六年级英语作文:我喜欢跑步 I Like Running.doc

六年级英语作文:我喜欢跑步 I Like Running.doc
六年级英语作文:我喜欢跑步 I Like Running.doc

六年级英语作文:我喜欢跑步I Like


跑步的好处有很多。下面为大家带来几篇六年级英语作文:我喜欢跑步 I Like Running,欢迎阅读

我喜欢跑步 I Like Running

I like running,because I think it's a funny and easy sport. I can do it by myself. I was notvery healthy when I was a little child. So my father took me running with him. Hesaid it's good for me. At first, I didn't like it at all. But after a fewweeks, I felt great when I was running. Therefore, I go to running every threedays. Now, some of my classmates run with me. We always talk to each other. I likethis sport.


我喜欢跑步 I Like Running

Every morning, I will wake up early and then do some exercise. I like running very much, so I will run around my house. Running on the street and park, I can see the city in its morning

face, the street is so quiet, some people are dancing, some are walking. I enjoy running in the morning, I feel so comfortable, I feel life is easy and happy.




六年级下学期英语作文 姓名班级 一、用英语介绍一下您自己,说明您的名字,年龄,就是男孩还就是女孩,每天用 什么交通工具上学,周末经常做些什么。 Hi! I am Amy、I am a happy girl、I am 12 years old、I am tall and thin, I have short hair and big eyes、I often go to school on foot、Sometimes I go to school by bike、On the weekend, I often do my homework and watch TV、What about you? 二、用英语写一写周末您通常就是怎样过的。 I am busy on the weekend、On Saturday morning I do my homework、In the afternoon, I go shopping、In the evening, I watch TV、On Sunday morning I visit my grandparents、I clean the room in the afternoon、What about you? What do you do on the weekend? 三、用英语写一写周末John通常就是怎样过的。 John is busy on the weekend、On Saturday morning he does his homework、、In the afternoon, he goes shopping、In the evening, he watches TV、On Sunday morning he visits his grandparents、He cleans the room in the afternoon、 四、用英语写一写这个周末您将会怎样过。 I am going to have a busy weekend、On Saturday morning I am going to do my homework、In the afternoon, I am going shopping、In the evening, I am going to watch TV、On Sunday morning I am going to visit my grandparents、I am going to clean the room in the afternoon、What about you? What are you going to do this weekend? 五、用英语写一写下周末John将怎样过的。 John is going to have a busy weekend、On Saturday morning he is going to do his homework、In the afternoon, he is going shopping、In the evening, he is going to watch TV、On Sunday morning he is going to visit his grandparents、He is going to clean the room in the afternoon、 六、以“My weekend”为题写一写您这个周末将要去的地方、时间及打算用什么 交通工具等。 I am going to have a happy weekend、On Saturday, I am going to the bookstore、I am going at 2:00、I am going on foot、I am going to buy a comic book and a CD、On Sunday, I am going to the KFC、I am going at 5:30、I am going there by bus、I am going to buy some hot dogs、That will be fun! What about you? Where are you going this weekend?


我最喜欢的运动:跑步英语作文翻译 我最喜欢的运动:跑步英语作文翻译 在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都写过作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是xx精心整理的我最喜欢的运动:跑步英语作文翻译,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 If you ask me what sport is my favorite sport? I will tell you it is running。 如果你问我我最喜欢的运动是什么,我会告诉你是跑步。 I like running because I think it’s a funny and easy sport。 I can do it by myself。 I was not very healthy when I was a little child。 So my father took me running with him。 He said it’s good for me。 At first I didn’t like it at all。 But after a few weeks I felt great when I was running。 Therefore I go to running every three days。 Now some of my classmates run with me。 We always talk to each other。 I like this sport。 我喜欢跑步,因为我认为这是一个有趣和容易的运动。我可以自己做。我是不是很健康,当我还是个小孩子。所以,我的父亲带我和他一起跑。他说,这是为我好。起初,我不喜欢它。但几个星期后,我感觉棒极了,当我跑。所以,我去跑,每三天。现在,我的一些同学和我一起跑。我们总是互相交谈。我喜欢这项运动。 【我最喜欢的运动:跑步英语作文翻译】


My Teacher My English teather is Mr Xu, his English name is Martin. His English is very good. And he always wears a pair of glasses. He likes wearing blue trousers. My teacher is handsome. He often plays with us after class. He often reads books and English. His hobby is reading books. Mr Xu likes drinking Coke and eating chips. Sometimes he is angry, because we are naughty. Sometimes he is happy, because we are good. Our art teacher is not too old and not too young. He’s tall and strong. He has a big mouth and small ears. He likes wearing a hat. He is good at drawing. He’s very funny. We all like him. My new teacher is science teacher. He’s very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes。 My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isn’t he? Today, we have science class. We are very happy. Because he is so funny. Who is he? He’s a Mr. Zhou . My English teacher I have a very good English teacher. Our class all like her very much. Though she’s our English teacher, but we often call her name Holly. She is very friendly to us. We all like to have English classes very much. She is so young and beautiful. She looks like a middle school student. She has two big eyes and long hair. She likes wearing T-shirts and jeans. She teaches English very well. In class, she looks like our elder sister. We usually learn new things by playing games and singing songs ,so we always have fun in English class. She often helps us to solve problems. After class, she looks like our friend. We often play games together. Now , you see , do you like our English teacher too? My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.


【寓言故事】The Tortoise and the Hare I read a story when I was little. It’s about a tortoise and a hare. One day a tortoise and a hare had a race. The hare was sure he would win so he took a rest. He was so proud and careless. The slow but careful tortoise won the race. In the story I understand if I want to do something well,I should be carefull and patient. Remember, Slow and steady wins the race. 【喜欢的动物】The Panda My favourite animal is the panda. It is black and white. It has a fat body. It has a round face and two round eyes. It looks like a bear. It can climb trees. It eats bamboo. It lives in China. It’s very cute. I like it very much 【喜欢的一种濒危动物,拯救有效措施】The Panda The panda is cute. It is black and white. It has a fat body. It looks like a bear. It can climb trees. It lives in China. It eats bamboo. Never buy things made from animals in danger. Plant trees and don’t pollute. If we all work together we can still save the animals. Go for it! 【历史人物】Dr Sun Yatsen My favourite person is Dr Sun Yatsen. He was a very famous and important person in Chinese history.He was a great leader. He tried to free the Chinese people and make their lives better. He loved the Chinese people. And the he Chinese people loved him. He was a great man . 【保护拯救地球上的动物】How to Save the Animals If we love the earth and love the animals ,we should do something for the animals. Never buy things made from animals in danger. Plant trees and don’t pollute. If we all work together we can still save the animals. Go ,go,gofor it! 【文明礼仪】Rules We should listen to the teachers. We should hand in homework on time. We should help pupils in need. We should keep quiet at the library. We should stand in line at the bus stop . We should share with others. We should be kind to each other. We shouldn’t laugh at others. 【介绍过去的一次旅行经历】Canada I love travelling. I always travell with my family. Last summer holiday we went to Canada.We went there by plane.We stayed there for a week. I know Canada is famous for its natural beauty. So I went to visit the beautiful lakes and waterfalls. I went to visit the Chinatown too. I took many beautiful photos. And I ate delicious food. I love Canada.We had a good time. 【假期外出旅行的计划】My plan I love travelling. I always travell with my family. Summer holiday is coming,I am going to Canada. I am going to get there by plane. I am going to stay there for a week. I know Canada is famous for its natural beauty. So I am going to visit the beautiful lakes and waterfalls. I am going to visit the Chinatown too. I am going to take many beautiful photos. And I am going to eat delicious food. Wow! I’m very excited. I can’t wait. 1


六年级下册英语教学工作计划2017年第 二学期 姓名:XXX 学校:XXX 时间:XXX 第1 页共5 页

六年级下册英语教学工作计划2017年第二学期一.学生情况分析 通过一学期的教学,大多数学生英语学习有进步,英语字写得漂亮了,学习态度有所好转,上学期通过采用边学习新知识和复习旧知识相结合的方法,他们的学习有所进步。但是因为教材衔接有问题,学生学习这套教材有一定难度。 这学期他们将步入六年级的第二学期,学生的学习负担会越来越重,他们将面临着毕业和升中学考试的压力,会把更多的精力放在语文和数学上,因为考中学不考英语,所以家长和学生会更加不重视英语,大多数会放弃英语,干脆不学了。 二,针对情况采取的措施 针对学生的具体情况,我将采取以下措施 1,注重情景教学,创设英语环境,营造学习气氛,使学生有更多的机会接触英语,感触英语,应用英语。 2,结合学生的年龄特点,结合教学内容,设计适合六年级学生的课堂教学活动,调动学生的学习积极性。 3.针对学生记,背单词难这一问题,向学生介绍优秀学生的学习方法,大家互相交流,共同进步。老师向学生介绍一些好方法,如分类记忆法,滚学球记忆法,想象记忆法等。 4.对学生进行语音知识训练,教授国际音标,让学生从简单机械地模仿式学习,过渡到有正确的语音知识知指导英语学习的阶段,也为自学铺路。 5,加强阅读训练和语法知识的渗透学习。 第 2 页共 5 页

6,渗透英语背景知识的学习,使学生扩大视野,了解国外的风土人情,异国文化,习俗等,进一步了解英语,运用英语。 7,进一步加强毕业班学生的思想工作,做好小学毕业与中学的衔接工作。 三,教材整体分析 本学期六年级普通班英语课所使用教材是:河北教育出版社的《LearningEnglish》第八册,本套教材充分吸收了世界上最先进的外语教学理论和实践经验,注重学生英语听说读写能力的培养和训练,努力为学习者营造语境,精心设计内容,在教学中安排了大量的有趣的教学活动,引导学生在轻松,积极向上的气氛中学习英语,使英语变的既容易又有趣。它以学生为中心,以主要人物的活动为主线,围绕最常用的,最基本的英语词汇、句型、交际会话等,逐步开展教学内容,符合小学生的年龄、心理特点和语言教学规律,具有很强的科学性。 全书共四个单元,每单元包括8课,共32课。全书包括单词100多,句型50个。 五,总体教学目标 1,坚持快乐英语教学法,调动学生学习英语的积极性。 2,巧用英文儿歌、歌谣、绕口令、谚语等训练学生的语音、语调。 3,引导学生运用观察、发现、归纳、实践等方法学习语言知识,感悟语言功能。 4,在训练学生听说能力的同时,加强读写训练。 5,结合学生实际,适当讲解语法知识,做一些练习题和试卷,做好小学升中学的准备工作. 六,教研专题 第 3 页共 5 页


我最喜欢的运动英语作文 My favorite sport is swimming. I learn swimming because I think swimming fun. The first class, I also wore a float, kick back plate and twirls, second class, I can not take kick board, but my action is not good, coach sternly said to me: "you how do bad? Is closed, turn over, push, clips, stop, how do you keep?" I was very angry, thinking: this is not meant to pick my fault? The coach then encourage me, and told me to practice before you go to sleep once a day, I practiced again and again, finally do. Coach let me just put back floating, not I boast, I really good swimmer, coach and I only wear twirls, I swim well. I don't wear anything offered to swim a circle, the coach had eight agreed. Unexpectedly, I swim very well, and also the coach high-five "yeah", my efforts are not in vain! I learned to swim, I am so happy! 我最喜欢的运动是游泳。 我学习游泳是因为我觉得游泳好玩.第一节课时,我还戴着背浮、打腿板和水袖,第二节课时,我就可以不拿打腿板了,可是我的动作不好了,教练严厉地对我说:"你怎么动作做不好呢?是收、翻、蹬、夹、停,你怎么不停呢?"我非常气愤,心想:这不是存心挑我毛


六年级上册英语作文范文【三篇】 hello,my name is tian jiaxin ,i'm twel*e year age .I had a happy family,they are four people in my family,there are my father,my mother,my brother and I . i like me. do you like me? 修改后: Hello, my name is Tian Jiaxin. I'm twel*e years age. I ha*e a happy family. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I. They all like me. How about you? My plan for the summer holiday The summer holiday is coming . I am going to my hometown to see my grandparents first . Then I ha*e to re*iew my lessons because some of my lessons are bad . At last I plan to *isit Beijing. Beijing is the capital of my country and there are many places of interests, such as the Great Wall , the Summer Palace. I think I will ha*e a good and interesting time this summer . A busy weekend


教育计划:_________六年级下学期英语复习计划 姓名:______________________ 学校:______________________ 日期:______年_____月_____日 第1 页共5 页

六年级下学期英语复习计划 (一)全面复习,抓学生的基础,帮助学生全面而系统地复习所学过 的知识。 1.过好单词关。单词是学习英语的基础,针对学生中存在的基础差、习惯差的现状,我准备从不同角度,用不同方法帮助学生复习单词。 (1)按词汇表复习单词。加强四会单词的朗读与默写,给学生明确的任务。对于极个别学困生来说,还要区别对待,给他们适当降低难度和要求,使他们也能尽最大努力过好单词关。 六年级下学期英语复习计划 一、班级概况: 六年级共2个班,有学生65人,学生对英语的学习兴趣随着年段呈下降趋势,两级分化十分明显,其中一部分学习努力,成绩优秀,另一部分,学习态度消极,思想懒惰,接受能力慢,且学习态度不端正。因此在复习时应该重点从提高他们的基础入手。我准备以听说读写为主要复习形式,从单词,句子,语篇入手,以英语基础知识为主要内容,指导学生在听说读写的过程中系统地梳理所学知识,从单词到词组到句子到短文,全 面把握所学内容。 复习内容:小学三年级至六年级所学的内容知识。 复习重点:以四、五、六年级知识为主要复习内容。 复习要求: 1、注意复习的全面性,点面结合。 2、要特别关注后进生。 3、按系统复习。 第 2 页共 5 页

二、具体实施办法 (一)全面复习,抓学生的基础,帮助学生全面而系统地复习所学过 的知识。 1.过好单词关。单词是学习英语的基础,针对学生中存在的基础差、习惯差的现状,我准备从不同角度,用不同方法帮助学生复习单词。 (1)按词汇表复习单词。加强四会单词的朗读与默写,给学生明确的任务。对于极个别学困生来说,还要区别对待,给他们适当降低难度和要求,使他们也能尽最大努力过好单词关。 (2)按话题归类复习单词。以老师下发的英语话题分类复习表进行复习。 2.过好词组关。词组是学习英语的关键,它是复习单词的良好途径,同时又是学习句子的基础。我准备将词组复习与单词分类复习相联系,在复习单词的同时一起复习词组,让学生在复习单词的同时掌握词组构成的规律。 3.过好句子关。句子是学习英语的重点。通过几年的学习,学生已经掌握了一定数量的句型及日常交际用语,部分学生现在已经能比较自如地运用这些句子,但对一部分学生来说,这些知识掌握的还不是很扎实,因此我准备从以下几方面来帮助学生梳理所学过的句子。 (1)指导学生在语境中复习句子,让学生分清日常交际用语的运用 场合。 (2)根据句子类型指导学生在比较中复习句子,教给学生适当的语 法知识。 三、日程安排 1、3、4月份, 3-6年级上册书本知识复习整理阶段 第 3 页共 5 页


精品资料欢迎下载 六年级下册英语作文 一、介绍自己的家人 My family There are four people in my family. My father is a work. He is a worker. My mother is an English teacher. She is younger than my father. I am a student. I love my family very much. 二、用there be 句型介绍一下自己的bedroom My bedroom This is my bedroom. There is a big bed in my bedroom. There is a desk next to the window. There are two chairs in my bedroom. And there are many books on the bookshelf(书架). I love my bedroom. 三、暑假马上到了。写一下你的暑期计划。 My summer vacation Summer vacation is coming. I will go to Hainan with my parents this summer vacation. We will get there by air. We will play volleyball on the beach. I will buy many gifts for my grandparents. We will have fun. 四、写一下你的理想中学 My ideal high school My ideal high school is a big school. There are many flowers and trees. It’s very beautiful. The school is famous for science club. The school is not far from my home. I will go to School on foot. 五、写一篇关于保护环境的作文 I am a student. I think we should protect the environment. We should stop using plastic bags. We shouldn’t litter everywhere. We should plant trees every year.


我最喜欢的季节英语作文(10篇) 我最喜欢的季节英语作文第1篇: my favourate season My favourite season is summer。I often wear my shorts and T-shirt。Sometimes I wear my jeans。In summer it is often sunny and hot。Sometimes rainy in summer。I usually swim with my father。Sometimes I eat ice-cream at home。 我喜欢的季节是夏季,我经常穿我的短裤和运动衫。有时我穿牛仔裤。夏天,天气经常是晴朗的、热的。有时是多雨的。我通常和我的父亲去游泳,有时在家吃冰激淋。 我最喜欢的季节英语作文第2篇: Spring is my favourite season。At that time,every day is full of vitality。 The voice is covered with a green clothes,quietly came to earth,open the doors of the spring,the whole world is refreshed。 Morning,came to the grass,the grass brother leaned out of the green “heads” under the call of the mother earth,like you just wake up the baby,open your hazy sleep,greedily sucking the nature has given the sunshine rain and dew。The fog of the distance to ing here。The morning of the spring is so dim,the birds chirp started a beautiful day。 At noon,the sun with its gigantic gentle light into our heart。


关于我的老师优秀英语作文5篇 在英语写作考试中,人物类话题的英语作文也是常考的。老师是为学生传授知识的园丁,下面小编为大家带来了我的老师英语作文Z 欢迎大家阅读。 我的老师优秀英语范文篇一 My English teacher appears Very beautiful and She IOOkS about 40 years old.She has a SOn.Our English teacher is Very StriCt With US f ancl SOmetimeS r She is Very friendly and kind to us.She is also HUmOrOUS.On the APril FOOlS Day f She Said to US f yOU are going to HaVe a HOliday this after no On.Many StUdents thought it true.Many StUdentS dare not talk z because She is Very StriCt.We are afraid that We CannOt PaSS the exam z because the teacher Will CritiCiSe US if We dont pass.She doesnt give US too much HOmeWOrk,and She does nt give US too much PreSSUre.Sometimes,we Iike OUr Engllish teacher. I Iike English,and I Iike my English teacher. 我的英语老师长得很漂亮看起来大概40多岁,他有一个儿子。英语老师对我们很严格,但是有时她对我们很和蔼,很友好。她也很幽默,在愚人节那天,她对我们说:下午放假很多同学都当真了。在上课的时候很多同学都不敢说话,因为老师很严格。我们害怕考试不及格,因为老师会批评我们。英语老师布置的作业不是很多,没有给我们太大的压力。有时我们很喜欢英语老师。 我的英语老师英语篇二


六年级上册英语作文 一、介绍你和家人上学或上班的方式 I go to school on foot. My sister goes to school on foot, too. My brother goes to school by bike. My father goes to work by car. My mother goes to work by bike. 二、介绍你和朋友各自上学的方式。、 I go to school by bus. My friend Amy goes to school on foot. John goes to school by bike. Mike goes to school by subway. Sarah goes to school by bus. 三、看图,说说你怎样去电影院 I go to the cinema. I start from here. Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left at the library. Go straight for one minute. The library is on the right. 四、读读下周末你和朋友的计划。 I’m going to have a busy weekend with my friends. On Saturday morning, we are going to go shopping. On Saturday afternoon, we are going to the park. On Sunday morning, we are going to go fishing. On Sunday afternoon, we are going to climb mountains. We will be happy. 五、说说这个星期天,你和家人的安排。 I’m going to have a busy Sunday with my family. We are going to the zoo on Sunday morning. We are going to see elephants. On Sunday afternoon, we are going to visit my grandparents. We are going to clean the room for them. 六、说说你和你家人的爱好。 I like flying kites. My father likes diving. My father likes diving. My mother likes playing the violin. My brother likes riding a bike. My sister likes listening to music. 七、介绍你和你朋友的爱好。 I like diving. My friend John likes flying kites. Amy likes collecting stamps. Zhang Peng likes


小学六年级下学期英语作文 【篇一】 My school is big and beautiful. It is in my hometown. There are many flowers, trees and grass there. There is a track on the playground, too. I'm in Class 3, Grade 6. In my school, every grade has three classes. There are seven lessons every day. We must get up at 5:30, because our school bus comes at 6:30. We get to school probably at 6:55. Our class begins at 7:50. We eat lunch at school at 12:00. We finish school at 3:30. So we go home very early. After school, I do my homework at home. Sometimes, I play football with my friends. We are all very happy. This is my school! 【篇二】 The sky misses white clouds, just as I miss home, but I always can not meet my hometown. I dreamt of the clear lake in my hometown. It was just like the bright eye, looking at me and telling me something. I dreamt of wild grapes in my hometown, They were really sweet! To relieve the pain in my heart, I could only come home in


我最喜欢的运动高中英语作文 篇1 Taking exercise is good for our health. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. By taking exercise, we can relax our body and mind. At the same time, we can harden our muscle and have a good figure. If we don't take exercise for a long time, we may easily fall sick. I enjoy several outdoor sports. Swimming in the sea is my favorite. Because there are too many people in a swimming pool and the water is always dirty, I prefer to swim in the sea. Playing badminton is also fun. I can always find a place in the park for playing badminton. Besides, I enjoy jogging in the morning. Sometimes, I jog with my parents in the park. 篇2 There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, basketball,travelling and so on. However, my favorite sport is running.In my mind,it is a good activities for people to keep healthy and relieve the pressure. After busy studying,i usually run on the playground,and i think that's the most wonderful time in a day.I love this sport since i'm 4,but at that time i only run for fun without any purpose.It's different now.Running has become a essential part in my life.I love running,and i 'll keep running. 有许多类型的运动,我喜欢,比如游泳、篮球、旅行等等。然而,我最喜欢的运动是跑步。在我看来,这是一个很好的活动让人们保持健康和缓解压力。在繁忙的学习之后,我通 常运行在操场上,我认为这是一天最美好的时间。我爱这项运动因为我4,但当时我只运行 为了好玩,没有任何目的。现在是不同的。跑步已经成为我生命中一个重要组成部分。我 喜欢跑步,我继续运行。 篇3 I like swimming. Swimming is divided into categories of: he divided into butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle and so on. Swimming is also an Olympic sport. Swimming movement is a human body in the water this particular environment, carried out under a sport. Swimming athletes rely on arms and legs generate
