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Vienna Genesis
Early 6th century tempera, gold, silver on purple vellum 12 1/4 x 9 1/4 in.
Vienna Genesis
Early 6th century tempera, gold, silver on purple vellum 12 1/4 x 9 1/4 in.
ca. 240-256
Baptistery from Christian Community House
Dura Europos, Syria
ca. 240-256
Baptistery from Christian Community House
Dura Europos, Syria
ca. 240-256 tempera paintings
Saint Apollinare Nuovo
Ravenna, Italy
dedicated 504 tessera mosaic
Raising of Lazarus
Saint Apollinare Nuovo
Ravenna, Italy
dedicated 504 tessera mosaic
Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes
Dura Europos, Syria
ca. 240-256 tempera paintings
Christ Healing the Paralytic
Ark of the Covenant and two menorahs, painted in a Jewish catacomb
Villa Torlonia, Rome, Italy
3rd Century fresco 3 ft. 11 in. high
Catacomb showing loculi 墓穴
3rd-4th centuries
Good Shepherd, Orants, Story of Jonah 牧人,祈祷者,约拿的故事
Catacomb of Peter and Marcellinus, Rome, Italy 圣彼得与圣马尔塞林努斯地下墓室
Santa Costanza Rome, Italy
ca. 337-351
Piranesi‘s 18th-century reconstruction (left) of the original plan of the funerary hall and two mausolea, with Santa Costanza at top (modern views do not support the lower one).
ca. 425
普拉奇迪娅陵庙建于5世纪,与圣 维塔莱教堂只有几步之遥,以室内 马赛克装饰闻名遐迩。
Interior Mausoleum of Galla Placidia
Ravenna, Italy
ca. 425 tessera mosaics
St. Lawrence Mausoleum of Galla Placidia
Genesis chapter 32
Jacob travels to meet Esau Jacob travels over the Jabbok brook Jacob wrestles with the Angel Jacob blessed by the Angel Jacob’s 11 sons
Ascension of Christ
Vienna Genesis
Early 6th century tempera, gold, silver on purple vellum 12 1/4 x 9 1/4 in.
Vienna Genesis
Early 6th century tempera, gold, silver on purple vellum 12 1/4 x 9 1/4 in.
from Dura Europos, Syria
ca. 245-256 tempera on plaster
Synagogue Interior Wall paintings of Old Testament scenes
from Dura Europos, Syria
ca. 245-256 tempera on plaster
Christ the Good Shepherd
Baptistery from Christian Community House
Dura Europos, Syria
ca. 240-256 tempera paintings
Christ Walks on Water
Baptistery from Christian Community House
Saint Apollinare Nuovo
Ravenna, Italy
dedicated 504 tessera mosaic
Christ Foretelling Peter’s Denial
Saint Apollinare Nuovo
Ravenna, Italy
dedicated 504 tessera mosaic
Synagogue Interior Wall paintings of Old Testament scenes
from Dura Europos, Syria
ca. 245-256 tempera on plaster
Jews Cross Red Sea
Synagogue Interior Wall paintings of Old Testament scenes
Christianity becomes state religion
Fall of Rome to Alaric the Visigoth
Reconstruction of Christian Community House
Dura Europos, Syria
早期基督教信仰的中心是地中海东部沿海城市,不过 ,幸存至今的早期基督教艺术以罗马数量为最多。这 些作品包括地下墓窟的绘画装饰。
Synagogue Dura Europos, Syria
ca. 245-256
Synagogue Interior Wall paintings of Old Testament scenes
early 4th century fresco
Good Shepherd
Catacomb of Pietro and Marcellino, Rome, Italy
early 4th century fresco
Orant figure
Catacomb of Priscilla, Rome,Italy
from Dura Europos, Syria
ca. 245-256 tempera on plaster
Moses and Rock Horeb
Chronology of Early Christianity
Crucifixion of Christ
ca. 29
Crucifixion of St. Peter
from Rome, Italy
ca. 359 marble 3 ft. 10 1/2 in. x 8 ft.
朱尼乌斯·巴苏斯,罗马执政官,死于公元359 年。石棺雕有柱廊的正面分为10个方框,混合 着《旧约》和《新约》中的场景。
上一排(从左到右)是:献祭以撒;圣彼得被囚;基督在圣彼得和圣保罗之间升座; 基督在彼拉多面前受审(占两格);底下一排是:约伯受难;堕落;基督进入耶路撒 冷;狮窟中的但以理;圣保罗殉难。
Genesis chapter 39
Joseph and Potiphar's wife infant is anonymous
Moses from River
Synagogue Interior Wall paintings of Old Testament scenes
from Dura Europos, Syria
ca. 245-256 tempera on plaster
Ark of the Covenant in the Temple of Dagon
ca. 64

Persecution of Christians Trajan Decius Diocletian
249-251 303-305
Edict of Toleration (Galerius)
Edict of Milan (Constantine)
Foundation of Constantinople
Ravenna, Italy
ca. 425 tessera mosaics
Christ as the Good Shepherd from the entrance wall of the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia
Ravenna, Italy
ca. 425 tessera mosaic
ca. 320
1. Nave 中堂 2. Aisles 侧廊 3. Apse 半圆后殿 4. Transept 耳堂 5. Narthex 前廊 6. Atrium 中庭
Old Saint Peter’s Basilica (plan) Rome, Italy
ca. 320
圣康斯坦萨教堂是 个圆形的厅式建筑 ,中心圆厅由立柱 隔开,周围是回廊 式或十字型的过道 。最初是为君士坦 丁大帝之女康斯坦 蒂娅修建的陵庙。
安利亚·加拉·普拉 西提阿(390-450 年)是罗马帝国皇 帝狄奥多西大帝( 379-395年在位) 女儿,西罗马帝国 皇帝霍诺留(393423年在位)妹妹 ,君士坦提乌斯三 世(421年在位) 之妻,瓦伦丁尼安 三世(425-455年 在位)之母。
Mausoleum of Galla Placidia 加拉·普拉奇迪娅陵庙 Ravenna, Italy
Christ as the Good Shepherd
ca. 300-350 marble 3 ft. 1/4 in. high
Christ Enthroned
ca. 350-375 marble approximately 2 ft. 4 1/2 in. high
Old Saint Peter’s Basilica (restoration drawing) Rome, Italy
Santa Costanza Rome, Italy
ca. 337-351
Longitudinal Section
Christ as Sol Invictus 太阳神基督 from the Mausoleum of the Julii
Rome, Italy
late 3rd century tessera mosaic
3th century fresco
Sarcophagus with Old and New Testament Scenes
Santa Maria Antiqua, Rome, Italy
ca. 270 marble 1 ft. 11 1/4 in. x 6 ft. 2 in.
Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus
Early Medieval Art 中古前期
Huang Huaqiao, PhD
Early Christian Art 早期基督教
衰弱的罗马帝国面临着来自边境的威胁,在这动荡时 期,许多人在新的宗教中寻求慰藉。其中最重要的是 基督教。
现存最早的基督教艺术包括石棺、镶嵌壁画和插图书 籍。直到基督教成为官方认可的宗教,重要的基督教 建筑才出现。
Dome Mosaic of Heaven Mausoleum of Galla Placidia
Ravenna, Italy
ca. 425 tessera mosaic
Saint Apollinare Nuovo 圣阿波利纳雷教堂 Ravenna, Italy
dedicated 504
South Wall Panorama North Wall Panorama