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Unit 1

Blitz v.以闪电战攻击

Rife a.普遍的,流行的-common/frequent pawnshop n.当铺

enterprising a.有魄力的

bout n.回合

meticulously ad.细致地-carefully

attire v.打扮=to dress

scrimp v.节省,克扣

prescribed a.要求的=demanded

blazer n.法兰绒

rationing n.定量配给

relax v.放松,松懈

assembly n.会

comply v.遵从,服从

adore v.喜爱

horrid a.可怕的-nasty,unkind

well-meaning a.好意的

ritual a.例行的-routine

blinkered a.心胸狭隘的-narrow-minded hard-nosed a顽固的,精明的

mortify v.使羞愧

on the warpath 盛怒

beside oneself 极度兴奋

fuel v.刺激

temptress n.引诱男人的女人

trim n.装点

torment n.折磨

emerald green 鲜绿色

trudge v.步履艰难地走

of one’s own accord 自愿地

beady a.晶亮如小珠的

composure n.镇静-calmness

downcast a.低垂的

dejection n.沮丧-low spirits

thaw v.融解

buoy v.鼓励

forte n.长处

speak up for 为…..辩护

rife with充满

single out 挑选

ration out 应按配给给定的

trudge through 长途跋涉地过thaw out=kept warm

get her bead eyes on=watch closely buoyant =cheerful

Unit 2

Bard n.吟游诗人

Go out of style 过时

Wordsmith n擅长文字的人

Rant n.夸夸其谈

Diatribe n.诽谤

Obsolete a.废弃的=out of date

Compact n.小粉盒

Liken to 把…..比作=compare…to

Reinvent v.创新

Graft v.嫁接

Tall-tale a.夸张的故事

Hark back to 使想起

Pamphleteer n.小册子作者

Intoxicated a.极度兴奋的

Sloppy a.草率的,粗心的

Meandering a.漫无边际的

Puerile a.幼稚的

Preeminent a.卓越的

Rudimentary a.基本的

Weed out 清除,淘汰

Reams n.文字

Gem n.宝石

Mnemonic n.助记符

Moribund a.垂死的

Blow away 使…惊讶


Prevail v.盛行

Terse a.简要的

Bulleted a.公告式的

Caliber n.才干

Excerpt n.摘录

Lace 饰以花边


Smiley n.微笑符

Grimace n.鬼脸,怪相

Long-winded a.啰嗦的

Phony a.假的

Come across 给人…形象

Blowhard n.吹牛的大家

Blue-blooded a.贵族血统的Enfranchise v.给…..自治权

Geek n.怪才

Grassroots n.草根

The press n.新闻记者

Vixen n.泼妇

Dash off 匆忙写完





has emerged as=be famous/known for preeminent=superior



enfranchise=give the right to dismiss=get rid of


prevail over=overcome

under construction=being created take up=control


Extract v.提取-take out sth. Resignation n.顺从,听从

Alacrity n.乐意-eagerness

Stall v.停止

Avocation n.嗜好

Consensus n.共识

Unanimous a.无异议的

Blunder n.错误-a big mistake Miscellaneous a.各种各样的Eschew v.回避-avoid sth.intentionally Pang n.(肉体上)折磨

Still v.缓和

Unrequited a无回报

Snap one’s finger 不放在眼里

Bid v.吩咐-order

Chronological a.按时间顺序的Set sb. off 使某人开始做

Inclined a.倾向于–tending

Dip into 浸在…..里

Equanimity n.平静

Dissertation n.论文

Do justice to 公平对待

Stall off 拖延


Be bidden to=be told to


Unit 4

Matriculation n.入学考试

Fixation n.痴迷

Languish v.失去活力

Wear on 时间流逝

Garner v.储存

First –tier a.一线的

echelon n.梯形阶层

bound a.前往

rue v.后悔=regret

within striking distance 离…..很近requisite a.必备的=necessary

mediate v.调解的

carve out 开拓

niche n.合适的职业

credentials n.证书

curriculum vitae 简历

gabbiness n.喋喋不休

whereof 关于什么

follow suit 跟着做

unalloyed a.纯粹的

banal a.平庸的=ordinary,boring

self-aggrandizing a.自夸的

self-flagellatory a.自我惩罚的=self-punishing punitive a.惩罚性的

infuriating a.令人大怒的

validate v.验证

top-flight a.最高的

irrevocable a.不可撤销的

upwardly mobile a.向上升的chucklehead n.傻瓜
