


Adjectives - Opposites


Todd: OK. Ramon, we're going to talk about opposites. Todd:好的。Ramon,我们将要讨论一下反义词。

Jamon: OK.


Todd: What is big?


Jamon: The earth is big.


Todd: Yeah, I agree. What is small?


Jamon: I'm small on the earth.


Todd: That's true. How much do you weigh?


Jamon: I weigh 65.


Todd: Wow! 65 kilograms.


Jamon: Yeah.


Todd: Yeah, yeah. I'm a little bit heavier, about 72....What is expensive?


Jamon: A big house is expensive.


Todd: Yeah, pretty much anywhere. Ooh..loud motorcycle. Sorry! What is small? I mean..I'm sorry..what is cheap?



Jamon: What is cheap? The 100 Yen shop is cheap.


Todd: Yeah. What can you buy at a 100 Yen shop?


Jamon: About everything.


Todd: Yeah.


Jamon: Which is good.


Todd: Do you think 100 Yen shops are a good idea, or do you think they're environmentally a bad idea?



Jamon: No, I like the 100 Yen shop.


Todd: Yeah. The cheap stuff. Actually. I do to. It's nice. Alright. Thanks a lot.



英文中那些超实用的高级口语表达! 【友情篇】 1. I'll always have your back . 我会一直支持你。 2. I know how you feel . 我明白你的感受。 3. keep an eye on each other 相互照应 4. You have to stay strong . 你要坚强。 5. He didn't wanna tell on her. 他不想打她的小报告。snitch 告密者,打小报告者 6. You're debasing yourself . 你在贬低自己。 7. You want to bet on it ? 你想打个赌? 8. keep her company 陪陪她 9. I'll pick you up tomorrow . 我明天来接你。 10. It has been a long time . 好久不见。 【爱情篇】 1. Never,ever,ever . 永远永远不。 2. I take this seriously . 我很认真。 3. I'm with him . 我和他在一起。 4. You can't take him from me . 你不能把他从我身边带走。 5. She would never go out with me . 她是不会和我交往的。

6. got a tongue bath from sb 和谁谁舌吻。。额 7. I let him slip through my fingers . 我让他从我指间溜走。 8. move in together 搬到一起 9.外国那些事微信号:abroads 9. He asked me to marry him . 他向我求婚。 10. You and I can never , ever ,ever be together . 你和我永远不可能在一起。 11. He is not picking up his phone . 他不接电话。 12. You're so caring . It's touching . 你这么关心我,我好感动。 13. I'm getting married . 我要结婚了。 14. You had an affair . 你出轨了。 15. I will always love you . 我会一直爱你。 16. I'll never leave you . 我再也不会离开你。 17.You guys make a really cute couple . 你俩真是天造地设的一对。 【花痴男女篇】 1. He is in great shape . 他身材很好。 2. a man of good taste 有品位的男人 3. insanely good-looking 极帅无比


Unit1: 1.Student A harbors a crush on a girl, but does not know how to approach her.Student B offers as many tips as he can on starting a conversation, and keeping it going. A- now I harbor a crush on a girl, but I don’t know how to approach her .can you offer some tips for me to start a conversation, and keeping it going. B- well ,let me have a thought. Do you have her qq number? A-NO! B-get it from her rootmates qualily. Then you can talk to her through it . everytime she is online ,you should offer to talk to her at the first time. You should let her know that you are very concerned about her and interested with her. A-then what content do I chat with her? B- about anything! Such as her hometown ,her hobby, her constellation and so on. Anything you are interested. A-and then? How can I approach to her closer? B-you can invite her to eat supper or watch movies . A-very good ! I think your advices maybe very useful. Thank you ! B- you are welcome. we are friend .don’t forget to invite me for dinner when she become your girl friend! A-no problem! 2.Read the two passages on P6 and P7, and discuss if men and women should retire at the same age in China. Should:I believe men and women should retire at the same age. First of all, international conventions agreed by the United Nations stipulate that women should have the equal rights at work. Different retirement ages no less than different recruitment standards count as discrimination against women. The difference should be abolished as part of the move to establish a fair, equal and harmonious society. Secondly, as the proportion of older people in the population grows, it imposes a heavier burden on government social provisions. Moreover, scientific research shows that women have longer life expectancy than men. So having the same retirement age for both sexes is an effective way to lessen the pressure on social spending, to raise family incomes and to improve the quality of life of senior citizens. Thirdly, with the development of science and technology, physical labor is being supplanted by intellectual works. This means that men's physical advantages are no longer so relevant. Sticking to different retirement age just wastes valuable human resources. Fourthly, the current situation is that many retired women do not leave the labor market. They continue to work while receiving their monthly pensions. But to optimize the use of labor resources, we should not reemploy women after retirement but raise the retirement age. NO:It would be wonderful if the NPC had proposed women should be given the right to decide if they will retire earlier than the official retirement age, which would illustrate the democratic side of China. But although this plan looks as beautiful as Helen of Troy, Chinese people will find it hard to sing its praises. The women's autonomous right to retire provided by the government is also vague and general, and lacks a firm legal basis. It is rather like the situation with land rights. Removals and demolitions are supposed to be based on people's will, and give people the right to decide whether to move or not. But


英语口语练习(高级版) 1. I'll always have your back . 我会一直支持你。= I stand behind you . 我支持你。= I got your back . 我挺你。 2. I know how you feel . 我明白你的感受。 3. You have to stay strong . 你要坚强。 4. He didn't wanna tell on her. 他不想打她的小报告。snitch 告密者,打小报告者 5. You're debasing yourself . 你在贬低自己。 6. keep her company 陪陪她 7. I'll pick you up tomorrow . 我明天来接你。 8. It has been a long time . 好久不见。 9. Never,ever,ever. 永远永远不。 10. I take this seriously . 我很认真。 11.I'm with somebody else now . 我现在和别人在一起了。 12. You can't take him from me . 你不能把他从我身边带走。 13. She would never go out with me . 她是不会和我交往的。 14. I let him slip through my fingers . 我让他从我指间溜走。 15. move in together 搬到一起 16. You and I can never , ever ,ever be together . 你和我永远不可能在一起。 17. He is not picking up his phone . 他不接电话。 18. Their marriage is going downhill . 他们的婚姻在走下坡路。


商务英语BEC高级口语训练材料商务英语BEC高级口语训练材料 1.Hisparentsweresimplepeople. 他父母很朴实。 商务用语:simplearbitrage单一仲裁 simplecommodityeconomy单纯商品经济 simplecontract简单合同 2.Hewassincereinhiswishtohelpus. 他真心实意地想帮助我们。 重点词语:sincereadj.真诚的 商务用语:Itismysincerebeliefthat...我确信… 3.Theysatonappropriationplansuntiltheywerecertainwhichw aywindswereblowing. 他们把拨款计划搁置起来,直到他们确定了事情的趋势为止。 重点词语:sitvi.重压;压制;拖延vt.提供座位 商务用语:atheaterthatsits1,000people能容纳一千人的剧场 satontheevidence扣压证据 4.Thehousehasafinesituation. 这所房子的地点很好。 重点词语:situationn.情形,(建筑物等的)位置

商务用语:bein/outofasituation有/失去职业cope/dowiththesituation应付当前的情况savethesituation挽回局势 5.Hehasgreatskillindrawing. 他画画很有技巧。 重点词语:skilln.技能,技巧,技术;熟练工人商务用语:diplomaticskill外交手腕skillanalysistraining技能分析训练skilledemployee熟练工人 exertone'sutmostskill运用最大技巧


英语高级口语对话40 Teens and Computers 青少年和电脑 Todd: OK, Jeanna, you like the computer! 托德:嗯,吉安娜,你喜欢电脑。 Jeanna: Yes, I do. 吉安娜:是的,我喜欢。 Todd: OK. Talk to us about computers. 托德:好的。跟我们谈论一下电脑吧。 Jeanna: Well, I go on the computer a lot and I talk with friends through AOL instant messenger. And I just moved from my hometown to Sacremento so it's a good way to keep in touch with old friends. 吉安娜:好的,我用电脑比较多,和我的朋友们通过美国在线即时信使聊天。我刚从家乡搬到门托,所以,那是一个和老朋友保持联系的很不错的方法。 Todd: Yeah. Do you learn about computers at school or on your own? 托德:是啊。你是在学校学习电脑知识还是自学? Jeanna: I picked most of what I know, I've picked it up, through, ya know, the years, and some at school, like keyboarding and such.

吉安娜:我学的绝大部分都是我会的,我之前学过,你知道的, 很多年了,有一些是在学校里学的,就像打字什么的。 Todd: OK. Do you have a laptop or a PC? 托德:好的。你有笔记本电脑吗还是个人电脑? Jeanna: I have a PC. A Compac. 吉安娜:我有一台个人电脑。 Todd: Do you like your computer or do you want a new one? 托德:你喜欢你的电脑吗还是你想要一台新的? Jeanna: I want a new one cause I think I screwed mine up and it's a little bit slow now. 吉安娜:我想要一台新的,因为我觉得我把我的电脑弄坏了,现 在运行有点慢。 Todd: OK. How long have you had your computer? 托德:好的。你现在的电脑用了多久了? Jeanna: I've had it for about 3 or 4 years. 吉安娜:大概3、4年了。 Todd: Oh, yeah, that's pretty old for a computer. Yeah, so do you talk to your friends every night by e-mail? 托德:哦,嗯,确实有点久了。嗯,你每天晚上会通过邮件和你 的朋友们聊天吗? Jeanna: Yeah, yes I do. 吉安娜:是啊,我会。 Todd: OK.


第一课: A:Do you have a date for the party yet? B:Actually , I don 't.Do you think you could help me find one? A:Hmm, what kind of guys do you like? B: Oh, I like guys who aren 'ttoo serious and who have a good sense of humor. You know , like you. A:Ok, Uh, what else? B:Well, I 'd prefer someone I have something in common with-who I can talk to easily. A:I think I know just the guy for you. Bob Branson. Do you know him.? B: No, I don 't think so. A:well, let me arrange for you to meet him, , and you can tell me what you think. Chris: So, what ' s the Verdict? What did you think of Bob? Kim: Well, I was worried at first especially when I saw that he wears not one but two earrings, I thought he might turn out to be one of those guys who are into heavy rock music and stuff like that. You know what I mean? Chris: But he ' slikjuesat regular kind of guy, right? Kim: Yeah, we got along really well! Chris: I just knew you ' d like him. Kim: Yeah, I do, and he ' s really funny. He had me laughing hysterically during dinner. I think the people sitting next to us in the restaurant thought we were crazy. Chris: So, are you two going to get together again? Kim: Definitely, in fact, we ' re going to a concert tomorrow night. Chris: That ' s great. 第二课: 1. Andrea A: So, have you seen Andrea lately? B: Yeah, I see her pretty often. We work together at a caf e latt e . A: How 's she doing, I 've been meaning to call her. B: Well, to be honest! I 've always thought she 's a little difficult. But these days, I find her impossible. A: What do you mean?


高级日常英语口语习惯用语 1. Hold on 等一下 (口语中,人们不太用wait a minute)如果两人辩论,吵架,抬杠,你要别人“打住”,能够说,hold it right there. 2. I hate his guts. 我最讨厌他。也有说I hate him guts. Guts 是肠子,相当于“恨之入骨”的意思。He doesn‘t have many guts. 他是个胆小鬼。 ut feeling 直觉 3. Nuts,果仁,核,为复数时,意为“疯子”,He is nuts.他 有神经病。He went nuts and killed a guy.他发疯了,结果杀了一 个人。You are driving me nuts. 你真是要把我逼疯。a tough nut to crack,一项艰巨的任务,一个难解之题 4. How is everything? (还好吗?) I am just stuck in a rut,doing the same things every day. I wish I could do something different. (烦死了,每天都是干同样的活,我真想换个活法。) rut 日常的,每天都如此,get in a rut,日复一日,天天如此 5. I have totally sold out to your idea. 我100%地赞同赞同你的意见。类似的话还有If you are not careful enough, you will buy into his bad idea. 如果你不小心的话,你就会采纳他的 这馊主意。 6. I am just ecstatic about going to visit you soon. 马上 要见你,我高兴死了。 7. A dap and dip 打个照面,露下脸就走。 Matt:Are we going to Jon‘s party?我们去琼的聚会吗? Darryl: Yeah,but I don‘t want to stay long, so let’s make it a dap and dip.那就去吧,不过我可不想多呆,顶多 就打个照面就走人。

实用英语口语(高级) 32.Industrial espionage

实用英语口语(高级) 32.Industrial espionage YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR:I've always wanted to do that! Spying:one of the most glamorous and dangerous jobs in the world. But not all spies work for their national governments. Some of them are out there trying to improve their companies' chances in the business world. Industrial Espionage is the term used to describe the activities some companies use to get ahead in business. YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR:Of course, it can be illegal but 'All's fair in love and business', right? 工业间谍有时候会使用最简单的办法来获取竞争对手的产品信息:就去买一件对方的产品拆开,看看它的工作原理。 This process is known as 'reverse engineering'. Once they've done that they can try to make a similar product that they hope will be able to make them some money. This is fine if you're not worried about trying to be the first company to release a product. YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR:But some companies have pushed the limits of industrial espionage by using methods similar to their counterparts in national espionage organizations in order to get their products to the marketplace before the competitors. Sometimes companies steal the plans for new products and reverse engineer the plans so that they can release their products first. Can these methods ever be used ethically? 'Value engineering' is used by companies who want to cut costs and improve their products. A company's existing product is reverse engineered and examined by company employees.


广播电视大学2019-2020学年第一学期期末考试 高级英语口语试题 2020年1月 (3—1) Ⅰ. Contradict the following statement. (反驳下列论断)。(30 %) Whether to have many children or not is a completely private matter. Ⅱ. Make a comment on the following passage (就所抽到的短文发表评论)。(30 %) If we take the example of a pop stars such as Madonna, it is hard to see in what young people and encourage them to experiment with sex and drugs, and develop a materialistic attitude. In addition, her job does not require special skills or years of training and education. Therefore, there is no justification for her receiving so much money. Although she provides entertainment for people, I do not think this can be considered essential. Ⅲ. Topic talk (标题谈话)。(40 %) Advertising does more good than harm to the consumers. 高级英语口语口试题第1页(共1页)


第一项:询问个人信息 本项考试的时间:3分钟左右。 本项考试的形式:由考官逐个向考生提出问题,考生进行回答。 本项考试内容:涉及个人信息的诸多方面,考官的提问更是千变万化,但一定设计个人信息的某个方面。通常,为了核对考生资格,考官会问以下问题:What’s your name?/can you spell your family name?/can you spell your surname?/ what’s your number? 回答范例:My name is Ray. That’s R-A-Y, Ray. 本项考试的目的是:考官借助于对考生个人信息的提问,核对考生考试资格,并通过与考生之间的交流,考察考生的发音,语法和用词。 本项考试从难度上来说是口语三项考试之末,但由于其为考试第一项,所以考生在本项中留给考官们的印象至关重要。考生们必须认真对待。 考生在本项考试中必须做到: 1.克服考试开始时的紧张情绪。方法:提前进入考场,适应考场环境。了解考试模式,进行模拟训练。 2.听清考官所问之问题。若没有听懂,可以要求考官重复其问题。方法:使用I am sorry but could you repeat your question?/I beg your pardon, Madam(Sir)?等句型。 3.全面地回答考官提出的问题,不能跑题。 实用技巧:A. 对于考官提出的特殊疑问句,首先使用单词、词组或句子给予明确的答复。然后阐述理由。B. 对于考官提出的一般疑问句,首先答复yes或者no,然后阐述理由。C. 对于考官提出的选择疑问句,方法同A。 4.不要与另一位考生交流,不要干扰另一位考生的答题。 5.有时由于时间问题,考官有可能非常简单地进行本项甚至打断考生的答题,这考生的临场表现没有任何关系。出现上述情况,切忌紧张。 Part One (interviews) In the first part of the test the interlocutor addresses each candidate in turn and asks general questions. Candidates will not be addressed in strict sequence. This part of the test lasts about three minutes and during this time, candidates are being tested on their ability to talk about themselves, to provide personal information on their home, interests and jobs, and to perform functions such as agreeing and disagreeing, and expressing preference.


努力尽量用这些词说话,去表达自己的思想,同时把意思说得越顺越好。 名词性从句引导词 连接代词: who 谁; whoever 无论谁; whom 谁(宾格), whose 谁的; what 什么; whatever无论什么; which 哪个; whichever 无论哪个; 连接副词: when 什么时候; whenever 无论什么时候; where 在哪儿; wherever 无论在哪; how 怎么样; however 无论怎么样; why 为什么 连接词: that 无意义; whether 是否; as if 好象; as though 好象状语从句引导词: 时间状语: when 当…时候; 突然,就在这时; while 在…的同时; 然而; as soon as 一…就…; hardly…when一…就…; scarcely …when一…就…; no sooner…than…一…就…; whenever 无论当…时候; since 自从…以来; before 在…之前; after 在…之后; till 直到…为止; until直到…为止; not…until…直到…才…; by the time he came 直到他来的时候; every time he came 每次他来; each time he came每次他来; as long as=so long as 只要; once 一旦; 地点状语: where; wherever; anywhere; everywhere; 条件状语: if 如果; unless 除非; only if ; providing=provided (that); in case(that); in the event(that); so long as = as long as; on condition

实用英语口语(高级) 13.The cult of celebrity

实用英语口语(高级) 13.The cult of celebrity COOL HUNTER:Being famous isn't all it's cracked up to be. We envy stars their looks and their lifestyles but, really, would you want to be so famous that you couldn't even shop at your local supermarket? There's a weird psychology around the whole idea of fame. I mean, why do we look up to these people as heroes? They're just ordinary people like you and me ... well, except they're more beautiful or handsome, better at sport, or just plain richer. COOL HUNTER:Some experts believe we're all susceptible to the fame game, that it's in our DNA, we're biologically programmed to respect and follow the leader of the pack, the Alpha Male, or female. Others believe that being obsessed with the lives of famous people is rather a symptom of something within our own psychology, a sign that we're not happy with our own lives and achievements. Whatever the causes, the cult of celebrity is growing out of all proportion, aided by the rapid advances in media and technology. But what is it like to be famous? And, would you really want to live that kind of life? COOL HUNTER:Well, first of all, if you were famous, you'd have very little privacy. Your every move would be followed by gossip columnists and celebrity magazines, your every relationship break up, speeding ticket and wrong word recorded, broadcast and analyzed by the media. Not only that, but everyone in your family would be subjected to this treatment from the press. Your life wouldn't be yours anymore, it'd be public property. Specialist star hunting photographers called paparazzi would snap photos of you


英语口语对话(高级) lesson 1 Archiving the Web 英语口语对话(高级) lesson 2 Red Power 英语口语对话(高级) lesson 3 Like Master Like Dog 英语口语对话(高级) lesson 4 Snail Mail - Mikie 英语口语对话(高级) lesson 5 Football 英语口语对话(高级) lesson 6 Cigarette Lawsuit 英语口语对话(高级) lesson 7 Anorexia 英语口语对话(高级) lesson 8 Videogames 英语口语对话(高级) lesson 9 Restaurant Business 英语口语对话(高级) lesson 10 Ιmperfect Escapes 英语口语对话(高级) lesson 11 Practice Speaking with Native Certified Language Teachers 英语口语对话(高级) lesson 1 Archiving the Web Summary:

Vanessa and Alexander are interviewing Brewster Kahle, founder of the Internet Archive who speaks about his efforts to collect all the published works of mankind. Dialogue: Vanessa: Hi and welcome to World Report. Alexander is in San Francisco and he’s joined by Brewster Kahle, founde r of the Internet Archive. Thank you both. Alexander: Hi Vanessa. Brewster: Good afternoon. Vanessa: Brewster, could I start by asking you… on your web site you mention that your mission is ‘global access to all human knowledge’? Sounds mind-boggling. Could you elaborate? Brewster: Well, suppose you took all the published works of mankind, then all the music, video and TV material, software, web pages ever produced, preserved them for the long term and made them available to people…Alexander: Incredible. S o you’re not just archiving web pages. Brewster: Far from it. Along with web pages, we’re storing music, movies and books. And it’s so rewarding to see our efforts bearing fruit. Vanessa: Sounds awesome.


【友情篇】 1. I'll always have your back . 我会一直支持你。 2. I know how you feel . 我明白你的感受。 3. keep an eye on each other 相互照应 4. You have to stay strong . 你要坚强。 5. He didn't wanna tell on her. 他不想打她的小报告。 snitch 告密者,打小报告者 6. You're debasing yourself . 你在贬低自己。 7. You want to bet on it ? 你想打个赌? 8. keep her company 陪陪她 9. I'll pick you up tomorrow . 我明天来接你。 10. It has been a long time . 好久不见。 【爱情篇】 1. Never,ever,ever . 永远永远不。 2. I take this seriously . 我很认真。 3. I'm with him . 我和他在一起。 4. You can't take him from me . 你不能把他从我身边带走。 5. She would never go out with me . 她是不会和我交往的。 6. got a tongue bath from sb 和谁谁舌吻。。额 7. I let him slip through my fingers . 我让他从我指间溜走。 8. move in together 搬到一起

9. He asked me to marry him . 他向我求婚。 10. You and I can never , ever ,ever be together . 你和我永远不可能在一起。 11. He is not picking up his phone . 他不接电话。 12. You're so caring . It's touching . 你这么关心我,我好感动。 13. I'm getting married . 我要结婚了。 14. You had an affair . 你出轨了。 15. I will always love you . 我会一直爱你。 16. I'll never leave you . 我再也不会离开你。 17.You guys make a really cute couple . 你俩真是天造地设的一对。 【花痴男女篇】 1. He is in great shape . 他身材很好。 2. a man of good taste 有品位的男人 3. insanely good-looking 极帅无比 【学校篇】 1. straight-A student 全优生 2. no phones no texting 不准用手机不准发短信 3. postpone the match 推迟比赛 4. Play big . 好好表现。 5. return the favor 还人情 open old wound 揭老伤疤 【生活篇】 1. How is going ? 怎么样?(打招呼时用)
