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c. kiss
n. 风俗;习惯
3. __a___ Japan 4. __b___ Mexico 5. __a___ Korea
customs a. bow b. Shake hands c. kiss
Listen and check your answers in 1a.
in 2a and 2b.
How was the dinner at Paul’s house last night?
Well, it was OK, but I made some mistakes. I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but…
Why did Maria make such mistakes?
eat in class
Youua…re not supposed to…
do homework every day
YYoouua…re supposed to…
You’re supposed to… raise your hand before talking
How do people greet one another in countries around the world? Work in pairs and discuss the question.
1. To learn something about what people do when they meet for the first time in different countries
2. To learn to use be supposed + to do to talk about what you should do
Is it right to come to class late?
I’m sorry I’m late.
You are late, again, Mary!
You’re not supposed to come to class late.
应当, 应该
You are supposed to come to class on time.
bow: When you bow to others, you should stand at attention and take off your hat to show your respect.
kiss: If you meet a friend or your relative, you can greet him or her with a hug or a kiss on the cheeks. If you are a couple, you can hug and kiss, but if you are parents and children, you just kiss on the face or forehead. If you are brothers or sisters, you just kiss on the cheeks.
1a What do people do when they
meet for the first time? Match the
countries with the customs.
1. __c___ Brazil
a. bow
2. __b___ the United States b. Shake hands
Celia: Well, in Brazil, people sometimes _k_i_ss_. How about in Japan, Yoshi? What are people expected to do when they meet for the first time?
Yoshi: We __b_o_w___. Kim: And in Korea we also bow. Mike: Well, I guess in most Western
1. __c___ Brazil
a. bow
2. __b___ the United States b. shake hands
3. __a___ Japan
c. kiss
4. __b___ Mexico
5. __a___ Korea
Listen again and fill in the blanks.
2. In Maria’s country, when you’re invited for 7:00, you’re expected to __c_o_m_e__la_t_e_r_.
3. When Maria met Paul’s mom, she was supposed to _sh__a_k_e_h_a_n_d_s_.
wrong way _______ wore the wrong clothes
2 b Listen again. Fill in the blanks.
1. Maria was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but she _a_r_ri_v_e_d__a_t _8_:0_0_.
In Japan
They are supposed to bow when they meet for the first time.
In Brazil, people kiss each other when they meet for the first time.
shaking hands: You should shake hands with others with a smile. At the same time you shouldn’t wear hats or gloves when you do this. Usually, the time of shaking hands shouldn’t last no more than 3 seconds. It is polite to wait for the ladies, the leaders or the old to show their hands first, then you can shake with them.
Yoshi: What are people _s_u_p_p_o_s_e_d_ to do when they meet in your country, Rodrigo?
Rodrigo: Do you mean when people meet for the first time?
Yoshi: Yeah. Rodrigo: In Mexico, we _s_h_a_k_e_h_a_n__d_s. Yoshi: What about in Brazil, Celia?
4. Maria should ask what she is supposed to _w__ea_r_ if she is invited to a party next time.
2 Role-play a conversation between c Maria and Dan. Use the information
4. What did Katie do when she first met Marie last year? She held out her hand.
5. What are French people supposed to do when they see each other? They are supposed to kiss.
They are supposed to shake hands.
What are people in the United States supposed to do when they meet for the first time?
In America, they are supposed to shake hands.
What can we do to avoid these mistakes?
Read the conversation in 2d and answer these questions.源自文库1. What does John think of the welcome
party? Great. 2. What’s the name of the Japanese boy did John meet? Sato. 3. Did John return the bow in the end? Yes, he did.
2 Maria is an exchange student. Last a night she had dinner at an
American friend’s house. Listen and check (√) the mistakes Maria make.
Maria’s mistakes _______ arrived late _______ ate the wrong food _______ greeted Paul’s mother the
3. To learn some new words and expressions: custom, bow, greet…
Words: custom, bow, case, greet… Patterns: --What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time? --You are supposed to shake hands. You are not supposed to kiss.
A: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?
B: They’re supposed to bow. How about in the United States?
A: In the United States, they’re expected to shake hands. …
Fill in the blanks according to the conversation. The welcome party for foreign students last night was great. And John found a funny thing: different countries have different customs. People __a_r_e_s_u_p_p_o_s_e_d_t_o__ do differently when they meet for the first time. In Japan, people _a_re__e_x_p_e_c_te_d__to___ bow when they meet. In France, people a_r_e__su__p_p_o_s_ed__t_o_ kiss when they see each other. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
what are people in Mexico supposed to do when they meet for the first time?
In Mexico, they are supposed to shake hands.
In Korea
They are supposed to bow when they meet for the first time.
countries we _s_h_a_k_e_h_a_n_d_s___.
Role-play the conversation.
1c Make conversations about what
people in different countries do when they meet for the first time. Talk about the countries in 1a or other countries.
shake hands
Sometimes it’s not polite to shake hands.
bow hand-kiss
shake hands kiss
namaste 合十礼
What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the first time?