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• Puritan
• Puritanism • Religious Beliefs of Puritanism • Influence on American Society • Puritanism and American literature
• New England also established another American tradition—a strain of often intolerant moralism. The Puritans believed that government should enforce God's morality. They strictly punished drunks, adulterers, violators of the Sabbath(安息 日) and other religious believers different from themselves.
• 清教徒只承认圣经是信仰的唯一权威,强调所有信徒无论 平民还是国王在上帝面前一律平等。
• 他们信奉j.加尔文‚成事在神,谋事在人‛的预定论。主张 建立无教阶制的民主、共和的教会,反对国王和主教专权 。他们接受加尔文教教义,要求废除主教制和偶像崇拜, 减少宗教节日,提倡勤俭节忍,反对奢华纵欲。 • 他们赞许现世财富的积累,提倡节俭、勤奋的进取精神。 这些观点反映了新兴资产阶级的愿望和意志。
Religious Beliefs of Puritanism
• (1)Covenant Theology • (2) Predestination
• (1)Covenant of Works(行为之约) is God‘s promise to Adam. In return for perfect obedience, he would merit God’s reward. Unfortunately, Adam failed to keep the covenant. Once Adam broke the covenant of works, all his descendants were to live in a world of labor and misery and then die and suffer damnation in Hell.
• 清教徒(Puritan)是指要求清除英国天主教内保有仪式的 改革派,此字词于16世纪60年代开始使用,源于拉丁文的 Purus,意为清洁。清教徒信奉加尔文主义,认为《圣经 》是唯一最高权威,任何教会或个人都不能成为传统权威 的解释者和维护者。清教先驱者产生于玛丽一世统治后期 流亡于欧洲大陆的英国新教团体中,之后部分移居至美洲 。清教的兴起则是在伊丽莎白一世时期。
• 清教思想:美国清教主义从一开始就是一种精神运动,它 不仅仅是一种宗教信仰,而且还是一种极端民主与共和的 理论。
• 清教徒在自己的祖国遭受迫害,对英国严酷的社会现实不 满而移民到美国。他们希冀按自己的意欲信仰上帝。于是 ,他们致力于建立一个乌托邦式的重视伦理和精神生活的
• 他们崇尚真正的自由——这种真正的自由涵盖了广泛的道 德的含义。他们把一切破坏和蔑视这种自由信念的行为一 概斥责为对权威的亵渎。因此,他们认为自己是一群称之 为美国人的新人,命定要建立一个新的世界,为人类建造 一座‚山上的光辉的城市‛。
• Covnant of Grace(恩典之约) is God’s promise to send the Holy Spirit to the elect to enable them to repent, to have faith, and to be eligible for eternal life.
• American Values: American values such as individualism, hard work, and the sense of equality owe very much to the Puritan beliefs.
• American Education: The foundation of a series of institutes, such as Harvard(哈佛学院)founded in 1636, College of William and Mary(威廉玛丽学院) in 1693, and Yale(耶鲁大 学) in 1701.
• So everyone must work hard, spend little and invest for more business. Working hard and living a moral life were their ethics.
Influence on American Society
Puritanism and American literature
• The Puritans looked even the worst of life in the face with a tremendous amount of optimism. American authors have been the outset conditioned by the puritan heritage to which American authors have been the most communicative heirs. ( 乐观主义)
• The American Puritan’s metaphorical mode of perception was chiefly instrumental in calling into being a literary symbolism which is distinctly American. Puritan doctrine and literary practice contributed to no small extent to the development of an indigenous symbolism. (朴素文风) • With regard to technique one naturally thinks of the simplicity, which characterizes the Puritan style of writing( 象征主义)
• God predetermines who is to be chosen (God's elect 上帝的 选民) and who is predestined to be damned to hell.
• Only those who lead a poor and simple life and have no much desire can be chosen as the God’s elect
• Puritanism started in the sixteenth century as a movement to reform the Church of England. Puritanism accepted the interpretations of John Calvin (1509-64) on the nature of man, free will (自由意志)and predestination(预定论), and other basic concepts, which had a profound influence on the social, political, ethical, and theological ideas of England and America. 清教主义,起源于英国,在北美殖民地得以实践与发展。 其因信称义、天职思想、山颠之城等核心理念,虽然构成 宗教行为规范要素,却在很大程度上起到了消解禁锢人们 思想与行为的主流教会传统的作用,促进了社会世俗化进 程,在早期的美国,推动了个性解放,促成建立现代劳动 、职业和财富观,以宗教的理想勾勒出国家未来追求的目 标。它们奠定了今日美国主流文化(wasp)价值观念的基础 ,铸就了美国民族特性。
• 1.Traditon: The Puritans hoped to build "a city upon hill"—an ideal community in New England. Since that time, Americans have viewed their country as a great experiment, a worthy model for other nations.