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(一)名词性从句的结构:名词性从句起名词作用在句中做主语,表语,宾语和同位语构成:主语从句;表语从句;宾语从句和同位语从句。引导名词性从句的连词有三类:that;whether/if; wh-疑问词(疑问代词:what /whatever, which / whichever, who / whoever , whom / whomever ; 疑问副词:when / whenever, where / wherever , why,how / however) 另:as if / as though, because也可引导表语从句


1.The result of this French influence was ______ the English language ended up with many French words such as table, animal and age.

2. ______ interested him was _______ the whole world had been mapped 70 years before Columbus.

3. _____most of these are now threatened and may disappear is a serious matter to the people in Britain.

4. This gave him the idea______ the Chinese perhaps first discovered America.

5. If we learn to accept change and appreciate _______is new and different, we will be well-prepared for ____ the future may have in store.

(二)同位语从句在名词idea; fact; news; thought; suggestion/advice; problem; proof等词后面同位语从句解释了前面的那些名词所指的内容,与那些名词起着同等作用的句子成分,叫同位语从句。

1. The fact ______ Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many.

2. I asked myself a question ________ the research is worth the trouble.

3. I have no idea ______ has happened to him.


that引导的同位语从句解释前面名词的内容,that是连词没有任何意义,在从句中不做任何成分。而定语从句修饰前面的先行词,从句有关系词that; which; who; when; where; why引导,先行词在从句中充当主语,宾语,状语。

1. The news that the plane would take off on time made everyone happy.

2. The news that is spreading around the airport is that a heavy storm is coming.

(四)what; whatever; whoever; where引导的名词性从句:what+陈述句:……的话/事/的样子;whatever+陈述句:……的任何东西;whoever+陈述句:做…事的任何人;(以上名词性从句做主语,表语或宾语);where+陈述句:……的所在,做表语。

1. _________ life will be like in the future is difficult to predict.

2. The schools of the future will probably be quite different from ________ they are today.

3. If we learn to accept change and appreciate ______ is new and different, we will be well-prepared for ____ the future may have in store.

4. ________ comes will be welcome.

5. That is just _________ they are mistaken.

(五)与“命令,建议,要求, 有必要/重要”有关的名词性从句中的谓语动词结构:1)主动结构:should do; 2)被动结构:should be done;(should可以省略)

1. I suggest that he should come another day.

2. The suggestion that the students should learn something practical is worth considering.

3. I though it necessary that I should stay in the room till he came back.

(六)it 作为形式主语的句型:

It is +形容词/名词/名词短语+that 从句。

It is said / reported / predicted that从句。

It is suggested / believed / thought / hoped / found / that从句。

1. It’s a pity that you are leaving.

2. It’s decided that the meeting has been put off till next Monday.

3. It was once predicted that British and American English would become separate languages finally.
