外贸英文函电Unit2 Establishing business relations

Useful Expressions 讲解
1.How his name is know
1)obtained/heard/learned/indebted your(fax number/business scope/products/E-mail address)from… e.g we have obtained your information from China council for the Promotion of International Trade in Beijing.我们从北京的 中国国际贸易促进委员会那里获悉了贵公司的信息。 2) have one’s name and address from….. e.g we have your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s Office of your embassy in Beijing and are now writing to you for the establishment of business relation 我们从 贵国驻京使馆商务参赞处获悉贵公司姓名及地址,现特致函与 贵公司建立业务关系

2) learn from 获悉 We learn from Mr.Smith that your firm specializes in textile , and would like to establish business relationship with you. 我们从史密斯先生处获悉你公司经营纺织品,现 愿与你公司建立业务关系。
3)please be informed that… Please be informed that we have already sent the samples required. 兹通知你方,我方以将所索样品寄出。 4) Keep sb informed of/that 随时告知 We hope you will keep us informed of the market condition at your end. 希望随时告知你方的市场情况
4、market 1)作名词,市场、销路 a. come to(into) the market 上市 We will contact you as soon as the new crop comes to market. 一旦当年收成上市,我们定将和你方联系
b. find a market 找销路 We are trying to find a market for this article.
g. in line(out of line ) 相合(不相合) Your price is quite in line, but the time of shipment is too extended. 你的价格尚可,但船期太迟。 Your price is entirely out of line with the market. 你的价格与市价完全不符。 h. 作动词,解释为“衬里” Please line the case with wax paper. 箱内请用蜡纸衬里。 Lining n. 里衬

外贸英语函电unit-2Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations & Inquiring Credit Reference1.重点信函:建⽴贸易关系的信函(范例可参见课本第25、30、31及34页),包括的内容有:A.The Source of InformationB.The Intention of the LetterC.The Business Scope of the CompanySelf-introductionD.The Financial Position and Integrity of the CompanyE.The Enclosure/RequestsF.The Close of the Letter2.重点句型(可⾃⾏选择⼀两句识记):A.The Source of InformationWe have learned/heard from… that…We have obtained your name and address from…We owe your name and address to…, who have informed us that…Your name and address has been recommended to us by…, with whom we have done business for many years.Through the courtesy of…, we have come to know your name and address and are informed that…On the recommendation of…, we have learned with pleasure your name and address.B.The Intention of the LetterWe write to you now with a view to building up business relations with your firm.As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you. C.The Business Scope of the CompanyOur company deals with (deals in, trades in, handles, is in the line of, specializes in) the import and export of …我公司经营…的进出⼝业务。
对外贸易函电教程-Unit2 Establishing

II) The content of the letter of establishing business relations: Such kind of letter usually begins by telling the addressee how the receiver’s name is known. Then a brief introduction of your company should be given. The writer should state simply, clearly and concisely what he can sell or what he expects to buy. At the end of the letter, writer should express his wish to do business with the receiver.
II. Establishing Business Relations I) Basic requirements for letters of establishing business relations: 1. Be ethical (moral); 2. Be positive; 3. Write from the “you viewpoint”.
Write from the “you viewpoint” Writers will profit from noticing how frequently the words, you, your, and yours are used in today’s advertisements. In business, writers can frequently adopt this “you viewpoint” by showing advantages to readers and their interests, instead of expressing matters in the writers’ interests. We can get the reader’s attention and hold it by focusing on matters that concern that reader. If we do not keep customer and client interests uppermost in mind, we will find bumps in the road to success.

Sample letter
Dear Sirs ored your name and address from the website: . We were informed that you are one of the biggest importers of tea in UK and you are now in the market for tea. We take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.
Unit Two Establishing Business Relations(建立贸易关系)
New Words & Expressions
enquire into 调查 e.g. The buyer claimed that the goods were damaged in transit, but we must enquire into this matter ourselves. 买方声称货物在运输过程中被损坏了,但是 我们必须亲自调查这件事情。 enquire about 询问关于某事 e.g. They sent us a letter, enquiring about the market condition here. 他们给我们发来了一封信,询问这里的市场 状况。
in compliance with 按照 e.g. In compliance with your request, we are sending you our samples by air. 应你方要求,我们用航空邮件给你们寄去了 我们的样品。 comply (v. ) with 按照,与…相符,遵守,满 足

If any of the items listed in the catalog meets your interest, please let us have your specific enquiry, and our quotation will be forwarded without delay. In the meantime, we hope you will tell us the name of your bank prior to the conclusion of the first transaction between us.

▪ In some incoming letters you may find it at the end of letter on the left margin, two lines below the signature .
11)Enclosure Notatation(附件)
▪ At least two lines below the reference initials.
e.g. Enclosures(3) Encl.3catalogues Encl.1 invoice Encls:as stated
12)Carbon Copy(抄送)
4)Inside Name and Address(封内名称和地址)
e.g. (1) The Space Engineering Co.Ltd.
32,Duck Street LONDON N.W.4 England (2) Messrs.Harrison &Co. 501 Mountain Place ANYTOWN
▪ It may include a file number, departmental code or initials of the signer of the letter to be followed by the typist’s initials in the following fashions:
7)The Body of the Letter(信的正文)
▪ The body of a business letter should begin two lines below the subject line .
外贸函电课程重点_外贸函电 Unit 2

Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations第二章建立业务关系Leading-in Tasks (任务导入)Try to finish the following tasks and predict the objectives and focus of this unit .Task 1.假设你是美国辛普森公司(H. Simpson & Co. Ltd.,联系地址:98 South Street, Boston, USA,Tel:86-36-12345 Fax:86-36-67890 E-amil: SCL @ hotmail. com)进口部的经理。
最近,你通过朋友弗里曼先生(Mr. Freeman)了解到广东省纺织品进出口公司(Guangdong Textiles Import & Export Corporation,联系地址:68 Xiaobei Road, Guangzhou 510000, China,Tel:86-20-12345678 Fax:86-20-23456789 E-amil:GTIEC@ )的情况,并且对其产品非常感兴趣。
1) 承蒙弗里曼先生(Mr. Freeman)的介绍,我们得知贵公司的名称和地址。
2) 本公司专门经营中国纺织品进口业务,是美国主要的中国纺织品经销商。
3) 去函目的是希望与贵公司建立业务关系。
4) 如蒙惠寄最新的产品目录及价格表,将不胜感激。
5) 盼速复。
Task 2.针对任务1中所拟信函的内容,以广东省纺织品进出口公司出口部经理的身份拟一封回函。
1) 来函收悉,谢谢!很高兴得知你们对我方产品感兴趣并愿与我方建立业务关系。
2) 贵公司的愿望与我方不谋而合。
3) 应贵公司要求,特此随函附上本公司最新的产品目录及价格表,如有兴趣或者有进一步的需要,务请告知。
外贸英语函电 unit2

• Dear Sirs, • 敬启者: • We write to introduce ourselves as one of the largest exporters,from China, of a wide range of Machinery and Equipment. • 本公司是中国最大的机械设备出口公司之一。 • We enclose a copy of our lastest cataloge civering the details of all the item available at present, and hope some of theses items will be of interest to you. • 随函附寄一份有关我方目前可供货物所有详情的目录,希 望贵方能对其中一些产品感兴趣。 • It will be a great pleasure to receive your inquries for any of the items against which we will send you our lowest quotation. • 若蒙受到贵公司对其中产品的询价,我方将不胜感激,并 报我方最低价。 • Should, by chance, your corporation not deal with the import of the goods mentioned above, we would be most gratefull if this letter could be forwarded to the correct import corporation. • 若贵公司不进口上述商品的话,恳请贵方将此信转交给经
3.Exporter writes to Importer •
外贸英语函电Unit 2-构建贸易关系与资信调查

2. Writing Skills (重要)
Your company has been kindly introduced to us by…
1)Telling the (贵公司由……介绍给我们。) prospective We learn through/from…that…(我们通过……得知……)
Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations & Inquiring Credit Reference 建立贸易关系及信用调查
Unit 2 – Part 1 Establishing Business Relations 1. Introduction
The Significance of Establishing Business Relations No customer, No business.
(3) We learn your company from the Internet that you are one of the leading manufactures in this line. 我们从网上了解到贵公司是这一行业的主要生产商之一。

Body 正文
常用英文字体: 1)Arial 2)Verdana 3)Calibri 4)Times new roman 5)Tahoma 6)PMingLiU 台湾香港
2014-4-8 18
字体颜色 不要超过三色,一般都是黑色或者蓝色。 内容 对客户来说比较有吸引力的,可以加粗和 变色来突出处理。 字体大小 通常是12磅。亦可调整到13-14磅。 文字行距 一般18磅左右,不要太紧凑,也不要太松 散。
非常感谢您在广交会上参观ly plastic bottles to Japan with good quality and competitive price.
A方邮件客户端,A方邮件服务器( SMTP 服 务 器 ) , B 方 邮 件 服 务 器 ( POP3 ) , B 方 邮 件 客 户 端 。
因为公共邮箱服务器上承载的邮件账号 太多,可能之前有很多其他人的邮件账 户都发过未经接收方许可的垃圾邮件, 不利于邮件服务器的评级。所以最好的 邮箱还是企业邮箱,也就是你的用户名 @你公司网站域名。这样是一个干净的 无不良记录的邮件服务器。
Re: Flag & Banner factory/CocaCola, Carrefour supplier/FREE SAMPLES provided!
Dear Sir or Madam, Glad to hear that you're in the market of wet wipes and hand sanitizer. We specialized in wet wipes and hand sanitizer for many years,with the strengh of cooperating with the big customer,such as Wastons,Wangning,Dear soft,etc.and can supply wet wipes and hand sanitizer with high quality and competive price.
新编外贸英语函电写作教程Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations

Writing Model
V.表达对双方发展前景的良好祝愿,以问候语 结尾
We sincerely hope that our cooperation and friendship will enter into a new long-lasting period. 我方真诚地希望双方的合作与友谊会进入一个长久 新时代。 We are positive that our first transaction will absolutely stimulate more possible working relationships in the future. 我方确定,我们双方的第一次合作将会创造更多的 合作机会。
Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations
企业与客户、供应商建立关系的方式,包括但 不限于: 邮件 B2B网站 贸易交易会 订货会
无论选择上述沟通方式中的哪一种,都不可避 免地涉及初步建立贸易关系的流程。
2018/6/17 2
与客户顺利沟通并成功地销售商品需要注意 很多细节问题。建立贸易关系的方式、形式、 渠道、时间常值得我们重视。
我们可通过邮件作为载体向客户推荐我方产 品,展示我方实力和优势,进而与之合作。
通过国内外展览会或交易会建立贸易关系能直 接接触客户、有利于后续业务关系发展,且通 过经验丰富的专业咨询公司介绍客户会更有针 对性。
2018/6/17 11
Specimen Letters
外贸英语函电-unit2 Establish business relationshipPPT

❖ Eg. Please deal with the order carefully.
❖ 请认真处理这一订单.
❖ Transact . V 办理;处理;做交易
❖ Eg. This sort of business can only be transacted in private.
❖ 这种事只能私下处理 ❖ Transaction n. 处理;业务;交易
❖ 香港贸易公司已将贵公司名称及地址转交我方,兹 去函与你联系,愿与你方建立贸易关系。
❖ 4. We’d like to thank you for your letter of June 7offering your services and should be glad to discuss the possibility of expanding trade with you.
求 ❖ 4. a range of 一系列,一整套
❖ 5. Meet your interest ❖ 满足你方兴趣;使你方满意 ❖ 6. specific enquiry 具体询盘 ❖ 7. quotation 报价 ❖ 8. in the meantime 与此同时
❖ 9. the conclusion of the first transaction between
❖ 18. especially adv 特别,尤其(表强调) ❖ 19.develop economy 发展经济 ❖ 20.be confident that… 对…有信心/确信(后接
从句) ❖ be confident of (in)… (后接名词) ❖ 21.order n. 订单 ❖ big orders 大量订单
外贸英语函电unit 2精编版

Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations & Inquiring Credit Reference1.重点信函:建立贸易关系的信函(范例可参见课本第25、30、31及34页),包括的内容有:A.The Source of InformationB.The Intention of the LetterC.The Business Scope of the CompanySelf-introductionD.The Financial Position and Integrity of the CompanyE.The Enclosure/RequestsF.The Close of the Letter2.重点句型(可自行选择一两句识记):A.The Source of InformationWe have learned/heard from… that…We have obtained your name and address from…We owe your name and address to…, who have informed us that…Your name and address has been recommended to us by…, with whom we have done business for many years.Through the courtesy of…, we have come to know your name and address and are informed that…On the recommendation of…, we have learned with pleasure your name and address.B.The Intention of the LetterWe write to you now with a view to building up business relations with your firm.As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you.C.The Business Scope of the CompanyOur company deals with (deals in, trades in, handles, is in the line of, specializes in) the import and export of …我公司经营…的进出口业务。
外贸函电unit 2 讲授

12) be in line with the market 与市场水平一致 13) in the hope of 盼望 14) establish business relations 建立贸易关系 15) state-operated corporation 国有企业 16)Find a market 找销路 17)With cost charges on our own 费用由我方承担 18)enter into 建立 19)specialize in 专营 20)for your information 供你方参考 21)be in the market for 想要购买 22)a well-established exporter 信誉良好的出口商 23) place an order with sb 向某人订购
如能寄你公司的商品目录和价目单当十分感谢。 3、We’’ll be pleased to have your catalogues
and quotations.
2、Useful Sentences 、 1)We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm. 我们愿意与贵公司建立业务关系。 2)Your firm has been introduced (recommended, passed on) to us by abc Company. abc公司向我方介绍了贵公司。 3)We express our desire to establish business relations with your firm. 我们愿和贵公司建立业务关系。 4) We shall be glad to enter into business relations with you. 我们很乐意同贵公司建立业务关系。

Be recommended to… by…..
Market survey
3) we are giving to understand that you
are potential buyers of Chinese silk, which comes within the frame of our business activities
3) We understand that your corporation handles foodstuff for export.
Handle in the line of
cover/ engage in
Involve in/ specialize in
Self-introduction—reference to your standing
Aims of the letter—general aim
1.The purpose of this letter is to explore the possibilities of developing trade with you. 2.We wish to establish business relations by the commencement of some practical transaction 3.I am writing to resume the business partnership between the two company
4.We owe…to…
承蒙太平洋贸易有限公司的介绍,我们得 知你们是美国轻工业产品的主要出口商之 一。
Self-introduction by the company
外贸英语函电 Unit 2 Formats and Layout of Modern Business Correspondence

Formats and Parts of Modern Business Correspondence
Unit 2
1.Formats of A Business Letter (1)Ind式
(3)Semi-block form 半齐头式
(11)copy line 抄送 c: for copy存档(打在原件上) cc: for carbon copy抄送(打在原件上) bcc: for blind copy密送(只打在复件上,而不能打在原件上) . (12)postscript 附言 对正文遗漏内容的补充,或强调要点. P.S.: the catalogue was sent to you on August 9th.
(8)complimentary close 结尾敬语
Business letter should end with a closing, such as:
Yours faithfully, (if you don’t know the name of the person you’re writing to)
2.Parts of Modern Business Letter
(1)letterhead 信头 发件公司的名称、标志、通信地址、电话 号码、传真号、电子邮箱等。 目的:提供联系方式。
Example 1
20 North Pine Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Tel: 410 706 7624 Fax: 410 906 4012 dknapp@
(9)signature 签名 Sincerely yours, ABC COMPANY John Smith John Smith Sales manager (中间空两行) (10)enclosure 附件 Enc.: 1 Price List Encs.: 2 Price List / 2 Invoices Encl: As stated
外贸英语函电-unit2 Establish business relationship

❖ 4. a range of 一系列,一整套
❖ 5. Meet your interest ❖ 满足你方兴趣;使你方满意 ❖ 6. specific enquiry 具体询盘 ❖ 7. quotation 报价 ❖ 8. in the meantime 与此同时
❖ 9. the conclusion of the first transaction between
❖ 香港贸易公司已将贵公司名称及地址转交我方,兹 去函与你联系,愿与你方建立贸易关系。
❖ 4. We’d like to thank you for your letter of June 7offering your services and should be glad to discuss the possibility of expanding trade with you.
第二讲 主讲教师:文晓红
Key Words
1.establish business relation 建立业务关系 =enter into business relation
❖ 与…建立业务关系 ❖ enter into business relation with
❖ 与…建立贸易关系 ❖ enter into trade relations with
❖ eg. This firm deals in furs. 这间商行经营皮货.
❖ (2) deal with 与…做生意;处理某事
❖ eg. We have been dealing with ABC Company in the past few years.
❖ 这几年我们一直与ABC公司做生意.
❖ 9.approach vt. 与…联系(后直接接宾语,不可 再与with 搭配)
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations & Inquiring Credit Reference1.重点信函:建立贸易关系的信函(范例可参见课本第25、30、31及34页),包括的内容有:A.The Source of InformationB.The Intention of the LetterC.The Business Scope of the CompanySelf-introductionD.The Financial Position and Integrity of the CompanyE.The Enclosure/RequestsF.The Close of the Letter2.重点句型(可自行选择一两句识记):A.The Source of InformationWe have learned/heard from… that…We have obtained your name and address from…We owe your name and address to…, who have informed us that…Your name and address has been recommended to us by…, with whom we have done business for many years.Through the courtesy of…, we have come to know your name and address and are informed that…On the recommendation of…, we have learned with pleasure your name and address.B.The Intention of the LetterWe write to you now with a view to building up business relations with your firm.As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you.C.The Business Scope of the CompanyOur company deals with (deals in, trades in, handles, is in the line of, specializes in) the import and export of …我公司经营…的进出口业务。
We are one of the largest/leading/major exporters/importers of… in our county/in this region and have been in this line for many years. 我方是国内/本地区…的主要出口/进口商之一且从事该行业已多年。
… is within (falls within, lies within, comes within, comes under) our business scope.D.The Financial Position and Integrity of the CompanyOur bankers are … They can provide you information about our business and finances.For (As to, Regarding, As regards, With regard to, In regard to) our credit standing, please refer to… (we are permitted to mention…, as a reference) 有关我方资信情况,请向…查询。
E.The EnclosureWe enclose a copy of our latest…covering the details of all the items available/suppliable/provided for export at present, and hope some of them will be of interest to you (and believe you will find some of them interesting).We enclose a copy of… for your reference and hope that you would contact us if any item is interesting to you.We enclose/airmailed a brochure/price list/illustrated catalog/sample/sample book to acquaint you with our products/business lines now available for export.F.The Close of the LetterWe are looking forward to your favorable and prompt reply.We hope you will give us an early reply.Your favorable/immediate reply will be highly/greatly appreciated.G.Self-introductionWe write to introduce ourselves as one of the largest exporters of…, of a wide range of …It is a pleasure for us to introduce ourselves to you as a commission agent for Chinese Commodities. We have been in this post/We have been engaged in this line for over 5 years now. 我方有幸自荐,我方是中国纺织品的代理商,从事此种经营已有五年之久。
3.重要词汇和短语(复习本单元中的Notes):子公司分公司进出口商品交易会贵国驻伦敦的商务参赞处商会经营范围财政状况信誉状况个人电脑的主要经销商为…事情在…方面与某人竞争报尽可能低的价格目前可供出口的各类的最新的附有插图的产品目录和价目表小册子经营(动词)在世界市场上享有盛誉供贵方参考畅销商品一经收到航寄使贵方熟悉我方商品我方将不胜感激属于我们的经营范围潜在的购买者be in the market for approach you产品:轻工业产品机械设备标准化零部件化工产品工艺品药品制成品,工业产品丝制品核桃家用电器中国棉纺织品人造丝“贵方X月X日寄给我总公司的来函已转交给我方办复。
”1.the Chamber of Commerce2.sample cutting3.price list4.trade relations5.export commodities fair6.brochure7.dealer8.have a better understanding of9.quotation10.finances11.available for export12.in the market for13.in compliance with14.under cover15.without delay16.商务参赞处17.带有插图的目录18.业务范围19.信用状况20.具体询盘21.经营22.无货23.供贵方参考24.随函附寄25.退款26.一经收到27.样本28.互利29.按要求30.独家代理商1.Our products are complete in specifications.2.Our products are excellent in quality and low in price.3.Our products are attractive and durable.4.Our products sell well all over the world.5.Our products rank first among similar products.6.Our products enjoy high reputation in the world market.7.Our products enjoy high popularity.8.This is the best-selling item in this line.A.我们的产品畅销全球。
IV.Find out the mistakes in the following sentences and make corrections. There is one mistake in each sentence.1.We look forward to receive your favorable reply at an early date.2.We would appreciate if you could give us your quotation.3.Some copies of our latest catalogs are being airmailed to you on separate cover.4.Enclose please find a catalog which may be of some help to you in selecting items.5.We will send you a full range of samples upon receive of your reply.6.We informed that you are in the market for Men’s Shirts.7.If the products are of interesting to you, please let us know without any delay.8.We approach with you for the delivery of the goods.9.We are writing you at the hope of entering into business relations with you.10.We have obtained your name and address to Singapore Chamber of Commerce.11.We are a private enterprise trading with both the import and export of computer software.12.We wish to enter business relations with your company for the supply of light industrial products. V.Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.quality enter opportunity specialize in expand reasonable requirements market information leading approach1.We have learned from the Commercial Counselor’s Office of our Embassy in your country that you are in the_____ for Chinese electronic products.2.We introduce ourselves as _____ exporters of all kinds of Chinese goods, especially of Silk Handkerchief.3.We would like to _____ into business relations with you.4.Our products are of high _____ and _____ price, and have long enjoyed a great fame at home and abroad.5.We enclose a catalog for your _____ and trust some of the items will be of interest to you.6.We wish to inform you that we _____ this line and hope to build up trade relations with you.7.We recommend that you _____ our branch office for the matter directly.8.By joint efforts we can _____ both friendship and business.9.We would advise you to get in touch with them for your _____.10.We take this _____ to recommend our new products.VI. Choose the best answer.1.We would like to take this _____ to establish business relations with you.A. openingB. opportunityC. stepD. advantage2.We are sending you the samples _____ requested.A. byB. forC. asD. are3.We are sure that both of our companies will _____ from the joint venture.A. make benefitB. benefitC. be benefitedD. mutual benefit4.We are _____ a copy of our catalog for your reference.A. sendB. coveringC. closedD. enclosing5.We trust that you will find our goods _____.A. attractingB. to be attractiveC. attract your attentionD. attractive6.Our products enjoy _____ in world market.A. most popularB. great popularityC. good sellerD. selling fast7.We are anxious to _____ the market for our products, which at present enjoy a limited sale in Europe.A. increaseB. enlargeC. expandD. extend8.If any of the items is _____ to you, please let us know.A. interestB. interestingC. interestedD. interests9.We would _____ very much if you send us some samples immediately.A. thank youB. appreciate itC. appreciateD. appreciate you10.We should be grateful if you would send us your detailed list of all the items _____ for export.A. providingB. availableC. dealingD. stock11.Our products are of better quality than _____ from other countries.A. thisB. thatC. thoseD. it12.We are very pleased _____ business relations with your firm.A. to enterB. to enter intoC. entering intoD. entering13.Your letter _____ June 2 has been received by us.A. inB. atC. fromD. of14.We are a state-operated corporation _____ both the import and export of Medical Instruments.A. handlingB. tradingC. dealingD. making15.We have pleasure in enclosing the samples _____ for in your letter dated December 12.A. askingB. askedC. askD. asks16.Your firm has been referred to us by the Fuji Co. of Japanese, _____ we have done business for many years.A. whichB. with thatC. whomD. with whom17.We will _____ you as soon as frozen foodstuffs come to the market.A. contact withB. contactC. get in touchD. get contact18.For your selection, we are sending you a list of the items which might be suitable _____ your marketrequirements.A. forB. atC. onD. to19.As we deal _____ refrigerators, we are glad to make you the following offer for your consideration.A. forB. atC. withD. in20.We are willing to establish business relations with you on the _____ of equality and mutual benefit.A. baseB. basisC. basesD. basedVII. Fill in the blanks with proper words.1.As _____ machine tools, we regret to _____ you that we are not able to supply for the time being.2.Please send a fax to us of the detailed information of your products _____ at present.3.To acquaint you _____ our products, we are sending you _____ separate cover a copy of catalog and severalsamples for your reference.4._____ with the import and export of Arts and Crafts, we express our desire to trade _____ you in this line.5.As to our business and credit _____, please refer _____ the Bank of Barclay, London.6.In _____ with your request, we sent you this morning samples of our computer disks.7.We are _____ in Chinese cotton _____ goods, details as per _____ enclosed.8.Electric goods _____ within our _____ of business.9._____ receipt of your inquiry, we shall airmail you immediately our _____ sheet.10.We are _____ of the largest exporters of electric goods _____ this _____.A.With high quality and most competitive pricesB.We would kindly present you our new productsC.We are manufacturer and exporter of different kinds of golden jewelryD.If you have mind to do business with us and require sample reviewE.If you have any style requirementIX. Translate the following letters.。