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1) Where does the woman want to go?
(1) The restaurant.
(2) The airport.
2) How will the woman go there?
(1) By bus.
(2) By train.
(3) The store. (3) By subway.
Dialogue B
Could you tell me the way to the new
Activity 7
Activity 8
Activity 9
பைடு நூலகம்
Activity 10
Activity 11
Activity 7
Listen and choose. 听录音,选择答案。
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 1
Look and match. 看图,将图中的标志与框中的词语搭配。
( C ) traffic lights ( F ) the second turn ( D ) turn right ( A ) road ( B ) crossroads ( E ) turn left ( G ) go across the road
a. bank
post office
b. supermarket park
department store bookstore
c. airport
subway station bus stop
d. shop
Dialogue A
Dialogue B
Everyday English
Dialogue A
How can I get to the nearest bank?
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 3
Listen and tick. 听录音,标出对话中提到的地点。
at the traffic lights. A: Is it by the roadside? B: Yes. It’s just on your right. A: How long will it take me to get there? B: About ten minutes. You can’t miss it. A: I see. Thank you!
Activity 2
Look and choose. 看图,选择恰当的词语描述图中的动作。
a. Go across the road. c. Turn left at the crossroads. e. Turn left at the first traffic light.
b. Turn right. d. Take the second turn on the right. f. Go along the road.
b. Turn right. d. Take the second turn on the right. f. Go along the road.
Listening and speaking
Activity 13
Read and circle. 阅读学校周边介绍,在活动12的词中圈出 文中介绍的地方。
Hello! Welcome to Yanyuan Vocational School! Now, I’d like to introduce our school surroundings to you. There is a shop near our school. If you want to go to the shop, just go down the Zhongshan Road and turn right at the first traffic lights. The shop is on your right. Opposite to the shop is a post office. There is a hospital near our school, too. First, go down the Zhongshan Road and take the first turn on the left. Then turn right at the first traffic lights. Walk along the Zhongshan West Road and past the second traffic lights. You can find the hospital on your left.
语言知识目标: 学生能够掌握并运用与问路相关的词汇和句式并能根据具体语境使用祈使句给出方位指令。 语言技能目标: 听 —— 学生能够听懂有关问路和指示相应方位的对话。 说 —— 学生能够用how can I get to ...? 等句式问询方位,并用祈使句回答。 读 —— 学生能够读懂一般生活工作中的方位介绍。 写 —— 学生能够写出具体语境中指示方位路线的语句,并能运用祈使句进行表达。 学 习 策 略: 学生能够运用适当的问询方位的表达解决实际问题,理解路线标志指示。 文 化 意 识: 掌握英美国家的人们在问询和指示方位时的不同表达习惯及空间意识。 情 感 态 度: 学生能够了解和运用不同语境下礼貌性求助和回答的差异。 单 元 任 务: 能够运用所学语言向同学介绍生活中的具体路线方位。通过征求意见,介绍学校附近的日常场
Question: the ATM Answer: the first floor; right side of the gate; opposite to the lift
Question: Room 304 Answer: go upstairs; the 3rd floor; turn left; on your right
Activity 11
Act and practice. 根据提示,与同伴进行问路和指路的对话。
Question: the nearest hospital Answer: go straight; turn left; the first traffic lights
Question: building No. 4 Answer: go ahead; on your right; between buildings No. 2 and No. 4
at the traffic lights. A: Is it by the roadside? B: Yes. It’s just on your right. A: How long will it take me to get there? B: About ten minutes. You can’t miss it. A: I see. Thank you!
边听录音边读句子做判断是很有难度的, 我们可以在听录音前用一两分钟先读句 子,再听录音并做判断,这样会容易很 多,你也试试吧。
( F ) 4) It will take her 13 minutes to get to the airport by subway.
( T ) 5) The woman probably doesn’t know where Dongzhimen is.
Activity 10
Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说选出的语句。
In the street, Sara is talking to a man. Sara: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Beihai Park? Man: No problem. Would you like to go by bus or by subway? Sara: I’d like to take the bus. I want to have a look at the city. Man: You can take No. 4 bus. It takes about 30 minutes to get there. Sara: Where can I take it? Man: The bus stop is in front of the Art Museum. Sara: Thank you. Anyway, I have to find the Art Museum first.
Activity 5
Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出问路和指路 的语句。
A: Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest supermarket? B: Go along the road and turn right at the first crossroads. Then turn left
Activity 9
Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出问路和指路 的语句。
In the street, Sara is talking to a man. Sara: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Beihai Park? Man: No problem. Would you like to go by bus or by subway? Sara: I’d like to take the bus. I want to have a look at the city. Man: You can take No. 4 bus. It takes about 30 minutes to get there. Sara: Where can I take it? Man: The bus stop is in front of the Art Museum. Sara: Thank you. Anyway, I have to find the Art Museum first.
___se_c_o_n_d___ turn on the right. A: Is it by the roadside? B: Yes. It’s just beside a ____p_o_s_t ___ ___o_ff_ic_e____. A: How ____lo_n_g____ will it take me to get there? B: About ___f_if_te_e_n___ minutes. You can’t miss it. A: I see. Thank you!
Activity 2
a. Go across the road. c. Turn left at the crossroads. e. Turn left at the first traffic light.
a ()
c ()
b ()
d ()
Activity 4
Listen and complete. 再听录音,补全对话。
学习策略提示 在英美国家,人们的空间意识较强,在与陌生 人对话,如问路时,我们应与对方保持一定距 离,以免引起尴尬。
A: Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest ___b_a_n_k____? B: Go along the road and turn ____le_f_t____ at the first traffic lights. Then take the
Activity 8
Listen and judge. 再听录音,判断下列句子的正误。
( F ) 1) The man doesn’t know the way to the airport.
( F ) 2) The woman wants to take the bus. ( T ) 3) The subway is new and beautiful.
Activity 6
Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说选出的语句。
A: Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest supermarket? B: Go along the road and turn right at the first crossroads. Then turn left
Everyday English
Reading and writing
Activity 12
Activity 13
Activity 14
Activity 15
Activity 16
Activity 12
Read and underline. 读下列单词,画出与其他词不同类 的词或词组。