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英语口语比赛试题汇总 Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】


1.问候 Greetings

1)How are you today How do you feel

2)How's your day

3)What's the day/date

4) What’s the weather like in winter/ in Ningbo…

2.个人信息交流 Myself

1)How old are you

2)What's your (English)name

3)Where are you from/ Where do you live/ Where were you born

4)How do you think of your hometown

5)What do you want to be when you grow up Do you have a dream What is it 6)What's your favourite food/fruit/color/sports/class/song/film... Why 7)Who's your favourite teacher/singer/movie star/athlete... Why

8)How does he/she like

9)What kind of book/music/job... do you like Why

10)What do you usually do on Sundays/ Saturdays/ weekends/ holidays

11)Are you helpful at home How

12)When is your birthday/ When were you born

13)What do you do on your birthday

14)What would you like for your birthday Why

15) Do you like traveling Where have you been so far

3.学校信息交流 Our school

1)How many classes/teachers/students are there in your school

2)How is your school

3)How do you go to school

4)Which class are you in

5)How many boys/girls in your class

6)Which floor is your classroom on

7)What do you think of your school/class/teachers

8)Who is your math/Chinese/English teacher/What’s her/his name

9)What is she/he like/How does she/he like

10)What does she/he like

11)What subject/class do you like best/What is your favourite subject 12)How many lessons do you have everyday What are they

13)How to learn English well Tell us two or three ways.

14)Is English important /Do you like English/…

15) How many lessons do you have everyday

16) Who is your favourite teacher Why

What’s your PE/… teacher like He’s/ She’s tall and thin/….

4.家庭信息交流 My family

1)Where do you live Where do your grandparents live

2)How many people are there in your family

3)What does your father/mother do What are your parents

4)When’s your father’s/mother’s birthday When was your father/mother born

5)What’s your father/mother like

6)What’s your mothers/father’s hobby

7)Are you a good son/daughter Why

8)Who does the house work at home

9)Do you often help your parents doing house work

10)What can you help your parents at home

11)Who cooks dinners in your family Is he/she a good cook

12)What do your family do on the weekends

13) Do you often see your grandparents How often do you visit your grandparents

14) Do you like go shopping/…with your family

15) When do you usually go shopping

5.朋友信息交流 My friend

1)Who is your best friend What’s he/she like What’s his/her hobby

2)What do you do with your friends

3)Do you often help your friends

4)How do you help your friends

5)How do you help each other

6)What a good friend should be

7)Do you like to make friends Why

8)How can you make good friends

9)What’s the meaning of “ A friend in need is a friend indeed”

10)What’s the meaning of “ A good friend is a good book” Why

6. 饮食信息 about food

1)What’s your favourite food

2)What do you usually have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner

3) Who often cooks in your home

4)Do you like to eat fish/chiken/…

5)Do you often go to KFC/ Mcdonald…

6)Is it healthy to have fast food/snack

7) Do you often have dinner at hotels

8) Do you like vegetables or meat

9)What do you have for lunch/breakfast/dinner

10)How do you think of Barbecue(seafood,noodles…)

11)Do you prefer Chinese or Western food

7. 天气 Weather

1)What’s the weather like today How is the weather today

2)What’s the weather like in Ningbo in spring/ summer/ fall/ winter 3)What’s the weather like the north/south now
