

An Analysis of the Tragic Elements of Death of a Salesman from the Angle of Humans’ Relationships


Acknowledgements (i)

Abstracts in Chinese ................................................................................................................................ i i Abstracts in English ................................................................................................................................. i i

I Introduction (1)

1.1 Arthur Miller and his play of Death of a Salesman (1)

1.2 The Main Content of the Play (2)

II Relationships among people (5)

2.1 The Relationship of Family Members (6)

2.1.1The Relationship Between Willy and His Father (7)

2.1.2 The Relationship Between Willy and His Elder Brother (7)

2.1.3The Relationship Between Willy and His Son Biff (9)

2.1.4The Relationship Between Willy and His Wife Linda (12)

2.1.5 A Brief Summary of This Chapter (14)

2.2 The Relationship of Social Members (15)

III Literature Review (4)

3.1 The definition of values ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.2 Values in Tragic Destiny of Willy Loman (18)

IV Conclusion (19)

4.1 A General Summary of the Thesis ........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

4.2 Limitations and Expectation .................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Works Cited . (21)


First of all, my deepest gratitude goes to my supervisor, who has done a great favor to my thesis writing. From the planning of this thesis structure to the revision of it, she has walked me through all the stages with helpful guidance and encouragement. Without her consistent instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.

Besides, I would like to give my thanks to my dear teachers who gave me assistance during my writing process, including Professor, Lecturer Huang Shan. They guided me into the paradise of literature research and offered me valuable suggestions.

Last my thanks would go to my beloved families and roommates. When I was writing this thesis, they urged me to complete the thesis regularly and discussed difficult problems with me. On account of these, I can finish my thesis on schedule.






摘要《推销员之死》是阿瑟米勒的代表作,其具有高超的艺术价值和深刻的社会意义。该剧捕获了美国战后一代寻找人的心。尤其是主人公威利洛曼的悲剧命运相当典型,引起了观众和评论界的强烈反响。因此,许多人认为《推销员之死》反映了小人物的悲剧人生,他们把这部剧作解读成美国梦的破灭或犹太异化,许多人也从美国社会文化的、文学剧作理论,以及象征主义等角度研究过该作品的特色。但从人物关系角度研究该作品的悲剧色彩的甚少,无论从什么方面解读改作品,毫无疑问,这部作品人们的震撼是共同的。人们在对威利深表同情之余,产生深度的思考和探讨该剧的悲剧情节,它那悲剧史诗般的地位,证明了它在美国现代戏剧和现代社会学上无可替代的作用,所以,《推销员之死》的成功是悲剧的极大成功,本文基于悲剧理论,其中,主要运用亚里士多德悲剧理论来解释家庭人物关系和现代悲剧理论来解释社会人物关系,指出若从“人物关系”的角度反观《推销员之死》中主人公的命运,可以发现他的一生是悲剧的一生。从而得出此剧的悲剧色彩给人们以极大的启迪和悲剧的意义所在,引导人们树立正确的价值观,对人生的价值、人类的命运和人际关系不断进行思考和探讨,使人类能够走向更加完善的境界。[关键字] 人物关系悲剧价值

An Analysis of the Tragic Elements of Death of a Salesman from the

Angle of Humans’ Relationships

[Abstracts] Death of a Salesman is the masterpiece of Arthur Miller,which is full of excellent artistic value and profound social significance. The play describes that the

post-war generation were looking for the human’s heart. In particular, it is fairly typical to the tragic fate of the fate of the hero Willy Loman, which has caused a strong reaction from views and the critics. Therefore, some people, who thought that Death of a Salesman reflected the tragic life of common people, interpreted the play as the collapse of the American Dream or the alienation of jewishness. Many people also studied this play from the angle of American social culture or literary theory of drama or symbolism, but there were a few people who analyzed this play from the aspect of humans’relationships. Nevertheless, no matter from what aspect to interpret this work, it is no doubt that the shock bringing to people in this play is common. Its status of tragic epic proved its irreplaceable role in American modern drama and modern sociology. Apart from people’s showing deep sympathy to Willy’s tragedy, they will also have a deep thinking and get a lot of enlightenments from it. Therefore, through tragic theory, this essay will study and explore the tragic plots of the play and, through the view of character relationship, point out the hero’s destiny in Death of a Salesman, by the way, the relationships of family members is on the basis of Aristotle tragic theory and the relationships of social members is based on modern tragic theory, then, people can further find his life, entirely, is a tragic life, especially, people will learn a lot from it and understand the meaningfulness of tragedy. It can also lead people set up correct values, take a new look at life’s value, humans’ destiny and interpersonal relationship so as to reach a more perfect realm.

[Key words] humans’ relationships; tragedy; value

I Introduction

1.1 Arthur Miller and Death of a Salesman

Arthur Miller was one of the greatest playwrights in 1940s. He was born in a Jewish family in October 1915. His Father was a clothing manufacturer who went bankrupt in 1929 during the Great Depression. After Miller witnessed his father’s business failure, he engaged in various proletarian jobs so as to earn enough money to support him to attend university of Michigan as journalism major, starting to write plays and broadcast scripts.

His first important play was All My Sons (1947), which described an illegal businessman of faulty military products and analyzed the influences of family relations made by opportunism. Besides, this strongly reflected that Ibsenian playwrights had a great effect on Miller’s writing, especially,the Ibsenian themes were often appeared in his following playwrights. Then, the enduring appeal of his masterpiece in his whole life should be attributed to his works Death of a Salesman (1949), a tragic version of American Dream, recognized as his magnum opus.

Meanwhile, in February 1949, the play was performed in New York’s Broadway 742 times in succession. Consequently, he won a Tony Prize and a Pulitzer Prize with Death of a Salesman reaching an international reputation.

In addition, a typical theme of Miller’s plays was that he concerned the dilemma of modern people in relation to their families and jobs. What described mostly in his plays was that the heroes were often under great pressure made by both their families and society. They tried in vain to save themselves out from their own physical and spiritual

predicament. On the contrary, they fell deeply into the dilemma, finding the form of suicide, as the only method, to release them.

Arthur Miller’s latest works include: The Last Yankee (1991), The Ride down Mt. Morgan (1991), The American Clock (1993), and Broken Glass (1994).

1.2 The Main Content of the Play

The hero, Willy Loman, was a sixty-three-year-old traveling salesman who had a deep faith in the American Dream in American society, that is, people believed that even the most impoverished person, through hard work and determination, could finally work their way to the upper class and achieve great success and get national reputation.

After rushing around the country for many years, Willy realized that he was neither a responsible husband nor a good father. According to his criteria and others’ evaluation, his two sons were not outstanding. Now his career nearly came to an end, so he had to escape into the past dreamy memory which he had longed for.

Furthermore, at the beginning of the play, both of his sons came home at the same time. After having a talk with their father Willy, they worried about his irrelevant conversation and they feared that their mother could not bear such great pressure from Willy. However, actually, their mother Linda believed that she understood completely his husband Willy, knowing that his strange behaviors were stemmed from the wide gap between his unpractical dream to be a rich man and the disappointing reality. Therefore, Linda persuaded her elder son Biff to find a good job in order to let Willy feel proud. Actually, both Biff and Happy wanted to please their father, so they invited him to have dinner in a restaurant. But during the dinner, it was at that moment when Biff told Willy the truth about his failure to find a job that Willy felt his dream was absolutely broken. Willy went into the washing room bemusedly. Then, the awful memory in the past was

pouring into his mind, that is, Biff had gone to Boston for Willy’s help because of his failing’s college entrance examination. Nevertheless, Biff happened to see that his father stayed with a mistress in the hotel. Only when Willy came back to the reality did he realize that he should be responsible for Biff’s disillusionment and idleness. Next, when he went back the dinner table, he just found both his sons left him with two mistresses. In this way, Willy had to go home alone with humiliations. Then, he had a fierce quarrel with Biff who was about to run away from home. During the quarrel, Biff not only revealed that he had been in prison for three months but also he ruthlessly laughed at Willy’s unpractical dream. At that moment, the old man, Willy, was driven to the edge of desperation and felt extremely sad for his illusion was entirely broken. As a result, he chose to commit suicide so that Biff could get his insurance money(20,000dollars) to continue to fulfill their unrealistic dream.

1.3 Thesis Structure and Research Methodology

In Chapter One,, the author introduces some important points and achievements of Arthur Miller. Then the author states the main content of the famous play Death of a Salesman, giving readers a brief understanding about this play. The third part of Chapter One is the thesis structure and research methodology.

In Chapter Two, there is one part. The author states the definition of value, former studies about this play and explains objectives and significance of this study, telling readers why tragedy in play is meaningful.

Chapter Three is an important part of this thesis. It is going to research relationships among this play. This Chapter includes two parts——one is to analyze each relationship of family member separately, including the relationship between Willy and his father,

between Willy and his elder Brother Ben, between Willy and his son Biff, and between Willy and his wife Linda. And the other is to state the relationship of social members.

Chapter Four is to discuss values in tragic destiny of Willy Loman.

Chapter Five is a conclusion of the whole thesis. The author will give a general summary of the topic and help modern people to set up correct values.

Literature research method, Aristotle tragic theory as well as modern theory are used in this thesis.

II Literature Review

Generally speaking, Values can change people’s life and have an influence on a person’s beliefs. Albert has ever noted that “a value system represents what is expected or hope for, required or forbidden. It is not a report of actual conduct but is the system of criteria by which conduct is judged and sanctions applied” (1968). His words showed the significance of values. And then, what are values? Different people may have different opinion upon this question. According to Rokeach, values are “a learned organization of rules for making choices and for resolving conflicts”(1973, p.161). It means that people’s making choices are affected by the rules that organized in their minds. So there is next question---How are the rules established? “Values are shared ideas about what is true, right, and beautiful that underlies cultural patterns and guide society in response to the physical and social environment.”Nanda and Warms said (1998, p.48). It’s said that sharing ideas is a basic way to build the rules. When most people agree certain ideas, those ideas become common values. And what’s the relationship between tragedy and values? Tragedy and values have a tight connection. They influence everyone’s view. Tragedy usually possesses the hopes for a better life, brings knowledge or enlightenments to human being, and helps people to set up correct values.

Death of a Salesman demonstrated the theme of the conflict between dream and reality, the difference between success and failure, as well as the “American Dream”which paid too much attention to money; finally, the tragic death of Willy Loman represents the disillusionment of “American Dream”. Therefore, some people, who thought that Death of a Salesman reflected the tragic life of common people, interpreted the play as the collapse of the American Dream or the alienation of jewishness. Many people also studied this play from the angle of American social culture or literary theory of drama or symbolism, but there were a few people who analyzed this play from the aspect of human’s relationships. Nevertheless, no matter from what aspect to interpret this work, it is no doubt that the shock bringing to people in this play is common. Its tragic epic status proved its irreplaceable role in American modern drama and modern sociology. Apart from people’s showing deep sympathy to Willy’s tragedy, they will also have a deep thinking and get a lot of enlightenments from it. Therefore, through tragic theory, this essay will study and explore the tragic plots of the play and, through the view of character relationship, point out the hero’s destiny in Death of a Salesman, then, we can further find his life, entirely, is a tragic life. In addition, we will learn a lot from it and it also lead us take a new look at life’s value, human’s destiny and interpersonal relationship so as to reach a more perfect realm.

III Analysis of Relationships among people

When Nietzsche, a great philosopher, said the God had been dead, the Western society began to search for the new spiritual faith. In order to produce the greatest tragic effects, the hero tended to be thrown into the complicated people’s relationship, suffering great frustration and even losing his own life, which gave people a chance to take a new

look at the social value (2007). Besides, according to Aristotle, the main purpose of tragedy is to stir up the audience’s mercy to the hero and their fear for the unknown fate so that their morality will get sublimations. Then Miller not only said yes to what Aristotle had held but also he had his further understanding bout this point. For one thing, he held that tragedy ought to be evoked pity and fear in audience’s mind and striking power should be produced in audience’s potential fear. After the characters in the play have faced a battle that they will never win in it, people will show mercy to them. For another, he also thought that not only shall tragedy transcend the simple mercy but also it need to try the best to create a world where they will never give in to the evil. What’s more, tragedy must possess the hopes for a better life and bring knowledge or enlightenments to human being.

The reason why the hero Willy in Death of a Salesman faced tragedy should be partly attributed to the relationship of his family members and the relationship of social members. This will give a new look of human’s relationship. Next, we will explain it separately.

3.1 The Relationship of Family Members

Aristotle, a philosopher in ancient Greek, once defined tragedy in his Poetics: Tragedy, then, is an imitation of an action which is serious, complete, and of some magnitude, in embellished speech, with each of its elements used separately in the various parts of the play and represented by people acting and not by narration, accomplishing by means of pity and terror the catharsis of such emotions (1999).In his Poetics of chapter 13, he made a further definition of tragedy character. A tragedy character is neither good nor bad, but between the two kinds of them. These people don't have wonderful virtue, and are not very fair. And they are suffered misfortune, not because of the sins or evil made by themselves, but because they have made mistakes. There are three features embodying on them. Firstly, tragedy characters can usually be kind. Secondly, tragedy

characters must have mistakes. Thirdly, tragedy character can usually be alienated from others and influenced by others. Meanwhile, Aristotle also pointed out that tragedy consists of six parts, namely, plot, character, thought, speech, aria and scene. Among them, plot is the basis of tragedy and the soul of tragedy. Then, the importance of character ranks second. Hence, in the following several parts, we will use some tragic plots in Death of a Salesman to illustrate the relationships of the family members, which made Willy fall in tragedy.

3.1.1The Relationship Between Willy and His Father

It was the lack of fatherly love that Willy formed the character of loneliness. When Willy was a little boy, his father left the whole family and went to Alaska to make a living by wandering from place to place. Hence, there existed a bad psychological effect on Willy’s inner heart because of being alienated from fatherly love. Willy insisted to believe all the way that his father was a successful founder, but the memory of his father was from his elder brother Ben who even may not be a real person but a creature in his illusion. From this point, it can be pointed out Willy could be pretty traumatized for lack of paternal love. As a result, as a father, he did not know how to perform the educational rights to his two sons only to pay much attention and offer an excess of love to them for fear that they could not get enough love from him just like his childhood.

In this way, the early leaving of his father had a negative influence on him, which caused his uncommunicative and eccentric disposition.

3.1.2 The Relationship Between Willy and His Elder Brother

Ben Loman was Willy’s elder brother, who was a successful representative of American Dream. When Ben came on the stage the first time, the writer Miller described him by

saying: He is a stolid man, in his sixties, with a moustache and an authoritative air. He is utterly certain of his destiny, and there is an aura of far places about him (2004, p.530).

When Ben was seventeen years old, he went to the African jungle and eventually became a millionaire who had possessed a lot of diamond through cruel competition at the age of twenty one. Before he went to Africa, he had invited Willy to go with him to fossick there, but Willy refused it with a consideration of his own family, choosing to be a salesman in the city to earn money to support the whole family. Now that Ben succeeded, he started to become an idol and a good example of Willy. In Willy’s description, he expressed his regrets several times for not following Ben to African jungle. Next, he still decided to stay in the local city to look for the key to wealth, which was quite different from Ben’s. He still held that even the poorest, through hard work and determination, could eventually work their way to upper class and fulfill their American Dream. Although Willy took pains to work hard, he did not succeed like Ben. Consequently, he planned to commit suicide to get 20,000 dollars to realize his American Dream. After he addressed this opinion to Ben, Ben said, “Yes, outstanding, with 20,000 behind him”(2004, p.602) In the second act, Ben lured Willy again and again by telling him, “The jungle is dark but full of diamond s” (2004, p.603), “One must go in to fetch a diamond ou t” (2004, p.602), “And it does take a great kind of a man to crack the jungle” (2004, p.603). At that minute, Ben evolved entirely Willy’s inner worship. He determined to commit suicide.

From the plots mentioned above, Ben’s success had a great influence on Willy who had absorbed his false world views that one would succeed through daring and courage. However, Ben’s idea about success ran in opposite directions with Willy’s, that is, as a salesman, Willy needed to depend on the city’s life and run around the city. But Ben’s idea to achieve success was only to go into the jungle to bear hardships there through bravery. In Ben’s opinion, people in cities could only convey empty talks, but those

who lived in jungle would achieve success through a series of battles. Therefore, Willy’s career dreams completely ran counter to Ben’s wealthy theory in jungle. Nevertheless, Willy regarded Ben’s achievement as a criterion to measure his orientations and deeds, especially, Ben, who was like a ghost, always hovered around Willy’s mind and gave him some wrong ideas, depriving Willy’s happiness as well as quietness. As a result, Willy can not help falling in himself.

3.1.3The Relationship Between Willy and His Son Biff

The most essential relationship of family members that caused Willy’s death could be the disharmonious father-child relationship. This chapter will convey human tragedy through the development, change of father-son relationship. Father and son are originally not only a whole but also the opposite sides. The son’s growth process will inevitably break up his father’s leading balance state as he is the leader of the family, thus creating new conflicts in the family. When Biff was a little kid, Willy had high expectations on him; especially he was good at sports. His neighbor’s children were fond of playing ball with him as soon as he came home from school.

Unfortunately, Willy often educated Biff with wrong, unreasonable notions. He had a false tag that someone would get everything as long as others liked him and considered the only way to succeed was to be popular with others and to have a wonderful appearance regardless of practicality. He cultivated Biff with the foolish tag continuously. When one of his neighbors named Bernard advised Biff to have a remediation of math. Neither did he urge Biff to study nor did he thanks for Bernard’s advice. He even laughed at Bernard in front of Biff.

What’s more, once upon a time, after knowing that Biff had stolen a rag, neither did Willy criticize, educate him nor did he ask him to send the rag back. It was even worse that he defended him and laughed with him at the theft, “Sure, he’s gotta practice with as

a regulation ball, doesn’t he? Couch’ll probably congratulate you on you initiative! (2004, p.517) ”. Obviously, he knew it was wrong for Biff to steal things from others, but he still connived his cheating behaviors again and again. Gradually, Biff got into the bad habit of stealing things, including plagiarizing Bernard’s test paper and stealing materials in construction sites. Unluckily, upon the college entrance examination, he had no way to cheat in the exam and did not pass the math exam, then, he felt very disappointed and went to Boston to ask for help from his father. However, his father’s wonderful image in his mind immediately was broken by the moment when he found Willy’s disloyalty to his mother. From then on, he began to lose faith, discard courage towards life, gave up the chance to take the exam again, and ran away from home several times. There were also many quarrels and contradictions between his father and him. Every time when Biff came back home, he would have a quarrel with Willy. Biff even gave Willy a back talk, despised him, and laughed at him. The following words between Biff and his mother Linda could reflect their bad relationship.

Linda: I know, dear, I know. But he (Willy) likes to have a letter. Just to know that there’s still a possibility for better things.

Biff: He’s not like this all the time, is he?

Linda: It’s when you come home he’s always the worst.

Biff: When I come home?

Linda: …Why are (Willy and Biff) so hateful to each other? Why in that?

Biff [evasively]: I’m not hateful, Mom.

Linda: But you no sooner come in the door than you and your father are fighting!

Biff: I don’t know why, I mean to change. I’m trying, Mom; you understand?


Linda: Biff, dear, if you don’t have any feeling for him (Willy), then you don’t have any feeling for me.

Biff: Sure, I can. Mom.

Linda: No, you can’t just come to see me, because I love him. …… You’ve got to make up your mind now, darling, there’s no leeway any more. Either he’s your father and pay him that respect, or else you’re not to come here. I know he’s not easy to get along with-----nobody knows that better than me------but…


Biff: People are worse off than Willy Loman. Believe me, I’ve seen them. (2004, p.537) Besides, Biff had no job and permanent income but still depended on his family when he was thirty years old. After a great many quarrels, Willy, eventually, realized that he was not a responsible father and his false educational methods as well as his wrong values had a negative effect on Biff. He considered that he had done nothing meaningful to Biff who had not been adoring him any more. In terms of this, he felt endlessly guilty. Hence, in order to leave something valuable to Biff and recover Biff’s inner idol on him as before, he chose to commit suicide so that Biff could get 20,000 dollars to reach the upper class. At the end of the act, Willy once assured with rising power: Oh, Ben, that’s the whole beauty of it! I see it like a diamond, shining in the dark, hard like an appointment! This would not be another damned-fool appointment, Ben, and it changes all the aspects. Because he(Biff) thinks [Straightening up.] Ben, that funeral will be massive! They’ll come from Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, and New Hampshire! All the old-timers with strange licence plates-----that boy (Biff) will be thunderstruck, Ben, because he (Biff) never realized----- I am known! Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey----- I am known, Ben, and he’ll see it with his eyes once and for all. He’ll see what I am, Ben! He’s in for a shock, that boy! (2004, p.597)

Literary works, on the development of the relationship between father and son, often follow the process that is from harmony to contradiction, then from contradiction to harmony. Hence, it is by the destruction and quarrel between father and son that the

family’s harmony is broken, which is the common characteristic in this kind of relationship. Besides, once the contradiction is deepening, it often leads to the individual to fall into the plight of despair. Death of a Salesman reflected the expansible contradiction of father-son relationship and regression to harmony with death of Willy. Willy almost put Biff as his own ideal image, regarding Biff as his inheritance and continuance, and showing his love to Biff on every occasion. However, Biff gradually understood Willy’s hypocrisy and unrealistic aspects, then, their contradiction constantly expanded with a lot of quarrels. Finally, the family came back to its harmony through Willy’s death.

3.1.4The Relationship Between Willy and His Wife Linda

In Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller described Linda as a gentle, considerate woman who was full of sympathy. Not only was she a good housewife but also she was an excellent mother. She understood his husband Willy, encouraged him and comforted him whenever he was in bad mood. She also loved her children. Though she knew thoroughly their character weakness and bad behaviors, she blamed them frankly and gave them well-meaning advice patiently.

What’s more, at the beginning of the play, before Linda came on the stage, Miller introduced her by saying, “She more than loves him, she admires him, as though his mercurial nature, his temper, his massive dreams and little cruelties, served her only as sharp reminders of the turbulent longings within him, longings which she shares but lacks the temperament to utter and follow to the their end. (2004, p.502)”

Although Linda was a quite excellent wife and mother, Willy’s tragedy was partly caused by Linda. If she had not infinitely comforted Willy in all aspects, she might have made his behaviors, thoughts be more mature and helped him to take a new look at himself. From the beginning, she knew clearly he had had the idea of suicide, but

neither did she dare to point it out nor did she try her best to stop his foolish notion. On the contrary, she was even willing to allow him to do what he wanted, even though it was not good for him. She understood his arduousness, gave every care to him, and did everything possible to comfort, flatter him as well, such as, “You’re get too much on the ball to worry about (2004, p.537)”, “Well, next week you’ll do better.”“But you’re doing wonderful, dear. (2004, p.540)”“You don’t talk too much, you’re just lively, (2004, p.602)”“Willy, darling, you’re the handsomest man in the world,(2004, p.550)”. “To me you are. [Slight pause] The handsomest (2004, p.552)”. “And the boys, Willy. Few men are idolized by their children the way you are (2004, p.602)”. All of these words from Linda gradually fostered his boastfulness. For instance, after Linda told him about her having sold some household machines in order to supply their household spending, she quickly asked him, “Did you sell out the goods?”From the several words, we can make out that Linda once tried to help him keep a clear head. However, she immediately began to rekindle his inner absurd belief as soon as he expressed his sadness caused by the family’s economic difficulties.

In addition, on a Monday night, Willy came home, tired and agitated. Although Linda felt frightened after he saw the horror visible look in his face, she still showed her patience, appropriateness and consideration for him. Even if it was very hard to please the depressed Willy, she had never been being angry. She helped him to take off his shoes and tried by every means to resume his inner confidence. However, Willy showed a hotter temper to her than before and answered her questions bitingly. What’s worse, when Linda passed on a new kind of American-type cheese to him, he showed his unreasonable anger.

Linda [trying to bring him out of it]: Willy, dear, I got a new kind of American-type cheese today. It’s whipped.

Willy: Why do you get American when I like Swiss?

Linda: I just thought you’d like a change—

Willy: I don’t want a change! I want Swiss cheese. Why am I always being contradicted?

Linda [with a covering laugh]: I thought it would be a surprise.

Willy: Why don’t you open a window in here, for God’s sake?

Linda [with infinite patience]: They’re all open, dear. (2004, p.506)

From the going discussion, obviously, it was unreasonable for Willy to criticize and blame Linda, yet, the worst point was that Linda should not have indulged in him infinitely. Willy’s tragic fate has been regarded as an inevitable end of illusory dreams. Regarding to the tragic fate, Aristotle considers that it is more likely to strike people’s heart from the favorable circumstances to the adverse circumstances, thus, only the noble can become tragic protagonists. On the contrary, Arthur Miller pointed out in his work Tragedy and the Common Man, “From the highest sense, it is very easy for both kings and ordinary people to become the leading role of tragedy (1998).”Hence, Willy’s tragedy came from his ordinary. Willy, like ordinary people, had his own profession, a whole family and a wife who loved him deeply. Being a gentle, considerate woman, she obeyed Willy’s whole words and meekly accepted humiliations. However, Linda, who looked like a weak woman, made up an unrealistic dream for Willy with her deep love, manipulated Willy’s thoughts, words and deeds, and finally led to the tragedy of Willy’s death.

3.1.5 Summary of This Chapter

Aristotle consider that the most perfect tragedy depends on a few family stories, and the purpose of tragedy does not lie in the imitation of people’s characters but the imitation of some action (1999).People’s personality in the play is decided by their “character”which is shaped by those people around them. Besides, their happiness and misfortune

attribute to their action. The reason why the tragic persons fall in misfortune is not because of the crimes they commit but their mistakes caused by their own or others. Therefore, we can make out that the most perfect tragedy takes place among relatives or families, which is also caused by their own action and mistakes. This kind of tragic conflict can be explained as internal conflict, then, the tragic persons derive from the domestic contradictions which come from their families, relatives as well as their various paradoxical actions (1999).

In Death of a Salesman, Willy’s tragedy mostly resulted from his domestic contradictions and a variety of tragic conflicts in the whole family, that is, the alienation between Willy and his father, the distance between Willy and Ben, the prejudice between Willy and Biff, as well as the lack of mutual understanding between Willy and Linda. First of all, Willy’s character of loneliness rooted in his father’s leaving the whole family and his going to Alaska when Willy was a little child. Besides, Willy imitated Ben’s successful way, hoping that, through hard work and great ambitions, he would have a wonderful life with his children in upper class. In addition, Willy loved Biff very much and had a high expectation on him, but Biff hated Willy for his unfaithfulness to his mother and they were always quarreling with each other. Last but not least, Linda paid too much attention and care to Willy, yet, neither did Willy understand Linda’s support and care nor did Linda know Willy’s inner real view.

3.2 The Relationship of Social Members

The central theme of modern tragedy of the West is interpersonal alienation in the capitalist society and their disappointment for their value and dignity which has been ruined and can not be redeemed (2007).Besides, it is the relation of alienation and

counteralienation between humans and society that is not only the basic relation of western civilization but also the basis of modern tragedy. The center of this relation, of course, reflects on humans themselves, especially, upon individuals, that is to say, tragedy is just related to humans and individuals. Tragedy is humans’tragedy, individual tragedy from beginning to end.

In Death of a Salesman, Willy’s tragedy also partly resulted from social relationships which mainly reflected on the relationship between Willy and his boss Howard. Willy worked as a traveling salesman whose boss Howard was quite indifferent to his clerks and even dismissed them without any reason. Willy had been working for the company for nearly thirty-six years, and he had worked outside more than ten hours every day to sell goods. During the thirty-six years, he had opened up a great many new markets for the company, especially, now he still worked for it. Originally, Willy thought he had a quite good relationship with Howard for his name had been nominated by him. However, the company, gradually, refused to pay Willy permanent wage because it held that he had to get income according to the quantities of goods that he would sell out. Just as Linda said to her sons, “A small man can be just as exhausted as great man. He works for a company thirty-six years this March, opens up unheard-of territories to their trademark, and now in his old age they take his salary away (2004, p539)”. In addition, being a sixty-three-year-old man, Willy was worn out with age and hadn’t enough energy to sell goods around the nation, so he asked his boss Howard to supply an easy job in the local city for him and appealed for the wage of sixty-five dollars every week, then decreased to fifty dollars, finally, reduced to forty dollars. However, Howard rejected all his requests without any sympathy, “Kid, I can’t take a blood from a stone, I--- (2004, p559).”What’s worse, not only did Howard refuse his demands but also he fired him, then, it was even useless for him to beg Howard not to fire him and he was willing to continue to sell goods from one place to another, because he needed to earn money to support his


2013年5月学术交流May ,2013 总第230期第5期Academic Exchange Serial No.230No.5 [收稿日期] 2013-02-27[作者简介]王健佳(1975-),女,山东掖县人,讲师,硕士,从事美国文学、跨文化交际、翻译理论与实践研究。 《推销员之死》 :美国社会价值观扭曲之映像王健佳 (齐齐哈尔大学大学英语教研部,齐齐哈尔161006) [摘要]在美国现代经典戏剧《推销员之死》中,阿瑟·密勒成功地塑造了高度物质文明的 美国社会里一个普通小人物的困惑、迷惘与绝望。透过主人公老推销员威利·洛曼破碎的美国梦,揭示了以金钱万能为基础的美国社会普通人的精神危机和生存困境,威利忧愁、坎坷、凄惨的一生,成为美国社会价值观扭曲之映像。 [关键词] 《推销员之死》;美国梦;价值观;悲剧[中图分类号]I106.3[文献标志码]A [文章编号] 1000-8284(2013)05-0207-03一、引言 阿瑟·密勒是美国批判现实主义剧作家,其巅峰之作 《推销员之死》自1949年2月10日在百老汇首演成功后连续上演了742场,为密勒赢得了包括普利策奖和纽约戏剧评论奖在内的六项戏剧大奖, 被誉为美国戏剧界乃至世界剧坛上的一朵奇葩。该剧围绕着为老板工作了34年却惨遭解雇的老推销员威利·洛曼驾车自杀、为家人骗取人寿保险金的悲剧展开, 密勒以近乎新闻报导的手法真实生动地展现了美国社会生活中最普通的小人物———推销员威利的梦想、困惑、忧愁及其坎坷悲惨的一生。通过剧中人物洛曼的成功幻梦与无情现实间的强烈碰撞 ,《推销员之死》成为一面透视美国社会生活现实的多棱镜,折射出美国社会价值观扭曲后普通人的精神危机与生存困境。 二、推销员威利·洛曼之死:小人物美国梦的破碎 1.美国梦。美国梦是世世代代美国人的一种普遍信仰,是美国文化精神的缩影,也是美国社会价值体系的基本内容。美国梦的兴起和发展与美国早期的历史、经济发展以及工业扩张息息相关。尽管在不同的历史时期,人们对美国梦的诠释不尽相同,但概括来说,美国梦是一种信念,即相信在美国所有人都有均等的机会、藉由自己不懈的努力和奋斗,获得成功。然而第一次世界大战以 后, 美国社会受过度商品化和功利主义盛行的影响,拥有物质财富的多寡逐渐成为衡量个人成功和幸福的终极标准,不择手段投机专营寻求发迹成为一些人实现美国梦的必要条件 [1] 。在物欲横流的商品社会中,美国梦逐渐 失去其圣洁的光辉,被彻底庸俗化了。 2.小人物威利·洛曼的美国梦。在经济高度繁荣、工业蓬勃发展的美国后工业社会,房子、车子、票子和孩子成为人们衡量美国梦圆满与否的标志。阿瑟·米勒笔下那位63岁的旅行推销员威利·洛曼,正是这样一个最普通的小人物,他勤勉向上、毕生都在追求着实现辉煌的“美国梦”。推销员威利开着车子四处兜售商品,忍受着别人的冷眼与奚落,在商品社会里摸爬滚打,因为和众多的美国人一样,他坚信不管自己目前多么卑微,只要努力肯干,事业就会成功,就会发财,就会成为别人眼中了不起的人物。威利故去的哥哥本是威利心目中这种美妙理想的化身,他在非洲丛林中探险、凭着艰苦的努力获得了财富,成就了自己的美国梦。老推销员戴夫·辛格曼更是洛曼一心追求的目标,是美国梦的神话。84岁的辛格曼只要穿着天鹅绒的拖鞋、坐在旅馆的房间,就能把商品推销到31个州,辛格曼拥有着人们的爱戴和帮助,会有上百个推销员和买主出席他规模宏大的葬礼。然而这两个偶像都只是洛曼神志恍惚时头脑中的幻象和模糊的记忆,他们所代表的梦想也永远是镜中花和水中月。 维系美满幸福的家庭是威利·洛曼美国梦的重要组成部分。同千千万万的美国父亲一样,威利梦想着儿子 · 702·


折射美国社会文化的多棱镜 ———《推销员之死》 史立英,张 润 (河北经贸大学,河北石家庄 050061) 摘 要:文学来源于生活,而作为文学重要组成部分的戏剧更以其独特的表现形式将社会的特定层面展现在观众面 前。以美国著名剧作家阿瑟?米勒的名剧《推销员之死》为例,分析该剧所反映的美国社会和文化的若干方面。 关键词:《推销员之死》;社会;文化中图分类号:I 106.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-4658(2006)04-0054-02 《推销员之死》是美国剧作家阿瑟?米勒的成功剧作,它有着高超的艺术价值和深刻的社会意义。1949年2月该剧在纽约百老汇公演,创造了连续上演742场的成绩,为米勒赢得了当年美国的三项大奖:普利策戏剧奖、纽约戏剧评论奖和美国舞台艺术成就最高奖项“托尼戏剧音乐奖”。 《推销员之死》的剧情围绕63岁的主人公———推销员威利?洛曼生命的最后24小时展开,但米勒借助表现主义的手法将威利心头的往事片断穿插进来,让观众看到了他忙碌的一生。年轻时的威利雄心勃勃,希望通过推销这个职业发家致富;威利的两个儿子年少时也是他的骄傲,尤其是身为足球健将的长子比弗。但命运没有让威利得偿所愿,他的事业越来越不景气,在为公司闯荡了30多年后却落得个被解雇的下场,不但没有发财,到老反而负债累累;而他的两个儿子30出头还一事无成。失望中的威利最后选择了自杀来为儿子获得两万美元的保险金,把自己未能实现的成功梦寄托在儿子的身上。 该剧的上演在美国引起了轰动,阿瑟?米勒对人物及其生活的描写近乎新闻记者的报道,剧中的主要人物既真实又富有个性。而使千千万万人感动的不仅是剧本对人物生动而准确的刻画,更重要的是它所展现的美国社会和文化中一些最具深远影响的层面。 一、美国梦———美国文化永恒的主题“美国梦”是评论家们总结《推销员之死》主人公悲剧命运时最常用的词。几百年来美国人相信在这片充满机会的土地上只要辛勤劳动就会取得成功,而且这种意识已经深入人心,它既有庸俗的一面,又是美国人和美国社会向前发展的动力。《推销员之死》中的威利?洛曼就是美国梦的一个忠实追随者。从剧情分析,威利生活在19世纪末到20世纪上半叶,这一时期有关白手起家的宣传很多,比如一位名叫康威尔(Russell H.Conwell )的教长写了一本名为《无数的钻石》 (Acres of D iamonds )的书,在1870年至1915年之间他就该书作了5124次的演讲,核心内容是鼓励人们发财致富。而另一位叫霍雷肖?阿尔杰(Horatio A lger )的牧师一生写了100多部描述白手起家的小说,在1868至1929年之间销售了一千万册,影响之大可想而知。 生活在那个时代的威利?洛曼自然成了成功梦的追随者,“赚钱”和“成功”成了威利的生活主题。据统计,“赚钱”(make money )一词在《推销员之死》一剧中出现了9次,与“赚钱”和“成功”有关的“make ”一词竟然出现了45次。生活中威利有两个成功的榜样,一个是他的哥哥本(Ben ),另一个是戴维?辛格尔曼(David Single man )的老推销员。在威利的记忆中本17岁闯入非洲丛林并发现了钻石矿,21岁时已是腰缠万贯了。在威利的心目中,本是个有创业精神和冒险精神的传奇人物。而戴维?辛格尔曼在84岁的时候照样可以在旅馆里穿着绿绒拖鞋,从容地给客户打电话联系业务,轻松赚钱,而且在他的葬礼上有成百客户和推销员从各地赶来为他悼念。威利本人缺乏冒险精神,没有跟哥哥一起去闯荡,他选择了推销这个在他看来最了不起的职业。威利认为不管自己是个多么普通的小人物,只要努力干,就会成功,就会成为一个了不起的人。然而米勒给我们展示的是一个幻灭的美国梦,威利没能发财,到后来推销出的商品越来越少,而他的老板没有念及威利的劳苦功高,眼看他年也老体也衰却把他一脚踢出门外。 除了自己对美国梦的热衷外,威利还将成功的梦想寄托在自己的两个儿子身上。威利一直认为自己的两个儿子外表英俊,可比希腊神话英雄阿喀琉斯;才干卓越,将来定能成为人上之人。他的吹捧和纵容使大儿子比弗忘乎所以,曾经是伙伴们偶像的他最终在学业上一无所成,从小偷窃成习,到三十多岁还没有固定的职业和收入。次子哈比步了父亲的后尘,当了一名公司小职员。哈比也想在商业 ? 45? 第21卷第4期 邢台学院学报 Vol .21.No .4 2006年12月 JOURNAL OF XI N GT A IUN I V ERSITY Dec .2006 ①②[收稿日期]2006-08-10 [作者简介]史立英(1977-),女,讲师,硕士,主要从事英美文学及文化对比的教学研究.E -mail:shiliying72@yahoo https://www.360docs.net/doc/f63488261.html, .


《推销员之死》经典观后感10篇 《推销员之死》是一部由福尔克·施隆多夫执导,达斯汀·霍夫曼 / 凯特·瑞德 / 约翰·马尔科维奇主演的一部剧情类型的电影,特精心从网络上整理的一些观众的观后感,希望对大家能有帮助。 《推销员之死》观后感(一):illusion of an oldman’s dream 没有一部电影让我如此地痛哭过。 当最后他说give me 2 minutes的时候,我就怎样也停不下来了,长久地一汩汩地。就像Dancer in the dark,最后的107 steps,一路绞痛着数下来。 盘柜和硬盘里的Movie文件夹,总有些片子是要刻意回避的,过目的沉重与释放,就像青春期的自慰,幸福带有罪恶感。 《推销员之死》观后感(二):片子的一些看点(无剧透) 1. 前1/3云里雾里,中1/3渐入佳境,后1/3火力全开。 2. 形式上很像戏剧,门是在不同世界跳转的关键。 3. 情节层层推进,疑团逐步解开,人物形象不断丰满。 4. 人物设定真实复杂,似同情,似鄙夷,难爱又难恨,值得揣摩。 5. 达斯汀霍夫曼神演技,马尔科维奇真年轻,精彩对白无数。 6. 世态炎凉,值得反思。推销员之死,何尝不是你我他之死? 《推销员之死》观后感(三):理想主义的后缀 震撼人心,并到相当程度。米勒的剧本实在太好,霍夫曼的演绎也

还好,关于表达失败者的片子很多了已经,大多在调侃中完成,而如此部之严肃残酷的,力量就很让人战栗。 远不是所有人都能成功,远不是保持理想就能到彼岸,很多的我们只能是个失败者,太残酷的真理,不预留丝毫幻想空间,一锤子砸碎一生。 英雄可以成为一种主义,却无法是每个人的人生。你不践踏自己,社会会践踏你,总有一面镜子,让你无处逃遁,忽然崩溃。 《推销员之死》观后感(四):一个理想主义者的梦想破灭了 是因为纪录片才下载的,下了好长时间,上午没事就看了,原来是个迷幻色彩的舞台剧,而我又非常讨厌那种矫揉造作的舞台类的东东,差点没看完,但看在迅雷费了好大力气的面子上,还是看完了。 又一个理想主义者的梦想破灭了,该剧男主角一直生活在自以为是中,而生活就是生活,就如同“Business is business”一样,我们只有去适应它,如果运气好的话还可以改变它一点点。 销售的确难做,但是成功从“员”变成“总”的过程也很有意思,我是个salesman,曾经的行业失败者,从男主角身上可以看到自己的一点影子,百炼成钢嘛。 面对现实,接受现实,努力适应它,够了。 《推销员之死》观后感(五):短评 It’s just another example of how an American talks about the


分析《推销员之死》外国戏剧中的威利 ——09广告学李琼 200903113021 《推销员之死》是典型的现实主义悲剧,现实主义悲剧是社会的悲剧,所以从剧中的主角威利·洛曼的悲剧中我们可以看见一个社会的悲剧。威利是个巡回推销员,就像他的名字Lowman所暗示,他属于社会的低层人物,没有固定工资,只领佣金。他们推销的只是别人的东西,他相信,人只要讨人喜欢,具有魅力,世界的大门就朝他敞开。威利的偶像是推销员大卫·辛格曼,他活到84岁,只要在旅馆里拨个电话,就能做成交易,死后在新英格兰有许多买主和同行为他送葬,极尽哀荣。他把自己的生活建筑在这样的梦想之上,由于他总是生活在自己想象的世界中,把幻想当作现实,所以会常常说大话。他不顾自己推销事业已经走向下坡的事实,吹牛说自己在新英格兰如何重要,说自己的销售额如何高,他就这样陷进自己的谎言中不能自拔。可是老威利已63岁了,干推销这一行已经34年,现在的新老板不顾及他早年立下的汗马功劳,狠心的解雇了他。然而家里却还有零零碎碎许多开支要支付,两个儿子事业也不成功。经济负担、精神负担加上长途驾驶,威利心力交瘁,精神错乱。就这样威利的一生在错误的梦想中度过,也为了一个错误的梦想而死。 到快死的时候威利发现,他自己就像他分期付款购买的东西一样,等你付完款后,东西便用尽或者坏了。他付清了最后一次房款,而他却到坟墓里安息去了。在美国社会,人老了就象被吃光了肉的橘子一样,皮被扔掉。主人公“威利”就生活在这个时代,是美国人的二三十年代(钢丝录音机发明),那是一个牛奶和面包的递送是以利润最大化、而非效用最大化为原则的。所以,牛奶会掺三聚氰胺,威利也会面临失业和本的诱惑。除了经济与生存的问题。此剧还展示了以其为基础的一系列关联的范畴:梦想与现实,父与子,夫与妻,贪婪与淡然、运气于拼搏……《推销员之死》给人的第一印象是美国底层无产者的命运悲剧:威廉?洛曼劳碌一生,临近退休公司却将他开除,走投无路之下自杀换得保险金以帮助自己的儿子立业。再向下看,看到的是威廉?洛曼作为一个个体的性格悲剧:一生说大话,在外人面前不愿面对自己和儿子的平庸,不承认自己其实就是一个失败者,他的自杀原因更可以说是他终于不得不承认自己的无能,无颜面对妻儿才自杀的。同时,威廉?洛曼的一生更是一则关于人类通病的现实主义寓言。 在最后的“挽歌”部分,林达一直在问“为什么他要这么做呢?三十五年来我们头一回刚快熬到个无债一身轻的日子。他只需要一点薪金就够了。他甚至连牙医的帐也付清了。”从这里可以看出,威廉并不是由于他们的财政问题自杀的,并不是大多数认为的底层人民失业破产的结果。威廉自杀的真正原因是他梦想的破灭。每一个普通人都有对美好生活的期待,但是当有一件事情没有做好的时候,人会撒谎,试图解释和弥补,欺骗别人是一时的任务,欺骗自己是长久的任务。人撒第一个谎来掩盖一个真相,撒第二个谎来掩盖第一个谎,由此形成一个怪圈。威廉编制了一个谎言,但用他的一生去圆谎,以至于他连自己都几乎要骗过去了。可是自从儿子碰见他和一个女人在旅社有奸情的时候,威利就开始无止境的编织谎言,此时他更加需要一个“美国梦”来告诉自己一切都还是美好的。威廉?洛曼的经历不仅仅属于一个推销员、一个美国人,他的经历可以被全世界的普通人共享:没有钱,没有地位,可是还有梦,有的时候现实太残酷,那就活在梦中吧。关键是阿瑟米勒告诫世人的是,有梦是好的,但是也要勇敢的面对自己的平庸。苏格拉底在两千多年前刻在石碑上的话:认识你自己。要我们直面

《推销员之死》与《伟大的盖茨比》之 美国梦分析 American Dream

10届英语系12010011100 夏理想 “American Dream” “American dream” is essence of the American aspirations, fairy tales and spirit which has a long-standing history. Puritan has put the liberalism and democracy into the “American dream” for the first time. Opening up virgin soil for almost two centuries has a determined and momentous influence on shaping the national value and spirit. At the early stage, immigrants developed the dream of freedom, equality and democracy to a high way-----adequately promoting the active and positive spirit of “American dream”. As a matter of fact, we know some great people on American history who fulfill their dreams triumphantly by countless labor and sweats. For instance, Franklin, Lincoln, they are all the typical representatives of the “American dream”--- proclaiming to every resident on the earth: Only if you are diligent enough, honesty enough, confident enough, you can achieve success on this great land where it’s full of equal opportunities. When coming into the 1920s, the economy of American was in a high speed with enormous changes taken place in material life. However, it also brought about a series of mental confusion to people with which they were hard to deal. The “American dream” which once pushed American people ahead was shocked by itself. The torch of freedom, equality, and democracy was dimmed because of the replacement of money worshipping. Both the and manifested the perishing of the “American dream”. Gatsby dedicated himself to fulfilling his dream which was the combination of wealth and love. In his heart, Daisy was pure like white snow, beautiful like a flower. Her images represented all the virtues of the select society. Five years passed away, Daisy has been a common lady who connected to the high-class community so tightly that she has already possessed vanity and degradation. However, Gatsby’s pursuit would never cease with shrugging off the reality. The writer emphasized on the fragment of the “American dream” by the forward description of Daisy’s behaviors. The illusion of the nature of the “American dream” was revealed by her selfishness and cruelness. The poor guy----Gatsby who couldn’t distinguish what is reality and what is dream. He has been living in a world he created by himself where he worshipped the whole spirits of the select society which has gone long time ago. His death was not only the destruction of his own dream, but also the whole “American dream”. Whitley is the main character of who was a travel promoter and made great contributions to his company. However, since that day when he was fired, Whitley proved to us that he was a definite loser and he was the living victim of the “American dream”. He was actually a nobody from whom we can witness the contradiction of reality and imagination. Superficially, he devoted most of his life to work, but he couldn’t even afford the house loan. At the respect of education about his two son, he was a loser neither. Even at the moment when he prepared to commit suicide, he was proud of himself exchanging his life with dollars. Both these two things happened in 1920s or 1930s. The workers couldn’t succeed by efforts unless by some illegal means in that corruptive society. The two men couldn’t adapt to the capitalistic development and eventually were repelled by the cool society.


《推销员之死》的中的悲剧探析 [摘要]阿瑟·米勒创作的《推销员之死》是现代戏剧经典作品之一。本文试图通过分析该剧中三个主要人物及其主题思想和美学思想,阐明其悲剧魅力在于肯定人的尊严及其存在的精神价值。 [ 关键词]《推销员之死》;悲剧魅力;主题思想;美学思想 已故美国著名戏剧家阿瑟·米勒的成名剧作《推销员之死》(以下简称《推》剧) 不仅轰动了美国戏剧界, 而且成为西方现代悲剧的典范。一直以来,大多数人对《推》剧的理解仅仅停留在故事情节的曲折、人物命运的悲惨、社会现实的冷酷以及“美国梦”的破灭等方面,但未能做更深入的研究,尤其在对“美国梦”的研究方面多局限在对其表层的探讨, 实属遗憾。本文试图运用悲剧理论来分析主人公威利之死及其“美国梦”的破灭所展示的深层含义,分析威利的长子比夫和次子哈皮的思想变化,同时剖析剧中笛声的象征意义以及“安魂曲”的作用,从而阐明其悲剧魅力在于肯定人的尊严及其存在的精神价值,以期推动对该文学剧作的深层研究。 1 . 主题思想的剖析:“梦”的破灭,“人”的新生 亚里斯多德认为,“悲剧是对于一个严肃、完整、有一定长度的行动的摹仿; ??;借引起怜悯和恐惧来使这种情感得到陶冶。”(亚里斯多德,2002∶16)《推》剧正是通过推销员威利这个普通小人物不可避免的失败结局,在人们心中唤起同情和惋惜,促使人们思考生活的意以及如何追求真正的幸福。威利在生活的压力下一筹莫展,尝尽了世态炎凉,最后走向死亡之路。他自始至终沉迷于人人都有机会成功的“美国梦”,但他到死却未能品尝一点点的成功滋味,这是对他人生的极大讽刺。但威利又是心甘情愿地去死,并对自己的死充满了希望———希望长子比夫有了因父亲“意外”死亡而得到的保险费后能够做一番事业。不难发现,酿成威利悲惨结局的不外乎两个因素:一是“美国梦”的破灭; 一是自身的性格缺陷。在该剧的尾声“安魂曲”中,这两个因素在众人的悼词里表露无遗。威利的妻子琳达说:“你干吗要那样做? 我绞尽脑汁也弄不明白。威利,今天我们付完了最后一期的房款,可是家里没有人了。都付清了, 我们自由了??”(p . 139 ,引自《推》剧,以下未标明的引言均出于该剧) 面对威利的人去楼空,人们禁不住要问:“美国梦”对他到底意味着什么? 威利的邻居查利说:“谁都不会责备他,当一个推销员就得有梦想,这种梦想与这片领土同在。”(p . 138) 死亡是威利梦幻破灭的最符合逻辑的结局, 正如查利对推销员职业的评价:“当人们不再对他们(推销员) 回报以微笑时,那简直就好像地震了一样??”(p . 138) 其实,威利并非没有生存的机会(查利不仅借钱给他,还主动为他提供工作) ,而是他那刚愎自用的性格使他找不到活下去的理由,唯有一死才能摆脱精神崩溃的痛苦, 洗刷丧失尊严的耻辱,以此来求得心灵的慰籍,做出重建自信的最后挣扎。 历史上,追求事业成功的“美国梦”一直是美国社会主流文化大力宣扬的人生目标。作为对社会现实的反映《, 推》剧中威利的梦想是由对“三个偶像的崇拜”和对“一个至爱的厚望”编织而成的。威利崇拜的第一个偶像是他的哥哥本。本年纪轻轻就出外闯世界并迅速成为富翁,并多次邀威利一起去闯世界。但威利拒绝了,依旧选择推销员职业作为奋斗目标。本总是在威利梦想成功时飘然而至,对本的回忆一方面折射了威利渴望成功又害怕面对甚至拒绝承认现实生活落魄的事实,另一方面也真实再现了“美国梦”如同本一样具有虚无飘渺的本质。威利崇拜的第二个偶像是他的父亲。这位父亲是个卖笛人, 走南闯北成为一名开拓者。在威利很小的时候, 父亲就遗弃了家人,剧中甚至连他的名字都未给出,他留给威利的只是一个模糊的影像。父亲的遗弃行为造成了威利面对生活茫然不知所措和缺乏安全感的心理。本和父亲都是生活在威利潜意识中的幻影,正如他们的成功是无据可查一样, 这两个偶像所高高擎起的梦想也只不过是水中月亮。威利只能在对他们的幻想或回忆中寻找自我价值, 从他们所代表的假象中寻求安慰。 威利崇拜的第三个偶像是具有非凡魅力的成功推销员辛格曼。辛格曼(Singleman) 的名字意为“独自一人”,这意味着他所代表的成功只是“独自的”, 而威利一辈子憧憬成为“辛格曼第二”


《中国经典话剧作品赏析》课程内容简介 一、课程简介:话剧艺术,作为一种舶来品,在中国的历史已经有一个多世纪了。这一百多年来,优秀的剧作家、导演、演员,为我们创作演出了许许多多经典的作品,为中国的文化大厦添砖加瓦,让华夏民族的艺术更富于内涵和哲思。本课程就是面对广大普通高校的莘莘学子,和热爱艺术的青年朋友们,进行普及的一门课程。. 二、本课程的教学目标:本课程主要通过对中国经典话剧作品的赏析,培养学生对话剧艺术的了解,培养对话剧的兴趣爱好以及他们表达演绎能力,创新能力和合作能力,提高学生的文化品位,培养学生的艺术欣赏能力,从而增强学生的审美能力。 三、课程讲解思路:课程初步分成两个部分,作品赏析和观赏经典剧目。首先从话剧的概况进行介绍,赏析一些经典的话剧剧目,深入分析,提起学生的兴趣。课程围绕这个主题分成《话剧的历程》《话剧赏析》 四、内容介绍: 本课程共分为十三讲,从中国话剧的诞生,到新中国话剧的发展,一直介绍到新时期以来、改革开放之后话剧的成果。 第1讲:中国话剧发展简史 1文明戏:中国话剧萌芽 2中国话剧的诞生 3中国话剧的高潮 4中国话剧曲折前进 5中国话剧探索复兴 说明:要求学生了解中国话剧发展的过程理解发展过程中各主要流派的特征,掌握中国经典话剧的内涵及社会意义。 经典作品赏析 第2讲——丁西林的《一只马蜂》 1、超越时代的写作 2、讨巧的人物设置 3、二元三人的戏剧结构 4、玩弄语言的高手 第3讲——曹禺的《雷雨》 1、佳构剧的典范之作 2、悲悯与俯瞰 3、周朴园——从社会的反叛者到归顺者 4、“困兽犹斗”的蘩漪 5、一生走不出情感世界的侍萍 第4讲——曹禺的《日出》 1、片段的方法与人生的零碎——《日出》的结构 2、布局完整的艺术技巧 3、陈白露——梦醒了却找不到出路的人 4、李石清——浓缩人生的最大起伏


Q1: Is Willy responsible for his sons’ failure in life? Death of a salesman is a typical modern tragedy. Many illnesses of the American society are exposed in this drama. Willy Lowman is the leading role in this play, like his name “Lowman”, being at the bottom of the society. He’s never willing to face the facts but spends all his life living in his dream. Finally he ends himself because of this wrong dream. We think that Willy’s defects in his character results in his sons’ failure in four ways. Firstly, Willy doesn’t accept the fact that he is not good at selling and always brags about how important he is in New England. He educates his sons that: Be likable and charming then you’ll be successful. And he encourages his sons to do more exercise to build a nice figure. For example, he buys a punchbag for his sons. This thought affects his sons deeply and makes his sons have a wrong view of life for a long time. They both think appearance is the most important. Secondly, Willy cares about Biff more than Happy. Since Biff is very young, he starts to regard his father as a hero. Willy thinks Biff is attractive and it isn’t a big deal to steal things. This deliberately neglect of bad behavior finally ruins his son. So we may say Biff lives in a sick atmosphere and so does Happy. Happy is the little son who is always ignored by his father. Happy pays much attention to his hair style and dressing style and enjoys smoking because he thinks these behaviors help him win more preference from others, especially girls. It’s the wrong way of upbringing that makes Happy a selfish man and finally become a womanizer. Thirdly, Willy’s affair affects his son. When Biff finds that his father has another woman, his value system crushes. When Linda is mending the socks in order to save money, his father gives the strange woman a pair of new socks. From that moment, his father is no longer a hero to him. Biff’s world collapses and he bursts out crying. He can’t forgive his father and totally get lost. Fourthly, Willy always complains when he is faced with difficulties. This personal habit also affects his sons a lot. For example, Biff doesn’t pass a math exam. He doesn’t blame himself or try to find the reasons in himself. Instead, he complains that it is a means of revenge planned by his math teacher because he once played a trick on him/her in class. In conclusion, Willy is totally responsible for his sons’failure. Because of his own wrong value system, his unhealthy way of bringing up his children, his one lifelong mistake and some “trivial” personal habits, the whole tragedy happens. Q2: in what sense is Linda responsible for Willy’s tragedy? First of all, let’s look at some information about Linda. We know Linda takes care of the whole family with all her warm heart and patience without any complaint and her love, condone [k?n'd?un], care, respect and comfort for her husband Willy are deeply rooted in her mind, however, in "Death of a salesman", Linda can be regarded as a central figure of the destruction of the family because Linda has realized that her family has gone into the abyss [?'bis] of lies. Linda is the only one that can solve these problems, but she does not do so, because she is also a victim, the only way is to sustain her spoiled love for Willy.


The Modern American Society and The Death of the Salesman(《推销员之死》与现代美国社会 《推销员之死》赏析与感悟 总体印象:《推销员之死》是一部在现代社会的现实梦境中上演的生死悲剧。在这部戏剧中,阿瑟?密勒一方面运用现实主义与表现主义以及后表现主义相结合的手法生动地刻画了威利?洛曼这位推销员——小人物在奔波中空忙一场,最后在幻想中走向死亡的悲惨一生;另一方面,通过生动刻画威利一生悲惨命运,将密勒敏锐地洞察到的所谓“美国梦”的冷酷本质展现出来,深刻揭露了金钱至上的现代社会生活,以及由此所造成的现代人的生存困境。 戏剧风格的标准化,讲究对白和表演,对话中充满了美感却很深刻。 编剧充分利用剧场的优点,透过不同的演区,一方面交代威利最後二十四小時的遭遇,同时运用时空交换,一步步引威利的不尋常過去,和他兒子自暴自棄的原因(因為發現父親有外遇);威利的哥哥本伯伯在劇中是一個虛擬的人物,他的出現,是用來回應威利心中欲望! 剧情梗概:《推销员之死》讲述一个年老的推销员在晚年时遇到的各种各样的问题,临老失业,耽误儿子的前程,反思过去。中间展开了长久的回忆,回顾了他人生阶段的几次重大选择,如选择推销员这个职业,拒绝弟弟的邀请去丛林冒险,以及儿子的不如意等。 俗话说:「贫贱夫妻百事哀」!主人翁──推销员威利,劳碌了大半生,因推销成绩每况愈下,虽然一把年紀,却仍要到到处奔跑,靠微薄的佣金过生活。因为他的老板早已取消了他的底薪。并且他的健康状况也大不如以前,家中个样家具都该换掉了,原本不俗的家居环境被四周新建的高楼所破坏,让他烦恼忧愁!正当此时,大儿子比夫突然回家。谁知老父未因此而享受父子团聚之乐,却为儿子仍然一事无成而失落、沮丧!结果威利在世的最后二十四小时,在父子争、不了解、以及紧张的气氛下渡过,直至推销员自杀才结束! 主人翁的分析:剧本没有交代威利推销什么,但這并不重要,我们只需要明白他的困境便足以了解其死因!在我看来,威利望子成龍的心态,古今中外都是这样,但是为什么亞瑟?米勒這個劇本如此出色呢?我感觉这个劇本成功之處就在於將推銷員威利的心態描寫得极其细致。他的喜、怒、哀、樂、惧,都交代得合情合理。當知道自己一世也不能成為傑出的推銷員時,他只好將希望寄托在兩個兒子身上,但過份的期望,只會帶給自己更大的失望。 主人翁心态分析:威利不停的回忆到自己的弟弟,那个后来“成为富翁”的虚拟人。而他自己却在那时选择了做推销员。还有对他儿子的教育问题,他所嘲笑的那个邻居的书呆子儿子在大学毕业后当上了公司主管,前程似锦,而那个曾是他的骄傲,各项体育运动中都获得冠军的儿子现在却因为学历低而找不到工作。这些让人感觉很可笑。其实威利的內心世界也是相當複雜,集自卑、自傲、自憐、自信於一身,從他對妻兒、老板,鄰居好友查利的態度可見一斑。儘管在外事事不如意,但回到家中他卻要家人尊重自己是一家之主的身份,子為他转换别种牌子的芝士他还大发雷霆;自己已经到了入不敷出,但他情願偷偷向查利借錢,被老板炒魷,却不願接受查利的聘用;因為面子上過不去!在兒子面前,还要扮作權威的過來人,教儿子如何向老板借錢的招數!而且还不容其妻子插嘴!这让比夫因不甘心媽媽不被尊重而和他爭吵!威利和小老板霍華德見面更是全劇的高潮,此段對手戲充分反映出威利失敗的緣故──他仍眷戀著昔日光輝的成就,以為在「名是他改」的小老板心中仍有一定的地位!無怪乎當小老板指出他早已不合時宜時,他才徹底崩潰了 还有威利竟把自已的兒子当成了自己‘推銷’的對象,拚命將自己的一套人生觀向兒子比夫灌输,对兒子的才能和需要却不管不问,同時也根本没有考慮到他是否能用得上!倘若是其他的一般顧客就可以不用理睬他,但比夫卻是一个不能拒絕父亲的顧客!这样衝突過後、希望破滅、悲劇的上演,也就只是時間的問題!


杨霞 内容摘要:《推销员之死》是米勒最著名的剧本,它不仅反映了在一个家庭内部的残酷斗争,而且也反映了一个更大的关于美国民族的价值观念。这部戏剧揭示出对美国梦盲目信仰的代价并且包含了一些其它重要的主题:无边的幻想,懦弱的行为和成功的内涵。 关键词:《推销员之死》美国民族价值观美国梦 一.《推销员之死》揭示“美国梦” 亚瑟·米勒于1915年10月17日出生于纽约市。当他在密歇根大学上学期间,便开始了戏剧创作。1949年,米勒完成《推销员之死》,并赢得了普利策奖,这也使米勒在美国名声大噪。米勒花了一个半月时间写出的《推销员之死》,被誉为‘美国梦不再’的代表作。许多评论家形容《推销员之死》是第一个伟大的美国悲剧。“在艺术手段上,悲剧根源的充分挖掘,使原本平淡无奇的故事产生了惊人的悲剧艺术效果;在悲剧的审美价值上,生活悲剧与戏剧悲剧关系的分析及其观众对悲剧审美效应的反映,使原本是普通百姓的故事包含了现代社会悲剧的基本特征。”[1]亚里斯多德认为,悲剧是对于一个严肃、完整、有一定长度的行动的摹仿;借引起怜悯和恐惧来使这种情感得到陶冶。[2] 《推销员之死》是米勒最著名的剧本,它不仅反映了一个家庭内部的残酷斗争,而且也描写了一个更大的关于美国民族的价值观念的问题。这部戏剧揭示出对美国梦盲目信仰的代价。米勒指控美国在推销建立在资本主义式的物质主义基础上以培育战后经济的虚假神话。物质主义掩盖了建国先辈们最初勾画的真正的美国梦所具有的个人价值和道德标准。在这部戏剧中第一个重要的主题就是“美国梦”的衰败。 美国梦“是美国文化社会中一种特有的文化现象,也是理解美国文化的一个重要因素。关于‘美国梦’的内涵,可以分为广义和狭义两个方面来理解。从广义的方面讲,‘美国梦’指的是作为‘民主、自由、平等’的国家理想;从狭义的方面来讲,它指的是每个人都有可能通过自我奋斗而获得成功的梦想。”[3]“美国梦”建立在“独立宣言”基础之上:“我们相信人生来具有这些不可剥夺的生存、自由和追求幸福的权利。”[4]这个“梦”在美国由一个真诚和坚定的信念构成,对于所有的人来说,不论出身或者富有,一切事情都是可能的;如果你足够努力,你将会实现所有的事。然而,米勒认为,人们最终被误导,而他的《推销员之死》在逐渐地揭露摧毁整个神话。这就意味着“美国梦”从一个可能的现实变成了一个梦。米勒大多数的戏剧都是直接或间接有关于“美国梦”的,因为最终这个梦没有像许多人希望的那样实现。努力工作,诚实和有雄心壮志是实现美国梦的方法,它将追梦者引领到成功、财富以及最终的权力面前。但是这个大家拥有的美国梦,却刺激着贪婪,自私,虚荣和彼此之间的竞争。 《推销员之死》论述了错误的希望和梦想。这并不一定是“美国梦”本身的内容,因为所有的人不论国籍,都有同样的希望和梦想。人类都有梦想,梦想对于人类的生存很重要,这是基本因素和必然的事实。读者看来,很明显,威利的最终梦想是成为一个像本一样成功的推销员。不幸的是,威利的梦想大部分都是幻想,而且他无法面对这个事实。在戏剧的结尾,比尔很可能接受了他的父亲威利在做“错误的梦”的事实,并且读者也同意这最终导致了威利的失败。 威利·洛曼沉迷于美国梦。资本主义,利润动机和竞争的本能使威利在人格上有一个弱点。这一弱点是生意上的压力造成的。威利想通过成为一个成功的推销员来证明自己,但他失败了,他自己的生活毁了他。其实他真正的失败是他的家庭生活和婚姻生活,这是真正的“美国梦”的衰退。 二.懦弱性格投射出的成功幻象 威利处于资本主义世界最底层。他一无所有并且一无所成,没有丝毫的成就感。于是,他发展一个谬论:如果一个人非常受人喜欢并且有很强大的个人魅力,那么所有成功的大门就会
