



1. break

break away 摆脱;逃跑 break out 突然发生;爆发

break down (机器)出故障;中断;分解 break up 打碎;中断;分解

break into 闯入;打断;突然中断

break off 中断;折断;突然停止 break through 突破;克服;挣脱而出

break in 破门而入;打断(谈话);


1.When he heard his sentence,the man __broke down___ .

2.Your health will __break down_____if you work too hard.

3.Don‘t ___break in____ when your teacher is speaking.

4.The two countries ___broke off___ their relations last month.

2. bring

bring about 引起;造成 bring out 显示出来;出版;生产

bring down 使倒下;使下降;使受挫折 bring up 提出;教育;培养;吐出

bring forward 提出;提前(=put forward) bring back 把---送回;使想起;恢复bring into operation实施;使生效 bring in 引进;挣得

3. call

call for 需要;要求;邀请 call up 打电话;使人想起;召集

call off 取消;停止 call at 访问 call back 回电话;召回

call on 看望;号召 call in 请来;召集


1. We called __at__ Mike's house yesterday.

2. All ships sailing on the oceans call ___for_____ help by radio in English.

3. I'll call ___for_____ my uncle at Beijing Railway Station.

4. Let's call ___in___ a doctor for the little girl.

5. Many of these songs called ___on_____ the workers to take up the struggle.

6. I shall call _on____ him tomorrow.


4. Come

Come at 攻击;向...冲去 come up to 达到(高度、程度);符合

come about 发生 come up 发生;走上前去;(时间)快到

come across 偶遇;碰到;讲清楚 come to 苏醒;达到;总数为

come along 进展;成功;一道走 come through 经历;获得成功

come down 下降;病倒;传下来 come round/around再现;恢复知觉;改变看法come off 发生;举行;成功 come out 出来;结果是出版

come on 快点;走吧;有进展 come up against 碰到(困难)

come up with 赶上;提出


1. I came ___ across____ him first in Beijing.

2. Come __on___, try it again.

3. I'll help you too if any beast comes ___at__ you.

4. It is impossible for a dead animal to come _to .

5. The airplane came __down___ in that field.


5. cut

cut across 绕劲道穿过;超越;遮住 cut short 中断;打断;缩短

cut back 削减;终止;急忙返回 cut out 删掉;戒掉

cut down 削减;减少 cut off 切断;中断;隔绝

cut in 插嘴;打断;突然出来


1.Let‘s cut _out____ the unimportant details.

2.The rope is two feet longer than we needed,so we cut _off__ the extra length.

3.The telephone operator cut us _off__ before we had finished our conversation.

4.The telephone operator cut _In_ and said that I had already spoken 3minutes.幻灯片11

6. carry

carry on 继续;坚持 carry through 帮助度过难关;完成;实现

carry out 执行;实施

7. die

die away 渐弱 die from 因----(外部原因)死亡

die down 熄灭;平静下来 die out 灭绝;绝种

die of 因----(病)死亡 be dying to do sth. 迫切想做某事


1.He carried _out____ the plan without difficulty.

2.Perseverance will carry a man __through____.

3.I expect my son to carry _on____ the family tradition.


8. give

give away 赠送;颁发;泄露;告发;失去 give in 屈服;投降;让步;上交;呈交give out 分发;公布;公开;用完(vi);耗尽(vi) give off发出;放出

give up 放弃;自首;将-----交给某人(to sb.);对某人不报希望(on sb.)


1. In those days, he used to give __away___ a part of his income to help his friend.

2. Both sides argued with reason, and neither would give __in___.

3. If they are burned, they give _off____ poisonous gases.

4. When they made ready to climb the next ridge(山脊),they found that their oxygen had given ___out___.



go along进展;陪同前往 go up 上升;增长;涨价

go by 时间过去;经过;遵守 go through 通过;经历(苦难);仔细检查

go down 下降;下沉;下跌 go over 浏览;仔细查看;检查;审查

go for 去;选择;想要;攻击(用语言) go on 继续进行;发生;上场

go in for从事;爱好;参加(选拔赛、考试等) go into研究;调查,从事

go off 离开;爆炸;食品变坏;断电;熄灭;(与副词连用或用于疑问句)进行;发生

go out 离开;熄灭;过时


1. The crocodile went __down___ under the water.

2. If you never read the newspapers, you'll never know what's going __on__ in the world.

3. They went __over___ their lessons together at night.

4. The police went __through_____ very room of the building.


10. get

get through 浏览;翻阅;经历困难(痛苦);做完某事 get about 四处走动;传开

get in 收割;收获;收集;购买;买进;插话 get along/on (with) 进展;相处

get over 克服;战胜;熬过;做完;结束;走完 get across 传达;使---让人理解get round 传播;散播;说服某人;回避;避开 get on 继续;进行;上车


1. The bank robbers used a stolen car to get _ away____.

2. Have you got _back____ the book you lent him?

3. This mistake may get him __into___ difficulties.

4. It took us only four minutes to get _through____ the Customs(海关).

5. Before I could get _in_ a word, he had measured me, and was giving orders for evening suits, ...



● 1.动词+about (8)

●bring about引起,使发生 care about关心,对...有兴趣

●come about发生 hear about听说

●set about 着手,开始 speak/talk about谈论

●think about思考 worry about为...担心


● 2.动词+away (14)

●blow away吹走 wear away磨掉,消耗 wash away冲走 give away背弃,泄露●break away摆脱 turn away把...打发走 throw away 扔掉

●carry away拿走,使入迷 take away拿走 send away让走开 die away逐渐消失●clear away清除掉,消散 put away收拾起来,存起来 pass away 去世


● 3.动词+at (18)

●aim at向...瞄准 point at指向 look at看,注视

●call at拜访地点 laugh at嘲笑 glance at匆匆一瞥

●come at 向...袭击 knock at敲门,窗等 glare at怒视


● 4.动词+back (6)

●call back回电话 look back回顾 give back归还 hold back控制住

●keep back隐瞒,忍住 take back拿回,收回


● 5.动词+down (13)

●break down坏了,垮了,分解 bring down使...降低,使倒下 burn down 烧毁

●calm down平静下来 slow down慢下来 settle down 安家 cut down削减,砍倒●come down下落,传下 put down记下,写下,镇压 pass down 传下来


● 6.动词+for (18)

●apply for申请 hope/wish for希望得到 come for来拿,来取

●ask for要求得到 charge for收费,要价 change for用...换

●beg for乞求 care for关心,喜欢 call for要求,需要


●7.动词+from (9)

●date from始于...时候 suffer from受...苦 separate from把...分离开●die from因...而死 result from由于 keep/stop/prevent from不让...做differ from与...不同 hear from收到...来信 learn from向...学习


●8.动词+of (10)

●approve of赞成 think of想到 talk of谈到 speak of 读到

●become of发生...情况,怎么啦 hear of听说 dream of梦到

●complain of抱怨 consist of由...组成 die of死于


●9.动词+off (21)

●break off打断 go off走开,消失,坏了 give off散发出

●carry off携走,带走 get off下车 fall off跌落,掉下

●come off脱掉,褪色 get off脱下衣服等 cut off切断,断绝


●10.动词+on (18)

●bring on使...发展 look on 旁观 live on以...为生

●call on拜访 keep/go on继续 insist on坚持 depend on依靠

●carry on继续,进行 have on穿着 feed on以...为生



●get out of逃避,避免 get down to认真开始

●get rid of摆脱 keep away fro避开,别靠近 get used to习惯于

●go on with继续 help oneself to随便吃,用 keep in touch with保持联系●keep an eye on堤防 look forward to盼望 take pride in为...而自豪

●keep up with 赶上 take the place of取代 add up to总计

●look down on 轻视 look up to仰望,尊敬 break away from摆脱

●catch sight of看见 do well in在...干得好 get close to接近

●catch up with 赶上 get on/along with和...相处 do away with废除

●come into being出现 get into the habit of染上...的习惯

1. Can you make a sentence to the meaning of the phrase?

A. show off

B. turn out

C. bring out

D. take in

本题答案为:〔C〕.句意为“你能造一个句子来阐明这个短语的意思吗”?show off意为“炫耀、卖弄”,turn out意为“结果是(出乎意料)”,take in意为“理解、领悟、受欺骗”,而bring out意为“拿出、解释、说明”,所以选C.

2. His mother had thought it would be good for his character to ____ from home and earn some money on his own.

A. run away

B. take away

C. keep away

D. get away

本题答案为:〔D〕. run away意为“逃跑”,take away意为“拿走、带走”,keep away 意为“使……远离或不靠近”,而get away意为“离开”,所以选D.

3. He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was ____ from the outside world.

A. cut out

B. cut off

C. cut up

D. cut through

本题答案为:〔B〕. cut out意为“裁剪、删除”,cut up意为“切碎、打伤”,cut through 意为“从……中开辟出一条路”,而cut off意为“切断、中断”,所以选B.

4. It was not a serious illness, and she soon ________ it.

A. got over

B. got on with

C. got round

D. got out of

本题答案为:〔A〕. get on with意为“进展、与……相处”,get round意为“说服、笼络某人”,get out of意为“逃走、从……中摆脱出来”,而get over 意为“康复、复原”,所以选A

5. Before the war broke out, many people _____ in safe places possessions they could not take with them.

A. threw away

B. put away

C. gave away

D. carried away

本题答案为:〔B〕. throw away意为“扔掉”,give away意为“泄露、赠送”,carry away 意为“带走、带离”,而put away意为“把……放起来/收起来、储存、备用”,所以选B. 幻灯片35

6. It is certain that he will ____ his business to his son when he gets old. A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. go over

本题答案为:〔C〕. take over意为“接管、接收”,think over意为“努力思考”,go over 意为“复习”,而hand over意为“交接、转移”,所以选C.

7. It’s ten years since the scientist ____ on his life’s work of discovering the valuable chemical.

A. made for

B. set out

C. took off

D. turned up

本题答案为:〔B〕. make for意为“走向、驶向、有助于、有利于”,take off意为“脱下、起飞、成功、取消”,turn up意为“出现、露面”,而set out意为“开始、着手”,所以选B

8.— _____ for the glass!

— It’s OK. I’m wearing shoes.

A. Look out

B. Walk out

C. Go out

D. Set out

本题答案为:〔A〕. Walk out意为“走出去”,Go out意为“出去”,Set out意为“出发、开始、着手”,而Look out for意为“小心、提防”,所以选A.


9. He accidently ____ that he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks.

A. let out

B. took care

C. made sure

D. made out

本题答案为:〔A〕. take care 意为“小心、照顾”,make sure意为“确保、确信”,make out意为“使出来”,而let out意为“透露、泄露”,所以选A.


10. The final examination is coming up soon. It’s for us to_____our studies.

A. get down to

B. get out

C. get back for

D. get over

本题答案为:〔A〕. get out意为“使出去/离开、逃脱”,get back for意为“回来、取”,get over意为“爬过、克服、恢复”,而get down to意为“开始、着手”,所以选A.

● 1.—How lovely these children are! —Yeah.They______ memories of my childhood.● A. called out B. called for C. called up D. called on

● 2. Many kids ________ the net bar, and _____had a bad effect on their studies.

● A. are addicted to; it B. get engaged in; which

● C. are related to; what D. are addicted to; which

●3.After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane____her job as a doctor

in the countryside.

●A.set out B.took over C.took up D.set up

● 4. Though we _________serious natural disasters, we are sure to overcome all


●give away B. affect with C. suffer from D. deal with

● 5. The shop assistant was fired as she was _________ of cheating customers.● A.accused B.charged C.blamed D.caught

● 6. Asked suddenly about the matter ,he couldn’t_____an answer at once.

●come up with B. look for C. put up with D. answer for

●7.My daughter is not sure what to___ at the university; she can’t make up her

mind about her future.

●take up B. make up C. pick up D. build up

●8. His colleagues ______ him though he himself didn’t think he had done anything


● A. thought highly of B. looked up to

● C. sing high praise of D. show great respect for

9. Hard work and lack of sleep have _____ her beauty and youth in recent years.

A. worn out

B. tried out C made out D.sent out

10. It’s obvious that the Beijing Olympic Games ____ a great seccess.

A.kept B.showed C proved D.remained


专升本英语语法重点汇总 一、动词时态及语态题(大家应该记住我所讲过的九种时态,特别是其中的过去完成,过去进行时,客观真理要用一般现在时等) 1、The manager told us that this factory was built in 1958. 2、By the time we got there,the play had already begun. 3、When I was a child,I knew that the earth turns about its axis. 4、When Mr.Delay got home after a day's exhausting work,his wife and children were sleeping. 二、非谓语动词题(特别是现在分词与过时分词的区别,大家一定要弄明白主动与被动这对最最重要的区别,要求大家多看我的上课笔记) 1、The film showed last night was very moving. (不用moved,大家别忘了-ed形容词和-ing形容词的区别) 2、Having finishing his lecture,the teacher asked if anyone wished to asked a question. 3、The problem being discussed is very important. 4、Given more time,we are sure to finish it. 5、Will you please make yourself known to everyone here 三、It作形式主语及形式宾语题(这也是一个常考点,it本身是没有意思的,注意it 还可以指时间,天气等。) 1、It is difficult to study English wel l. 2、We think it is important to pass the exam. 四、强调句型(大家要记住的是it is (was)……that…,如果前面是it iswas 后面往往选用that,当然强调人的时候也可用who) 1、It was at an evening party that I first saw her. 2、It is what you will do that is important. 3、When was it that he bought a new car 五、倒装句型


1. There is no ____to the street through that door. A) access B) avenue C) exposure D) edge (have) access to 1. enter 进入 2. possess 拥有接近 assess 评价评估,evaluate 评价评估,estimate 预计(at a rough estimate粗略估计) asset 资产(fixed asset 固定资产) property 财产 avenue 大路 path 小径 route 路线 shortcut 捷径(cut across 超近道) edge 边缘 margin 边毛利,利润 verge 边(on the verge of ) exposure 暴露揭露 be exposed to 暴露在……之下 2. Good students who need money can usually get money for education. There are special sources of money, special education ______ from their governments, other agencies, and organizations. A) cash B) finances C) funds D) income Cash现金 finance 财政金融 financial a.财政的 funds 基金 income 收入 revenue 税收 Salary/wage 薪水 pension 养老金 allowance 津贴补贴 tuition 学费 fee 费用 Commission 佣金提成 kickback 回扣 fine 罚款 bonus 奖金 tip 小费 capital 资本首都 3. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _________ . A) intention B) attempt C) purpose D) desire Intention 目的意图(intent to do) attempt 尝试 Purpose 目的结果 on purpose=deliberately 故意地 destination 目的地 destiny=fate命运 Desire 渴望希望( desire to do , desire of doing) Long for sth 渴望得到 4. The teacher wrote his comments in the ________ of the student’s paper. A) margin B) bulletin C) edition D) bargain margin 边毛利,利润 bulletin 公告公示 edition 版本 editor 编辑 bargain v.讨价还价 n 物美价廉的商品 5. Because there is great _______ in the quality of diamonds, stones of the same size may not cost the same price. A) similarity B) agreement C) change D) variation similarity n 相似 be similar to 和……相似 familiar 熟悉的 be familiar with 对……熟悉 agree with同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 agree to同意或接受某事,尤其指别人提出的某事,有时可能是自己不喜欢的事 agree on主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议 Variation 差异 vary 变化(vary from a to b ) Variety n 多样性 a variety of=various 多种多样的各种各样的 6. As a result of their _________the three small independent countries felt less afraid of their powerful neighbor . A) alliance B) combination C) partnership D) union Alliance n 联盟 ally v 联盟 combination n 组合 combine v 组合 independent 独立 depend on=-rely on 依靠依赖 the student union 学生会 labor union 工会 on strike 罢工


专升本英语复习资料一 1. have the ability to do能够做,有能力做…: eg. He has the ability to make very good boat. enable sb to do使…能做…: eg. Internet has enabled us to get information from all over the world. be capable of能够做…: eg. He is capable of drawing oil painting. be able to do能做…… eg. He is able to read and write in English. 2. absent 反义词: present absentminded 心不在焉的 3. abroad国外, 海外: live ~ go ~ eg. Many young people are eager to go abroad to study. 4. access: 入口, 途径; 机会, 权利have/get access to sth eg. Citizens in the town all have access to the books in the local(当地的)library. 5. absorb 吸收be absorbed in全神贯注于… eg. All the students are absorbed in Professor’s lecture on China’s economy. 6. accept接受receive收到(不一定接受) eg. She received a gift from him, but she didn’t accept it. 7. by accident=by chance 偶然地on purpose 故意地 8. according to 根据= in accordance with eg. According to the article, environmental pollution has been taken under control. 9. t ake… into account = take… into consideration 把…考虑在内 eg. I hope my teacher will take into account my illness when he grades our test paper. account 描述 eg. She gave an account of what he saw in China. 10. accuse sb of sth = charge sb with(for) sth 指责… 做了…;指控… 犯了… blame sb. for sth. 因某事责备某人 eg. He was accused of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in jail. eg. His mother charged him with being lazy. 11. be accustomed to = be used to 习惯于, 后接sth或doing sth used to 过去有; 过去常常; 后接do sth eg. Mr. Smith is not used / accustomed to driving on the right. eg. I’m already used to the life he re. eg. There used to be a house near the river. eg. He used to get up early while he was in the middle school. 12. achieve 获得, 达到 eg. You will achieve nothing if you waste your time this way.


四年级英语学科教师辅导讲义 年级:四年级辅导科目:英语课时数:3 学生:***** 辅导老师:***** 课题Lesson 1 —Lesson 2 教学目的1.熟读并记忆Lesson 1 —Lesson 2 的单词 2.认识be动词,冠词,介词,名词和代词 3,掌握be动词,冠词,介词,名词和代词的用法4,学习两个音标 5,做相关习题并熟读unit1.2单元课文 教学内容 Step 1: New words and expressions Window 窗户board 写字板light 灯picture 图画Door 门floor 地板classroom 教师computer 计算机Wall 墙fan 电风扇Chinese book 语文书storybook故事书Notebook 笔记本thirty 三十fifty 五十heavy 沉重的 Step 2:认识be动词,冠词,介词,名词和代词 A:be 动词 _____________________________________________________________ B: 介词 C: 冠词 D: 名词 E:代词 ____________________________________________________________

Step 2: Lead-in Step 3.Teaching key points A..Lesson 2 the dream 看课文图片按自己的理解用简单的英语讲故事 B.读课文,理解课文内容及情景 C.熟读课文并掌握故事及人物情景 D. New words . about 关于dolphin 青蛙dragon 龙dream梦fight打斗 had to 不得不her 她的nasty凶狠的story故事told讲了 ★给下面故事排列正确的顺序 ( ) Dad told her a story . _____________________________________________ ()It was a nasty story . _________________________________________________ ( ) Biff could not sleep. _____________________________________________ ( ) Biff dreamed about dragon. _________________________________________________ ( ) The story was about a dragon . _________________________________________________ ( ) Biff went downstairs. _________________________________________________ ( ) Mum told her a story . . _________________________________________________ ( ) The story was about a dolphin . _________________________________________________ ( ) It was a very nasty dragon. _________________________________________________ ( ) Biff had to fight it . _________________________________________________ ( ) Biff dreamed about a dolphin.

英语专升本考试重点复习内部资料 (专升本英语语法,词汇,阅读理解、翻译)

语法七大语法考试重点 一独立主格 (一):独立主格结构的构成: 名词(代词)+现在分词、过去分词; 名词(代词)+形容词; 名词(代词)+副词; 名词(代词)+不定式; 名词(代词) +介词短语构成。 (二)独立主格结构的特点: 1)独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。 2)名词或代词与后面的分词,形容词,副词,不定式,介词等是主谓关系。 3)独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。 举例: The test finished, we began our holiday. = When the test was finished, we began our holiday. The president assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. = After the president was assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. This done, we went home. The meeting gone over, everyone tired to go home earlier. He came into the room, his ears red with cold. He came out of the library, a large book under his arm. 二过去完成时 1)概念:表示过去的过去其构成是had +过去分词构成。 2)用法 a.在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。 She said (that) she had never been to Paris. b. 状语从句 在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在先,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。 When the police arrived, the thieves had run away. c. 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示"原本…,未能…" We had hoped that you would come, but you didn t. 3)过去完成时的时间状语before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。 He said that he had learned some English before. By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.


大学英语阅读理解辅导资料:(共45题) Passage 1 The Antarctic is actually a desert. It is the only continent on the earth without a river or a lake. The Antarctic is all ice all year round. The warmest temperature ever recorded there is zero, at the South Pole. Explorers used to think that a place so cold would have a heavy snowfall. But less than ten inches of snow falls each year. That is less than half an inch of water. Ten times that much moisture falls in parts of the Sahara. The little snow that falls in Antarctica never melts. It continues to pile up deeper and deeper year after year. When the snow gets to be about eighty feet deep it is turned to ice by the weight of the snow above it. 1. Antarctica is called a desert because it ________. A. is sandy B. has the same temperature as a desert C. has little moisture and no lakes or rivers D. All of the above 2. The Antarctic has ________. A. ten times as much moisture as the Sahara B. the same amount of moisture as the Sahara C. about one-tenth the moisture of the Sahara D. None of these. 3. The temperature in the Antarctic is ________. A. always above zero B. always below zero C. never recorded D. Both B and C 4. The snow in Antarctica is very deep because it ________. A. never stops falling B. piles up year after year C. never melts D. Both B and C 5. The snow turns to ice when ________. A. it gets wet B. the temperature gets colder C. the next snowfall comes D. the snow above it is heavy enough 答案:CDBDD Passage 2 Astronomers ( 宇航员) can tell just how hot the surface of the moon gets. The side of the moon toward the sun gets two degrees hotter than boiling water. The night side reaches 243 degrees below zero. In a lunar eclipse (月食) the earth's shadow falls on the moon. Then the moon's temperature may drop 300 degrees in a very short time. A temperature change like this cannot happen on the earth. Why does it happen on the moon? Astronomers know that the surface of the moon is dust. On the earth, rocks store heat from the sun. When the sun goes down, the rocks stay warm. But the dust of the moon cannot store heat. So when the moon gets dark, the heat escapes quickly. The moon gets very cold.


最新专升本英语统考必须掌握的核心词汇 交际用语 1. find[faind]vt.找到,发现,发觉,感到,认为 例:I can’t find the book you asked for. 译:我没找到你要的那本书。 2. blame[bleim]vt.指责,责怪,归咎于 例:Don’t blame me. 译:别责怪我。 3. trouble ['tr?bl]n.困难,忧虑,困境,险境 例:Sorry to give you so much trouble! 译:对不起给您添了这么多的麻烦! 4. matter['m?t?]n.物质,物体,内容,事情 例:It doesn’t matter. 译:没关系。 5. forgive [f?'ɡiv]vt. & vi.原谅,饶恕,对不起,请原谅 例:I didn’t mean to do that. Please forgive me. 译:我不是有意那样做的,请原谅我。 6. brake [breik]n.制动器,刹车,阻力,障碍vt. & vi.刹(车) 例:I am sorry I broke your glasses. 译:对不起我弄坏了你的眼镜。

7. welcome['welk?m]vt.欢迎,乐于接受,希望有;adj.受欢迎的,可喜的,来得正好的 例:You are welcome. 译:[用于礼貌地回答别人的感谢]别客气,不用谢。 8. care [k??]vt. & vi.关心,担心,在乎,介意n.照顾,小心,注意 例:Take care of youself. 译:照顾好你自己。 9. wait[weit] vt. & vi.等候,等待 例:Sorry for having kept you waiting for so long. 译:很抱歉让你等了这么长时间。 10. wrong [r??]adj.不道德的,不正当的,不正确的 例:What’s wrong with you? 译:你怎么啦? 11. apologize [?'p?l?d?aiz]vt. & vi.道歉,谢罪 例:I should apologize for my rudeness last night. 译:对于昨晚的粗鲁我向你道歉。 12. rude [ru:d]adj.粗鲁的,不礼貌的 例:He is a rude person. 译:他是一个粗鲁的人。 13. fault [f?:lt]n.缺点,缺陷,过失


2019专升本英语复习资料 1.able ability enable capable be able to do能够做… have the ability to do 能够做,有水平做…: He has the ability to make very good boat. enable ** to do 使…能做…: Internet has enabled us to get information from all over the world. Be capable of 能够做…:He is capable of drawing oil painting. He is able to read and write in English. absent 反义词:present abroad 国外,海外:live ~ go ~ Many young people are eager to go abroad to study. access:入口,途径;机会,权利。Have access to sth Citizens in the town all have access to the books in the local(当地的)library. absorb 吸收 be absorbed in 全神贯注于… All the students are absorbed in Professor‘s lecture on China‘s economy. 6.accept 接受 receive 收到(不一定接受) She received a gift from him,but she didn‘t acc ept it.


I words. life 生活happy life 幸福生活 different 不同的be different from 与…不同 ago 以前many years ago 很多年以前television 电视机(简写TV) grandchildren (外)孙子(女)(复数)grandmother (外)祖母grandfather (外)祖父grandparent (外)祖父(母)lady 女士;夫人fire 炉火 radio 收音机telephone 电话 field 田地hope 希望 learnt (learn的过去式) 学习 these 这些those 那些this 这个that那个 dancer 舞蹈演员dance 舞蹈 class 班级study 学习 hard 努力地retired 退休的 II Useful expressions. 1.a programme about China关于中国的节目 2.very different 非常不同 3.many years ago 很多年以前 4.live in 居住注意:live 后面必须加上in再加地点 5. enough food足够的食物 6. many buses and cars 许多公共汽车和小汽车 7. miss my grandmother 想念我的祖母 8. last night 昨天晚上(last week, last month, last year) 9. talk about讲述 10.my grandmother 我的祖母 11.many Chinese cities 许多中国城市 12.foreign languages 外语 13.study English 学习英语


1. able/ability/enable/unable/disable/disabled/dis ability able的同根词用法一致,后接不定式。 比较:be able to do sth. / be capable of (doing) sth. 2. 动词词缀:en-+ adj./n.或adj./n.+/-en enable/enlarge/enrich/encourage/brighten/wid en/worsen/sharpen/strengthen/heighten/length en 3. abandon vt. 放弃,抛弃,放纵abandon oneself to 纵情于,沉溺于(=be addicted to) 4. aboard adv. 在船(车)上,上船abroad adv. 在国外,到国外 board n. 木板on board 在船上 broad adj. 宽的,宽阔的 5. absent adj. 不在的, 缺席的(反:present) 6. absolute adj. 完全的, 绝对的 7. absorb vt. 吸收, 吸引 be absorbed in 全神贯注于 8. abundant adj. 丰富的,大量的(=plentiful) 9. access n. 通路, 接近,入门 have access to 接近,有权使用 e.g. Citizens may have free access to the public library. 10. accident n. 意外事件, 事故 by accident 偶然(=by chance)(on purpose 故意) 11. accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同 12. accomplish vt. 完成, 达到, 实现~ the task accomplishment n. 成就 13. account n. 计算, 帐目, 说明,解释 on account of 由于 take... into account 考虑到(= take…into consideration) account for 解释,说明 14. accuse vt. 指责,控告 accuse sb. of sh. 因某事控告某人 (同:charge sb. with sth. 因某事控告某人) e.g. He was accused of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in jail. His mother charged him with being lazy. 15. achieve vt. 完成, 达到 achievement n. 成就, 功绩 16. action n. 动作, 行动, 举动 take action to do sth. 采取行动做某事(同:take measures to do sth.) 17. actor n. 男演员→actress n. 女演员 类似:waitress(女侍者,女服务生), hostess(女主人), princess(公主,王妃)18. adapt vt. 使适应, 改编 adapt oneself to sth. 适应(= adjust oneself to sth.) e.g. He adapted/adjusted himself very quickly to the weather in the country. 比较:adopt vt. 采用, 收养 19. advance n. 前进, 提升v. 前进, 提前 in advance 预先,提前 20. advantage n. 优势, 有利条件(反:disadvantage n. 不利条件, 缺点)have an advantage over 胜过,占优势 take advantage of 利用 21. advertise v. 为…做广告 advertisement/ad n. 广告 22. advise vt. 劝告, 忠告 advise sb. to do sth. 劝说(强调动作) persuade sb. to do sth. 说服(强调结果)注意:advise的宾语从句或It is advised that结构的主语从句,需使用should型虚拟语气。 advice n. 忠告, 建议 23. afford vt. 买得起, 负担得起 ~ sth. (a new car, vacation, etc.) ~ to do sth. 24. agree vi. 同意, 赞成 agree with sb. agree on sth. (经过讨论后)就…达成一致 agree to sth. (plan, proposal, etc.)


阅读理解 在浙江省专升本考试中,阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)所占比例最大,总分值60分,占试卷总分的五分之二。这一部分主要测试考生通过阅读获取书面信息的能力以及考生对篇章语境中的词汇理解和运用能力。阅读理解分为篇章阅读理解和篇章词汇理解。 篇章阅读理解(一) 一、大纲解析 篇章阅读理解(Passage Reading) 部分采用多项选择题的形式进行考查。这部分测试分两节:四篇文章和一篇7选5的文章。第一部分为仔细阅读理解,其中每篇长度为300词左右。每个篇章后有5个问题,共20题。考生根据对篇章的理解,从每题的四个选项中选择最佳答案。 篇章阅读的材料均选自英文原版材料,包括报刊、杂志、书籍、学术期刊等。选材的大体特点如下: 1、题材广泛,包括人文科学、社会科学、自然科学等领域,但所涉及的背景知识应为学生所了解或已在文章中提供。 2、体裁多样,包括记叙文、说明文、议论文等。 3、阅读篇章难度适中,整体的难度大致介于浙江省大学英语三级考试与全国英语四级考试之间。 二、做题步骤及解题技巧 根据专升本考试的时间安排,做一篇篇章阅读的时间大致需要控制在10到12分钟之内。要在这个时间内完成一篇阅读,需要合理的安排做题的时间和做题的步骤。建议的做题步骤可以分为以下几个阶段: 1、审清题目 阅读一开始的时候,首先应该读题,可以用一到两分钟的时间,理解题干的意思,并且可以圈出题目中出现的关键词。圈出关键词非常重要,这样有助于考生能迅速的找到题目所问的相关内容,使学生了解文章结构,让他们明白哪些是重点,哪些是次要点。通过审题,考生可以对题目大致有个了解,这样便能在阅

八年级上册英语辅导讲义(人教版)Unit 6

Unit 6 I'm going to study computer science. 讲义一、【重点单词】 computer programmer / 'pr??gr?m?(r)/计算机程序设计员;编程人员 cook /k?k/ n.厨师v.烹饪;煮 doctor /'d?kt?(r)/,/ 'dɑ:kt?(r)/ 医生 engineer / ,end??'n??/ ,/end??'n?r/ 工程师 violinist /'va??'l?n?st/小提琴手 driver / 'dra?v?(r)/ n.驾驶员;司机 pilot /'pa?l?t/ n.飞行员 pianist /'p??n?st/ n.钢琴家 scientist/'sa??nt?st/ n.科学家 college /' k?l?d?/,/'kɑ:l?d?/ n.学院;大学;高等教育 education /'ed?u'ke??n/ n.教育 medicine /'medsn, 'med?sn / n.药;医学 university /'ju:n?'v?:rs?ti/ n.(综合性)大学;高等学府 London / 'l?nd?n/ 伦敦 article /'ɑ:(r)t?kl/ n.文章;论文 send /send/ v.邮寄,发送 team /ti: m/ n.队;组 foreign /'f?:r?n/ daj.外国的 able /'e?bl/ adj.能够 question / 'kwest??n/ v.表示疑问;怀疑;提问;质询 meaning /' mi:n?? / n. 意义;意思 discuss /d?'sk?s/ v.讨论,商量 promise / pr?m?s/,/ 'pr a: m?s/ n.承诺;诺言;v.许诺;承诺 beginning / b?'g?n?? / n.开头;开端 improve /?m'pruv/ v.改进,改善 physical /'f?z?kl/ adj.身体的 themselves / e?m'selvz/ pron.他(她、它)们自己 self-improvement/self ?mp'ru:vm?nt/ n.自我改进,;自我提高 hobby / 'h?bi/,/'hɑ:bi/ n.业余爱好 weekly / 'wi:kli/ daj.&adv.每周的(地) schoolwork /'sku:lw?:k/ n.学校作业;功课 agree / ?'gri:/ v.同意;赞成;允许 own /o?n/ adj&pron 自己的;本人的 personal /'p?:(r)s?nl/ adj.个人的;私人的 relationship /r?'le??n??p/ n.关系;联系 resolution /,rez?'lu:?n/ n.决心;决定


; 专升本英语必背527个核心词汇 1. able/ability/enable/unable/disable/disabled/disability able的同根词用法一致,后接不定式。 比较:be able to do sth. / be capable of (doing) sth. 2. 动词词缀:en-+ adj./n.或adj./n.+/-en enable/enlarge/enrich/encourage/brighten/widen/worsen/sharpen/strengthen/height en/lengthen 3. abandon vt. 放弃,抛弃,放纵 abandon oneself to 纵情于,沉溺于 (=be addicted to) ( 4. aboard adv. 在船(车)上,上船 abroad adv. 在国外,到国外 board n. 木板 on board 在船上 broad adj. 宽的,宽阔的 5. absent adj. 不在的, 缺席的(反:present) 6. absolute adj. 完全的, 绝对的 7. absorb vt. 吸收, 吸引 be absorbed in 全神贯注于 & 8. abundant adj. 丰富的,大量的(=plentiful) 9. access n. 通路, 接近,入门 have access to 接近,有权使用 . Citizens may have free access to the public library. 10. accident n. 意外事件, 事故 by accident 偶然(=by chance)(on purpose 故意) 11. accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同 12. accomplish vt. 完成, 达到, 实现 ~ the task — accomplishment n. 成就 13. account n. 计算, 帐目, 说明,解释 on account of 由于 take... into account 考虑到(= take… into consideration) account for 解释,说明 14. accuse vt. 指责,控告 accuse sb. of sh. 因某事控告某人 (同:charge sb. with sth. 因某事控告某 — 人) . He was accused of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in jail. His mother charged him with being lazy. 15. achieve vt. 完成, 达到


阅读理解 在省专升本考试中,阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)所占比例最大,总分值60分,占试卷总分的五分之二。这一部分主要测试考生通过阅读获取书面信息的能力以及考生对篇章语境中的词汇理解和运用能力。阅读理解分为篇章阅读理解和篇章词汇理解。 篇章阅读理解(一) 一、大纲解析 篇章阅读理解(Passage Reading) 部分采用多项选择题的形式进行考查。这部分测试分两节:四篇文章和一篇7选5的文章。第一部分为仔细阅读理解,其中每篇长度为300词左右。每个篇章后有5个问题,共20题。考生根据对篇章的理解,从每题的四个选项中选择最佳答案。 篇章阅读的材料均选自英文原版材料,包括报刊、杂志、书籍、学术期刊等。选材的大体特点如下: 1、题材广泛,包括人文科学、社会科学、自然科学等领域,但所涉及的背景知识应为学生所了解或已在文章中提供。 2、体裁多样,包括记叙文、说明文、议论文等。 3、阅读篇章难度适中,整体的难度大致介于省大学英语三级考试与全国英语四级考试之间。 二、做题步骤及解题技巧 根据专升本考试的时间安排,做一篇篇章阅读的时间大致需要控制在10到12分钟之。要在这个时间完成一篇阅读,需要合理的安排做题的时间和做题的步骤。建议的做题步骤可以分为以下几个阶段: 1、审清题目 阅读一开始的时候,首先应该读题,可以用一到两分钟的时间,理解题干的意思,并且可以圈出题目中出现的关键词。圈出关键词非常重要,这样有助于考生能迅速的找到题目所问的相关容,使学生了解文章结构,让他们明白哪些是重点,哪些是次要点。通过审题,考生可以对题目大致有个了解,这样便能在阅

读文章的过程中,读到相关容时提高注意力,能更加着力分析其所含意义,有利于加深印象。 2、阅读文章 在阅读文章的时候,考生需要以较快的速度从大量材料中捕捉相关的重要信息,这就便要求考生必须养成良好的阅读习惯。切忌不要逐字逐词阅读,理解每一个单词、词组或句子的意思,这样很花费考试时间,没有效率。而是应该根据中心词和重点词连贯阅读,把握每段的中心句或中心思想,根据题干中标出的定位词在文章中定位关键信息,把握文章的大意。在阅读整篇文章时需注意以下几点: (1) 注重段落首末。近几年省专升本的阅读理解题目增加了对段落首末容的考查。在每段首末处,文章容都会经常出现一些很具有代表性的观点和总结性的概括,这经常会成为阅读主旨和总结的考查地方。读文章时特别要注意首段的首尾两句话,大多数情况下,这两句话回事全文的主旨,会表明整篇文章所表达意思的基调和方向。 (2) 注意转折性连接词。文中的转折性的词汇经常会成为阅读考点的标志性词汇,这类词汇是考题的解题题眼所在。例如however、but等词汇,跟在这些词汇后面的容通常就是考题的答案所在。 (3) 略读例句。阅读中经常出现一些例句,只用来补充说明文章所述的观点,这些句子通常是由for example、for instance、e.g.等短语或词语来引导。对于这些例句,除非阅读文章涉及的题目中有所提及,否则往往可以快速过掉甚至可以忽略不读,这样也能更加的提高阅读的速度。 (4) 忽略某些研究所表明的观点。阅读文章中,作者在给出某个观点后,有时会在观点之后加上某些研究表明(常出现research、survey、study等词汇),那么同样,除非阅读文章后的题目中有所提及,否则这些research、survey、study 等所述的具体容通常也可忽略不读。因为通常情况下,这些都只是作者在表明他的观点后面,为了进一步论证这一观点,使文章更具有说服力,使他的观点更加鲜明。然而,这些例子或者研究其本身对文章的主旨大意并没有任何影响,因此可以忽略。
