

2024年辽宁省初中学业水平考试(模拟卷二)英语试卷(本试卷共45道题满分90分考试时间90分钟)考生注意:所有试题必须在答题卡指定区域内作答,在本试卷上作答无效第一部分选择题(共50分)一、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)第一节阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
A1.Chen begins his work at .A.6:3 p.m.B.7:00 p.m.C.7:00 a.m.D.7:30 a.m.2.It's about 11:50 a.m.now.Chen may be .A.resting at homeB.having lunch outsideC.collecting rubbishD.on his way to Changping3.Chen visits the rubbish recycling station a day.A.onceB.twiceC.three timesD.four times 4.The text is about Chen'sA.interestB.jobC.total incomeD.daily timetableBChina showed its power at the ISU Short Track Speed Skating (短道速滑)World Cup in Montreal,Canada,which took place from October 20 to 22.China won its first gold medal of the season in the mixed 2,000 meters relay (接力赛)on October 21,with the great performance of Gong Li, Zang Yize, LiuShaolin and Liu Shaoang. Liu Shaoang also won the men's 500m final (决赛)on October 22.If you watch the competition,you will be amazed by the rocket-like start of the skaters. It needs the skaters to use great explosive power (爆发力).Short track speed skating is all about speed.As they race around the track,top skaters can reach a speed of 50 km an hour.They shift (转移)their weight between their legs and reach out their hands to keep up speed.Skaters are allowed to overtake (超过)others at any point during the race,but corner overtaking is the best way.Short track speed skating came about in Canada in the 1880s,but has grown popular in Asia since the 1990s. According to Xinhua,China,South Korea and Canada are the top performers at the World Short Track Speed Skating Championships.Team China is getting ready for the Milano Cortina 2026 Winter Olympics.“The new season at ISU is a chance to train both new and experienced players for the coming games,” Zhang Jing ,the coach of the national team,told Xinhua.5. What does the underlined word“It” refer to?A.The score.B.Racing around the track.C.The rocket-like start.D.Watching the competition.6. Which picture can best describe the way of keeping up speed when skating?B.7.(新考法·跨学科试题)Short track speed skating has been popular in Asia for aboutA.20 yearsB.30 yearsC.40 yearsD.140 yearsD.C.8.W hat can be the best title for the text?A.Flying on iceB.Fighting for2026C.The history of skatingD.Showing power at the ISUCFrom the moon to Mars,scientists have been looking for water—the key tolife—in the solar system for decades.Recently,they have turned to Jupiter(木星)!On April 14, the European Space Agency's(ESA) JUICE spacecraftsuccessfully lifted off from French Guiana in South America.JUICE,short for“Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer”,will collect data from Jupiter and its three moons,Europa,Ganymede and Callisto.The three moons are believed to have big oceans of liquid water(液态水) under their icy shells (壳) .According to ESA,the water on these moons could be six times as much as the amount in Earth's oceans. The mission( 任务) “will change our understanding of the solar system”,wrote Scientific American.In 1998,NASA's Galileo spacecraft found that Europa might be ejecting(喷射)water as far as 160 kilometers into space.That gave scientists the idea of studying the icy moons of Jupiter.The oceans under these moons are likely to be tens of kilometers deep.But they are also trapped under tens of kilometers of ice,making it very difficult to study them.Although JUICE cannot land on the surface,it has lots of high-tech equipment to study the moon's environment,including spectral imaging(光谱成像)tools and radar(雷达) .“They could give more data on things like the thickness of the oceans,their salt content(含量),and their distance from the icy shells above,”reported Phys. org.“The main goal is to understand whether there are habitable(适合居住的) environments among those icy moons and around a giant planet like Jupiter,”JUICE team member Olivier Witasse said during a press conference(发布会)on April 6.9.JUICE has been sent to look for _on Jupiter.A.airB.sandC.goldD.water10.Paragraph 4mainly wants to tell usA.how far water can be ejectedB.why scientists wanted to study JupiterC.what NASA's Galileo spacecraft foundD.which spacecraft was used to explore the universe11.The underlined word"trapped"in Paragraph 5 has the closest meaning to" ”.A.lockedB.createdC.collectedD.taken12.The purpose of the task is to find out if .A.there are living things out thereB.life can live on some of Jupiter's moonsC.there are lakes in the universeD.we can move water from Earth to the moons of JupiterDThe hot pot has a long history of about 2,000 years.The hot pot used to be preferred in winter, but recently it has been appearing on tables all year round.Apart from(除了……外)its delicious taste,there are two other important reasons for the Chinese to like the hot pot.The first one is that the hot pot is considered a great way to make new friends. People gather around the pot,chatting,eating,drinking and having fun.The other is that the hot pot is a healthy meal.Eating the hot pot can warm the body and improve circulation(血液循环)in winter, and increase perspiration(出汗)to help cool the body in summer.There are several kinds of hot pots in China with different soup.Two of the most popular hot pots are Sichuan hot pot and Beijing mutton hot pot.Sichuan hot pot is famous for its numbing and spicy(又麻又辣的)taste,due to the addition of a special food material—Sichuan pepper—and other spicy things like chilli,which makes it different from other hot pots.Beijing mutton hot pot is regarded as the typical northern China hot pot.Mutton is its main part,and the soup is made from lamb bones.When you eat a hot pot in a restaurant,generally,there are two kinds of soup bases:spicy and clear.A clear soup base has quite a mild(温和的)taste,which is made from seafood or meat bones.A spicy soup base usually has Sichuan pepper,which is spicy and salty.If you have a mixed group with some who don't eat spicy food,there is a special pot with a divider in the middle between the spicy and clear soup,which is called a double-flavor hot pot(鸳鸯锅).13.The hot pot is popular because①it tastes delicious②it is cheap and easy to make③it is a way to make friends④it is a healthy mealA. ①②③B. ②③④C.①③④D.①②④14.Paragraph 4mainly talks aboutA.the typical northern China hot potsB.the introduction of two hot potsC.the taste of Sichuan hot potD.the food material of Sichuan hot pot15.In Paragraph 6, the writer advises the mixed group toA.give up eating any hot potB.choose a clear soup baseC.enjoy Beijing mutton hot potD.try a double-flavor hot pot16.Match the different kinds of the hot pots with the characters(特点)according tothe passage,①Sichuan hot pot ②Beijing mutton hot pot ③double-flavor hot pota.a typical northern China hot potb.the numbing and spicy tastec.the clear soup and the spicy soup are both includedA.①—b;②—a;③—cB.①—a;②—b;③—cC.①—c;②—a;③—bD.①—b;②—c;③—a第二节阅读短文,从方框内所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个多余的选项。
(新课标)高考数学模拟系列(二)试题 理 新人教A版

12023年高考模拟系列试卷(二) 数学试题【新课标版】(理科)1.本试卷分第一卷(阅读题)和第二卷(表达题)两局部。
第一卷(选择题,共60分)一、此题共12小题,每题5分,共60分,在每题给出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的1、设集合{}21,M x x x =-≤∈R ,{}21,02N y y x x ==-+≤≤,那么()RM N ⋂等于( )A .RB .{}|1x x R x ∈≠且C .{}1D .∅2、在复平面内,复数2013ii 1iz =+-表示的点所在的象限是( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限3、假设sin601233,log cos60,log tan 30a b c ===,那么( )A .a b c >>B .b c a >>C .c b a >>D .b a c >>4、设数列{}n a 是公差不为零的等差数列,它的前n 项和为n S ,且1S 、2S 、4S 成等比数列,那么41a a 等于( ) A .6B .7C .4D .35、已知点()1,0A -和圆222x y +=上一动点P ,动点M 满足2MA AP =,那么点M 的轨迹方程是( )A .()2231x y -+=B .223()12x y -+=C .2231()22x y -+= D .223122x y ⎛⎫+-= ⎪⎝⎭6、命题“存在,αβ∈R ,使22sin()sin()sin sin αβαβαβ+-≥-”的否认为( )A .任意,αβ∈R ,使22sin()sin()sin sin αβαβαβ+-≥- B .任意,αβ∈R ,使22sin()sin()sin sin αβαβαβ+-<- C .存在,αβ∈R ,使22sin()sin()sin sin αβαβαβ+-<- D .存在,αβ∈R ,使22sin()sin()sin sin αβαβαβ+-≤- 7、设a b <,函数()()2y x a x b =--的图象可能是( )28、程序框图如下:如果上述程序运行的结果S 的值比2023小,假设使输出的S 最大,那么判断框中应填入( ) A .10k ≤ B .10k ≥ C .9k ≤ D .9k ≥9、图为一个空间几何体的三视图,其中俯视图是下边一个等边三角形,其内切圆的半径是1,正视图和侧视图是上边两个图形,数据如图,那么此几何体的体积是( )A .1533π+B .21533π+C .3033π+D .43033π+ 10、在9212x x ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭的展开式中,常数项为( )A .5376-B .5376C .84-D .8411、如果点P 在平面区域220140x y x x y -+≤⎧⎪≥-⎨⎪+-≤⎩上,点Q 在曲线(x -1)2+(y -1)2=1上,那么|PQ |的最小值为( )A .5-1B .355 C .3515- D .523-1 12、已知椭圆C :22221(0)x ya b a b+=>>的左右焦点为12,F F ,过2F 的直线与圆222()()x a y b b -+-=相切于点A ,并与椭圆C 交与不同的两点P ,Q ,如图,假设A 为线段PQ 的靠近P 的三等分点,那么椭圆的离心率为 ( )3A .23B .33C .53D .73第二卷(非选择题,共90分)二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每题4分,共16分,把答案填在题中横线上 13、由曲线23y x =-和直线2y x =所围成的面积为 。

毕业寄语:shūjí是“朋友”,用心阅读,你会获得知识,走向未知的lǐnɡyù;大自然是“朋友”,仔细观察,你就能从sīkōnɡjiànɡuàn的现象中jiàn wēizhīzhù,有所发现;kùn jìnɡ也是“朋友”,即使处境艰难,也要xīn pínɡqìhé地面对,即使一时失利,也不用tàn xī,要知塞翁失马,yān zhīfēi fú?2.下面加点字的读音完全正确的一项是()。


第I卷(共90分)I. Listening Comprehension (25 分)Section A (每题1分,共10分)Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.II. Grammar and Vocabulary (每题1 分,共20 分)Section ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, used one word that best fits each blank.An implant that can cool nerves to block pain signals has been unveiled by researchers who say the device could offer an alternative to drugssuch as opioids (类鸦片活性肽).The team behind the device say it could bring benefits for management of acute pain such as (21)_______ experienced after amputations (截肢)or nerve grafts."We are optimistic that this represents a very promising starting point for an engineering approach (22)_______ treating pain,” said Prof John Rogers of Northwestern University in the US, a co-author of the research. But he cautioned that it might be some time (23) _______ they were available to patients. "As with any implantable device, the regulatory process can be slow, typically (24) _______ (involve) much more extensive animal model studies over a period of years," he said.Writing in the journal Science, the team report that the device to block pain signals, which (25) _______(test) only on rats so far, involves a pump, external control system and an implant made from a soft, rubbery substance. The latter forms a sealed collection of tiny channels which form a twisting path in the part of the implant that sits around the target nerve like a cuff.When liquid coolant and dry nitrogen flow through the implant, the liquid causes a drop in temperature. An electronic sensor in the device allows the temperature at the nerve (26) _______(keep) constant."All body processes are based on metabolic chemical reactions, motions of ions and flows of fluids--all (27) _______slow down as a result ofcooling,” said Rogers. “ The net effect when cooling is applied to a nerve is in blocking of electrical signals."Among their experiments, the team tracked two rats with an injury, recording over a three- week period the minimum force that (28)_______be applied to the hind paw to cause the animal to retract (缩回)it. This data was then compared against three rats who were similarly injured but also had the implant. The results suggest bouts of cooling of the injured nerve from 37℃ to 10℃led to (29) _______(severe) pain, with a sevenfold increase in the force that could be applied to the paw. The team say the implant’s benefits include (30)_______, in contrast to opioids, it is not addictive. As the implant is made with water-soluble and biocompatible materials, it can break down in the body after use. The implant could be inserted as an extension of the patient’s initial surgery.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the -words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one more word than you need.A. attachedB. bottle-fedC. confusionD. invisibleE. originallyF. orphanedG. partneringH. procedureI. reproducedJ. subjectsK. unintentionallySaving Baby BearsReacting to the auditory assault of barking dogs, shouts and rifle blasts, a 168-pound American black bear shot out and hightailed (迅速逃走)it into the woods off a logging road.His sister, weighing in at 135 pounds, took a little more time to overcome her fear and (31) _______ before she, too, ran for the trees and away from the humans who had driven more than 100 miles to witness the bears’ return to the wild.The cubs were the 106th and 107th (32) _______ or injured bears to be raised or treated at the Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) Wildlife Center in Washington state, then released months later in the same general area where they were (33) _______found. Fitted with GPS collars and tattooed with identification numbers on their gums, the bears are also among the latest (34) _______of a long-term research study being conducted by Rich Beausoleil and Lindsay Welfelt, both biologists and bear and cougar specialists.The siblings were only two weeks old when a forest worker and his dog (35) _______ disturbed their den in February 2020, scaring away their mother. She never returned.The worker contacted the WDFW, an agency (36) _______with PAWS to rehabilitate sick, injured wild animals before releasing them back into their natural habitats."Their eyes and ears weren't open, and their teeth hadn't evenerupted,Jennifer Convy, PAWS senior director of wildlife, said of the cubs, which each weighed less than 2 pounds when they arrived and were the youngest ever to be raised at the center.Though (37) _______at first, the cubs weren't cuddled. Instead, their caregivers wore bear- scented bear suits during feedings once the cubs' eyes had opened. At PAWS, the staff and volunteers take pains to be (38)_______to all the animals in their care."They don't see us, ever. We don't talk to them. We don't name the animals because we don't want our staff or volunteers to get (39)_______,“ Convy said. After more than a year, the bear siblings were released.The wildlife biologists are studying how the bears raised at PAWS fare after their release, compared to their wild-reared brethren. One cub released in 2017 had her first litter of cubs in January."We've been to her den several times." Beausoleil said. "She (40)_______ and had cubs of her own ... This was kind of a turning point for us."After all, the whole point of PAWS' rehabilitation "is to protect and perpetuate (使持续) the species," he said.III. Reading Comprehension (45 分)Section A (每题1分,共15分)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four wordsor phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The Other da Vinci CodeFor centuries, two of the most intriguing questions about Leonardo da Vinci's "Mon a Lisa" were "Who " and "When ”A(n) (41) _______made at Heidelberg University in 2005 pretty much answered both. A note written in a manuscript in the library (42) _______the account of da Vinci's first biographer, Giorgio Vasari: that the sitter was a merchanfs wife, Lisa Gherardini. The note also helped date the masterpiece to between 1503 and 1506.A(n) (43)_______ mystery-"Where "- is still in dispute. But on June 3rd a French engineer, Pascal Cotte, declared that he and a collaborator had (44) _______the landscape in the background of the painting. Arguments had (45)_______ been made for stretches of countryside in the Marche region and between Milan and Genoa. During a presentation in Vinci, near Florence, Mr Cotte maintained that the artist was more plausibly depicting a part of his native Tuscany 一one that keenly interested him at the time. According to this theory, da Vinci represented the area not as it was, but as, in an unrealised scheme, he (46) _______ it to be.Mr Cotte, who was asked by the Louvre (where the "Mona Lisa" hangs) to create a digital image of the painting, is the inventor of themultispectral camera: a device that can detect not only the drawing below the (47) _______of an oil painting, but also, where they exist, intermediate layers of work. It was among these, under what appears to be a pointed rock, that he found a(n) (48) _______sketch showing that da Vinci meant it to represent a castellated tower.The landscape of the "Mona Lisa" also includes a huge overhanging cliff. That is (49)_______ to one that da Vinci included in a sketch of a fortress (堡垒)contested by Pisa and Florence in the war that flared between them in 1503 (around the time he was painting Gherardini). The (50)_______ with the nearby cliff ——and a tower, known as the Caprona tower 一all overlook the river Amo as it snakes from Florence to Pisa. All three also feature in drawings made by da Vinci to illustrate a plan about which, says Mr Cotte, he became “(51) _______”.This involved diverting the Amo to (52) _______Pisa's water supply and give Florence an outlet to the Mediterranean. In the early 1500s, with the two citystates at war, the idea was under active consideration. Mr Cotte argues that a(n) (53) _______ winding through desolate countryside at the right of the "Mona Lisa" is too wide to be a road, as some have speculated, and is(54) _______the driedup bed of the Amo as da Vinci envisaged (设想)it once his plan had been adopted.It never was. But if Mr Cotte's theory is right, it might just explain why Gherardini, a Florentine, exhibits such a contented, if mysterious, (55)_______。

这表明( ) A.考古发现更新对中华文明的认知 B.古代修史方法不当不能反映历史真实C.考古资料可与文献资料相互补正D.考古学主要关注社会上层的文化遗存2.汉朝注意开发水利,“朔方、西河、河西、酒泉皆引河及川谷以溉田”。
上述做法( )A.说明解决边患问题时机成熟B.表明汉与匈奴间无意继续战争C.着眼于增进民族间经济交流D.是发展生产巩固边防的重要举措3.唐朝有不少僧尼参与家庭佛事活动,与世俗家庭保持密切联系;当俗家亲人去世时,出家僧尼会返回俗家为亲人送葬:有些僧尼出家后仍住在俗家,甚至参与家庭事务的处理。
由此可知,当时( )A.政府的宗教政策非常开明B.佛教得到民众支持C.佛教受到儒家文化的影响D.寺院经济遭遇困难4.《全宋文》收录了大量的宋代《桥记》文献,有学者统计研究发现,桥梁众多的南方水乡地区,地方官员不遗余力地向富民、僧侣劝捐,甚至不惜捐出俸禄作为表率,民间财富逐渐成为最重要的修桥经费来源。
这可以用来说明( )A.经济重心南移已经完成B.地方治理凸显经世情怀C.重农抑商政策亟待调整D.中央集权制度受到挑战5.如图所示为康熙年间王翠所画的《康熙南巡图》(局部)。
该作品( )A.反映了康熙统治时期的国力强盛B.意在歌颂康熙皇帝勤政和爱民的行为C.具有珍贵的史料价值和艺术价值D.体现了统一多民族国家的巩固和发展6.1898年3月,总理衙门先后两次上奏朝廷,建议将湖南岳州、福建三都澳和直隶秦皇岛三地“开设通商口岸”,当即获旨允准。

一、听力部分(共30分)第一节(共20分)1. Listen to the following conversation and choose the best answer.A. He is a teacher.B. He is a student.C. He is a doctor.2. What does the woman want to do?A. Go to the library.B. Go to the bookstore.C. Go to the cinema.3. How much is the dress?A. $50.B. $60.C. $70.第二节(共10分)Listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.The Internet has become an indispensable part of our lives. It helps us to (1) ____________ information, communicate with friends, and even (2) ____________ our daily life. However, the Internet also brings some problems, such as (3) ____________ and (4) ____________. Therefore, we should (5) ____________ the Internet properly.二、阅读理解部分(共40分)(一)阅读下列短文,回答问题。
(共20分)Passage 1A new study shows that eating breakfast can help students perform better in school. The study involved 300 students from a local high school. Half of the students were asked to eat breakfast every day, while the other half were not. After a month, the results showed that those who ate breakfast scored higher on tests than those who didn't.Question 1: What is the main idea of the passage?A. Eating breakfast is important for students' health.B. Breakfast can help students perform better in school.C. Students should eat breakfast every day.Question 2: Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. All the students in the study ate breakfast every day.B. The students who ate breakfast scored lower on tests.C. The study was conducted for two months.(二)阅读下列短文,回答问题。


考研数学二(线性方程组)模拟试卷2(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 选择题 2. 填空题 3. 解答题选择题下列每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题目要求。
1.设A=(α1,α2,α3,α4)是4阶矩阵,A*为A的伴随矩阵.若(1,0,1,0)T是方程组Ax=0的一个基础解系,则A*x=0的基础解系可为A.α1,α3.B.α1,α2.C.α1,α2,α3.D.α2,α3,α4.正确答案:D 涉及知识点:线性方程组2.设n阶矩阵A的伴随矩阵A*≠0,若ξ1,ξ2,ξ3,ξ4是非齐次线性方程组Ax=B的互不相等的解,则对应的齐次线性方程组Ax=0的基础解系A.不存在.B.仅含一个非零解向量.C.含有两个线性无关的解向量.D.含有三个线性无关的解向量.正确答案:B 涉及知识点:线性方程组3.设A是m×n矩阵,Ax=0是非齐次线性方程组Ax=b所对应的齐次线性方程组,则下列结论正确的是A.若Ax=0仅有零解,则Ax=b有唯一解.B.若Ax=0有非零解,则Ax=b有无穷多个解.C.若Ax=b有无穷多个解,则Ax=0仅有零解.D.若Ax=b有无穷多个解,则Ax=0有非零解.正确答案:B 涉及知识点:线性方程组4.非齐次线性方程组Ax=b中未知量个数为n,方程个数为m,系数矩阵A的秩为r,则A.r=m时,方程组Ax=西有解.B.r=n时,方程组Ax=b有唯一解.C.m=n时,方程组Ax=b有唯一解.D.r<n时,方程组Ax=b有无穷多解.正确答案:A 涉及知识点:线性方程组5.设a1,a2,a3是4元非齐次线性方程组Ax=b的三个解向量,且秩(A)=3,a1=(1,2,3,4)T ,a2+a3=(0,1,2,3)T ,c表示任意常数,则线性方程组Ax=b的通解x=A.B.C.D.正确答案:C 涉及知识点:线性方程组填空题6.设3阶矩阵A的特征值为2,3,λ.若行列式|2A |=-48,则λ=________.正确答案:-1 涉及知识点:线性方程组7.设A,B为3阶矩阵,且|A |=3,|B |=2,|A-1+B|=2,则|A+B-1 |=_____________.正确答案:3 涉及知识点:线性方程组8.设A为3阶矩阵,|A|=3,A*为A的伴随矩阵.若交换A的第1行与第2行得矩阵B,则|BA*|=__________.正确答案:-27 涉及知识点:线性方程组9.若a1,a2,a3,β1,β2都是4维列向量,且4阶行列式|a1,a2,a3,β1|=m,|a1,a2,β2,a3|=n,则4阶行列式|a1,a2,a3,β1+β2|=正确答案:n-m 涉及知识点:线性方程组10.设A,B均为n阶矩阵,|A |=2,|B|=-3,则|2A*B-1|=_______.正确答案:-22n-1/3 涉及知识点:线性方程组11.若4阶矩阵A与B相似,矩阵A的特征值为1/2,1/3,1/4,1/5,则行列式|B-1-E |=_________.正确答案:24 涉及知识点:线性方程组12.设方程有无穷多个解,则a=________.正确答案:-2 涉及知识点:线性方程组解答题解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤。

全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错或不答的得0分) (共3题)第(1)题从地球观察,太阳在公转时会围绕着北极星旋转.某苏州地区(经纬度约120°E,31°N)的地理兴趣小组探究此现象时,在平坦的地面上垂直竖起一根标杆,光在宇宙中的弯曲效应可忽略不计,则杆影可能的轨迹是()A.半圆形B.双曲线C.直线D.椭圆第(2)题ChatGPT是OpenAI公司推出的一种人工智能聊天机器人,不仅能流畅对话,还能写诗、撰文、编码等.一经推出,便受到广泛关注,并产生了丰富的社会应用.某调查机构为了解美国大学生用ChatGPT代写作业的学生比例,对8所高校进行了调查,其中6所学校给出了代写作业的学生占比,将数据从小到大依次排列为:71%、75%、77%、80%、82%、85%,另外两所学校以侵犯隐私为由拒绝给出调查数据,那么这8所学校使用ChatGPT代写作业的学生比例的中位数可能是()A.76%B.77.5%C.80%D.81.5%第(3)题已知各项都是正数的数列的前项和为,且,则下列结论正确的是()A.当时,B.C.数列是等差数列D.三、填空(本题包含3个小题,每小题5分,共15分。

3.每题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。
第一部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AGeorge Daniels lives in London. He is a watchmaker. His work continues the tradition of the English watchmakers of the 18th and 19th centuries. Today this tradition is almost dead. Daniels is the only man in the world who designs his own watches makes all the pars himself and then puts them together.A Daniels watch is the product of his hands alone. One of his watches which is now in an American museum took 3500 hours to complete. He usually makes one watch a year. Each one is inscribed (刻) with “Daniels London” and costs about $10,000. Of course these are not ordinary watches —they are very beautiful and will last three centuries.George Daniels has always been attracted by clocks and watches. When he was five he used t o take his father’s clock apart and put it back together again. At school he used to repair his teachers watches.He is now internationally famous and many people would like him to make watches for them. But most of them will be disappointed. He chooses his customers very carefully indeed. It must be someone who understands the subject,” he says “not someone who will leave the watch in the drawer and only show it to dinner quests.” 1.Who is George Daniels?A .One of the few who repaired watches in the old days.B .The only man who collects old watches in the world.C .One of the few remaining watch designers in the world.班级_____________ 姓名_____________ 考生号_____________ 考场号_____________D.The only man who designs and makes watches by himself.2.How long can a Daniels watch keep working?A.10,000 hours. B.300 years.C.200 years. D.3,500 hours.3.Which of the following shows Daniels’ early interest in watches?A.He played with his father’s clock.B.He taught people how to repair watches.C.He made a watch for an American museum.D.He made beautiful and long-lasting watches.4.George Daniels makes watches for those who _________.A.can afford his watches B.may want to show them to others C.appreciate his watches D.enjoy his watch-making process5.What do we know about Daniels watches?A.Only a few people like them.B.They are kept in a museum.C.Only a few people can get them.D.They have a history of over 200 years.BHere are some eBooks for you to learn better English. Choose what you like.Book 1This eBook will make conversations in English so much easier. There are over 30 audio (音频的) files with typical (典型的) conversations, and exercises with answers at the back so you can practise what you have learnt.Book 2Learn over 1,000 English words and expressions so you can speak English fluently when you travel outside your country! Learn the language for over 30 typical situations and make travelling abroad easy with this eBook!Book 3Learn over 500 words and expressions to improve your business English! This eBook comes with audio files an videos so you can learn the language you need to do business in English!Book 4Learn over 250 phrasal verbs with audio files, example sentences and pictures. Native English speakers use phrasal verbs all the time, so you need to learn them too. Start improving this important area of English now with our fantastic eBook!6.What are the books mainly about?A.Travel safety. B.Business news.C.Video selling. D.English learning.7.Which book is your best choice when you plan to travel aboard?A.Book 1. B.Book 2. C.Book 3. D.Book 4.8.What will you learn from the book for business English?A.Conversations in 30 audio files.B.1,000 words and sentences.C.Over 500 words and expressions.D.Over 250 phrasal verbs and sentences.9.What does the underlined word “them” refer to (指代) in Book 4?A.Phrasal verbs. B.Audio files.C.Example sentences. D.Native speakers.10.What is the text?A.A travel guide. B.A news report.C.A book advertisement. D.A history story.CAlpha, Beta, Delta... these Greek letters used to only appear in our math classes but are now in use in news headlines.Now, it’s Lambda. As the Delta variant (变体) spreads throughout communities in Asia, Europe and the United States, another variant, Lambda, is spreading rapidly throughout South America, Forbes reported on Aug 10.On May 31, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a naming system for variants of COVID-19 that uses letters of the Greek alphabet (字母表). Before that, the public had to call a variant its scientific name or refer to it based on where it was identified.For example, a variant of COVID-19 identified in South Africa in late 2020 was calledvariant 501Y.V2 or B.1.351. Media also called the same virus “the South African variant”. Now, everyon e calls it “Beta”.Compared to complicated scientific names, the Greek letters are much easier to remember. “It is a lot easier for a radio newsreader to say ‘Delta’ than bee-one-six-one-seven-two,” Jeffrey Barrett, a UK statistical geneticist told Nature.WHO hopes this change will help stop the stigma (污名) associated with geography-based names. “I can understand why people just call it ‘the South African variant’ —they don’t mean anything by it,” Salim Abdool Karim, an epidemiologist in South Africa, tol d Nature. “The problem is, if we allow it to continue, some ill-intentioned people may take advantage of it.” “No country should be stigmatized for detecting and reporting variants,” Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s COVID-19 technical lead, wrote on Twitter.As the virus is still evolving, 11 variants have been named so far. What if the 24 Greek letters are not enough? “We will possibly run out of the Greek alphabet, but we’re already looking at the next series of names,” Van Kerkhove told The Telegraph. “We’re ac tually considering star constellations(星座).”Currently, the Virus Evolution Working Group and WHO’s legal team are double checking proposals to “make sure we don’t upset anyone with these names”, Van Kerkhove told The Telegraph.11.What do Lambda and Delta have in common?A.They are both chosen by Greek scientists.B.They are both confusing to understand.C.They are both Greek names of varieties of COVID-19.D.They are both the places where COVID-19 was found.12.What does Salim Abdool Karim probably agree with?A.The virus should be named after the place where it is found and spread.B.No country should detect or study COVID-19 without WHO’s permission.C.People felt uncomfortable when they call COVID-19 “the South African variant”.D.Some people with bad intention may judge other countries reporting COVID-19.13.Why are scientists looking for the next series of names?A.Because the naming system in use is not convenient.B.Because the variants may outnumber the Greek letters.C.Because people are more curious about star constellations.D.Because it is illegal to rename the variants with letters.14.What’s the purpose of the passage?A.To introduce new ways of renaming COVID-19 varieties.B.To describe how scientists identified the varieties of COVID-19.C.To explain why some people prefer geography-based names.D.To arouse people’s awareness of more COVID-19 varieties.15.In which part of a magazine could you find this passage?A.Science. B.Travel.C.Sports. D.First Aid.DWelcome to your future life.You get up in the morning and look into the mirror. Your face is firm and young-looking. In 2035, medical technology is better than ever. Many people of your age could live to 150, so, at 40, you aren't old at all. And your parents just had an anti-aging(抗衰老)treatment.Now,all three of you look the same age.You say to your shirt, “Turn red.” It changes from blue to red. In 2035,“smart clothes” contain particles(粒子)much smaller than the cells(细胞)in your body. They can be programmed to change your clothes' color or pattern.You walk into the kitchen. You pick up the milk from the fridge, but a voice says, “You shouldn't drink that!” Your fridge has read the smart chip(芯片)that contains information about the milk, and it knows the milk is old. In 2035,every article of food in the grocery store has such a chip.It's time to go to work. In 2035, cars drive themselves. Just tell your “smart car" where to go. On the way, you can call a friend using your jacket sleeves. Such"smart technology" is all around you.So will all these things come true?"For new technology to come early,"says scientist Andrew Zolli,“much has to be done so that new things will replace what we have today."The Internet is an example-what will be the next?16.What is the theme of the text?A.The Internet. B.The future life.C.The anti-aging technology. D.The ways of transportation.17.What does the underlined word"They" in Paragraph 3 mean?A.Clothes. B.Cells. C.Colors. D.Particles. 18.Which of the following is TRUE about the "smart car"?A.It can change its color. B.It can tell you where to go.C.You can, just tell it where to go. D.You can call your friend to drive it for you. 19.What does the last paragraph tell us?A.Nothing is impossible.B.Every coin has two·sides.C.Where there is a will, there is a way.D.Never count the chicken before they are hatched(孵化)。

已知某次比赛使用小车的质量为0.5kg ,游戏中每次弹射前弹簧的压缩量相同,有多种质量的“炮弹”可供选择。
请你给予指导,要想获胜,理论上应选取“炮弹”的质量为( )A .0.25kgB .0.5kgC .1kgD .2kg第(2)题我国古代人民掌握了卓越的航海技术,曾有“郑和七下西洋”的壮举。
在下列各图中,风向如图所示,船沿虚线的路线逆风而行,则各图中帆面的方位正确的是( )A .B .C .D .第(3)题如图甲所示,斜面上气缸和活塞内封闭了一定质量的理想气体,一根平行于斜面的轻绳一端连接活塞,另一端固定,系统处于平衡状态。
开始气体摄氏温度为t ,通过气缸内电热丝缓慢升高气体温度,升温过程封闭气体的图像如图乙所示,已知斜面倾角为30°,重力加速度为g ,大气压强为,气缸和活塞均绝热且不漏气,气缸(含电热丝)质量为M 、活塞面积为S 、质量为m ,所有接触面均光滑。
则( )A .封闭气体压强恒为B .在此过程中,封闭气体增加的内能等于吸收热量C .封闭气体的体积为2V 时,其摄氏温度为2tD.剪断轻绳瞬间,气缸的加速度大小为第(4)题下列现象中,揭示了光的波动性的是( )A .光电效应B .黑体辐射C .光的偏振D .康普顿效应第(5)题如图所示,空间有一匀强磁场,一直金属棒与磁感应强度方向垂直,当它以速度v沿与棒和磁感应强度都垂直的方向运动时,棒两端的感应电动势大小ε,将此棒弯成两段长度相等且相互垂直的折弯,置于磁感应强度相垂直的平面内,当它沿两段折线夹角平分线的方向以速度v运动时,棒两端的感应电动势大小为,则等于()A.1/2B.C.1D.第(6)题如图所示,两根细木条搭成顶角为的人字形装置竖直放置在水平桌面上,细木条的左右两端连接一根细铜丝在两根细木条的中间施加一竖直向下的力,此时铜丝受到的拉力为( )A.B.C.D.第(7)题从地面竖直向上抛出一物体,物体在运动过程中除受到重力外,还受到一大小不变、方向始终与运动方向相反的外力作用.距地面高度h在3m以内时,物体上升、下落过程中动能E k随h的变化如图所示.重力加速度取10m/s2.该物体的质量为A.2kg B.1.5kg C.1kg D.0.5kg第(8)题如图所示,一正方形线圈通过电刷与自耦变压器相连,线圈平面与水平向右,磁感应强度为的匀强磁场平行。

10.太阳能热水器中底部的反光材料,能提高吸热效率。( )
11.用镜子将阳光投射到纸上,再用温度计测量纸上的光斑处的温度。用一面镜子与用多面镜子相比,温度计测得的温度( )。
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2012年森林公安机关人民警察中级执法资格考试模拟试卷(二)(森林公安机关人民警察中级执法资格考试时间为120 分钟。
试卷分值为100 分)一、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1.司法独立并不意味着司法机关行使司法权可以不受任何监督和约束。