人教版新目标英语九年级Unit 2 单元话题写作课件

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I heard that it is becoming _____m_o_r_e__ ____a_n_d___ __m__o_re_____ ___p_o_p_u_la_r__ to __c_e_le_b_r_a_te__ Mother’s Day and Father’s Day in China.
谈论过节时 人们常做 什么吃什么
解释喜欢的 原因和自 己的感受
My favorite Chinese festival is ... . It is celebrated in/on... .
During this festival, people...
It’s my favorite festival because ... . It makes me feel ... .
2、关于这个节日有很多传统的民间故事。There ___a_re___ many _t_ra_d_i_ti_o_n_al __f_o_lk___ ___s_to_r_ie_s_ about this festival.
3、从那以后,人们开始了和家人一起赏月和品尝月饼的传统。 After this, people started the tradition of _a_d_m_i_ri_n_g___ the moon and __s_h_a_ri_n_g___ mooncakes with their families.
(3)__D_u_m_p_l_in_g_ is the special kind of food for the Spring Festival in China.
(4)__C_o_m__e _to_g_e_th_e_r_is the meaning of the food “dumplings” for Chinese people in the Spring Festival?
the Spring Festival 春节 (农历正月初一) the Lantern Festival 元宵节 (农历正月十五) the Dragon-Boat Festival端午节(农历五月初五) the Double-Seventh Day乞巧节(中国情人节)(农历七月初七) the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 (农历八月十五) the Double Ninth Festival 重阳节 (农历九月初九) the laba Rice Porridge Festival 腊八节 (农历腊月初八) the Water Festival 泼水节 be similar to 与……相似 call out 呼喊 the time of ... ……的时候 in the shape of ... 以……的形状 special days 特别的日子 come back 回来 as a result 结果 lay out 摆出 remind ... of ... 使……想起…… not only... but also ... 不但……而且…… a symbol of ... ……的象征 folk story民间故事
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
假设你是小明,要给你的美国笔友Mary写一封信,介绍你 最喜欢的节日--春节。
内容包括: 1、什么时候庆祝( 农历正月初一)。 2、春节期间人们做什么(供选择:clean the houses; prepare sticky rice for the Kitchen God; buy new clothes; have a reunion dinner; visit relatives; give and receive lucky money; put up couplets),吃什么(niangao, jiaozi, fish等)。 3、喜欢的原因(供选择:见亲戚、收红包、放烟花)和你 的感受等。语句通顺,80词左右。 Dear Mary, _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
4、送给母亲的常见礼物是鲜花和卡片,送给父亲的是衬衫和领 带。C__o_m_m__o_n_ ___g_i_ft_s___ are flowers and cards ___fo_r____ mother and shirts ___o_r_____ ties for fathers.
My _f_a_vo_r_it_e__ clothes __m_a_k_e___ me ___fe_e_l __ very comfortable.
C. 写作技能指导
本写作任务要求向笔友介绍你最喜欢的节日--春节, 要用书信格式,正文是一篇说明文,时态要用一般现在 时。写作时应做到以下两点:(1)要点须全面,包括 什么时候庆祝?春节期间人们做什么,吃什么?和喜欢 这个节日的原因和你的感受。(2)详略要得当,重点 介绍这个节日的风俗习惯,应详细描述,其他可略写。 写这类文章可分三步:首先,介绍这个节日及庆祝的时 间。然后,描述过节日时吃什么做什么。最后,谈谈你 喜欢它的原因和自己的感受等。
【课中任务】 读写结合:请阅读有关春节的文章,按要
Every year there is a Spring Festival in China. Usually it is in January or February. It is the most important festival in China. So before it comes, everyone has to prepare things. They buy pork, beef, chicken, fruits and many other things. And they often make a special kind of food—“dumplings”. It means “come together”. On the day before the festival, parents buy new clothes for their children. Children also buy presents for their parents. On the Spring Festival Eve(除夕), all the family members come back to their hometown. This is a happy moment. Some sing and dance, some play cards and others get the dinner ready. When they enjoy the meal, they give each other the best wishes for the coming year. They all have a good time.
festival . During the festival, people ... . Our parents ... . We
children ... . I like it because ... . It can make me feel happy. I can get a lot of lucky money.
Yours truly, Xiaoming
Can you?
Let's discuss how to write the passage!
A. 重点短语 写出下列短语。 1、在中国农历的第一天
on the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar
have a reunion dinner
Useful phrases:a special kind of, buy... for..., come back to, get the dinner ready
Useful sentences: It is the most important festival in China. This is a happy moment. They give each other the best wishes for the coming year. They all have a good time.
visit relatives
red packets
enjoy spending time with
set off fire crackers
B. 重点句型 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。
We will __e_n_jo_y___ ___t_h_e__ ___ri_c_e___ _d_u_m_p_li_n_gs_ with our parents.
The familygive each other the best(5)_w__is_h_es_for the coming year when they are having dinner together on the Spring Festival Eve
B.赏析:找出上面材料中的好词好句: Useful words:January, February, prepare, pork, beef, chicken, fruits, make
1、几个世纪以来,中国人一直都在庆祝中秋节,品尝月饼。 Chinese people have been _c_e_le_b_r_at_in_g__ the Mid-Autumn Festival and __e_n_j_o_y_in_g__ mooncakes for centuries.
My favorite festival is ... . I like ...best of all the festivals in China. ... is my favorite (festival). It is the most important / popular festival in China. It is celebrated in / on ... . It comes in / on ... . We clean ... , buy ... , decorate ... several days before the
2、总而言之,我们必须尽力保持我们的传统节日。 ___I_n______ ___a______ ___w_o_rd_____, we must
____tr_y_____ our _____b_es_t__ ____t_o_____ keep our traditional festivals.
Information Card
(1)__T_h_e_S_p_ri_n_g_F_e_st_iv_a_l_is the most important festival in China.
The Chinese Spring Festival is usually celebrated in (2)__J_a_n_u_ar_y___ or February.
初中英语单元话题作文 写作指导
Unit 2
一、写出下列短语。 1、出去吃饭 2、增加(体重);发胖 3、互相 4、射落 5、叫出 6、摆开;布置 7、结果 8、提醒;使想起
eat out put on
each other shoot down call out lay out as a result remind...of