


Class 7 Student number:



China's real estate management and development (3)

China's real estate market of the specific trend (4)

Trend of the stock situation——(Wangke) (4)

Important date (5)

short-term debt paying ability analysis (5)

Profit (5)

Last words (7)

References (8)

2006-2012 years Real estate situation change analysis

Real estate is the leading industry of the national economy in China , in the modern social economic life plays a vital role. The growth mode of real estate is speed to pay attention to the scale of lay particular stress on benefit. Nowadays, applying the data of 2006-2012 years of China we can to analyze the change of real estate situation. 一、China's real estate management and development

data sources:

Form the two tables, we can analysis China's real estate form two hands.

Macro analysis:

Macro control of real estate properties and characteristics:

Nowadays both consumer goods and real estate investment, in the national economy has an important position. Governments will be in different degree of the real estate market in macroeconomic regulation, intervene according to market the development degree of the different and different. In view of the current real estate market, because of the investments is too large and the real estate prices rise too fast, the government give some adjusting Policy to control China's real estate .(a).combination market regulation policy and administrative control (b) the central and local policy are synchronous coordinate

Microscopic analysis:

In 2006, In order to alleviate warms up again real estate s , the government put more attention to turn to the housing structure .As is known to us, since 2006 to 2010, the completed investment by enterprise for estate makets can increasd year after year. And was sold more and more, From 61857.07 million yuan to rise 104764.65 million yuan. On the one hand, we can understand that the real estate investment accounts for total investment in fixde assets in the whole country by more than the previous yeas, hence, it increase can make more efferct to adcance that total investment in fixde assets in the whole country increased year by year . we can attention 2009, there is a inflation point, form 2009 to 2010, the residence increase more faster than other year. Why? There are a lot of international factors, on the one hand, after the 2008 financial crisis, the dollar is still in the ascending phase, the global economic crisis is still bogged down , the inflation has become a consensus global monetary liquidity release in 2009.On the other hand, Economic growth depend on real estate situation are stable and the real estate’s g rowth have a good affect on economic.

二、China's real estate market of the specific trend

Policy: Central adhere regulation does not shake,reasonable requirement protected (a)First, the prices will return to rational gradually, If the relevant control policies

timely and effective, to resolve the current real estate bubble risk and promote its healthy development, It can be achieve transition smoothly; while if real estate according to current trends in advance, it is depend on.

(b)Affordable housing will be strengthened. China will increase affordable housing

construction as known to us year by year

(c)Prices slowly return to reasonable price. Nowadays, current prices have

reached a peak, year after year, with the economic development and Industrial adjustment, the price wil be reasonable. For instance we can see this year, the first quarter of 2012,to further consolidate control achievements , promote real estate reasonable regression , the central government has repeatedly stressed the insist on real estate regulation not be moved .

三、Trend of the stock situation——(万科地产)

05-22 on Tuesday the latest price:9.01 volume:4578(hand)

turnover:412.45(ten thousand yuan) average:8.89

Important date

this , China Vanke enterprise will adjust sales strategy , depreciate sales promotion efforts continue to widen,means more varied.Give land,China Vanke give land still cautions attitude,continue to take to spending less.Capital funding , only deposits and advance receipts a year-on-year decline , self-financing accounted continue to improve.

science and technology power , real estate enterprise is no longer the whole industry chain a simple node, but have taken their key technology and core competitiveness, the enterprise of the industry layout to complete industry chain upstream and downstream direction expansion

It is known that the enterprise in 2009-2011, and all the indexes fell, such as account receivale turnover fell from 68.53 to 57.19. In general account receivale turnover isthe higher the better,.shows that the speed of our good, collecting average period short. Inventory turnover ratio, the higher means the number of that enterprise sales growth, sales ability is better. But we can see, poly real estate's inventory turnover declined, explain the sales declines. Total asset turnover also declined, although the size is not big, still explain enterprises measures should be taken to improve the utilization rate of the assets& remove unused redundant assets

As a whole, real estate and the development of the national economy than the relationship was positively, so long as our country steady economic growth , government macro-control proper , housing price won't appear too big wave motion . The limited land resources is the real estate rising incentives , and chased period of the land price increases , drive the rise in real estate s situation . On the one hand , the developer in order to improve the grade of real estate, build brand, will lead to rising real estate s; the other hand, with the national economic development and the improvement of people's income, the demand for housing, more and more strong, but in the market as well as national policy under the control of growth of prices, the

in 2009-2011, the enterprise return on sale and return on total assets is declined, because the company buying land in 2007, then in the 2009-2011 years have settlement, it was down the enterprise's profit margins, in addition, the 2010 focuses on the number billions of security room settlement project, making the company the sorting of decline gross profit. However, we can see that the enterprise ROE (%) and Earning per share increased. The main reason is: 2008 global financial crisis spread of China's real estate market has a great impact, profit margins line from 12.22% in 2007 to 11.9% in. Yield per share of common stock of reflect the profit level, from the table we can see that, Wangke group earnings yields present a trend of increased year by year, and the growth rate is bigger, visible evergrande stock profitability is stronger, but, this kind of situation is may be the factors such as real estate investment

overheating in earnings per share is growing rapidly, so in the choice of investments or should be prudent.

Sales net interest rates is to measure enterprise in the period of the gain of sales income ability. From the above we can see, Wangke group sales net interest rate is higher, although slightly every year a bit down, but not very significant, it can see is due to increased sales income and net profit less of the causes. This is part of the reason is probably because real estate investment overheating but the government for real estate control increase, although sales income to high, but one of the reasons for the low net profit.The net assets of the company is interest rate indicator is used by all the assets profit level, the index is higher, shows that the input and output level is high, the more effective assets operation, management level is higher. From the above we can read Wangke group assets is higher and the net interest rate has been increasing year after year trend, explain Wangke group in assets on the use efficiency is higher, and increase in income and save money also it achieved good effect.

四. Last words

Real estate is a third financial, a third are policy,a third are real estate properties, Poly real estate founded nearly 20 years, although now the entire macroscopic economy environment, the development of the real estate industry is still hard, but the poly real estate industry still holds a pivotal position in China real estate.


[1] NI Peng-fei, china real estate under the influence the financial crisis:maket analysis and prediction of china real estate,2008-2009.[J] modern urban research 2009 [2] Li shu cheng,Zeng hua long.LI lin.Astudy on effect of house price on the monetary policy Transmission [J] The theory and practice of finance and economics 2008

[3] https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd9106023.html,.The fourth quarter of 2010, the real estate industry (2011,February)

[4] Li jing,Ma jinbo (2010,July) ,Chinese real estate market macro-control policies,Enterprise Guide

[5] Huang ping,Wu chunyi. (2011,September) , China's real estate industry development status and trend analysis, New construction: modern property on Xunkan

[6] Pan gaojie,(2011 ,February) , Analysis of the Chinese real estate development course, Time Finance

[7] https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd9106023.html,,Oriental wealth network

[8] Li qingsong,(2010 ,February), The real estate industry in the next ten years the development trend,Henan building materials

[9] https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd9106023.html,/view/41067f26a5e9856a5612603f.html,Galaxy Securities Research report

[10] Gong Yuan Yuan .Zheng WenBo ,Yang YueAnalysis of the Real Estate Fluctuation Theory [J] Journal of ShenYuan Jianzhu University;social Science 2011


CHAPTER 1: THE INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT PROBLEM SETS 1.Ultimately, it is true that real assets determine the material well being of an economy. Nevertheless, individuals can benefit when financial engineering creates new products that allow them to manage their portfolios of financial assets more efficiently. Because bundling and unbundling creates financial products with new properties and sensitivities to various sources of risk, it allows investors to hedge particular sources of risk more efficiently. 2.Securitization requires access to a large number of potential investors. To attract these investors, the capital market needs: 1. a safe system of business laws and low probability of confiscatory taxation/regulation; 2. a well-developed investment banking industry; 3. a well-developed system of brokerage and financial transactions, and; 4.well-developed media, particularly financial reporting. These characteristics are found in (indeed make for) a well-developed financial market. 3.Securitization leads to disintermediation; that is, securitization provides a means for market participants to bypass intermediaries. For example, mortgage-backed securities channel funds to the housing market without requiring that banks or thrift institutions make loans from their own portfolios. As securitization progresses, financial intermediaries must increase other activities such as providing short-term liquidity to consumers and small business, and financial services. 4.Financial assets make it easy for large firms to raise the capital needed to finance their investments in real assets. If Ford, for example, could not issue stocks or bonds to the general public, it would have a far more difficult time raising capital. Contraction of the supply of financial assets would make financing more difficult, thereby increasing the cost of capital. A higher cost of capital results in less investment and lower real growth.

投资学 论文

论投资与经济增长的关系 摘要投资是经济增长的重要因素。它与消费,政府支出和进出口共同构成一国发展的发动机。中国经济目前尚处于初级发展阶段,经济增长具有典型的要素拉动特征。经济发展需要刺激投资需求,最终消费需求的形成也有赖于加大投资力度,投资与消费双管齐下,投资需先行。因此,国民经济的高速增长离不开投资的持续增长。但是投资的主体不同,投资的时机不同,投资的项目不同,投资的力度不同等等,都会影响投资的效果。所以这就需要政府的适当的宏观调控,使投资合理化,更利于经济的增长与可持续发展。 关键词:政府投资;民间投资;外商投资;经济增长 一、我国经济环境下的投资现状 众所周知,在我国经济增长的过程之中,投资一直扮演着极为重要的角色。一方面,投资能形成有效需求,另一方面,投资又能增加未来的产能。因此,经济增长的快慢在很大程度上取决于投资总量的大小以及投资规模的增长速度。改革开放以来,我国经济之所以增势强劲,投资的增长无疑起到了很大的推动作用。 二、三种投资主体 (一)政府投资:政府投资是拉动经济发展的重要因素,促进投资又好又快增长,不仅是落实中央科学发展观的需要,也是加快经济发展、优化经济结构、提高经济质量的内在要求。政府投资是国家宏观经济调控的必要手段,在社会投资和资源配置中起重要宏观导向作用。政府投资可以弥补市场失灵,协调全社会的重大投资比例关系,进而推动经济发展和结构优化。政府投资职能一般表现在以下几个方面: 1、均衡社会投资政府发挥宏观调控作用。在市场经济条件下,尽管政府投资量不占据主要地位,但对社会投资总量的均衡能起到调节作用。当社会投资量呈扩张势头、通货膨胀趋势严重时,政府投资主体通过减少投资量,缓解投资膨胀。当经济不景气、社会投资低迷时,政府投资主体采取增加投资量的途径,扩大社会需求,推动经济发展。 2、政府投资对调节投资结构、引导社会投资方向起着重要作用。国家在经济发展

投资理财专业 毕业论文题目参考

投资理财专业毕业论文题目(参考) 1.试分析我国现阶段货币政策调控的作用 2.论通货膨胀对当前我国经济发展的影响作用 3.浅论政府投资与市场投资的博弈现象 4.浅析取消出口退税制对外向型上市公司的影响 5.论新会计制度准则下公司理财的发展 6.试分析我国目前人民币流动性过剩的解决方法 7.对我国财政分权理论发展的思考 8.浅议现阶段政府对股市调控政策的利弊 9.论我国金融市场发展现状及其未来创新趋势 10、试析全面股改对我国现阶段股市发展的影响 11.浅议我国银行理财产品的发展前景 12.论家庭或个人理财行业在我国的发展前景 13.关于当前证券投资基金热销现象背后的思考 14.试分析基金重仓股对市场产生影响的利与弊 15.试论我国证券市场对外开放中目前存在的问题 16.浅析我国百姓金融理财发展新趋势变化 17.试分析人民币连续升值对股市产生的影响 18.浅议我国居民个人应如何进行投资理财规划 19.我国开展资产证券化面临的问题及对策 20.关于我国住房抵押贷款证券化的制度的建设 21.资产证券化:解决商业银行资本约束的新路径

22.试分析解决保险风险证券化存在的障碍及对策 23.对当前我国股市投资过热现象深层次的思考 24.关于金融证券化与不动产证券化的分析 25.试分析资产证券化与金融资产管理对策 26.实施我国金融资产证券化的理性分析与现实选择 27.未来金融创新新领域:资产证券化 28.对我国推行住房抵押贷款证券化的思考 29.关于我国住房抵押贷款证券化的难点及对策研究 30.对国有商业银行住房抵押贷款证券化的发展前景探讨 31.试析保险风险证券化的社会作用及其发展 32.论保险业在资本市场的创新工具——保险证券化 33.我国商业银行不良资产证券化处置研究的探讨 34.股权改革后我国证券市场发展前景的探讨 35.我国银行资产证券化关键环节及制度条件的思考 36.针对目前市场的流动性过剩应如何解决方法问题的探讨 37.试论国际投资基金在跨国流动中带来的危害及其对策 38.试分析我国当前存在的金融危机潜在威胁及其对策 39.关于固定资产投资反复出现过热现象的思考及其对策 40.对我国证券市场大力发展以机构投资者为主导方向的探讨 41.试分析对实物资产投资与金融资产投资的各自优缺点 42.对投资理财专业进行模拟实训方式的探讨及其改进


一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共15分) 1、二次世界大战前,国际投资是以( )为主。 A(证券投资 B.实业投资 C.直接投资 D.私人投资 2、国际货币基金组织认为,视为对企业实施有效控制的股权比例一般是( )。A(10, B.25, C.35, D.50, 3、以下哪个不是中国发展对外投资的目的( )。 A(有利于充分利用国外自然资源 B(有利于充分利用国外资金 C(有利于扩大出口,加快国际化进程 D(有利于提高国民收入,增加就业机会 4、下面关于国际直接投资对东道国的技术进步效应描述不正确的是( )。 A(国际直接投资对东道国的技术进步效应主要是通过跨国公司直接转移发挥的 B(跨国公司将技术转让给东道国的全资子公司的方式效应最低 C(合资方式下技术转移效应较高,但转移的技术等级一般较低 D(跨国公司通过与东道国当地企业或机构合作研发将有助于推进东道国技术进步 5、以下国际投资环境评估方法属于动态方法的是( )。 A.道氏评估法 B.罗氏评估法 C.闽氏评估法 D.冷热评估法 6、以下不属于国际投资环境特点的是( )。 A.综合性 B.稳定性 C.先在行 D.差异性 7、被誉为国际直接投资理论先驱的是( )。 A.纳克斯 B.海默 C.邓宁 D.小岛清 8、以下不属于国际储备管理原则的是(a ) A.多样性 B.安全性 C.流动性 D.盈利性

9.一个子公司主要服务于一国的东道国市场,而跨国公司母公司则在不同的市场控制几 个子公司的经营战略是(a )。 A.独立子公司战略 B.多国战略 C.区域战略 D.全球战略 10、对外国政府贷款的说法中不正确的是( d ) A(外国政府贷款常与出口信贷混合使用 B(外国政府贷款利率低,期限长,有时还伴有部分赠款 C. 使用外国政府贷款要支付少量管理费 D(外国政府贷款可用于购置任何国家或地区的设备或原料 11、在证券市场线上,市场组合的β系数为( c )。 A.0 B.0.5 C.1.0 D.1.5 12(以下不属于国际投资环境评价形式的是(b )。 A.专家实地考察 B.问卷调查 C.东道国政府评估 D.咨询机构评估 13、弗农提出的国际直接投资理论是( a )。 A.产品生命周期理论( B.垄断优势理论 C.折衷理论 D.厂商增长理论 14(以下关于国际直接投资对东道国资本形成直接效应的描述不正确的是( )。 A.在起始阶段,无疑是资本流入,是将国外储蓄国内化,一般会促进东道国的资本形成, 形成新的生产能力,对东道国经济增长产生正效应 B.绿地投资能够直接增加东道国的资本存量,对东道国的资本形成有显在的正效应,而 购并投资只是改变了存量资本的所有权,对东道国的资本形成没有直接的效应

投资学精要英语(essenfial of investment )计算分析题

1. Consider the three stocks in the following table. P represents prices at time t ,and Q represents shares outstanding at time t. STOCK C splits two-for-one in the last period. P0 Q0 P1 Q1 P2 Q2 A 90 100 95 100 95 100 B 50 200 45 200 45 200 C 100 200 110 200 55 400 a.calculate the rate of return on a price-weighted index of the three stocks for the first period(t=0 to t=1). 答案:At t = 0, the value of the index is: (90 + 50 + 100)/3 = 80 At t = 1, the value of the index is: (95 + 45 + 110)/3 = 83.3333 The rate of return is: (83.3333/80) – 1 = 4.167% b.What must happen to the divisor for the price-weight index in year 2? 答案:In the absence of a split, stock C would sell for 110, and the value of the index would be: (95 + 45 + 110)/3 = 83.3333 After the split, stock C sells at 55. Therefore, we need to set the divisor (d) such that: 83.3333 = (95 + 45 + 55)/d…..d = 2.340 c.Calculate the rate of return of the price-weighted index for the second period (t=1 to t=2). 答案:The rate of return is zero. The index remains unchanged, as it should, since the return on each stock separately equals zero. 2. using the data in the precious problem, calculate the first period rates of return on the following indexes of the three stocks: a. a market value-weight index. 答案:Total market value at t = 0 is: (9,000 + 10,000 + 20,000) = 39,000 Total market value at t = 1 is: (9,500 + 9,000 + 22,000) = 40,500 Rate of return = (40,500/39,000) – 1 = 3.85% b. an equally weighted index. 答案:The return on each stock is as follows:R a = (95/90) – 1 = 0.0556 R b = (45/50) – 1 = –0.10 R c = (110/100) – 1 = 0.10 The equally-weighted average is: [0.0556 + (-0.10) + 0.10]/3 = 0.0185 = 1.85% 3. suppose you short sell 100 shares of IBM, now selling at $120 per share. a. what is your maximum possible loss? 答案:In principle, potential losses are unbounded, growing directly with increases in the price of IBM. b. what happens to the maximum loss if you simultaneously place a stop-buy order at $128. 答案:If the stop-buy order can be filled at $128, the maximum possible loss per share is $8. If the price of IBM shares go above $128, then the stop-buy order would be executed, limiting the losses from the short sale.


证券投资学论文题目:中国股市市盈率变动与相关因素分析 姓名:梁锐 学号:2014110552 班级:14级会计五班 2016年12月14日

摘要 中国资本市场发展近15年来对中国经济的发展做出卓越的贡献,首先,企业通过股票市场筹集到的资金为其扩大再生产提供资金保障;其次,企业通过上市建立起现代企业制度,完善了公司治理结构,对企业未来发展提供制度保障;再次,通过资本市场实现虚拟资本与实物资本的分离,可以实现资金的优化配置,进而提高社会资源的使用效率,并且通过兼并和收购,可以促进产业结构的完善和发展。总之,资本市场的发展是市场经济国家必不可少的一个环节,资本市场被誉为市场经济发展的“发动机”市盈率是股市上的价值判断、风险判断、收益判断的重要依据,是判断一个股票市场能否健康持续发展、是否具有泡沫的一个重要标准,因此如何看待评价现在的股市市盈率对指导我国投资者投资、给政府调控股市提供参考都有重要的意义。对我国股市(A股市场)市盈率是高还是低的争论,曾经多次成为经济学理论界和股票市场关注的热点问题。由于我国股市的中国特色,对于我国的股票市盈率不能简单予以判断,我们有必要进一步分析市盈率的基本特征,进一步研究我国股市市盈率的结构、综合水平状况,使我们对沪、深两市的市盈率有更全面、更深入的理解。本文针对中国A股市场的市盈率进行研究,实证分析中国A股市场的市盈率基本状况及结构情况,利用比较和统计的基本方法,辅以适当的模型推导,从不同的视角对当前中国A股市场的市盈率状况进行分析研究,对我国A股市场市盈率做出评价,分析原因,并提出基于市盈率角度的政策建议。 【关键词】:市盈率中国A股市场相关分析 【参看文献】:《财会月刊》、《时代金融》、《全国商情》


投资学专业本专科毕业论文选题 [1] 开放式基金与我国商业银行发展关系研究 [2] 我国银行业与证券业合作现状问题与发展对策 [3] 无套利思想及其在衍生证券定价中的应用 [4] 中国股票市场的投资机会实证研究 [5] 中国股票指数期货市场研究 [6] “国退民进”中的民间投资发展研究 [7] FDI对我国的国际收支的影响研究 [8] IPO发行抑价现象研究 [9] QDII与证券市场国际化研究 [10] 板块效应与股票投资策略 [11] 不确定条件下投资者行为分析 [12] 产业投资基金研究 [13] 城市土地区位论及其运用 [14] 创业投资对推进××产业发展的实证研究 [15] 创业投资国别比较研究——以××方面为例 [16] 创业投资企业法人治理结构对创业投资效率的影响 [17] 创业投资相关法律与政策调整对创业投资行业发展的影响 [18] 创业投资与高新技术产业集群的互动关系研究 [19] 促进研究开发的投资机制研究

[20] 当代世界政治格局演变与国际投资变动趋势研究 [21] 东南亚房地产市场发展路径及其启示 [22] 对证券市场监管者的监管研究 [23] 发展机构投资者的对策建议 [24] 房地产公司资金运用策略研究 [25] 房地产评估制度的国际比较 [26] 房地产市场的政府干预 [27] 房地产市场周期波动探讨 [28] 房地产行业股票的投资价值分析 [29] 房地产证券化模式:国际比较与我国选择 [30] 房地产证券化之国际比较 [31] 风险投资的退出机制研究 [32] 风险投资决策评估体系研究 [33] 封闭式基金的风险防范 [34] 各国发展创业投资的经验及其对我国的启示 [35] 公司兼并收购问题研究 [36] 公司治理结构的模式选择和制度安排研究 [37] 公有住房出售美中问题研究 [38] 公众投资者利益保护问题研究 [39] 构建商业银行理财服务体系、完善个人理财功能 [40] 股票估值方法比较研究


1.Derivative securities 2.formula 3.credit risk 4.prospects 5.Consumption Timing 6.Allocation of Risk 7.Separation of Ownership and Management 8.Finding mispriced securities 9.undervalued securities 10.diversified portfolio 11.Credit unions 12.the Crisis 13.Credit Default Swaps (CDS) 14.rating agencies 15.sub-prime loans 16.transparent 17.Money market instruments 18.denominations 19.Treasury bills 20.Certificates of Deposit 21.Bankers’ Acceptances 22.Eurodollars 23.dollar-denominated 24.Repos and Reverses 25.credit crisis 26.Municipal Bonds 27.is exempt from 28.General obligation bonds 29.Revenue bonds 30.tax-exempt 31.Callable 32.Convertible 33.pass-throughs 34.subprime 35.Residual claim 36.Limited liability 37.Preferred stock 38.Perpetuity 39.Fixed dividends 40.Priority over common 41.Tax treatment 42.Tax treatment 43.index 44.exchange traded funds (ETFs)


课程设计 课程名称:《投资学》 所在院(系):商学院工商管理系 班级: xx级工商管理x班 学号: 121102011XXX 姓名: xxx 2015 年 07 月 05 日

影响股票价格的因素研究与分析 摘要:作为一个投资者,最关心的问题应该就是股票价格,它影响着股票市场的稳定及投资者的策略。而当今市场鱼目混珠,各种股票分析大师、股票软件、营销公众号不断提出各种分析和预期股价的方法,一些专家从市场供需入手,演变成股价技术分析方法,有的从影响股价因素关系分析入手,形成了股价基本分析方法。那么股票市场价格的变动到底受哪些主要因素的影响呢?本文即对这个问题做了细致的研究与分析,希望帮助投资者做好投资分析与决策。 关键词:股票价格宏观微观投资者心理 一、本文提出的意义 目前我国很多投资者在进行投资时,不从基本面和技术面分析,投资风险意识不强。市场典型表现就是换手率极高,众多的散户盲目追涨杀跌,骤然大量进出,还有其他各种因素,使股价严重背离上市公司的业绩,加剧了股市的震荡。投资者投资决策很多是盲目跟风,部分投资者的分析方法也较为片面。因此投资者在进行股票投资时,更加有必要对股价进行合理科学的判断,从而做出较为理性科学的投资决策。 二、影响股价变动的宏观经济因素 1、利率水平 银行利率的调整往往引起股价的市场性波动,一般来说,利率与股价成反方向变动关系,原因是:①利率的上升,不仅会增加公司的借款成本,而且还会使公司难以获得必需的资金,这样,公司就不得不消减生产规模,而生产规模的缩小又势必会减少公司的未来利润。因此,股票价格就会下跌。反之,股票价格就会上涨;②利率上升时,投资者评估股票价格所用的折现率也会上升,股票值因


投资物业分公司管理制度 《投资理财》专业毕业论文参考选题 1.试分析我国现阶段货币政策调控的作用 2.论通货膨胀对当前我国经济发展的影响作用 3.浅论政府投资与市场投资的博弈现象 4.浅析取消出口退税制对外向型上市公司的影响 5.论新会计制度准则下公司理财的发展 6.试分析我国目前人民币流动性过剩的解决方法 7.对我国财政分权理论发展的思考 8.浅议现阶段政府对股市调控政策的利弊 9.论我国金融市场发展现状及其未来创新趋势 10.试析全面股改对我国现阶段股市发展的影响 11.浅议我国银行理财产品的发展前景 12.论家庭或个人理财行业在我国的发展前景 13.关于当前证券投资基金热销现象背后的思考 14.试分析基金重仓股对市场产生影响的利与弊 15.试论我国证券市场对外开放中目前存在的问题 16.浅析我国百姓金融理财发展新趋势变化 17.试分析人民币连续升值对股市产生的影响 18.浅议我国居民个人应如何进行投资理财规划 19.我国开展资产证券化面临的问题及对策 20.关于我国住房抵押贷款证券化的制度的建设 21.资产证券化、解决商业银行资本约束的新路径 22.试分析解决保险风险证券化存在的障碍及对策 23.对当前我国股市投资过热现象深层次的思考 24.关于金融证券化与不动产证券化的分析 25.试分析资产证券化与金融资产管理对策 26.实施我国金融资产证券化的理性分析与现实选择 27.未来金融创新新领域、资产证券化 28.对我国推行住房抵押贷款证券化的思考 29.关于我国住房抵押贷款证券化的难点及对策研究 30.对国有商业银行住房抵押贷款证券化的发展前景探讨 31.试析保险风险证券化的社会作用及其发展 32.论保险业在资本市场的创新工具——保险证券化 33.我国商业银行不良资产证券化处置研究的探讨 34.股权改革后我国证券市场发展前景的探讨 35.我国银行资产证券化关键环节及制度条件的思考 36.针对目前市场的流动性过剩应如何解决方法问题的探讨 37.试论国际投资基金在跨国流动中带来的危害及其对策 38.试分析我国当前存在的金融危机潜在威胁及其对策 39.关于固定资产投资反复出现过热现象的思考及其对策 40.对我国证券市场大力发展以机构投资者为主导方向的探讨 41.试分析对实物资产投资与金融资产投资的各自优缺点 42.对投资理财专业进行模拟实训方式的探讨及其改进 页脚内容1


网络教育专升本《国际投资学》模拟试题 一、 1. 国际货币基金组织认为,视为对企业实施有效控制的股权比例一般是()?(2分) A.10% B.25% C.35% D.50% .标准答案:B 2. 弗农提出的国际直接投资理论是()。(2分) A.产品生命周期理论 B.垄断优势理论 C.折衷理论 D.厂商增长理论 .标准答案:A 3. 最保守的观点认为,在()个国家或地区以上拥有从事生产和经营的分支机构才算是跨国公司。(2分) A.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.6个 .标准答案:D 4. 下面不属于跨国银行功能的是()。(2分) A.跨国公司融资中介 B.为跨国公司提供信息服务 C.证券承销 D.支付中介 .标准答案:C 5. 以下不属于国际金融公司(IFC)的投资管理的原则是()。(2分) A.催化原则 B.商业原则 C.流动原则 D.特殊贡献原则 .标准答案:C 6. 子公司完全复制母公司价值链的战略是()。(2分) A.独立子公司战略 B.多国战略 C.简单一体化战略 D.复合一体化战略 .标准答案:A

7. 一个子公司主要服务于一国的东道国市场,而跨国公司母公司则在不同的市场控制几个子公司的经营战略是()。(2分) A.独立子公司战略 B.多国战略 C.区域战略 D.全球战略 .标准答案:C 8. 下面不属于跨国投资银行功能的是()。(2分) A.证券承销 B.证券经纪 C..跨国购并策划与融资 D.为跨国公司提供授信服务 .标准答案:B 9. 下面不属于对冲基金特点的是()。(2分) A.私募 B.受严格管制 C.高杠杠性 D.分配机制更灵活和更富激励性 .标准答案:D 10. 二次世界大战前,国际投资是以()为主。(2分) A.证券投资 B.实业投资 C.直接投资 D.私人投资.标准答案:A 11. 被誉为国际直接投资理论先驱的是()。(2分) A.纳克斯 B.海默 C.邓宁 D.小岛清.标准答案:B 12. 下面哪一个不属于折衷理论的三大优势之一()。(2分) A.厂商所有权优势 B.内部化优势 C.垄断优势 D.区位优势 .标准答案:C


<<国际投资学》模拟题及答案(一) 一、填空题(每题2分,共10分) 1.一般说来,国际股票可大致分为直接海外上市的股票、存托凭证和欧洲股权三类。 2.海外投资保险承保的三种主要政治风险分别为外汇禁兑险、财产征用险和战争内乱险 3.解决国际投资争端的主要方式有非司法解决方式、准司法解决方式和司法解决方式 4.外债利用系数=外债增长速度/国民生产总值增长速度×100% 5.外国直接投资对东道国产业结构的影响主要表现在两个方面:一是产业结构优化效应;二是市场集中度效应。 二、单选题(每题1分,共10分) 1.国际货币基金组织认为,视为对企业实施有效控制的股权比例一般是( B ) A.10% B.25% C.35% D.50% 2.与代理行功能接近的跨国银行海外分支机构是( B )。 A.代表处 B.经理处 C.分行 D.联属行 3.下面不属于对冲基金特点的是( B )。 A.私募 B.受严格管制 C.高杠杠性 D.分配机制更灵活和更富激励性 4.下面不属于跨国银行功能的是( C )。 A.跨国公司融资中介 B.为跨国公司提供信息服务 C.证券承销 D.支付中介

5.近年来,国际投资发展最快的产业部门是( C )。 A.第一产业 B.第二产业 C.第三产业 D.制造业 6.相对于跨国购并,下面描述中不属于绿地投资特点的是( B)。 A.建设周期较长 B.风险较低 C.成功率低 D.适合对发展中国家投资 7.下面描述不属于国外子公司特点的是(D )。 A.独立法人地位 B.独立公司名称 C.独立公司章程 D.与母公司合并纳税 8.下面关于国际直接投资对东道国的技术进步效应描述不正确的是( A )。 A.国际直接投资对东道国的技术进步效应主要是通过跨国公司直接转移发挥的 B.跨国公司将技术转让给东道国的全资子公司的方式效应最低 C.合资方式下技术转移效应较高,但转移的技术等级一般较低 D.跨国公司通过与东道国当地企业或机构合作研发将有助于推进东道国技术进步 9.在冷热环境评估法中,以下不属于“冷”因素的是( B )。 A.法令阻碍 B.政治稳定性 C.实质性阻碍 D.地理及文化差 10.目前我国对外借款最主要的方式为: ( C ) A.外国政府贷款 B.国际金融组织贷款 C.国际商业贷款 D.对外发行债券 三、是非题(每题2分,共10分) 1.H股公司的注册地在中国境外,但公司的主要业务资产在内地。


CHAPTER 2: ASSET CLASSES AND FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS 1. (d) 2. The equivalent taxable yield is: 6.75%/(1 ? 0.34) = 10.23% 3. (a) Writing a call entails unlimited potential losses as the stock price rises. 4. a. You would have to pay the asked price of: 94:30 = 94.9375% of par = $949.375 b. The coupon rate is 3.625% implying coupon payments of $36.25 annually or, more precisely, $18.125 semiannually. c. Current yield = (Annual coupon income/price) = $36.25/$949.375 = 0.0382 = 3.82% 5. Preferred stock is like long-term debt in that it typically promises a fixed payment each year. In this way, it is a perpetuity. Preferred stock is also like long-term debt in that it does not give the holder voting rights in the firm. Preferred stock is like equity in that the firm is under no contractual obligation to make the preferred stock dividend payments. Failure to make payments does not set off corporate bankruptcy. With respect to the priority of claims to the assets of the firm in the event of corporate bankruptcy, preferred stock has a higher priority than common equity but a lower priority than bonds. 6. Money market securities are called ?°cash equivalents?± because of their great liquidity. The prices of money market securities are very stable, and they can be converted to cash (i.e., sold) on very short notice and with very low transaction costs. 7. P = $10,000/1.02 = $9,803.92 8. The total before-tax income is $4. After the 70% exclusion for preferred stock dividends, the taxable income is: 0.30 ?á $4 = $1.20 Therefore, taxes are: 0.30 ?á $1.20 = $0.36 After-tax income is: $4.00 ¨C $0.36 = $3.64 Rate of return is: $3.64/$40.00 = 9.10% 9. a. General Dynamics closed today at $112.65, which was $1.56 higher than yesterday?ˉs price. Yesterday?ˉs closing price was: $111.09 b. You could buy: $5,000/$112.65 = 44.4 shares c. Your annual dividend income would be: 44.4 ? $1.60 = $71.04 d. The price-to-earnings ratio is 16 and the price is $112.65. Therefore: $112.65/Earnings per share = 16 ? Earnings per share = $7.04 10. a. At t = 0, the value of the index is: (90 + 50 + 100)/3


投资学选择题及答案英 文版 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

INVESTMENT TUTORIAL 1 SUMISSION DEADLINE: OCT 22 1. Primary market refers to the market ____________. A. that attempts to identify mispriced securities and arbitrage opportunities. B. in which investors trade already issued securities. C. where new issues of securities are offered. D. in which securities with custom-tailored characteristics are designed. 2. Asset allocation refers to the _________. A. allocation of the investment portfolio across broad asset classes B. analysis of the value of securities C. choice of specific assets within each asset class D. none of the answers define asset allocation 3. An example of a derivative security is _________. A. a common share of General Motors B. a call option on Intel stock C. a Ford bond D. a . Treasury bond 4. Money Market securities are characterized by ________. I. maturity less than one year II. safety of the principal investment


投资学 讲稿 课程名称:投资学 适用专业:金融 适用年级:三年级 学年学期:第二学期 任课教师:小武老师 编写时间:2010年8月


第一部分投资学概要 本部分对投资环境进行一个鸟瞰。主要介绍证券交易的主要市场及证券市场指数、交易过程以及市场中的主要参与者。 第一章投资学概要 一、投资的定义 收入的处置方式:消费、储蓄和投资。储蓄是指在金融机构将资金储存起来。投资的特征都是指在当前付出资金或其它资源,以期在将来得到更多好处(注:这假定所进行的投资活动是英明的,钱藏在床垫下并不会增加人们未来的消费能力)。如购买股票、上学。储蓄和投资的区别在于风险不同。 二、投资的种类 (一)资产 资产可分为金融资产和实际资产(real asset)。实际资产指社会的物质财富,它代表经济体的生产力,如土地、机器以及可用来生产商品和服务的知识等。金融资产只不过是一些纸张,它是经济发展到一定阶段后人们据以拥有实际资产的凭证。金融资产是对实际资产所产生收益的所有权凭证。如果我们无法建立自己的汽车制造厂,我们可以购买通用汽车公司的股票,这样,就可以分享汽车制造的收益。 实际资产能产生净的收益,而金融资产则决定财富在投资者之间的分配。投资者投资于证券获得的收益最终实际上来自于发行证券而获得融资的实际资产产生的收益。 从资产负债表上最容易看出两者的区别。一项金融资产必然有相应的金融负债。而实物资产则没有,它只是资产形式的转换。 例1:张三通过抵押来为购买土地提供资金。该项抵押属于金融资产,土地则是实物资产。 例2:下列资产是实际资产还是金融资产?1.专利;2.租赁凭证;3.消费者的良好评价;4.大学教育;5.一张5美元的票据。 (二)金融资产的种类 1、权益类证券(equity security) (1)特点:代表了在某一企业的所有权份额;因此,与企业经营业绩及企业资产额直接相关。 (2)代表证券:股票。 2、固定收益证券 (1)特点:现金流已知;投资收益与债券发行人的财务状况相关程度最低。 (2)代表:债券 (3)优先股和可转换债券:是股票还是债券? 注:我们不能将所有股票归纳和划分为权益类证券,也不能把所有债券归纳和划分为固定收益证券,其投资特性决定了其归类。 3、衍生资产(derivative asset) (1)特点:其收益决定于其它资产价格的合约。


一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共15分) 1、二次世界大战前,国际投资是以()为主。 A.证券投资 B.实业投资 C.直接投资 D.私人投资 2、国际货币基金组织认为,视为对企业实施有效控制的股权比例一般是()。 A.10% B.25% C.35% D.50% 3、以下哪个不是中国发展对外投资的目的()。 A.有利于充分利用国外自然资源 B.有利于充分利用国外资金 C.有利于扩大出口,加快国际化进程 D.有利于提高国民收入,增加就业机会 4、下面关于国际直接投资对东道国的技术进步效应描述不正确的是()。 A.国际直接投资对东道国的技术进步效应主要是通过跨国公司直接转移发挥的 B.跨国公司将技术转让给东道国的全资子公司的方式效应最低 C.合资方式下技术转移效应较高,但转移的技术等级一般较低 D.跨国公司通过与东道国当地企业或机构合作研发将有助于推进东道国技术进步 5、以下国际投资环境评估方法属于动态方法的是()。 A.道氏评估法 B.罗氏评估法 C.闽氏评估法 D.冷热评估法 6、以下不属于国际投资环境特点的是()。 A.综合性 B.稳定性 C.先在行 D.差异性 7、被誉为国际直接投资理论先驱的是()。 A.纳克斯 B.海默 C.邓宁 D.小岛清 8、以下不属于国际储备管理原则的是(a ) A.多样性 B.安全性 C.流动性 D.盈利性 9.一个子公司主要服务于一国的东道国市场,而跨国公司母公司则在不同的市场控制几个子公司的经营战略是(a )。 A.独立子公司战略 B.多国战略 C.区域战略 D.全球战略 10、对外国政府贷款的说法中不正确的是( d ) A.外国政府贷款常与出口信贷混合使用 B.外国政府贷款利率低,期限长,有时还伴有部分赠款 C. 使用外国政府贷款要支付少量管理费 D.外国政府贷款可用于购置任何国家或地区的设备或原料 11、在证券市场线上,市场组合的β系数为( c )。 A.0 B.0.5 C.1.0 D.1.5 12.以下不属于国际投资环境评价形式的是(b )。 A.专家实地考察 B.问卷调查 C.东道国政府评估 D.咨询机构评估 13、弗农提出的国际直接投资理论是( a )。 A.产品生命周期理论( B.垄断优势理论 C.折衷理论 D.厂商增长理论 14.以下关于国际直接投资对东道国资本形成直接效应的描述不正确的是()。 A.在起始阶段,无疑是资本流入,是将国外储蓄国内化,一般会促进东道国的资本形成,形成新的生产能力,对东道国经济增长产生正效应 B.绿地投资能够直接增加东道国的资本存量,对东道国的资本形成有显在的正效应,而
