





,who's the man in the news

-He''s just come back from the space station.

lovely cookies!They______good as well.

-Why not have a try now

A smell

B taste

C look

D feel

are too young to get what we mean,so we need to be______and teach them in a calm way.

and I have the same ______and we often spend time playing the violin together.

20 ______I fought with Dan for his rudeness,we haven't talked with each other.

seems that nothing I do will______my father.

Come on!He is proud of just wants you to be better.

books _______most of my free time and I learn a lot from that.

up for on out

,shall we go to the cinema tonight

-I'd love to,but Tim______me out for dinner together.

invite inviting invited

like this cooking you please tell me ______

put in the food,choose the way of cooking and it starts to work .

it can work well I can buy it

it doesn't work I can make it work

25 I didn't pass the maths 's too difficult for me.

_______ .Maybe you should work harder next time.

A That's too bad great 's cool problem



Only five more minutes before school let out.

"On Friday,"said ,"please share your favorite ___26____with the bring something to show everyone!"

Chris didn't look __27____to share his favourite hobby with brother made fun of him about it,and his dad didn't think much of it,either.

At home,Chris took out baseball liked baseball,___28___ his real hobby let him show his his cards,he didn't feel right about it.

Tuesday was ready to show the cards,but___30____ still felt walked out of his room,without looking at the notebook on his desk.

lay on the bed,counting the ___31___ he would didn't want to tell lies,but he wasn't sure if he was ___32___ enough to show his real hobby.

He thought of his grandma,who is a fashion was interested in ___33___ hobby because of ,Chris ran to the phone."Hi,Grandma,it's need your help..."

Friday walked to the front of the classroom,__34____ the notebook,and the racing heart.

"What is your hobby” asked.

Chris began,"I design*(设计)___35____and other things."

Some students were __36_____.“I knew it,"he shook her head.

"I want to be a fashion designer like my ___37____."He showed his designs for dresses and shirts on the notebook."She taught me all of these,"he explained.

When Chris pulled a headband from his bag and put it on,the class became quiet.

"This is for can see some..."He introduced it ___38____ as if it was a great work of he heard Nick say,"Cool!"

Chris took out another headband from his bag."For girls,I designed a pink one.”

"I love it!”said Amber.

"I ___39____ the headbands for everyone,"said Chris,taking out many headbands.

The whole class things finally felt right!

26 A movie


through B Searching for away in




Do you use emojis to show your feelings The SwiftKey,a company did research on the number of emojis used in the result shows the top three most-used emojis are happy faces%),sad faces%)and hearts%).

The company also found out people in different countries have their own favourite emojis.

No one can when it comes to their love of is the most widely used emoji in

the US,as well as the chicken shows that compared with other countries,America has interesting food habits.

The French are as romantic (浪漫的)* as we've known all use the heart emoji four times more than people in other countries.

Russians also like using romantic it's all those low temperatures that make them look for love-they use more cold weather emojis than any other countries as well.

Surprisingly,it seems that Arabic speakers also like showing love with Arabic speakers,the rose(玫瑰)*emoji is used ten times more than any other group studied.

English speakers that live in the UK like using more lovely study showed that British emoji users especially like to send the winking (眨一只眼)*smiley face.

What emojis do you often use

41 Which emoji is used most often all over the world

from ______like to use emojis about food.


43 From the passage,we know that______.

A Each Arabic speaker uses rose emoiis ten times a day .

B Russians use the snow emoji more often than Americans.

like to use winking smiley faces to show love .

D .Compared with Englishmen,the French use more lovely emojs .


You may not know him as well as a movie star or a pop singer,but chances are that you have visited or walked by at least one of his East Building,National Gallery Of Art in Washington .,US,the Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong and the Museum of Islamic Art in

Doha,Qatar,are just a few of his many creations.

The man behind these great buildings is Chinese-American architect*(建筑师)Leoh Ming on April 26th,917 in a rich family in Guangzhou,China,and raised in Hong Kong and Shanghai,Pei had the chance to enjoy,lots of dreamy Chinese gardens and mountainside have always been the most important inspiration (灵感)to me as an architect,"said he was just a young boy,Pei realized that he loved design and it led to a dream of him becoming an architect and engineer.

At the age 18,he began studying architecture in the United got his degree from MIT in of the start of World War II,he was unable to return to stayed in the completed his master's degree from starting his own architectural company in 1955,he went on to design such well-known buildings as the Kennedy Library in Boston and the glass pyramid at the Louvre Museum in 1974,he returned to China for the first time."Though I have lived in the US for nearly forty years,I'm still Chinese."Pei said when yisiting his hometown.

Pei is good at bridging differences-ancient and modern,man-made and natural East and May 19th,2019,the great architect left us forever,but his works will last in

our mind time.

Ming Pei is famous because of________

company he started buildings he designed

rich family he was from degree he got from Harvard

Ming Pei went back to China for the first time________

soon as he became an architect the year he left MIT

he was about fifty-seven years old the beginning of World War II

to Leoh Ming Pei,he got great inspiration from_________

visit to the US Western art

return to China Chinese buildings

of the following about Leoh Ming Pei is TRUE

designed the Louvre Museum.

B .He stayed in the US for less than 30 years.

C."He mixed different things in his works very well.

D His works were great though there were only a few left.


It's no surprise that a night without enough sleep can lead to a bad it also do harm to our bodies

According to US sleep researcher David Dinges, not getting enough sleep can have serious side effects on our minds and bodies.

For the study, Dinges divided some people into three first group was allowed eight hours of sleep for two weeks;the second group was given six hours;the third group got four hours of sleep.

Dinges found that the people in the first group stayed normal while the people in the last two groups showed tiredness and negative feelings.

"When people don't have enough sleep,it’s hard to sense their happiness,"Dinges said."Also,they are less able to sense others' good feelings."

But if not having enough sleep can harm our health,can we get better later on “People think that sleep is like the bank that you can pay off your debt (债务)*at a later point in time,Us Sleep Scientist Matthew Walker told popular Scienc e."But we now know that sleep is not like that.

According to Live Science,humans are the only animal species that don't have sleep storage (储存)systems,our brains(大脑)*cannot get back what we have lost.

So Scientists suggest that no matter how busy people are,they should always try to get enough sleep.

Here's the recommended*(建设)hours of sleep by (3 to 5 years):10 to 13 children(6 to 13 years):9 to 11 hours .Teenagers(14 to 17 years):8 to 10 (18 to 64 years):7 to 9 adults(over 65 years):7 to 8 hours.

get enough sleep,a five-year-old boy should go to bed before _______and get up at seven in the morning.

:00 . :30 . :00 . :30 .

to the passage,if someone doesn't get enough sleep,he _______

feel better after a good sleep later return to a good condition

need much time to get well again D can still stay active for several days

person with negative feelings always _______ .

interest in many things to share funny things

the dark side of something attention to others' good feelings

can be the best title of the passage

Importance of Sleep to Get a Sleep

C The Right Ways to Sleep Research on Sleep Problems


Three birds rested on top of a snowman's and her mother walked up to the snowman quietly.

“Someone put birdseed on my snowman!"Ally all the birds flew off,except a red ran to the bird."It's an ornament (装饰物)*!"She picked it was a note:

A secret friend wants you to have

A happy holiday.

Hope you enjoy this little gift-

More are on the way!

Your Secret Snow Pal

"Who do you think it is"Ally asked.

Her mother shook the head.

The next day when Ally went back home,she found a little birdhouse sitting outside the door,with a note read:

Birds make good neighbours (邻居)*

They sing songs of cheer

Your neighbours wish you

Much happiness this year:

"A neighbourWho might it be"Ally looked out of the window,"The red door lady let me pick her flowers."

"The Millers help collect our mails when we go on holiday,"her mother said.

has a bird feeder,"Ally said."But I don 't think it's never smiles.”

A week went by before they received another note:

Time to greet your secret pal!

Let's have lunch at Ray's,

Saturday at one o'clock-

Happy Holidays!

The notes excited Ally so loved Ray's pizza!By that time,Ally's family went to the

restaurant with presents.

"Here we are!”a voice called out.

Ally turned to young couple-the red door people!They stood in front of them with another ornament.

"Hi,we're Paul and Wend Harrison,"the man said."Last year we were new on your day,presents started showing up,with little ,the Millers met us right here." "We had so much we decided to be secret pals this year," said.

"It was fun!"Ally said,"I want to be a secret pal next year!"She wondered if a bird like this would make couldn't wait till next year to find out.

52 Who put the ornament on the snowman's head

's mother. Millers. Harrisons

did Ally's family go to the restaurant on Saturday afternoon

celebrate the holiday. meet the secret snow pal.

eat Ally's favourite pizza. welcome their new neighbours.

does the underlined word"It"refer to in the last paragraph

neighbours to have dinner together. neighbours surprise to show kindness.

C Buying neighbours presents to say thank you.

presents from neighbours with notes.

's the true meaning of being a secret pal(请用约50词回答)

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________五,词汇运用(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

A 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次.

farther we move away from home,the _______we will feel.

I was sleeping alone at night,the noise outside the window_______ up.

'm looking forward to taking part in different_______ during the summer camp.

59 I _____to join the school volleyball team since the first day I went to middle school .

of people go to the cinema to watch is _______the best film of the year.


During the summer holiday when I was 14 years old,I got my first job.

At first,I __61_____(更喜欢)to stay at home,but my mother asked me to work in her Nursing was very nervous,because I didn't know ___62__(是否)I could do it well or mother said I just needed to ___63____ (复制)what other workers there did.

Luckily,I learned the morning,I helped the people sweep the floor and clean the___64____(架子)in dinner,I helped some old people go out of the room and sit in the or them were too ___65____ (虚弱的)to walk themselves.

I could ___66____(几乎不)believe that I finished all my work well and the people there liked me a me,___67____(对待)the people with kindness made me feel proud of working there for a month,I got paid! But making money wasn't the main ___68____(目的)of my working was happy to learn to look after others and help them.

From then on,I decided to be a (两者都)my parents thought I made a good

I've __70____(已经)become a doctor and I'm ready to help more people.


71假如你是Li Hua,七月你的学校将迎接来自英国的游学团,你家被选为学生 Adam 的寄宿家庭(host family).请你根据表格信息,写一封约100词的邮件,向Adam 介绍你的家庭情况、居住环境,提醒注意事项,以及计划为他安排的一次短途旅行.


Dear Adam,

My name is Li Hua .I'm very happy that you are coming to Wenzhou on a study tour next are welcome to stay with us-your host family.

___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ I hope you will have a good time in Wenzhou.


Li Hua




16-20 B A D B A 21-25 C A D D A


26-30 C A B D A 31-35 B D C C B 36-40 B D D A C

四阅读理解(本题有15小题,41-43题1分,55题5分,其余每题2分;共30分)41-43 B D B 44 -47 B C D C 48-51 A B C D

52-54 D B B

55 I think the true meaning of being a secret pal is to show kindness to neighbours .What’s more ,it also spreads the kindness in the neighbour to call on more and more people to be friendly to others so that they can all lead a happy life .



56 lonelier 57 woke 58 activities 59 have expected 60 perhaps


61 preferred 62 whether 63 copy 64 shelves 65 weak

66 hardly 67 treating 68 purpose 69 Both 70 already








【优质】温州市 八年级英语 语法填空训练八年级英语专项训练含答案解析

【优质】温州市八年级英语语法填空训练八年级英语专项训练含答案解析 一、八年级英语语法填空题 1.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(最多三个字单词)。 One day, lily father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus(马戏团). Finally, there was only________family between the ticket office and us. There were eight children in the family. All of the children, ________(old)child is only 12. Their clothes were not expensive but clean. The children talked________ (happy). The ticket lady asked how many________(ticket)the father wanted, he proudly answered, "Please let me buy eight children's and two adults'. "The lady________(tell)him the price. There was no longer a smile on his face. He didn't have enough money. But________could he tell his kills the bad news? My dad took a $20 note from his pocket and dropped it________the ground. He said, "Excuse me, sir, this________(fall)out of your pocket. "The man picked tip the money, looked straight into my ________(father)eyes and replied in tears, "Thank you. This really means a lot to________(I) and my family. " 【答案】 a;the oldest/the eldest;happily;tickets;told;how;on;fell;father's;me 【解析】【分析】主要讲了作者的爸爸是怎样帮助一个贫穷的家庭买到票的。 (1)句意:在买票中心和我们之间仅仅有一家。family是可数名词单数,以辅音音素开头,所以用a,故填a。 (2)句意:最大的孩子仅仅12岁。all表明数量是三者以上,所以用最高级,old的最高级是the oldest/the eldest,故填the oldest/the eldest。 (3)句意:孩子们愉快地交谈。副词修饰实义动词,talked是实义动词,所以用happy的副词happily,故填happily。 (4)句意:女售票员问那个父亲想要多少票。how many后面用可数名词复数,ticket的复数是tickets,故填tickets。 (5)句意:女士告诉他票价。时态是一般过去时,tell的过去式是told,故填told。(6)句意:但是他怎样告诉他的孩子们这个坏消息呢》根据句意可知是怎样告诉,所以用how,故填how。 (7)句意:把它掉在地上。on the ground在地上,故填on。 (8)句意:这个从你的口袋里掉出来的。时态是一般过去时,所以fall用过去式fell,故填fell。 (9)句意:直直地看着我爸爸的眼睛。father和eyes都是名词,所以第一个用名词所有格,即father's,故填father's。 (10)句意:这真地对于我来说意义重大。to是介词,后面用宾格。I的宾格是me,故填me。 【点评】考查语法填空,考查词汇在语篇中的运用能力,首先理解文章大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答。注意考虑句型、搭配、语境等,最后通读一遍检查验证。


温州市初中统考2019年八年级上学期英语期末教学质量检测试题(模拟卷三) 一、选择题 1.He ate a lot because the food was_____. A.hot B.bad C.delicious D.terrible 2.- ____________ are you going to start? -I'm going to start when I finish high school. A.How B.What C.When D.Which 3.- _____________ on Saturday? -She is going to take guitar lessons. A.What does she do B.When is she going to take guitar lessons C.How is she going to do D.What is she going to do 4.AlthoughTom hardly ever helps his parents housework, I think he can take care himself when he goes to college. A.with; of B.for; of C.with; for D.with; to 5.Eric and Amy arrived __________ the village on a snowy night. A.in B.at C.on D.of 6.—Did your parents go to climb the Yutai Mountain last Sunday ? —No. They ________went to see a film. A.both B.all C.either D.every 7.The children hope ______everything is fine. A.see B.seeing C.to see D.seen 8.I like the food very much. It is ________. A.terrible B.expensive C.delicious 9.I think his plan ______ great. A.sound B.sounds like C.sounds D.sounding 10.The number of the students who _______ the English Club _______ 20. A.take part in; is B.join; is C.join; are 11.This is _________ very exciting _________. A.an; action movies B.a; action movie C.a; action movies D.an; action movie 12.That old house ___________ after a heavy rain yesterday. A.put down B.came down C.fell down D.turned down 13.— ______ would like to join the sports club? — Joe and Sam. A.Who else B.Else who C.Who other 14.l used to ________ with my wife and watch TV at home. A.show up B.wake up C.come up D.stay up 15.Email is very popular today. People ______write letters to each other now. A.often B.usually


2017-2018 学年第二学期八年级期中测试 英语试题卷 第一部分听力部分(15 分) 一、听力(本题有15 小题,每小题1 分,共计15 分) 第一节:听对话,选择图片。 1.Which is Bill‘s favourite sport? 2.What kind of competition will take place in May? A B C 3.What‘s in his sister‘s hand? A B C 4.What‘s the matter with the woman? A B C

5.What does the girl want to eat? A B C 第二节:听对话,回答问题。 听第一段对话,回答6-7 小题。 6.How does Tina look? A.Tired. B. Excited. C. Sad. 7.Where did Tina watch the cartoon? A.In the cinema. B. At her home. C. At the boy‘s home. 听第二段对话,回答8-10 小题。 8.When did Jim begin to cough? https://www.360docs.net/doc/e91385658.html,st night. B. Last week. C. Last month. 9.What did the boy have for breakfast this morning? A.A little milk and two eggs. B.A little coffee and some bread. C.A little tea and an apple. 10.What are they talking about? A.The food for breakfast. B. The weather. C. Jim‘s trouble. 第三节:听独白,完成信息记录表。 11. 12. A. American B. Japanese C. Chinese 13. A. two B. three C. four 14. A. October 16th B. October 17th C. October 18th 15. A. third B. fifth C. sixth 第二部分笔试部分(85 分) 二、单项选择(本题有10 小题,每小题1 分,共计10 分) 16.Sally is active girl and she enjoys playing volleyball. A.the B. a C. an D./ 17.Mary received many presents on her 12th birthday, but she liked of them. A.both B. neither C. all D. none


/ 温州市直五校协作体联盟2019-2020学年下学期期中考试八年级英语试卷 第一部分听力部分(20分) 一、听力(本题有15小题,第一、二节每小题1分,第三节每小题2分, 满分20分) 第一节:听小对话,选择图片。 ( )1.Which place has Betty visited? ( )2.What did Kate watch last night? ( )3.What does Lucy look like? ( )4.What’s the man’s hobby? ( )5.What’s the matter with the woman? 第二节:听较长对话,回答问题。 /

/ 听第一段对话,回答6—7题。 ( )6.Who is Lingling’s favourite hero? A.Liu Yang. B.Wang Yaping. C.Nie Haisheng. ( )7.What does Sara want to be in the future? A.A doctor. B.An astronaut. C.A teacher. 听第二段对话,回答8—10小题。 ( )8.What’s wrong with Jim? A.He had a cold. B.He had a headache. C.He had a toothache. ( )9.How long has Jim been ill? A.For about four days. B.For about three days. C.For about two days. ( )10.What did the doctor tell Jim to do? A.To take more exercise. B.To take some medicine. C.To take a walk every day 第三节:听独白,完成信息记录表。 ( )11.A. ( )12.A.On the playground B.In the classroom C.In the library ( )13.A.At 2:00 p.m. B.At 5:00 p.m. C.At 7:00 p.m. ( )14.A.A student from No. 1 Middle School B.An English teacher from a primary school C.Miss Zhang, an English teacher from No. 1 Middle School ( )15.A. How to use the computer B.How to learn English well C.How to be an English teacher 第二部分笔试部分(80分) 二、单项选择题:(10分) ( )16.—What do you think of the music? —It ______ beautiful. I am crazy about it A.sounds B.tastes C.smells D.looks ( )17.—Where’s your father? —He ______ Guangzhou and he will be back in two days. A.has gone to B.has been to C.went to D.goes to ( )18.Spiderman is super. He can climb up buildings _____ his hands and feet. A. like B. on C. by D. with ( )19.—How many years has life been on the earth? /


八年级上学期英语期末模拟试卷 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹 清楚。 3.请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 4.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。 一、选择题 1.(题文)-The old woman wants us ___________ her with the housework. -I think we should help her. A.help B.to help C.helps D.helping 2.Tom is very tall. Jim is _________ than Tom. But Mike is _________ of the three. A.taller; the tallest B.taller; taller C.tallest; taller D.tallest; tallest 3.My brother enjoys ________ very much. He wants to be a ________. A.to cook; cooker B.cooking; cooker C.cooking; cook D.to cook; cook 4.The story ______ me, that is, I am _______ at the ______ story. A.surprise; surprising; surprised B.surprises; surprised; surprised C.surprise; surprised; surprising D.surprises; surprised; surprising 5.He kept on ________ me up, but I don't want to keep in touch with him any more. A.ring B.ringing C.rung D.rings 6.My best friend Tim is studying in _______ school now , I can’t play with him. I really miss him. A. other B.another C.others D.the other 7.If you don't want to be too heavy, you must eat_____ meat. A.much B.less C.many D.more 8.(题文)Everyone except Tom and Tim ______ going to the cinema this afternoon. A.were B.are C.is D.was 9.I am afraid that my mother will be angry _________ me. A.about B.of C.with D.for 10.This watch is _______, but I don’t have _______. A.enough beautiful; money enough B.beautifully enough; money enough C.beautiful enough; enough money D.enough beautiful; enough money 11.— Is your friend British or American? — ________. She is Canadian. A.Both B.Either C.Neither D.None 12.-Where is your sister? -I'm not sure. She ____________ be in the library because she likes reading. A.mustn't B.may C.can D.can't


浙江省温州市三校2011-2012学年八年级英语上学期期中联考 试题 亲爱的同学: 经过半学期的学习,你在英语学科方面一定有很大进步。希望你在这次综合训练中,能发挥自己的最佳水平。本试卷由听力部分和笔试部分组成,满分100分,答题时间90分。祝你取得优异成绩!OK,现在就开始熟悉听力题吧。 第一部分听力部分(满分20分) 第一节、听对话,选择与其对话内容相符的选项。每个对话仅读一次。(5分)()1. What is the matter with Mike? A. B. C. ()2. How do they get to the zoo? A. B. C. ()3. What is the boy doing on Monday? A. B. C. ()4.When is the meeting? A. B. C. ()5. Where is the boy going for vacation?

A. B. C. 第二节、听对话,根据问题选择最佳答案。每个对话仅读一次。(5分) ()6、How long will Mary stay in Dalian? A、one week B、two days C、three weeks ()7、How often does the girl eat junk food? A、never B、hardly ever C、sometimes ()8、What is the weather like today? A、Hotter than yesterday B、rainy C、cooler than yesterday ()9、Who is having a birthday party? A、Alice B、Ben C、Simon ()10、Why can’t Jill visit the museum? A、she has a fever B、she’s stressed out C、she h as a toothache Name Wants to be Hair Job Paul 11 12 13 Jenny More beautiful 14 15 ()11、A、more at hletic B、more beautiful C、more outgoing ()12、A、shorter B、taller C、longer ()13、A、singer B、teacher C、policeman ()14、A、straighter B、curlier C、longer ()15、A、singer B、teacher C、policeman 第二部分笔试部分(满分80分) 一、单项选择(共15小题,计15分) ()16、――The girl is having a lesson because she wants to be a singer. A、dancing B、music C、basketball D、volleyball ()17、――Does Ann like playing basketball? ――No, she doesn’t. She plays sports. A、often B、usually C、once a week D、hardly ever ()18、――Everyone should his health. A、look after B、look for C、look at D、look like ()19、――? ――I have a sore back. A、What’s the matter? B、How are you?


精品文档 2017-2018学年第二学期八年级期中测试 英语试题卷 第一部分听力部分( 15 分) 一、听力(本题有15 小题,每小题 1 分,共计15 分) 第一节:听对话,选择图片。 1.Which is Bill ‘s favourite sport? 2.What kind of competition will take place in May? A B C 3. What‘s in his sister‘s hand? A B C 4.What‘s the matter with the woman? A B C

5.What does the girl want to eat? A B 第二节:听对话,回答问题。 听第一段对话,回答6-7 小题。 6.How does Tina look? A. Tired. B. Excited. 7.Where did Tina watch the cartoon? A. In the cinema. B. At her home. 听第二段对话,回答8-10 小题。 8.When did Jim begin to cough? A. Last night. B. Last week. 9.What did the boy have for breakfast this morning? A.A little milk and two eggs. B.A little coffee and some bread. C.A little tea and an apple. 10.What are they talking about? A. The food for breakfast. B. The weather. 第三节:听独白,完成信息记录表。 C C. Sad. C. At the boy ‘s home. C. Last month. C. Jim‘s trouble. Who Taikonaut comes from ―taikong ‖and ― 11 ‖ When In 1998, a Malaysian 12 scientist used the word ―taikonaut‖for the first time. What The Shenzhou XI spaceship carried 13 taikonauts took off from China. When and where From China‘s Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on 14 , 2016 Times It ‘s the 15 time for China to send people into space. 11. A. scientist B. astronaut C. actor 12. A. American B. Japanese C. Chinese 13. A. two B. three C. four 14. A. October 16th B. October 17th C. October 18th 15. A. third B. fifth 85 分)C. sixth 第二部分笔试部分( 二、单项选择(本题有10 小题,每小题 1 分,共计10 分) 16. Sally is active girl and she enjoys playing volleyball. A. the B. a C. an D./ 17. Mary received many presents on her 12th birthday, but she liked of them.


温州市八年级英语期中试卷及答案 距离八年级英语期中考试还有一段时间,请八年级的同学们务必把八年级英语期中试卷做好。以下是给你推荐的八年级英语期中试卷及答案,希望对你有帮助! 一、听力 (20%) 第一节:听下面 10 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个与你所听到的内容相符合的选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话读一遍。(10%) ( )6. What day is it today? A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday. ( )7. How will the girl go to school today? A. By bike. B. By car. C. On foot. ( )8. What would Tom like? A. Orange. B. Tea. C. Milk ( )9. Where did Mary e back from? A. America. B. Australia. C. Africa. ( )10. What does Lucy mean? A. The film is wonderful. B. She nearly missed the film. C. She doesn’t like the film. 第二节:听下面 2 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话或独白读一遍。(5%)

听下面一段材料,回答11 至 12 两个小题。 ( )11. Who will take the message? A. Li Lei. B. Mrs. Green. C. Jim. ( )12. Where is Jim? A. He is doing his homework. B. He is sleeping. C. He is out. 请听下面一段对话,回答第13 至 15 三个小题。 ( )13. What does the man want to buy? A. A pair of shoes. B. A pair of socks. C. A pair of trousers. ( )14. How much are the shoes? A.¥355. B. ¥555. C. ¥535 ( )15. Does the man get them in the end? A. Yes. B. No. C. We are not sure. 第三节:听短文,完成信息记录表。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。短文读一遍(5%) How big 1.5 ______ long and 160 kg What people do Raise money ________ the pandas Where to live Only in the ________ in China The number of pandas Only ________ pandas left in the wild in the early 1980s


浙江省温州市2021届英语八年级上学期期末调研试卷 一、选择题 1.Eighty percent of the visitors ______ from London and the others are from New York. A.was B.is C.are D.were 2.—What bad weather! —Yes.The radio says it will be even _________ tomorrow. A.bad B.badly C.worst D.worse 3.You can see some_____in the museum. A.food B.old things C.fruit D.diaries 4.-I've spent the whole afternoon reading books. -I think you'd better go out and get some _____________ air. A.bad B.thick C.fresh D.thin 5.—There is a new photo show.Let's watch it. —That ________ interesting. A.sounds B.sounds like C.looks D.looks like 6.一 Where is my notebook ? 一I don’t know . It isn’t here .Maybe _______took it away by mistake. A.everybody B.nobody C.anybody D.someone 7.John didn’t find much _______ab out the accident. A.news B.answer C.article 8.—Hello, can I meet Ms. Miller now? —Sorry, she is in a meeting now, but I will let you know as soon as she becomes ________. A.glad B.available C.rich D.creative 9.(经典题)— When will Mr. Green __________ Beijing? — Next Sunday. A.reach B.get C.arrive https://www.360docs.net/doc/e91385658.html,e 10.It's time to watch English news. To improve our English, let's _____________ the TV and _____________ our mouths to listen and speak. A.turn on;open B.open;turn on C.turn down; close D.close;turn down 11.(题文)He left a job in the city to ________ farming in the countryside. A.take up B.talk with C.put up D.worry about 12.(题文)— ________ a new movie next Sunday. — Really? I will go to watch it. A.There is B.There will have C.There will be D.There is going have 13.(题文)My pictures are more beautiful than________. A.she B.she's C.her D.hers 14.There are two _________ on the floor. A.basket of apples B.baskets of apple C.baskets of apples D.basket of apple 15.It's dark in the room. Please _________ the light. A.turn on B.open C.close D.turn off 二、单词填空 16.根据首字母、汉语意思填词。(2.5分)


精品文档 2017-2018 学年第二学期八年级期中测试 英语试题卷 第一部分听力部分(15 分) 一、听力(本题有15 小题,每小题1 分,共计15 分) 第一节:听对话,选择图片。 1.Which is Bill‘s favourite sport? 2.What kind of competition will take place in May? A B C 3.What‘s in his sister‘s hand? A B C 4.What‘s the matter with the woman? A B C

5.What does the girl want to eat? A B C 第二节:听对话,回答问题。 听第一段对话,回答6-7 小题。 6.How does Tina look? A.Tired. B. Excited. C. Sad. 7.Where did Tina watch the cartoon? A.In the cinema. B. At her home. C. At the boy‘s home. 听第二段对话,回答8-10 小题。 8.When did Jim begin to cough? https://www.360docs.net/doc/e91385658.html,st night. B. Last week. C. Last month. 9.What did the boy have for breakfast this morning? A.A little milk and two eggs. B.A little coffee and some bread. C.A little tea and an apple. 10.What are they talking about? A.The food for breakfast. B. The weather. C. Jim‘s trouble. 第三节:听独白,完成信息记录表。 11. A. scientist B. astronaut C. actor 12. A. American B. Japanese C. Chinese 13. A. two B. three C. four 14. A. October 16th B. October 17th C. October 18th 15. A. third B. fifth C. sixth 第二部分笔试部分(85 分) 二、单项选择(本题有10 小题,每小题1 分,共计10 分) 16.Sally is active girl and she enjoys playing volleyball. A.the B. a C. an D./ 17.Mary received many presents on her 12th birthday, but she liked of them. A.both B. neither C. all D. none Who Taikonaut comes from ―taikong‖ and ―11 ‖ In 1998, a Malaysian 12 scientist used the word ―taikonaut‖ for the first time. The Shenzhou XI spaceship carried 13 taikonauts took off from China. From China‘s Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on 14 , 2016 It‘s the 15 time for China to send people into space. When What When and where Times


温州蒙氏英语八年级上unit8基础知识测试题 姓名分数 一、词组互译(15分,每题0.5分) 1.送给我一件礼物____________________ 2.喜欢闲逛_____________________ 3.赢得第一名_______________ _____ 4. 在未来_________________________ __ 5.几百个游客______________________ _ 6. 在街道的尽头___________________ 7.剥三只香蕉__________________________ _ 8.切碎2个苹果_______________________ 9. 在你的上个休息日中__________________ _ 10. 在一个雨天______________________ _ 11. 两茶匙酸奶_____________________ _ 12. 记得给我带来一把雨伞_________________ 13.给我妈妈买些纪念品____________________ 14.在儿童节______________________ _ 15.打的去机场16. sleep late________________________ 17.meet a lucky boy_____________________ 18.become a famous player____________ 19. get wet ________________ 20.have an awful trip ____________________ 21.sound exciting 22.a wonderful movie 23.beat them 24.lots of outdoor activities 25.take photos with him 26.many visitors 27.have fun playing in the yard 28.how much butter 29.turn it on 30.on my next day off 二、翻译下列重点句子(20分,每题2分,错一个单词或标点扣0.5分) 31. –公园里那里有鲨鱼吗?-没有鲨鱼。但有些很聪明的海豹。---_____________________________ ---__________________________________________________________________________________ 32.你上个休息日,照些相片了吗?-不,没有_______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 33.-上周你还做了些什么?-我帮助我奶奶洗衣服。___________________________________________ 34.上周日我们在公园里玩得很开心。____________________________________________________ 35.最后我们还观看了海豚表演。_________________________________________________________ 36.旅行结束后,我们很疲倦但很快乐。我们搭公交车回到了学校。_______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 37.科学老师很高兴,因为班长打扫了我们学校的公共汽车。_______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 38.你们的休息日过得怎么样?-相当好,我们去了海滩。______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 39. –昨天你去了动物园了吗?---没有。我去了水族馆---_________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 40. Mary在昨天歌咏比赛中获得了一等奖。___________________________________________________ 三.补充句子完整(18分,每空1分) 41.Please p_____________the tea into the cup. 42.You need to c_________ up the bananas to make a banana milk shake. 43.A: Do you like lettuce in _______________(三明治)? B: Yes, I do. 44.You need to cut u______ the bananas to make a banana milk shake. 45.I want to add some ________(盐)to the noodles. 46.You’d better c_______ the answers of these questions (认真地). 47.You must follow the doctor’s __________(说明)to take the medicine. 49.The tower is on the t________ of the hill. 50.It usually______ (take) him three hours to do his homework every day. 51.Luckily, we (带来)our umbrellas and raincoats, so we didn't get w_____ . 52.Look at the clouds. There will be a heavy r______ soon. 53.There are many v________ to the Great Wall every year. 54.Uncle Martin put some of his old things out in the y__________ and had a yard sale. 55.We went for a d _________ in the afternoon. 56.Jam asks a day o________ today because he is ill. 57.Do you want to go the zoo a_______?-Mayby next year. 58. They ____________(visit) Chicago last year. 59.I want to be a writer in the f_________. 60.Lily w_________ a prize in a writing competition. 61.Did you buy any birthday g_______ for the children? https://www.360docs.net/doc/e91385658.html,st Sunday I brought some____________(纪念品) from Japan. 63.We saw many fish and sharks in the ________ (水族馆) . 64.The students ___________(have) a school trip yesterday. 1
