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This sentence implies that men should not cry and should be brave and look tough.
Sexism in language
Women are fragile. Eg: Frailty, thy name is women.
---- Alfre..d........Tennyson
Active reading 2: Embarkation
A poem
1. 男耕女织,男武女文, 男刚女柔,男尊女卑。
2. 男人耕作女持家;男上战场女纺纱。 男人冷静女优柔;男施命令女听话。
3. 男人主外女主内,男人舞剑女缝衣, 男人理智女多情,男人吆喝女相随。
• women may account for only 25 percent of the upper-level managers in large corporations. And although half of the employees in the largest, most prestigious firms around the United States may be women, perhaps as few as 5 percent or less actually hold senior positions.
Woman is made to weep. Woman is made of glass.
More ..........
Women are changeable. Eg: Women, wind and fortune are ever
• If men knew all that women think, they’d be twenty times more daring.
• Eg: waitress/heroine/
• woman doctor/lady lawyer
Active reading 2: Embarkation
Sexism in the workplace
Make a list of the problems faced by women who share the same workplace as men.
• Stereotype: 刻板印象。即是有关一团体特征的正面 或负面的信念.任何共享一项具有社会意义之特征的 社会团体都会成为偏见的目标.在社会中经常将种族, 宗教,年龄,性别,社会地位和文化背景等,作为划分依 据.人们划归为团体的成员是因为他们共享了具有社 会意涵的特征
Gender stereotype
Ideal wife
1. tough 2. capable 3. reliable
1. caring 2. patient 3. faithful
A poem Read a poem written by Alfred Tennyson. Discuss whether you agree with it and then translate it into Chinese.
• In contrast, women are over-represented in the lower-paying occupations, such as school teaching, nursing, and secretarial work.
“Glass ceiling” is the situation where a woman is successful in a company, but then she hits the glass ceiling – this invisible barrier which stops her going any higher in her career. “Glass” is metaphorical. Glass is transparent and sometimes invisible, but it is there.
refer to both male and female.
• Eg: Man proposes, God disposes. 谋事在 人,成事在天
chairman/Madame Chairman, policeman
• 3. Some words indicating female’s profession, are created by adding a prefix/suffix or by combining them with a word referring to female.
In General
• In general, women are under-represented in the higher-status, higher-paying occupations, such as law, engineering, politic arena and medicine.
not. Women are natural carers; men are not. He’s his own man. He’s a man of the world. 男儿当自强。
More ..........
Sexism in language (2)
English and Han language are malecentered, biased in favor of men, derogatory towards women.
More ..........
Women are talkative. Eg: One tongue is enough for a woman.
Women will have the last word.
长舌妇。 三个女人一台戏。
Men are intelligent and capable. Eg: Men are natural leaders; women are
More ..........
Active reading 2: Embarkation
Gender stereotype
Inside the box write your presumptions about what ideal husbands or wives are like.
Ideal husband
4.男持外,女主内, 男打仗,女制衣。 男有脑,女有心, 男发令,女执行。
More ..........
Active reading 2: Embarkation
A poem
5. 男人是大地的主宰,女人是家庭的皇帝, 男人用利剑打天下,女人用利针守家门, 男人用脑征服女人,女人用心征服男人, 男人惯于命令女人,女人习惯服从男人。
• 1. A person of unknown sex is referred to as
he, not she;
• Eg: He who laughs last laughs best.
Everyone must do his homework well.
• 2. Man, and men can be used generically to
• 女人心海底针。 • 女大十八变。
Women are ignorant. Eg: Long hair and short wit. 头发长,见识短。
女子无才便是德。 妇人之见。 男子汉不同妇人一般见识。
Sexism in language
Women are evil.
Lead-in Activities Text Analysis Resources
Active reading 2: Mapping
Learning about gender stereotype
Learning to evaluate the text by leitmotif
Man for the field and woman for the hearth. Man for the sword and for the needle she. Man with the head and woman with the heart. Man to command and woman to obey.
These beliefs are so ingrained in our consciousness that many of us think that gender roles are natural, so we don’t question them. Even if we don’t consciously subscribe to them as part of our own belief system, our culture bombards us with messages about what it means to be men and .......... women today. 9
Think about: job opportunities contracts and pay possibilities for promotion
Sexism in the workplace
1. Judged in the workplace on the basis of their looks 2. Less paid than males holding the same job 3. Difficult to get promotion: glass ceiling
Lead-in activities
Gender stereotype A poem Adam and Eve Sexism in language Sexism in the workplace
What is stereotype?
• Stereotypes are generalizations, or assumptions, that people make about the characteristics of all members of a group, based on an image (often wrong) about what people in that group are like.
Eg: 天下最毒妇人心. 唯女子小人难养. 红颜祸水. It’s time he made an honest woman out of you. Chinese characters denoting negative qualities that contain the female radical 女, such as 奸, 嫉 etc.
4. Sexual harassment
• Some statistics estimate that about 72% of women workers have experienced sexist bullying at work, while 85% of women workers believe that there is a bias towards males in t 2: Embarkation
Sexism in language
Work in groups to collect examples to show sexism in English and Chinese language.
Act like a man!
Sexism in language
Women are fragile. Eg: Frailty, thy name is women.
---- Alfre..d........Tennyson
Active reading 2: Embarkation
A poem
1. 男耕女织,男武女文, 男刚女柔,男尊女卑。
2. 男人耕作女持家;男上战场女纺纱。 男人冷静女优柔;男施命令女听话。
3. 男人主外女主内,男人舞剑女缝衣, 男人理智女多情,男人吆喝女相随。
• women may account for only 25 percent of the upper-level managers in large corporations. And although half of the employees in the largest, most prestigious firms around the United States may be women, perhaps as few as 5 percent or less actually hold senior positions.
Woman is made to weep. Woman is made of glass.
More ..........
Women are changeable. Eg: Women, wind and fortune are ever
• If men knew all that women think, they’d be twenty times more daring.
• Eg: waitress/heroine/
• woman doctor/lady lawyer
Active reading 2: Embarkation
Sexism in the workplace
Make a list of the problems faced by women who share the same workplace as men.
• Stereotype: 刻板印象。即是有关一团体特征的正面 或负面的信念.任何共享一项具有社会意义之特征的 社会团体都会成为偏见的目标.在社会中经常将种族, 宗教,年龄,性别,社会地位和文化背景等,作为划分依 据.人们划归为团体的成员是因为他们共享了具有社 会意涵的特征
Gender stereotype
Ideal wife
1. tough 2. capable 3. reliable
1. caring 2. patient 3. faithful
A poem Read a poem written by Alfred Tennyson. Discuss whether you agree with it and then translate it into Chinese.
• In contrast, women are over-represented in the lower-paying occupations, such as school teaching, nursing, and secretarial work.
“Glass ceiling” is the situation where a woman is successful in a company, but then she hits the glass ceiling – this invisible barrier which stops her going any higher in her career. “Glass” is metaphorical. Glass is transparent and sometimes invisible, but it is there.
refer to both male and female.
• Eg: Man proposes, God disposes. 谋事在 人,成事在天
chairman/Madame Chairman, policeman
• 3. Some words indicating female’s profession, are created by adding a prefix/suffix or by combining them with a word referring to female.
In General
• In general, women are under-represented in the higher-status, higher-paying occupations, such as law, engineering, politic arena and medicine.
not. Women are natural carers; men are not. He’s his own man. He’s a man of the world. 男儿当自强。
More ..........
Sexism in language (2)
English and Han language are malecentered, biased in favor of men, derogatory towards women.
More ..........
Women are talkative. Eg: One tongue is enough for a woman.
Women will have the last word.
长舌妇。 三个女人一台戏。
Men are intelligent and capable. Eg: Men are natural leaders; women are
More ..........
Active reading 2: Embarkation
Gender stereotype
Inside the box write your presumptions about what ideal husbands or wives are like.
Ideal husband
4.男持外,女主内, 男打仗,女制衣。 男有脑,女有心, 男发令,女执行。
More ..........
Active reading 2: Embarkation
A poem
5. 男人是大地的主宰,女人是家庭的皇帝, 男人用利剑打天下,女人用利针守家门, 男人用脑征服女人,女人用心征服男人, 男人惯于命令女人,女人习惯服从男人。
• 1. A person of unknown sex is referred to as
he, not she;
• Eg: He who laughs last laughs best.
Everyone must do his homework well.
• 2. Man, and men can be used generically to
• 女人心海底针。 • 女大十八变。
Women are ignorant. Eg: Long hair and short wit. 头发长,见识短。
女子无才便是德。 妇人之见。 男子汉不同妇人一般见识。
Sexism in language
Women are evil.
Lead-in Activities Text Analysis Resources
Active reading 2: Mapping
Learning about gender stereotype
Learning to evaluate the text by leitmotif
Man for the field and woman for the hearth. Man for the sword and for the needle she. Man with the head and woman with the heart. Man to command and woman to obey.
These beliefs are so ingrained in our consciousness that many of us think that gender roles are natural, so we don’t question them. Even if we don’t consciously subscribe to them as part of our own belief system, our culture bombards us with messages about what it means to be men and .......... women today. 9
Think about: job opportunities contracts and pay possibilities for promotion
Sexism in the workplace
1. Judged in the workplace on the basis of their looks 2. Less paid than males holding the same job 3. Difficult to get promotion: glass ceiling
Lead-in activities
Gender stereotype A poem Adam and Eve Sexism in language Sexism in the workplace
What is stereotype?
• Stereotypes are generalizations, or assumptions, that people make about the characteristics of all members of a group, based on an image (often wrong) about what people in that group are like.
Eg: 天下最毒妇人心. 唯女子小人难养. 红颜祸水. It’s time he made an honest woman out of you. Chinese characters denoting negative qualities that contain the female radical 女, such as 奸, 嫉 etc.
4. Sexual harassment
• Some statistics estimate that about 72% of women workers have experienced sexist bullying at work, while 85% of women workers believe that there is a bias towards males in t 2: Embarkation
Sexism in language
Work in groups to collect examples to show sexism in English and Chinese language.
Act like a man!