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第 1 -3 次课授课学时 2 教案完成时间:2011.



CHAPTER 1 Introduction to International Trade

1. Reasons for international trade

1)several concepts:

Trade: the exchange of commodities and services

International (trade): among/between countries or across national boundaries(香港澳门为单独关税区,视为对外贸易)

Foreign trade: 对外贸易,是以某一国为出发点,涉及整个世界范围

Means the import and export of one country or district

可以说china’s foreign trade 但不说china’s international trade

Overseas trade:海外贸易,对于岛国或沿海国家island countries or countries along the coastline 比如中国日本都可把自己的贸易叫做海外贸易

World trade: the exchange of commodities/services by all the countries in the world 世界贸易既包括国与国间的贸易,也包括国内的。故

The amount of world trade > the amount of international trade

2)几方面原因:some fundamental reasons for international trade

a 资源在世界各地分配不均通过贸易获取资源

Different distribution of world resources. To obtain resources through trading is necessary.(unevenly distributed)

b. 气候和土壤(自然条件)影响着农产品的种植生长,需要国需靠贸易获取a nation does not have a given item.

Climate and terrain affect the cultivation of some agricultural products a nation can produce and trade internationally.


Skilled workers and capital resources determine what a nation is able to produce and trade with other countries.developed countries: technology-intensive products. Developing countries:simple products

d.经济利益,比较优势理论(比较成本理论),the law of comparative advantage 比较优势

原理,economic benefit. The theory of comparative advantage, also called the comparative cost theory

Q1. by whom was the law first formulated?

Q2.according to the law, what goods should a country specialize in producing for export?

国际贸易理论的一个基本概念。它认为每个国家都有适合于生产某些产品的比较优势,如果各国都利用其比较优势专门生产成本优势较大,或成本劣势较小的产品,后通过国际贸易互相交换,就能使贸易参与国获得利益。Eg. Portugal would be expected wine to England. England might export cloth to Portugal. Zambia would be expected to export copper ore, and the US to export wheat.

(冯祥春) It was first formulated in the 19th century by david recardo and other economists ,building on work by adam smith. The law points out that trade between countries can be profitable for all, even if one of the countries can produce every commodity more cheaply. As long as there are minor, relative differences in the efficiency of producing a commodity , even the poor country can have a comparative advantage in producing it .


david recardo ,19世纪中叶英国资产阶级古典政治经济学的杰出代表和完成者。主要著作《政治经济学及赋税原理》

e. other reasons: to import products to satisfy a large domestic demand; (a nation does not have enough of an item.) a nation can produce items with greater style or innovation than can other nations. Or difference in consumer tastes)preference for innovation or style ; political reasons

另外,the role of governments, esp. in providing protection from imports or subsidies to local production or export .

2 .Differences between international trade and domestic trade

Problems concerning international trade

1、cultural problems

2、monetary conversion

3、trade barriers


Currency devaluation has become an economic tool to stimulate trade. e.g. when china devalued RMB, it made RMB yuan cheaper in terms of foreign currencies., as a result, other countries could afford to buy more Chinese products. On the other hand, devaluation of the RMB made the prices of foreign currencies and products more expensive to Chinese..e.g., since USA did not devalue its dollar, the Chinese importers of American products had to pay high prices.

of imports and exports.

3.Basic concepts relating to international trade

1) 有形贸易和无形贸易


国际贸易标准分类(Standard International Trade Classification,简称:SITC)为用于国际贸易有形产品的统计和对比的标准分类方法。现行《国际贸易标准分类》于1950年7月12日由联合国经济社会理事会正式通过,目前为世界各国政府普遍采纳的商品贸易分类体系。到2006年为止,该标准分类经历了四次修改,1950年版为原版,1961年修改版为SITC“修订1版”,1975年修改版为SITC “修订2版”,1988年修改版为SITC “修订3版”,2006第四版(将商品分为10大类、67章、262组、1023个分组和1924个项目),该标准第1位数表示商品的大类(0到9),第2位数字表示对产品的进一步分类,最详细的产品分类用5位数字表示。通常将0-4类初级产品归为:资源密集型产品;第6、8类工业制成品归为:劳动密集型产品;第5、7类工业制成品归为:资本和技术密集型产品。具体分类如下:0类----食品和活动物; 1类----饮料和烟草;2类----非食用原料(不包括燃料) ;3类----矿物燃料、润滑油及有关原料;4类---动植物油、脂和蜡;5类---未另列明的化学品和有关产品;6类----主要按原料分类的制成品;7



Primary commodities 指初级产品(农产品和矿产品)是和manufactured goods/articles (制成品)相对而言。Commodities 多指Primary commodities;articles 多指制成品

