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3.forbid v.禁止;不许;使避免发生 His parents forbid him to drink wine.父母禁止他喝酒。
Should smoking be forbidden in public places?
在公共场合应禁止吸烟吗? The law forbids the sale of cigarettes to people under the age of 16.
【用法整合】 (1)forbid(doing)sth.禁止(做)某事
forbid sb.to do sth.禁止某人做某事 forbid one’s doing sth.禁止某人做某事 forbid sb.sth.禁止某人某事 (2)forbidden adj.严禁的,禁止的 forbidden fruit禁果 forbiddance n.禁止 forbidding adj.可怕的,令人难亲近的 【温馨提示】
Module 5
A Trip Along the Three Gorges
A lot of fish are going to eat the bait on the fishing hook,which is made
into a symbol “@”.
寓意理解 @ stands for the “virtual world” on the Internet.Someone makes use of
即景活用 ②She had a________escape when a lorry crashed into her car.
A.narrowing B.narrowed C.narrow D.narrowly
解析:句意:“在一辆卡车撞上她的车时,她九死一生。” narrow(adj.)“勉强的”。
be going to do...多用于口语,强调事先打算、计划要做某事或根据某种
迹象要发生某事。 即景活用 ⑧No one________the building without the permission of the police. A.to leave B.is about to leave C.leaves D.is to leave 解析:句意:“不经警方允许任何人都不准离开这所大楼。”考查 “be+infinitive”表示命令和要求的一种用法,所以答案是D。 答案:D
定”,还可指将来不可避免要发生的事,或表示计划、打算,或用以指 示、命令,或征求对方的意见。
were to do...用于if,as if等引导的从句中,表示虚拟,假设未来。
We are to visit the Great Wall tomorrow. 我们明天去长城。
He went to Africa in 1937.This experience was to change his life.
1.He and a colleague were to spend two years there teaching English at a
teacher training college.他和另一位同事将在那里的一所教师进修学院教 两年英语。
be to do sth.按照计划或根据安排将要进行某个动作,意为“必须,一
forid sb.to do sth.,有类似用法的还有:allow,encourage,advise, permit等。它们既可用于allow/encourage/advise/permit sb.to do sth.,也
可用于allow/encourage/advise/permit doing sth.。
④Although I like the appearance of the house,what really made me decide
to buy it was the beautiful________through the window.
A.vision B.look C.picture D.view 解析:句意:我喜欢这栋房子的外观,但使我下决心把它买下来的真正
即景活用 ③He was in poor health,so the doctor________him to drink wine.
A.hoped B.demanded C.forbade D.prevented
解析:句意:“他的健康状况不好,因此医生禁止他喝酒。”考查 “forbid sb.to do sth.”的搭配;hope不跟复合宾语;prevent sb.from
D.having surrounded
2.narrow vi.变窄;vt.使变狭窄;使缩小;adj.勉强的;险胜的 The river narrows at this point. 河道在这里变窄了。 He narrowed his eyes against the sun. 他对着太阳眯起了双眼。 We caught the ferry but it was a narrow squeak. 我们险些没赶上渡船。[剑桥高阶] 【思维拓展】 narrow down减少,限制,缩小,变窄 narrow...to...把„„局限在„„之内 narrowish adj.有些狭窄的 narrowly adv.狭窄地;勉强地;好容易(才)
Thieves broke in and ripped off five computers.
盗贼破门而入,偷走了五台电脑。 rip sth.up把某物撕碎 rip at sth.猛烈撕扯
rip into/throught(迅速而猛烈地)钻入 即景活用
In some tourist cities,tourists are often ripped off.
If we view the problem from a different angle,a solution may become more
obvious. 如果我们从不同的角度看这个问题,可能更容易找到解决办法。[剑桥高阶]
【思维拓展】 in view of鉴于;考虑到 with a view of为了,目的在于 on view陈列,展出 on a long view从长远看 on a short view从目前看,从短时期看 at first view初看,一见(就) be exposed to view看得见;暴露 be lost to view看不见了 bring into view/sight使看得见 burst upon the view突然映入眼帘 take short views持短浅的看法,只注意眼前利益
the Internet to cheat on- people,so we must be aware of thi来自百度文库 and avoid line being cheated. 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?
1.surround vt.围绕,环绕
Come out with your hands up!You’re surrounded by police officers. 举起手出来投降吧!你已被警察包围了。
doing sth.;demand也不跟复合宾语。
答案:C 4.view n.景色,风景;vt.观察,观看;见解;认为;把„„看作是 The house has a view over the sea.
Several possible buyers have come to view the house. 几个可能的买主来看过房子。
3.get a kick out of从„„中得到乐趣 He thinks he can get a kick out of the computer game. 他认为他能从电脑游戏中得到乐趣。 I get a real kick out of owning my own car. 我拥有了自己的汽车,太兴奋了。[剑桥高阶]
1.be heavy with充满,满载(某物) The air was heavy with the scent of flowers.
The atmosphere was heavy with menace. 气氛十分紧张可怕。[剑桥高阶]
a heavy rain/snow一场大雨/雪 a heavy smoker/drinker一个烟瘾/酒瘾很大的人
be to do.../be about to do.../be going to do... be to do...强调按计划、安排去做某事
be about to do...表示“即将发生的动作或动作正要开始”,该结构不与
表时间的副词或其他时间状语连用,常用于be about to do when...结构中, 意为“正要做„„这时„„”。
Gwen sat at her desk,surrounded by books and papers.
surrounding adj.周围的,附近的 surroundings n.&pl.环境(同environment),周围的事物
surround sb./sth.with sb./sth.使某人(某物)包围某人(某物)
a heavy sleeper一个睡得很沉的人
a heavy heart沉重的心情 be heavy on sth.使用很多的„„,耗费„„
即景活用 句型转换
⑤The river is full of many moving stories. →The river is heavy with many moving stories. 2.rip off敲诈,讹诈;偷盗,窃取 Bob’s tickets cost much less than ours—I think we’ve been ripped off. 鲍勃买的票比我们的便宜多了——我觉得我们被人敲了竹杠。[剑桥高阶]
be surrounded by/with sth./sb.被某物/某人所包围 in the surrounding area在周围地区 即景活用 ①She was sitting on the floor________by books.
【轻巧辨析】 scenery/sight/scene/view (1)scenery(总称)“风景,景色”,指自然风光。
(3)scene指某一处的自然风光,且构成scenery的一部分。 (4)view是指从人的角度出发,一眼所看到的景色。
原因是,我可以临窗眺望外面的美景。view景色,景观:the view of the
harbor港口的景色;vision视力,视觉:He has perfect vision in both eyes.他 两眼视力俱佳;look指“一瞥,一看”,没有“景色”之义;picture图画,图片。
(1)do sth.for kicks为了刺激做„„ give sb./sth.a kick踢„„一脚
(2)kick against抱怨;反对
kick off(足球)开赛/球 kick sth.off踢脱 kick out撵走,开除 即景活用
⑦I get a kick out of collecting stamps.我从集邮中得到乐趣。