关系代词的 that, which的专用场合

关系代词的 that, which的专用场合
关系代词的 that, which的专用场合

关系代词that 和which 都可指屋,在定语从句中作主语或定语时,一般可以互换,但各自也有专用场合。


1 当先行词前面有形容词最高级或者序数词修饰时。例如:

These are the cleanest parks that you can imagine.

This is the first thing that I afford by myself.

2当先行词是不定代词all, anything , everything, something,

nothing, little, few, much, none等


All that can be done has been done.

This book contains little that is interesting and useful.

3当先行词被both, all, every , no, any, much等修饰的时候。如:

There is no book that I like to read here.




Can you tell me the person and place that you would like to visit

5 当先行词前面有the very, only, last 等表示唯一概念的词修饰的时候。


This is the very problem that I cannot answer.

This is the last thing that I would like to do.


My computer is no longer the machine that it was.


Which is the computer that you want to use

Who is the man that you spoke to just now


9当先行词是数词的时候。如:Yesterday I bought two fish and put them I a basin of water. Now you can see the two that are still alive.


1 当引导的是非限制性的定语从句的时候。如:

Tom won the game, which made him very happy.

2 当先行词作介词的宾语并与介词一起置于句首的时候。如:

The house in front of which stands a big tree is hers.

3 当在一个句子中有两个定语从句,其中一个定语从句的关系代词用了that, 则另一个宜用which. 如:

He give me a gift that had been bought from the shop which belong to his uncle.

4 当先行词为指物的代词that 和those时。如:


He has found that I am looking for.

What are those which he refused to accept

5 当关系代词后面有插入语的时候。如:

Here is the book which, as I have

told you, will help improve you English.

用关系代词that 或者which填空:1This is the tenth novel ____ shows his great success.

2 He has got all _____ he needed in his studies.

3 Which is the book ____ you want to read

4 We often talked of the classmates and things _____ we still remember.

5 Did you see the tallest tree ____ I used to climb when I was a child

6 who is the person _____ you are to meet in the afternoon

7Please return the book to me that I borrow from the library _____ is not far away from our school.

8You can choose any necklace ___ you like.

9Is this the room in ____ he lives.

10The monitor said that Tom didn’t finish his homework , _____ made the teacher angry.

are the cleanest parks __ you can imagine. (序数词/最高级)

__ can be done has been done.

This book contains little ___ is

interesting and useful. (all, anything, everything, something, nothing, little few, much, none)

13. There’s no book ___ I like to read here.

(both,all,every,no,any,much…) 14. Can you tell me the persons and places ___ you’d like to visit.

15. This is the very problem ___ I can not answer.

This is the last thing __ I’d like to do.

16. My computer is no longer the machine that it was.(关系代词作表语时)

17. Which is the computer that you want to see

Who is the man that you spoke to just now

18. Yesterday I bought two fish and put them in a basin of water. Now you can see the two that are still alive. won the game, which made him very happy.

20. He gave me a gift that had been bought from the shop which belongs to his uncle.


has found that which I am looking for.

What are those which he refused to accept

22. Here is the book which, as I have told you, will help improve your English.

as 的用法:其通常和such\ the same 连用,代指物在从句中做主语或宾语

This is the same pen as I bought yesterday。

这种笔和我昨天买的笔一样(同样的但不是同一个)。引导定语从句的关系词在从句中做宾语,因先行词被the same所修饰所以用as引导

注意:上句与下句的区别This is the same pen that I used yesterday.这就是昨天我使用的那一支钢笔(指的是同一个)。

I studied in the same school as she did in Beijing.


引导定语从句的关系词在从句中做宾语,因先行词被the same所修饰所以用as引导

I want to have such a dictionary as he has.




The Pacific is the largest ocean,as we all know.



As we expect, we won the game.



The earth is round, as we all know.


引导非限制性定语从句的as在从句中做know的宾语,其代指整个主句。As is known to all, he is the best student in our class.




Tom suddenly fell ill, which made us sad.



The road was too slippery,wich caused lots of accidents.


He was angry, which made him cry.




定语从句中的that和which的区别: that和which在从句里都可以做宾语和主语,做宾语时可以省略。在定语从句中,有种说法叫"关宾省",意思是关系代词在限制性定语从句中作宾语可以省略,不管是that,which,还是whom。但是which能引导非限制性定语从句,that则不行。 只能用that的几种情况: 1. 当先行词为all, much, little, none及由any, every, some, no所构成的复合不定代词时。We should do all that is useful to the people. Please tell me anything that you know about the matter. 2. 当先行词被any, few, little, no, all, much, some等词修饰时。 You can take any seat that is free. There is little work that is fit for you. 3. 当先行词为序数词或被序数词所修饰时。 When people talk about the cities of China, the first that comes to my mind is Beijing. This is the fourth film that has been shown in our school this term. 4. 当先行词为形容词最高级或被形容词最高级修饰时。 The best that I could do was to apologize. This is the most interesting story book that I have ever read. 5. 当先行词被the very, the only, the last, the just, the same等修饰时。 This is the very book that I’m looking for. The only thing that we could do was to wait. 注意:先行词被the same修饰时,关系代词也可用as。 I need the same book that / as you have. 6. 当先行词既包含人又包含物时。 They are talking of the heroines and their deeds that interest them. 7. 当先行词是疑问代词who,which,what或主句以这些词开头时。 Who that has ever worked together with him doesn’t admire him? Which is the star that is nearer to the earth? 8. 当先行词为主句表语或关系代词为从句表语时。 That’s a good book that will help you a lot. Our school is no longer the place that it used to be. 9. 先行词为time时,当time表示次数,引导词用that, 可省略。当表示时间,可用that 或when引导,都可省略。 I do remember the first time(that) I had ever heard the sweetest voice in the world. I did't remember the exact time (when/that)I arrived in Shanghai last month. 只能使用which的情况: 1. 在“介词+关系代词”结构中,关系代词必须用which。 The house in which we live is very large. This is the reference book(参考书)of which the teacher is speaking. 注意:如果介词不放在修饰事物的限定性定语从句的句首,which就可换为that。 This is the question which/that we’ve had so much discussion about. =This is the question about which we’ve had so much discussion. 2. 先行词为“those+表事物的复数名词”时,关系代词通常只用which而不用that。 You should grasp well those skills which may be used in the future work.


……………………………………………………………最新资料推荐………………………………………………… 定语从句中:只用that而不用which的五种情况 泰州市苏陈中学朱志荣 引导定语从句的关系代词有:that(指人或物),which(指物),who (指人)。指人时可用that或who ;指物时可用that 或which ;但有时只能用that,不能用which。常见的情况有下列五种: 1)当先行词是:all , any , anything , everything , nothing或被它们修饰时。例如: Is there anything that I can do for you ? 有什么可以为你做的吗? All that can be done must be done . 凡是能做的都必须做。 2)当先行词被形容词的最高级或序数词修饰时。例如: That is one of the most interesting books that are sold in the bookshop . 那是这家书店出售的最有趣的书之一。 The first thing that we should do is to get some food . 我们该做的第一件事是弄点吃的。 3)当先行词有:the only , the very , the same , the last 等修饰时。例如: My necklace is not the only thing that's missing . 我的项链不仅是丢掉的东西。 4)当主句以who或which开头时,定语从句中引导词用that ,不用which 或who 。以避免重复。例如: Who is the girl that is wearing a red coat ? 正穿一件红色外套的女孩子是谁? 5)当先行词既有人又有物时,用that 。例如: The writer and his novel that you have just talked about are really well known . 你刚才谈起的那位作家以及他的小说确实很著名。 1


that常用作关系代词,可指代某人,也可指代某物,指物时有的时候可用which替换that,指人时可用who替换。但在下列情况下,一般用that。 一、that指代某物事时 1.先行词为all, few, little, much, the one, something, anything, everything, nothing等时。如: 2. 先行词被all, every, no, some, any, (a)few, (a)little, much等限定词修饰时。如: 3. 先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时。如: 4. 先行词被the only, the very, the right, the last 等修饰时。如: 5. 先行词是并列结构,既有人又有物时。如: 6. 先行词前有the same 修饰,表示和先行词是同一物时。如: 注:如果表示的是与先行词同一类或相似的某物,则用the same…as….如: 7. 先行词为数词时。

8. 如果which引导的定语从句中又含有一个定语从句,为避免重复,第二个定语从句用that。如: 9. 以which作主语开头的特殊问句,为了避免重复,定语从句用that。如。 10. 关系代词在定语从句中作表语时,而且通常省略。如: 11. 关系代词在there be 句型中作主语时,而且常可以省略。如: 二、that 指代某人时。 1. 泛指某人时。如: 2. 主句是以作主语的who开头的特殊问句,为了避免重复时。如: 3. 先行词前有the same时。如: 4. 关系代词在定语从句中作表语时。如: 另外,that也可用作关系副词,表示时间、地点、原因和方式,在口语中可以用来代替when, where, why 引导的定语从句。在以下名词day, year, time, moment, reason, place等作先行词时,可用that作关系副词引导定语从句。如:


定语从句中which和that用法 在定语从句中,which 和that 在指代事物时,一般可以互换使用,但并非在任何情况下都是这样。 一、宜用that, 而不宜用which 的情况. ①先行词为不定代词all,much,something,everything,anything,nothing,none,the one 等 1. We should do all that is useful to the people. 2. There's nothing that can be said about it. 3. Do you mean the one that was bought yesterday ②先行词被only, any, few, little, no, just, very, one of等词修饰时。 1 .The only thing that we could do was to wait. 2 .That's the very word that is wrongly used. 3 .The last place (that) we visited was the chemical works. 4 .You can take any (=whichever) seat that is free. 5 .I hope the little that I can will be of some help to them. ③先行词是序数词时或被序数词修饰时。 1. When we talk about Wuxi, the first that comes into mind is Tai Lake. 2. This is the third film that has been shown in our school this term. ④先行词是最高级或被最高级修饰时。 1. This is the best that can be done now. 2. The most important thing that should be done right now is how to stop him from going on. ⑤先行词既有人又有物,用which和who都不适合,这时宜用that. 如: writer and his novel that you have just talked about is really well known . rider and his bike that had run over an old woman were held up by the police. ⑥被修饰词为数词时. 1. Yesterday I caught two fish and put them in a basin of water .Now you can see the two that are still alive .


定语从句用that而不用which的五种情况 1、先行词为all much little everything anything nothing none few the one 等不定代词;例如: I mean the one that was bought yesterday. Is there anything that I can do for you? All that can be done must be done. 2、当先行词被形容词的最高级或序数词修饰,或被the only , the very , the same , the last, any, few, little, no, all, one of等修饰时。例如: That is one of the most interesting books that are sold in the bookshop. The first thing that we should do is to get some food. My necklace is not the only thing that's missing. 3、当主句以who或which开头时,定语从句中引导词用that ,不用which 或who 。以避免重复。例如: Who is the girl that is wearing a red coat? 4、当先行词既有人又有物时,用that 。例如: The writer and his novel that you have just talked about are really well known. 5. 先行词在主句中做表语或关系代词在从句中做表语时; It’s book that will help you a lot. My hometown is no long the place that it used to be. He is not the man that he used to be.


定语从句关系代词只能用that的情况 1.在there + be 的句型中,句子的主语是先行词,而且又是物。 例如: There are two novels that I want to read.我要读的有两本小说。 There is no work that can be done now. 没有什么工作现在能做的了。 2.当先行词为主句的表语或者关系代词为从句的表语时。 例如: This is the book that was bought yesterday.这就是昨天买的书。 Our school is no longer the school that it used to be. 我们的学校不再是以前的学校了。 3.以Here is (are)开头的句子时。 例如: Here is a film that will move anyone.这是一部将使任何人受感动的电影。 Here are two books that I will buy.这是我要买的两本书。 4.It is (high)time +定语从句中。 例如: It is time that we should have a rest.我们应该休息了。 It is high time that they started out. 他们该动身了。 5.当先行词是way等词时,关系代词用that或者in which在定语从句中作方式状语时,在口语中,常可省略。 例如: This is the way that my father did this work.这就是我父亲做此工作的方式。 She admired the way in which I answered the questions.她羡慕我回答问题的方式。 6.在双重限定性定语从句中,如果一个从句用who或者which引导时,那么另一个从句用that 引导。 例如: He is the student that I have ever see who can jump highest.他是我曾经看到过跳得最高的学生。 My brother studies in the school which is the most beautiful in our city that isn't far from here. 我的弟弟在我们的城市最美丽的学校读书,并且离这儿不远。 7.当先行词被the last , the very 和the only修饰时。 例如: This is the very pen that I am looking for. 这正是我找的钢笔。 The only book I want to read is missing. 我唯一想看的书不见了。 8.在强调句子中,并且以who ,which, what开头时。 例如: Who was it that was lost ?究竟是谁迷路了?(此句中,最好不用who来代替that,避免重复。)What was it that you did last week?你上周究竟做什么了?

定语从句中that 和which的用法

定语从句中的that和which的用法 引导定语从句的关系代词有:that(指人或物),which (指物),who (指人).指人时可用that或who ;指物时可用that 或which 。 That和which在从句里都可以做宾语和主语,做宾语时可以省略。指物时,两者一般可以互换,但在下列情况下只能用that: 1)当先行词是all ,any ,anything ,everything ,nothing 或被它们修饰时.例如: Is there anything that I can do for you 有什么可以为你做的吗? All that can be done must be done . 凡是能做的都必须做. 2)当先行词被形容词的最高级或序数词修饰时.例如:That is one of the most interesting books that are sold in the bookshop . 那是这家书店出售的最有趣的书之一. The first thing that we should do is to get some food . 我们该做的第一件事是弄点吃的. 3)当先行词有:the only ,the very ,the same ,the last 等修饰时.例如:

My necklace is not the only thing that's missing . 我的项链不仅是丢掉的东西. 4)当主句以who或which开头时,定语从句中引导词用that ,不用which 或who .以避免重复.例如: Who is the girl that is wearing a red coat 正穿一件红色外套的女孩子是谁? 5)当先行词既有人又有物时,用that .例如: The writer and his novel that you have just talked about are really well known . 你刚才谈起的那位作家以及他的小说确实很著名. 请注意: 以下几种只能使用which的情况: 1.引导非限制性定语从句,用which。 2.在“介词+关系代词”结构中,关系代词必须用which。 如:The house in which we live is very large. 我们住的房子非常大。 This is the reference book of which the teacher is speaking. 这就是老师正在谈及的那本参考书。 注意:如果介词不放在修饰事物的限定性定语从句的句首,which就可换为that,例如:This is the question which/that we've had so much discussion about. =This is the question about which we've had so much discussion.


that与which的用法区别 两者都可指物,常可互换。其区别主要在于: 1.引导非限制性定语从句时,通常要用which: The current, which is very rapid, makes the river dangerous. 水流湍急,使这条河很危险。 He has to work on Sundays, which he doesn’t like. 他得在星期天工作,他是不喜欢这样的。 The London team, which played so well last season, has done badly this season. 伦敦队上一个季度打得很好,这个季度却打得很差。 2.直接放在介词后作宾语时,通常要用which: She may be late, in which case we ought to wait for her. 她可能晚到,那样我们就要等等她。 The documents for which they were searching have been recovered. 他们找寻的文件已找到了。 This morning some port wine came, for which I have to thank you. 今天早上送来一些波尔图葡萄酒,为此我得向你道谢。 注:有时“介词+which”引导的定语从句可以转换成“介词+which+不定式”结构:He had only the long nights in which he could study. =He had only the long nights in which to study. 他只有漫漫长夜可用来学习。 He had a couple of revolvers with which he could defend himself.= He had a couple of revolvers with which to defend himself. 他只有一两把手枪用来自卫。 3.当先行词是下列不定代词或被它们修饰时much, little, none, all, few, every(thing), any(thing), no(thing) 等时,通常用that: All that she lacked was training. 她缺的只是训练。 Have you everything that you need? 你需要的东西都有了吗? The sleeping man’s subconscious mind retained everything that was said around him. 这位酣睡的人头脑的下意识能记住他周围的人说的话。 She would never do anything that was not approved of by her parents. 她父母不赞同的事她绝不会做。 4.当先行词有the very, the only, the same 等修饰时,通常用that: This is the only example that I know. 我知道的例子只有这一个。 Those are the very words that he used. 那是他的原话。 5.当先行词有形容词最高级或序数词(包括last, next等)等修饰时,通常用that: This is the best dictionary that I’ve ever used. 这是我用过的最好的词典。 The first thing that you should do is to work out a plan. 你应该做的第一件事是订个计划。


关系代词 1、关系代词用来引导定语从句。它代表先行词,同时在从句中作一定的句子成分,例如: The girl to whom I spoke is my cousin. 跟我讲话的姑娘是我表妹。(该句中whom 既代表先行词the girl,又在从句中作介词to的宾语。) 2、关系代词有主格,宾格和属格之分,并有指人与指物之分。在限定性定语从句中,that 可指人也可指物,见表: 指人指物指人或物 主格who which that 宾格who m that that 属格whos e whose/of which of which/whose 例如: This is the pencil whose point is broken. 这就是那个折了尖的铅笔。 (whose 指物,在限定性定语从句中作定语) He came back for the book which he had forgotten. 他回来取他丢下的书。 (which指物,在限定性定语从句中作宾语,可以省略)

★关系代词的用法 1、关系代词的句法功能 1)关系代词在句中作主语 例如:I prefer music that/which has great lyrics 2)关系代词在句中作宾语 例如:I like music that I can sing along with. 3)关系代词在句中作表语 例如:The house is not the one (that) it used to be. 2、关系代词在从句中作名词的定语 例如:Is she the teacher whose hair is very short? 3、关系代词的用法 1)who和whom的用法:二者都用于指人。Who在定语从句中作主语、宾语,whom 在定语从句中作宾语。Whom在从句中能坐介词的宾语,而who则不能。 例如:I happened to meet the professor (who/whom) I got to know at a party in the shopping center yesterday. 2)whose的用法:一般指人,有时也指物。在定语从句中作定语。 例如:I have got a friend whose brother is training for the Olymoics. 3)which的用法:一般指物,在定语从句中作主语、宾语、偶尔作定语。 例如:The photo which we liked best was taken by Zhao Min. 4)that的用法:指人或物,指人时可与who、whom互换,指物时可与that


that与which两者都可指物,常可互换。其区别主要在于: 1. 引导非限制性定语从句时,通常要用which。如:She received an invitation from her boss, which came as a surprise. 她收到了老板的邀请,这是她意想不到的。 2. 直接放在介词后作宾语时,通常要用which。如:The tool with which he is working is called a hammer. 他干活用的那个工具叫做锤子。 3. much, little, none, all, few, every(thing), any(thing), no(thing) 等时,通常用that。如:There was little that the enemy could do but surrender. 敌人无法,只有投降了。All [Everything] that can be done must be done. 凡能that can be done must be done. 4. 当先行词有the very, the only, the same 等修饰时,通常用that。如:This is the only example that I know. 我知道的例子只有这一个。Those are the very words that he used. 那是他的原话。 5. 当先行词有形容词最高级或序数词(包括last, next等)等修饰时,通常用that。如:。如:This is the best dictionary that I’ve ever used. 这是我用过的最好的词典。The first thing that you should do is to work out a plan. 你应该做的第一件事是订个计划。 6. 当关系代词在定语从句中用作表语时,通常用that。如:China is not the country (that) it was. 中国已不是过去的中国了。 7. 当先行词是一个既指人又指物的并列词组时,通常用that。如:They talked about the persons and things that most impressed them. 他们谈论了使他们印象最深的人和事。他们谈论了使他们印象最深的人和事。 8. 当要避免重复时。如:Which is the course that we are to take? 我们选哪门课程?


定语从句中只用that不用which的五种情况 发表时间:2011-01-28T10:30:15.703Z 来源:《学英语》(初中教师版)2010年第17期供稿作者:童桂芳[导读] 引导定语从句的关系代词有:that(指人或物), which(指物), who(指人)。江西安福县城关中学童桂芳 引导定语从句的关系代词有:that(指人或物), which(指物), who(指人)。指人时可用that或who,指物时可用that或which,但有时只能用that不能用which。常见的情况有下列五种: 1. 当先行词是all, any, anything, everything, nothing或被它们修饰时。例如: Is there anything that I can do for you? 有什么可以为你做的吗? All that can be done must be done. 凡是能做的都必须做。 2. 当先行词被形容词的最高级或序数词修饰时。例如: That is one of the most interesting books that are sold in the bookshop. 那是这家书店出售的最有趣的书之一。 The first thing that we should do is to get some food. 我们该做的第一件事是弄点吃的。 3. 当先行词有the only, the very, the same, the last等修饰时。例如: My necklace is not the only thing that’s missing. 我的项链不仅是丢掉的东西。 4. 当主句以who或which开头时,定语从句中引导词用that,不用which或who。以避免重复。例如: Who is the girl that is wearing a red coat? 穿红色外套的女孩子是谁? 5. 当先行词既有人又有物时,用that。例如: The writer and his novels that you have just talked about are really well. 你刚才谈起的那位作家以及他的小说确实很著名。

关系代词that 的用法

关系代词that 的用法 (1)不用that的情况 (a) 在引导非限定性定语从句时。 (错)The tree, that is four hundred years old, Is very famous here. (b) 介词后不能用。 We depend on the land from which we get our food. We depend on the land that/which we get our food from. (2) 只能用that作为定语从句的关系代词的情况 (a) 在there be 句型中,只用that,不用which。 (b) 在不定代词,如:anything, nothing, the one, all等作先行词时,只用that,不用which。 (c) 先行词有the only, the very,the same,the last,just修饰时,只用that。 (d) 先行词为序数词、数词、形容词最高级时,只用that,不能用which。. (e) 先行词既有人,又有物时。 (f) 先行词指物,在主句中作表语时. (g) 为了避免重复. (h)先行词是the way或the reason时,that可作关系副词,也可省略 (i) 主句的主语是疑问词who /which时 举例:Is this the book that you borrowed in the library? 这是你在图书馆借的那本书吗? Who that break the window should be punished.谁打碎了窗户都要受到惩罚.


关系代词which用法说明 1.既可引导限制性定语从句,也可用作非限制性定语从句。如: This is the photo (that) I took. 这就是我拍的照片。 The river, which flows through London, is called the Thames. 这条流经伦敦的河叫泰晤士河。 2. which引导定语从句时,它在从句中主要用作主语或宾语,但有时也可用作定语, 在意义上大致相当于this或that。如: We told him to consult the doctor, which advice he took. 我们叫他去看医生,他听取了我们的劝告。 He is studying economics, which knowledge is very important today. 他学经济学,这种知识现今很重要。 注意,它与用作定语的关系代词whose用法不同——whose引导定语从句时,它在意 义上大致相当于one’s。如: Wolves are highly social animals whose success depends upon cooperation. 狼是高度群体 化的动物,它们的成功依赖于合作。 3.关系代词which原则上只指物,不指人;指人要用who。但是,有时指的不是具体的某人,而是指人的属性(如职业、身份、地位、职务、品质、特征等),则要用which 而不用who。如: He talked like a scholar, which he was not. 他说起话来像个学者,其实他没什么学问。 She talked like a native, which she hardly was. 她说起话来像是个本地人,其实她不见得是。 They accused him of being a traitor, which he was. 他们指控他是叛徒,他真是叛徒。 4.注意不要一看到句前有逗号,就以为一定要用which来引导非限制性定语从句。如以下几句逗号后的that均不能换成which(原因是逗号前的句子为状语从句):If a book is in English, that means slow progress for you. 如果一本书是用英语写的,那就意味着你要读慢些。 If he’s only interested in your looks, that just shows how shallow he is. 如果他只对你的相 貌感兴趣,那就说明他相当浅薄。 When I say two hours, that includes time for eating. 我说两小时,那是包括了吃饭的时间。

定语从句中 which,that 的用法与区别

定语从句中 which,that 的用法与区别 只能使用that的情况: 1.当先行词是nothing, something, anything, all, each等不定代词时。 e.g. Do you have anything that is important to tell me? 2.当先行词被all, any, some, no, not, every, each等修饰时。 e.g. I have some books that are very good. 3.当先行词被形容词最高级、序数词(包括last, next等)所修饰时。 e.g. This is the first book that I bought mysel f. The biggest bird that I caught is this bird. 4.主句是以which或who开头的特殊疑问句时 e.g. Which is the bike that you lost? 为了避免重复时用that Who is the woman that was praised at the meeting. 5.当先行词在从句和主句中都作表语时,无论先行词是人还是物. China is no longer the country that she was. 6.如有两个定语从句,其中一个已用which引导,另一个宜用that . Edison built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before. 7.在there be句型中,只用that. He asked for the latest book (that) there is on the subject. 8.当先行词被the very, the last, the next, the only,the same 等词修饰时。 e.g. This is the very book that I lost yesterday. 9.当先行词又有人又有物时。 e.g. I won’t forget the things and the persons that I saw. 10. 先行词被all, every, no, any, little, some, much等修饰时。 I’ve read all the books that are not mine. 只能使用which的情况。 1、非限制性定语从句(即通常用逗号与主句隔开,如果去掉逗号,整个句子仍能表达完整的意义的定语从句)中。 e.g. Mary has a book, which is very precious. 2、在介词之后。 e.g. This is a house in which lives an old man. 3、当主句中的主语被that修饰时。 e.g. That dog which I found in the street belongs to Mary. 4. 非限定性定语从句修饰的是前面的整个句子,而且关系代词和关系副词前面有逗号, 用which开始的定语从句修饰前面半句 e.g. He will wear no clothes, which will distinguish(区分,辨别)him from his fellow men.


定语从句中关系代词“that”和“which”的用法之别 【摘要】定语从句是初中英语中的一个重要语法点,它既是历年来中考的语法重点,也是学生们难学的一个语法难点。为了使学生更好地掌握这语法知识,现用英语与汉语相结合的形式将“定语从句中关系代词’that’和’which’的用法之别”进行归纳与总结,便于学者参考。 【关键词】定语从句;关系代词;that ;which ;区别 定语从句是初中英语中的一个重要语法点,它既是历年来中考的语法重点,也是学生们难学的一个语法难点。为了使学生更好地掌握这语法知识,现将定语从句中关系代词“that”和“which”的用法之别浅析如下。 1 在下列情况下,一般用引导词that,不用which. 1.1 指物,先行词为all,few,much,little,none,the one以及由some,any,no,every等构成的不定代词时,宜用that,不用which.如: ①.Our English teacher wants to teach us all that he knows. 我们的英语老师想把他所知道的都教给我们。 ②.The few of hundreds of new records that are produced each week get into the chart. 每周推出的数以万计的新唱片中没有几张能进入每周的流行榜。 ③.The much that Chairman Mao said has influenced me a lot. 毛主席说的那些话对我们影响很大。 ④.The little that the doctor gave me that day has really worked. 医生那天给我的那点微量的药确实生效了。 ⑤.I’d like to tell you something that I’m interested in. 我想把我感兴趣的事告诉你。 ⑥.Please tell me anything that you know about the matter. 有关此事,凡是你知道的请告诉我。


定语从句中which和that区别 奥赛书上的内容: 介词后只能用which不能用that 先行词为 xxx-thing 时只能用that 先行词被the only(含序数词)等限定词修饰时只能用that 先行词被最高级修饰时只用that 限制性定语从句只能用that 的几种情况 1.当先行词是anything, everything, nothing (something 除外), few, all, none, little, some 等代词时,或者是由every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much 等修饰时 (1) Have you taken down everything that Mr. Li has said? (2) There seems to be nothing that seems impossible for him in the world. (3) All that can be done has been done. (4) There is little that I can do for you. 注意:当先行词指人时,偶尔也可以用who (4) Any man that/.who has a sense of duty won't do such a thing. 2. 当先行词被序数词修饰 (1) The first place that they visited in London was the Big Ben. 3. 当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时 (1) This is the best film that I have seen. 4. 当形容词被the very, the only修饰时 (1) This is the very dictionary that I want to buy, (2) After the fire in his house, the old car is the only thing that he owned. 当先行词指人时,偶尔也可以用who (3) Wang Hua is the only person in our school who will attend the
