About the typhoon, hurricane and tornado

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哎呀妈呀,这也忒 吓人了吧
食品一本双语一班 孟翔营
The typhoon and the hurricane are produce on the tropics surface of the sea one kind of intense tropical cyclone, is only has the place to be different 台风和飓风都是产生于热带洋 面上的一种强烈的热带气旋, 只是发生地点不同。
台风经过时常伴随着大风和暴雨天气。 风向呈逆时针方向旋转。飓风在一天 之内就能释放出惊人的能量。因此它 们的破坏性都很强。
莫拉克台风侵袭台湾 卡特里娜飓风侵袭美国
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
台风罗莎侵袭,台湾揽沙坝再度决堤 飓风伊万侵袭南美海岸线
Generally tornado positive accompanies with hurricane but generates. When the character of biggest tornado lay in it to appear, usually appear to be like hopper-like in shape cloud column, accompany with storm, thunder and lightning or hail at the same time. Tornado after surface, can absorb water an upswing to forming plume, then connect with cloud, be so called "Long Qu Shui". After lands, often wrap to pour premises, even absorb person to wrap air.龙卷风一般是伴随着飓风而
At the western the north Pacific Ocean, including the south sea of the China,the tropical cyclone is called a typhoon。 But at Atlantic or north Pacific Ocean the tropical cyclone of the east then call hurricane。
产生。龙卷风最大的特征在于它出现时, 往往出现像漏斗状的云柱,同时伴随狂风 暴雨、雷电或冰雹。龙卷风经过水面时, 能吸水上升形成水柱,然后同云相接,俗 称“龙取水”。经过陆地时,常会卷倒房 屋,甚至把人吸卷到空中.
Thank you for your listeni ng!
在北太平洋西部、包括中国南海范围内发生的热带气旋称为 台风;而在大西洋或北太平洋东部的热带气旋则称飓风
The tropical cyclone has been often accompanied with strong wind and rainstorm .The air course presents to go against hour hand direction revolution. The hurricane can release an astonishing energy within a day. Therefore their destructiveness are all very strong.