I want to be an English teacher in the future. I’m very confident. Because “Where there is a will, there is a way”. I believe my dream will come true. 我非常有信心,因为“有志者,事竟成。”我相信我的理想最终会实现。 That’s all. Thank you for listening. 谢谢大家的聆听。


小学生英语口语风采大赛活动方案范例 一、活动宗旨: 为全面贯彻落实《义务教育英语课程标准(XX版)》,深化英语教学改革,进一步加强全市义务教育阶段学生英语听说能力教学,不断提高英语教学水平,市教育局研究制定了《临沂市教育局关于进一步加强义务教育阶段学生英语听说能力教学的指导》。为此,我校专门制定了落实方案,根据落实方案的活动计划,为了激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生英语语感,充分调动学生学习英语的积极性,并给学生提供展示英语才能的舞台,特举行xx小学“小学生英语口语风采大赛”。 二、指导思想: 全面贯彻《义务教育英语课程标准(XX版)》,认真落实《临沂市教育局关于进一步加强义务教育阶段学生英语听说能力教学的指导意见》,进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣,进一步扩大英语听说活动的参与面,促进学生英语听说能力的进一步提高。 三、活动主题:“快乐英语大家说” 活动口号:everyone says english,everyone in english 四、比赛对象:全校(乡/镇)三至六年级学生,每班限报10

人。 五、活动方式: 各班(学区)先根据比赛的内容设置及评分标准进行初赛,评出优秀选手参加全校(乡镇)的决赛。 决赛时间:xxxx年xx月xx日————x月x日 六、决赛地点:…… 七.比赛形式及程序: 1、抽签出场顺序。 2、比赛分为五大项:自我介绍、自由交际、口语表达(仅限五六年级)、朗读技巧、才艺展示,每个项目分别有评委。 3、选手进入考场后,根据大赛的路线及顺序依次进行比赛。评委老师利用打分表进行打分,最后交统计老师进行成绩统计与分析。 八、评奖: 根据总成绩评出团体一等奖1名,二等奖3名,三等奖2名。 个人单项奖:每个单项设一等奖10名,二等奖30名,三等奖20名。 个人总分奖:一等奖30%,二等奖40%,三等奖30%。 九、评分标准及评委组成 (一)评分标准(各项根据实际情况酌情打分): 1、声音宏亮,口齿清楚。 2、语音正确,语调自然。有感染力。 3、语句通顺、流畅,语感好。


小学生英语口语风采大赛活动方案 小学生英语口语风采大赛活动方案范文 一、活动宗旨: 为全面贯彻落实《义务教育英语课程标准(XX版)》,深化英语教学改革,进一步加强全市义务教育阶段学生英语听说能力教学,不断提高英语教学水平,市教育局研究制定了《临沂市教育局关于进一步加强义务教育阶段学生英语听说能力教学的指导意见》。为此,我校专门制定了落实方案,根据落实方案的活动计划,为了激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生英语语感,充分调动学生学习英语的积极性,并给学生提供展示英语才能的舞台,特举行xx小学“小学生英语口语风采大赛”。 二、指导思想: 全面贯彻《义务教育英语课程标准(XX版)》,认真落实《临沂市教育局关于进一步加强义务教育阶段学生英语听说能力教学的指导意见》,进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣,进一步扩大英语听说活动的参与面,促进学生英语听说能力的`进一步提高。 三、活动主题:“快乐英语大家说” 活动口号:everyonesaysenglish,everyoneinenglish 四、比赛对象:全校(乡/镇)三至六年级学生,每班限报10人。 五、活动方式: 各班(学区)先根据比赛的内容设置及评分标准进行初赛,评出

优秀选手参加全校(乡镇)的决赛。 决赛时间:xxxx年xx月xx日————x月x日 六、决赛地点:…… 七.比赛形式及程序: 1、抽签决定出场顺序。 2、比赛分为五大项:自我介绍、自由交际、口语表达(仅限五六年级)、朗读技巧、才艺展示,每个项目分别有评委。 3、选手进入考场后,根据大赛规定的路线及顺序依次进行比赛。评委老师利用打分表进行打分,最后交统计老师进行成绩统计与分析。 八、评奖办法: 根据总成绩评出团体一等奖1名,二等奖3名,三等奖2名。 个人单项奖:每个单项设一等奖10名,二等奖30名,三等奖20名。 个人总分奖:一等奖30%,二等奖40%,三等奖30%。 九、评分标准及评委组成 (一)评分标准(各项根据实际情况酌情打分): 1、声音宏亮,口齿清楚。 2、语音正确,语调自然。有感染力。 3、语句通顺、流畅,语感好。 4、音色、音质。 5、说唱时节奏恰当,内容熟练,说唱流畅,语感好。 6、台风。动作表演娴熟、优美、大方;表情丰富,有角色的变


1. Do you have a ruler? 2. Do you like English? 3. Do you like football? 4. Do you like your school? 5. Do you have computer lessons? 6. Do you often go to the park? 7. Do you like your English teacher? 8. Do you like playing Ping pong? 9. Do you like watch TV? 10. Do you like Yao Ming? Why? 11. Do you like winter? Why? 12. Do you have a pencil-case? 13. Do you like apples/ peaches/pears/bananas? 14. What about mangoes? 15. Can you play the piano / play the violin/ play basketball? 16. Can you clean the bedroom/ water the flowers? 17. How are you? 18. How do you do? 19. How old are you? How old is your father/mother? 20. What’s your name? / Who are you? 21. Nice to meet you. 22. May I have a look? Sure, here you are! 23. This is for you. Thank you. 24. Thank you! You’re welcome! 25. How many people are there in your family? 26. How many erasers do you have? 27. How many balloons? 28. How many kites can you see? I can see 29. How many crayons do you have? I have 30. Which animal do you like? 31. Where are you from? 32. What food do you like? 33. What do you like to eat? 34. What’s your favorite f ood? Why? 35. What do you have for breakfast today? 36. What would you like for lunch /dinner? ?37. What color do you like? 38. What color is English book? 39. When do you get up? I usually get up at 6:00. 40. When do you go to school? I go to school at 6:30 41. When do you eat breakfast? I eat breakfast at 7:00 42. When is Christmas day/….? 43. What time do you often get up? 44. What time do you have breakfast? 45. What grade are you in? 46. What day is it today? 47. What’s the date? 48. What’s the weather like today? 49. What’s your favorite sport /fruit/food/sport/season/holiday? 50. Which season do you like best? Why? 51. How many seasons are there in a year? 52. How many months are there in a year? 53. When’s your birthday? 54. What’s in your classroom? 55. What’s in your schoolbag? 56. Who’s your English teacher? 57. What’s you r father/she/he like? 58. Is she strict/quiet/active? 59. What does your father/mother/uncle/aunt do? 60. What do you do? I am a student. 61. What can you do in your class? 62. What can you do at home? 63. What do you do on the weekend/winter holiday? 64. What (lessons)do you have on Mondays? 65. How do you go to school? 66. How does your father/mother go to work? 67. What’s your hobby? 68. Which is the first/… day of a week? 69. Which month comes before/after May/…? 70. Which holiday do you like? Why? 71. Where is Xinhua Bookstore/library?


各位领导、老师、同学们下午好! My respectable leaders、dear teacher and students, good afternoon! 在这阳光灿烂的初冬下午,我们怀着喜悦的心情,迎来了我校举办的英语口语比赛。 With happy mood, we hold the Oral English Competition of Chaozhou Fuli School in such a sunny afternoon of early winter. 这是一个令人振奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子! What an exciting day! What a lovely day that belongs to us! 今天,同学们将在这里不但展示青春风采,更将展示我校素质教育成果。 Today, the competitors will not only show their green mines, but also show achievements of our School’s Quality Education. 现在,让我们以热烈的掌声请出担任本次大赛的嘉宾领导:张静菲

校长、王洁熳副校长及各位评委:黎宝和主任、林宝霞老师、巫思柳老师。让我们再次以最热烈的掌声欢迎他们! Now, let me introduce our honored guests and leaders: Miss Zhang,the headmaster. Miss Wang、the vice headmaster. Judges: Mr Li, the director, Miss Lin, Miss Wu. Let’s give them a warm welcome, welcome! 参加本次大赛的选手是从我校一至高一年级各班中挑出的英语学习的佼佼者,他们对英语学习有着浓厚兴趣。他们对英语一往情深。The competitors are from grade one to senior one. They’ve shown great interests in English learning. They are for gone in love with English. 今天,他们将发挥自己英语口语方面的特长,也有机会向我们展示英语的魅力及重要性。首先,接受挑战的第一组是九年和高一年级的同学,第二组是三、四年级的同学,第三组是七、八年级的同学,第四组五、六年级同学,第五组是一、二年级同学。Today, they will get a chance to take part in the Oral English Competition and show us the charm and importance of English. The first group to accept the challenges are grade nine and senior one. The second group are grade three and grade four. The third group are grade seven and grade eight. The fourth group are grade five and grade six. The fifth group are grade one and grade two.
