


寒冷的 ____________ 凉爽的 _________ 温暖的____________ 热的_________ 太阳 __________________ 阳光充足的风 _____________ 多风的 __________ 云多云的 __________________ 雪__________ 雪人 __________ 多雪的___________ 雨

阴雨的 ____________ 在户外 _________ 关心_________ 小心 ______________

天气_______________ 纽约 _________________ 可以;能 ____________


Put on ______________ t ake off __________ weather report _____________

Be careful ______________ g o outside _____________ inside ___________ London ___________ Singapore ____________ Moscow ___________

Sydney ___________ make a snowman ___________________

Arm ____________ card __________ car ________ ball _________ tall ______ Wall ____________ g irl __________ f arm __________ nurse _________

Bird ____________ f ar ___________ have a cold _____________________


1. 伦敦天气怎么样? _____________________________________________________

2. 上海天气怎么样? __________________________________________________

3. 我可以堆雪人吗? _________________________________________________

4. 几点了?_______________________________________

5. 我现在可以出去吗?________________________________________________

6. 我可以喝些汤吗? ____________________________________________

7. 外面是冷的。 ___________________________________

8. 小心些!它是非常烫的

9. 它是26 度。_________________________


1. It is cold outside.



_____________________________ _______ 否定回答:__________________________



2.It 's snowy here.




_____________________________ _______ 否定回答:_________________________ 否定句:


3.Can I go outside now ?


_____ 否定回答: ___________________________ _____________________________

4.Can I have some soup ?


_____ 否定回答: __________________________ _____________________________

5.Can you sing a song ?

肯定回答:_______________________ 否定回答:________________________

6.Can you swim ?

肯定回答: __________ __________ 否定回答: _______________________




1. What 's the weather today? A. like B .be like C./

2. It 's warm and sunny today , let 's go

to play football. A. inside B. outside C. home


— What 's the weather like today? --It 's

. A. windy and sun B. sunny and hot C. hot and warm.


—Where is the boy? ---He is

New York. A.on B.in C.at

5.I don 't like days. A.cloud B.rainy C.weather

6.Is it sunny? A.Yes,it is. B.No,it is. C.Yes,I am.


The weather is today. A.are B.is

C.can 't

8.I don 't like days.It 's too cold ouside. A.sunny B.cool C.snowy

9. some lunch,Mike. A.have B.Have C.Here 10.It 's 30 degrees today,i 'ts very

. A.cold B.good C.hot


的( ) 天气预报( ) 下雪的(

选择。 )刮风的( )热


1. What the weather like in New York?

2.It 's wind today.

3.Take off your hat,it's cold here.

4.Here is the world weather reporter.

5.It 's sun and hot in Dalian.



2. 你想表达“我可以去外面吗?”,你应该怎么说?

3. 你想表达“今天天气很热”,你应该怎么说?

4. 你想表达“今天是多风和有雨的”,你应该怎么说?

5. 你想询问“悉尼的天气热吗?”,你应该怎么说?

6. 你是天气预报员,早上你预报时的第一句话是?

7. 你想表达“北京的天气是凉爽和多雨的”。你应该怎么说?

8. 妈妈做好了汤,它很烫,让你小心。应该说?

9. 你会放风筝吗,用英语应该说?


1.weather,like,is ,the,what? ________________________________________________

2.hot,it,sunny,and,is,today. ________________________________________________

3.is,cold,it,windy,and,in,Syney. _______________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________ have,I,cold,a . ________________________________________________________________

6.is,snowy,in,it,New York? ___________________________________________________

7.I,soup,have,can,some? ____________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________________ r eport,is,weather,this,the. ____________________________________________________ 9. ________________________________________________________ r ainy,is,it,in,Beijing,cool,and. _________________________________________________ 10.outside,it,cold,is. _________________________________________________


( )1.What time is it?

( )2.Can I go ouside now?

( )3.Where is the library?

( )4.Can I have some soup?

( )5.What 's the weather like today?

( )6.Is it rainy today?

A.It s' on the second floor.

B.No,it isn't.

C.It's six twenty.

D.No,you can't.It 's cold ouside.

E.It's windy and cold.

F. Sure. 周末认真完成此练习题。要求:字迹整齐,正确率高。


Unit 3 This is my father. Lesson13 一、将下列图片与单词连线? 二、单项选择? ( )1.tomeetyou. A.PleaseB.PleasingC.Pleased( )2.Thismyteacher?MissWhite. A.isB.amC.are( )3.myfather. A.ThisB.ThisisC.This’s( )4.Imyfather. A.lovesB.lovedC.love 三、情景交际? ( )1.你向爸爸介绍MissLiu时可以说: A.Hello?MissLiu.B.Thisismyteacher?MissLiu. C. She’smyteacher?MissLiu. ( )2.你想表达你爱你的爸爸妈妈时?可以说: A.Ilovemymother.B.Ilovemyfather. C. Ilovemyfatherandmother. ( )3.你向王老师介绍你的爸爸时?可以说: A.Hi?MissWang.Thisismyfather.

B.Thisismymother. C.Hello? thisisMissWang. ( )4.初次见到一位新朋友?你可以这样跟他问好: A.Pleasedtomeetyou.B.Pleasedtoseeyou?too. C. Nicetomeetyouagain. 145

Lesson14 一、读单词?选图片? ( )1.sisterA.B.C. ( )2.brotherAB.C. 二、单项选择? ( )1.—oldareyou? —I’msix. A.HowB.WhereC.What( )2.Showyourphoto. A.IB.myC.me( )3.Showmeyourphoto. A.motherB.fatherC.father’s( )4.—Hi?thisismysister. —. A.I’mnineyearsoldB.Hi?nicetomeetyouC. Thankyou 三、看图片?判断句子对( √) 错( ?) ? ( )1.Thisismysister. ( )2.Hi?Mary! Thisismymother.


五年级英语下册第三单元测试题及答案 听力部分(40分) 一.听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 ()1. A.street B.straight C.star ()2.A.tall B.top C.pop ()3.A.right B.light C.eight ()4.A.card B.cock C.corner ()5. A.postcard B.people C.post office 二.听录音,判断句子正误。 ()1. The postcard is six yuan. ()2. How many envelopes do you want? ()3.Turn left at the traffic lights. ()4. This is the bottom of the postcard. ()5. I want to send an e-mail to my friend. 三.听录音,根据你所听到的问句选择正确的答语。 ()1.A.In the top ,right corner of the postcard. B.In the top, left corner of the postcard. C. In the bottom ,right corner of the postcard. ()2.A.It’s10 yuan. B.They are 35 yuan. C.Excise me. ()3. A. Yes,I want to write a letter to my brother. B. No,I’m writing a letter to my mother. C. Yes, I’m writing now. ()4. A. Yes,It is. B.Thank you. C.No,it isn’t. ()5. A.Go down the street.Turn left at the traffic lights. B. It’s32 yuan. C.I need nine. 四.听录音,补全短文。 Sam is writing slowly.Linda ____and____him,“What are you doing,Sam?” “Oh,I’m writing a____to my grandmother,”says Sam. “Why do you write____slowly?”asks Linda. Sam answers,“Because my grandmother____slowly.” 笔试部分(60分) 一、按要求完成下列各题。 1.left(反义词)_________ 2.bottom(反义词)__________ 3.here(反义词)________ 4.write (现在分词)_________ 5.发送一封电子邮件(汉译英)_________ 6.a picture of the Palace Museum(英译汉)____________ 7.have(第三人称单数)_______ 8.right(反义词)___________ 9.sun(形容词)_________ 10.do (现在分词)__________ 二.单项选择。 ()1.You put the postcard stamp__________. A.on the right B.on the left C.in the top,right corner ()2.You write_______e-mail on ________computer. A.a,an B.an,a C.an,/


讲课时间: 2016 年 4 月 6 日姓名:霍文林Unit 3 Weather Part B Let’ s talk 一、教学目标与要求 1.能够听、说、认读本课时主要句型:What's the weather like in Beijing? How about New York? 2.能够分角色朗读对话。 3.了解世界几个主要城市的天气特点。4.听懂并独立完成Let's check。 二、教学重、难点分析 1.本课时重点: What's the weather like in Beijing? How about New York?2.本课时难点为: “ have to的含”义“ What are you doing? What's the matter?的表 达。”三、课前准备 1.教师准备一个写有天气词汇的转盘。2.教师准备相关的词卡。 3.教师准备录音机、录音带或VCD。4.学生准备一张中国地图。 四、教学过程 : 1.热身( Warm-up) (1)学生唱歌曲“Thunder。” (2)教师问学生: What is the weather like ?然后转动手中的天气转盘,让指针指向“rainy,”引导学生回答。然后教师再转动转盘,复习、巩固其他四个词: sunny, snowy, windy, cloudy。2.预习( Preview) (1)教师与一名学生打电话。

T: Hi, Meimei.What's the weather like today?教师转转盘,指针指向rainy。S: It's rainy here. 用同样的方法操练“snowy, windy, sunny, cloudy等词。”3.新课呈现 (P resentation) Let's talk (1)教师问: What's the weather like in Beijing today?听了天气预报的学生 可能会做出回答。教师再问:“What's the weather in New York? / How about New York? 根”据学生的回答情况,教师导入新课。 (2)教师指导学生学说“What's the weather like in Beijing?然后学生”分小 组根据自己做的全国天气预报记录进行问答活动。小组内问答结束后,教师可以 让每一组选出一名代表向全班“播放天气预报”。 然后,教师进行评价。 ( 3)学生听录音,看挂图跟读对话。教师对“What are you doing? Not much.What's the matter? I have to close the window.”等首次出现的语言进行讲解。鉴于本课时新语言较多,建议教师主要针对本课时重点“What's the weather like in... ? 进行操”练,其余的新语言点解释清楚含义即可。为了让学生尽快做到 能够听、说非重点新语言,教师可以设计一些活动,如:可以让学生就“What are you doing? Not much.”进行接力问答练习;就“ What's the matter?和“ I”have to.... 进行”模仿说句子的比赛。( 4)学生自由组合两人一组打电话询问天气情 况。 Let's check 教师连续播放三次录音。第一遍让学生先听录音,第二遍勾出 与录音内容相符的 一项,第三遍检查。录音内容如下: (1)In Beijing it's sunny and warm. I go out and fly a kite. (2)In Harbin it is cold.it's snowy. I read a story. (3)It is hot in Shenzhen. I go swimming. (4)In Macao it is rainy. I watch TV in my room. 4.巩固和延伸( Consolidation and extension)


Unit 3 At the zoo 第二课时 教学目标 1. 能够听、说、认读thin, fat, tall, short四个形容词。注意告知学生它们是两对反义词。 2. 能够在教师提供的语境中运用这四个词来描述动物外形特征。 3.会用Look at that...It is...的句型对话。 教学重点 词汇:,thin, fat, tall, short,句型:It’s fat/… 教学难点 句型:It’s tall/short/fat. 教学过程: 一、导入明标 1、能够听、说、认读thin, fat, tall, short四个形容词。 2、能运用所学的形容词来描述动物特征,能听懂指令,并能根据指令做出相应的动作。 3、会用Look at that...It is...的句型对话。 二、自学质疑 导学案13页自学检测 三、小组讨论 出示学生自己画的动物图片,形容它们的体貌特征。如何用我们学过的句型和形容词和来介绍它们。 四、展示点拨 (1)学习新单词tall and short T: Listen to me, children. Guess what it is. It has a long neck. 教师在说谜语时,可适当配合一些手势或动作。 S: It is giraffe. T: Yes. Good. It is tall.学习新单词 tall.

教师快速用课件展示系列动物图片:panda, bird对比两个动物的体型引出tall 对short 。学生根据看到的图片说说动物单词。Look at the panda . It’s tall. Look at the bird .It’s short. (2)学习新单词thin和fat. 用同样的方法学习thin和fat。 (3)播放Let’s learn 部分的录音,手指单词跟读。 3、趣味操练 (Practice) (1)教师将Let’s learn 部分的单词卡举起,带读,学生以“开火车”的形式练习。如果可能,可以让学生拼读单词。图:t-a-l-l tall, etc. (2)Let’s do 部分的内容。 a. 教师播放 Let’s do 部分的录音,学生边听边说边做此部分的活动。 b. 教师使用Let’s do 部分的动作图卡,让学生看图,做动作。 c. 学生再次听录音,鼓励学生说出指令内容,同时请几个学生上台前表演动作。 五、拓展练习 1、看图说话 2、导学案13页巩固练习 六、小结反思 师生一起回顾本节课所学内容。 七、 Homework: 板书设计:Unit 3 At the zoo thin, fat, tall, short Look at that...It’s ... 第三课时 教学目标 1. 能够通过听例词发音,观察例词结构中共有的字母,知道字母i在单词中发音。 2. 能够在教师的引导下说出例词由哪些音构成。


荟萃教育 Unit 3 My Birthday 辅导乐园 1.你能听、说、读、写下面的的单词吗? Jan一月(缩写) Feb二月 Mar三月 Apr四月 May五月 June六月 July七月 Aug八月 Sept九月 Oct十月 Nov 十一月 Dec—十二月 birthday生日 uncle叔叔;舅舅 her她的 date 日期 2你要听、说、认读下面的的单词和短语: January一月 February二月 March三月 April四月 August八月 September九月 October十月 November十—月 December十二月 first第— second第二 third第三 fourth第四 fifth第五 eighth第八 ninth第九 twelfth第十二 twentieth第二十 3下面的单词和短语要听、说的: chart图表 Cousin堂(表)儿弟;堂(表)姐妹 send寄;发送 e-card电子卡片 able能 everyone每个人 then那么 4 这些难词、难句你都会使用了吗? 一Our C]ass Birthday Chart我们班的生日表 一When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候? 一My birthday is in June.我的生日在六月。 一How many birthdays are there in January? There are… 有多少人的生日在一月?有…。 一Is your birthday in February,too?你的生日也在二月吗?这是…—般疑问句。 一When is Children’s Day? It's in June.儿童节是什么时候?在六月。常 见的国内外节日还有: Tree-planting Day 植树仃 New Year's Day 新年,元旦 Army Day 建军节 National Day 国庆节 Christmas Day 圣诞节 Mother's Day 母亲节 Father's Day 父亲节 Women's Day 妇女节


小学英语四年级下册第三单元测试题 五、单项选择,将正确选项的字母标号填写在题前括号内。 ()1、______it cold ? A. Is B. Am C .Are ()2、What’s the weather like in Sydney? It’s hot _______ sunny. A. for B. to C. and ()3、Where are my _________? A. shoes B. they C. those ()4、Can I go outside now? A. Yes, you can’t B. Yes, you can. C. No, you can. ()5、This is the ________ report. A. P.E. B. weather C. music ()6、________ about New York? A. What’s B. How C. Where ()7、What’s the weather like _________Beijing. A. on B. at C. in ()8、Can I have some soup ? A. Yes, you can. B. No ,it isn’t . C. Yes, I can. ()9、Is it hot today? A. Yes, it isn’t. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is 六、情景反应。 1、( ) What’s the weather like there? A. No, you can’t. 2、( ) Where are my pens ? B、Yes, it is. 3、( )What time is it? C、It’s rainy. 4、( ) Can I go outside now? D、It’s twelve o’clock. 5、( ) Is it cool? E、They’re on the desk. 七、找出不同类的单词。 ( )1A teacher B dog C student ( )2 A he B they C she ( )3 A forty B old C eleven ( )4 A what B where C this ( )5 A rainy B sunny C Sydney 一、翻译单词。(10分) cold_____ hot______ warm______ cool ______weather______ sunny______ cloudy________snowy________rainy______windy______ 二、看图,选词填空。 Good morinig, this is the weather report. It's in Harbin.


小学四年级上册英语备课 第 三 单 元 班级四年级 姓名韩振华2016 年9 月28日

第一课时 教学内容:A Let's talk & Let's learn 一、教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说What's his/her name? His/Her name is... He’s/She’s ... 2.能听、说、认读I have a new friend. A Chinese friend? What's His/her name? His/Her name is.... 3. 牢记新词组和单词:tall and strong,short and thin,friendly,quiet 二、教学重难点: 1.能听懂、会说What's his/her name? His/Her name is... He’s/She’s ...He’s/She’s tall and strong/short and thin/friendly/quiet. 2.Chinese, his的尾音 三、课前准备: 1.几张班里同学的照片。 2.John和他妈妈的图片。 3.教材相配套的教学课件。 4.教材相配套的教学录音带。 四、教学过程: (一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1.复习上单元的单词,学生进行比赛,听本单元的歌曲“Friends” 2.做“猜人”的游戏。让一个学生描述班里某一个同学的模样,其他同学来猜这个人是谁。 尽量多做几组,练习句型Who's he/she? He/She is …..

(二)呈现新课(Presentation) 单词学习 1.教师出示Sarah和Chen Jie 的图片,教授朋友这个单词——friend,并说明They are friends. They are friendly. 2.教师依次出示一些照片教授本节课所学的单词。教师继续指导学生学习本节课中新出现对人物描写的形容词短语tall and strong,short and thin,friendly,quiet。 句子学习 1.教师先自我介绍My name's ….,出示光头强的图片并提问What's his name?教师对大家说:His name is…He is…教师问学生:What's his name? 启发学生回答:His name is...教师继续指其他男生,让学生回答:What's his name? 教师再指另一个男生,让一个学生问What's your name?另一个学生回答His name is..(多做几组) 2.教师出示美羊羊的图片:She's…Her name is…然后问学生:What's her name?让学生试着回答:Her name is…教师再指几个女生问:What's her name? 让学生两人一组做What's her name? Her name is…的问答练习。 3.教师出示课文人物图片,让学生做问答: What's his/her name? His/Her name is… 4.出示班里某个学生的照片,教师说:Look, I have some pictures. Look at this picture, who can tell me his /her name? 5.句型His/Her name is…


四年级英语下册第三单元测试卷 一.单词分类并翻译。I A.sweater B. eight C. music room D. nine E. five F. art room G. jacket H. computer room I. three J. shirt K. TV room L. dress 1.服装:_______________ 2.数字:________________ 3.功能室:________________ II A.where B. grey C. sweater D. whose E. black F. dress G. shirt H. pink I. what J. orange K. who L. skirt. 1.疑问词:____________ 2.颜色:________________ 3.服装:__________________ 二.选择。 ( )1.______________is my skirt? It's on the bed. A. What B. Where C. Who ( )2. _____________is it? It's blue. A. What colour B. What time C. What ( )3.Is this your skirt, Mom? ____________________. A. Yes, it isn't. B. No, they aren't. C. No, it isn't. ( )4.__________is this dress? It's Sarah's. A. What B. Who's C. Whose ( )5.-----Put away your sweater. please. -----_______________. A. Sure B. Here you are. C. OK. ( )6.My sweater___________purple. A. am B. is C. are ( )7.Mike has a new___________. A. skirt B. shirt C. dress. ( )8.I can___________my shirt. A. wash B. watch C. white ( )9.Take_________your jacket, Mike. A. of B. off C. to ( )10.----Whose is this cap? -----______________ A. It's Kate B. She's my sister C. It's my sister's. ( )11.What colour_________your socks? A. am B. is C. are ( )12. I like________white shirt with__________blue jeans. A. the an B.a an C. the, the ( )13. Look at_______pants. Amy. A. that B. those C. It ( )14.__________cap is this? It's Fang fang's. A. Who is B. Who's C. Whose ( )15. Mom, look at this pair of___________


主备教师陈小曼复备教师 单元Unit3 How many? 教时第1 教时 教学内容How many…do you have? What do you have ? I have… Can I…?。 an’t. 教学目标1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写thirteen,fourteen,fifteen, sixteen,seventeen,eighteen, nineteen。 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How many…do you have? /What do you have ? I have… /Can I…? 3.培养学生乐于分享的良好品德 教学重难 点1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写thirteen,fourteen,fifteen, sixteen,seventeen,eighteen, nineteen。 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How many…do you have? What do you have ? I have… Can I…?。 4.培养学生乐于分享的良好品德 教具准备 挂图,卡片,多媒体(PPT) 教学过程二次备课Enjoy a song----Number song Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting 2.Say rhymes 看图提示说Rhyme。 例如,出示1、2、3,学生就说Numbers 出示rice, 学生就说I like rice. 3.Free talk 抛绣球 目的:练习使用"What do you like?" "I like…"以及一些学过 的句型(Do you like/have…?)。 道具:沙包


五年级下册英语第三单 元试卷 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

小学五年级第二学期英语第三单元自测题 Class: Name: Mark:_________ 听力部分 一、听录音,选择所听到的内容,并把字母编号写在括号里。(10分)( )1、A. dad B. aunt C. cousin ( ) 2、A. ear B. pear C. wear ( ) 3、A. chart B. card C. e-card ( ) 4、A. first B. second C. third ( ) 5、A. in October B. in December C. in November ( ) 6、A. June 2nd B. June 12th C. July 20th ( ) 7、A. New Year’s Day B. Children’s Day C. Army Day ( ) 8、A. When is your father’s birthday B. When is your mother’s birthday C. When is your birthday ( ) 9、A. Tree-planting Day is in spring. B. National Day is in October. C. Today is Christmas Day. ( ) 10、A. Is your birthday in October B. Is Amy’s birthday in October C. Is his birthday in November 二、听录音,判断对错。(10分) 1、(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2、( )(6) My birthday is in January. ( ) (7) John’s birthday isn’t in May. ( ) (8) Tomorrow is Friday. ( ) (9) Today is New Year’s Day. ( ) (10) Cousin Alice’s birthday is November 12th . 三、听答句选问句,并把编号写在题前的括号里。(10分) ( )1、A. What do you do B. When do you go home C. When is your birthday ( )2、A. What is the date B. What’s this C. What day is it today ( )3、A. Who’s the woman B. Who’s the man C. Who’s the girl ( )4、A. When is New Year’s Day B. When is Army Day C. When is Children’s Day ( )5、A. Is your birthday in August B. Can you swim C. Do you like summer 四、听录音,在空格中填上单词,将句子补充完整。(每空一词)(10分) 1、When is birthday It’s in . 2、What’s the today It’s January . 3、This is my . His birthday is in . 4、 is the month of a year.


料 四年级英语下册第三单元试卷 姓名_____________ 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(10分) ()1. A. thirty B. twenty C. usually ()2. A. homework B. home C.go home ()3. A. when B. where C. who ()4. A. after school B. afternoon C. in the afternoon ()5. A. have lunch B. have dinner C. have breakfest ()6. A. match B. lunch C. watch ()7. A. go home B. go to bed C. go home ()8. A. nine B. night C. nice ()9. A. play football B. play basketball C. timetable ()10. A. 5:50 B.5:55 C. 5:15 二、听录音,根据所听到的顺序,给下列图片标号。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选出正确的答句。(5分) ( ) 1. A. At seven thirty. B. I have seven. C. It’s seven. ( ) 2. A. I have Chinese. B. It’s a big TV. C. She is Miss Li. ( ) 3. A. At six. B. Six. C. It’s six o’clock. ( ) 4. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, she does. C. Yes, I do. ( ) 5. A. No, thank you. B. No, it isn’t. C. Sorry, I don’t know.


三年级英语下第三单元测试 班级:姓名:得分: 一.在下面的四线三格内写出所给字母的大写或小写形式。(6) B K h j N Z 二、把相应的大小写字母连起来。(5分) D E G Y Q g d y q e 三、将图片与对应的单词连线。 A. grandma B. Canada C. boy D. tiger E. giraffe F. elephant 四、在四线三格内写出所给单词,注意手写体与印刷体的区别。(10 分) hand leg milk sister dad 五、请找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入前边括号里。(10) ( ) 1. A. monkey B. short C. long ( ) 2. A. eye B. small C. ear ( ) 3. A. seven B. two C. tail ( ) 4. A. Mr B.Miss C. USA ( ) 5. A.hand B.bag C.arm ( ) 6. A.dad B.mum C.student ( ) 7. A.elephant B.dog C.teacher ( ) 8. A.pig B.big C. fat ( ) 9. A.cat B.fat C.bird

( ) 10. A.brother B.sister C.long 六、看图片选择合适的答案,把序号写在图片下括号里。(10分) ( )1.It is a________. It has________ears. A. rabbit; long B. cat; short ( )2.It is a ________. It has a ________tail. A. bird; short B.monkey; long ( )3.Look at this________. It is so________. A.deer; short B.giraffe; tall ( )4.This is a________. It is so________. A.cat; big B.mouse; small ( )5.Look at that________. It has a________nose. A.dog; small B.pig; big 七、读一读,选出画线单词的正确意思,将其序号填入题前括号。(12) ( ) 1. He is my brother. A.爸爸 B.妈妈 C.哥哥 ( ) 2.It’s a cat. A.猫 B.狗 C.熊 ( ) 3.This is my family. A.朋友 B.学生 C.家庭 ( ) 4.It has a short tail. A.胖的 B.短的 C.长的 ( ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/ec18965358.html,e here, children. A.快点 B.到这来 C.快走 ( ) 6.The giraffe is so tall. A.矮的 B.瘦的 C.高的 八、选出下列句子的正确翻译。(10) ( )1.I am from the UK. A.让你的眼睛变小。 ( )2.She is a new student. B.我来自英国。 ( )3.He is my father. C.它有一个长尾巴和一对大眼睛。 ( )4.It has a long tail and big eyes. D.她是一个新学生。 ( )5.Make your eyes small. E.他是我的爸爸。


2014年四年级英语上册第三单元知识点 四年级英语上册第三单元知识点 姓名:班级 要求:单词句子词组作文会背诵会默写! 一.重点单词dly 友好的(He’s vdly.他非常友好。) 2.strong 强壮的(tall and strong 又高又强壮) 3.quiet 安静的(He’s quiet. 他很安静。)她的(her name 她的名字)他的(his name 他的名字)and thin 又矮又瘦 7.tall and thin 又高又瘦air 头发(short hair 短头发 long hair 长头发)鞋(一只鞋)shoes(一双鞋)通常都是以复数形式出现 10.glasses 眼镜(have glasses 戴眼镜)ght 正确的,对的( You’re right.你是对的。) 12.or 或者(A boy or a girl? 男孩还是女孩?) (right or wrong ?对还是错?)at 帽子 二.重点句子I have a new friend. (我有一个新朋友。) 2. I have a good friend. (我有一个好朋友。)He’s tall and strongshort and他又高又强壮他又矮又瘦。W? 他她是谁?A: What’ame? 他的她的名字是什么?

B: HisHer name is Zhang PengLil他的她的名字 是张鹏莉莉。d has blue galsses.我的朋友戴着蓝色的眼镜。HisHer galsses are blue. 他的她的眼镜是蓝色的。He She has glasses andare blu他戴眼镜,穿蓝色鞋子。HeShe has shortlong hair. 他她有一头短长发。 10. HeShe has a green bag and brow他她背绿色 的书包,穿棕色鞋子。 三.作文 I have a good friend. She’s tall and’s vdlas long haas a blue haas a red bag. She has blue galsses and orang’s near the window. W? Her name is Ka翻译:我有一个好朋友。她又高又瘦。她非常友好。她有 一头长发。她戴着一顶蓝帽子。她背着一个红书包。她 戴着蓝眼镜,穿橙色鞋子。她紧挨着窗户坐着。她是谁?她的名字是凯特。


小学四年级英语上册第三单元知识点总结四年级英语教案 Unit 3 My friends 单词 strong 强壮的 friendly 友好的 hair 头发 quiet 安静的 shoe鞋glasses眼镜 his 他的 -or 或者 right正确的,对的 hat 帽子 her 她的 句型: I have a new friend. 我有一个新朋友。 A Chinese friend? 一个中国朋友? He’s tall and strong .他又高又壮。 I have a good friend. He’s tall and strong. 我有一个好朋友,他长得又高又壮。 He has short hair. 他有短头发。 My friend has glasses and his shoes are blue. 我朋友戴眼镜,穿蓝色鞋子。 You’re right! 你说对了。 短语: an orange bag 一个橙色的包 big eyes大眼睛 a new friend 一个新朋友 short and thin 又矮又瘦 tall and strong 又高

又壮 brown shoes 棕色的鞋 blue glasses 蓝色的眼镜 long hair 长头发short hair 短头发 a green bag 一个绿色的包 语法点: is:是 has/have: 有 语法点: he 他, his 他的, she 她 her 她的 答语、答句 1. ------A boy or girl? 男孩还是女孩? ------A boy. 男孩。 2. ------What’s his name ? 他叫什么名字? ------His name is Zhang Peng .他叫张鹏。 3. ------What’s her name? 她的名字叫什么? ------Her name is Amy. 她的名字叫Amy. 4. ------Who is he? 他是谁? ------His name is Wu Yi fan. 他叫 Wu Yi fan. 5. ------Who’s she ? 她是谁? ------She is Miss Whi


Unit 3 My school calendar 教材内容: Unit 3 My school calendar A. Let’s learn ,Read and say 教材分析: 本课时是义务教育版(pep)小学英语教科书五年级下册的第三单元第二课时,围绕“My school calendar”这个话题展开内容。包括A. Let’s learn , Read an say 两个板块。 本课时是整个单元的第二课时,在本单元中起铺垫作用,重点掌握When is Tree Planting day? It is in March …句型和January; February; March; April;May; June六个有关月份的单词。通过各个活动展示,学生们可以正确的运用学习的词汇。 五年级的学生,有着三、四年级的学习英语的经历,具备一定的语言感知能力,有了一定程度的厚实基础,因此我准备充分利用多媒体,多次呈现不同学校活动图片,让孩子们尽享眼福,反复训练有关学校活动时间安排的问答活动。让学生们参与多重游戏活动,刺激学生们的多个感官,更多感受运用六个有关月份的单词。 教学目标: 1.能够听、说、认、读6个月份的名称,并能书写其缩写格式。 2.能够在语境中正确的运用6个月份。 3.能够就6个月份进行四季划分。 4.能够使用句型:When is Tree Planting day? It is in March. 5.能够根据实际情况判断句子正误并进行相应的修改。

6.能够听懂、会说、会表演对话情景,能在真实语境中运用所学句型完成问答交流活动。 教学重、难点: 1.重点: (1)掌握重点词汇和重点句型,并能在实际语境中正确运用。 (2)逐步学会听、说、读、写单词或词组January、February、March、April、May、June、winter vacation。 2.难点: (1)能够掌握January和February的正确发音。 (2)能够根据实际情况判断句子正误并进行相应的修改。 教学准备: 自制PPT课件,单词卡片,相应的教学图片 教学过程: 一、课前热身 师生问候 T: Good morning, everyone. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: Nice to see you again. Ss: Nice to see you, too. T:It’s time for our English class. Ss:Great. 二、导入
