

I'm not a nauseous old man. She just needs a person to talk to her.2、我用光了所有表情,从人群中仓皇逃走。
I spent all my expression and fled from the crowd.3、当你不再来看我时,我也就死了。
When you stop coming to see me, I die.4、我们失败了。
We failed. The meaning of failure is that we disappoint everyone, including ourselves.5、我从未如此深刻地感受到,与灵魂相距甚远,而我的存在却如此真实。
I have never felt so deeply that I am far apart from the soul, but my existence is so real.6、幽默感是关键。
A sense of humor is the key. I don't have that talent, ha ha.I mean, I have a sense of tragedy in my sense of humor.7、他怎么死的,没人知道没人关心。
How did he die? No one knows nobody cares.8、不在乎太容易了,在乎才需要勇气。
It doesn't matter too much. It takes courage to care.9、不在乎谁都会,要有多大勇气才能学会在乎。

1. The Godfather (《教父》)- "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." (我将给他一个他无法拒绝的条件。
)- "It's not personal, Sonny. It's strictly business." (这并不是个人问题,索尼。
)2. Forrest Gump (《阿甘正传》)- "My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates." (我妈妈总是说人生就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一颗是什么。
)- "Stupid is as stupid does." (傻人有傻福。
)3. Titanic (《泰坦尼克号》)- "I'm the king of the world!" (我是世界之王!)- "You jump, I jump." (你跳,我也跳。
)4. The Shawshank Redemption (《肖申克的救赎》)- "Get busy living or get busy dying." (要么忙着活着,要么忙着死去。
)- "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." (希望是件好东西,也许是最好的东西。
Homeless To Harvard(经典台词最全中英文对照)

风雨哈佛路Homeless to Harvard1.我觉得我自己很幸运,因为对我来说从来就没有任何安全感,于是我只能被迫向前走,我必须这样做。
I feel that I got lucky, because any sense of security was pulled out from me, so I was forced to look forward, I had to, there was no going back. And I reach a point where I just thought. "All right, I'm gonna work as hard as I possibly can and see what happens".2.放下负担,让它过去,这样才能继续前进。
Now I can lay it out and burn it done, put it in the rest, then I can go on.3.什么是家?一个屋顶? 床?必须接纳你的地方?如果那样的话,15岁我开始无家可归。
I was 15 when I went out in the world. What’s a home anyway?A roof? A bed? A place where when you go there, they have to take you? If so, then I was 15 when I became homeless.4.终于我明白了,我妈妈在哪里,我的家就在哪里。
And another time I knew where ever my mom was, that’s where my home was.5.世界是虚无的,我们活在彼此的心中。

经典电影中英文台词精选1 Today,I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth。
《扬基的骄傲》2 Tell our enemies that they may take our lives,but they'll never takeour Freedom!告诉敌人,他们也许能夺走我们的生命,但是,他们永远夺不走我们的自由!《勇敢的心》3 I am big!It’s the pictures that got small。
《日落大道》4 May the Force be with you。
《星球大战》5 Show me the money!让我看到钱!《甜心先生》6 We’ll always have Paris。
《卡萨布兰卡》7 Oh,Jerry,don’t let’s ask for the moon。
We have the stars。
《扬帆》8 Go ahead,make my day。
《拨云见日》9 You had me at″hello。
《甜心先生》10 I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what’s going to happen,or who I’m going to meet, whe re I’m going to wind up。
《泰坦尼克号》1 I’ll be back。
《终结者》2 I have always depended on the kindness of strangers。

1. 一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。
One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.2. 幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。
Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.3. 爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。
Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off, you will find the shadow everywhere. A friend is someone who can give you strength at last.4. 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。
I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you.5. 爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。

One may fall in love with many people during the lifetimes. When you finally get your own happiness,you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure,which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白一起的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。
——《泰坦尼克号》2Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃整个世界。
——《两小无猜》3In this world,only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness.在这个世界上,只有真正快乐的男人,才能带给女人真正的快乐。
——《附注我爱你》We all have a destiny.Nothing just happens,it’s all part of a plan.我们都有自己的命运,没有什么是随随便便发生的,它都是计划的一部分。
——《阿甘正传》5In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us,I love you.哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你。
——《乱世佳人》6I always like walking in the rain,so no one can see my crying.我一直喜欢在雨中行走,那样就没人能看到我的眼泪。

35句经典电影台词欣赏中英对照35句经典电影台词欣赏中英对照相信大家对于电影是不少看,那么关于电影里面的一些经典台词或者是一些经典语句不知道大家会不会收藏起来呢?以下是小编给大家整理的35句经典电影台词欣赏中英对照,希望可以帮到大家1."Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." Gone with the Wind, 1939“坦白说,亲爱的,我不在乎。
”——《乱世佳人》(1939年)2."Here's looking at you, kid." Casablanca, 1942“孩子,就看你的了。
”——《卡萨布兰卡》(1942年)3. "Go ahead, make my day." Sudden Impact, 1983“来吧,让我也高兴高兴。
”——《拨云见日》(1983年)4. "May the Force be with you." Star Wars, 1977“愿原力与你同在。
”——《星球大战》(1977年)5. "You talking to me?" Taxi Driver, 1976“你是在对我说话吗?”——《出租车司机》(1976年)6. "What we've got here is failure to communicate." Cool Hand Luke, 1967“现在我们得到的只是沟通上的失败。
”——《铁窗喋血》(1967年)7. "Love means never having to say you're sorry." Love Story, 1970“真爱意味着永远不必说对不起。
”——《爱情故事》(1970年)8. "The stuff that dreams are made of." The Maltese Falcon, 1941"梦想由此构成。

12. Why do I do this? Because the money’s good, the scenery changes ,and they let me ues the explosives. okay?
10. ----You want answers? 你要知道答案吗?
----I want the truth! 我要知道真相!
----You can’t handle the truth. 你承受不了真相。----《好人无几》
4. The blue pill or the red pill?
5. I don’t kown if you are keeping up with current events but we just got our asses kicked!
9. Get busy living or get busy dieing.
17. That’s all I got to say about that.

翻译电影台词1、Tomorrow is another day——《Gone with the wind》翻译:明天又是新的一天——《飘》2、You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise.——《Titanic》翻译:你必需帮我完成这个……答应我,你要活着,你永远不要放弃,不管发生什么,不管有多么绝望,现在就答应我,永远不要忘记你的承诺。
——《泰坦尼克号》3、Momma always said:” Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.”——《Forrest Gump》翻译:妈妈总是说:“人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力,你永远不知道下一块将会是什么口味。
”——《阿甘正传》4、I’ll be back——《The terminator》翻译:我会回来的——《终结者》5、Well,life isn’t always what one likes,is it? ——《Roman Holiday》翻译:嗯,人生不会尽如人意,不是吗?——《罗马假日》6、There’s no place like home——《The wizard of OZ》翻译:没有任何地方可以像家一样。
——《绿野仙踪》7、Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine. ——《Casablanca》翻译:世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇中有那么多的酒馆,她却偏偏走进了我的酒馆。

There are no accidents.2.何必躲呢,躲不过的。
One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.3.着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。
Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.4.做不做呢,要不要呢?Quit don't quit. Noodles don't noodles.5.俗语说,既往者之不鉴,来着尤可追!那就是为什么今天是present(现在/礼物)There is a saying, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That is why it's called the present (the gift).6.乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果Yes,look at this tree Chivu(师傅).I can not make it boloosm and suits me, nor make it bear food before it's time.7.师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制我可以控制果实何时坠落我还可以控制在何处播种那可不是幻觉大师But there are things we can control.I can control when the fruit will fall.... And I can control.What time to seed,That is not illusion, Master8.乌龟:是啊不过无论你做了什么那个种子还是会长成桃树你可能想要苹果或桔子可你只能得到桃子那个种子还是会长成桃树Yes, but no matter what you do,That seed will grow to be a peach tree.You may wish for an Apple or an orange,But you will get a peach.9.师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎But peach can not defeate Tai Long.10.乌龟:也许它可以的,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。

3、I”monlybravewhenIhavetobe.Beingbravedoesn”tmeanyougolooki ngfortrouble.我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,但是勇敢并不代表要到处闯祸。
5、Ohyes,thepastcanhurt.ButthewayIseeit,youcaneitherrunfromito rlearnfromit.是的,过去也许是不堪回首的。

经典英文电影台词1.A man can be destroyed but not defeated.一个人可以被毁灭,却不能被打败。
《老人与海》2. Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料 . 《阿甘正传》3. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do.死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。
《阿甘正传》4.If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on, is to remember them. Building burn, people die, but real love is forever. -- The Crow如果我们所爱的人从我们身边被偷走,要使他们继续留在我们身边,就要记住他们。
《乌鸦》5. Frankly,my dear,I don’t give a damn.坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。
(《乱世佳人》1939)6.I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.我会开出他无法拒绝的条件。
(《教父》1972)7.Toto,I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。
(《绿野仙踪》1939)8.Here’s looking at you,kid.永志不忘。
(《卡萨布兰卡》1942)9.Go ahead,make my day.来吧,让我也高兴高兴。
(《拨云见日》1983)10.All right,Mr. De Mille,I’m ready for my close-up.好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。

I'm not a nauseous old man. She just needs a person to talk to her.2、我用光了所有表情,从人群中仓皇逃走。
I spent all my expression and fled from the crowd.3、当你不再来看我时,我也就死了。
When you stop coming to see me, I die.4、我们失败了。
We failed. The meaning of failure is that we disappoint everyone, including ourselves.5、我从未如此深刻地感受到,与灵魂相距甚远,而我的存在却如此真实。
I have never felt so deeply that I am far apart from the soul, but my existence is so real.6、幽默感是关键。
A sense of humor is the key. I don't have that talent, ha ha.I mean, I have a sense of tragedy in my sense of humor.7、他怎么死的,没人知道没人关心。
How did he die? No one knows nobody cares.8、不在乎太容易了,在乎才需要勇气。
It doesn't matter too much. It takes courage to care.9、不在乎谁都会,要有多大勇气才能学会在乎。
Do not care who will, how much courage can learn to care.10、我年轻,又年老,连灵魂都无聊至极。

励志电影经典台词中英对照1.Yesterdayishistory,tomorrowisamystery,buttodayisagift,tha tiswhyit’scalledpresent!昨天已成为历史,明天是的,而今天是上天赐予我们的礼物,这就是为什么我们把它叫做现在!——《功夫熊猫》2.Ifthere’sanykindofmagicintheworld,itmustbetheattemptofunderstanding someoneorsharesomething.如果世上真的有什么奇迹,那么一定是去理解他人和与人分享。
——《日出之前》3.Ipromiseyou,ifGodhadgiftedmewithwealthandbeauty,Iwouldmak eitashardforyoutoleavemenowasitisformetoleaveyou.告诉你吧,如果上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会让您难以离开我,就像我现在难以离开您。

喜剧之王1. 努力!奋斗!Work harder! Keep on!2. 拜托你们,跑龙套的也要找些专业的嘛.I’m begging you, you’d better find a professional extra for this role.3. 痛应该是从外到内,再反映出来的.Pain is transmitted from your body to the inside, and outside again.4. 你们的问题就是:演技太差!Your problem is: your acting stinks.5. 小姐,如果你非要叫我跑龙套的话,可不可以不要加个“死”字在前面?Miss, if you must call me an extra, you don’t need to add “damned” in front of it.6. 不上班你养我啊?Are you supporting my living if I don’t go to wor k?7. 我这辈子已经受了太多的挫折,我实在是太累了.如果连你也失去了,我真的支持不下去了.I’ve encountered too much failure in my life, and I’m very tired. If I lose you too, I can’t hold on anymore.8. 我们现在是谈生意,不是谈恋爱.We’re talking about business here. Don’t mix your personal feeling into it.9. 我说过你一定行的,记不记得?I’ve said you can make it someday, remember?10. 钱不是重点,重点是演技有没有发挥的空间呢?Money is not important , I only want to practice my acting.唐伯虎点秋香1. 千金易得,知己难求It’s easy to get a wife but not easy to get a wife who understands me.2. 笑得好看一点嘛Show us a happy look.3. 我的心又悲心又痛I’m so miserable八个老婆如豺狼恶虎 My wives are abnormal housewives人家当我享尽齐人福 But others envy me so much其实空虚寂寞谁人知谁人知In fact, I’m lonely.4. 你就当众示范一下你的泡妞****吧Why not show us how to court a girl for us?5. 这怎么行,我可是个黄花大闺女啊No, I’m a girl, a decent girl.6. 这个死人妖It’s a ladyboy!7. 你要知道美女这个东西,跟鲜花一样需要有绿叶来衬托才会显出她的娇媚.You know, pretty woman is like flowers. You’ll be all eyes for her beauty if some leaves are around.8. 原来当今世上最美丽的笑容,就是充满了爱心的笑容,我终于找到了我的理想The prettiest smile is the smile with love. I’ve found my dream lover.9. 以你的智慧,唬得了你吗?How can I cheat a wise guy like you?10. 我跟你相依为命,同甘共苦了这么多年,一直把你当亲生骨肉一样教你养你,想不到今天白发人送黑发人!We have suffered for such a long time. I take you as my relative. How can you leave me like this…?11. 我连命都不要了,看你还怎么跟我比?I don’t want my life either, see how can you compete with me?12. 死做活做像条狗,被人骂不能汪汪叫Life is difficult. But, you have to smile even when you are scolded.13. 谁当你是低等下人了,我们只是当你是条狗而已We don’t treat you as low ranking workman, we just treat you as a dog.14. 有缘千里来相会It’s a destiny for us to meet again.15. 不要因为我是娇花而怜惜我,用力吧Don’t save your energy becau se I am so pretty and civilized.功夫1. 还有王法吗?还有法律吗?Is there no justice? Is there no law?2. 这是一个社会动荡,黑帮横行的年代,其中又以”斧头帮”最令人闻风丧胆.惟独一些连黑帮也没兴趣的贫困社区却可享有暂时的安宁.In a time of social unrest and disorder, the gangs have moved in to consolidate their power. The most feared of them all is the Axe Gang. Only in the poorest districts, which hold no interest for the gangs, can people live in peace.3. 点解霎时间会没水呢?What happened to the water?4. 就算杀了一个我,还有千千万万个我You can kill me, b ut there’ll be thousands more of me.5. 单挑啊We’ll go one-on-one.6. 自己人啊We’re on the same side!7. 我不入地狱,谁入地狱?You cannot escape your destiny!8. 警恶惩奸,维护世界和平这个任务就交给你了The duty of upholding world peace and punishing evil will be yours.9. 有钱给钱,没钱收拾包袱,滚!Pay up or pack up!10. 记忆是痛苦的根源,你能不记得算是福气了Memories can be painful. To forget may be a blessing.11. 问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流All the sadness one can bearDown the river everywhere.12. 一曲肝肠断,天涯何处觅知音A song that wrenches the heartO, where do I find a knowing ear?13. 后会有期Till we meet again.14. 天下武功,无坚不破,唯快不破In the world of kungfu, speed defines the winner.15. 自古正邪不两立The good cannot coexist with the bad.。

——《后来的我们》If you hadn't gone, would we be different then?2、毕业时我们在一起,希望未来我们还能再相遇!——《谁的青春不迷茫》When we graduate, we hope that we can meet again in the future.3、我们人类更关心的是拥有,而不是存在。
——《超体》We humans are more concerned with possession rather than being.4、钱不是问题,是你不在我心里了。
——《北京遇上西雅图》Money is not a problem. You are not in my heart.5、你妈妈也去过不少地方耶!还有这种嗜好!只拍床这么变态!——《前度》Your mother has been to many places. And this hobby! Only filming the bed so abnormal!6、可以负责任的告诉你,黎叔很生气,后果很严重!——《天下无贼》I can tell you responsibly that Uncle Li is very angry and the consequences are very serious.7、男人钱多钱少不重要,找一个知冷知热疼你的。
——《北京遇上西雅图》It doesn't matter if a man has more money or less money.8、如果我多一张船票,你会不会跟我一起走?——《花样年华》If I have another ticket, will you go with me?9、解散,重组,没有区别,本质相同。

英文电影台词中英文对照翻译以下是一些经典英文电影台词的中英文对照翻译:1. "I'll be back." - "我会回来的。
" (《终结者》)2. "May the Force be with you." - "愿原力与你同在。
" (《星球大战》)3. "Here's looking at you, kid." - "盯着你看,孩子。
" (《卡萨布兰卡》)4. "I'm the king of the world!" - "我是世界之王!" (《泰坦尼克号》)5. "There's no place like home." - "没有地方比得上家。
" (《绿野仙踪》)6. "You can't handle the truth!" - "你无法承受真相!" (《飞越疯人院》)7. "To infinity and beyond!" - "无限期地向前,向无尽的彼岸!" (《玩具总动员》)8. "I see dead people." - "我看到死人了。
" (《第六感生死缘》)9. "Hasta la vista, baby." - "再见,宝贝。
" (《终结者2》)10. "I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know,that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino ifyou're not into the whole brevity thing." - "我是放荡不羁的家伙(The Dude)。
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Trask: Mr. Simms, you are a cover-up artist and you are a liar.西门斯先生,你是一个狡猾的包庇者,是一个说谎者。
Frank: But not a snitch!却不是告密者。
Trask: Excuse me请原谅,再说一遍。
Frank: No, I don't think I will.我不会原谅你Trask: Mr. Slade斯莱德先生Frank: This is such a crock of shit!这纯粹是一堆狗屁话。
Trask: Please watch your language, Mr. Slade; you are in the Baird School, not a barracks. Mr. Simms, I'll give you one final opportunity to speak up.请注意你的语言斯莱德先生,这里是拜尔德中学不是军营。
Frank: Mr. Simms doesn't want it. He doesn't need to be labeled, still worthy of being a Baird man! What the hell is that What is your motto here Boys, inform on your classmates, save your hide, anything short of that, we're gonna burn you at the stake Well, gentleman, when the?shit hits the fan some guys run and some guys stay, here's Charlie, facing the fire and there's George hiding in big daddy's pocket. And what are you doing And you are gonna reward George, and destroy Charlie.西门斯先生不需要申辩,他不需要被贴上无愧于拜尔德人的标签。
Trask: Are you finished, Mr. Slade你讲完了没有斯莱德中校。
Frank: No, I'm just getting warmed up! I don't know who went to this place, William Howard Taft, William Jennings Bryant, William Tell, whoever, their spirit is dead, if they ever had one. It's gone. You're building a rat ship here, a vessel for seagoing snitches. And if you think you're preparing these minnows for manhood, you better think again, because I say you're killing the very spirit this institution proclaims it instills. What a sham! What kind of a show are you guys putting on here today I mean, the only class in this act is sitting next to me, I'm here to tell you this boy's soul is intact, it's non-negotiable, you know how I know, someone here, and I'm not gonna say who, offered to buy it, only Charlie here wasn't selling.不~~~我才刚刚开了个头,我不知道那些有名的校友是谁—威廉霍华德塔夫、威廉詹尼斯布莱克、威廉蒂尔,管他呢;他们的精神已经死了,就算有也不在了。
查理不会出卖自己的灵魂Trask: Sir, you're out of order.不要破坏规矩Frank: I'll show you out of order. You don't know what out of order is, Mr. Trask, I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too fucking blind, if I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a flame thrower to this place! Out of order Who the hell do you think you're talking to I've been around, you know There was a time I could see, and I have seen, boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out, their legs ripped off, but there is nothing like the sight of an amputated spirit. There is no prosthetic for that, you think you're merely sending this splendid foot solider back home to Oregen with his tail between his legs, but I say you're executing his soul! And why Because he is not a Baird man. Baird men, you hurt this boy, you're gonna be Baird bums, the lot of you. And Harry, Jimmy, and Trent, wherever you are out there,?fuck you too!让你见识见识什么是破坏规矩,你不知道什么叫破坏规矩克拉斯先生,真该让你见识,可我太老了!我太累了!该死的我还是个瞎子.要是五年前,我会拿火焰喷射剂把这给烧了,破坏规矩,你以为在跟谁说话,我可是久经杀场,那时候我还能看德见,我看见的是象他们这么大孩子们胳膊被炸段了,双腿被截段了,可我从来没见过孩子们的精神有过任何程度的缺损,他们从不缺少这种精神。
Trask: Stand down, Mr. Slade!请你肃静,斯莱德中校Frank: I'm not finished. As I came in here, I heard those words: cradle of leadership. Well, when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, and it has fallen here, it has fallen. Makers of men, creators of leaders, be careful what kind of leaders you're producin' here. I don't know if Charlie's silence here today is right or wrong, I'm not a judge or jury, but I can tell you this: he won't sell anybody out to buy his future! And that my friends is called integrity, that's called courage. Now, that's the stuff leaders should be made of. Now I have come to crossroads in my life, I always knew what the right path was. Without exception, I knew, but I never took it, you know why, it was too * hard. Now here's Charlie, he's come to the crossroads, he has chosen a path. It's the right path, it's a path made of principle that leads to character. Let him continue on his journey. You hold this boy's future in your hands, committee, it's a valuable future, believe me. Don't destroy it, protect it. Embrace it. It's gonna make you proud one day, I promise you. How's that for cornball我还说完呢~我刚一进到这里,就听到那些话:“未来领袖的摇篮”如果架子断了,摇篮也就掉了,它已经掉了,它随落了,造就青年,培养未来的领袖,看吧!要小心了,你们在培养什么样的领袖,我不知道!今天查理保持沉默是对还是错,我虽然不是法官但我可以告诉你,他不会为了自己的前途而出卖任何人。