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could recognize 'em? 能\~Yeah. 成交!\~Sold American! 那 斯派克先生? 斯派克? 小姜戈要多少钱?\~So, Mr. Speck? Mr. Speck? Hபைடு நூலகம்w much for young
Django here? 那个大铁块是最恼人的了\~That iron is nasty business. 对了 你能帮我拿一下吗?\~Oh, could you hold this for a moment? 谢谢你 姜戈?\~Thank you. Django? 上马\~Get up on that horse. 还有 要是我是你\~Also, if I were you, 我就拿上那个死斯派克身上的大衣\~I'd take that winter coat the dear departed Speck left
country. 供君选择\~Choice is yours. 对了 考虑到你们识星象的几率略低\~Oh, and on the off chance there are any astronomy
aficionados amongst you, 北极星在那边\~the North Star is that one. 拜拜啦\~Ta-ta. 等等 小伙子们 我们可以谈谈!\~Now wait a minute, fellas. Let's talk about this! 你们得讲讲道理!\~You gotta be reasonable in a situation like this! 我不是坏人 我只是本分地工作!\~I'm not a bad guy. I'm just doin' my job! 蓝莓兄 我最后一个苹果不也给了你吗?\~Blueberry, didn't I give you my last apple? 这样吧 孩子们 带我去埃尔帕索城看大夫\~Tell you what, boys: Take me to the doc in El Paso, 我就放你们自由\~I'll get you your freedom. 不 别 求你们了...\~No. No, please... 德州 多特里 好啦 听着\~All right, now. 这个今天晚上吃两片...\~I'd like you to take two of these tonight... 然后明早...\~and then in the morning... 那匹马上有个黑鬼\~That's a nigger on a horse. 他们都在看什么?\~What's everybody staring at? 他们从来没见过骑着马的黑鬼\~They ain't never seen no nigger on a horse before. 吁\~Whoa. 早安 老板!\~Good morning, innkeeper! 给我们两个疲倦的旅人来两杯啤酒\~Two beers for two weary travelers. 现在天色还早吧\~It's still a bit early. 我们一个小时之后才开门\~We won't be open for another hour.
that rifle, 照着他脑袋上来一枪 然后把他倆的尸骨深埋\~put a bullet in his head, bury the two of them
deep, 然后找个更开化的地方扎根\~and then make your way to a more enlightened area of this
sale. 你有吗?\~Do you have one?
去死吧 牙医\~You go to hell, dentist. 我猜就没有\~I thought not. 别担心 我是有备而来\~No worries. I come prepared. 谢谢\~Thank you. 就用这个当契约吧\~This will serve nicely as a bill of sale. 吁\~Whoa. 至于你们这些可怜的小鬼\~Now, as to you poor devils. 如此 就我看来 该考虑下一步做什么了\~So, as I see it, when it comes to the subject of what to
with your dramatic gesture 还是要动真枪威胁我?\~or are you pointing your weapon at me with lethal intention? 再给你一次机会 娘炮\~Last chance, fancy pants. 哦 好吧\~Oh, very well. 抱歉 射杀了你的牲口\~I'm sorry to put a bullet in your beast, 我是怕你还没三思\~but I didn't want you to do anything rash 就冲动行事\~before you had a moment to come to your senses. 你个狗娘养的!\~You goddamn son of a bitch! - 你杀了罗斯科! - 好吧...\~- You shot Roscoe! - Well... - 你还杀了小杰! - 别急着下定论\~- And you killed Ace! -No. No. No. 我杀你哥也是出于自卫\~I only shot your brother once he threatened to shoot me. 而且我有... 一 二 三 四...\~And I do believe I have... one, two, three, four... 五名目击证人可以佐证\~five witnesses who can attest to that fact. - 腿疼爆了! - 必然的\~- Damn leg's busted! - No doubt. 好了 请你尽量不要鬼哭狼嚎\~Now, if you could keep your caterwauling down to a minimum, 我想最后再问小姜戈几个问题\~I'd like to finish my line of inquiry with young Django. - 天杀的我靠! - 接着我刚说的...\~- God-fuckin'-damn it! - As I was saying... 要是你再看见布里托兄弟你能认出他们吗?\~if you were to see the Brittle Brothers again, you
behind. 黑鬼! 你敢动我哥的大衣\~Nigger! Don't you touch my brother's coat. 他妈的! 疼!\~Goddamn it! Oh! 一百... 一十... 二十...\~One hundred... ten... 20... 五块...\~and five... 这是小姜戈的\~for young Django here. 既然你留着也没什么用\~And since he won't be needing it anymore, 我想连你哥的老马一并买下\~I'd like to purchase your brother's nag. 还有 斯派克先生 我恐怕还需要一张卖身契\~Also, Mr. Speck, I'm afraid I will require a bill of
我不在乎 不卖 你走吧\~I don't care. No sale. Now, off with ya. 别开玩笑了 他们当然是待售的\~Don't be ridiculous. Of course they're for sale. 好狗不挡路\~Move it. 我的好兄弟 你这是摆个舞枪弄棒的姿势呢\~My good man, did you simply get carried away
slave auction? - 是又怎样? - 那我就有要事相商\~- So what? - So I wish to parley with you. - 说人话 - 喔 对不起\~- Speak English. - Oh, I'm sorry. 请原谅 那并非我的母语\~Please forgive me. It is a second language. 目前 你手里这些存货 我深信里面\~Now, amongst your inventory, I've been led to believe, 一定有我需要的货色\~is a specimen I'm keen to acquire. 好啊 你们这些可怜的小鬼们!\~Hello, you poor devils! 你们之中谁曾经是\~Is there one amongst you who was formerly a resident 卡鲁肯农场的人?\~of the Carrucan plantation? 我是卡鲁肯农场来的\~I'm from the Carrucan plantation. 说话的人在哪?\~Who said that? 你叫什么名字?\~What's your name? 姜戈\~Django. 那我找的就是你了\~Then you are exactly the one I'm looking for. 你知道布里托兄弟是谁吗?\~Do you know who the Brittle Brothers are? 谁?\~Who are they? 大约翰\~Big John. 埃利斯\~Ellis. 罗杰 有时候也叫做小罗\~Roger. Sometime they call him Lil Raj. 他们都曾是卡鲁肯农场的监工\~They was overseers at the Carrucan plantation. 他们走了\~Not anymore. 告诉我...\~Tell me... 如果你再遇到那三位\~if you were to see any of these three gentlemen again, - 你能认出他们吗? - 嘿\~- would you recognize them? - Hey. - 别这么跟他说话 - 怎么说?\~- Stop talkin' to him like that. - Like What? 就你这么说\~Like that. 我的好兄弟 我只是想核定...\~My good man, I'm simply trying to ascertain... 说人话 该死的\~Speak English, goddamn it. 都冷静点\~Everybody calm down. 我只是个顾客 来做一笔买卖\~I'm simply a customer trying to conduct a transaction.
do next, 现在是各位做出选择的时候了\~you gentlemen have two choices. 一条路是 我走之后 你们把活的那个斯派克从那牲口身下拽出来\~One: Once I'm gone, you
could lift that beast off the remaining Speck, 然后把他抬到最近的小镇\~then carry him to the nearest town. 就是说得往回走大概至少 37 英里\~Which would be at least 37 miles back the way you came. 第二条路 你们可以把镣铐解开 拿上那把枪\~Or two: You could unshackle yourselves, take
乌漆麻黑的谁在那鬼鬼祟祟?\~Who's that stumblin' around in the dark? 说明你的来意 不然就准备挂彩吧!\~State your business or prepare to get winged! 别冲动 先生们\~~Calm yourselves, gentlemen. 我并无恶意\~I mean you no harm. 我只是个疲倦的旅人 停下 孩子\~I'm simply a fellow weary traveler. Whoa, boy. 寒冷的晚上好 先生们\~Good cold evening, gentlemen. 我在寻找一对奴隶商人\~I'm looking for a pair of slave traders 他们自称是斯派克兄弟\~that go by the name of the Speck Brothers. 请问是否是阁下?\~Might that be you? - 谁想知道? - 嗯 我想\~- Who wants to know? - Well, I do. 我是金·舒尔茨医生 这是我的坐骑 小德\~I'm Dr. King Schultz. This is my horse, Fritz. - 什么医生? - 牙医\~- What kinda doctor? - Dentist. 请问你们是斯派克兄弟吗?\~Now, are you the Speck Brothers? 你们是在格林维尔奴隶卖场买下他们的吗?\~And did you purchase those men at the Greenville