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1. 供应管理supply management

Supply management deals with identifying needs to be met with outside sources, selecting these sources, and negotiating purchase contracts with those selected.

Purchases fall into 3 categories: parts or components to be used in manufacture, merchandise for resale, and services.

Supply management is closely related to logistics for two reasons. First, nearly anything purchased must be moved to wherever it is needed. Second, if 3PL providers are used, the firm’s procurement staff will be involved in their selection.



给。这是企业的“内向物流Inbound Logistics部分”。采购包括物料的实际购买、




作产生重大的影响。最基本的设计问题是对“集中或分散采购(Centralized or

Decentralized Purchasing)”的抉择。集中采购的控制性较强,能节约费用;而


所购细项的“成本效益比”最佳。根据成本、售后服务、可靠性与质量评价供应商。Purchasing is the eyes and ears眼睛和耳朵of the organization in the supplier marketplace 供应市场, continuously seeking better buys and new materials from suppliers. Consequently, purchasing is in a good position to能够select suppliers for the supply chain and to conduct certification programs 认证计划. 【purchase []购买__ consequently []因此】

Green Purchasing is the process of identifying, assessing, and managing the flow of environmental waste and finding ways to reduce it and minimize its impact on the environment. 【environmental[]__minimize []】


2. 生产运作管理

Operations management deals with processes[] that produce goods and services that people use every day. Operations management is the direction and control of the processes that transform inputs into products and services. Processes are fundamental activities that organizations use to do work and achieve their goals.

By selecting appropriate techniques and developing sound operations strategies, managers can design and operate processes to give companies a competitive edge【= competitive advantage竞争优势】.

3. 市场营销

4. 物流Logistics

Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient and effective forward and reverse [] 相反的flow and storage[]贮藏of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin[ ] 产地and the point of consumption [ ]消费in order to meet customers requirements.”
