


主船体main hull 上层建筑superstructure 上甲板/上层连续甲板upper deck 船底bottom 舷侧broadside 艏艉fore and aft 舱壁bulkhead 水密watertight 艏部bow 艉部stern/quarter 二层甲板second deck 平台甲板platform deck 桅屋masthouse 罗经甲板compass deck 驾驶甲板bridge deck

船长甲板 master deck 高级船员甲板 office deck 艇甲板 boat deck 船员甲板 crew deck 机舱 engine room 货舱 cargo hold 货舱口 cargo hatch 压载舱 ballast tank 深舱 deep tank 燃油舱 fuel oil tank 滑油舱 lubricating oil tank 淡水舱 fresh water tank 污油水舱 slop tank 隔离空舱/干隔舱 caisson 球鼻艏标志 bulbous bow mark/BB

mark 首侧推器标志bow thruster mark/BT mark 吃水标志 draft mark 甲板线 deck line 干舷甲板 freeboard deck 载重线标志 load line mark 热带淡水载重线tropical fresh water load line/TF 夏季淡水载重线 fresh water load line/F 热带载重线 tropical load line/T 夏季载重线 summer load line/S 冬季载重线 winter load line 北大西洋冬季载重线 winter North


1.Can you list at least three mooring lines Yes .They are head line, breast line, spring line, and stern line. 你能列举集中缆绳吗头缆,横缆,倒缆和尾缆 2.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board The pilot ladder, a heaving line and a life buoy. 在引航员上船前要准备些什么引航梯,吊绳和救生圈。 3.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival Through VHF. 在到港前船舶如何与港口取得联系通过甚高频。 4.What kind of things should be reported to the pilot station The ship’s present position, ETA at pilot station or anchorage. 什么信息需要报告给引航站船舶的当前位置,预计到达引航站或者锚地的时间。 5.What should be confirmed from the pilot station Pilot’s boarding time and place, the ship’s side where the pilot ladder will be put. 什么信息需要引航站确认引航员的登船时间,地点和安放引航梯的船舷。 6.When the vessel enters the VTS area, what I srequested to report Ship’s name and call sign, present course and speed, ETA at the pilot station, the reporting point that the vessel is passing. 在船舶进入交管区时,需要报告些什么船名,呼号,当前的航向和速度,预计到达引航站的时间,船舶正通过的报告点。 7.If you are ordered: “stand by both engines!”, how should you reply and report I should repeat “stand by both engines”, then report “both engines stand by”. 如果你被命令“备双车”,你该怎么复诵和报告我会复诵“备双车”,报告“双车备好”。 8.Can you list 3 canals in the world Suez Canal, Panama Canal and Kiel Canal. 列举三大运河苏伊士运河,巴拿马运河和基尔运河。


metacenter 稳心 metacentric height 稳心高 metal plate path 金属板电镀槽 metal worker 金属工 metric unit 公制单位 middle line plane 中线面 midship section 舯横剖面 midship section coefficient 中横剖面系数 ML 物资清单,物料表 model tank 船模试验水池 monitoring desk of main engine operation 主机操作监视台 monitoring screen of screw working condition 螺旋桨运转监视屏 more shape to the shell 船壳板的形状复杂 mould loft 放样间 multihull vessel 多体船 multi-purpose carrier 多用途船 multi-ship program 多种船型建造规划mushroom ventilator 蘑菇形通风桶mutually exclusive attribute 相互排它性的属性 N/C 数值控制 nautical mile 海里 naval architecture 造船学 navigation area 航区 navigation deck 航海甲板 near-universal gear 准万向舵机,准万向齿轮 net-load curve 静载荷曲线 neutral axis 中性轴,中和轴 neutral equilibrium 中性平衡 non-retractable fin stabilizer 不可收放式减摇鳍 normal 法向的,正交的 normal operating condition 常规运作状况 nose cone 螺旋桨整流帽 notch 开槽,开凹口 oar 橹,桨 oblique bitts 斜式双柱系缆桩 ocean going ship 远洋船 off-center loading 偏离中心的装载offsets 型值 offshore drilling 离岸钻井offshore structure 离岸工程结构物 oil filler 加油点 oil skimmer 浮油回收船 oil-rig 钻油架 on-deck girder 甲板上桁架 open water 敞水 optimality criterion 最优性准则 ore carrier 矿砂船 orthogonal 矩形的 orthogonal 正交的 out strake 外列板 outboard motor 舷外机 outboard profile 侧视图 outer jib 外首帆 outfit 舾装 outfitter 舾装工 outrigger 舷外吊杆叉头 overall stability 总体稳性 overhang 外悬 paddle 桨 paddle-wheel-propelled 明轮推进的Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 panting arrangement 强胸结构,抗拍击结构 panting beam 强胸横梁 panting stringer 抗拍击纵材 parallel middle body 平行中体 partial bulkhead 局部舱壁 payload 有效载荷 perpendicular 柱,垂直的,正交的photogrammetry 投影照相测量法 pile driving barge 打桩船 pillar 支柱 pin jig 限位胎架 pintle 销,枢轴 pipe fitter 管装工 pipe laying barge 铺管驳船 piston 活塞 pitch 螺距 pitch 纵摇 plan views 设计图 planning hull 滑行船体 Plimsoll line 普林索尔载重线 polar-exploration craft 极地考察船poop 尾楼 port 左舷 port call 沿途到港停靠 positive righting moment 正扶正力矩

英语单词 科技类

洛基英语雅思写作高频词汇:科技类 1. advanced science 尖端科学 2. scientific invention 科学发明 3. exert a far-reaching impact on…对…产生一种深远的影响 4. double-edged sword 双刃剑 5. earth-shaking changes 翻天覆地的改变 6. pay the way for the future development 为未来的发展铺平道路 7. lay a solid foundation for…为…打下良好的基础 8. energy crisis 能源危机 9. depletion of resources 能源消耗 10. milestone 里程碑 11. sophisticated equipment 尖端设备 12. technical innovation科技创新? 13. expediency权宜之计 14. antithetical与…背道而驰的

15. over-commercialized 过渡商业化的 16. a heated discussion 热烈的讨论 17. exhaust gas 废气 18. disastrous 灾难性的 19. overshadow使…相形见绌 20. compared to/with…与…相比 21. usher in 引领 22. speedy and comfortable 既快捷又舒适 23. opposite forces 负面影响 24. a fatal breakdown 致命故障 25. potential hazards 潜在危险 26. pose a threat to…对…有一种威胁 27. promote relative industries 促进相关产业发展 28. accelerate 加速… 29. means of transportation 交通方式 30. transportation tools 交通工具


船舶英語縮略詞 3-roller bending machine 三弯机abandon v.弃船 abolish v. 消除 ABS 美国船级社 acceleration n.加速度accelerometer n.加速度表accommodate v.容纳accommodation deck 起居(住舱)甲板 accuracy n.精度 accurate synchro device 准同步装置 acetylene cutter 气割机 acid-pickling n.酸洗 acoustics n.音响效果adhesiveness n.粘附力 adjacent a.相邻的 adjust v.调节 administration n.行政管理 admit v.接纳 adopt v.采纳,采用 affiliated factory 分厂,附属工厂aforementioned a.前述 aft a. adv. n.(在)船艉 aft peak 艉尖舱 after service 售后服务 ahead n.正车 air bottle 空气瓶 air compressor 空压机 air reservoir 气瓶 air siren 汽笛 air-tight test 气密实验 alarm bell 警铃 alignment n.找中 all waves 全波 allowance n.允值 allposition 全方位 alternating current (A.C.) 交流电ammonia n.氨 amplify v.放大 an automatic production line 自动生产线 analogous output 模拟输出analogue computer 模拟计算机




船舶航海英语词汇中国外轮代理公司fork - lift 铲车,叉车 Ranks of ship' s crew(船员职务) china ocean shipping company (cosco) funnel 漏斗crew 船员中国远洋运输公司gangboard 跳板captain(master) 船长china ocean shipping company gantry crane 龙门吊chief officer 大副chartering department(coschard) garbage(sludge,sewage) boat 垃圾船 or chief mate(first mate)中国远洋轮船公司租船部(“中grab 抓斗second chief 二副远租” )grain elevator 吸粮机or second mate chian ocean shipping tally company hammer 铁锤third officer 三副中国外轮理货公司handcart 手推车or third mate china ocean shipping supply harbour light 港口灯标 assistant officer 驾助corporation(supco.)中国外轮供应公司iron nail 铁钉radio officer ( radio 报务员the ~ office of the register of shipping of landing pier 登岸码头operator, wireless operator)the people' s republic of china 中华人lifting maget 西铁吊具 purser (chief purser) 管事,事物长民共和国船舶检验局~办事处lighter 驳船clerk 事务员joint inspection party 联检小组light house 灯塔boatswain or bosun 水手长customs officer 海关官员light ship 灯船cassab 副水手长harbour officer 港务监督员manila rope 白棕绳quartermaster 舵工frontier defence officer (inspector ,guard) mat 席子coxswain 舵工,艇长边防检查组mobile crane 流动吊车 able seaman 全能水手,一水Quarantine officer(dotor) 卫生检疫员mooring anchorage 系泊锚地 ab(able bodied seaman全能水手customs boarding office 登轮官员mooring buoy 系泊浮筒 e. D.h. , d.h.u. 全能水手customs searching party 海关检查组motor launch 小汽艇 o.s.(ordinary seaman普通水手,二水docker 码头工人(广义)nylon rope 尼龙绳 seaman, mariner普通水手,海员longshoreman 码头工人(在岸上装卸)oil hose 输油软管 deck boy 甲板员stevedore 码头工人(在船上装卸)open yard 露天货场 engineer 轮机员foreman 装卸队长personnelboat 交通艇 chief engineer 轮机长,大车,老轨pilot 引水员pilot boat 引水船 second engineer大管轮,二车,二轨cargo surveyor 商品检验员plate hook 钢板吊钩 third engineer 二管轮,三车,三轨marine or ship surveyor 验船师pontoon 浮码头 fourth engineer 三管轮,四车,四轨chief tallyman 理货员pontoon bridge 浮桥assistant engineer 轮助waterman 加水工人quarantine anchorage 检疫锚地mechanic 机工agent 代理quarantine vessel 检疫船 fireman 生火Marine loading and discharging gear refrigerator car 冷藏车 cleaner or wiper 清洁工and harbour facilities rope sling 绳吊索 chief steward 大管事(海运装卸机械工具和港口设施)saw 锯 (or catering officer) barge 驳船semi-portal crane 半门吊 second steward 二管事beacon 航标灯shifting board 防动板 chief cook 大厨belt conveyor 皮带运输机signal tower 信号台 second cook 二厨board palnk 木版steam launch 小汽艇 supernumerary 额外人员bridge crane 桥吊,装卸桥steel wire 钢丝绳 ship' scomplement船上的定员bunkering tanker 供燃料船tower crane 塔吊 deck serang 水手长buoy 浮筒,浮标tractor 牵引车 deck tindal 副水手长can hook,barrel sling 吊桶钩traffic boat 交通艇 seacunny 舵工canvas 帆布tug boat(motor tug) 拖轮Names of marine organizations and canvas sling 吊货帆布袋warehouse 仓库their(船务机关名称及工作人员)cargo tray 吊货盘water boat 供水船 harbour administration bureau (or cargo runner 吊货钢丝绳watr lever indicator 水深标尺 harbour bureau)港务局chafing plate 防擦板wire cargo net 钢丝网络 the joint inspection party-inward and chafing mat 防擦席wire sling 钢丝吊索 outward 进口联合检查组chain sling 链条吊索various kind of vessels (各种船舶) harbour supervision office 港务监督crane 吊车air cushion craft 气垫船the customs 海关cold storage 冷藏仓库bage-carrier 载驳货船 frontier inspection station 边防检查站conveyor belt 传送带bulb-bowed ship 球鼻首船 quarantine office (s0ervice) 卫生检疫所crowbar 撬杠bulk-carrier 散货船animal and plant quarantine service 动customs launch 海关关艇cargo liner 定期货船 植物检疫所dolphin 系缆桩collier 散货船china commodity inspection and testing dunnage 垫仓物料crew boat (船员)联络船 bureau(ccitb)中国商品检验局electric crane 电吊diesel boat 柴油机船 china marine bunker supply corporation elevator 升降机dry cargo ship 干货船中国船舶燃料供应公司ferry boat 轮渡船dumb lighter 驳船(没有机器的)china national chartering fire boat 消防船freighter 货船corporation(zhongzu) 租船公司floating crane 浮吊oil barge 油驳china ocean shipping agency footboard 踏板ore carrier( ore ship)矿砂船


[收藏] 00 送花/扔蛋 281. 桨oar 282. 桨柄loom 283. 桨手坐板thwart 284. 橹scull 285. 撑篙pole 286. 锚anchor 287. 船首中锚stem anchor 288. 首锚bower 289. 小锚kedge anchor 290. 三爪锚triple fluke anchor 291. 四爪锚garpnel 292. 无杆锚stockless anchor 293. 有杆锚stocked anchor 294. 整体锚solid anchor 295. 轻便小锚portable anchor 296. 锚干anchor shank 297. 锚嘴anchor bill 298. 抛锚anchorage 299. 起锚weigh anchor 300. 起锚机windlass 301. 铰盘capstan 302. 链chain 303. 锚链孔hawse-hole 304. 链缠的锚foul anchor 305. 船首缆headfast 306. 缆绳rigging 307. 大索hawser 308. 纤维绳cordage 309. 钢缆seven by nineteen cable 310. 绳索一股strand 311. 一卷绳索fake 312. 活套索lasso 313. 撇缆heaving line 314. 应急帆jury rig 315. 浮筒卸扣buoy shackle 316. 系索栓belaying pin 317. 系缆桩bollard

318. 防撞prevention of collision 319. 碰垫fender 320. 船梯gangway ladder 321. 可折叠梯folding ladder 322. 软梯rope ladder 323. 踏板treadle 324. 跳板gangplank 325. 舷梯gangway 326. 起重机crane 327. 浮吊floating crane 328. 升降机elevator 329. 吊杆derrick 330. 单饼铁滑车gin block 331. 滑轮pulley 332. 吊货网兜cargo net 333. 装货loading 334. 卸货unloading 335. 信号塔semaphore 336. 灯塔beacon 337. 信号灯signal light 338. 探照灯search light 339. 锚标anchor-buoy 340. 系泊浮筒mooring buoy 341. 圆筒浮标cylindroid buoy 342. 声纳浮标sonar buoy 343. 发光浮标luminous buoy 344. 船长captain 345. 小船船长skipper 346. 艇长coxswain 347. 大副chief mate ; first mate 348. 二副second mate 349. 助理二副junior second officer 350. 领航员navigator 351. 领港员harbour pilot 352. 轮机长chief engineer 353. 大管轮first engineer 354. 舵手helmsman 355. 报务员wireless operator 356. 船员crew 357. 走私船员barrator 358. 押解船员prizecrew 359. 管事steward 360. 事务长purser 361. 押运员supercargo


MFG 常用英文单字 Semiconductor半导体 导体、绝缘体和半导体主要依据导电系数的大小,决定了电子的移动速度。 导体:金、银、铜、铁、人、水……导电系数大,传导容易 绝缘体:塑料、木头、皮革、纸……导电系数小、传导不容易 半导体:硅中加锗、砷、镓、磷……平时不导电加特定电压后导电 Wafer 芯片或晶圆:原意为法国的松饼,饼干上有格子状的饰纹,与FAB内生产的芯片图形类似。 Lot 批;一批芯片中最多可以有25片,最少可以只有一片。 Wafer ID 每一片芯片有自己的芯片刻号,叫Wafer ID。 Lot ID 每一批芯片有自己的批号,叫Lot ID。 Part ID 各个独立的批号可以共享一个型号,叫Part ID。 WIP Work In Process,在制品。从芯片投入到芯片产品,FAB内各站积存了相当数量的芯片,统称为FAB内的WIP 。 一整个制程又可细分为数百个Stage和Step,每一个Stage所堆积的芯片, 称为Stage WIP。 Lot Priority 每一批产品在加工的过程中在WIP中被选择进机台的优先级。 Super Hot Run的优先级为1,视为等级最高,必要时,当Lot在 上一站加工时,本站便要空着机台等待Super Hot Run。 Hot Run的优先级为2,紧急程度比Super Hot Run次一级。 Normal的优先级为3,视为正常的等级,按正常的派货原则,或 视常班向生产指令而定。 Cycle time 生产周期,FAB Cycle Time 定义为:从芯片投入到芯片产生的这一段时间。 Stage Cycle Time:Lot从进站等候开始到当站加工后出货时间点截止。 Spec. 规格Specification的缩写。产品在机台加工过程中,每一站均设定规格。 机台加工后,产品或控片经由量测机台量测,该产品加工后,是否在规格 内。若超出规格﹝Out of SPEC﹞,必须通知组长将产品Hold,并同时通知 制程工程师前来处理,必要时机台要停工,重新monitor,确定量测规格, 藉以提升制程能力。 SPC Statistics Process Control统计制程管制;透过统计的手法,搜集分析资料,


第八章科技 SECTION I: 英译中 2D (Two dimensional graphics images and animated images) 平面 3D (Three dimensional graphics images and animated images) 三维 3D Rendering 三维渲染 A aerial top dressing [ ] 空中施肥 advanced technology 先进技术 analog electronic technology [ ] 模拟电子技术 animation [ ] n. 动画片 AOL (America Online) 美国在线 Apple Corporation 苹果公司 artificial intelligence (AI) n. 人工智能 [详析] A field of science that has attempted to improve computers by trying to incorporate characteristics of human intelligence, such as the ability to understand natural language and to perform reasoning under certain conditions of uncertainty. artificial life (AL or Alife) n. 人工生命 [详析] New discipline that studies "natural" life by attempting to recreate biological phenomena from scratch within computers and other "artificial" media. Alife complements the traditional analytic approach of traditional biology with a synthetic approach in which, rather than studying biological phenomena by taking apart living organisms to see how they work, one attempts to put together systems that behave like living organisms. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange computer character set) 美国信息交换标准码


1Ship structure and Equipment 船舶结构与设备general cargo ship 杂货船bulk carrier 散货船oil tanker 油船Container ship 集装箱船ore carrier冷藏船timber 木材船barge carrier 载驳船roll on /roll off 滚装船life on/life off 吊装船passenger ship 客船liquefied nature gas 天然气船frame 内骨compartment 舱室,货舱,间舱design and scantlings 设置与布置onus 努力top rail 舱口上的导轨topside tank 顶边压载舱topside tank sloping bulkhead plating 顶边压载舱底板side shell 船壳板ballast trunk 压载管舱hopper tank sloping plating 底边压载舱底板hatch end coamming 舱口端围板hatch 舱口bulkhead upper stool 横舱壁上梁corrugated hold bulkhead 波纹横舱壁fore and aft hatch coamming 舱口边围板hatch coamming bracket 舱口围板座longitudinal bulkhead 纵向舱壁transverse bulkhead 横舱壁 2deck longitudinal 甲板纵梁keel plate 龙骨板side shell longitudinal 边板纵梁transverse web frame 横向网状内骨bilge longitudinal 比纵梁bilge 舱部舱底污水side shell frames 边内骨bottom shell longitudinal 底纵梁longitudinal side girder of duct keel 箱型龙骨边纵梁double bottom tank 双层底舱duct keel 箱型龙骨inner bottom plating 内底板longitudinal 内底板纵梁longitudinal girder 边压载舱纵梁bilge strake 舱比列板bilge keel 舱比龙骨hopper side girder 边压载舱纵梁longitudinal girder 纵梁stiffener 加强筋port bow 左舷船首bow 船首starboard bow 右舷船首port side 左舷starboard side 右舷port quarter 左舷船尾stern 船首starboard quarter 右舷船尾 3structural arrangement 结构布局hopper tanks 底边压载舱hatchways 舱口deadweight tonnage 载重吨net tonnage 净吨ginder 大梁fore end 首部midships 中部after end 尾部hull 船体bottom 船底watertight compartments 水密舱室bulkheads 舱壁cargo space 货舱tween decks 双层甲板,二层舱,甲板间舱hold 干货舱tank 液货舱fore peak tanks 首间舱after peak tank 尾间舱water ballast 压载水double bottom tanks 双层底舱solid bulk carrier 固体散货船poop deck 尾楼甲板forecastle deck 首楼甲板chain locker 锚链舱steering gear comportment 机舱slop 污水舱 4length between perpendiculars 型长,船长(LBP)overall length 总长(LOA) registered length 登记长度registered depth 登记深度registered breadth 登记宽度load line 载重线长moulded depth 型深extreme breath 全宽bridge superstructure 上层建筑fore and aft line 首尾线ahead 向船首astern 向船尾beam 正横abeam 位于正横design limitations 设计限度operability 操纵性能maintained 保持维修loading manual 装修手册loading instrument 装载仪shear forces 剪力bending 弯矩motor vessel 机动船maneuver 操纵驾驶departure time 离港时间ETA预计到港时间ETD 预计离港时间 4unloading =discharging 卸货loading装货shear forces 剪力bending 弯矩service life 服役年限outfit 舾装Hydrostatic pressure 净水压力slamming sloshing loads 摇动拍溅in adverse sea conditions 在恶劣的条件下strength capability 强度能力 5pitching 纵摇Rolling 横摇Heaving 上下起伏Surging 纵荡Swaying横荡Yawing 偏荡Be afloat 漂浮Be underway 在航moored 系泊Making leeway 偏航leeside 下风TO overhaul 追越,检修overtake 追越To fall astern 落


Deep Convolutional Neural Networks 深层卷积神经网络 semantic 英[s??m?nt?k] 美[s??m?nt?k] adj.<语>语义的,语义学的; [例句]He did not want to enter into a semantic debate. 他不想就语义进行争辩。 segmentation 英[?segmen?te??n] 美[?s?ɡm?n?te??n, -m?n-] n.分割; 分段; 切分; 分节; [例句]This paper focuses on the image segmentation, which is one of the key problems in medical image processing. 对图像分割进行了研究,这是医学图像处理中的关键问题之一。 classification 英[?kl?s?f??ke??n] 美[?kl?s?f??ke??n] n.分类; 分级; 类别; (动植物等的)分类学; [例句]Its tariffs cater for four basic classifications of customer. 它的价目表适合4个基本类别的顾客。 [其他]复数:classifications recognition 英[?rek?g?n??n] 美[?r?k?ɡ?n???n] n.认识,识别; 承认,认可; 褒奖; 酬劳; [例句]George said, 'Ida, how are you?' She frowned for a moment and then recognition dawned. 'George Black. Well, I never.' 乔治说:“艾达,你好吗?”她皱了一会儿眉头,然后才认出他。“乔治·布莱克,噢,我一直都不好。” [其他]复数:recognitions detection 英[d??tek?n] 美[d??t?k??n] n.侦查; 检查; 察觉; 发觉; [例句]They are cheating but are sophisticated enough to avoid detection. 他们在作弊,但因为手法老练没有被发现。 [其他]复数:detections illumination 英[??lu:m??ne??n] 美[??lum??ne??n] n.照明; 阐明,解释清楚; <物>照度; 彩饰,图案花饰; [例句]The only illumination came from a small window high in the opposite wall. 唯一的亮光来自对面墙上高处的一扇小窗子。


航海英语试题 中华人民共和国海事局 2008 年第46 期海船船员适任统考试题(总第46 期) 科目:航海英语试卷代号:903 适用对象:无限航区,近洋航区船舶二、三副 (本试卷卷面总分100 分,及格分数70 分,考试时间100 分钟) 答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B 铅笔涂黑。第1 题至88 题,每题1 分,第89 题至96 题,每题1.5 分。 1.You may find the time of slack water after low water in a certain port from ____ . 你可以在___________ 找到某个港口低潮后的平潮期。 A. mFAG. B. Tide tables. 潮汐表 C. Notices to mariners. D. Table of azimuth. KEY: B https://www.360docs.net/doc/d75358536.html,rmation on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication? _______ . 国外无线电信标的运转时间和特性的信息在哪一个出版物里能够被找 到? A. List of Lights 航标表 B. Coast Pilot C. Sailing Directions D. List of Radiobeacons KEY: A 3. ______________________________________________________ A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a ________________________________ . 来自天体观测的位置线是 _______ 的一段


舵令wheel orders 信号旗signal flag 提起锚Heave away the anchor 锚向如何how is the chain leading now? 操舵装置steering gear 舵角指示器rudder indicator 舵反映灵敏the rudder answers well 陀螺罗经gyro-compass 磁罗经magnetic compass 海速Sea speed 港速Harbor speed 全速前进full ahead 微速前进dead slow ahead 左/右满舵hard to port/starboard 回舵ease the wheel 正舵Wheel amidships 对准steer on=head on 保持……一致Keep ---in range 出口/进口船vessel outward/inward 准备好at Stand-by 雷达设置的测距是什么?What range is the radar set to? 12海里和2海里的距标圈Twelve miles with two-mile division 河口River mouth 雾笛Fog-horn 防波堤The breakwater 回声测深仪Echo-sounder 领航船The pilot boat 在右舷水面1米处放置引航梯Rig the pilot ladder on the starboard side,one meter above the water 救生圈Life buoy 撇缆Heaving line 水手长Bosun 释放Let go 放锚walk the anchor back= pay out the cable 保持在刹车Hold it on the brake 受力中等medium weight 受力轻、重Slight/tight weight 抓底brought up 绞紧刹车并合上锚链棒Screw her up and put the bar 升锚球Hoist anchor ball 下班Stand down 起锚Weight/heave/heave in/anchor
