学英语-被解救的姜戈Django unchained中英文对照台词


被解救的姜戈Django Unchained(美国2012)

被解救的姜戈Django Unchained(美国2012)

被解救的姜戈Django Unchained(美国2012) 8.5☆导演:昆汀·塔伦蒂诺☆主演:杰米·福克斯克里斯托弗·瓦尔兹莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥☆类型:冒险犯罪剧情☆片长:165 分钟(美国)☆剧情故事发生在美国内战的前两年,获得自由的黑奴姜戈(Django, 杰米·福克斯饰)为了从施虐成性却富有魅力的亲法农场主卡尔文·坎迪(Calvin Candie, 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥饰)手中解救自己的妻子布隆希达(Broomhilda, 凯丽·华盛顿饰),他与一名牙医出身的德国赏金猎人金·舒尔茨(Dr. King Schultz, 克里斯托弗·瓦尔兹饰)联手,徒步穿越美国踏上了寻妻之路。

期间二人将面对坎迪手下——训练奴隶的艾斯·伍迪和其最信赖的奴隶史蒂芬(Stephen, 塞缪尔·杰克逊饰)——的阴险伎俩。


幕后制作1 源起昆汀:最初的整个设想就是一个黑奴后来变成赏金猎人的故事。







2 标题瓦尔茨:在奥地利,姜戈(Django)这个名字是家喻户晓的,几乎每一部通心粉西部片,无论有名没命,都有一个姜戈在里面。





3 真实VS虚构昆汀:这个故事不会比现实生活更梦魇、更超现实、更离谱。







一起来看看其中具有哲理性的台词吧!1.It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.译文:坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人2.Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.译文:希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝.3.some birds aren’t meant to be caged, that’s al l. Their feathers are just too bright...译文:有的鸟是不会被关住的,因为它们的羽毛太鲜亮了!4.I find I’m so excited. I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.译文:我发现自己是如此的激动,以至于不能静静地坐下来思考。



越狱第一季中英文对话台词本(1-22)1x01 PilotThat's it. [完成了]Can I just,you know,look at it for a minute? [能让我欣赏下吗?]You're an artist,Sid. [你真是个艺术家Sid] You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here [你打算就这么走出门]and I'm never going to see it again. [我就再也看不到这个杰作了?]There's a good chance of that,yes. [是的] Most guys,you know,for the first one, [大部分人刚开始纹身的时候]they start with something small. [都会先画些小的东西]"Mom",girlfriend's initials,something like that. [“妈妈”、女朋友名字缩写什么的]Not you. [而你不是]You get a full set of sleeves,all in a couple of months. [才几个月的工夫就做了整个一套]Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got. [换了别人要做好几年呢]I don't have a few years. [我没有好几年的工夫]Wish to hell I did. [我巴不得有]The vault. Open it. [把保险柜打开]We can't. The branch manager's not here. [不行,分行长不在]Where is he? [他在哪里?]It's lunchtime.He's at White Castle. [现在是午饭时间,他在白色城堡]White Castle? [白色城堡?]It's a fast food restaurant. [是个快餐厅] those little squ [供应那些方形的汉堡]I know what it is. [我知道那是什么]I'm not playing games. [我不是在玩游戏] Open it. [打开]Sir,you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag. [先生,你袋子里已经有50万美元的现金]Don't you think it would be better...? [你是不是可以再重新考虑一下]This is the police. [我们是警察] You are completely surrounded. [你已被完全包围]Put down your weapon. [放下武器]Put down your weapon now. [马上放下武器]Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest. [我们几乎没见过武装抢劫案件中辩方完全不抗辩]Are you sure about this,Mr. Scofield? [Scofield先生,你肯定吗?]I'm sure,Your Honor. [我肯定,法官大人] Your Honor,we'd like to recess if we could. [法官大人我们想请求休庭]My client's a bit confused at the moment. [我的委托人头脑有点不清楚]I'm not,Your Honor. [我没有,法官大人] He is, Your Honor. [他有,法官大人] Perhaps you should heed your representation's advice, [也许你该听从你律师的意见] take some additional time to consider your response. [再好好考虑考虑]I've already done that,Your Honor. [我已经考虑好了法官大人]I'll retire to my chambers to determine sentencing. [我会在办公室里研究究竟该怎么判]Court's recessed until 1:30. [现在休庭下午1点半继续开庭]Come on,Let's go. [我们走]Uncle Mike? [Mike叔叔?]I didn't want you to come. [我没让你来] Go home,LJ. [LJ 回家去]I didn't want you to see this. [我不想让你看到我这样]na take this well. [他一时会接受不了的] Can you blame him? He's your nephew. [你能怪他吗?他是你侄子]He's beginet that anybody he attaches himself to [他现在以为谁和他亲]is gonna end up in prison... [谁最后就得坐牢...]and he's not the only one who's starting to feel that way,Michael. [说实话不止他一人这么想Michael]Will you give us a minute? [让我们说会儿话可以吗?]One minute. [就一分钟]Don't you understand? [你难道不明白吗?你刚才算是把生杀大权交到了那女的手上] and she's gonna lob it at you like a grenade. [她会象扔手榴弹似的还击你]Justice and punishment are the same thing to her. [审判和惩罚对她来说是一回事的]I know. [我知道]Then will you please tell me what's going through your head? [那么请你告诉我你脑子里究竟怎么想的?]We've been over this. [我们说好了不谈这个]I've known you my entire life. [我从小就认识你]You don't have a violent bone in your body, [我知道你天性善良]and I know you didn't need the money. [我也知道你不需要钱]Veronica. [Veronica]Why won't you let me help you? [干吗不让我帮你?]You've been good to me. [你一直对我很好] My whole life,you have... [从小到大你...] but you've gotta let me deal with this.Okay? [但是这次你得放手让我做好吗?]Given your lack of prior criminal conduct, [鉴于你没有案底]I am inclined toward probation. [我很想给你缓刑]However,the fact that you discharged a deadly weapon [但是你在犯罪过程中]during the commission of the crime suggests malice to me. [开枪射击了这说明你有恶意动机]For that reason, [鉴于此]I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell,Mr. Scofield.[我必须判你牢狱之刑Scofield先生]It says here that you've requested to be incarcerated [你提出要在芝加哥] somewhere near your home here in Chicago. [你家附近监狱服刑]I'm willing to honor that. [我尊重你的意见] The closest level one facility to... [离那最近的一级监狱...]Level one? [一级?]That's maximum security,Your Honor. [那可是监管最严密的监狱法官大人]I would ask counsel to refrain from interrupting me. [我说话时律师请不要打断]As I was saying, [我刚才说了]the closest level one facility would be Fox River State Penitentiary. [离那最近的一级监狱是狐狸河州立监狱]As for the term of your sentence, [至于刑期]I'm setting it at five years. [我判5年]You'll be eligible for parole in half that time. [刑期2年半后可以假释]Sentence to be carried out immediately. [本宣判即刻生效]All right,people,step inside the door and check yourself for bugs. [好了一个个的都进来检查是否携带窃听器]When you hear the knock,step out.Keep the line moving. [听见敲门声就出来下一个继续]We ain't got all day to get this done. [我们可没一天时间和你们耗]Let's go. Move it. No more talking in line. [快点进去不要讲话]Move it. You got less than five minutes to take a shower. [快点五分钟之内冲个凉] Keep the line moving. Keep it moving. [都动起来快点]Move it. Right now. Let's go. Move,move. Next! [往前走快点往前走]Next down in the banks,dress.Let's go. [然后去储存室换衣服快点]Name and back number. [姓名号码] Scofield,Michael.94941. [Scofield Michael 94941]Are you a religious man,Scofield? [信教吗Scofield?]Never really thought about it. [从来没想过] Good,'cause the Ten Commandments don't mean a box of piss in here. [很好因为十诫在这狗屁不值]We got two commandments and two only. [我们这只有两诫]The first commandment is you got nothing coming. [第一诫是你在这就是暗无天日] What's the second commandment? [那第二诫呢?]See commandment number one. [参考第一诫]Gotcha. [了解]You talking out the side of your neck? [你说话绕弯吗?]Come again? [什么?]I said,are you being a smartass? [我问你是不是喜欢讽刺人?]Just trying to fly low,avoid the radar,boss. [只不过想保持低调不想引起注意长官] Do my time... and get out. [服完刑就走人] There isn't any flying under my radar. [我管辖内什么调也没有!]Good to know. [那更好]Hey,can a brother get some air conditioning up here,coach? [嘿哪位兄弟上来装个空调?]It's hotter than a crack ho's mouth,man. [比吸毒妓女的热吻还要热]To hell with the A.C.,man.Give me the crack ho. [空调就不管啦来个妓女也行啊] Come on! [快点]Yo,Fish!What you looking at? [喂新来的你看什么看啊?]You look kind of pretty to be up in here,man. [小白脸跑这来干吗了?]Fish! [新来的!]I suggest you take a seat,Fish. [你最好还是坐下来新来的]Ain't nothing to d [在这就是来服刑的]Ain't nobody gonna serve it for you. [也没人会替你服刑]Welcome to Prisneyland,Fish. [欢迎来到监狱乐园新来的]You wanna talk about it? [你想谈谈吗?] No,it's not worth talking about. [不没什么好谈的]If it's keeping you up,it is. [如果让你睡不着就非谈谈不可了]Oh,it's just... [哦其实...]it's nothing,you know. [其实也没什么] Michael's case. [Michael的案子]You did the best you could. [你已经尽力了] Yeah,but he didn't. [我是的,但是他没有] He just sort of rolled over.He didn't put up a fight. [他就当睡觉翻个身似的没任何反抗]It's not like him. [这不象他的作风]I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking about him. [对不起,我不该跟你谈他的事]Hey,if it's on your mind,it's on your mind,right? [你怎么想是你的自由对吗?]Good night. [晚安]All wings,guard coming out. [所有狱警戒备]All wings,guard coming out. [所有狱警戒备]Trey Street Deuces got the hoops. [Trey Street Deuces霸占着篮球场]Nortenos got the bleachers. [Nortenos霸占着看台]Woods got the weight pile. [Woods霸占着举重场]The C.O.s got the rest. [The C.O.就霸占着其他地方]I'm telling you,the guards are the dirtiest gang in this whole place. [告诉你吧这的狱警和我们一样坏]The only difference between us and them is the badge. [唯一的区别是他们戴着警徽] Who's the pet lover? [抱宠物的是谁?]He'll deny it,but he's D.B. Cooper. [他自己不承认不过他就是 D.B. Cooper (D.B. Cooper是著名劫机大盗携带巨款跳伞而逃)]Parachuted out of a plane 30 years ago [30年前从飞机上跳伞下来]with a million and a half in cash. [还带着150万现金]Doesn't look like the type. [可他看上去不象坏人啊]Who does? [谁看上去就象啊?]Hey! What up,Wholesale? [嘿好啊“大把商”]You okay? [你怎么样啊?]Gonna be greater later. [好毙了]Yeah. [耶]What you doing with this fish,man? [你跟这新来的混在一起干吗?]He's my new cellie. [他是我新来的狱友] Wholesale's got it wired up out of commissary. [“大把商”跟贩卖部的有关系]Anything you want,he can get it for you. [你要什么他能给你弄什么]You keep handing out my jacket, [你再一天到晚和别人说这事]I swear I'm gonna bust your grape. [我发誓打爆你的头(这里“头”和“葡萄”是同一个单词grape)]Man,you couldn't bust a grape in Napa with a set of cleats on.[你在Napa县就算给你副防滑钉你也搞不动葡萄(Napa县是世界著名葡萄酒产地)]What are you talking about?Man,you want to bump your gums. [你说什么?!找打啊!] Oh,no,no. Now you're talking,talking,talking... [不不不这么说才像样嘛...]I'm looking for someone. [我在找人]Guy named Lincoln Burrows. [叫Lincoln Burrows]Linc the Sink? [Linc“水槽”?]That what they're calling him now? [他们现在叫他这个?]Yeah. [是呀]As in,he'll come at you with everything but the kitchen... [他要是找你麻烦就差拿厨房砸你了...]Snowflake. [白鬼佬]Where can I find him? [在哪能找到他?] Man killed the vice-president's brother. [这个家伙杀了副总统的兄弟]and in a month,he's getting the chair, [再有一个月他就坐电椅啦]which means no one up this river is more dangerous than him, [也就是说整个监狱没有哪个比他还危险]'cause he's got nothing' to lose now. [因为他没什么好损失的了]What are they gonna do? Kill him twice? [他们能把他怎么着?再杀一次?]There a way I can get to him? [我有办法接近他吗?]Oh,no. The only time those boys get out is for chapel and P.I. [不行他们出来的唯一时间是做礼拜和P.I.]P.I.What's that? [P.I.是什么?]Prison Industry. [监狱工厂]The guys that get along,get to work. [这帮人都得干活]You know,painting,scrapping,making mattresses,you name it. [刷刷漆拣拣废料做做床垫什么的]I wouldn't get excited,though,if I were you,Fish. [新来的我要是你可不会太激动]You sniffing' none of P.I. [监狱工厂你是没指望了]Why's that? [为什么?]'Cause John Abruzzi runs it. [因为是John Abruzzi在经营]John Abruzzi John Abruzzi? [John Abruzzi John Abruzzi?]John Abruzzi John Abruzzi. [John Abruzzi John Abruzzi]Why you wanna see Burrows so bad anyhow? [你为什么这么急着要见Burrows?] Because he's my brother. [因为他是我哥哥] They denied the motion.Then do it again. [-他们驳回上诉了-那就继续上诉]I can't. That's it. [不行了没办法了]May 11. That's the date,man. [5月11日就是...]That's the date they,uh... you know... [就是] execute me. [执行死刑的日子]I know. [我知道]I didn't kill that man,Michael. [我没杀那个人Michael]The evidence says you did. [可证据表明是你杀了]I don't care what the evidence says.I didn't kill him. [我才不管证据怎么说我知道我没有杀人]Swear to me. [向我发誓]I swear to you,Michael. [我发誓Michael] But how did they get it wrong then? [可他们怎么会弄错了呢?]The courts,the appeals... [法庭上诉...] Don't know. Don't know. [我不知道我不知道]All I keep thinking,looking back on it is,uh... [我现在仔细想来...]I was set up. [我是被陷害的]And,whoever it was that set me up wants me in the ground as quickly as possible.[不管是谁想陷害我他巴不得我早点入土]What's another word for "love"? [“爱”的近义词是什么?]What's the context? [什么语境?]Oh,you know. [哦你也知道的]The "I love you so much "I ain't never knocking [“我爱你呀”“我再也不] over "a liquor store again" context. [在酒店醉酒闹事了”的语境]Except,you know,classy. [不要太花哨的]I'm proposing to my girl,if you gotta know. [其实我是向我女朋友求婚]In a letter? [写信求婚?]You got a better way? [你还有别的好办法?]Face-to-face works pretty good. [面对面很有效呀]This place ain't exactly the romantic spot. [这种地方可不是什么浪漫之都]I'm gonna have her go get on the Staten Island Ferry. [让她去史坦顿岛渡轮]Then,once she can see the Empire State Building, [一旦可以看见帝国大厦] she opens [她就打开信]Ex that I won't be there. [我就好像和她在一起了]ikng there [当然我不是真和她在一起]Try "passion." [用“激情”一词吧(激情:passion)]Ooh! Ooh! "Passion. Passion" That's dope. [哦哦“激情”“激情”这个酷] Passion. [激情?]How do you spell that? [怎么写啊?]Is it "pash..."? Uh-uh. [是“pash...”?]No "h"? [没有“h”?]LJ,hold up. [LJ 等等]Hold up. [等等]I don't think I can go through with this. [我可能撑不下来]Everything's going to be fine. [一切都没事的]Trust me. [相信我]We understand each other,then? [都听明白了吧?]Yeah. Friday. [是的周五]Not Saturday. Not Sunday. Friday. [不是周六不是周日是周五]Totally understood. [完全明白]I don't want hundreds,I don't want fives,I don't want ones. [我不要100块5块和1块面额的]I know,I know. [我知道我知道]Tens and 20s only. [只要10块和20块面额的]It's on. [开始行动]Police! [警察!]Abruzzi,I need you to hire me a P.I. [Abruzzi 我要你雇我进监狱工厂]Beat it. [滚]Maybe you ought to hear what I got to say. [也许你可以听听我要说的]You got nothing I need. [你那我没什么想要的]Wouldn't be too sure of that. [我可不这么想]My mistake. [看来我还真错了]Just what I need... a duck. [还真是我需要的...一只鸭子]A P.I.,Abruzzi. [监狱工厂Abruzzi]You might find I can be of more assistance than you think. [你说不定会发现我能帮的忙大着呢]Mull it over. [你好好想想吧]Come find me when you're ready to talk. [想好了就找我谈谈]All right,guys,pick it up! [好了各位抓紧点]I want to get home tonight! [我今晚还要回家呢]Maggio. [Maggio]Yeah? So? [什么事?]That's the son of a bi*ch that fingered Abruzzi. [就是这个混蛋告发的Abruzzi]That's Fibanacci? [是Fibanacci?]I thought the punk was gone forever. [我以为这家伙死了]Evidently,somebody found him. [很明显有人找到他了]Somebody messing with us? [有人故意耍我们?]This you're not going to believe. [你看看这个你不会相信的]What is it? [这是什么?]Tattoo looks fresh. Hold that. [纹身看上去挺新的按住]I guess,being a diabetic,you don't mind needles. [看来糖尿病患者还真是不怕针呢]I'm Michael,by the way. [我叫Michael] Scofield. I read your report. [姓Scofield 我看了你的档案]And you are? [那你是...?]Dr. Tancredi will do. [Tancredi医生] Tancredi like the governor? [Tancredi 跟州长一个姓?]You're not related,are you? [你们不会是亲戚吧?]Wouldn't think you'd find the daughter [只是没想到]of Frontier Justice Frank working in a prison. [州长的女儿会在监狱里工作] As a doctor,no less. [还是个医生呢]I believe in being part of the solution,not the problem. [我愿意做解决问题的途径之一而不是问题本身]Be the change you want to see in the world. [欲变世界先变其身]What? [什么?]Nothing. That was just my senior quote. [没什么碰巧是我四年级时的座右铭]That was you? [原来是你说的啊?]This whole time,I was thinking it was Gandhi. [我一直以为是甘地说的]You're very funny. [你可真逗]Sit tight. Put direct pressure on that.I'll be back in a sec. [坐好了手压着别松我就回来]So,how do we play this? [那么我们怎么安排?]You hook me up with a few weeks' supply? [你一下子给我开几个星期的药?]Nice try. No hypos on the floor. [你想得美这里可不允许瘾君子]I'm the farthest thing from a junkie. Trust me. [我是绝对不会吸毒得相信我]I got news for you,Michael. [实话和你说了吧Michael]"Trust me" means absolutely zero inside these walls. [“相信我”这话在高墙内没任何分量]The only way you're getting that insulin is if I'm administering it. [你得到胰岛素得唯一途径就是我来注射]Guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other,then,huh? [看来我们以后会常见面了是吗?]I guess so. [是呀]We're all clear on the Burrows execution. [Burrows的死刑一切准备就绪]Good. Except for one thing. [-很好-不过还有件事]Bishop McMorrow is not in the fold. [McMorrow主教还不知情]He's got a lot of influence with the governor. [他在州长那很有影响力]They went to prep school together,apparently. [他们以前好像念的同一所公立学校] Look,the closer it gets, [日子越接近]the more I'm worried that the bottom is going to fall out of this whole thing. [我越担心最后会出纰漏]Well,maybe it's time you arranged a visit with the good bishop then. [也许你可以安排一下去见见我们的主教大人]Look,in one month, [一个月后]it'll all be over. [这事就过去了]The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men [上帝之子将交给罪人] and be crucified and,the third day,rise again. [在十字架上处死三天后又复活]And they remembered his words,and so should you. [他们记住了他留下的箴言你们也应该记住]Good day,gentlemen.May God be with you. [各位好愿上帝与你们同在]Michael. [Michael]Why? [你来干什么?]I'm getting you out of here. [我要救你出去] Burrows,roll it up. Happy hour's over. [Burrows 快点走欢乐时光结束了]It's impossible. [那不可能]Not if you design the place that isn't. [除非这个监狱并不是那么完美]Too formal. [太正式了]Too greeting card. [象问候贺卡]make a decision sooner or later,you know. [我们迟早得定下来],in time [我们有的是时间呀]actually. [其实我们没有]I mean,at some point, [到了某个时候]we got to pull the trigger on this thing. [该做的总得要做呀]I don't want to rush this. [我可不想那么急] We're only going to do it once. [我们可就做一次]We have to get it right. [怎么也得做好了] Honey,can I ask you something? [亲爱的我能问个问题吗?]Of course. [当然可以] Are you putting this off? [你是不是想推迟?]What do you mean? [什么意思?]I... I mean,are you having second thoughts? [我...我是说你是不是后悔了?]No. Honey,no. [没有亲爱的没有]I'm not. [我没有]I don't know. [我也不知道怎么了]I just can't help thinking this is about... Not. [可我老认为这个和... 不]I love you... [我爱你...]and I want to be your wife. [我想成为你的妻子]Passion? [激情?]What were you thinking? [你是怎么想的?]Hey,you went for it. [嘿你自己也同意了] She probably thinks I went sissy up in here. [她说不定认为我在这变得女人气了] "Passion." Got more than one syllable, [“激情”超过一个音节了]too much talkin'. [废话太多]That's me from now on. [现在我改规矩了] One-syllable Sucre. [以后只写单音节的词] Yes. No. Love. Hate. Love. [是不爱恨爱]Give it time. [要点时间的嘛]Are you kidding? [你开什么玩笑?]I proposed to her. [我这是在求婚!]That doesn't take time. [可不能等]Si or no. [是还是不]One syllable,man. [单音节]She's supposed to come around for a conjugal on Tuesday. [她应该周二就来探监了]She's always calling me beforehand, [她以前总是提前打电话]letting me know she's coming. [告诉我她要过来]This time,man,I ain't heard a peep. [这次什么消息也没有]You spooked her. [你把她吓着了] Scofield... [Scofield...]get it together. [起来吧]Pope wants to see you. [监狱长要见你]No good,Fish. [不是好事啊新来的]No one gets an audience with the Pope. [没人去见监狱长]Not unless he's real interested in what you got going on. [除非他对你做的事感兴趣]Top of your class at Loyola. [Loyola的尖子生]Magna cum laude,in fact. [获优等成绩]I can't help wondering what someone [我就纳闷了象你这么优秀的人才]with your credentials is doing in a place like this. [跑到这种鬼地方干什么]Took a wrong turn a few months back,I guess. [也许是几个月前拐错弯了]You make it sound like a traffic infraction. [你说的好像是交通违规似的]Like all you did was turn the wrong way up a one-way street. [就像在单行道上开错方向]Everyone turns up one sooner or later. [人人迟早都会发生点意外]The reason I called you here... [我叫你过来是因为...]I noticed in your I-file,under occupation, [我发现你在你档案的“职业”一栏]you put down 'unemployed.' [写的是“无业”]That's not true,now,is it? [这不是真的吧?] I know you're a structural engineer,Scofield. [我知道你其实是名结构工程师Scofield] Shah Jahan built the Taj Majal as a monument [沙迦汗造了泰姬陵]to his undying love for his wife. [为了表达他对妻子永恒的爱]My wife is quite fond of the story. [我妻子很喜欢这个故事]It appeals to the romantic in her. [这唤起了她内心的浪漫情怀]Being married to someone in Corrections... terrible job. [嫁给一位在监狱工作的人] Wouldn't wish it on anyone. [谁愿意呢] And yet,in 39 years my wife has never complained. [但是结婚39年来我妻子从来没抱怨过] And the worst part about it is,I've never thanked her. [可让我更愧疚的是我从来没感谢过她]So,because I couldn't say it, [因为我说不出口]I thought,you know,I could build it. [但我觉得我可以造出来]Come June,it's our 40th anniversary. [6月份就是我们结婚40年纪念日]But here,look... [但是你看这...]you see,the problem is... [问题是...]I build anymore, [我要是再造下去]it's all gonna come down like a house of cards. [就要塌掉]That's where I was hoping you could be of assistance. [希望你能帮上忙]For the favor, [作为回报]I can offer you three days of work a week in here. [我可以让你在这一周工作三天] And it'll keep you off the yard. [你也不用去操场]I can't do it. [不行]Son,it's better for me to owe you one in here [孩子在这个地方我欠你个人情]than it is for you to owe me one,I can promise you that. [绝对比你欠我个人情要好]I'll take my chances. [我倒愿意试试]Then we're through here. [那么我们就没什么好说的了]Guard! [警卫!]Two pounds of pot? [两磅的大麻?]What were you trying to do,set a record? [你想干什么?留下案底吗?]It's not funny,LJ. [这不是闹着玩的LJ] You could be going to jail. [你会坐牢的]It's pretty obvious to me you need some guidance. [很明显你需要人给你做做思想工作]Hey. [嘿]Thanks. [谢谢]From who,old Daddy Warbucks? [听谁的说教?Warbucks老爹?<Daddy Warbucks是连载漫画《孤女安妮》里的亿万富翁>] Give him a chance. He's a good man. [别这么说他是个好人]We got nothing in common. [我们没有共同点]Where is this coming from,LJ? [你究竟是怎么了LJ?]Last semester you were getting almost all A's and now... [上学期你还全是“优”可现在...]It's your father,isn't it? [是你父亲的缘故是吧?]I don't have a father. [我没有爸爸]It wasn't an immaculate conception,honey. [你不是圣灵怀胎出来的亲爱的]Maybe it's time we went and saw him. [也许我们应该去看看他]Mom... [妈...]Ma... [妈...]Don't. [别]I'm about as excited by the prospect as you are, [我和你对未来都充满了希望]but something's gotta give. [但是需要代价的]You have got too much potential to be screwing up your life like this.[你是个有潜力的孩子你不能就这么自毁前程]What if they'd sent you to Taylorville or Marion and not here?[万一他们把你关到Taylorville或Marion 而不是这你怎么办?]I think I'd be doing the same thing I'm doing here. [应该和现在一样吧]Eating Jell-O,drinking Kool-Aid... [吃吃果冻喝喝葡萄味苦艾...]I know what you're doing. [我知道你想干嘛]It's not luck of the draw that you're in here with Lincoln. [你和Lincoln关在一起绝非巧合]You forget I know you.Both of you. [你忘了我了解你你们俩]You two have the most dysfunctional idea of love I've ever seen. [你们的兄弟之情恐怕是我见过的最古怪的了] What,he beats you up to keep you off the streets, [他不让你在街头混]so you get yourself tossed into Fox River with him? [你就跑到这个监狱来好跟他关在一起?]To what? [干什么呢?]? [救他?]I deserve to know.I loved him as much as you did. [我应该知道因为和你一样我曾经爱过他]Past tense for you,maybe. [你的爱是过去时]Not me. [可我的不是]I gave him a shot when I got back from college. [我大学毕业后曾给他机会]> [我给过]I did everything I could to make it work. [就在那种情况下我还是努力想搞好关系] And he threw it away. [但他自己把机会扔掉]You ever think maybe he was hurt that you left in the first place? [你有没有想过也许是因为你当初先离开了他]Don't do this. [你别这么做]Whatever it is you're doing,don't do it. [不管你想干什么别干]There's a better way. [还有更好的办法]I'm already appealing your case. [我已经提起上诉了]I told you to leave... [我说过让你别...]I've gotten in touch with the diocese about Lincoln. The bishop...[我联系了Lincoln所在的主教教区主教他...]That won't stop it. [没用的]It'll only delay it. [只是权宜之计]You want to do something? [你要是真想帮忙]You find out who's trying to bury him. [就去查出究竟是谁要至他于死地]Nobody's trying to bury him. [没人要至他于死地]The evidence was there. [证据充足]The evidence was cooked. [证据是伪造的]Visiting hours are now over. [探监时间结束]Take care of yourself. [你多保重] Someone wants him dead,Veronica. [有人要至他于死地Veronica]Something more is going on here. [这背后有阴谋]This is desperation,Michael. [你是在孤注一掷Michael]You're grabbing at straws. [想抓救命稻草] You're in denial. Maybe. [-你是在拒绝承认痛苦的现实-也许吧]But I can't watch him die. [但我不能眼睁睁地看着哥哥死去]I won't do that. [我不会这么做的] Gentlemen... [先生们...]What is it about the Burrows situation that I can help you with? [Burrows的这个案子我能帮上什么忙吗?]It's our understanding [据我们所知]that you have great influence with the governor. [我在州长那有很大的影响力]I wouldn't say it's great or influence. [我可不敢说什么“很大”或是“影响力”]We're friends. [我们只是朋友]It's also our understanding that you oppose thnalty. [我们也知道您反对死刑]I'm a man of God.How could I not? [我是信仰上帝的人当然要反对了]In this case,we're hoping you'll suspend that position. [这个案子我们希望您能保留您的立场]At least temporarily. [至少是暂时的]If the inmate appeals to me for intervention, [如果囚犯需要我的干预]how can I turn my back on him? [我又怎么能袖手旁观呢?]You have a habit of answering a question with a question. [你很喜欢拿问题去回答别人的问题]And you have a way of asking questions that beg more questions. [你也很喜欢问那种越追究问题越多的问题]Are you saying you won't do it? [你是说您不打算那么做了?]I'm not a man to equivocate. [我不是模棱两可的人]You're what... 62 years old now,Your Excellency. [您...有62岁了吧主教大人] That's right. [没错]I would assume,then, [那么]that you'd be well-versed in how our government's tax system works. [你应该很清楚我们政府的税收制度是怎么运作的吧]Taking personal capital gains under the church's tax shelter [把自己的个人所得算到教会名下]well,that would be fraud,wouldn't it,Your Excellency? [应该算是欺诈行为吧主教大人]I will not be cowed into forsaking my beliefs. [我不会因为被恐吓而去放弃我的信仰]Not by you or anyone else. [你休想谁也不可能]Admirable. [敬佩啊]Good day,Excellency. [祝一切都好主教大人]Mr. Kellerman [Kellerman先生]What is it about this case that the Secret Service is so interested in? [特勤处的人为什么对这个案子如此感兴趣?]The man killed the vice-president's brother. [那人杀了副总统的兄弟]What'd he say? [他说什么?]You heard me. [你听见了呀]Someone found Fibanacci. [有人找到Fibanacci了]I'm looking at the photos right now. [我正看着他的照片呢]Son of a bi*ch has a beard,sunglasses [这个混蛋留了胡子还戴着太阳镜]Witness Protection,if I ever saw. [一看就知道是证人保护计划]Who was this someone? [是谁发的信?] Oh,there's no return address on the envelope. [信封上没有写信人地址]Just. [就是]。


故事设定在美国南部,时间则是内战爆发的两年前,杰米·福克斯饰演 姜戈,作为一名奴隶,他与以前的主人们有着非常残暴、冷酷的历史,但正 是这样的经历,让他结识了来自于德国的赏金猎人金·舒尔茨医生(克里斯 托弗·沃尔茨饰)。舒尔茨正在追捕凶残的布利特尔兄弟,只有姜戈才能帮 他顺利地领取到高额的赏金。于是舒尔茨承诺姜戈,只要他肯协助自己抓到 逃犯,不管死活,他都会让他摆脱奴隶的身份,获得真正的自由。 舒尔茨成功地解放了姜戈,但是两个人并没有选择分道扬镳。相反,舒 尔茨带着姜戈,去搜捕南部一伙罪孽深重的通缉犯。学习至关重要的抓捕和 跟踪技巧的同时,姜戈一直都没有忘记自己真正的目的,那就是找到并解救 布鲁姆希达(凯丽·华盛顿饰),他在很多年前的奴隶交易中失散的妻子。 姜戈和舒尔茨的搜寻最终集中在了加尔文·坎迪(获莱昂纳多·迪卡普 里奥饰)身上,他是“糖果农场”的所有者,那里是一个臭名昭著的种植园。 假借名义探索错综复杂的谜团,姜戈和舒尔茨不可避免地引起了坎迪最忠诚 的家奴斯蒂芬(塞缪尔·杰克逊饰)的怀疑。他们的行动明显,而且一个阴 险的组织已经把他们包围了起来。如果姜戈和舒尔茨想要带着布鲁姆希达一 起逃跑的话,他们不得不在各自为战和团结一致,牺牲和幸存之间做出选择。
R ole de scription ——S te phe n 角色介绍——斯蒂芬
R ole de scriptionபைடு நூலகம்——O the rs 角色介绍——其他演员
R ole de scription ——D ja ngo 角色介绍——姜戈
R ole de scription ——D r . K in g S c h u ltz 角色介绍—— 金·舒尔茨
R ole de scription ——C a lvin


A movie by Quentin Tarantino
------Jamie Foxx
Dr. King Schultz
------Christoph Waltz
--------Kerry Washington
Bounty hunter --------赏金猎人
She is Django‘s wife. She was sold to Mr Candie.
Calvinrdo Dicaprio He owns the fourth larggest plantation in the south of America.
--------Samuel Jackson
He is steward of Mr Candie.
Dr. King found Django and bought him from a white man . He told Django if he could recognize the Brittle Brothers ,he would make him become a freeman.
Then Dr.King trained Django day by day .
Django had a talent for shooting . Through training, he was called the first quick by Dr. King.
Dr.King and Django decided to pretend as the slavers and buy the slaves who were used to please the white by fighting from Mr Candie . In fact ,they wanted to save Django’s wife .



这里是伯克村This is Berk.绝望谷向北航行十二天It's 12 days north of Hopeless and a few到达极寒地以南degrees south of Freezing to Death.它就座落在痛苦之经线上It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery.我的村庄一言以蔽之坚固My village. In a word: sturdy.它有七代人的历史It's been here for seven generations但每所建筑仍崭新如初but every single building is new.我们打渔狩猎享受迷人的日落We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets.唯一的麻烦就是害虫The only problems are the pests.许多地方有老鼠或蚊子You see, most places have mice or mosquitoes.而我们有...We have...龙... dragons.换做其他人就逃了可我们不走Most people would leave, but not us.我们是维京海盗We're Vikings.我们以顽固着称We have stubbornness issues.我名叫卡嗝My name is Hiccup.不是个好名字但好歹不算最差Great name, I know. But it's not the worst.父母相信骇人听闻的名字Parents believe a hideous name will能吓走山怪山精frighten off Gnomes and Trolls.好像我们"迷人"的维京风度还不够吓人Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that. 早上好Morning.-你在这干嘛-回去- What are you doing here? - Get inside!回屋里去Get back inside!卡嗝他怎么又出来了Hiccup! What is he doing out again...你出来干什么回去What are you doing out? Get inside!他是伟岸的史推克部落首领That's Stoick the Vast, Chief of the tribe.听说他在婴儿时期They say that when he was a baby he popped曾把一条龙的脑袋齐肩削去a dragon's head clean off its shoulders. 我相信吗能不信吗Do I believe it? Yes, I do.都有些什么龙What have we got?巨齿龙奈德龙双头龙Gronckles, Nadders, Zipplebacks... Oh,还有一群凶煞梦魇and hordes of Monstruous Nightmares.有夜煞吗Any Night Furys?-目前没有-很好- None so far. - Good.点燃火柱Light the torches!欢迎加入猎龙盛会Oh, nice of you to join the party.我还以为你已经被吃掉了I thought you'd been carried off.谁我吗算了吧Who? Me? Nah, come on...我太强壮了不合它们胃口I'm way too muscular for their taste.他们不知道拿我怎么办They wouldn't know what to do with all... this.它们需要牙签吧不是吗Well, they need toothpicks, don't they?这个语气不善The meathead with the attitude and装着假肢的蠢蛋名叫嘉伯interchangeable hands, is Gobber.我从小就在他手下当学徒I have been his apprentice ever since I was little.好吧我现在也不大Well, littler我们转移到沼泽防御区We move to the moor defenses.在那用弹弩反击We'll counterattack with the catapults.看吧这就是村庄老房子新的原因See? Old village. Lots and lots of new houses.射击Fire!那是小鱼脚Oh, and that's Fishlegs鼻涕唠Snotlout双胞胎悍夫奈和暴芙奈The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut...还有And...雅丝翠Astrid.他们的工作酷多了Aww, their job is so much cooler.让我出去我要立功扬名Oh, come on. Let me out, please. I need to make my mark!你的名声已经够响亮了简直臭名昭着Oh, you have made plenty of marks. All in the wrong places.求你只要两分钟我要杀条龙Please, 2 minutes. I'll kill a dragon.我的生活就会一片大好My life will get infinitely better.说不定还能找个女朋友I might even get a date.你举不起锤子挥不动斧头You can't lift a hammer. You can't swing an axe.甚至扔不了这个You can't even throw one of these.我承认但我可以用这个Okay, fine, but this will throw it for me.看我就说吧See, now this right here is what I'm talking about.这只是小小的校准问题But it... it's a mild calibration issue.卡嗝如果你想出去和龙战斗Hiccup, if you ever want to get out there to fight dragons,你就必须改变...you need to stop all....这个... this.可你指着我全身上下But you just pointed to all of me.正是如此Yes, that's it.你从头到尾都要改Stop being all of you.明白了吧Oh, yes.先生你在玩火You sir, are playing a dangerous game...让我这块维京璞玉蒙尘... keeping this much raw Vikingness contained.-后果很严重-我等着瞧- There will be consequences! - I take my chances. 去磨剑马上Sword, sharpened, now!总有一天我要出去One day I'll get out there.因为在这里杀死一条龙意味着全部Because killing a dragon is everything around here. 一条奈德龙能让我小有名气A Nadderhead is sure to get me at least noticed.巨齿龙比较难对付Gronckles are tough.除掉其中一只肯定能让我交到女朋友Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend.至于双头龙A Zippleback...它属珍稀物种双头意味着双倍地位Exotic, two heads, twice the status. 他们发现我们的船了They found the ship!集中火力攻打低岸Concentrate fire over the lower bank!快点Hurry up!射击Fire!还有凶煞梦魇And then, there's the Monstruous Nightmare.只有维京精英才敢捕杀它们Only the best Vikings go after those.它们喜欢让自己着火They have this nasty habit of setting themselves on fire. 装弹Reload!我来对付它I'll take care of this.但终极战利品是谁都没见过的龙But the ultimate prize is the dragon no one's ever seen. 我们称之为...We call it the...-夜煞-趴下- Night Fury! - Get down!跳Jump!这种龙不偷粮食从不露面This thing never steals food, never shows itself, and... 从不失手... never misses.没人杀过夜煞No one has ever killed a Night Fury.所以我才要成为第一个That's why I'm going to be the first.注意堡垒卡嗝我要出去Mind the fort, Hiccup. They need me out there.待在这别乱动Stay!... Put!就待那儿There.你明白我的意思You know what I mean.-卡嗝你在做什么-回来- Hiccup, what are you doing? - Come back here!我知道马上回来Yeah, I know, be right back!小心点Mind yourself!这些怪物还有点力气The devils still have some juice in them.快点Come on.给我一个射击的目标Give me something to shoot at. Give me something to shoot at.我打中了吗我打中了Oh! I hit it? Yes, I hit it!有人看到了吗Did anybody see that?没说你Except for you.-别让它们跑了-好- Do not let them escape! - Right!你喷不出火了You're all out.还有一件事没告诉你们Oh, and there's one more thing you need to know...对不起爸爸Sorry, Dad.可我打中了一条夜煞Okay, but I hit a Night Fury.这次和以前不同爸爸It's not like the last few times, Dad!我真的打中了...I mean, I really actually hit...当时你们在忙我一击即中You guys were busy and I had a very clear shot.它掉到黑暗角去了It went down just off Raven Point.我们要派搜寻队去...Let's get a search party out there before...闭嘴Stop!别说了Just, stop!每次你一出来就会引起灾难Every time you step outside disaster falls.你还嫌我的麻烦不够多吗Can you not see that I have bigger problems?冬天就要来了我得养活一村子人Winter is almost here and I have an entire village to feed!说句知心话村里的人少吃点也没事Between you and me, the village could do难道你不这么觉得吗with a little less feeding, don't you think?这不是开玩笑卡嗝This isn't a joke, Hiccup!这么简单的命令你怎么就不听呢Why can't you follow the simplest orders?我控制不了我一看到龙就想杀了它I, I can't stop myself. I see a dragon and I have to just... 我本性如此爸爸... kill it. You know, it's who I am, Dad.你能做很多事卡嗝Oh, you are many things, Hiccup,但绝对杀不了龙but a dragon killer is not one of them.回屋里去带他回去Get back to the house. Make sure he gets there.我来处理他惹的麻烦I have his mess to clean up.干得好Quite the performance. 我没见过比这更糟的了真了不起I've never seen any one mess up that badly. That helped!承蒙夸奖我继续努力Thank you. Thank you. I was trying.-我真的打中了-当然卡嗝- I really did hit one. - Sure, Hiccup.-他从不听我说-那是家族遗传- He never listens. - Well, it runs in the family.要不就满脸失望和愤怒And when he does, it's always with this disappointed scowl好像有人克扣了他三文治上的肉like someone skimped on the meat in his sandwich.打扰一下女侍恐怕你Excuse me, barmaid. I'm afraid you弄错我想要的儿子了brought me the wrong offspring.我点的是肌肉发达的大个子男孩I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms.还要有勇气和荣誉Extra guts and glory on the side.这个却是会说话的鱼骨头This here. This is a talking fish bone!你完全想错了Now, you're thinking about this all wrong.这和你的外表无关It's not so much what you look like.他不能忍受的是你的内在It's what's inside that he can't stand.谢谢你的总结Thank you for summing that up.重点是这不适合你Look, the point is, stop trying so不要再勉为其难了hard to be something you're not.我只想成为你们当中的一员I just want to be one of you guys.我们不消灭它们就会被它们消灭Either we finish them or they'll finish us.这是除掉它们的唯一办法It's the only way we'll be rid of them.找到并毁掉龙的巢穴它们就会离开If we find the nest and destroy it, the dragons will leave. 它们会去寻找另一个家园They'll find another home.趁海水结冰前我们再搜寻一次One more search, before the ice sets in.那些船只会有去无回Those ships never come back.我们是维京海盗这是职业病We're Vikings. It's an occupational hazard.谁愿意和我去Now who's with me?好吧留下来的人负责照顾卡嗝Alright,... those who stay will look after Hiccup.这才像样That's more like it.我去收拾我的底衣I'll pack my undies.不你留下训练新兵No, I need you to stay, and train some new recruits.好极了我在忙时卡嗝可以看店Oh, perfect, yeah. And while I'm busy Hiccup can cover the store.溶铁磨刀片还有很多时间独处Molten steel, razor sharp blades, lots of time to himself...绝对不会出事What could possibly go wrong?我要拿他怎么办嘉伯Oh, what am I going to do with him, Gobber?让他和其他人一起训练Put him in training with the others.-我是认真的-我也是- No, I'm serious. - So am I.你还没放龙出来他就死了He'd be killed before you let the first dragon out of its cage.-这可不一定-我很肯定- Oh, you don't know that. - I do know that.-不你弄错了-我不会错- No, you don't - No, actually, I do.-不你错了-你知道他的德性- No, you don't. - Listen, you know what he's like.从他会爬起他就与众不同From the time he could crawl he's been... different.他从不听我说He doesn't listen.注意力持续时间比麻雀还短He has the attention span of a sparrow.我带他去打渔他却跑去猎山精I take him fishing and he goes hunting for.. for Trolls! 山精的确存在它们会偷袜子Trolls exist! They steal your socks.可只偷左脚的为什么呢But only the left ones. What's with that?-我小时候... -又来了- When I was a boy... - Oh, here we go.我父亲让我拿头撞石头My father told me to bang my head我照做了against a rock,... and I did it.我觉得这不合理但我没质疑他I thought it was crazy, but I didn't question him.你知道后来怎么样了吗And you know what happened?-你患上头痛-石头裂成两半- You got a headache. - That rock split in two.我从此知道了维京海盗的能力嘉伯It taught me what a Viking could do, Gobber.他能摧毁大山移平森林He could crush mountains, level forests,...驾驭海洋... tame seas!我从小就知道自己的能力和责任Even as a boy I knew what I was, what I had to become...卡嗝却不是这样Hiccup is not that boy.你阻止不了他史推克You can't stop him, Stoick.你只能帮他作好准备You can only prepare him.我知道这不中听但事实是I know it seems hopeless, but the truth is你不可能永远保护他you won't always be around to protect him.他还会出去可能现在已经出去了He's going to get out there again. He's probably out there now.神明都不眷顾我Oh, the Gods hate me.有人丢了刀有人丢杯子Some people lose their knife or their mug.我却丢了一条龙No, not me! I managed to lose an entire dragon.我成功了吗我真的成功了Oh, wow? I.. I did it? Oh, I did it!这下一切问题都解决了This fixes everything. Yes!我打败了这只凶兽I have brought down this mighty beast!我要杀了你龙先生I'm gonna kill you, dragon.我要挖出你的心脏I'm gonna... I'm gonna cut out your把它拿去给我的父亲heart and take it to my father.我是一名维京海盗I'm a Viking.我是维京海盗I'm a Viking!这是我做的I did this.卡嗝Hiccup.爸爸Dad? Uh...我有话和你说I have to talk to you, Dad.我也要和你谈谈儿子I need to speak with you too, son.是时候让你学习和龙战斗了I think it's time you to learned to fight dragons.我不想和龙战斗I don't want to fight dragons.-什么-什么- What? - What?-你先说-不你先说- Uh, you go first. - No, no, you go first.好吧如你所愿All right. You got your wish.降龙训练明天早上开始Dragon training. You start in the morning.天啊我应该先说的Oh man, I should have gone first.我在想你知道的Uh, cause I was thinking. You know, we have a我们有很多降龙维京人但是surplus of dragon fighting Vikings but,...我们没有足够的维京面包师Do we have enough bread-making Vikings,或是维京修屋工or small home repair Vikings...-你会需要这个的-我不想和龙战斗- You'll need this. - I don't want to fight dragons.别胡扯了你很想的Oh come on, yes you do.这么说吧爸爸我不能杀龙Rephrase. Dad, I can't kill dragons.但你一定得杀But you will kill dragons.不我确定肯定以及一定我不会No, I'm really very extra sure that I won't.-是时候了卡嗝-你听不到我说的吗- It's time, Hiccup. - Can you not hear me?这不是开玩笑儿子This is serious, son.当你拿起这把斧子你就与我们同在When you carry this axe, you carry all of us with you. 像我们一样行走像我们一样交流You walk like us. You talk like us.像我们一样思考You think like us.不仅仅是斧子No more of... this.你替我决定了我的人生You just gestured to all of me.-说定了吗-都是你的一面之词- Deal? - This conversation is feeling very one-sided. 说定了吗Deal?说定了Deal.很好Good.努力训练Train hard.我会回来的也许吧I'll be back. Probably.我会在这的可能吧And I'll be here, maybe.欢迎来到驯龙场Welcome to dragon training.无路可退了No turning back.真希望狠狠烧它们I hope I get some serious burns.我希望我肩膀或者腰上有把大槌I'm hoping for some mauling, like on my shoulder or lower back.是啊留下伤疤就有意思了Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it.可不是嘛伤痛我喜欢Yeah, no kidding, right? Pain, love it.这下好了谁让他进来的?Oh, great, who let him in?开始吧表现最佳的新兵Lets get started. The recruit who does best,将有幸在全村人面前will win the honor of killing his first亲手屠龙dragon in front of the entire village.卡嗝都已经杀了一条夜煞了Hiccup already killed a night fury,这么说他失去资格还是...?so does that disqualify him or...?我能不能转到与真正的维京人一个班?Can I transfer to the class with the cool vikings?别担心你个子小又单薄Don't worry. You're small and you're weak,最不容易被攻击that will make you a less of a target.它们会以为你是病患或者疯子They'll see you as sick or insane and go转而进攻那些维京少年after the more viking-like teens instead.这扇门后面藏着不同种的龙Behind these doors are just a few of the你们要学会如何击败它们many species you will learn to fight.-致命奈德龙-速度8 护甲16- The Deadly Nadder. - Speed: 8, Armor: 16.-凶恶双头龙-隐身11秒可隐身两次- the Hideous Zippleback. - 11 stealth, times two.-凶煞梦魇-喷火攻击15- The Monstrous Nightmare. - Fire Power: 15.-极度恐怖-攻击力8 毒液附加12- The Terrible Terror. - Attack: 8, Venom: 12.能不能闭嘴Can you stop that!-还有巨齿龙-下颚攻击力8- And the Gronckle. - Jaw Strength: 8.等等你不先教教我们吗Woah, woah, wait, aren't you going to teach us first? 我认为实战出真理I believe in learning on the job.今天是生存训练Today is about survival.被撞倒就死定了If you get blasted, you're dead.动作快你首先最需要什么Quick! What's the first thing you're going to need? -医生? -速度值加5?- A doctor? - 5 speed?-盾? -盾去拿- A shield? - shield. Go.如果在盾与剑之间选择Your most important piece of equipment is your shield. 还是要优先选择盾If you must make a choice between a sword or a shield. 举起盾牌Take the shield.-这是我的盾-那里还有好多盾- Get your hands off my shield. - There's like a million shields.拿那个上面有花女孩子都喜欢花Take that one. It has a flower on it. Girls like flowers.现在这上面有血花了Oops, now this one has blood on it.悍夫奈和暴芙奈你俩出局了Tuffnut, Ruffnut, your out.-什么-什么- What? - What?这些盾还有一个用途干扰Those shields are good for another thing. Noise.虚虚实实躲开龙的攻击Make lots of it and throw off a dragon's aim.每条龙都有攻击次数限制All dragons have a limited number of shots.巨齿龙能攻击几次?How many does a gronckle have?-五次? -不六次- Five? - No, six.对六次正好你们六个Right, six. That's one for each of you.小鱼脚出局Fishlegs, out.卡嗝躲进去Hiccup, get in there!我说我搬到地窖里了So anyway, I moved into my parent's basement?有空你该过来练习一下You should come by sometimes to work out,你需要练习you look like you work out.鼻涕唠你出局了Snotlout, your done.-好像就剩我俩了-不只有你- So I guess its just you and me. - Nope, just you.最后一击One shot left.卡嗝Hiccup!六击结束回去睡觉吧你这头肥猪And that's 6. Go back to bed you overgrown sausage. 还有机会别担心You'll get another chance. Don't you worry.记住龙总是...Remember, a dragon will always...无时无刻地寻求杀戮... always go for the kill.你为什么不杀我So why didn't you?这太愚蠢了Well this was stupid.你怎么不飞走Why don't you just fly away?雅丝翠你今天的问题出在哪儿Alright, where did Astrid go wrong in the ring today?俯身时机不对太草率I mistimed my sommersault dive. It was sloppy.它看穿了我的翻身It threw off my reverse tumble.-我们注意到了-不做得好这就是你的风格- Yeah, we noticed. - No, no you were great. That was so Astrid.他说得对你得坚持She's right. You have to be tough on yourselves.卡嗝的问题出在哪儿Where did Hiccup go wrong?-他就不该来吗-他居然没被吃了- Uh, he showed up? - He didn't get eaten.他从来都找不准位置He's never where he should be.谢了雅丝翠你们得慢慢消化Thank you, Astrid. You need to live and breathe this stuff.驯龙图鉴... 这里面包含The dragon manual... everything we所有我们所知的龙的种类know about every dragon we know of.今夜龙不会进攻赶紧看No attacks tonight. Hurry up.-等等你是说看书? -在有生之年?- Wait? You mean read? - While we're still alive?既然能屠龙Why read words when you can just kill the读书有何用?stuff the words tell you stuff about?我读了有七遍了Oh, I've read it like 7 times.上面说水龙会把沸水喷射到你脸上There's this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face还说有一种龙能把自己埋上一周And there's this other one that buries itself for like a week...听起来不错有机会我会拜读Yeah, sounds great. There was a chance I was going to read that.但现在...But now...你们看吧我找些东西试手You guys read, I'll go kill something.-我们一起看吗-你看吧- So I guess we'll share? - Read it.就剩我了? 好我们...明天见All mine then? Wow. So, okay. I'll see you uh,...tomorrow.龙族分类Dragon classifications攻击型恐惧型魔法型Strike class, fear class, mystery class.雷鼓龙隐匿型龙种Thunder Drum. This reclusive dragon栖息于海蚀洞与黑色潮汐塘中inhabits sea caves and dark tide pools.受惊吓时会发出震荡波When startled, the Thunder Drum produces a近距离接触会导致死亡concussive sound that can kill a man at close range.极度危险格杀勿论Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight.伐木龙此种巨龙拥有剃刀型龙翼Timberjack: This gigantic creature has razor-sharp wings 能将苍天大树一劈为二that can slice through full-grown trees.极度危险格杀勿论Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight.颅骨龙喷出沸水伤害猎物极度危险... Skulldren: Sprays scalding water on its victim. Extremely dangerous...小丑龙即使幼龙也能喷射酸液格杀勿论Changeling: Even newly hatch dragons can spray acid. Kill on sight.巨齿龙双头龙刺龙Gronckle, Zippleback, the Skrill,碎骨龙致命耳语龙Bonesnapper, Whispering Death.烧死猎物活埋猎物掐死猎物Burns its victims. Buries its victims. Chokes its victims. 将猎物内脏取出Turns victims inside out.极度危险极度危险Extremely dangerous.... Extremely dangerous....格杀勿论格杀勿论格杀勿论Kill on sight.... Kill on sight.... Kill on sight....夜煞速度未知体长未知Night Fury.Speed unknown. Size unknown.雷神与死神的邪恶后裔The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself.尚无此龙数据Never engage this dragon.倘若遭遇伺机隐藏祈福保命Your only chance: Hide and pray it does not find you.它们接近了我可以感觉得到I can almost smell them. They're close.把定Steady.-开进去-左满舵- Take us in. - Hard to port.地狱犬之门The hell hounds gate.左满舵Hard to port. 那个我刚好发现Hey, you know, I just happened to notice,书上没有关于夜煞的记载the book had nothing on night furys.有没有其它图鉴或者续篇Is there like another book? Or a sequel?或者关于夜煞的小册子Maybe a little night fury pamphlet?小心卡嗝你怎么心不在焉Focus Hiccup! You're not even trying.今天训练如何攻击Today is all about attack!奈德龙步行时快而轻盈Nadder's are quick and light on their feet.你们必须更胜一筹才行You be quicker and lighter.别逼我质疑你的教学水平I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods. 寻找它的盲点每条龙都有盲点Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one.找到盲点以此躲避再伺机攻击Find it. Hide in it, and strike.-你不洗澡的吗-要是不喜欢- Do you ever bathe? - You don't like it,你自己来啊then just get your own blind spot.我给你来一下如何How about I give you one?盲点有死穴不多Blind spot, yes. Death spot, not-so-much.该怎么偷偷接近夜煞?Hey, hey, so how would one sneak up on a night fury? 没人见过就算见到了也活不下来No one's ever met one, and lived to tell the tale.现在给我进去Now, get in there!我知道只是假设而已...I know, I know but hypothetically...小心宝贝儿我来对付Watch out, babe, I'll take care of this.阳光太刺眼了雅丝翠The sun was in my eyes, Astrid.我能怎样遮住太阳吗What do you want me to do? Block out the sun?我能做到但现在没时间I can do that. I don't have time right now.-有人见过龙打盹吗-卡嗝- Has anyone ever seen one napping? - Hiccup!卡嗝Hiccup!-战场上爱的火花-她能行的- Love on the battlefield. - She could do better.让我来...你为什么不...L-let me... Why don't you..漂亮雅丝翠Well done, Astrid.你是在儿戏吗Is this some kind of a joke to you?我们迟早要接过父辈的旗帜Our parent's war is about to become ours.想清楚你站在哪边Figure out which side your on.你没牙齿吗Huh? Toothless.我明明记得你应该有...I could of sworn you have...牙齿... teeth.不不不Uh, uh,... no, no,... no...我...我没有鱼啦I... I don't have anymore.接着它一转身一口咬下我的手And with one twist, he took my hand and swallowed it whole.从它的眼神我知道我一定很美味And I saw the look in his face. I was delicious.它一定跟其它龙说过因为一个月内He must have passed the word, because it wasn't a month另一条龙吃了我的腿Before another one of them took my leg.你的手在龙腹中感觉不奇怪吗Isn't it weird to think that your hand was inside a dragon?要是你的大脑依然可以控制它Like, if your mind was still in control of it,你大可从龙腹里把它宰了you could have killed the dragon from the inside.把龙心碾碎或者怎么怎么的By crushing his heart or something.我发誓我现在生气极了I swear, I'm so angry right now.我一定要为你的手脚报仇I'll avenge your beautiful hand and your beautiful foot. 我会砍下所遇到每条龙的腿...认真的!I'll chop of the legs of every dragon l fight... with my face!你要砍的是龙翼和龙尾No. It's the wings and the tails you really want.如果它飞不了就无路可逃If it can't fly, it can't get away.不能飞的龙就是死龙一条A downed dragon is a dead dragon.好吧我去睡觉了Alright, I'm off to bed.你们也早点睡明天要对付大家伙You should be too. Tomorrow we get to the big boys. 虽然进步缓慢但我们还是到了凶煞梦魇Slowly but surely, making our way up to monstrous nightmare.谁能有幸宰了它呢But who'll win the honor of killing it?肯定是我这是命明白吗It's gonna be me. It's my destiny. See? 你妈同意你纹身吗Your mom let you get a tattoo?不是纹身是胎记It's not a tattoo. It's a birth mark.你出生时我就跟你在一起Okay, I've been stuck with you since怎么没看到birth and that was never there before.你没从左边看而已Yes, it was. You've just never seen me to the left side until now.无牙仔我给你带了早餐Hey, toothless. I brought breakfast.那个...希望你有胃口I hope... I hope you're hungry.好吧这挺恶心的Okay, that's disgusting.我带了些鲑鱼一些美味的冰岛鳕鱼I got some salmon, some nice lcelandic cod,还有整条熏鳗鱼and a whole smoked eel.不要吗好吧No, no, no, no,... no.... okay.好吧我也不怎么喜欢鳗鱼Yeah, I don't really like eel much either.对了这样很好忽视我的存在That's it. That's the good stuff. Aah, don't you mind me. 我还是来这关心我的事I'll just be back here, minding my own business.没事的...Its okay...没事没事...Okay, okay...搞定不差嘛挺有用的Okay, that's not too bad. It works.不不不No, no, no, no, no, no... !天呐成功了Oh my... its working!我做到了Yes, yes, I did it.今天练习团队配合Today, is about teamwork.龙头要是被淋湿他就不能喷火了Now, a wet dragon head can't light its fire.凶恶双头龙极度狡猾The hideous zippleback is extra tricky.一个头喷气一个头点火One head breathes gas. The other head lights it.你们要分出龙头的功能Your job is to know which is which.锋利的牙齿喷射出毒液来腐蚀食物Razor-sharp serrated teeth, and injects venom for predigestion.更喜欢伏击踩碎食物Prefers ambush attack, crushing its victims.闭嘴好吗Will you please stop that?!不管哪个龙头出现我都要...If that dragon shows either of his faces, I'm gonna...在那儿There!是我们白痴Hey, its us, idiots!你屁股越来越挺了我们看成龙了Your butts are getting bigger we thought you were a dragon.那曲线看起来就像是龙屁...Not that theres anything wrong with a dragon-ass fig... 等等...Wait...我受伤了我很受伤Oh!... oh, I'm hurt! I am very much hurt!生存几率微乎其微Chances of survival are dwindling into single digits now. 不是这个头Oh! Wrong head.小鱼脚Fishlegs!就是现在卡嗝Now Hiccup!拜托Aww, come on...卡嗝Hiccup!退后退后Back,... Back, back!我话不说两遍Now don't you make me tell you again!对没错回到洞里去吧Yes, thats right. Back into your cage!好好反省一下Now think about what you've done.那么训练结束了吗Okay, sooo, were we done?我还有事要去...Cause I have some things I need to uh...那明天见Yep, I'll see you tomorrow.嗨Hey!-什么情况-你怎么做到的- What was that? - How did you do that?我把斧子留在竞技场了你们先走I left my axe back in the ring. You guys go on ahead.我回头再找你们I'll catch up with you.来会会极度恐惧Meet the Terrible Terror.哈这大小就好像我的...Ha! It's like the size of my...把它弄掉Oooh!... Get it off!好疼疼死了Oh, I'm hurt! I am very much hurt!他可比你强多了Wow! He's better than you ever were.什么What?太棒了Ooh, great.卡嗝Hiccup.卡嗝是你吗Hiccup? Are you in there?雅丝翠嗨雅丝翠你好呀Astrid, hey. Hi, Astrid. Hi astrid. Hi Astrid我一般不多管别人闲事但你的举止真是很诡异I normally don't care what people do, but you're acting weird.好吧更诡异了Well, weirder.你好歹找到了巢穴吧Well, I trust you found the nest at least?连影子都没有Not even close.棒极了Excellent.希望你这里有点好消息I hope you had a little more success than me.如果你的好消息是指Well, if by success, you mean that your身为家长不用再头痛了parenting troubles are over with,...那就算是吧.. then, yes.恭喜你史推克大家都松了口气Congratulations Stoick! Everyone is so relieved.从头到尾焕然一新哈Out with the old, and in with the new, right?没人会想念以前那个旧麻烦No one will miss that old nuisance.村子要举办一场晚会来庆祝The village is throwing a party to celebrate.他不在吗He's gone?下午一般都不在但这又不能怪他Um, yeah, most afternoons, but who can blame him? 我是说做一个名人可不容易啊I mean, the life of a celebrity is very rough.他现在每次经过村子He can barely walk through the village都被一群新粉丝围堵without being swarmed by his new fans.-卡嗝? -谁会想到呢- Hiccup? - Who would have thought it, eh?他对付那群野兽自有一套He has this way with the beasts.好吧伙计我们要飞得更慢更稳些Okay there, bud, were gonna take this nice and slow. 走吧三号不四号位置。

《被解救的姜戈》(Django Unchained)500字观后感

《被解救的姜戈》(Django Unchained)500字观后感

《被解救的姜戈》(Django Unchained)500字观后感《被解救的姜戈》(Django Unchained)是由昆汀·塔伦蒂诺执导的一部美国西部片,于2012年上映。

















被解救的姜戈Django Unchained(美国2012)

被解救的姜戈Django Unchained(美国2012)

被解救的姜戈Django Unchained(美国2012) 8.5☆导演:昆汀·塔伦蒂诺☆主演:杰米·福克斯克里斯托弗·瓦尔兹莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥☆类型:冒险犯罪剧情☆片长:165 分钟(美国)☆剧情故事发生在美国内战的前两年,获得自由的黑奴姜戈(Django, 杰米·福克斯饰)为了从施虐成性却富有魅力的亲法农场主卡尔文·坎迪(Calvin Candie, 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥饰)手中解救自己的妻子布隆希达(Broomhilda, 凯丽·华盛顿饰),他与一名牙医出身的德国赏金猎人金·舒尔茨(Dr. King Schultz, 克里斯托弗·瓦尔兹饰)联手,徒步穿越美国踏上了寻妻之路。

期间二人将面对坎迪手下——训练奴隶的艾斯·伍迪和其最信赖的奴隶史蒂芬(Stephen, 塞缪尔·杰克逊饰)——的阴险伎俩。


幕后制作1 源起昆汀:最初的整个设想就是一个黑奴后来变成赏金猎人的故事。







2 标题瓦尔茨:在奥地利,姜戈(Django)这个名字是家喻户晓的,几乎每一部通心粉西部片,无论有名没命,都有一个姜戈在里面。





3 真实VS虚构昆汀:这个故事不会比现实生活更梦魇、更超现实、更离谱。


Let Him Go《让他走(2020)》完整中英文对照剧本

Let Him Go《让他走(2020)》完整中英文对照剧本

来Come on.架Yah.嘿你好吗Hey. How you doing?嘿那只新来的黑&hearts;马&hearts;怎样Hey. How's that new black doing?-嘿吉米 -腿看上去好些了- Hey, Jimmy. - Leg seems better.还是有点容易受惊Still a little skittish.-那就看好他了 -他会没事的- Well, keep an eye on him. - He'll be okay.我想早饭后带他出去遛遛检查下围栏Thinking I'd take him out, check the fence line after breakfast. 马上就好了It's almost ready. Mmm.来点音乐吧What do we got for music?就是这个嘿There it is. Hey?♪哦男孩♪♪ Oh, boy ♪♪全世界都将知道你是我的命中注定♪♪ The world will see that you were meant for me ♪♪你是我的命中注定♪♪ Meant for me ♪想来跟我一起跳舞吗Yeah. You want to come dance with me?♪星渐现♪♪ Stars appear ♪♪影渐沉听见我内心的声音♪♪ And a shadow's a-falling You can hear my heart... ♪好呀好呀Yeah. Yeah.你可喜欢这样玩了对吗Yeah, you like that so much, don't you?♪今晚我将去见我的宝贝♪♪ I'm gonna see my baby tonight ♪♪我全部的爱全部的亲吻... ♪♪ All of my love, all of my kissing... ♪爷爷和奶奶在这There's Grandma and Grandpa.♪你不知道你错过了什么哦男孩♪♪ You don't know what you been a-missing Oh, boy ♪抢走你的鼻子Got your nose.♪世界将会看到♪♪ The world can see that ♪♪你是我的命中注定♪♪ You were meant for me ♪♪你是我的命中注定♪♪ You were meant for me ♪洛娜Lorna.亲爱的这水太烫了Honey, it's too hot.我知道我还没来得及检查I know. I hadn't checked it yet.我来吧让Here. Let...哦没关系的Oh, that's all right.没事的That's all right.没事的That's all right.你去休息吧You rest.我看到你了I see you.我看到你了I see you.我看到你了I see you.嗨小帅哥Hi, handsome.詹姆斯James.乔治George!乔治George!乔治要去哪里Where's George going?詹姆斯在哪Where's James?詹姆斯James!詹姆斯James!哦不Oh, no.我的天啊Oh, my God.让他走我洛娜·布莱克利奇I, Lorna Blackledge...愿让你唐尼take you, Donnie...愿让你唐纳德·韦伯take you, Donald Weboy,成为我的合法丈夫to be my lawfully wedded husband.相亲相爱相互扶持To have and to hold,从今往后无论境遇好坏from this day forward, for better, for worse. 相亲相爱相互扶持To have and to hold,从今往后from this day forward,无论境遇好坏for better, for worse.富有还是贫穷For richer, for poorer,生病还是健康in sickness and in health.富有还是贫穷For richer, for poorer,生病还是健康in sickness and in health.直至死亡将我们分离Until death do us part.直至死亡将我们分离Until death do us part.以蒙大拿州赋予我的权利By the power vested in me by the state of Montana, 现在我宣布你们为合法夫妻I now pronounce you man and wife.新郎可以亲吻新娘了You may kiss the bride.谢谢你牧师Thank you, sir.我会的Think I will.-恭喜唐纳德 -谢谢你先生- Congratulations, Donald. - Thank you, sir.想吃蛋糕吗You want some cake?布妈Mama B.这里是厨房&hearts;So, uh, kitchen.我们我们还有些东西没送到We've, uh... We got more stuff coming.我分期买&hearts;&hearts;了一些椅子I put some chairs on layaway.去吧Here you go.喜欢吗Do you like it?-你喜欢你的床吗 -喜欢- Do you like your bed? - Yeah.-你喜欢你的床吗 -喜欢- Do you like your bed? - Yeah.我会给你缝一些窗帘I'll sew you some curtains.好的Okay.你很快就会来看我们的You'll come visit real soon.他离得不远He isn't far.就在镇上Just in town.可他不在这里He isn't here.红猫头鹰食品店小伙子全掉了啊You dropped it all, buddy.来吧我们走Come on, let's go.快点我们走了Hey. Come on, let's go.我们走Let's go!这不是给你做的It's not for you.洛娜Lorna?洛娜Lorna?有人在吗Hello?你找谁Who you looking for?你是那个女孩的妈妈吗You're the girl's mother?不我是No. I'm...洛娜曾嫁给过我儿子Lorna was married to my son. 那个小男孩是我孙子The little boy is my grandson. 那你错过他们了Well, you missed 'em.已经走了Gone now.走了Gone?去他家了Gone to his family.昨晚走的Took off last night.等等等一下Wait, wait, wait. Wait.他家唐尼的家吗His family? Donnie's?他们有提到什么时候回来吗They mention when they'd be back?我猜近期不会回来了Not no time soon be my guess.带走了他们全部的家当Took all they had.你有目的地吗Headed any place in particular?坐下乔治Sit down, George.那是给我做的最后一餐吗That my last meal?我要去把吉米带回来I'm going to get Jimmy.带他回来跟我们一起生活Bring him home to live with us.你为了去一趟镇子确实收拾得够齐全Well, you sure packed for a trip into town.坐下乔治Sit down, George.你觉得这事不该告诉我吗You didn't see fit to share this with me?现在正在告诉你Sharing it now.还有别人看到吗Anyone else see it happen?你是指除了我吗You mean other than me?我是在问你是否确定你看到的I'm asking if you're sure what you saw.我看到了I saw唐尼·韦伯完全证明了我之前对他的看法exactly what I've always felt about Donnie Weboy. 也是你对他的看法What you felt too,不管是否有人能让你承认whether anyone'll ever get you to admit it or not. 我还看到了那个女孩保护不了她的孩子And I saw that girl can't protect her child.就凭这一点你就期望她怎么And on that account, you expect she's, what,就那样把孩子给你吗just gonna hand him over to you?那就是你觉得会发生的吗That what you see happening?若是洛娜拒绝呢And when Lorna says no?玛格丽特吉米是她的儿子Margaret, Jimmy's her boy.他是你的孙子乔治·布莱克利奇He's your grandson, George Blackledge.你打算怎么找他们And your plan for finding 'em?唐尼来自北达科他州的某个地方Donnie's from somewhere in North Dakota.我会找到他们的I'll find 'em.这么多年了你该很了解我了You ought to know me well enough by now.确实Oh, yeah.我了解I do.不带着他我是不会回来的I won't be coming back here without him.的确Nope.那你是和我一起去还是自己去呢And you're going with me or without me?那是你的选择That's your choice.你不来吗You're not coming?我去把水关掉I'm turning off the water.不想回来的时候看到水管爆掉Don't want to come home to busted pipes.-你不知道你会何时回来 -我不需要提醒- You don't know when you'll be back. - I don't need reminding. 我知道我失去了什么I know what I've lost.有时候生活就是如此玛格丽特Sometimes that's all life is, Margaret.一张记录下我们失去过什么的清单The list of what we've lost.詹姆斯·布莱克利奇 1936-1961我还是能分到一块的嘛Oh, so I do get a piece.本洛克海登警长已经离职了Sheriff Hayden's been out of office, oh...到现在已经七年了seven years now.好家伙抢先我一步Good man. Beat me to it.他帮我追踪过几个He helped me track down a couple of men我当时在搜捕的人那是I was looking for back in...在1952年'52.佩特斯兄弟Pettus brothers.我记得那个案子是你办的啊I remember that. That was you?你肯定抓到他们了Well, you sure got 'em.是的在警长的帮助下Yeah, I had some help.我能帮什么忙Well, how can I help?我们在试图定位一个人唐尼·韦伯We're trying to locate a Donnie Weboy.-他有家人在北达科他州 -我知道这名字- He's got family over in North Dakota. - I know the name.不是唐尼但韦伯我知道Not Donnie, but Weboy, sure.他娶了我儿子的遗孀Well, he married our son's widow.带着我们的孙子一起Got our grandson with them.孩子才三岁Boy's only three.我们只是想知道他们在哪确保We just want to know where they are, make sure...确保他们是安全的make sure they're safe.让我打几个电&hearts;话&hearts;问问Let me call around some.你的炖肉如何How's that pot roast?没你做的好吃Yours is better.你只是吃习惯我做的了You're just used to mine.你这儿有半品脱装的吗威士忌You got a half pint behind there? Whiskey.开心了吗Happy?开心没有听到说教Happy not to hear a lecture.要把证据藏起来Gonna hide the evidence.玛格丽特Margaret!搞什么玛格丽特What the hell, Margaret?-那是我之前 -搞什么- That was before... - What the hell?那是我知道你要跟来之前放的That was before I knew you were coming.你觉得你用的上它You thought you'd need it?我不想发现要用却没有带I didn't want to find out I did and not have it.天啊玛格丽特这也会是你的理由之一吗Christ, Margaret. Was this gonna be part of your argument? -乔治我绝不会 -里面还装着子弹- George, I would never... - It's got bullets in it.福赛斯有韦伯家的一支是当地居民There's a branch of the Weboy clan over in Forsyth. Townsfolk. 那里的山口马具店是韦伯家的产业Trailhead Saddlery there is a Weboy operation.或者说是他们家创建的Or it was started by the family.不在北达科他州但我会从那里查起Ain't North Dakota, but I'd start there.那我们就这么办感谢你的帮助That's what we'll do then. Appreciate your help.我们还希望或许你能推荐We're also hoping you might recommend一个镇上的旅馆让我们过夜a hotel in town for the night.干净就行Anyplace clean.如果干净是最重要的Well, if clean's the priority,我的手下在这儿负责看监狱my Sally keeps the jail here.牢房&hearts;都空着Cells are empty.我们还有干净的床单And we got fresh sheets.不确定你们对睡牢房&hearts;是什么感觉Not sure what feelings you got on it.我们会像在家里一样的We'd be right at home.-谢谢你内维尔森警长 -我的荣幸- Thank you, Sheriff Nevelson. - My pleasure.你觉得他们是在逃跑吗You think they're trying to run?不据我所知不是No, not that I know.不过他们的确是匆忙离开的But they did take off in a hurry.连再见都没说Forgot to say goodbye.我只是想给她一次机会I'm just looking to give her that.让她能说再见Let her say goodbye.回家吧Go home.回家吧Go home.回家Go home.♪我面对着一个空旷的日落♪♪ As I face an empty dawn ♪♪在我目光所及无边无际♪♪ With no end to it all can I see ♪♪我终于到达了终点♪♪ For I've surely reached the end ♪♪但也把你的爱输给了一位朋友♪♪ Lost your love to a friend ♪当判决下达时你会喜极而泣...when that judgment comes down, you'll cry,"我被拯救了""I was saved."但你会深陷地狱之火中But you'll be drowning in a lake of fire,因为那就是你做的决定because that's the decision you made...如果你还想听就打开Turn it back on if you want.他说话像你&hearts;爸&hearts;一样Sounds like your daddy.捶着他的圣经Thumping his Bible.他捶的可不单单是圣经Wasn't just Bibles he thumped.早上好Good morning.这里的马鞍真棒Beautiful saddles.是不是乔治Wouldn't you say, George?那些好的都是迈尔斯城的人制&hearts;作&hearts;的Fella in Miles City makes 'em, the fancy ones.非常棒Well, very impressive.不过我们今天不是来买&hearts;&hearts;马鞍的But we're not shopping for saddles today.也不是来买&hearts;&hearts;缰绳或马嚼子的Or bridles and bits.现在的情况是你姓韦伯吗Now, uh... would you be a Weboy?不夫人我是韦伯家的亲戚我姓塔克No, ma'am. I'm a cousin to. I'm a Tucker.那我们也是亲戚Oh. Well, then we're related too.唐尼·韦伯娶了我的儿媳妇Donnie Weboy's married to our daughter-in-law.前儿媳妇Former daughter-in-law.这就让他成了我们孙子的后爸Which makes him stepdaddy to our grandson.我的丈夫和我恰巧My husband and I found ourselves来到了这个地方所以我就说in this part of the state, so I said,"既然来这了那就去看一下洛娜和唐尼吧""Let's look in on Lorna and Donnie while we're here." 所以我们来了So here we are.我不认识唐尼或者洛娜I don't know no Donnie or a Lorna.我知道他们就是因为这个才搬到这里的Well, I understood it was why they relocated here.唐尼要去他叔叔的马具店工作Donnie was going to hire on at his uncle's saddlery. -谁 -乔治洛娜是不是说过- Who? - George, didn't Lorna say?你们确定不是去格拉德斯通找他们吗You sure you don't want Gladstone?格拉德斯通Gladstone?北达科他州North Dakota.就在州界的另一边Just the other side of the line.不是说他们那边有工作It's not like they got work there either,反正是没有好工作no good work anyway,不过那边有一两个姓韦伯的人but they got a Weboy or two.那或许我们应该去那边找找Well, maybe we should give there a try.虽然我不知道洛娜和唐尼为什么要Though I don't know why Lorna and Donnie were 那样夸福赛斯talking up Forsyth like they did.能再说一遍你的名字吗What was your names again?你知道要找唐尼的话我们该问谁吗Any idea who we might ask to find Donnie,如果我们去了格拉德斯通的话if we went to Gladstone?你让人知道你在找韦伯家的人就行You let it be known you're looking for a Weboy, 他们会来找你的they'll find you.欢迎来到北达科他州这件事上你是支持我的对吗You're with me on this, right?这一路是谁开的车Who's been doing the driving?你可以说你想把他要回来You could say you want him back.我还没听到你说过I haven't heard that yet.我们都不年轻了玛格丽特We're not young, Margaret.我们也都不算老Well, we're not old.我们都不再年轻了We're not young.你在说你不想他吗You saying you don't miss him?我是说他甚至还没上学I'm saying that he's not even in school yet.没有出过麻疹或骑过自行车Hasn't had measles or rode a bike.他还小He's young.而我们不小了And we're not.那Well...你可以开车带我进镇子然后把我放下you can drive me into town then drop me off,掉头自己回家turn around and take yourself back home.我要做我必须做的事I'll do what I need to do.我会和吉米一起坐巴士回道尔顿I'll take a bus back to Dalton with Jimmy.在洛娜把他交给你后吗Once Lorna's handed him to you?面带微笑高兴得跟个蛤蜊似的吗A smile on her face, happy as a clam?如果他们不在那里那你怎么办And if they're not down there, what?你要坐着大巴到处追他们吗You just gonna chase them around the country on a bus? 如果他们去了灰狗巴士不能到的地方呢What if they go where Greyhound doesn't?那我就用走的Then I'll walk.你的确会的不是吗You would, too, wouldn't you?然后当你终于发现And when you finally learn你想做成的事做不成that what you want to make happen isn't gonna happen, 那个时候你怎么办玛格丽特·梅洛伊what then, Margaret Meloy?那我就会知道有哪些事是我永远做不到的Well, then I suppose I'll learn what I've never been able to. 你不是一直这样说我吗Isn't that what you've always told me?一遍又一遍地Over and over.说我不知何时该放弃That I don't know when it's time to call it quits.我就是那个收拾烂摊子的人对吗And I'll be the one gets the job of picking up those pieces, huh? 不不不你先停一下No, no, no. You just hold it.待在那别动Hold it right there.我什么也没拿好吗我只是I didn't take nothing, all right? I just...你只是在什么You were just what?我在钓鱼Well, I was fishing.钓鱼Fishing?在这车旁边钓鱼Fishing around this car?不不是的先生No. No, sir.我刚钓完鱼回来No, I'm just coming from fishing.然后就看见你的车了我只是想知道I just seen your car, and I was just wondering是谁在这里露营只是这样who's setting up camp out here, that's all.-你是谁 -彼得·拖狼先生- Who are you? - Peter Dragswolf, sir.我住在那边I live over there.有我自己住的地方Have my own place.我也有自己的钱不需要你们的任何东西I've got my own money too. I don't need none of your goods. 我是玛格丽特·布莱克利奇拖狼先生I'm Margaret Blackledge, Mr. Dragswolf.那是我丈夫乔治That's my husband George.如果我们擅入了你的地盘那我们道歉I apologize if we're trespassing.这家伙叫什么And what's this fella's name?我不知道他不属于我I can't say. He don't belong to me.一天早上他就突然出现在了我的棚外面Just showed up outside my shack one morning.起先我以为是野马但是I thought he was wild at first, but他应该是来自某个地方he come from somewhere.我不知道I don't know.但他找到了我But he found me.和我们一样Same as us.也许这匹马原本就是属于她的Maybe the horse belongs to her.几乎所有马都是Near about every horse does.我过去常常骑马I used to ride.她在和你谦虚She's being modest with you.我以前曾驯过马I used to break horses和我们的儿子詹姆斯一起with our son. James.后来他死了Then he died.我想那之后我就不想驯马了And I guess I lost my appetite for it.也有一段时间不养动物了Haven't kept animals in quite a while.能和你可爱的马待一段时间真好It's nice to spend some time with a sweet one like yours. 你呢你在这里多久了What about you? How long you been out here?三年了Three years.就你一个人吗没有家人吗All on your own? No family?你以前在哪里Where were you before?在印第安学校先生Indian school, sir.你不必称我"先生"You don't have to call me "sir."叫我乔治就可以了"George" will do the job.你从学校毕业了吗你多大了You finished that school? How old are you?我没有打扰任何人I don't bother anybody.你知道如果有人来这里要马You know, if somebody comes for the horse,他们可以把它带走they can have him back.我卖&hearts;&hearts;的皮毛抓的动物The skins I sell, those animals I catch.鱼是可以随便抓的我也不偷东西The fish are free, and I don't steal.我只管自己的事I mind my own business.彼得来吃点蛋糕Peter, come. Have some cake.你回来和我们一起坐在火边吧Why don't you sit back at the fire with us?不过你对格拉德斯通这片地方很熟悉是吗You're familiar with the area, though? Gladstone? 我能告诉你们没有埋在公墓里的人I can tell you where the folks are buried都埋在了哪里that ain't buried in the cemeteries.知道韦伯家吗Weboys?你和他们有生意往来吗You had any dealings with them?我们在寻找我们的孙子We're looking for our grandson.我们儿子的儿子Our boy's boy.他和一个叫唐尼·韦伯的男人在一起He's with a man named Donnie Weboy.-你听说过他吗 -没有- You ever heard of him? - No.不过如果你们要在格拉德斯通找他No, but if you're looking in Gladstone,你可以先去找比尔·韦伯look for Bill Weboy.你觉得他会帮我们吗You think he'd help us?帮忙吗可能会吧Help, maybe.不过你们要小心点But go careful.到了就在那黄色的房&hearts;子There it is. Yellow house.-韦伯先生 -谁在问- Mr. Weboy? - Who's asking?玛格丽特·布莱克利奇Margaret Blackledge.和我的丈夫乔治And my husband George.如果你姓韦伯那么我们就勉强算是亲戚If you're a Weboy, we're family, after a fashion.你是怎么算的How you figure that?比尔·韦伯你也是亲戚吗Bill Weboy. A cousin, are you?可能是但也许不完全是Could be, but probably not exactly.我们的前儿媳嫁给了一个叫唐尼·韦伯的Our former daughter-in-law married a Donnie Weboy.他现在是我们孙子的后爸了He's stepdad to our grandson now.是不是听上去很绕That's pretty tangled up, isn't it?家族常常是这样的Family usually is.我们听说他们可能安顿在了格拉德斯通We heard they might have come to settle here in Gladstone. 我们就想来看看我们的孙子吉米We thought we'd pay a visit, see our grandson Jimmy,既然我们已经来到附近since we're in the neighborhood.既然你们已经来到附近Since you're in the neighborhood.并且因为你们在福赛斯没有找到他们And since you didn't find them up in Forsyth.-你听说了我们会来是吗 -是的我知道- You heard we were coming, did you? - I did. I did.有只小鸟比你们要早到A little birdie flew over here ahead of you.他们在这里吗Are they here or not?他一直是这样的吗心急火燎的Is he always like that, in a big old hurry?我丈夫喜欢直接了当My husband likes to get down to business.很多男人都是这样Hell of a lot of men are like that.迫不及待地想要到达他们的目的地Can't wait to get where they're going.而女人根据我的经验都会慢慢来Women, in my experience, would as soon take their time.享受旅程Enjoy the ride, so to speak.韦伯先生我只再问你一遍Mr. Weboy, I'm gonna tell you one time...我只是和你闹呢乔治I'm just funnin' you, George.他们的确在这里唐尼是我外甥They're here. Donnie's my nephew.他们在他妈那里很安全They're safe and sound over at his mom's place.让我们进去吧然后给老宅打个电&hearts;话&hearts;Why don't we head on inside and give the old homestead a call. 你或许今早就能开车过去Hell, you might be able to drive over this morning,看你的宝贝孙子了see that little precious grandson of yours.喂梅布尔Hey, Mabel.能帮我转接农场吗Can you put me through to the ranch?布兰切我是比尔Blanche, it's Bill.怎么了What? What is it?他们在我这里Got 'em right here.-怎么了 -你不会想要这个人的帮助的- What? - You don't want this man's help.-回见 -这事我们自己办不了- See you soon. - We can't do this on our own.你们俩晚饭有计划了吗You two have plans for supper?我们还没有We surely don't.去农场做韦伯家的客人怎么样How'd you like to be guests of the Weboy clan out at the ranch? -我们不想给你们添麻烦 -一点不会麻烦- We don't want to be any trouble. - No trouble at all.我的嫂子想见见你们My sister-in-law wants to meet you.她想聊聊祖父母那辈的老故事She wants to swap some old grandpa and grandma stories.只有你知我知她是个很棒的厨子And between you and me, she's a hell of a cook.那要麻烦你为我们指路了Well, you'd have to give us directions.不我不会指路Nope. Not a chance.我可能是这世上最烂的指路人I could be the best damn direction giver in the world,那样你们永远都找不到她and you'd never find her.你们会在四桥路上打转You'd be out there wandering around Four Bridges Road怎么也找不到不and never see a one. No.你们四点回来这里You make your way back here at 4:00 o'clock,然后跟着我开and you can follow me.谢谢我们到时候过来Thank you. We'll come back then.是时候了About time.你们应该一个坐我的车另一个跟在后面One of you should ride with me and the other follow.我可以告诉你我们是往哪走还有为什么I could tell you where we're going and why,那样你们或许就能自己回来了and that way, maybe you can find your way back on your own. 好吧Well...你要去哪Where do you think you're going?你觉得他想让你坐副驾驶吗You think he wants you in the passenger seat?不No.我知道他不想I know he doesn't.我不在乎他想要什么I don't care what he wants.我去你开车I'm going. You drive.-没事的乔治 -玛格丽特- It's fine, George. - Margaret.玛格丽特回来Margaret. Margaret, get back in...跟紧点Follow close.小靓鸟那辆破老爷车Pretty bird, that old jalopy不会跟不上的对吧won't have trouble keeping up, will it?你看后视镜看得很勤You're looking in the mirror often enough.你看得到他在哪You can see where he is.他估计不想让你离他视线太远I guess he just don't want you to get too far out of his sight.我也理解Which I understand.你介意吗You mind?这是你的车你不需要我的同意It's your car. You don't need my permission.你给我的印象就是那种You strike me as the kind of woman男人总要请求允许的女人men are always asking permission of.你是个专家啊An expert, are you?我见过不少女人I've been around more than a few women她们希望男人呼吸前都要先问她们who want men to ask before drawing a breath.我们在这拐弯We turn here.你为什么不打个信&hearts;号&hearts;&hearts;灯让乔治知道Why don't you signal so George knows what's coming?是长官Aye, aye, captain.还有更远吗How much further is it?"多远" "还有多远""farther." "How much farther is it?"还是你想问你还要忍&hearts;受我多久Or do you mean how much more of me do you have to put up with? 我们只想见见吉米We just want to see Jimmy.是啊Yeah.他是个好看的小男孩He's a good-looking boy there.他妈是个好看的女人And his mother's a fine-looking woman.唐尼从来没有You know, Donnie never asked me找我问过什么意见for a word of advice in his life.是吗You don't say.如果他问过And if he had,我给让他做完全一样的事I would've told him to do exactly what he's done."找个寡妇结婚吧唐尼"Marry yourself a widow, Donnie.你会得到一个心怀感恩的女人"You'll be getting a grateful woman."靠你们自己肯定找不过来我说的没错吧Never would've found this place on your own, am I right? 我说的没错吧Was I right?穿过这里Through here.布兰切Blanche!我们到了We're here.布兰切Blanche?希望你们喜欢猪排I hope you like pork chops.-你就是他祖母 -我是- You're the grandma. - I am.玛格丽特·布莱克利奇Margaret Blackledge.布兰切·韦伯Blanche Weboy.感谢你邀我们作客Thanks for having us.而你是那个警官And you're the lawman.已经退休了夫人Retired, ma'am.乔治·布莱克利奇George Blackledge.不如都退到桌子边坐下吧Well, why don't we all retire to a seat at the table?好吗Shall we?谁想来杯酒Now, who can I interest in a glass?不谢谢Oh, no, thank you.不No.好吧Well...我不介意一个人喝I don't mind drinking alone.我的先辈来自伊利诺伊州My people originally came from Illinois.1862年《宅地法》美国公民前往西部定居五年即可获得土地所有权签了定居移&hearts;民&hearts;协议来了格拉德斯通北边Filed a homestead claim north of Gladstone那时候还没有格拉德斯通before there was a Gladstone.我是那八人之一I'm one of eight.一个姐姐死于肺炎Lost an older sister to pneumonia.哥哥卡尔淹死在了邻居的水池里My brother Carl drowned in a neighbor's cistern.另一个哥哥从卡车上摔下来Another fell off a truck,后半辈子都坐在轮椅上lived in a wheelchair for the rest of his days.我婶婶露丝遇上了暴风雪My aunt Ruth got caught in a whiteout,冻死在了原地froze and died right where she stood,离那边的后门不到三十英尺not 30 feet from that back door.生活艰难Hard life.不是所有人都能过的Not for everyone.我另一个哥哥和姐姐一有机会就离开了My other brothers and sister lit out, soon as they could.头都没回一下Never looked back.我留下来了I stayed.我第一次见到亨利·韦伯时When I first met Henry Weboy,他一直说要去佛罗里达he couldn't stop talking about heading for Florida.我觉得他最后选择留下I figure I had more than a little to do很大程度上是因为我with his decision to stay.现在他和我们的亲人埋在同一片墓地Now he's buried in the same cemetery as my folks and his. 是的Yeah.我的孩子们是韦伯家的第&hearts;四&hearts;代&hearts; And my boys are fourth-generation Weboys,在北达科他州的土地上出生长大born and living on North Dakota soil.但你们不是来听我废话的But you didn't come here to hear me yak.你们是来吃饭的You came to eat!叫孩子们进来吃晚饭吧Why don't you call the boys in for supper, huh?我马上回来I'll be back in a jiffy.我想你们也能讲出一个I suppose you could tell a story和我差不多的故事对吧not a hell of a lot different, am I right?关于家庭About family,困难牺牲流血hardships, sacrifice, blood.见见孩子们Ah, meet the boys.高的是艾尔顿Tall one's Elton.另一个是马文The other's Marvin.和我们的客人打招呼Say hello to our guests.外面的车是你们的吗That your wagon out there?我们还想进去看看We tried to get inside, take a look.给你们拧拧螺栓Tighten a couple bolts,说不定能提升几匹马力we could probably get you a few more horses.吉米在哪孩子在哪Where's Jimmy? Where's the boy?为何这么问他不在这里Why, he's not here.-他和他父亲在一起 -他父亲- He's with his father. - His father...我们是来见我们孙子的We came to see our grandson.你是说你不是来吃我的猪排的You mean you didn't come here to eat my pork chops?如果你把我们带到这就为了开玩笑If you brought us all the way out here for the sake of a joke... 洛娜说你已经像是粗树皮了Lorna said you were rough bark.我也看得出你不那么有活力了And I can see already you're no day at the races.没错夫人No, ma'am.来吧大家坐下吧Come on, everybody. Sit down.凉了就不好吃了It's not gonna get any better cold.你们的孙子现在和我的唐尼在一起Your grandson's with my Donnie.他带着吉米去接孩子母亲下班He took Jimmy along to pick up the boy's mother from work. 洛娜吗Lorna?她在蒙奇·沃德百货公&hearts;司&hearts;上班She's working at Monkey Ward.我们本能在格拉德斯通见到吉米和洛娜吗We could've seen Jimmy and Lorna in Gladstone?。


- Thought of changing my name
- Oh,what's in a name?
- And I got downhearted
- How did you feel?
Every time that l...
Yep. Home is where your rump rests.
It's beautiful.
I'm starved.
I'm so hungry I could eat a whole zebra.
Ah,we're fresh out of zebra.
Come on,Timon. Anything we can do?
Not unless you can change the past.
Kid,in times like this,my buddy Timon here says...
Ooh,the little green-filled kind.
And best of all,no worries.
Slimy,yet satisfying.
That's it.
It means no worries



In order to affect a timely halt to deteriorating conditions 为阻止动荡局势进一步恶化"and to ensure the common good,为了百姓大众的利益a state of emergency is declared for these territories该地处于警戒状态by decree of Lord Cutler Beckett,贝克特勋爵duly appointed representative of His Majesty,the king.被皇帝陛下委派至此By decree,according to martial law,根据宵禁法the following statutes are temporarily amended:对以下法规做出暂时修订Right to assembly,suspended.公共聚众权被剥夺Right to habeas corpus,suspended.人身保护权被剥夺Right to legal counsel,suspended.法律咨&hearts;询&hearts;权被剥夺Right to verdict by a jury of peers, suspended.陪审团议罪权被剥夺By decree,all persons found guilty of piracy,法令规定凡定罪为海盗者or aiding a person convicted of piracy,协助海盗者or associating with a person convicted of piracy...与海盗有瓜葛者shall be sentenced to hang by the neck until dead."将处以绞刑...The king and his men皇帝和他的仆人Stole the queen from her bed掳走皇后And bound her in her bones将她封印在肉体中The seas be ours大海为我们所拥有And by the powers拥有无限力量Where we will,we'll roam随心所欲四处漂流Yo ho唷吼All hands haul together千万双手Hoist the colors high把帆高挂Heave ho拒绝Thieves and beggars小偷乞丐Never shall we die我们永垂不朽Yo ho唷吼Haul together haul together齐心协力Hoist the colors high把帆高挂Lord Beckett!贝克特勋爵They've started to sing,sir.他们开唱了长官Finally. Thieves and beggars很好小偷乞丐Never shall we die我们永垂不朽【加勒比海盗 3 】『世界的尽头』Some have died and some are alive有人死去有人活着Others sail on the sea and others sail on the sea 有人在海上航行With the keys to the cage带上牢笼的钥匙and the Devil to pay以及严重的后果We lay to Fiddler's Green我们努力前往费德勒绿地 (水手们想象中的天堂) The bell has been raised from its watery grave 水之坟墓中升起一口钟Hear its sepulchral tone发出阴沉的声音A call to all Pay heed the squall We are a call to all, pay head the squall 警告所有人注意暴风雪Turn your sails to home and turn your sail toward home!转动船帆回家Yo,ho唷吼haul together齐心协力Hoist the colors high把帆高挂Heave ho拒绝Thieve... Thief and beggar小偷乞丐Never shall we die我们永垂不朽A dangerous song to be singing...唱这歌&hearts;可是要杀头的for any who are ignorant of its meaning.即使不懂背后的含义...Particularly a woman.尤其是个女孩子家Particularly a woman alone.尤其是孤身一人的女孩子家What makes you think she's alone?你凭什么认为她孤身一人?You protect her?你罩着她?And what makes you think I need protecting?你凭什么认为我需要别人罩着?Your master's expecting us.你家老大正等着我们And an unexpected death'd cast a slight pall on our meeting.死人会耽误时间Pick those feet up!步伐整齐On the double!跑步前进Eyes front!朝前看No,no,no. None.不不不没有It always takes me about a week to get my sea legs.要花上一个星期后我才不会晕船I was throwing up horribly the last time.上一次我呕吐得很厉害Steady as she goes.像她那样稳着些All right.好的Have you heard anything from Will?有威尔的消息吗?I trust young Turner to acquire the charts特纳一定会取得航海图的and you to remember your place in the presence of Captain Sao Feng.在邵峰船长面前不要没大没小Is he that terrifying?他真有那么可怕吗?He's much like myself,but absent my merciful nature and sense of fair play. 他性情很像我但心狠手辣且唯利是图We're through. Make ready.准备通过准备好Hurry now.快点Do you think because she is a woman we would not suspect her of treachery? 你是不是认为她是个女人就不会怀疑到她了?Well,when you put it that way...既然你这么说…Remove. Please.脱下来Remove. Please.脱Captain Barbossa, welcome to Singapore.巴博萨船长欢迎来到新加坡More steam.加蒸汽None of that.没门儿If things don't go the way we want, then we're the only chance they've got.如果他们不成功那我们就是唯一的希望了I understand that you have a request to make of me.我听说你有事相求More of a proposal to put to ye.应该说是项提议I've a venture underway and I find myself in need of a ship and a crew. 我有趟探险需要一条船一队人Hmm. It's an odd coincidence.真是巧…Because you happen to have a ship and a crew you don't need?你是不是有一条闲船一队闲人?No.不是说这个Because earlier this day, not far from here,因为今天早前附近不远a thief broke into my most revered uncle's temple一个毛贼潜入我叔叔的庙里and tried to make off with these.企图偷走The navigational charts.航海图The route to the Farthest Gate.上面有去世界尽头的路线Wouldn't it be amazing if this venture of yours进入另一个世界探险took you to the world beyond this one?会不会很精彩呢?It would strain credulity at that.这纯属巧合不要胡乱猜测This is the thief. Is his face familiar to you?就是这个毛贼面熟吗?Then I guess he has no further need for it.留他还有何用?No,no!不不You come into my city and you betray my hospitality.你到了我的地盘却辜负了我的盛情I assure you I had no idea... That he would get caught!我向你保证我不知情你是不知道他会失手吧You intend to attempt the voyage to Davy Jones' Locker.你们企图前往戴维·琼斯的魔狱But I cannot help but wonder...我实在想不通Why?为什么?The song has been sung. The time is upon us.起义歌&hearts;已经被传唱刻不容缓啊We must convene the Brethren Court.我们必须召开天下海盗王大会As one of the nine pirate lords, you must honor the call.做为九大海盗王之一的你有责任遵守誓约出席大会More steam.加蒸汽More steam!加蒸汽There is a price on all our heads. Aye.我们人人头上都有悬赏嗯It is true.是的It seems the only way a pirate can turn a profit anymore...is by betraying other pirates. 这年头海盗也只能靠出&hearts;卖&hearts;&hearts;&hearts;其他海盗牟利We must put our differences aside.我们现在应该求同存异Wait for the signal.等信&hearts;号&hearts;&hearts;The First Brethren Court gave us rule of the seas.海盗王大会制定了海洋公约But now that rule is being challenged by Lord Cutler Beckett.贝克特勋爵却让这公约失去了效用Against East India Trading Company,面对东印度公&hearts;司&hearts;what value is the Brethren Court?海盗公会哪有招架之力?What can any of us do?你我又能做些什么?You can fight! Get off me!你可以打仗放开我You are Sao Feng, the pirate lord of Singapore.你是邵峰啊新加坡大名鼎鼎的海盗王You command in an age of piracy where bold captains sail free waters.你领导了一个时代勇敢的船长可以自&hearts;由&hearts;遨游Where waves aren't measured in feet, but as increments of fear,见过的大浪非尺能量and those who pass the test become legend.经过考验的人都成了传奇Would you have that era come to an end on your watch?你能眼睁睁地看着这一切都毁在你的手中么?The most notorious pirates from around the world遍天下的海盗王are uniting against our enemy,都在团结备战and yet you sit here cowering in your bathwater!你竟然还躲在洗澡水里Elizabeth Swann. Elizabeth Swann伊丽莎白·斯旺There is more to you than meets the eye,isn't there?不要妄下评论And the eye does not go wanting.你不够格But I cannot help but notice you have failed to answer my question.不过我注意到你们还没回答我的问题What is it you seek in Davy Jones' Locker?找戴维·琼斯的魔狱目的何在?Jack Sparrow.为了杰克·斯帕洛He's one of the pirate lords.他是海盗王之一I would want Jack Sparrow returned from the land of the dead...The only reason 我会让斯帕洛重返人世的唯一理由…is so I can send him back myself!就是好亲手把他再送回魔狱...Jack Sparrow holds one of the nine pieces of eight.九枚西班牙古银币杰克·斯帕洛手上有一枚He failed to pass it along to a successor before he died.死前没来得及传给继承人So we must go and get him back.我们必须把他救回来So you admit...这也就是说you have deceived me.你现在承认欺骗了我...Weapons!操家伙Weapons.操家伙Sao Feng,I assure you, our intentions are strictly honorable.邵峰我发誓我们的初衷是好的Drop your weapons or I kill the man!放下武器不然就杀了他Kill him. He's not our man.杀吧反正不是我们的人If he's not with you, and he's not with us...如果不是你的人那就不是我们的人who's he with?他是谁的人呢? ...Charge!装弹&hearts;药&hearts;Will! Will!威尔!Look out! Look behind you!注意你的后面Ready!预备Fire.开火Chart!航海图Boo!不Company! Make ready. Set. Fire!整队准备开火Company!整队Make ready. Set.准备开火Fire!开火It's an odd coincidence,isn't it?真是巧不是吗?The East India Trading Company finds me the day you show up in Singapore. 你刚到新加坡东印度公&hearts;司&hearts;就找到我的头上It is coincidence only.纯属巧合If you want to make a deal with Beckett, you need what I offer.如果你想和贝克特交易就需要我帮你You cross Barbossa. You are willing to cross Jack Sparrow.你已经背叛了巴博萨现在还要背叛斯帕洛Why should I expect any better?我凭什么信任你?I need the Black Pearl to free my father.我需要黑珍珠号&hearts;救回我父亲You're helping me to get it.你可以帮我夺得黑珍珠号&hearts;Fire in the hole.趴下Thank you,Jack.多谢杰克Thank you,Jack.多谢杰克You have the charts? And better yet.得到航海图了吗? 不仅如此A ship and a crew. Where's Sao Feng?一条船一队人邵峰哪去了?He'll cover our escape and meet us at Shipwreck Cove.他会保护我们脱身然后在沉船湾和我们会面This way. Be quick.这边快Haul the snotters with a will!尽力绑紧Keep it taut.绑紧了Secure provisions and stow the cargo.注意安全装载货物There's no place left for Sao Feng to cower.邵峰现已无藏身之处Do you think he will honor the call?他会遵守誓约吗?I cannot say.很难说There's an evil on these seas海上的凶神恶煞that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirates have come to fear. 就算嗜血海盗也会畏惧三分A piece of eight.西班牙古银币Nine of them,you say.你说有9件的Our new friend in Singapore was very specific,sir.我们新加坡的新朋友很特别先生Nine pieces of eight.九枚西班牙古银币What's the significance of that, I wonder.背后有什么含义呢?Nothing can hold against the armada.我们的舰队所向披靡Not with the Flying Dutchman at the lead.就算是"飞翔的荷兰人号&hearts;"也不是对手Nothing we know of.我们一无所知Did your friend mention where the Brethren Court are meeting?你那个朋友提到海盗公会将在哪里开会吗?He was mum on that,sir.他支支吾吾的Hmm.嗯Then he knows the value of information.他懂得消息的价值Better keep this between ourselves.这些话不要对外人透漏We don't want anyone running off to Singapore,do we?免得某些人趁机逃到新加坡去Ah,admiral. You summoned me,Lord Beckett.嗯司令官您找我贝克特勋爵?Yes. Something for you there.没错有件东西给你Your new station deserves an old friend.新官上任找位老战友协助你Not more requisition orders. No,sir.没有征用令了吧? 没了长官Execution.只剩下死刑令The Brethren know they face extinction.海盗公会知道他们面临灭顶之灾All that remains is for them to decide where they make their final stand. 他们唯一可选的是去那里做殊死一搏No one said anything about cold.没人说过会这么冷啊I'm sure there must be a good reason for our suffering.苦尽则甘来Why don't that obeah woman bring Jack back the same way那个臭女人怎么不把杰克she brought back Barbossa? Because Barbossa was only dead. 像巴博萨那样也带回来? 因为巴博萨只是死了Jack Sparrow is taken,body and soul,而杰克·斯帕洛的躯体和魂魄to a place not of death,but punishment.并非被囚禁在死亡地带而是在惩罚地带The worst fate a person can bring upon himself...一个人最悲惨的命运莫过于此stretching on forever.只能无奈地面对永久...That's what awaits at Davy Jones' Locker.这就是戴维·琼斯的魔狱Yeah. I knew there was a good reason.是的我就知道有原因Nothing here is set.没有标识吗?These can't be as accurate as modern charts.这可没有现代航海图精确No. But it leads to more places.是啊但它可以带我们去很多地方Over the edge."越过边缘""Over again.""再来一次"Sunrise sets.Flash of green."日出时会释放"绿灿烂""Do you care to interpret, Captain Barbossa?来给大家解释一下吧巴博萨船长?Ever gazed upon the green flash, Master Gibbs?目睹过"绿灿烂"吗? 吉布斯I reckon I seen my fair share. Happens on rare occasion.我有幸目睹过极为罕见The last glimpse of sunset, a green flash shoots up into the sky. 日落前的一霎那绿灿烂直冲云霄Some go their whole lives without ever seeing it.有些人终其一生也无法看到Some claim to have seen it who ain't. And some say...有些人谎称见过It signals when a soul comes back to this world from the dead.这意味着一个灵魂重返人间Sorry. Trust me,young Master Turner.对不起相信我小特纳It's not getting to the land of the dead that's the problem.去死亡之地并不难It's getting back.如何返回才是问题Bosun!Head to wind! Lift the sail! Bosun!Head to wind! Lift the sail! 水手逆风扬帆Aye,aye,sir!好的Bloody hell. There's nothing left.真&hearts;他&hearts;妈&hearts;的片甲不留Jones is a loose cannon,sir.琼斯太放肆Fetch the chest.去取亡灵箱And the governor?总督呢?He's been asking questions about the heart.他对那颗"心"颇感兴趣Does he know?他知道其中秘密吗?Then perhaps his usefulness has run its course.那他就不再有利用价值了Step lively,men.快点Step lively!快点Stand fast!往前Steady,men.站稳了Go. All of you. And take that infernal thing with you.统统给我滚把这可怕的东西也给我带走I will not have it on my ship!我不允许它上我的船Oh,I'm sorry to hear that... because I will.实在抱歉是我允许的Because it seems to be the only way to ensurethat this ship do as directed by the company. 只有这样才能让这条船遵从东印度公&hearts;司&hearts;的指挥We need prisoners to interrogate,我们需要拷问犯人which tends to work best when they're alive.犯人活着才能拷问The Dutchman sails as its captain commands.荷兰人只听从其船长的命令And its captain is to sail it as commanded.其船长也必须听从命令I would have thought you'd learned that when I ordered you to kill your pet.当我下令让你杀了你的"宠物"时你就应该明白这个道理了This is no longer your world,Jones.这已经不是你的天下了琼斯The immaterial has become...废物immaterial.终究是个废物...Charge your bayonets.准备瞄准How long do we continue not talking?我们还要这样冷战多久?Once we rescue Jack, everything'll be fine.救出杰克后就没事了Then we rescue Jack.那就去救杰克For what we want most...要得到最想要的东西there is a cost must be paid in the end.就要为此付出代价...Barbossa,ahead! Aye,we're good and lost now.巴博萨看前方没错我们迷失方向了Lost? For certain you have to be lost迷失方向了? 只有迷失方向to find a place as can't be found.才能到达一个无人能找到的地方Elseways,everyone would know where it was.不然大家都知道在哪里了We're gaining speed. Aye.速度在加快没错To stations!各就各位All hands to stations! Huh?大家各就各位Rudder full. Hard aport! Gather way.满舵左舷全速前进Nay! Belay that! Let her run straight and true! 不不要动让它朝前行Blimey.啊呀You've doomed us all. Don't be so unkind.你把我们都害死了不要说得这么难听You may not survive to pass this way again,下次再走这条路可能就过不去了and these be the last friendly words you'll hear. 这是我最后的忠告Tie her off.把它绑牢Hard aport.左满舵Hold on!抓稳Strike your colors, you blooming cockroaches. 投降吧你们这群蠢货Dead men tell no tales.死人不会告密My peanut.我的花生Haul the halyard. Slacken braces.拉紧绳索松开转帆索Aye,captain. Slacken braces.是船长松开转帆索Step lively with a will.快点Aye,aye. Right away,sir.是的是的是的I want a fire down below!我希望下面着火了!Help. Man the yards,you filthy toads.救我! 打起精神来你们这帮懒虫Haul! Haul!拉呀拉呀Haul the sheets handsomely. Scandalize the lateens.把帆准备好准备前进Aye,sir. Right away,sir.遵命遵命Mr. Sparrow? Aye,cap'n.斯帕洛先生是船长What say you about the condition of this tack line?你认为你绑得怎么样?It be proper to my eyes,sir. Proper?绑得蛮好啊船长绑好了?It is neither proper nor suitable,sir. It is not acceptable nor adequate. 没有绑好也不合适无法接受力度不够It is,in obvious fact,an abomination.这么明显还敢还嘴Begging your pardon,sir, but if you gave a man another chance.抱歉船长再给一个机会Shall I?我应该吗?It's that sort of thinking got us into this mess.就是你这种观念才让我们沦落到今天这般地步We have lost speed and,therefore,time.船速慢了时间浪费了Precious time, which cannot be recovered once lost.宝贵的时间啊浪费了就追不回来了Do you understand?你们都听明白了吗?Aye,aye,captain. Do you now?是船长都明白了?It will all have to be redone. All of it.现在都得重来And let this serve as a lesson to the lot of you.这就是散漫的下场Doldrums,sir, has the entire crew on edge.遵命大家都在拼命地干I have no sympathy for any of you feculent maggots,对于你们这帮蛆虫我一点都不同情and no more patience to pretend otherwise.也不想再容忍&hearts;你们了Gentlemen,I wash my hands of this weirdness.船员们我不干这稀奇古怪的勾当了No wind.没风Of course,there's no bloody wind.当然不应该有风My soul I do swear for a breeze.以我的灵魂发誓来一阵微风Gust. Whisper. A tiny,miniature lick.飒飒的响轻轻的拂面而过Yes,sir,I know,but why? Why would he do that?是啊我知道但为什么啊到底为什么啊?Because he's a lummox,isn't he?因为他傻呗是不是啊?We shall have a magnificent garden party and you're not invited. 我们要开个隆重的庭院派对就不请你Shoo.嘘A rock.石头Now we're being followed by rocks. Never had that before.我被石头跟踪这还是头一遭Oh.哦A rope.绳索This truly is a godforsaken place.真是不毛之地I don't see Jack. I don't see anyone.没看到杰克啊一个人也看不到He's here.他一定在这儿Davy Jones never once gave up that what he took.戴维·琼斯从不会让任何人从这里逃脱And does it matter?现在说这个又有什么用?We're trapped here by your doing. No different than Jack.都是你害的我们被困在这里处境和杰克一样了Witty Jack is closer than you think.杰克远在天边近在眼前Impossible.不可能Boat.船Slap me thrice and hand me to me mama. It's Jack.好象做梦一样真的是杰克It's the captain! A sight for sore eyes.是船长正是我们的船长Hide the rum.把郎姆酒藏起来Mr. Gibbs. Aye,cap'n.吉布斯? 是我船长I thought so.我看也是I expect you're able to account for your actions,then.你要对你的行为负责Sir?什么?There's been a perpetual and virulent lack of discipline upon my vessel. Why? 这么久以来为什么我船上纪律这么涣散Why is that,sir? Sir,you're...为什么会这样? 船长你…You're in Davy Jones' Locker,cap'n.船长你在戴维·琼斯的魔狱里I know that. I know where I am.我当然知道我知道我身处何地And don't think I don't. Jack Sparrow.不要以为我不知道杰克·斯帕洛Oh,Hector.嘿赫克托It's been too long. Hasn't it?好久不见Aye. Isla de Muerta,remember? You shot me.还记得当初你一枪把我打死了No,I didn't.我才没有呢Tia Dalma,out and about,eh?提亚·朵玛出来散步吗?You add an agreeable sense of the macabre to any delirium.你总是给精神病人带来点死亡的快&hearts;感&hearts;He thinks we're a hallucination.他以为我们是他的幻觉William,tell me something:威尔告诉我Have you come because you need my help to save a certain distressing damsel,你是来求我救一位让人忧伤的少女or rather,damsel in distress? Either one.还是一位本就忧伤的少女?No.都不是Well,then, you wouldn't be here,would you?那你就不会来也就不该在这里出现So you can't be here. Q.E.D.,you're not really here.你不可能来这所以你根本不在这Jack.Jack杰克This is real. We're here.这是真的我们真的来了The Locker,you say? Aye.你说这里是魔狱? 是啊We've come to rescue you.我们是来救你的Have you,now? That's very kind of you.不可能感谢你们的好意But it would seem that as I possess a ship and you don't,不过我有船你们没有you're the ones in need of rescuing, and I'm not sure as I'm in the mood. 你们才需要被救呢我现在没心情救你们I see my ship. Right there.那是我的船就在那边Can't spot it.看不到啊Must be a tiny little thing hiding somewhere behind the Pearl.一定是条小船躲在黑珍珠号&hearts;后面什么地方Jack,Cutler Beckett has the heart of Davy Jones.杰克贝克特勋爵已经得到了戴维·琼斯的心He controls the Flying Dutchman. He's taking over the seas.他控制了飞翔的荷兰人号&hearts; 统治了整个海洋The song has been sung. The Brethren Court is called.起义歌&hearts;已经被唱了海盗公会被召集了Leave you alone for a minute,look what happens. Everything's gone to pot. 我才走开几天就被你们搞得天翻地覆Aye. The world needs you back something fierce.杰克大家需要你啊And you need a crew.你也需要一队船员Why should I sail with any of you?我为什么要和你们同船?Four of you have tried to kill me in the past. One of you succeeded.你们当中四个人曾想杀我其中一个得手了Oh,she's not told you.她没告诉你吗You'll have loads to talk about while you're here.那你们就待在这里好好谈谈吧As for you...至于你Now... don't tell me you didn't enjoy it at the time.现在…不要跟我说你当时不爽Fair enough. All right,you're in.说的有理女士算你一个Don't need you. You scare me.不要你你吓着我了Gibbs,you can come. Marty. Mm...考顿你可以过来马蒂吗Cotton. Cotton考顿Cotton's parrot,I'm a little iffy,but at least I'll have someone to talk to. 鹦鹉考顿我有点犹豫不过起码能聊天解闷Who are you?你是谁?Tai Huang. These are my men.泰洪这些都是我的人Where do your allegiances lie? With the highest bidder.你效忠谁? 谁出价高就效忠谁I have a ship. That makes you the highest bidder.我有条船它使得你出价最高Good man. Weigh anchor,all hands. Prepare to make sail.好人啊提锚扬帆准备起航Weigh anchor.起锚Jack... Jack...杰克Which way are you going,Jack?你往哪去啊? 杰克Trim that sail. Slack windward brace and sheet.调整船帆松开转帆索和帆脚索Haul the pennant line. Haul the pennant line.拉起浮标垂索拉起浮标垂索What are you doing?你在干嘛?What are you doing? No,what are you doing?你在干嘛? 不我问你在干嘛?What are you? Captain gives orders on the ship.你是谁? 船长在船上是下令的The captain of the ship is giving orders.船长已经在下令了My ship,makes me captain. They be my charts.我的船我是船长可航海图是我的That makes you "chartman."那你也只是海图员Stow it! The both of you! That's an order! Understand?! 闭嘴!你们俩个!这是命令懂吗Sorry. I just thought with the captain issue in doubt, 对不起既然船长位子悬而未决的话I'd throw in my name for consideration.不妨也考虑我一下Sorry.对不起I'd vote for you. Yeah?我会投你的票是吗?You left Jack to the Kraken.你把杰克丢给挪威&hearts;海&hearts;怪了He's rescued now. It's done with.他已经被救了都过去了Will,I had no choice.我别无选择You chose not to tell me.你选择了对我隐瞒I couldn't.我没办法It wasn't your burden to bear.那不该由你来承担But I did bear it,didn't I?但还是我承担了不是吗?I just didn't know what it was.我只是不知道自己承担了什么?I thought...我还以为You thought I loved him.你以为我爱他?If you make your choices alone, how can I trust you?如果你凡事都独自决定叫我怎么能信任你?You can't.你不能Eerie.好可怕啊That's downright macabre.毛骨悚然I wonder what would happen if you dropped a cannonball on one of them? 要是往他们身上丢颗炮弹会怎样?Be disrespectful,it would.太没礼貌了They should be in the care of Davy Jones.他们本该由戴维·琼斯照顾That was the duty him was charged with...那是他的责任by the goddess,Calypso.是女神科莉布索指定的...To ferry those who die at sea to the other side.将死于海中的灵魂送到彼岸去And every ten years...每隔十年him could come ashore...他可以上岸一次...to be with she who love him... truly.和真正爱他的女人欢聚...But the man has become a monster.但那个人已经变成了怪兽So he wasn't always... tentacley?就是说他并非一直是那章鱼怪的模样吗?No.是的Him was a man......once.他曾经是个男人Now there's boats coming.有船来了They're not a threat to us. Am I right?他们对我们没有威胁是吧?We are nothing but ghosts to them.我们对他们来说不过是鬼魂It's best just let them be.让他们任意漂流吧It's my father. We've made it back.那是我父亲我们回到阳间了Father! Father,here,look here!父亲我在这里Elizabeth. Elizabeth伊丽莎白We're not back.我们还没到阳间呢Father!父亲Elizabeth. Are you dead?伊丽莎白你死了吗?No. No.没有啊I think I am.我应该是死了No,you can't be.不你不能死There was this chest,you see.那就是亡灵箱It's odd. At the time it seemed so important.就一只当时它很重要的Come aboard.上船来And a heart.那颗心I learned that if you stab the heart, yours must take its place. 如果你插死了那颗心你的心脏就得来顶替And you will sail the seas for eternity.你就会永远在海上航行The Dutchman must have a captain."荷兰人"号&hearts;一定要有位船长Silly thing to die for.为这个死真不值得Someone,cast a line. Come back with us!谁扔条绳子下去快上来啊Come on.过来啊A touch... of destiny.命中注定Take the line.抓住绳子I'm so proud of you,Elizabeth.我真为你自豪伊丽莎白Father,the line! Take the line!爸爸抓住绳子She must not leave the ship! Father!她绝不能离开这船爸爸Please come with us! Please! No! I won't leave you!求你和我们走求你了我不能离开你啊I'll give your love to your mother.我会给你母亲带个好Please,I won't let you go! Elizabeth. Elizabeth求你了我不能放手让你走伊丽莎白Elizabeth.Elizabeth伊丽莎白Is there a way?有什么办法吗?Him at peace.他心甘情愿的No water.没水了Why is all but the rum gone?为什么只剩朗姆酒了?Rum's gone too.朗姆酒也喝没了If we cannot escape these doldrums before night,如果我们入夜前还逃不出去I fear we will sail on trackless seas.恐怕我们就要被困在漫无边际的大海上Doomed to roam the reach between worlds.永远在世界之间Forever.永远With no water,forever looks to be arriving a mite too soon. 没水喝才是燃眉之急Why doesn't he do something?他为什么无能为力呢?Me eye. Give it back! There's no sense to it.我的眼珠还给我实在搞不明白And the green flash happens at sunset,not sunrise.日落时才会有绿灿烂而不是日出时Over the edge." Ah,it's driving me over the blooming edge. "超越边缘"…我真的要疯了"Sunrises don't set.日出时怎么会"落"呢Up is down."上就是下"Well,that's just maddeningly unhelpful.什么狗屁Why are these things never clear?为什么总要拐弯抹角?Clear as mud,Jackie. What? Eh?已经明说了杰克什么? 嗯?Stab the heart. Don't stab the heart.捅那颗心别捅那颗心Come again? The Dutchman must have a captain.怎么说? "荷兰人"号&hearts;一定要有船长That's even more than less than unhelpful.你们是在帮倒忙Sail the seas for eternity.永远在海上航行I love the sea. What about port?我喜欢海洋不能上岸怎么办?I prefer rum. Rum's good.我更喜欢朗姆酒朗姆酒是好东西Making port. Where we can get rum, and salty wenches... 上岸就有朗姆酒和女人Once every 10 years. What'd he say?十年一次他说什么?Once every 10 years. Ten years is a long time,mate.十年一次十年可是很久的Even longer given the deficit of rum.要是没朗姆酒就会更久But eternity is longer still.但永远还是更长啊And how will you be spending it? Dead?那你打算如何消受永久呢?Or not?死着呢? 还是活着呢?The immortal Captain Sparrow. Oh,I like that. 不死的斯帕洛船长哦我喜欢这头衔Come sunset,it won't matter.碰到日落时也无所谓了Not sunset.不是日落Sundown.日落是下And rise. Up.日出就是上What's that?那是什么?What is that? I don't know. What do you think? 那是什么? 不知道你说呢?Where? There.在哪里? 在那里What is it?是什么啊?He's rocking the ship.他在摇晃船We're rocking the ship.我们在摇晃船Aye. He's onto it.啊哈给他破解了He's rocking the ship.他在让船摇晃We'll tie each other to the mast upside down, 我们把自己倒着绑在主桅上so when the boat flips we'll be the right way up. 等船翻过来我们就朝上了Time it with the swell.加把力Loose the cannons,you lazy bilge rats.你们这群懒猪快把系炮绳松开Unstow the cargo. Let it shift.把货物解开让它们滚起来Now up......is down.现在上就是下了This was your idea.都是你的馊主意Blessed sweet westerlies!。



歌舞青春新年快乐女士Happy New Year's ladies.盖比这是新年前夜别读书了Gabby it's New Year's Eve.Enough reading.可是妈妈马上就完了But Mom I'm almost done.派对呢?我准备了你最好的衣服来吧The teen party? I've laid out your best clothes. Come get ready.能把书还我吗?Can I have my book back?- 谢谢- 来吧- Thank you. - Come on.一直攻左路特洛伊Keep working left Troy.得到冠军赛的后卫位置我们希望你能打垮他们!Got a guard in the championship game we're expectin'. You'll torch 'em!- 向左?- 对- Am I going left? - Yeah.- 他向中路你投篮- 象这样?- He looks middle you take it downtown. - OK like this?喔!对了用在比赛中吧Whoo! That's it man. Sweet. Let's see that in the game.- 嘿?- 别担心我- Boys? - Don't worry about me.我们飞到这里就为了继续打篮球?Did we really fly all this way to play more basketball? 哦Yeah.这是假期的最后一天It's the last night of vacation.派对记得吗?The party remember?对派对。

新年前夜Right the party. The party. New Year's Eve.特洛伊他们在楼下俱乐部有少年派对Troy they have a kid's party downstairs in the Freestyle club.- 少年派对?- 年青人的去吧洗个澡- Kid's party? - Young adults. Now go shower up.好就再来一个Come on. One more.- 最后一个- 很快- Last one. - Real quick.好这是我们结束的方法There we go. That's the way to end it.嗨女士Howdy ma'am.好!滑雪的人来个吧?All right! How about that for a couple of snowboarders?- 好!- 嗨!- Yeah! - Hey!谁是下一个呢?Who's gonna rock the house next?Huh? Ha-ha! Ho-ho!我不会唱不你来吧I can't sing. No you go.你!来来吧And you! Yeah come on.看我不会唱歌别伙计...Look I don't sing. I can't sing. No guys...上来吧!Get up there!嘿知道吗?有朝一日你们会感谢我的Hey you know what? Someday you guys might thank me for this.也许不Or not.Living in my own worldDidn't understandThat anything can happenWhen you take a chanceI never believed inWhat I couldn't see- I never opened my heart - OhTo all the possibilitiesOoh- I know - That something has changedNever felt this wayAnd right here tonightThis could be the start of something new- It feels so right - To be here with youOh!And now I'm lookin' in your eyes- I feel in my heart - Feel in my heartThe start of something newOh yeahNow who'd have ever thought thatWe'd both be here tonight- Ooh - Yeah- And the world looks so much brighter - Brighter brighter- Oh with you by my side - By my sideI know that something has changed never felt this way- I know it for real - RealThis could be the start of something newIt feels so right to be here with youOh!And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heartThe start of something newI never knew that it could happen till it happened to meOh yeahI didn't know it before but now it's easy to seeOh!It's the start of something newIt feels so right to be here with youOh!And now I'm lookin' in your eyes I feel in my heartThat it's the start of something new- It feels so right to be here with you - OhAnd now looking in your eyes- I feel in my heart - Feel in my heartThe start of something newThe start of something newThe start of something new- 特洛伊- 盖比瑞拉- Troy. - Gabriella.你的嗓音真好呀你是个歌手对吧?But seriously you have an amazing voice. You're a singer right?只是在教堂的唱诗班我试过独唱差点晕倒Just church choir is all. I tried to solo and nearlyfainted.真的?为什么?Really? Why is that?我看到人们在盯着我然后我知道的就是我正看着天花板I looked at the people staring at me. Next thing I knew I was staring at the ceiling.- 独唱事业就结束了- 看你唱歌的样子很难相信- End of solo career. - The way you sing that's hard to believe.这是我第一次很酷That was the first time I did that. It was so cool.- 我知道!确实这样!- 听起来你也唱过很多- I know! Completely! - You sound like you've sung a lot too.对我家的淋浴喷头有深刻印象Yeah sure. My showerhead is very impressed with me.我想我最好找到我妈妈祝她新年快乐I guess I better go find my mom and wish her a happy new year.我也是不是指你妈妈是我妈妈和爸爸Yeah me too. I mean not your mom. My mom... and dad.哦我给你电话我明天打给你Uh... I'll call you. I'll call you tomorrow.- 对!- 存你的号码- Yeah! - Here put your number in. 这Here.- 你也是- 好- You too. - Oh OK.给你There you go.你知道吗和你唱歌是我这次假期最高兴的事Just so you know singing with you was the most fun I've had on this vacation.那么你住在哪里?So um... where do you live?盖比瑞拉Gabriella.Wildcats sing along They really got it going onWildcats in the house Everybody sing outWildcats. Everywhere wave your hands up in the airThat's the way we do it let's get to itTime to show the worldWildcats. Sing along They really got it goin' onWildcats in the house everybody sing out...- 特洛伊!你好吗?- 嘿柴德怎么样?- Troy! How ya doing man? - Hey Chad what's up?- 嗨伙计新年快乐- 嗨!- Hey guys happy new year. - Yeah!- 野猫队的新年快乐!- 你真行!- It's a happy Wildcat new year! - You're the man!还有两周我们就要冲击冠军了In two weeks we're going to the championships有你带领我们一直冲顶with you leading us to infinity and beyond.- 哪只队?- 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats!- 哪只队?- 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats!冰公主从北极回来了The ice princess returned from the North Pole.她用通常的方法过了节She spent the holidays the way she always does.- 什么方法?- 买镜子- How's that? - Shopping for mirrors.喔!Ooh!看作动物园的动物宣布新年多有个性Ugh behold the zoo animals heralding the new year. How tribal.妈妈我的胃...Mom my stomach...是第一天在新学校的紧张你会很好的你总是这样的Is nervous on first day at a new school.You'll do great. You always do.我要我的公司答应在你毕业前我不会再调动了I made my company promise that I can't be transferred again until you graduate.我看了你的很好的成绩单你会在在东部高中出色的I reviewed your impressive transcripts. Your light will shine brightly at East High.我不想再成为学校的怪怪的天才女孩I don't want to be the school's freaky genius girl again.只是盖比瑞拉Just be Gabriella.这边This way.特洛伊!特洛伊!Troy! Troy! Hey!怎么样?你好吗?How's it goin'? How are you?达布丝小姐?Miss Darbus?- 你记得那一晚吗?- 不完全忘了- Do you remember the night before? - No not at all.我记得的是粉红果冻...All I remember is like pink jelly. I...对不起Excuse me. 哦!Ooh!- 嗨特洛伊- 嗨- Hi Troy. - Hi.我相信你们都过了欢乐的节日I trust you all had splendid holidays.大家看看走廊里的注册单的新活动伯顿Check the sign-up sheets in the lobby for new activities Mr. Bolton.特别是我们的冬季音乐会我们会有独唱的试镜Especially our winter musicale. We will have singles auditions...- 你没事吧?- 嗯- You OK? - Yeah.还有俩人的领唱的试镜...and pairs auditions for our two leads. - Pfft.丹福斯这是学习的地方不是冰球场Mr. Danforth this is a place of learning not a hockey arena.还有下周的学校的十项全能比赛的报名There is also a final sign-up for next week's scholastic decathlon competition.俱乐部主席泰勒麦克西会回答你们的问题Chem Club president Taylor McHessey can answer all of your questions about that.嗯手机又来损害我们的学习环境了Ah the cell phone menace has returned to our crucible of learning.- 是你的手机吗?- 沙佩莱恩手机- Is it your phone? - Sharpay and Ryan cell phones.- 我会要你留堂的- 啊!- I will see you in detention. - Ahh!我们不允许在在课堂用手机We have zero tolerance for cell phones in class,所以我们会在留堂的时候互相认识手机so we will get to know each other in detention. Cell phone.欢迎来到东部高中蒙兹伯顿我看到是你们的手机And welcome to East High Miss Montez. Mr. Bolton I see your phone is involved.- 所以你也要留堂- 不可能达布丝小姐- So we will see you in detention as well. - That's not a possibility Miss Darbus.您看我们有篮球训练而特洛伊...Your Honor see 'cause we have basketball practice and Troy... 嗯你也要留分钟丹福斯算算Ah that will be minutes for you too Mr. Danforth. Count 'em.对柴德来说太难了他数不了那么多Could be tough for Chad. He can't count that high.泰勒麦克西分钟Taylor McHessey minutes.还有人继续要留堂吗?节日结束了同学们Shall the carnage continue? Holidays are over people.好了!有什么问题吗?Way over! Now any more comments questions?- 杰森- 你节日过得好吗达布丝小姐?- Jason. - How were your holidays Miss Darbus?什么?What?- 对不起留堂时见- 再见没关系的- Sorry man. See you in detention. - See you later. It's all good.嗯她不正常Uhh she's crazy.嗨!Hey!- 我不... - 相信- I don't... - Believe it.- 嗯我... - 但现在?- Well me... - Either. But how?我妈妈的公司调她到阿伯可My mom's company transferred her here to Albuquerque.我不能相信你住这里我新年的时候一直在找你I can't believe you live here. I looked for you at the lodge on New Year's Day.- 我们得离开- 你为什么嘀咕?- We had to leave first thing. - Why are you whispering?什么?喔我的朋友们知道滑雪的事What? Oh uh... my friends know about the snowboarding. 我还没有讲唱歌的事情I haven't quite told them about the singing thing.- 怎么回事?- 嗨- What's up? - Hey.- 他们接受不了?- 不那很酷- Too much for them to handle? - No it was cool.但你知道我的朋友们嗯... 那不是我做的事But you know my friends it's uh... It's not what I do.那好像一个不同的人That was like a different person.所以呃...无论如何欢迎来东部高中So uh... anyway welcome to East High.现在你见到达布丝小姐我打赌你不能等着去报名了Now that you've met Miss Darbus I bet you just can't wait to sign up for that.我不会报任何名的我只想了解学校I won't be signing up for anything for a while. I just wanna get to know the school.但是如果你报名我会考虑参加的But if you sign up I'd consider coming to the show.- 对这完全不可能- 什么不可能特洛伊?- Yeah yeah. That's completely impossible. - What's impossible Troy?我从没想过你的词汇里有"不可能"I wouldn't think "impossible" is even in your vocabulary.哦你真不错带你的新同学参观Oh so nice of you to show our new classmate around.哦你也要报名吗?我弟弟和我Oh were you going to sign up too? My brother and I已经是学校所有剧的明星了我们很欢迎新来者have starred in all the school's productions and we really welcome newcomers.有很多的配角我相信我们会给你找到角色的There are a lot of supporting roles. I'm sure we could find something for you.不不我只是在看所有的布告栏No no no. I was just looking at all the bulletin boards.现在学校在进行很多活动Lots going on at this school. Wow.字写得很好Nice penmanship.特洛伊我在假期很想你你过得如何?So Troy. I missed you during vacation. What'd you do? 你知道嗯...打篮球滑雪更多的篮球You know um... played basketball snowboarding more basketball.- 什么时候是那重要的比赛?- 还有两周- When's the big game? - Two weeks.你这么专注就象我You are so dedicated. Just like me.我希望你能来看我的音乐演出答应我?I hope you come watch me in the musical. Promise? - Toodles! - Toodles.伙计你知道学校音乐演出的事吗?你只要参加就有加分Dude you know that school musical thing? You get extra credit just for auditioning?- 谁在乎?- 有加分总是好事...- Who cares? - It's always good to get extra credit...进入大学...for college...想想小皇帝杰姆斯大鲨鱼奥尼尔会试镜学校的音乐剧演出?Think LeBron James or Shaquille O'Neal auditioned for their school musical?- 也许- 特洛伊- Maybe. - Troy.这音乐演出不是说唱摇滚或文化经典The music in those shows isn't hip-hop or rock or anything essential to culture.只是音乐秀服装和化妆It's like show music. It's all costumes and makeup...- 哦伙计太可怕了- 我知道我想那会很可笑- Oh dude it's frightening. - I know. I thought it'd be a good laugh.- 沙佩也很可爱- 山狮也是- Sharpay's kinda cute too. - So is a mountain lion.但你不把它做宠物But you don't pet it.好野猫队!集合!All right Wildcats! Pair up!来吧!开始!Let's go! Come on!教练说虚右实左Coach said to fake right and break left看着球留意防守Watch out for the pick and keep an eye on defense需要跑动带球去空档Gotta run the give and go and take the ball to the hole不要担心远投And don't be afraid to shoot the outside "J"集中精力比赛集中精力比赛Just keep your head in the game Just keep your head in the game 不要担心远投不要担心远投And don't be afraid to shoot the outside "J"集中精力比赛你要集中精力比赛Just keep your head in the game You gotta get your head in the game我们需要集中精力比赛We gotta get our get our get our get our head in the game你们需要集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your head in the game我们需要集中精力比赛We gotta get our get our get our get our head in the game来你要集中精力比赛Come on get your get your head in the game我们需要集中精力比赛We gotta get our get our get our get our head in the game你需要集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your head in the game我们需要集中精力比赛We gotta get our get our get our get our head in the gameWhoo!让我们保证篮板Let's make sure that we get the rebound因为我们得到观众就狂热'Cause when we get it then the crowd'll go wild第二次机会抓住它A second chance gotta grab it and go也许这次我们会正确Maybe this time we'll hit the right notes等等注意时间和位置等等集中精力比赛Wait a minute not the time and place wait a minute get my head in the game等等集中精力比赛Wait a minute get my head in the game等等我需要集中精力比赛Wait a minute wait a minute I gotta get my get my head in the game你需要集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game我需要集中精力比赛I gotta get my get my head in the game你需要集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game来集中精力比赛Come on get my get my head in the game你需要集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game我需要集中精力比赛I gotta get my get my head in the game你需要集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game whoo我为什么觉得不妥?Why am I feeling so wrong?我脑中想着比赛心中想着歌My head's in the game but my heart's in the song她要我感觉那么好She makes this feel so right我应该唱歌吗?Should I go for it?最好忘了它!I better shake this. Yikes!我需要集中精力比赛I gotta get my get my head in the game你需要集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game我需要集中精力比赛I gotta get my get my head in the game你需要集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game来集中精力比赛Come on get my get my head in the game你需要集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game我需要集中精力比赛I gotta get my get my head in the game你需要集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the gameWhoo!- 什么队?- 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats!- 什么队?- 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats!- 什么队?- 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats!- 野猫队!- 集中精力比赛吧!- Wildcats! - Get your head in the game!嗯看来你认识特洛伊伯顿So it seemed like you knew Troy Bolton.不是他只是带我转转Not really. He was just showing me around.嗯特洛伊通常不和新同学搭话Well Troy usually doesn't interact with new students.- 哦为什么不?- 他通常乘搞篮球- Uh why not? - It's pretty much basketball / with him.- 应该是派分之... - 蒙兹小姐?- That should be over pi... - Yes Miss Montez?对不起我只是...I'm sorry I was just... Uh...第二等式应该是派分之?Shouldn't the second equation read over pi?派分之?不太可能over pi? That's quite impossible.我要改正I stand corrected.哦...欢迎你Oh... and welcome aboard.- 一会见- 好- Catch you later guys. - OK.特洛伊伯顿在看报名单Troy Bolton was looking at our audition list.又一次?Again?他和新来的女孩一起转来看过了He was hanging around with that new girl and they were both looking at the list.她有些怪她说她从哪里来?There's something freaky about her. Where did she say she's from?哦!爱因斯坦Wow! An Einsteinette.你为什么认为她对音乐剧感兴趣?So why do you think she's interested in our musical?我不确定。



和加菲猫一起学口语1由Peter Hewitt 导演,Jennifer Love Hewitt、Breckin Meyer 主演的电影 Garfield 问世已有几年,电影的主人公Garfield和主人Jon上演了许多令人捧腹的故事。


下面就让我们一起来学习吧!1. You're not just my owner, you're my primary care giver. 你不仅仅是我的主人,你还要赚钱养我。

2. Cut the sweet, easy now. 少来这套,别激动。

3. Out there it's a hornet's nest of trouble. 外面的麻烦可多了。

4. —Ok, that's it. You're gonna get it good today. 够了,看我今天怎么整你。

—I make a point to get it good every day. 我每天都整你。

5. So much time, and so little I need to do. 时间这么多,而我却无事可做。

6. What good is a cat that can't chase a mouse? 不会捉老鼠的猫有什么用处?7. Cool, I owe you one. 好,我欠你一次。

小狗Odie尚未享受到主人的关爱和家的温暖就被Garfield赶走了,好吃懒做的Garfield迫于伙伴的压力竟然振奋精神,决定单枪匹马去拯救Odie,一场较量即将在Happy Chapman和Garfield 之间展开。

今天为大家带来的句子就是出自影片的这一段,一起来看看吧!1. There's no room for anybody else in Garfield's world. 加菲猫的世界里容不下别人。



经典的越狱中英文台词1、Michael You and me…Its real…-我和你……是真的深情而含蓄的。

犹记Mic那掺杂太多东西的眼神,也许,他内心在说,“你看不出来,我的,无奈”2、Michael/Lincoln: Just have a little faith.-活得有信念点!逆境中的精神支柱。


3、Abruzzi: I kneel only to God. Dont see him here.-我只向上帝下跪。





4、Abruzzi: Take my hand so we can put all this behind us.-握手言和,把以前的一切一笔勾销吧。

Does not a warm hand feel better than a cold shark? -温暖的手不比冷酷的人好得多吗?渡尽劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇。


5、Friend of Sucre: You look like hell.-你看起来像是去拼命的。

Sucre: Im man from hell, puppy. Now, I just gotta go to Vegas.-我可是从地狱逃出来的!我现在就要去维加斯。


就像他说的,“She is the love of my life”。




6、Sucres GF: What do you want from the future?-女友:你将来想得到什么?Sucre: Would you run if I said you?-Sucre: 如果我说是你,你会逃开吗?Sucres GF: Would you chase me if I did?-女友:如果我逃开了,你会来追我吗?又一条Sucre的……没办法,无情不似多情苦啊。


16. 魔戒二部曲:双塔奇兵;指环王2:双塔奇谋 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 8.7
17. 好家伙;盗亦有道;四海好家伙 Goodfellas (1990) 8.7
18. 黑客帝国;骇客任务;22世纪杀人网络 The Matrix (1999) 8.7
51. 异形 Alien (1979) 8.5
52. 致命魔术;顶尖对决;死亡魔法 The Prestige (2006) 8.5
53. 狮子王 The Lion King (1994) 8.4
54. 大独裁者The Great Dictator (1940) 8.4
55. 窃听风暴;窃听者 The Lives of Others (2006) 8.4
60. 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起;黑暗骑士:黎明升起;蝙蝠侠:夜神起义 The Dark Knight Rises (2012) 8.4
61. 美国美人;美国丽人 American Beauty (1999) 8.4
62. 机器人总动员;瓦力 WALL?E (2008) 8.4
63. 西北偏北 North by Northwest (1959) 8.4
9. 魔戒三部曲:国王归来;指环王3:王者无敌 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) 8.9
10. 搏击俱乐部 Fight Club (1999) 8.8
11. 魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身;指环王 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 8.8
35. 城市之光 City Lights (1931) 8.5



英语句子优化在线1. 被动语态用于陈述客观事实/隐没主语这两条被动语态的用法其实相辅相成—为什么在学术文章中,尤其是experimental中所有的句子都是被动语态?这是出于客观性的考量:主语并不重要,换言之,重要的是客体是被怎么处理的,而至于是具体的谁来处理的,并非我们在本文中需要考量的对象。


想想看你可能在作文中用过的句子:I eat an apple.强行加入被动语态:An apple is eaten by me.请问你是在炫耀自己会用被动语态么?所以综上所述,被动语态应被使用的“润物细无声”。

如果说我们再改一下这句话:An apple is eaten.是不是就有点像警察在侦查命案现场时候说的话了?没错,这就叫客观性。


下面开始举例:Great tragedy will be deprived, at least part of, the property of tragedy precisely because of its greatness.Where the statement is deemed as a sor of mannerism and mystifying is that, with all due respects, he recklessly offered evaluation towards stuffs unknown.这番话之所以被认为是故弄玄虚、侜张为幻,是因为他肆无忌惮地对他并不了解的东西大加评论—当然我这句话虽然比较难听,但并无恶意。


2. prep. + which引导定语从句用介词加which的引导词引导宾语从句,有时候看着比较别扭。

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成交!\~Sold American!
那 斯派克先生? 斯派克? 小姜戈要多少钱?\~So, Mr. Speck? Mr. Speck? How much for young Django here?
那个大铁块是最恼人的了\~That iron is nasty business.
你有吗?\~Do you have one?
去死吧 牙医\~You go to hell, dentist.
我猜就没有\~I thought not.
别担心 我是有备而来\~No worries. I come prepared.
谢谢\~Thank you.
就用这个当契约吧\~This will serve nicely as a bill of sale.
- 是又怎样? - 那我就有要事相商\~- So what? - So I wish to parley with you.
- 说人话 - 喔 对不起\~- Speak English. - Oh, I'm sorry.
请原谅 那并非我的母语\~Please forgive me. It is a second language.
黑鬼! 你敢动我哥的大衣\~Nigger! Don't you touch my brother's coat.
他妈的! 疼!\~Goddamn it! Oh!
一百... 一十... 二十...\~One hundred... ten... 20...
五块...\~and five...
这是小姜戈的\~for young Django here.
供君选择\~Choice is yours.
对了 考虑到你们识星象的几率略低\~Oh, and on the off chance there are any astronomy aficionados amongst you,
北极星在那边\~the North Star is that one.
目前 你手里这些存货 我深信里面\~Now, amongst your inventory, I've been led to believe,
一定有我需要的货色\~is a specimen I'm keen to acquire.
好啊 你们这些可怜的小鬼们!\~Hello, you poor devils!
你们之中谁曾经是\~Is there one amongst you who was formerly a resident
卡鲁肯农场的人?\~of the Carrucan plantation?
我是卡鲁肯农场来的\~I'm from the Carrucan plantation.
说话的人在哪?\~Who said that?
- 别这么跟他说话 - 怎么说?\~- Stop talkin' to him like that. - Like What?
就你这么说\~Like that.
我的好兄弟 我只是想核定...\~My good man, I'm simply trying to ascertain...
说人话 该死的\~Speak English, goddamn it.
就是说得往回走大概至少37英里\~Which would be at least 37 miles back the way you came.
第二条路 你们可以把镣铐解开 拿上那把枪\~Or two: You could unshackle yourselves, take that rifle,
至于你们这些可怜的小鬼\~Now, as to you poor devils.
如此 就我看来 该考虑下一步做什么了\~So, as I see it, when it comes to the subject of what to do next,
现在是各位做出选择的时候了\~you gentlemen have two choices.
还是要动真枪威胁我?\~or are you pointing your weapon at me with lethal intention?
再给你一次机会 娘炮\~Last chance, fancy pants.
哦 好吧\~Oh, very well.
抱歉 射杀了你的牲口\~I'm sorry to put a bullet in your beast,
我是怕你还没三思\~but I didn't want you to do anything rash
就冲动行事\~before you had a moment to come to your senses.
你个狗娘养的!\~You goddamn son of a bitch!
- 你杀了罗斯科! - 好吧...\~- You shot Roscoe! - Well...
对了 你能帮我拿一下吗?\~Oh, could you hold this for a moment?
谢谢你 姜戈?\~Thank you. Django?
上马\~Get up on that horse.
还有 要是我是你\~Also, if I were you,
我就拿上那个死斯派克身上的大衣\~I'd take that winter coat the dear departed Speck left behind.
乌漆麻黑的谁在那鬼鬼祟祟?\~Who's that stumblin' around in the dark?
说明你的来意 不然就准备挂彩吧!\~State your business or prepare to get winged!
别冲动 先生们\~~Calm yourselves, gentlemen.
我想最后再问小姜戈几个问题\~I'd like to finish my line of inquiry with young Django.
- 天杀的我靠! - 接着我刚说的...\~- God-fuckin'-damn it! - As I was saying...
要是你再看见布里托兄弟你能认出他们吗?\~if you were to see the Brittle Brothers again, you could recognize 'em?
等等 小伙子们 我们可以谈谈!\~Now wait a minute, fellas. Let's talk about this!
你们得讲讲道理!\~You gotta be reasonable in a situation like this!
你叫什么名字?\~What's your name?
那我找的就是你了\~Then you are exactly the one I'm looking for.
你知道布里托兄弟是谁吗?\~Do you know who the Brittle Brothers are?
- 你还杀了小杰! - 别急着下定论\~- And you killed Ace! -No. No. No.
我杀你哥也是出于自卫\~I only shot your brother once he threatened to shoot me.
而且我有... 一 二 三 四...\~And I do believe I have... one, two, three, four...
谁?\~Who are they?
大约翰\~Big John.
罗杰 有时候也叫做小罗\~Roger. Sometime they call hห้องสมุดไป่ตู้m Lil Raj.
他们都曾是卡鲁肯农场的监工\~They was overseers at the Carrucan plantation.
别开玩笑了 他们当然是待售的\~Don't be ridiculous. Of course they're for sale.
好狗不挡路\~Move it.
我的好兄弟 你这是摆个舞枪弄棒的姿势呢\~My good man, did you simply get carried away with your dramatic gesture
照着他脑袋上来一枪 然后把他倆的尸骨深埋\~put a bullet in his head, bury the two of them deep,
然后找个更开化的地方扎根\~and then make your way to a more enlightened area of this country.
既然你留着也没什么用\~And since he won't be needing it anymore,
我想连你哥的老马一并买下\~I'd like to purchase your brother's nag.
还有 斯派克先生 我恐怕还需要一张卖身契\~Also, Mr. Speck, I'm afraid I will require a bill of sale.
他们走了\~Not anymore.
告诉我...\~Tell me...
如果你再遇到那三位\~if you were to see any of these three gentlemen again,