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It is human nature to require leader at the helm. The British system show why a monarch is a more successful figurehead than a president.
In Britain the monarch remains very much at the heart of its Constitution. This system prevents policians from too easily usurping power(篡权).
The Advantages
➢ 1.Never take sides in any political debate, shows itself
➢ 2. If one were to jettison the monarchy, government, Parliament, the nation and the commonwealth would be turned upside down。
• The demand for abolishing the monarchy have been running high
• Opinion poll:One third of Englishmen advocate abolishing or reforming monarchy
The author's opinion: It keeps policians from holding all the power
➢ 3.Any replacement would be ruinously costly, both in financial terms and also in terms of the loss of a unifying national symbol and a vital historical link. Only a monarchy can provide such continuity, remaining constant in a country' s ever-changing national vision.
Constitutional Monarchy
• 实际上,国王的活 动多数属礼仪性质, 大事都是根据议会、 内阁或首相的建议 或指令行事。也就 是说法律上赋予英 王的权力,以让给 了内阁和议会,君 主只是国家的象征, 没有实权。
Order of succession to the throne
➢ Prince Charles (女王长子) ➢ Prince William (Charles之长子) ➢ Prince Henry (Charles之二子) ➢ Prince Andrew (女王二子) ➢ Prince Edward (女王三子) ➢ Princess Anne (女王之女) ➢ Peter Phillips (Anne公主之子) ➢ Zara Phillips (Anne公主之女) ➢ Princess Margaret (女王之妹)
Monarchy's legitimacy flows from its history and traditions and from the fact that it cannot be overwhelmed by any shortlived cult of personality. It commands too much respect.
Royal antics: Annus horribilis, Camillagate, Squidgygate
support for the monarchy in Great Britain dropped to 38 %
Confusion in the public mind between the
Why the Monarchy Must Stay
The King or The Queen
✓国王或女王 是世袭的国家元首,议会的重 要成员,司法的首领,全国武装部队的总 司令和英国国教的世俗领袖。
✓在法律上,英王的职权有:任免内阁首相、 大臣、高级法官和各属地的总督;召集、 终止议会的会议和解散议会;加封贵族和 颁授荣誉;批准和公布法律;统帅军队; 对外宣战和媾和等等。
Served both the empire and the commonwealth with great distinction.
Queen Elizabeth is head of state to more than one quarter of the earth's inhabitants.she flies the world nurturing a sense of unity between nations. From this follows trade, and a vital economic boost to the nation's industry and commerce.
Royal Scandals(王室丑闻)
• In 1996,the Divorce of Prince Charles and Lady Diana
• The Divorce来自百度文库Case of Prince Andrew
• Most of loyal members live a giddy life of pleasure and have many love affairs
words "monarchy" and "royal family
In a monarchy there is only one person of importance: the reigning monarch.
The public actions and statements of other members of the royal family have no effect on the monarch's power or status.