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Ningbo Yinzhou NUA
Competition Report
Draft 9/29/03
Note: All new text is bold. Where text the same as the Cixi report is used, it is not bold.
Purpose of Report
This report is the submission of the competition entry by EDAW, Inc, of the Detail Plans of the Residential Area, Commercial and Business Centers of the South Part of Yinzhou New Urban Area, undertaken for the Yinzhou District Planning Bureau, Ningbo. In accordance with the requirements of the competition, this submission is intended to provide a new urban design vision for the core area to achieve the District’s goals of achieving an attractive residential environment with fine living conditions, first class office space, and commercial and cultural centers with a distinct and memorable character.


EDAW’s professional design team for this important project, composed of urban designers, architects and landscape architects based in New York, San Francisco, and Hong Kong, has created the conceptual urban design vision for the Ningbo South NUA which is offered here. Drawing on the unique character of Ningbo, with its attractive and historic riverfront setting, the team has developed a plan which is tailored to the special opportunities afforded by the site, and the nature of the new community which will grow and flourish here.

1.1 Regional Context
The Study Area for the new Residential Area, Commercial and Business Centers of the South Part of Yinzhou New Urban Area is located strategically 7 km to the south of the historic city of Ningbo, and an almost equal distance from the new waterfront settlement which is currently being planned at Dong Qian Lak e. EDAW’s extensive research in the city of Ningbo, undertaken over several years in connection with many projects, and our current role as the Urban Design Master Planners of the new waterfront settlement at Dong Qian Lake, has developed a deep understanding of the conceptual and physical relationships of these waterfront cities, which are connected by a system of historic canals, all with views of the majestic mountains to the south.



1.2 Study Area in Context
The Study Area has been defined by the Yinzhou District Planning Bureau to include the area in the immediate vicinity to the west, south and east of the new Administrative Center which is under construction; the area between the Administrative Center and the Feng-hua River; and an area along the east bank of the river immediately north.

The Study area thus occupies a key position which relates strongly to a number of important regional nodes and links:
The Feng-hua River, to the west
The new Administrative Center which is part of the study area
The new University (Higher Education Park) to the east
Roadway and new light rail links to central Ningbo
Roadway links to the airport to the west
Roadway and waterway links to Dong Qian Lake
Roadway links to new regional highway systems
1.3 Opportunities and Constraints
Opportunities Constraints
Existing Master Plan Clear organizing strategy
Strong open space strategy
Env conscious design intentions( the same)
Natural environment preserved( the same) Rigid, hierarchical 刻板阶级化
Lack of clear urban image
Not responsive to river
Not responsive to canals
Development/Infra Increasing development potential
Large scale projects under const.
Infrastructure projects under const
Close proximity to future light rail
( the same) Buildings under construction
Roadways under construction
Hospital, school locations
Waterway network Abundance of water and canal netwq River relationship to central Ningbo
Water connections possible to DQL
Potential recreational water use
发展水上休憩娱乐的潜力Canal and river crossings req’d
Seasonal flooding
Poor water quality
( the same)
Existing landforms Significant amount of undev ag lands
Intricate water canal system
( the same) F lat agric. Lands req int l’scape
lack of sig topo features
Fill required for building sites
Culture and Tradition Incorporating trad of Ningbo( the same)
2.0 Project Goals/Vision/Concepts
2.0 转案目标/ 愿景/ 概念
2.1 Project Goals
Given the importance of the new urban center in relation to the future of Ningbo and Yinzhou, the physical design must reflect the potential of the entire region. With its strong historical traditions, new university and technology, and modern approach embracing new styles of living and new architecture, Ningbo has the potential to create, realize and support a world-class environment.
基于新区对于宁波与鄞州城市未来发展的重要性, 本案规划与设计必须反映全区的发展潜力. 介由宁波原有的浓厚历史传统, 新兴高教与高科技园区, 与追求现代化生活形态与建筑形式之企图, 宁波已具备了创造,实现及支持世界一流水平的环境的潜力。

Ningbo must strive to provide and maintain a place for:
(others the same with Cixi report )
2.2 Vision Statement
A Vision for Yinzhou’s New Urban Center
The new urban center has the potential for a strong identity which relates closely to the historic traditions of central Ningbo, while creating a new way of modern living which relates to a green waterfront environment. The element which these have in common is the river and canal network. The river is the traditional site for people to live and work, and it is even more meaningful for the future due to the importance of ecology. To achieve the goal of creating a successful new community, our vision aims to celebrate the river and canals, and promote culture and character.





Celebrate the River and Canals Promote Culture and Character
2.3 Vision Statement
Celebrate the River and Canals
For centuries, the water network that was created to bring life to the agricultural lands of the Yinzhou district has integrated the green land with a network of blue waterways. Dong Qian Lake has held water in reserve and allowed it to be released into an intricate pattern of canals, which filtered the water through the land to the Feng-hua River. Now that it is time for the agricultural land to change to a new urban center, the river and the canals can bring new life to the new urban center, and full advantage of this opportunity must be taken. Bringing the public to the water should be a top priority in the effort to celebrate the water. . . (all text after this same as base page including one-liners)



……... (all text after this same with Cixi report)
2.4 Promote Culture and Character
Ningbo has a strong historic character as a city of culture. Historic buildings such as the Tian-feng Pagoda, Haishu Tower, Moon Lake and Seventeen Houses demonstrate Ningbo’s achievements as a sophisticated urban city. In the present day, the new Exhibition center and Xintiandi show how Ningbo is embracing a new modern style and celebrating the importance of culture for the future. Near the study area, the new university, new airport, and industrial areas show how Ningbo and Yinzhou together are grasping the potential of new ideas to improve business and the quality of life for the people of the region. The new urban center has the potential to express this continuity of the importance of culture for Ningbo and Yinzhou, and make this the centerpiece of a new way of life for the people who will live, work and play here.





Celebrate living with green land, blue water and mountain views
Promote walking and bicycling for a healthy life
Promote clean light rail and water taxis instead of automobiles
Create connections to central Ningbo, the University and Dong Qian Lake
Create new cultural institutions with regional importance
Create a sophisticated urban character which is modern and forward-looking
Create new neighborhoods with strong character and identity
Create markets and play areas for local communities
Create parks, promenades and squares which celebrate urban life
2.5 Urban Design Concepts
One of the analogies for the relationship between the new Urban Center for the Ningbo District, and historic central Ningbo, is to draw parallels with similar cities with smaller urban areas near them. The New Yinzhou Urban Center will be associated with the new University (Higher Education Park) which has just been completed nearby, and with the new High Technology industries in the area.

There are two strong parallel city-university-town relationships which can be found in the United States which have a similar relationship: Boston-Cambridge and San Francisco-Berkeley-Palo Alto.

Boston, like Ningbo, is a historic seaport trading city. Cambridge, which is linked to Boston by the river Charles, is famous for two universities, Harvard and MIT, among others. It has an urban node, Harvard Square, which is a focus of bookstores, clothing stores, cafes and restaurants. It is a focus area for international professionals. There is high-tech industry on the Route 128
corridor nearby.

San Francisco, like Ningbo, is a historic seaport trading city. Berkeley, which is linked to San Francisco by the San Francisco Bay, is famous for the University of California at Berkeley. It has an urban node, Telegraph Avenue, which is a focus for bookstores, clothing stores, cafes and restaurants. Palo Alto, south of San Francisco, is famous for Stanford University. Both towns are focus areas for international professionals. There is high tech industry both near Berkeley and in the well-known Silicon Valley near Palo Alto.
旧金山与宁波相似,也是一个古老的海港贸易城. 而柏克莱区内闻名的加州大学柏克莱分校与旧金山隔着旧金山湾相连. 其内的泰勒格福街是区内一条具有书店时装店咖啡厅餐厅的精品街, 而旧金山南边的帕罗奥托区则是以史丹佛大学闻名,两区都具有享誉国际的专业教育,而在柏克莱区与帕罗奥托区旁闻名的史利康村之间亦有一高科技工业园区。

2.6 Urban Design Concepts
Most cities which have grown up over time have developed distinct districts, which have a specific character recognizable in each neighborhood. This provides a sense of place and orientation, and is meaningful for each person who lives or works in the neighborhood. Great cities are made up of districts with strong identities, which are rich, colorful and memorable as distinct places in the overall personality of the city.
大多数发展中的城市已开发出具特殊识别性的邻里社区, 它提供了地区的定位性,也代表着住在这些邻里社区内居民的归属感.伟大的城市是由具强烈自明性的特区组成,这些丰富.多采多姿且令人回忆的特区为城市塑造了自我个性。

A good example of such a city is Barcelona, which is a sister city of Ningbo. The Ciutat Vella, oldest part of the city, is at the old port; it is dense, with small streets, and the buildings are not the tallest in the city. To the north is the Eixample district, planned by the famous urbanist Cerda. Here the fabric is at a different scale, and the buildings front onto generous wide streets. Along the waterfront to the east, new modern waterfront residential neighborhoods have recently been created. The different character of each district does not detract from a sense of the city as a whole. This strong quality of districts is shared by many other successful cities, such as London, Paris, Berlin, Istanbul, New York, Boston, San Francisco, Tokyo and Hong Kong.
宁波的姊妹市西班牙巴塞隆纳即是一个好例子,城内最老的Ciutat Vella位于旧港口,具高密度,狭小街道及并非都市里最高的建筑物之特性.北边的Eixample特区由著名的都市学家Cerda 设计,这里具有不同尺度的都市纹理建筑物前是宽广的道路,最近新的现代化邻里住宅已沿着水岸向东兴起,各区内不同的特性并不影响都市内的整体感,此种高品质的社区经验已被许多成功的城市所借镜,如伦敦、巴黎、柏林、伊斯坦堡、纽约、波士顿、旧金山、东京及香港等。

2.7 Urban Design Concepts
2.8 River Framework Concept
Just as historic central Ningbo developed on the river, the river is the right place for the key focus of the new urban area

Provides a focus for a mixed-use retail and residential community which can be the heart of the new urban center

Brings the river edge and the Administrative Center, with its new civic lake, closer together, and links them with a broad swath of green space along the new east-west canal.
将河岸, 新行政中心和civic lake公园与之整合并与宽阔绿意的东西向主运河连结。

2.10 River Framework Concept
2.11 Design Elements
The design of the Master Plan is based largely on the understanding of relevant design elements. Strategically adopting these elements into the Master Plan demonstrates the clear intentions and tools of the urban framework. Conceptually these play a large role in the overall vision for the new urban center.
总体规划之设计是基于对相关设计元素广泛的了解,此规划策略性地采用这些设计元素,展现出都市架构里清晰的动机与手法, 在新都市中心的设计概念上扮演主要角色。

River Celebrate the potential of the river to link to central Ningbo, to provide water amenities, to provide orientation for new mixed-use center

Promenades Promenades . . .
Canals Utilize . . .
Parks Building on the new civic park which is being created at the Administrative Center,
and the eco-parks along the river, new parks can be created for green breathing space, recreation, and orientation.
Marina A dynamic symbol of the new lifestyle of Yinzhou. . . .
Eco-grid Creating . . .
Visual Connections Dynamic . . .
Linkages The new urban center is envisioned as a pro-pedestrian . ..。
