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Along with the development of economy and information technology, electronic commerce on a global scale rapidly, plays a very important role for economic growth, and as an important part of economic development of the enterprise, but also because of the development of e-commerce, its means of production and business operation and management of large changes have taken place, especially to the enterprise financial management has provided a broad space for development, at the same time also brought challenges. In the form of the traditional financial management can not meet the needs of times development, urgently need to be conducted on the basis of traditional financial management reform and innovation. Based on the related literature and knowledge of related concept carries on the induction and summary, based on the analysis of China's e-commerce development environment of enterprise financial management, finally combined with case analysis electronic commerce environment of enterprise financial management mode, and puts forward some Suggestions, hope that through this research, further improve the electronic commerce environment of enterprise financial management.

Key words: Electronic commerce,The environment,The financial management


一、绪论 (2)

(一)论文选题背景和意义 (2)

(二)国内外研究动态 (2)

1、国外的研究现状 (2)

2、国内的研究概况 (2)

二、相关概念 (3)

(一)电子商务相关概念 (3)

1、电子商务的概念 (3)

2、电子商务的特点 (3)

(二)财务管理相关概念 (3)

1、财务管理的概念 (3)

2、财务管理的形成和发展 (3)

3、财务管理的特点 (4)

(三)电子商务在企业财务管理中的作用 (4)

1、电子商务对财务管理的作用 (4)

2、电子商务对财务管理各环节的作用 (4)

三、我国电子商务环境下的企业财务管理发展状况 (4)

(一)财务目标的变化与发展 (4)

(二)财务分析的变化与发展 (5)

(三)企业财务管理内容和方式的变化与发展 (5)

1、管理方式上实现了远程财务处理和集中管理 (5)

2、企业财务管理内容的发展 (5)

(四)企业财务机构、财务人员的变化与发展 (6)

四、电子商务环境下企业财务管理的模式——以明丰公司为例 (6)

(一)明丰公司背景 (7)

(二)公司在电子商务环境下财务管理的现状 (7)

(三)明丰公司电子商务环境下财务管理存在的问题 (7)

1、安全问题 (7)

2、专业的财务软件开发尚不成熟 (8)

3、法律法规的配套设施尚不完善 (8)

(四)明丰公司面临的机遇和挑战 (8)

1、面对的挑战 (8)

2、面对的机遇 (8)

五、建议以及创新想法 (9)

(一)电子商务环境下企业财务管理建议 (9)

1、网络系统的绝对安全是网络财务发展的前提 (9)

2、制定合适的网络财务制度是网络财务成熟的关键 (9)

3、网络财务导致会计核算手段变化 (9)

(二)电子商务环境下企业财务管理创新想法 (9)

六、总结 (10)

参考文献 (11)
