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Abstract 2

绪论 3

第一章城市形象概念、系统与结构 5

第一节城市形象的概念 5

一、城市形象的含义 5

二、城市形象文化感知——“意象”要素 6

三、城市形象的特征和功能 6

第二节城市形象识别系统 7

一、城市形象识别系统的含义 7

二、城市形象识别系统的构成 8

三、城市形象识别系统的功能和意义 11

第二章策划品牌,推销城市形象 12

第一节城市品牌的创立和塑造 12

一、城市品牌的概念 12

二、基础设施建设,品牌的硬件基础 13

三、城市文化,品牌的核心价值 15

四、品牌城市的目标:创造价值 16

第二节城市营销运动 17

一、城市营销的概念 17

二、城市定位是城市营销的基础 18

第三节城市广告——品牌城市的传播艺术 20

一、城市广告形象促进城市商贸发展 20

二、上海和纽约的广告大道 22

第三章城市形象理论研究——上海纽约商业形象比较研究 24

第一节上海和纽约的总体形象比较 24

一、上海——闪耀在中国的明珠 24

二、纽约——世界第一城市的魅力 29

第二节上海和纽约的城市商业形象定位 31

一、上海——建成国际商贸中心 31

二、纽约——国际金融中心城市 33

第三节结论 33

一、上海离世界城市——纽约的距离有多远。 33

第四章城市形象理论研究的意义——树立上海国际性大都市的形象 38

第一节建议:上海在城市形象建设上必须注意的问题 39

第二节目标:培养与完善上海良好的城市形象 41

一、创造城市品牌,增强城市吸引力 41

二、拓展城市发展想象力 41

三、突出浦东亮点,增强发展潜力 43

总结 43







积极投身于城市建设和城市环境保护。也是城市投资环境和旅游资源的重要组成部分, 能够在外引内联, 招商引资过程中发挥积极的促进作用, 能够吸引人流、物流、资金流和信息流的空间集聚, 使城市中心作用得到充分发挥, 积极有效地带动区域社会经济的协调发展。由此可见,创建城市品牌不仅仅是上海这个准世界级城市的目标,同时也是国内其他城市值得借鉴的方向。




The image of city is an intensive and extensive category which is considered a whole visualization of city. The image is divided two parts, which is hardware image (e.g. Architecture and transportation) and software image (e.g. theory of city development and ethic of resident). What the image of city show to citizen is not only a single problem about the appearance of city and ethic of citizen but also a whole visualization. From this aspect, the image of city is showed in worldwide just like an image of brand.

Comparison research is one of the base of scientific outlook on the world and life. The comparison between the development of foreign-and-domestic socialization and modernization of city is to make less mistakes. What this dissertation indicate is that the difference of whole image, the orientation of commercial image and the achievement through urban promotion are compared by the comparison between two representative cities which are Shanghai China and New York U.S. about the image of city. The goal of comparison is to catch the difference of Shanghai stepped to top in the world and the top city in the world, New York. Another is to give the opinions and avoid the mistakes on the establishment of appearance of Shanghai in the future. Through the express of this dissertation, the image of city should be concentrated on in constructing each city. The appearance of city, which is characteristic and suited to the location and development of the city, can stimulate citizens the feeling of
