


1.辨析:sometimes / sometime/ some times / some time

sometimes指“有时候”=at times; sometime常用于表示将来的“某个时段” some time 指“一段时间” some times 指“几次”或“几倍”


分开“一段时间”,相聚“某个时候”,s连住是“有时”,s分开表“倍、次” eg. (1) I go to school by bus.

(2) I’ll visit the Great Wall next year.

(3) Our school is longer than theirs.

(4) I’ll stay here for .

2.辨析:talk / speak / say / tell

(1)say: 侧重说的,后面接从句。






(3)tell: vt.意为“告诉,讲述”,其后可跟或。

告诉某人某事 = 告诉某人做某事


(4)talk: vi.意为“说话,谈话”,强调。



eg.(1)Be quiet, I have something to .安静,我有话要说。

(2)I was so shocked I couldn’t .我震惊得说不出话来。

(3)She English quite well. 她英语说得很好。

(4)He is with Lily about the weather. 他正和莉莉一起谈论天气。


(1)H is hobbies are singing and playing soccer.

(2)S inging and playing soccer are his hobbies.

(3)H e has two hobbies, one is singing, the other is playing soccer.(4)B oth s inging and playing soccer and his hobbies.

(5)N ot only singing but also playing soccer is his hobby.


What is he like?= ?


(1) He is my teacher. ?

(2) He is a teacher. ?


在工作日 = 在周末在早上



洗衣服:wash clothes=

去钓鱼:go fishing=

读书:read books=

去购物:go shopping=

8.health un.健康


adv.健康地 adj.不健康的


保持健康 =





eg. look(看) good(好) book(书) foot(脚)cook (做饭)wood (木头) wool(羊毛)

10.favourite adj.特别喜爱的;最喜欢的 cn.最喜爱的人或物

eg.My favourite animal is the tiger.=I like the tiger best.

11.join vt.参与,加入(某项活动)

辨析:join / join in /take part in


相当于become a member of;如果后面接人,则表示参加某人的活动。<注意>join 是短暂性动词,不能喝时间段搭配。若表示“加入…多长时间”要用be in …或be a member of…结构。

eg. 我加入游泳俱乐部两年了。

I have been in the swimming club for two years.

=I have been a member of the swimming club for two years.

join in指参加到某些人当中去做某事,这项活动往往正在进行中。

eg. Can I join in the game?(我可以参加这个游戏吗?)

take part in参加,参与(某事物或者某种活动,如:movement,meeting,war 等)

<注意> 指参加会议或者群众性的活动,并在所参加的活动中起积极作用。

eg.We often take part in the sports meeting.


12.need vt.需要;v.需要;un.需要,必须







<注意二>在以must开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答用,否定回答用eg.-May I come in ?

-Yes, .-No, .

-Must I stay here?

-Yes, .-No, .


13. some 用于疑问句的特殊用法

(1) +you + some……?

(2) I + some……?


在形容词或副词前有: / / / / / ,


15.enough adj.充足的,足够的;adv.充足地,足够地



(2)enough 修饰adj./adv.时,要位于adj./adv.


16.many,some,lots of 的用法

(1)many 意为“许多的”,修饰可数名词复数;

(2)some 意为“一些”,修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词;

(3)lots of 意为“许多的,一些的”,即可修饰可数名词复数也可以修饰不可数名词。

eg.(1)He has interesting books. 他有许多有趣的书。

(2)There is food on the table. 桌子上有一些事物。

(3)He sees of birds in the sky.

=He sees birds in the sky.他看到天上有许多鸟。


on a bike = on a bus=

in a car =


ride a bike to school =

take a bus to school =

take a photo of sb./sth.=


be good at=

19.had better do sth.最好做某事

had better not do sth. 最好不做某事。

would like to do sth.愿意做某事,想要做某事



20.between /among的用法

(1)between 一般用于“”,between…and指的是“在…和…之间”(2)among 一般用于“”。

eg.(1)Children must attend school 5 16.


(2)He found it a pile of old books.


(3) Sleeping is a popular way to relax students.


21.a number of/the number of 的用法

(1)a number of 意为“许多;打量”,修饰可数名词复数。当“a number of +可数名词复数”作主语,谓语动词要用复数形式。

(2)the number of 意为“……的数量”,其后面跟可数名词复数形式,当“the number of+可数名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。


think of= take a sled to sp.= =

do sth.again= =

go to sp. on foot=

turn left=

give sb.sth.= send sb. sth.=

buy sb.sth.= cook sb.sth.=

make sb.sth.= I don’t know=

see a film= =

prefer A to B=

succeed in doing sth.= =

= =

be late for school=

23.turn v.旋转,转动;改变方向;变成,变得;n.旋转,转动;(依次轮到的)机会








25.ask vi&vt.问,询问;要求,请求






like doing sth.= start doing sth.=

begin doing sth.= hate doing sth.

keep doing sth. enjoy doing sth.

practice doing sth. keep on doing sth.


be busy doing= do back to doing

succeed in doing sth.


start with- put on-


28.because /because of 用法

(1)because 意为“因为”,是连词,后面接。

(2)because of 意为“由于,因为”,相当于介词,后面接。



eg. I’m interested in English.






. .


1. miss doing sth. 2. description n.描述 3. address v. 解决 4. Belong to 5. The other day 6. leave sth. on the train to+地点 7. on the handle 8. What’s the matter=what’s wrong? 1. at the moment=now现在 2. fly-flew 3. forty-one years old 4. have/has been to 5. have/has gone to interest v.使…感兴趣 ①.interesting adj. 令人感兴趣的(物) ②interested adj. 感兴趣的(人) be interest in... . story n.故事 tell a story speak v.说+语言(language) ①speak Chinese / English ②说话speak to sb. tell v.告诉,讲述 ①tell sb. sth.=tell sth. to sb. eg. He tells me some qgod news. =He tells some good news to me. tell sb.to do sth. tell sb. not to do sth. eg. Mrs.Sun tells us to keep quiet in class. Mrs. Sun tells us not to talk in class. say v.说+内容 He says "hello'’with a smile. He says "hello" to me. tired adj. 疲劳的,累的 How about =What about healthy adj. 健康的 keep(保持) sb. healthy 某人保持... climb the mountain/the tree like doing/to do I'd love to... I’d like to.. I would like to.. get to 到达arrive at +小地方 in +大地方 reach


Come and help me! 句子结构: 主语+动词+名词。 小明唱一首歌。 Xiao Ming sings a song. 主语+动词+宾语 小明帮我。 Xiao Ming helps me. 动词:发出的动作 宾语:放在动词后面的主语

形容词性: 形容词:red 红色的 Beautiful 漂亮的 Wonderful 很棒的 Nice 好看的 Kind 热情的 Helpful 乐于助人的 1、小明把他的书包给她。(give sb sth/give sth to sb)Xiao Ming gives her his schoolbag. 2、小明喜欢小芳的文具盒。(pencil case) Xiao ming likes xiao fang’s pencil case. 3、小芳咬他的脸。 Xiao fang bites his face. 4、王子看她的鞋子。

Prince looks at her shoes. 5、仙女喜欢他。 Fairy like him. 6、妈妈喜欢我。 Mun like me. 7.他们喜欢他。 Cinderella, Come and help me!主语+谓语+名词/宾语。Where are my gloves? 一般疑问句和疑问句的区别:一般疑问句: 就是在陈述句后面+”吗?” 他去逛街了。 他去逛街了吗? 他是小明。 He is xiaoming.

Is he xiaoming? 1、把句中be动词(am is are )提前到主语的前面,然后+句子尾部+“?” 2、如果句子中没有be动词,在句子的开头加助动词(do/does/did..)。这是小明的书包。 This is xiao ming’s schoolbag. Is this xiaomig’s shool bag?(这是小明的书包吗?) 那是他的文具盒. That is his pencil case. Is that his pencil case? 那时他的文具盒吗? 一般疑问句!


教学内容:五年级语法归纳;另付题目 教学目标:掌握五年级语法 重点和难点:把所有语法贯穿起来 教学过程 一、词类 1、名词 这里强调两点:不可数名词都默认为单数,所以总是用is 名词复数如何加后缀 2、人称代词和物主代词 3. 指示代词

4.冠词 有a、an、the。a和an的区别:an用于元音音素(一般就是元音字母a、e、i、o、u)前,a用于辅音音素前。 二、否定句 be动词(am、is、are)+not、 情态动词can+ not、 助动词(do、does)+ not 将肯定的陈述句改为否定句: 1. 看句中有无be动词,如有,直接在be动词后+ not 2. 看句中有无情态动词,如有,直接在情态动词后+ not 3. 如上述二者都没有,就应用助动词+ not 四个步骤: 1)肯定陈述句中本来是没有助动词的,要加上去,位置在主语(某人或某物)后,动词前 2)确定助动词用do、does,根据句中动词,动词是原形的助动词就用do,动词是第三人称单数的助动词就用does 3)在助动词后加not 4)原句中动词假如发生变化就要恢复成原形。强调一点,有some的要考虑是否要用any 三、一般疑问句 将肯定的陈述句改为一般疑问句: 1. 看句中有无be动词,如有,把be动词提到句首即可; 2. 看句中有无情态动词,如有,把情态动词提到句首即可。 3. 如上述二者都没有,就应把助动提到句首。分四个步骤: 1)肯定陈述句中本来是没有助动词的,要加上去,位置在主语(某人或某物)后,动词前 2)确定助动词用do还是does,根据句中动词,动词是原形的助动词就用do,动词是第三人称单数的助动词就用does 3)把助动词后提到句首 4)原句中动词假如发生变化就要恢复成原形。强调一点,有some的要考虑是否要用any 四、特殊疑问句 表示疑问,有疑问词(在开头),回答有很多种可能。 常用疑问词:


Module 1 词组: go to work go to school go shopping get up do some reading surf the Net go for a walk take exercise after class wear glasses play chess fall asleep 句型: ----How often do you play football? ----I play football every weekend. ----How are you? ----I’m fine, thank you. 重点: 1. before, after before(在……之前)Wash your hands before dinner. 晚餐前要洗手 after(在……之后)Let’s play together after school. 放学后我们一起玩 2. 一般现在时 一般现在时表示: 1. 经常发生的动作或存在状态,常和always(总是), usually(通常), often (经常), sometimes(有时候), everyday(每天), every week(每周)等时间状语连用。 2.表示普遍真理 一、陈述句: 肯定句:《主语+be动词~》 1. I am a teacher. 我是老师 2. My birthday is on October 1st我的生日在十月一日 《主语+动词~》 I often play football on Sundays. 我经常在周日踢足球。 <第三人称单数+动词-s或-es.> She likes summer. 她喜欢夏天 否定句:主语+be动词+not~You are not a student. 你不是学生 主语+do not +动词~I don’t go to school every day.我每天不去上学 <第三人称单数+does not+动词~> She doesn’t go shopping on Saturdays.她在周六不购物。 二、一般疑问句(句型、用法) 陈述句变一般疑问句时, 1. 把be动词移到主语前面,即《Be动词+主语~》 如: ------Are you a student? ------Yes, I am. 2. 把do或does移到句首,即《Do (Does)+主语+动词原型~》 如:------Do you have English class on Mondays? ------ No, we don’t. ------ Does he play football every day? ------ Yes, he does. (练习,按要求做题) 1. I am a teacher. (变成否定句) 2. You are student. (变成一般疑问句) 3. We have math class on Tuesday. (变成一般疑问句)


广州版小学英语五年级上下册单词按课文广州版小学英语五年级上下册按课文单词 广州版小学英语五年级上册单 词 ................................................................. . (2) Unit 1 What Is Our Life Like? .............................................................. (2) Unit 2 How Many Terms Do You Have in a School Year? (3) Unit 4 What Can You Do?................................................................. . (3) Unit 5 What Can the Robot Do? ................................................................ . (4) Unit 7 Let’s Go to the Flower Show ............................................................... (4) Unit 8 We Mustn’t Pick the Flowers ............................................................ (5) Unit 10 Where Are you going on


冀教版五年级上册英语知识点汇总 五年级英语第一单元重点总结 一、单词总结 1.爸爸father 2.妈妈mother 3.(外)祖父grandfather 4.(外)祖母grandmother 5.有;吃have 6.有;吃(第三人称单数形式)has 7.哥哥;弟弟brother 8.姐姐;妹妹sister 9.父亲;母亲parent 10.白色,白色的white 11.头发hair 12.黑色,黑色的black 13.伯父,叔父uncle 14.姑母,姨母aunt 15.堂兄(弟、姐、妹);表兄(弟、姐,妹)cousin 16.瘦的thin 17.工作work 18.医生doctor 19.医院hospital 20.护士nurse 21.工人worker 22.散步,步行walk 23.高的tall 24.种植plant 25.花朵flower 26.烹调cook 27.我们we 28.家庭family 29.电影,影片film 30.长的long 二、短语、词组总结 1.去散步go for a walk 2.种花plant flowers 3.浇花water flowers 4.去购物go shopping 5.看书read a book/read books 6.在电脑上工作work on the computer 7.看电影watch/see a film 8.看动物watch the animals 9.放风筝fly a kite/fly kites 10.走路去上班walk to work /go to work on foot 三、句子总结 1.我没有兄弟也没有姐妹。I do n’t have brothers or sisters. 2.你爸爸是做什么的?我爸爸是一名医生。 What does your father do ? My father is a doctor. 3.他在哪里工作?他在医院工作。


第一模块This Is My Day A部分 一、常用句型 When do you +动词原形+其他? (你什么时候做……?) when:引导特殊疑问句,用来提问时间。 do:是助动词,没有实际意义,帮助构成疑问句。 回答通常为:主语(+频度副词)+动词+at+时间。 例句: When do you do morning exercises ? I usually do morning exercises at 8:30 . When do you eat dinner ? I usually eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening . When do you get up ? I usually get up at 12:00 noon . 如果该句型的主语是第三人称单数(如:he/she/it/Xiaoming/Tom等),助动词do要变成does。句型基本结构为: When does he/she/it/Xiaoming/Tom +动词原形+其他?

例句: When does he get up ? He usually gets up at 7:00 . 二、常用短语 do morning exercises eat breakfast eat dinner get up have English class play sports on the weekend in the morning/evening What about you ? Can I ask you some questions ? Look here ! This is my weekend timetable . It’s great . go swimming go shopping go to school go to work go to bed


五年级英语下册重要考点 Unit 1. What ’s your favourite season? 1.in the tree(外来物在树上) on the tree (长在树上 ) 2.the best time to + V原 the best time for +V-ing/名词 3.I don’tlike summer, and I don’t like winter , either. too(用于肯定句) 放句末 “也”either (用于否定句) also --------------------放句中 4. go skiing (去滑雪 )go skating (去溜冰 ) 5.prefer 更喜欢(用于两者之间做选择) 6.--What’s your favourite season? 你最喜欢的季节是什么? 答: My favourite season is +季节 . Season(季节):spring(春), summer(夏), autumn(秋), winter(冬) Month(月份): January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Unit 2. It ’s the middle of winter 1.in the middle of?在?的中间 /中期 eg: The park is in the middle of the city. 这座公园在城市的中间。 2.say to sb. 对某人说 3.He is visiting me for the summer holidays. for 表示原因,由于在放假,所以来看我。 4.How do you have a summer holiday? (how 表示怎么、怎样 ) 5.I am from Astralia. ( be from = come from 来自 ) eg: I am from China. = I come from China. 6. too? to ?(+V 原)太?以致不能? eg: It’s too cold to swim now.


五年级上、下英语笔记 1.辨析:sometimes / sometime/ some times / some time sometimes指“有时候”=at times; sometime常用于表示将来的“某个时段”some time 指“一段时间”some times 指“几次”或“几倍” 巧记方法: 分开“一段时间”,相聚“某个时候”,s连住是“有时”,s分开表“倍、次”eg. (1) I go to school by bus. (2) I’ll visit the Great Wall next year. (3) Our school is longer than theirs. (4) I’ll stay here for . 2.辨析:talk / speak / say / tell (1)say: 侧重说的,后面接从句。 sb.说 难说常言道 (2)speak:做vi.时,意为“说话,发言,演讲”,强调说话的; 做vt.时,后面接。 (3)tell: vt.意为“告诉,讲述”,其后可跟或。 告诉某人某事= 告诉某人做某事 说(讲)一个故事说谎说真话 (4)talk: vi.意为“说话,谈话”,强调。 跟某人一起谈论某人或某物 eg.(1)Be quiet, I have something to.安静,我有话要说。 (2)I was so shocked I couldn’t .我震惊得说不出话来。 (3)She English quite well. 她英语说得很好。 (4)He is with Lily about the weather. 他正和莉莉一起谈论天气。 3.同义句转换:他的爱好是唱歌和踢足球。 (1)His hobbies are singing and playing soccer. (2)Singing and playing soccer are his hobbies. (3)He has two hobbies, one is singing, the other is playing soccer. (4)Both s inging and playing soccer and his hobbies. (5)Not only singing but also playing soccer is his hobby. 4.询问人的形象句型。 What is he like?=? 5.对划线部分提问。 (1) He is my teacher. ? (2) He is a teacher. ?

小学五年级英语(上册)知识归纳|人教版 笔记 重点

小学五年级英语(上册)知识归纳|人教版 Unit1 What he like 重点单词: old 年老的young年轻的funny滑稽的kind 和蔼的strict严格的polite 有礼貌的hard-working 工作努力的 helpful有用的clever 聪明的shy 害羞的sometimes有时will 将要know 知道 robot机器人finish 完成he‵s=he is 他是who‵s=who is谁是Mr.先生Miss 小姐 重点句子: 1、A:Ms Wang will beour new Chinese teacher.王女士使我们新语文老师B:What’s she like?她怎么样?A:She’s very kind?她很和蔼B:Is she strict?她严格吗?A:Yes,sometimes.是的,有时候. 2、A:Do you know MrYoung?你认识杨先生吗?B: No,I don’t (否定回答)不,不认识。Yes,I do(肯定回答)是的,我认识。

3、A:Who is your mathteacher? 谁是你的数学老师?B:Mr Li李先生。 4、A:Is she strict? 她严格吗?B:Yes,she is.(肯定回答)是的,她严格。No,she is not.(否定回答),不严格。 Unit2 My week 重点单词: Monday 星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四 Friday星期五Saturday星期六Sunday星期日weekend 周末 wash 洗wash my clothes洗衣服watch看watch TV看电视do做do homework做家庭作业 do housework做家务read读read books读书play踢、玩playfootball 踢足球often通常cooking烹饪tired疲惫的 sport体育运动should 应该every每一个schedule 工作计划day一天 重点句子:



②第三人称单数(he、she、it、Tom、……)+动词“s/es”形式 例句:The boys like TV plays. Sally likes TV plays. (4)一般疑问句:助动词(Do/Does)+人称+动词原形 Do the boys like TV plays? Does the boy like TV plays? (5)否定句:人称+助动词否定形词(don’t/doesn’t)+动词原形 The boys don’t like TV plays. The boy doesn’t like TV plays. (6)记住:助动词一出,后面动词用原形。 Module2 Abilities 学习重点1、能用英语谈论人或动物的能力(能干什么) I can speak English. The monkey can climb trees. 2、能用英语说出15种以上的动物名称。 3、句子有“can”的时候,无论人称是谁,一般现在时的动词在肯定句,否定句或一般疑问句一 律用原形,如: I/You/He/They/My mother can sing. Can you/he/they/my mother sing? I/You/He/They/My mother can’t sing. 4、注意“everyone”作为单数用: Everyone is here. Everyone likes flowers. 5、注意“not…at all”的使用: He can’t skate at all .=He can not skate at all. He doesn’t like it at all .=He does not like it at all. Module 3 Plants 学习重点 1、能用英语说出一些植物(花,树木)的名称,并能写出十个以上有关植物的单词,并写上中文。 2、注意must和mustn’t的使用


广州版五年级英语下册全册教案 Module 1 Seasons Unit1 What’s your favourite season? 第一课时 教学内容:Let’s talk; 教学目标: 1、能听说以下词汇并知道它们的意义:colourful, either, winter, autumn, prefer 2、能理解并认读以下句型: …is the best time for doing …. I don’t like … and I don’t like …, either. W hat’s your favourite season? Why? I love/like/prefer…. / My favourite season is … . 3、能理解并流利朗读Let’s talk中的对话。 教学重难点: 1.能四会单词: colourful, either, winter, autumn, prefer 2. 能运用句型What’s your favourite season? Why? I love/like/prefer…. / My favourite season is … . 看图分辨四个季节并用句型替换练习,并说出自己喜爱的季节。 教学工具:pictures、多媒体(金太阳)、PPT 教学过程: 一、复习spring, summer,学习新词autumn, winter. 1、看视频,指导学生跟读,多次重复四个季节单词。 2、利用单词图片等检测朗读及拼写。 3、问答各个季节的天气,复习天气及巩固季节,为后面描述做准备。

二、呈现what’s your favouriteseason? 按照学生的回答点击相应图片链接到该季节进行描述,也可以按照顺序描述。 点击图片连接到相应的季节(PPT 6) 三、通过描述图片,让学生对四个季节有大致的认识。 1.呈现部分对话中的句子预学,学习新词colourful, 点击图片链接到下页学习 colourful可以引导学生多说。 如:What can you see? What’s the weather like in spring? What can you do in spring? (PPT 7) 2.通过各种颜色话的照片让学生体验colourful,每出一张照片可以问What colour are these flowers?学生回答各种颜色后学习colourful. (PPT 8) 3.可以与coloured,colour进行对比. (PPT 9) 4. 看图引导学生多说(PPT 10-12) 四、引出课文对话学习。(PPT 13) 1、听课文对话,了解小朋友们最喜欢的季节是什么 2、从对话中划出相应回答的句子,学习新词prefer并让学生关注语言的丰富性, 可以用多种句式来回答。 3.看图说话,操练对话中句式,丰富描述季节的句子。(PPT 16-18) 五、学习新词either,并练习表达,然后引导学生关注,either和too的用法。(PPT 19-21) 六、多形式读课文:跟读;齐读。(PPT 22-23) 七、分角色读指导学生看图尝试背诵课文对话。(PPT 24) 八、Homework:


Unit1 My day 知识整理 △话题:谈论每天的活动及时间安排 △词汇:do morning exercises(做早操) eat breakfast/lunch/dinner(吃早餐/午餐/晚餐) have...class(上…课),play sports(做运动) clean my room(打扫我的房间),go for a walk (散步) go shopping(购物),take a dancing class(上舞蹈课) △拓展词汇:get up(起床), go to bed(上床睡觉) wash my clothes(洗我的衣服), watch TV(看电视) do homework(做作业), play music(演奏音乐) cook dinner(煮晚餐), at home(在家) in the morning(在上午),in the afternoon(在下午) in the evening(在晚上),at night(在半夜) △句型: ①询问做某事在几点 When do you+动词原形(短语)+其他? —— At +时间 —— I(+频度副词)+动词原形(短语)+at+时间。 例句:When do you get up in the morning? —— At 7:30. —— I often get up at 7:30. ②询问周末的活动安排 What do you often do on the weekend?

I often (always/sometime/usually) +…(周末的活动)+with … (某人)+on the weekend (on Saturdays/on Sundays ). 例句:What do you do on the weekend ? I often take a dancing class with my friend on Sundays. △知识点: 1:注意介词的搭配 at +具体时间(几点)/night/home at 9 o ’clock in +国家/季节 in Spain on +星期 on the weekend/on Sundays with +人 with my father/mother/friend 2:表示时间频率词的区别 always 表示总是,一直; usually 表示经常,通常; often 表示经常,常常; sometimes 表示有时,间或。 按它们的频率大小排列如下: always (100%)→usually (80%)→often (60%)→sometimes (40%) 3:其他知识点 also 用于句中 1) 也 too too 用于肯定句中 用于句末 either either 用于否定、疑问句中


广州版小学五年级英语知识点总结 五年级上册共六个模块,18单元,209单词(四年级186个单词) 五年级下册共六个模块,18单元,157单词(四年级172个单词) 五年级上册知识点 Module1 Routines and Dates 学习重点1、掌握一月到十二月、四季的名称2、用英语说出日期 日期的表示法有两种,如:“今天10月20日。” a)先说月份:Today is October the twentieth (20th) b)先说日期:Today is the twentieth of October(20th) 1、掌握节日的名称及日期。(详见书本第13页) 例如:New Year's Day( January 1st ) Women's Day( March 8th) 4、能用英语说出学期的开始和结束 The autumn term begins in September and ends in January. 5. 掌握基数词和序数词,注意区分和运用 重点掌握:first,second,third,fifth,ninth,twelfth,twentieth. 基数词表示数量:three pandas三只熊猫。 序数词表示顺序:the second month第二个月 6、注意表示时间频率的词:never、sometimes、often、usually、always,注意这些词在 句子中的位置——除了“是”动词以外,他们都放在在动词的前面,如:(1)She often comes here . (2)She is always late . 7、能用英语谈论日常的活动(能写一篇小作文) 8、掌握时态:一般现在时的使用: (1)定义:一般现在时表示已形成习惯、规律的动作或状态。 (2)特征:通常句子中有often、usually、或sometimes等等。 (3)肯定句的结构: 人称+动词:①其他人称(I、you、we、they、the boys……)+动词原形 ②第三人称单数(he、she、it、Tom、……)+动词“s/es”形式 例句:The boys like TV plays. Sally likes TV plays. (4)一般疑问句:助动词(Do/Does)+人称+动词原形 Do the boys like TV plays? Does the boy like TV plays? (5)否定句:人称+助动词否定形词(don’t/doesn’t)+动词原形The boys don’t like TV plays. The boy doesn’t like TV plays. (6)记住:助动词一出,后面动词用原形。 Module2 Abilities 学习重点1、能用英语谈论人或动物的能力(能干什么) I can speak English. The monkey can climb trees. 2、能用英语说出15种以上的动物名称。


五年级英语下册阅读理解专题训练 ,错误的打“╳(10)读短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的打“√” Hello, I’m Jack. I am a student. I usually get up at 6:00 in the morning. Then I do morning exercises. I read English at 6:30 every morning. I eat breakfast at 7:00.I go to school at 7:15.I have lunch at school. I go home at 4:30 in the afternoon. I eat dinner at 6:30.I do my homework at 8:00 p.m.I go to bed at 9:30.This is my day. 1.( ) John is a teacher. 2.( ) John reads English every day. 3.( ) John has lunch at home. 4.( ) John watches TV at 8:00 in the evening. 5.( ) John goes to bed at 9:30. 阅读短文,回答下列问题。(20) Hello, I am Lina. I live in Jinhua. It’s a beautiful city. There are four seasons in my city. They are spring, summer, fall and winter. It’s warm in spring. The trees are green. The flowers are beautiful. We can plant many flowers in spring. We often fly kites. Summer is fun for me. It’s very hot. I can swim in the river. But I like fall best. It’s windy and cool in fall. I often play basketball with my friends. Sometimes I go hiking with my parents. It ’s usually cold in winter in my city. Sometimes it snows. So we can make a snowman in winter. I like my city very much. 1. How many seasons are there in Lina’s city? 2. What’s Lina’s favourite season? 3. What can Lina do in summer? 4. What’s the weather like in fall in Jinhua?


Lesson 1-2 1. friend (复数) ___________ friend (形) friendly 友好的 2. front(反义)________ 3 come here (反义) __________ 4. Britain (形)British England (形) ________ 5. Australia (形) Australian 6.New Zealand (名) New Zealander 新西兰人 7. come from (同) _________ 8. seat (复) ________ 9. let…s(完全形式) _________ 10. us —we —our —ours 宾格主格形物代名物代11. begin (三单) begins begin(现在分词)beginning 12. Go back ______your seat. 13. welcome ______ China. 14.welcome ______here. 15.They are Children?s (child) Olympic Games.. 19.Many thanks. (同义句) ________________________ 20. I come from Britain. (同义) __________________________ 21. I?m Bob. (否) ______________________ (一?)_____________________ (回答)_____________________ (?) _______________________ 22. Let?s begin our class. 否1:Don?t let?s begin our class. 否2:Let?s not begin our class. 23.用am, is, are 填空 I ____ Bob. She _____ Betty. He ______ Ben. It ______ a little cat. We _____ students. You _____ teachers. They ______ friends. Tom____ a good boy. My friend ____ a pretty girl. Ben and Tim _____ friends. My friends _____ English. There___some milk in the glass. There___ some apples. There___ a pen and two books. There___two pens and a pencil. _____ there a ruler? _____there some bags? Lesson 3—4 1. be (同音) ______ 2. sing(现在分词)_________ 3. dance (现在分词) ________ 4. France (形) French 5.Germany(形)German 6.Russia(形)Russian 7. what about (近义词) ____________ ....怎么样 8.both 两者都 both A and B:A和B两个 like doing 喜欢做某事 I like both singing and dancing. 我喜欢唱歌和跳舞。 9. ______ Tom and Mary from China?(be) 10.She_____from Germany.(be) 11.He______fromBritain.(come) 12.Iwant a friend______ Britain. want to do sth想做某事 = would like to do sth 13.Where _____ you from? 14.Where_____you come from? 15.I am from Russia.(同义句) _________________________ 16.I come from France.(?) _________________________ 17.Both Ben and Tom_____in the classroom.(be) 18.I like _________.(swim) 19.知识拓展: 中日不变(Chinese, Japanese) 英法变(Englishman/woman, Frenchman/woman) 其余s 跟后面(Germans, Australians…) 20.I like singing and dancing. (否)_____________________ (一?)___________________ 21.动名词/现在分词的变化: 直接+ing 结尾不发音e,去e 加ing 短元音加辅音字母结尾,双写 +ing sing________ swim________ shop_________jump_________ play__________run__________ dance________ drive_________ live__________teach_________ do__________have__________ come________begin_________ Lesson 5-6 1. where (同音) wear (穿着) 2. in (反义) ______ 3. live (三单) lives 4. live(现在分词)________ 5.city(复数)_________ 6.street(复数)________ 7.road(复数)_________ 8. I live _____ China I live____Heping District (区) I live ____Shanghai Street I live ____56 Wuhan Road I live _____here. 9.Where ____ you live? 10.She____(live) in Happy City. 11.be friends


广州版小学五年级英语知识点总结五年级上册共六个模块,18单元,209单词(四年级186个单词) 五年级下册共六个模块,18单元,157单词(四年级172个单词) 五年级上册知识点 Module1 Routines and Dates 学习重点 1、掌握一月到十二月、四季的名称 2、用英语说出日期 日期的表示法有两种,如:“今天10月20日。” a)先说月份:Today is October the twentieth (20th) b)先说日期:Today is the twentieth of October(20th) 3、掌握节日的名称及日期。(详见书本第13页) 例如: New Year's Day( January 1st ) Women's Day( March 8th) 4、能用英语说出学期的开始和结束 The autumn term begins in September and ends in January. 5. 掌握基数词和序数词,注意区分和运用 重点掌握:first,second,third,fifth,ninth,twelfth,twentieth.

基数词表示数量:three pandas三只熊猫。 序数词表示顺序:the second month第二个月 6、注意表示时间频率的词:never、sometimes、often、usually、always,注意这 些词在句子中的位置——除了“是”动词以外,他们都放在在动词的前面,如:(1)She often comes here . (2)She is always late . 7、能用英语谈论日常的活动(能写一篇小作文) 8、掌握时态:一般现在时的使用: (1)定义:一般现在时表示已形成习惯、规律的动作或状态。 (2)特征:通常句子中有often、usually、或sometimes等等。 (3)肯定句的结构: 人称+动词:①其他人称(I、you、we、they、the boys……)+动词原形 ②第三人称单数(he、she、it、Tom、……)+动词“s/es”形式 例句:The boys like TV plays. Sally likes TV plays. (4)一般疑问句:助动词(Do/Does)+人称+动词原形 Do the boys like TV plays? Does the boy like TV plays? (5)否定句:人称+助动词否定形词(don’t/doesn’t)+动词原形
