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Optimize Business English in Vocational and Specialized College
HU J ia nguo Zhengzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College, Zhengzhou 450052, China
杨希英: 《广韵》的入声字在聊城方言中的变化
杨希英: 《广韵》的入声字在聊城方言中的变化
Biblioteka Baidu
杨希英: 《广韵》的入声字在聊城方言中的变化
[ 1] 周祖谟.广韵校本[ M] .北京:中华书局,2004. [ 2] 张鹤泉.聊城方言志[ M] .北京:语文出版社,1995. [ 3] 李 葆 嘉.广 韵 反 切 今 音 手 册 [ M] .上 海:上 海 辞 书 出 版 社 ,
No.7, 2008
English Abstr acts
Discussion on Constr uction of Teaching Quality Assur ance in Higher Vocational Colleges
LI Minghui TAN Gongmin CHEN Zhouqin
Guangdong Communication Polytechnic, Guangzhou 510650, China
Abstr act: Teaching quality is the lifeline of higher vo- cational colleges. By constructing open, dynamic, effec- tive teaching system with modern advanced teaching idea, we can control the teaching quality system, con- tinue, standard and equity. With the goal of living by quality, developing by characteristic, assuring the ad- vance of teaching quality and person with ability. Key wor ds: quality assurance; management; quality culture
Confr ater nity and Her oes of the Mar shes
ZOU Xia oxia
Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, Guangzhou 510665, China
Abstr act: People nowadays to a certain extent still expose themselves to the culture of errantry and confraternity as shown in Heroes of the Marshes. The study of confraternity reflected in the novel therefore makes worthwhile in constructing a harmonious society, which aims to help people learn the lesson and promote the positive element of confraternity in Heroes of the Marshes. Key wor ds: Heroes of the Marshes; confraternity; harmonious society
1997. [ 4] 陈复华.汉语音韵学基础[ M] .北京:中国人民大学出版社,
2002. [ 5] 胡安顺.音韵学通论[ M] .北京:中华书局,2003.
[ 责任编辑: 张瑜东]
2008 年第 7 期
广东技术师范学院学报 Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
2008 年第 7 期
广东技术师范学院学报 Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
No.7, 2008
( 广东技术师范学院文学院, 广东 广州 510665)
摘 要: 本文调查了《广韵》的入声字在聊城方言中韵母和声调的变化情况, 其特点是: 入声韵尾全部消失, 几
Key wor ds: business English; course system; optimize; expertise; practice lesson
Enter ing Tone Char acter of Br oad Rhyme Reflected in Liaocheng Dialect YANG Xiying
Abstr act: The article introduces the priority of optimizing the course system of business English based on proficiency training in terms of English skills, business knowledge and expertise. For the sake of students' employment in the competitive job market, the article intends to expound the principle of talents training that is appraised by the working units where students tend to be involved upon graduation.
Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University,Guangzhou 510665, China
Abstr act: This article investigated the entering tone character of "Broad Rhyme" reflected in Liaocheng dialect. Entering tone rhyme tends to change into yinsheng and the tone is classified as first tone, second tone, rising tone, and falling tone. Key wor ds: Broad Rhyme; liaocheng dialect; entering tone rhyme; entering tone
乎全部变成阴声韵; 入声派入四声: 阴平、阳平、上声、去声。
关键词: 广韵; 聊城方言; 入声韵; 入声
中图分类号: H113.3
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 1672 - 402X( 2008) 07 - 0013 - 04
*本论文为 2007 年广东技术师范学院青年课题。 收稿日期:2008- 01- 20 作者简介:杨希英( 1970- ) , 女, 山东聊城市人, 广东技术师范学院文学院讲师, 文学硕士。研究方向: 方言研究。