



Please read the test paper carefully and write your answer on the answer sheet! ⅠExplain following terms(15%)

1.Owner’s equity

https://www.360docs.net/doc/c82952384.html,pound entry

3.Purchase requisition

4.V oucher register

5.Average-cost method

ⅡTrue of False(15%)

1.The credit side of an account implies something favorable.

2.Jorunalizing means entering the economic effect of each transaction in a journal in

chronological order under the double-entry system.

3.Internal reporting (i.e. , management accounting) must follow GAAP in all respects.

4.The net income for a period in the income statement will increase the balance of owner’s


5.Work capital equals quick assets less quick liabilities.

6.Long-term Bonds Payable that will be matured in the next accounting period will be

reclassified as current liability.

7.The term “prepaid”designates the seller is to bear the transportation cost and remit to the

freight company.

8.When a petty cash fund is established, Cash is debited, and Petty Cash is credited.

9. A system of authorization and approval is an example of internal control.

10.Only the purchase of merchandise may be recorded in the voucher register.

11.A company orders goods by sending the supplier a purchase requisition.

12.The percentage of credit sales method violates the matching principle.

13.It is possible for the proceeds of a discounted note receivable to be less than its face value.

14.Closing entries convert real and nominal accounts to zero balances.

15.A credit memorandum on a bank statement indicates an addition to the bank balance.

ⅢFill-In-The-Blanks (15%)

1. The three common forms of business organizations are corporation_________, ____partnership________and __ proprietorship_____.

2. The difference between the increases (including the beginning balance) and decreases recorded in an account is called the account __balance______.

3. “Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity” is called the _____accounting_______ equation or balance sheet equation.

4 An economic event that changes the financial position of an organization, and that often takes the form of an exchange of economic consideration between two parties, is called a business


5 The statement of ____cash flow________ reports the changes in cash and cash equivalents over the reporting period.

6 Those long-term assets that lack physical form and their benefits are uncertain are called _____intangible_______ assets.

7 ____Full-disclosure ________ principle requires financial statements (including footnotes) to report all relevant information about the operations and financial position of the entity.

8 Amounts in the Unadjusted Trial Balance columns are taken from account balances in the _ worksheet ________.

9 In accounting, the term cash means paper money, coins, checks, money orders and __ bank deposits________ , all items that are acceptable for deposit in a bank.

10 Straight-line method of interest allocation is a method of amortization that allocates an equal amount of __interest______ to each accounting period in the life of bonds.

ⅣRecord the following transactions for A company in general entry form (35%)

1.May 1, Sold merchandise to B company $30,000; invoice #101, terms: 1/10, n/30; F.O.B.

destination; freight prepaid.

A/R $30,000

Sales 30,000

2.May 3, Paid freight bill on shipment to B company $1 000; check #101.

freight exp $1 000

A/P 1 000

3.May 10, Received a check from B company for $29,700, the amount due on the invoice #101. Cash 29700

Sales discount 300

A/R 30000

4.May 15, Wrote a check to establish the petty cash fund $300.

petty cash 300

Cash 300

5.May 31, Replenished the fund by check for $150. The following bills and receipts were on

hand: Postage $50, Repairs to dictaphone equipment $50, Stationery and small office supplies $50.

Miscellaneous exp 150

A/P 150

6.Dec.31, Received an $8,000, 90 days,

7.5% note from C company on account and Discounted

the note at the bank at 10%.

7.The following data is about inventory, assume the company uses perpetual inve ntory system,

make the entries for the ending inventory under LCM method, using direct method and allowance method separately.

Inventory At cost At market

Beginning of 2011 $100 000 100 000

End of 2011 115 000 95 000

8.On April 1,2011, Microware Enterprises purchased a high-speed floppy disk copier for $9

000. The copier has an estimated useful life of 5 years and an estimated residual value of $ 500. Microware’fiscal year ends December 31.

Determine depreciation expense for 2011, 2012 if Microware uses (1) the straight-line method;

(2)sum of year s’-the-digits method; (3) double declining method.


ⅤQuestions (10%)

1.If prices have been rising, which inventory method will yield:

(a)the lowest inventory amount? LIFO

(b)the lowest net income? LIFO

(c)the largest inventory amount? FIFO

(d)the largest net income? FIFO

2.Indicate whether the following items in a bank reconciliation should be (1) added to the

bank statement balance, (2) deducted from the bank statement balance, (3) added to the ledger account balance, (4) deducted from the ledger accounts balance:

(a)Bank sevice charge.(4)

(b)NSF check.(3)

(c)Deposit in transit.(1)

(d)Outstanding check.(2)

(e)Bank error charging company’s account with check of another company.(1)

(f)Difference of $360 in amount of check written for $378 but recorded in check register for


ⅵTranslation(Chinese into English)(10%)



会计专业英语答案 【篇一:15 春学期《会计专业英语》在线作业满分答 案】 a. an expense account b. a capital account c. a liability account d. an asset account ? 正确答案:d 2. the debt created by a business when it makes a purchase on account is referred to as an a. account payable b. account receivable c. asset d. expense payable ? 正确答案:a 3. when the corporation issuing the bonds has the right to repurchase the bonds prior to the maturity date for a specific price, the bonds are a. convertible bonds b. unsecured bonds c. debenture bonds d. callable bonds ? 正确答案:d 4. which of the items below is not a business organization form? () a. entrepreneurship b. proprietorship c. partnership d. corporation ? 正确答案:a 5. cash investments made by the owner to the business are reported on the statement of cash flows in the a. financing activities section


西交《英语4(新录)》在线作业(针对非会计专业) The United Nations was supposed to ( ) the role of global peace-keeper. A.contend B.nurture C.carve D.undertake 正确答案:D Its a good idea. But who is going to _______ the plan? A.carry out B.get through C.take in D.set aside 正确答案:A — How was your trip to London, Jane? — ______________. 、 A.Oh, wonderful indeed. B.I went there alone. C.The guide showed me the way. D.By plane and by bus. 正确答案:A —Paul, ?—Oh, that’s my father! And beside him, my mother. A.what is the person over there B.who’s talking over there C.what are they doing D.which is that 正确答案:B —I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A! —_________. A.Don't worry about it B.Congratulations! That's a difficult course C.Mr. Brown is very good D.Good luck to you


一、w o r d s a n d p h r a s e s 1.残值 scrip value 2.分期付款 installment 3.concern 企业 4.reversing entry 转回分录 5.找零 change 6.报销 turn over 7.past due 过期 8.inflation 通货膨胀 9.on account 赊账 10.miscellaneous expense 其他费用 11.charge 收费 12.汇票 draft 13.权益 equity 14.accrual basis 应计制15.retained earnings 留存收益 16.trad-in 易新,以旧换新 17.in transit 在途 18.collection 托收款项 19.资产 asset 20.proceeds 现值 21.报销 turn over 22.dishonor 拒付 23.utility expenses 水电费 24.outlay 花费 25.IOU 欠条 26.Going-concern concept 持续经营 27.运费 freight 二、M ultiple-choice question 1.Which of the following does not describe accounting? ( C ) A. Language of business B. Useful ofr decision making C. Is an end rathe than a means to an end. https://www.360docs.net/doc/c82952384.html,ed by business, government, nonprofit organizations, and individuals. 2.An objective of financial reporting is to ( B ) A. Assess the adequacy of internal control. B.Provide information useful for investor decisions. C.Evaluate management results compared with standards. D.Provide information on compliance with established procedures. 3.Which of the following statements is(are) correct?( B ) A.Accumulated depreciation represents a cash fund being accumulated for the replacement of plant assets. B.A company may use different depreciation methods in its financial statements and its income tax return. C.The cost of a machine includes the cost of repairing damage to the machine during the installation process. D.The use of an accelerated depreciation method causes an asset to wear out more quickly than does use of the unit-of-product method. 4. Which of the following is(are) correct about a company’s balance sheet? ( B ) A.It displays sources and uses of cash for the period. B.It is an expansion of the basic accounting equation C.It is not sometimes referred to as a statement of financial position. D.It is unnecessary if both an income statement and statement of cash flows are availabe. 5.Objectives of financial reporting to external investors and creditors include preparing information about all of the following except. ( A ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/c82952384.html,rmation used to determine which products to poduce https://www.360docs.net/doc/c82952384.html,rmation about economic resources, claims to those resources, and changes in both resources and claims. https://www.360docs.net/doc/c82952384.html,rmation that is useful in assessing the amount, timing, and uncertainty of future cash flows. https://www.360docs.net/doc/c82952384.html,rmation that is useful in making ivestment and credit decisions. 6.Each of the following measures strengthens internal control over cash receipts except. ( C )


Matching Questions 140. Match the following terms the appropriate definition. 1. Depreciatio n expense The accounting system that recognizes revenues when earned and expenses when incurred. 2. Time period principle The accounting system where revenues are recognized when cash is received and expenses are recorded when cash is paid. 3. Profit margin Items paid for in advance of receiving their benefits. 4. Matching principle Net income divided by net sales. 5. Accrued revenues The expense created by allocating the cost of plant and equipment to the periods in which they are used. 6. Accrual basis accounting Allocates equal amounts of an asset's cost (less any salvage value) to depreciation expense during its useful life. 7. Cash basis accounting A principle that assumes that an organization's activities can be divided into specific time periods such as months, quarters, or years. 8. Prepaid expenses The principle that requires expenses to be reported in the same period as the revenues that were earned as a result of the expenses. 9. Straight-lin e depreciation Revenues earned in a period that are both unrecorded and not yet received in cash or other assets.

奥鹏南开20春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903、1909、2003)《会计专业英语》在线作业_2 随机.doc

1.The two most common specialized fields of accounting in practice are( ) A.forensic accounting and financial accounting B.managerial accounting and financial accounting C.managerial accounting and environmental accounting D.financial accounting and tax accounting systems 【参考答案】: B 2.Cash equivalents() A.are illegal in some company B.will be converted to cash within two years C.will be converted to cash within 90 days D.will be converted to cash within 120 days 【参考答案】: C 3.Which statement below is not a reason for a corporation to buy back its own stock ( ) A.resale to employees B.bonus to employees C.for supporting the market price of the stock D.to increase the shares outstanding 【参考答案】: D 4.Which statement below is not a reason for a corporation to buy back its own stock. A.resale to employees B.bonus to employees C.for supporting the market price of the stock D.to increase the shares outstanding 【参考答案】: D

会计专业英语 作业第二版本(1)

Chapter 5课后习题 赵若寒 杨琬莹 邓凤兰 荆阳梅


1、In general terms,financial assets appear in the balance sheet at:a.Face value b.Current value c.Cost d.Estimated future sales value A

现值成本 估计未来销售价值 账面价值A B C D

2、which of following practices contributes to efficient cash management? C a.Never borrow money — maintain a cash balance sufficient to make all necessary payments b.Record all cash receipts and cash payments at the end of the month when reconciling the bank statements c.Prepare monthly forecasts of planned cash receipts,payments and anticipated cash balances up to a year in advance d.pay each bill as soon as the invoice arrives

提前准备好每月 预估计划的现金 收入、支付和预 期现金余额 发票一到, 就立即付款 协调银行对账单的 时候,在月末记录 所有的现金收入和 现金支付 永远不要借钱 ——保持足够的 现金余额来支付 所有必要的款项 A B C D


【南开】19秋学期(1709、1803、1809、1903、1909)《会计专业英语》在线作业答案2 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分) 1.Characteristics of a corporation include () [A.]shareholders who have limited liability [B.]shareholders who are mutual agents [C.]its inability to own property [D.]direct management by the shareholders (owners) [仔细阅读上述试题,并完成作答] 参考选择:A 2.Sinking Fund Cash would be classified on the balance sheet as () [A.]an investment [B.]an intangible asset [C.]a fixed asset [D.]a current asset [仔细阅读上述试题,并完成作答] 参考选择:A 3.One of the main disadvantages of the corporate form is the( ) [A.]professional management [B.]double taxation of dividends [C.]corporation must issue stock [D.]charter [仔细阅读上述试题,并完成作答] 参考选择:B 4.If the maker of a promissory note fails to pay the note on the due date, the note is said to be( ) [A.]displaced [B.]dishonored [C.]dishonored [D.]disallowed [仔细阅读上述试题,并完成作答] 参考选择:B 5.The interest rate specified in the bond indenture is called the ( ) [A.]market rate [B.]effective rate [C.]discount rate [D.]contract rate [仔细阅读上述试题,并完成作答] 参考选择:D


《财会专业英语》期终试卷 I.Put the following into corresponding groups. (15 points) 1.Cash on hand 2.Notes receivable 3.Advances to suppliers 4. Other receivables 5.Short-term loans 6.Intangible assets 7.Cost of production 8.Current year profit 9. Capital reserve 10.Long-term loans 11.Other payables 12. Con-operating expenses 13.Financial expenses 14.Cost of sale 15. Accrued payroll II.Please find the best answers to the following questions. (25 Points) 1. Aftin Co. performs services on account when Aftin collects the account receivable A.assets increase B.assets do not change C.owner’s equity d ecreases D.liabilities decrease 2. A balance sheet report . A. the assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity on a particular date B. the change in the owner’s capital during the period C. the cash receipt and cash payment during the period D. the difference between revenues and expenses during the period 3. The following information about the assets and liabilities at the end of 20 x 1 and 20 x 2 is given below: 20 x 1 20 x 2 Assets $ 75,000 $ 90,000 Liabilities 36,000 45,000 how much the owner’sequity at the end of 20 x 2 ? A.$ 4,500 B.$ 6,000 C.$ 45,000 D.$ 43,000


Exercises for Unit Two Multiple Choices A1. Which of the following users are not external users of accounting information? A. Managers B. Creditors C. Investors D. Analysts D2. Which of the following is not an accounting standard-setting organization? A. FASB B. IASB C. MOF D. GAAP C3. The diversity of interested parties leads to a logical division in the discipline of accounting: financial accounting and _______. A. cost accounting B. financial management C. managerial accounting D. tax accounting D4. CPAs provide services of the following except ________. A. audit B. consulting C. tax D. holding examination A5. Which of the following service involves providing an independent report on the appropriateness of financial statements? A. Audit B. Tax C. Consulting D. Budgeting D6. Accountants employed by large corporations may work in the areas of the following except _______. A. product costing and pricing B. budgeting C. internal auditing D. product producing B7. ______ information is trusted by users. ______ information is helpful in contrasting organizations. A. Relevant B. Reliable C. Comparable D. Separate A8. The ______ assumption assumes that a business will continue in the same lines of the business as those in which it is currently involved. A. Going-concern B. accounting period C. accounting entity D. monetary unit B9. The ______ assumption assures that accounting information is reported at regular intervals. A. Going-concern B. accounting period C. accounting entity D. monetary unit


《会计专业英语》模拟试题及答案 一、单选题(每题1分,共 20分) 1. Which of the following statements about accounting concepts or assumptions are correct? 1) The money measurement assumption is that items in accounts are initially measured at their historical cost. 2)In order to achieve comparability it may sometimes be necessary to override the prudence concept. 3) To facilitate comparisons between different entities it is helpful if accounting policies and changes in them are disclosed. 4)To comply with the law, the legal form of a transaction must always be reflected in financial statements. A 1 and 3 B 1 and 4 C 3 only D 2 and 3 2.Johnny had receivables of $5 500 at the start of 2010. During the year to 31 Dec 2010 he makes credit sales of $55 000 and receives cash of $46 500 from credit customers. What is the balance on the accounts receivables at 31 Dec 2010? A.$8 500 Dr B.$8 500 Cr C.$14 000 Dr D.$14 000 Cr 3.Should dividends paid appear on the face of a company’s cash flow statement? A. Yes B. No C. Not sure D. Either 4.Which of the following inventory valuation methods is likely to lead to the highest figure for closing inventory at a time when prices are dropping? A. Weighted Average cost B. First in first out (FIFO) C. Last in first out (LIFO) D. Unit cost 5. Which of following items may appear as non-current assets in a company’s the statement of financial position? (1) plant, equipment, and property (2) company car (3) €4000 cash (4) €1000 cheque A. (1), (3)


作业说明 1.用16开纸(184×260mm)打印题目,上、下、左、右各设2CM边距; 答案必须手写。 2. 作业模板如下页所示:

2012-2013学年第1学期《专业英语》作业 专业:班级:任课教师:丘永政 姓名:学号:成绩: I. Analyzing transactions and preparing financial statements Holden Graham started The Graham Co., a new business that began operations on May 1. The Graham Co. completed the following transactions during Require d: 1.Prepare an income statement for May, a May 31 balance sheet. a statement of cash flows for May. 2.These statements are given as follows

THE GRAHAM CO. Income Statement THE GRAHAM CO. Balance Sheet

THE GRAHAM CO. Statement of Cash Flows II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1.Most U.S. companies are not directly affected by international accounting standards. International standards are put forth as preferred accounting practices. However, stock exchanges and other parties are increasing the pressure to narrow differences in worldwide accounting practices. International accounting standards are playing an important role in that process.


1、 Definition In financial accounting, the balance sheet is one of four standard financial statements and is a financial statement that summaries the financial position of a company on a particular date。(usually the end of the accounting period). 资产负债表表示企业在一定日期(通常为各会计期末)的财务状况(即资产、负债和业主权益的状况)的主要会计报表。The balance sheet normally is broken down into three main elements—assets , liabilities, and net equity—to show what the company owns and owes on that date. t is usual to include intangible assets such as goodwill alongside tangible assets such as property. Typically, a balance sheet is published at the end of the company’s financial year when the accounts have been audited, but it may also be produced at the end of a quarter, half-year, or other specified period. Of the three elements on the balance sheet, the assets are normally listed first, followed by any liabilities. The difference between the two is the equity, or worth, of the company. The equity may be referred to as net assets, shareholders’ equity, or net worth. The equity will always equal the assets minus the liabilities, or, conversely, the assets must equal the liabilities plus the equity:股权是从总资产减去总负债得出的(因此,总资产始终等于总负债加上股权)。解释性说明也可能被包括在内。 资产负债表利用会计平衡原则,将合乎会计原则的资产、负债、所有者权益”科目分为“资产”和“负债及所有者权益”两大区块,在经过分录、转帐、分类帐、试算、调整等等会计程序后,以特定日期的静态企业情况为基准,浓缩成一张报表。其报表功用除了企业内部除错、经营方向、防止弊端外,也可让所有阅读者于最短时间了解企业经营状况。 2、 Function The balance sheet shows what is owned (assets), what is owed (liabilities), and what is left (owners’ equity). It provides a concise snapshot of a company’s financial position.S o a balance sheet is a snapshot of the assets a company owns, the debts it owes, and how much it is worth. It is one of the tools management, lenders and investors use to assess a company's overall situation. It is not hard to understand a balance sheet, but you need to know how the parts of a balance sheet function and the role it plays in providing a complete picture of the company.


【奥鹏】-[南开大学]《会计专业英语》19秋期末考核 试卷总分:100 得分:100 第1题,Which of the items below is not a business organization form?() A、entrepreneurship B、proprietorship C、partnership D、corporation 正确答案:A 第2题,Which of the following groups are considered to be internal users of accounting information? A、Employees and customers B、Customers and vendors C、Employees and managers D、Government and banks 正确答案:C 第3题,Merchandise inventory at the end of the year was understated. Which of the following statements correctly states the effect of the error? A、net income is understated B、net income is overstated C、cost of merchandise sold is understated D、merchandise inventory reported on the balance sheet is overstated 正确答案:A 第4题,The inventory method that assigns the most recent costs to cost of good sold is A、FIFO B、LIFO C、average D、specific identification 正确答案:B 第5题,The two most common specialized fields of accounting in practice are( ) A、forensic accounting and financial accounting B、managerial accounting and financial accounting C、managerial accounting and environmental accounting D、financial accounting and tax accounting systems 正确答案:B

财务英语 第二次作业(含答案)

1.True or false statements (1) Increasing assets is the impact of credit entries. (2) Salaries, telephone, and rent are asset accounts. (3) The accounting equation is liabilities= assets + equity. (4) Items owned by a business that has money value are known as assets. (5) To purchase “on account” is to create a liability. (6) A withdrawal of cash reduces cash and capital. (7) When all the transactions have been posted and footed, the debits should equal the credits. The test to see if this is so is called a trial balance. (8) The twofold effect of every entry is recorded in double-entry system. (9) Increases in all asset accounts are credited. (10) Increases in all liability accounts are debited.


《会计英语》复习资料 二、单项选择(红字为正确答案):
Financial reports are used by d. all of the above
1. For accounting purposes, the business entity should be considered separate from its owners if the entity is( )
d. all of the above
2. Which of the following best describes accounting? b. is an information system that provides reports to stakeholders
3. Using accrual accounting, expenses are recorded and reported only a. when they are incurred, whether or not cash is paid
4. The measurement bases exclude( ) c. Sale price
5. Debts owed by a business are referred to as( ) d. liabilities
6. Which of the following financial statements reports information as of a specific date? c. balance sheet
7. Cash investments made by the owner to the business are reported on the statement of cash flows in the
a. financing activities section
8. The accounting equation may be expressed as d. Assets - Liabilities = Owner's Equity
9. Which of the following groups of accounts have a normal credit balance? a. revenues, liabilities, capital
10. Which of the following groups of accounts have a normal debit balance? d. assets, expenses
11. Which of the following types of accounts have a normal credit balance? c. revenues and liabilities
12. In the accounting cycle, the last step is( ) a. preparing a post-closing trial balance
13. Which of the following should not be considered cash by an accountant? c. postage stamps
14. A bank reconciliation should be prepared periodically because ( ) c. any differences between the depositor's records and the bank's records should be determined, and any errors made by either party should be discovered and corrected
15. The amount of the outstanding checks is included on the bank reconciliation as a(n) ( ) c. deduction from the balance per bank statement
16. The asset created by a business when it makes a sale on account is termed c. accounts receivable
17. What is the type of account and normal balance of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts? a. Contra asset, credit
18. The term "inventory" indicates ( ) d. both A and B
19. Merchandise inventory at the end of the year was understated. Which of the following statements correctly states the effect of the error?
a. net income is understated 20.Merchandise inventory at the end of the year is overstated. Which of the following statements correctly states the effect of the error?
b. owner's equity is overstated 21.The inventory method that assigns the most recent costs to cost of good sold is
b. LIFO 22.Under which method of cost flows is the inventory assumed to be composed of the most recent costs?
b. first-in, first-out 23. When the perpetual inventory system is used, the inventory sold is debited to ( )
b. cost of merchandise sold 24.All of the following below are needed for the calculation of depreciation except
d. book value
25. A characteristic of a fixed asset is that it is b. used in the operations of a business
26. Accumulate
