(共15道题,每题2分,共30分)1.A2.B3.A4.C5.A6.C7.D8.A9.A 10.D 11.A12.C 13.B 14.D 15.D二、多项选择题。
(共5道题,每题3分,共15分)16.ABCD 17.ABCD 18.ABCD 19.ABCD 20.ABC三、简答题。
2022年高中学业水平合格考试仿真模拟试卷(二) 解析版
选择题12分,每小题3分;第5题6分)1.下列词语中加点字的注音,不正确的一项是( )A.讪讪(shàn) 炮烙(pào) 蹩脚(biě) 碎琼乱玉(qióng)B.守拙(zhuō) 嫁夜(lián) 檄文(xí) 沸反盈天(fèi)C.冠冕(guān) 孱头(càn) 国粹(cui) 蓊蓊郁郁(wěng)D.袅娜(niǎo) 弥望(mí) 竦立(sǒng) 崇洋媚外(mèi)【答案】A【解释】(“炮烙”的“炮”应读“páo”,“蹩脚”的“蹩”应读“bié”。
)2.下列词语中有错别字的一项是( )A.自恃赝品孵化器黯然神伤B.漱口驾驭墓志铭草菅人命C.附会花卉匿名信臭名昭著D.震憾涣散增值税留连忘返【答案】D【解释】(“震憾”应为“震撼”,“留连忘返”应为“流连忘返”。
)3.下列句子中有语病的一项是( )A.目前国际空间站中有上百种餐品,宇航员可以自由选择自己的用餐计划,虽然这一用餐计划是每八天循环一次的。
)4.下列依次填入画横线处的内容,最恰当的一项是( )《千里江山图》的所有观者,无不对这件_______的巨幅山水画深深着迷。
02-2024普通高中学业水平考试仿真模拟检测二)(解析版 )
2024年普通高中学业水平考试仿真模拟检测二(时间:90分钟满分:100分)一、语言文字应用(18分,选择题 12分,每小题3分;第5题6分)1.下列词语中,加点字的读音全都正确的一项是 ( )A.露.水(lù) 纤.维(qiān) 框.架(kuàng) 安.步当车(dàng)B.栖.息(qī) 虔.诚(qián) 羞怯.(.qiè) 脍.炙人口(kuài)C.桂冠.(guān)似.乎(shì) 负载.(zài) 休戚.相关(qī)D.粘.住(nián) 月晕.(yùn) 衣襟.(jīn)一蹴.而就(cù)2.下列词语中有错别字的一项是 ( )A.辗转谛听打瞌睡陨身不恤B.酝酿忸怩揪辫子浪遏飞舟C.长篙字帖黑匣子绿草如茵D.饲养滑稽一窝蜂满腹经纶3.下列各句中加点成语可以用句末所给成语进行替换的一项是 ( )A.世上没有一蹴而就....的成功,梦想必须依靠扎实的努力才能照进现实。
(一枝独秀)4.下列依次填入横线处的句子,最恰当的一项是 ( )文学评论常采取以议为主,叙议结合,评析结合的写法。
最新大学英语四级考试全真模拟试题二和答案Part ⅣReadin g Compre hensi on(Readin g in Depth) (25 minute s)Sectio n ADirect ions: In this sectio n, thereis a passag e with ten blanks. You are requir ed to select one word for each blankfrom a list of choice s givenin a word bank follow ing the passag e. Read the passag e throug h carefu lly before making your choice s. Each choice in the bank is identi fiedby a letter. Please mark the corres pondi ng letter for each item on Answer Sheet2 with a single line throug h the centre. You may not use any of the wordsin the bank more than once.Questi ons 47 to 56 are basedon the follow ing passag e.A coeducation al(男女合校的) school offers children nothin g less than a tree versio n of societ y in miniat ure(缩影). Boys and girlsare giventhe 47 to get to know each other, to learnto live together from theirearlie st years. They are put in a positi on wherethey can compar e themse lveswith each otherin termsof 48 abilit y, athlet ic achiev ement and many of the extrac urric ularactivi tieswhichare part of school life. What a practi cal 49 it is (to give just a smallexampl e) to be able to put on a school play in whichthe male partswill be takenby boys and the female partsby girls! What nonsen se coeduc ation makesof the argume nt that boys are clever er than girlsor vice versa. When 50 , boys and girlsare made to feel that they are a race apart. In a coeduc ation al school, everyt hingfallsinto its 51 place.The greate st contri butio n of coeduc ation is 52 the health y attitu de to life it encour ages.Boysdon’tgrow up believ ing that womenare 53 creatu res. Girlsdon’tgrowupimagin ing that men are romant ic heroes. Yearsof living togeth er at school remove illusi ons of this kind. The awkwar d stageof adoles cence brings into sharpfocussome of the physic al and 54 proble ms involv ed in growin g up. Thesecan better be 55 in a coeduc ation al enviro nment. When the time comesfor the pupils to leaveschool, they are fullyprepar ed to 56 societ y as well-adjust ed adults. They have alread y had yearsof experi encein coping with many of the proble ms that face men and women. A)advant ageB)properC)reward edD)emotio nalE)opport unityF)activi tyG)overco meH)academi cI)enterJ)mysteri ousK)eventu allyL)segreg atedM)undoub tedlyN)princi pleO)advoca teSectio n BDirecti ons:Thereare 2 passag es in this sectio n. Each passag e is followed by some questi ons orunfini s hedstatem ents. For each of them thereare four choice s marked A), B), C) and D). Y ou should decide on the best choice and mark the correspondi ng letter o n Answer Sheet2 with a single line throug h the center.Passag e OneQuesti ons 57 to 61 are basedon the follow ing passag e.Romant ic love is a cultur e traitfoundprimar ily in indust riali zed societ ies. Elsewh ere in the world, pragma tic consid erati ons rather than flight s of fancyare oftenused to make a choice of partne r, and romant ic love is seen as an unfort unate inconv enien ce that gets in the way of the ordina ry, ration al proces s of mate select ion. Traces of this attitu de persis t in the Americ an upperclasse s, wheredaught ers are expect ed to marry“well”-----that is, to a male who is eligib le by reason of family backgr oundand earnin g potent ial. Most Americ ans, however, see romanti c love as essential for a successful marria ge, and tend to look askance(轻蔑地)at anyone who marrie s for a more practi c al reason in whichl ove playsno part.The phenom enonof romanti c love occurs when two youngpeople meet and find one anothe r personallyand physic allyattractive. They become mutual l y absorb ed, start to behave in what appears to be a flight y(充满幻想的), even irrati onal manner, decide that they are right for one anothe r, and may then enter a marria ge whosesucces s is expected to be guaran teedby thei renduri ng love. Behavi or of this kind is portra yed and warmly endors ed(赞同)throug houtA meri c a n popula r culture, by books, magazi nes, comics, record s, popular songs, movies, and TV. Romant ic love is a nobleideal, and it can certai nly provid e a basisfor the spouse sto“livehappil y ever after.”Butamarria ge can equall y well be founde d on much more practi cal consid erati ons”----as indeed they have been in most societ ies throug houtmost of history. Why is romanti c love of such importancei n the modern world? The reason seemsto be that it has some basicfuncti ons in mainta i ning the instit ution of the nuclea r family(小家庭).57. Romant ic love is less freque ntlyfoundin many non-indust rialsociet ies becaus e people in thesesociet ies_______.A ) firmly believ e that only moneycan make the worldgo roundB ) fail to bringthe imagin ative powerof the mind into full playC ) fondly thinkthat flight s of fancypreven t them from making a correc t choice of partne rD ) have far more practi cal consid erati ons to determ ine who will marrywhom58. The word eligib le (in Line5, Para. l), couldbest be replac ed by ____.A ) qualif iedB ) availa bleC ) chosenD ) influe ntial59. Accord ing to the passag e, most Americ ans _____.A) expect theirdaught ers to fall in love with a male at firstsightB) regard romant ic love as the basisfor a succes sfulmarria geC) look up to thosewho marryfor the sake of wealthD) consid er romant ic love to be the most desira ble thingin the world60. What can we learnfrom the second paragr aph aboutromant ic love?A) It is a common occurr enceamongthe old.B) It is primar ily depict ed by books.C) It is charac teriz ed by mutual attrac tionand absorp tion.D) It is reject ed as flight y and irrati onal.61. The author seemsto believ e that ___________A) romant ic love makespeople unable to thinkclearl y in the proces s of mate select ionB) only romant ic love can make a marria ge happyever afterC) much more practi cal consid erati ons can also be the basisfor a succes sfulmarria geD) romant ic love playsan insign ifica nt role in mainta ining the instit ution of the nuclea r family Passag e TwoQuesti ons 62 to 66 are basedon the follow ing passag e.The French word renais sance meansrebirt h. It was firstused in 1855 by the histor ian JulesMichel et in his Histor y of France, then adopte d by histor iansof cultur e, by art histor ians,and eventu allyby musichistor ians, all of whom applie d it to Europe an cultur e during the 150 yearsspanni ng 1450-1600. The concep t of rebirt h was approp riate to this period of Europe an histor y becaus e of the renewe d intere st in ancien t Greekand Romancultur e that beganin Italyand then spread throug houtEurope. Schola rs and artist s of this period wanted to restor e the learni ng and ideals of the classi cal civili zatio ns of Greece and Rome. To theseschola rs this meanta return to human.Fulfil lment in life became a desira ble goal, and expres singthe entire rangeof humanemotio ns and enjoyi ng the pleasu res of the senses were no longer frowne d on. Artist s and writer s now turned to religi ous subjec t matter and sought to make theirworksunders tanda ble and appeal ing.Thesechange s in outloo k deeply affect ed the musica l cultur e of the Renais sance period --- how people though t aboutmusicas well as the way musicwas compos ed and experi enced. They couldsee the archit ectur al monume nts, sculpt ures, plays, and poemsthat were beingredisc overe d, but they couldnot actual ly hear ancien t music--- althou gh they couldread the writin gs of classi cal philos opher s, poets,essayi sts, and musictheori sts that were becomi ng availa ble in transl ation. They learne d aboutthe powerof ancien t musicto move the listen er and wonder ed why modern musicdid not have the same effect. For exampl e, the influe ntial religi ous leader Bernar dinoCirill o expres sed disapp ointm ent with the learne d musicof his time. He urgedmusici ans to follow the exampl e of the sculpt ors, painte rs, archit ects, and schola rs who had redisc overe d ancien t art and litera ture.The musica l Renais sance in Europe was more a genera l cultur al moveme nt and stateof mind than a specif ic set of musica l techni ques.Furthe rmore, musicchange d so rapidl y during this centur y and a half-though at differ ent ratesin differ ent countr ies---that we cannot define a single Renais sance style.62. What does the author mean by usingtheword“eventu ally”inline3?A) That musichistor iansusedtheterm“Renais sance”af terthe otherhistor iansdidB) That most musichistor iansusedtheterm“Renais sance”C) Theterm“Renais sance”became widely used by art histor iansbut not by musichistor iansD) That musichistor iansusedtheterm“Renais sance” very differ ently than it had been used by JulesMichel et63. The phrase "frowne d on" in line 9 is closes t in meanin g toA) givenupB) forgot ten aboutC) argued aboutD) disapp roved of64. It can be inferr ed from the passag e that thinke rs of the Renais sance were seekin g a rebirt h ofA) commun icati on amongartist s across EuropeB) spirit ualit y in everyd ay lifeC) a cultur al emphas is on humanvaluesD) religi ous themes in art that wouldaccomp any the tradit ional secula r themes65. Accord ing to the passag e, why was Bemard ino Cirill o disapp ointe d with the musicof his time?A) It was not comple x enough to appeal to musici ans.B) It had little emotio nal impact on audien ces.C) It was too depend ent on the art and litera tureof his time.D) It did not contai n enough religi ous themes.66. Whichof the follow ing is mentio ned in the passag e as a reason for the absenc e of a single Renais sance musica l style?A) The musica l Renais sance was define d by techni que rather than style.B) The musica l Renais sance was too shortto give rise to a new musica l style.C) Renais sance musici ans adopte d the styles of both Greekand Romanmusici ans.D) During the Renais sance, musicneverremain ed the same for very long.Part V Cloze(15 minute s)Direct ions:Thereare 20 blanks in the follow ing passag e. For each blankthereare four choice s marked A), B), C) and D) on the rightside of the paper. Y ou should choose the ONE that best fits into the passag e. Then mark the corres pondi ng letter on Answer Sheet2 with a single line throug h the centre.Todaythe world's econom y is goingthroug h two greatchange s, both bigger than an Asianfinanc ial crisis here or a Europe an moneta ry unionthere.The firstchange is that a lot of indust rial_67_is moving from the United States, Wester n Europe and Japanto _68 _count riesin LatinAmeric a, South-East Asia and Easter n Europe. In 1950, the United States alone_69_ for more than half of the world's econom y output. In 1990, its _70_ was down to a quarte r. By 1990, 40% of IBM's employ ees were non-Americ ans; Whirlp ool, Americ a's leadin g _71_ of domest icapplia nces, cut its Americ an laborforce_72_ 10%. Quitesoon now, many big wester ncompan ies will have more _73_ (and custom ers)in poor countr ies than in rich _74_ .The second greatchange is _75_, in the rich countr ies of the OECD, the balanc e of econom ic activi ty is _76_ from manufa cturi ng to _77_. Inthe United States and Britai n, the _78_ ofworker s in manufa cturi ng has _79_ since1900from around 40% to barely half that. _80_ inGerman y and Japan, whichrebuil t so many _81_after1945, manufa cturi ng's shareof jobs is now below30%. The effect of the _82 is increa sed_83_ manufa cturi ng movesfrom rich countr ies tothe develo pingones, _84_ cheaplabor_85_ thema sharpadvant age in many of the _86_ tasksrequir ed by mass produc tion.67. A. produc t B. produc tionC. produc ts D. produc tivit y68. A. otherB. smallC. capita listi c D. develo ping69. A. accoun ted B. occupi ed C. played D. shared70. A. output B. develo pment C. shareD. econom y71. A. stateB. consum er C. repres entat ive D. suppli er72. A. by B. at C. throug h D. in73. A. produc ts B. market C. employ ees D. change s74. A. one B. ones C. timesD. time75. A. what B. like C. that D. how76. A. rangin g B. varyin g C. swingi ng D. gettin g77. A. produc ing B. produc ts C. servic ing D. servic es78. A. propor tionB. number C. quanti ty D. group79. A. change d B. gone C. applie d D. shrunk80. A. Furthe rmore B. Even C. Theref ore D. Hence81. A. armies B. weapon s C. factor ies D. countr ies82. A. questi on B. manufa cturi ng C. shiftD. rebuil ding83. A. with B. as C. givenD. if84. A. whileB. whoseC. who's D. which85. A. give B. is giving C. givesD. gave86. A. repeti tiveB. variou s C. creati ve D. enormo usPart ⅥTransl ation (5 minute s)Direct ions:Comple te the senten ce on Answer Sheet2 by transl ating into Englis h the Chines e givenin bracke ts.答案Part IV Readin g Compre hensi onSectio n A(47-56) EHALBMJDGISectio n B(57-66) DABCCADCBDPart V Cloze(67-76)BDACDACBCB(77-86) DADBCCBBCAPart VI Transl ation87. took emerge nt measur es88. have the rightto pursue happin ess/be entitl ed to pursue happin ess89. Once invite d by that financ ial compan y90. adaptto the humidweathe r there91. be fullyprepar ed/get everyt hingready。
填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A.庞大胆量 B.可观轻松 C.有限勇气 D.莫测勇敢2、煤炭与石油、天然气相比价格低廉,以同等发热量计算,目前石油价格是煤炭的5倍,天然气价格是煤炭的3倍,所以,在石油价格居高不下的背景下,煤炭价格必然____。
填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A.水涨船高 B.相形见绌 C.如影随形 D.随波逐流3、“笼屉”作为寻常百姓家必备的炊具,从来没有登上过大雅之堂。
填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A.优厚 B.体面 C.优惠 D.特殊4、循环经济实质上是一种自觉的经济形态,需要公共部门、经济主体和金融界的三方转变观念,共同____,在全社会形成发展循环经济的良好____。
填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A.营建环境 B.努力氛围 C.营造局面 D.建造局势5、体操是一个结合了杂技和舞蹈的体育运动。
填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A.心旷神怡 B.赏心悦目 C.战战兢兢 D.如痴如醉6、传统经济学习惯铺陈宏大的说辞,在人性的细节方面,总是。
高考模拟试卷(2) 参考答案 第Ⅰ卷(必做题,共160分)一、填空题1.3; 2.12-; 3.5; 4.27; 5.3π; 6.29; 7.14; 8.充分不必要;【解析】条件“角,,A B C 成等差数列”⇔3B π=;结论 “sin sin )cos C A A B =+”⇔sin()cos sin cos A B A B A B +=+⇔cos sin cos A B A B ⇔cos 0A =或sin B B ⇔A π=或3B π=.所以条件是结论的充分不必要条件.9; 10.11.⎪⎪⎩⎭;【解析】若删去2a ,则134,,a a a 成等差数列,3142a a a ∴=+,即231112a q a a q =+,1q ∴=(舍去)或q =或q =;若删去3a ,则124,,a a a成等差数列,2142a a a ∴=+,即31112a q a a q =+,1q ∴=(舍去)或q =q =(舍去)∴q =12.0;【解析】0AD DC CB BA +++=,∴AD BC AB CD -=+,22()()()()AD DC BC CD AD BC CD AD BC CD AD BC CD AB CD CD ∴+⋅+=⋅+⋅--=⋅+⋅+-,12AC BD ⋅=-,//AB CD ,6AB =,2AD DC ==,0AD BC ∴⋅=.13.;【解析】由条件得2b ac =,不妨设a b c ≤≤,则2b c a b a=<+,即2210b b --<;同理得当a b c ≥≥1b a <≤.而sin sin B b A a =,∴sin sin BA的取值范围是. 14.ln 31(,)93e .【解析】()(3)f x f x =,()()3x f x f ∴=,当[3,9)x ∈时,[1,3)3x ∈,()ln 3x f x ∴=,在直角坐标系内作出函数()f x 的图象,而()f x x表示的是该图象上的点与原点的连线的斜率.图象上的点(9,ln3)与与原点的连线的斜率为ln 39;当过原点的直线与曲线()ln ,[3,9)3x f x x =∈相切时,斜率为13e(利用导数解决).∴由图可知,满足题意得实数t 的取值范围为ln 31(,)93e.二、解答题15.(1)因为在ABC ∆中,2C A π-=,所以A 为锐角,且cos A =.所以sin sin()cos 2C A A π=+==(2)由正弦定理得sin sin BC ABA C=,所以sin sin BC C AB A ===因为在ABC ∆中,2C A π-=,所以C为钝角,且cos C ==. 因为在ABC ∆中,()B A C π=-+,所以1sin sin()sin cos cos sin (3B AC A C A C =+=+==. 所以ABC ∆的面积为111sin 223ABC S AB BC B ∆=⨯⨯=⨯=.16. (1)由题意,平面//ABC 平面111A B C ,平面11A B M 与平面ABC 交于直线MN , 与平面111A B C 交于直线11A B ,所以11//MN A B .因为11//AB A B ,所以//MN AB ,所以CN CMAN BM=. 因为M 为AB 的中点,所以1CNAN=,所以N 为AC 中点.(2)因为四边形11A ACC 是边长为2的菱形,160A AC ∠=.在三角形1A AN 中,1AN =,12A A =,由余弦定理得1A N = 故22211A A AN A N =+,从而可得190A NA ∠=,即1A N AC ⊥. 在三角形ABC中,AB =2AC =,4BC =,则222BC AB AC =+,从而可得90BAC ∠=,即AB AC ⊥. 又//MN AB ,则AC MN ⊥.因为1MN A N N =,MN ⊂面11A B MN ,1A N ⊂面11A B MN , 所以AC ⊥平面11A B MN . 又AC ⊂平面11A ACC ,所以平面11A B MN ⊥平面11A ACC . 17.正三棱锥展开如图所示.当按照底边包装时体积最大. 设正三棱锥侧面的高为0h ,高为h .010h +=,解得010h =.则h ===x ∈.所以,正三棱锥体积21133V Sh===设4452100(100)4848x xy V==-=,求导得3410012xy'=0y'=,得x=当x∈时,0y'>,∴函数y在上单调递增,当x∈时,0y'<,∴函数y在上单调递减,所以,当x=时,y取得极大值也是最大值.此时15360y=,所以3maxV=.答:当底面边长为时,正三棱锥的最大体积为3.18.(1)由题设:22111,a b=⎪+=⎪⎩解得2233,2a b==,∴椭圆C的方程为2221;33x y+=(2)①直线l的斜率不存在或为0时,222221122224233OA OB OM a b++=+=+=;②直线l的斜率存在且不为0时,设直线l的方程为(0)y kx k=≠,则MA MB=,∴直线OM的方程为1y xk=-,由2223y kxx y=⎧⎨+=⎩得22(12)3k x+=,222312A Bx xk∴==+,同理22232Mkxk∴=+,222112OA OB OM∴++=22222221123313(1)(1)(1)12122kk kk k k k+++⋅+⋅+⋅+++22222(12)2(2)3(1)3(1)k kk k++=+++2=,2221122OA OB OM∴++=为定值;(3)由(2)得:①直线l 的斜率不存在或为0时,2222111112133OA OM a b +=+=+=; ②直线l 的斜率存在且不为0时, 22222222222111112213133(1)3(1)(1)(1)122k k k OA OM k k k k k k +++=+=+=+++⋅+⋅++∴原点O 到直线AM的距离1d =,∴直线AM 与圆221x y +=相切, 即存在定圆221x y +=,使得直线l 绕原点O 转动时,AM 恒与该定圆相切. 19.(1)①由数列{}n a 是等差数列及1239a a a ++=,得23a =,由数列{}n b 是等比数列及12327b b b =,得23b =. 设数列{}n a 的公差为d ,数列{}n b 的公比为q ,若18m =,则有2323,3318d q q q +=⎧⎨-=⎩,解得3,3d q =⎧⎨=⎩ 或9,22d q ⎧=-⎪⎨⎪=-⎩. 所以,{}n a 和{}n b 的通项公式为133,3n n n a n b -=-⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩或2912,23(2)n n na nb -⎧=-+⎪⎨⎪=-⎩ ② 由题设43b b m -=,得233q q m -=,即2330q q m --=(*).因为数列{}n b 是唯一的,所以若0q =,则0m =,检验知,当0m =时,1q =或0(舍去),满足题意;若0q ≠,则2(3)120m -+=,解得34m =-,代入(*)式,解得12q =,又23b =,所以{}n b 是唯一的等比数列,符合题意.所以,0m =或34-.(2)依题意,113336()()a b a b =++,设{}n b 公比为q ,则有336(3)(33)d d q q=-+++, (**)记33m d q=-+,33n d q =++,则36mn =.将(**)中的q 消去,整理得2()3()360d m n d m n +-++-=, d= 而,m n N *∈,所以 (,)m n 的可能取值为:(1,36),(2,18),(3,12),(4,9),(6,6),(9,4),(12,3),(18,2),(36,1). 所以,当1,36m n ==时,d. 20.(1)()2x f x ax e '=+.显然0a ≠,12,x x 是直线12y a =-与曲线()x xy g x e==两交点的横坐标.由1()0xxg x-'==,得1x =.列表: 此外注意到:当0x <时,()0g x <;当[0,1]x ∈及(1,)x ∈+∞时,()g x 的取值范围分别为1[0,]e 和1(0,)e .于是题设等价于1102a e <-<<⇒2e a <-,故实数a 的取值范围为(,)2e-∞-. (2)存在实数a 满足题设.证明如下:由(1)知,1201x x <<<,111()20x f x ax e '=+=,故1112213111()+2x x x x f x =ax e e e e x =-=,故11231102x x e e e x --=. 记231()(01)2x x e R x e e x x =--<<,则2(1)1()02x xe x R x e x -'=-<,于是,()R x 在(0,1)上单调递减.又2()03R =,故()R x 有唯一的零点23x =.从而,满足2311()f x e x =的123x =.所以,1231324x e a e x =-=-. 此时2233()4x f x e x e =-+,233()2x f x e x e '=-+,又(0)0f '>,(1)0f '<,(2)0f '>,而12(0,1)3x =∈,故当2334a e =-时,2312()()3f x f x e ==极大.第Ⅱ卷(附加题,共40分)21.A . 如图,连结DF .因为BC 与圆相切,所以CDF DAF ∠=∠. 因为EFD ∠与EAD ∠为弧DE 所对的圆周角, 所以EFD EAD ∠=∠.又因为AD 是BAC ∠的平分线,所以EAD DAF ∠=∠. 从而CDF EFD ∠=∠.于是//EF BC . B .设 , a b c d ⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦B 则1 0 1 22 2a b a c b d ⎡⎤⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎢⎥++⎣⎦⎣⎦B , 故4,4,3,3,4 3.24,4, 4 221, 2.a ab b ac c bd d =-=-⎧⎧⎪⎪==-⎡⎤⎪⎪=⎨⎨⎢⎥+==-⎣⎦⎪⎪⎪⎪+=-=-⎩⎩解得故B C .(1)圆C 是将圆4cos ρθ=绕极点按顺时针方向旋转6π而得到的圆,所以圆C 的极坐标方程是4cos()6πρθ=+.(2)将512πθ=-代入圆C 的极坐标方程4cos()6πρθ=+,得ρ= 所以,圆C 被直线5:12l πθ=-所截得的弦长为 ADCEF O·D. 因为,,a b c 均为正数,且1a b c ++=,所以(32)(32)(32)9a b c +++++=.于是由均值不等式可知()[]111(32)(32)(32)323232a b c a b c ++++++++++9≥=,当且仅当13a b c ===时,上式等号成立.从而1111323232a b c ++≥+++. 故111323232a b c +++++的最小值为1.此时13a b c ===. 22.在直三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,AB AC ⊥,∴分别以AB 、AC 、1AA 所在的直线为x 轴、y 轴、z 轴,建立空间直角坐标系,则111(0,0,0),(2,0,0),(0,4,0),(0,0,3),(2,0,3),(0,4,3)A B C A B C ,D 是BC 的中点,∴(1,2,0)D ,(1)111(0,4,0),(1,2,3)AC A D ==-,设平面11A C D 的法向量1111(,,)n x y z =,则1111100n AC n A D ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩,即111140230y x y z =⎧⎨+-=⎩,取111301x y z =⎧⎪=⎨⎪=⎩, ∴平面11A C D 的法向量1(3,0,1)n =,而1(1,2,3)DB =-, 111111335cos ,n DB n DB n DB ⋅∴<>==⋅, ∴直线1DB 与平面11A C D (2)11(2,0,0)A B =,1(1,2,3)DB =-设平面11B A D 的法向量2222(,,)n x y z =,则2112100n A B n DB ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩,即222220230x x y z =⎧⎨-+=⎩,取22232x y z =⎧⎪=⎨⎪=⎩, ∴平面11B A D 的法向量2(0,3,2)n =,121212130cos ,n n n n n n ⋅∴<>==⋅,∴二面角111B A D C --. 23.(1)因为含元素1的子集有21n C -个,同理含2,3,4,,n 的子集也各有21n C -个,于是所求元素之和为22211(123)(2)(1)4n n C n n n -++++⨯=--; (2)集合{}1,2,3,,M n =的所有3个元素的子集中:以1为最小元素的子集有21n C -个,以n 为最大元素的子集有21n C -个;以2为最小元素的子集有22n C -个,以1n -为最大元素的子集有22n C -个;以2n -为最小元素的子集有22C 个,以3为最大元素的子集有22C 个. 31nC i i m =∴∑312nC m m m =+++222122(1)()n n n C C C --=++++22231233(1)()n n n C C C C --=+++++ 22231244(1)()n n n C C C C --=+++++3(1)n n C ==+,3131nC ii nmn C=∴=+∑. 32015132015201512016C ii mC=∴=+=∑.。
2022年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟测试(二)英语第二局部阅读(共两节,总分值50分)第一节(共15小题;每题2. 5分,总分值37. 5分) 阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确选项。
ARiver Beach Community now offers various programs free of charge. Please call (608) 7898640 for details.Coping SkillsTuesdays; December 8, December 22 1 p. m. -2 p. m. on vvivv亿Do you need a little help coping with life? Don't we all? Come and join us for casual conversation and helpful information.We will discuss a variety of topics、including healthy ways to cope with change and life transitions as we age.Fill Your CupFill Your Cup is a personalized one-hour session held on Mondays or Thursdays. Looking for a way to be social while still being safe? This program is designed lo help you recharge your batteries in a way suitable for you. Bring your coffee and we'll chat! Bring your exercise shoes and we can stretch together! Whatever helps you “fill your cup”, we can figure out a plan together.Connect 2 NatureFridays; December 4, December 18 11 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.on Lifesize. comJoin us as we explore a range of topics related to nature and discover how the environment impacts our health and well-being.We will learn from local experts and share in casual conversation about all things environmental.New Device Tech HelpThursdays; December 3, December 17 11 a.m.- 12 p.m.New Site at St. Andrews Street (if open, please call before attending!)Do you have questions about a new device or just need some help with your device? Bring in your cell phone, tablet, iPad, or any other technology item that you may have and La Crosse Library staff will be ready to help with your questions.21.How can participants benefit from Fill Your Cup?A.By taking stretching exercises alone.B.By designing team plans to improve skills.★启用前注意保密2022年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟测试(二)英语参考答案第二局部阅读(共两节,总分值50分)第一节(共15小题;每题2. 5分,总分值37.5分)21 〜23 DCB 24 〜27 BDBC 28 〜31 DAAB 32 〜35 CACD第二节(共5小题;每题2. 5分,总分值12.5分)36 〜40 GACED第三局部语言运用(共两节,总分值30分)第一节(共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分)41 〜45 BCADC 46 〜50 ADDBA 51 -55 ABDBC 第二节(共10小题;每题1.5分,总分值15分)56. which57. Combining58. has posted59.inspiration60. importantly61. himself62. the63. with64.to figure65. are heard第四局部写作(共两节,总分值40分)第一节(总分值15分)Better Learning Habits Lead to Better ResultsMany people fail to achieve ideal results even though they have strong interests in what they learn. The fact is that it can be quite difTicult to have a Better outcome without better learning habits.When it comes to English learning, reflection can be one of the good habits. For example, to improve speaking skill, top English learners may record their speech and fin<l out the wrong pronunciations when they listen again. Their speaking ability develops by reflecting on their performances.Eonning Better habits requires time and energy, so my suggestion is :never give up and keep practicing. Only in this way can we receive better results which meet our expectations.英语模拟测试(二)参考答案第1页(共2页)第二节(总分值25分)When it was finally time for Dj to sing, the music played on, and he froze. His little face grew pale, and we could see the panic in his eyes as the silence grew. The pianist started the music again but still nothing came out. The entire audience seemed lo lean forward in expectation. Tlie silence seemed enormous. The wliole family of us were all staring at our little boy, hoping he would cheer up and act out his part. Then the pianist started over again, and a low voice filled the air, singing the song.Everyone turned to see who was singing, while I knew it was my brother. My mother and I were fixed on the little angel on stage. The color came back to his face, and his eyes began to sparkle. He opened his mouth and began to sing along, his little voice growing stronger with each word. The show ended with thunderous applause, with the kids bowing dramatically, accepting their praise for a job well done. 1 turned lo my brother with tears in my eyes. 1 knew at that time no words needed to be spoken; the understanding between us was louder than the applause that night.英语模拟测试(二)参考答案第2页(共2页)C.By enjoying friendly talks with free drinks.D.By enlarging social circle in a relaxing way.22.Which program is suitable if you are available only on Fridays?A. Coping SkillsB. Fill Your CupC. Conned 2 NatureD. New Device Tech HelpWhat do the programs have in common?A , They feature online activities.B . They promote social interaction.C . They provide professional instructions.D , They advocate environmental protection.BWhile some feel that bookstores are fading away, one Chinese bookstore has found new life by marching into rural areas in China to bring colorful cultural life and higher incomes lo local residents.By absorbing local rural characteristics, the village branches of the Librairie Avantgarde Bookstore (LAB) chain have transformed into important platforms to display local history, culture and folk traditions. Not just bookstores, they are foundations helping to relieve spiritual poverty (贫困)and centers for gathering and displaying rural culture.To better fit in the lives of local residents, earth village branch has its own characteristics, like the branch in Shaxi, southwest China's Yunnan province. Many of nearly 20,000 books in the store are associated with the history, geography and folk customs of Yunnan and the Bai people."Turning in profits is not our only aim. Our bookstore has become a public gathering space for villagers. Not only young people, butt many elderly residents come here. They do not buy books, but pass the time by rending or chatting with each other in our store. " Liu Xia, the bookstore owner explained.She added that this is a cultural atmosphere that bookstores offer the area. Some residents have grown accustomed to turning to the books of the store to find answers to the troubles they face, such as operating a business or controlling tourists from urban areas. The biggest benefit of opening bookstores in villages is that it helps provide a healthy environment for children's growth. "My kids often come to the store. They love reading books here. They gain knowledge and curiosity about outside world/' one villager said.The arrival of the bookstore menus a lot to the village when young residents have been leaving for urban areas in recent years. During the 2020 May Day and National Day holidays, the daily number of tourists traveling to the village reached 5,000, a record high. Visitors were attracted by the bookstore. Surrounding it, several restaurants and holds have opened.23.Which of the following best describes village branches of the LAB?A. They are disappearing gradually.B , They feature local rural cultures .C , They could make much higher profits.D. They have set up poverty-relief foundations.24.. What do we know about the branch in Shaxi?A. It specializes in history-related books.B . It creates a public gathering space for business.C.It shares the same features with oilier branches.D.It helps villagers know more about the Bai people.26.Whats the greatest influence of village bookshops on the local areas?A.Attracting more people lo pay a visit.B.Offering kids a healthy atmosphere.C.Helping residents lo acquire knowledge.D.Encouraging the young to go to big cities.27.Which of the following can be the best title of the text?A. LAB: A Bookstore on the RiseB , Local Culture Welcomed by TouristsC. Village Bookshops Promote Rural LifeD , Great Ambitions of Village BookstoresCFor people bom into the Russian aristocracy (贵族)in the nineteenth century, life was full of interesting opportunities - unless they were female. At the time, women generally did not have careers, for they were expected, instead, to focus fully on marrying and raising families. Sophia Behrs was one such young woman. When Sophia married Leo Tolstoy (列夫•托尔斯泰),he was already a well-known author. Both the couple were literary in their interests: Sophia had been a gifted student and, even at a very young age, was a keen and sensitive reader.Sophia's marriage to Tolstoy gave her the opportunity to put her abilities as a good reader to use, often advising him on his work throughout the writing process. She served as her husband*s copyist, writing out multiple copies of his novels by hand. She made suggestions for and edits to his work, many of which were incorporated into the final product. In addition, she served as his manager, publicist, and agent, keeping track of the financial and legal sides of her husband's writing career. If Sophia were alive today, she might have found her calling at a publishinghouse or literary-agency.She wrote her own Russian-language grammar textbook and translated texts from German and English. She also wrote fiction, including a revision of Leo*s novella The Krcutzer Sonata. In that story, a man recounts the dramatic breakdown of his marriage ; Sophia retold the narrative from his wife's point of view. The famous writer was impressed by his wife*s literary talents. "What force of truth and simplicity!,, he wrote in his diary upon reading one of her stories.However, Sophia never sought publication for her own work. Writing was not a fantasy that she look seriously ; rath er, she regarded it with “a certain contempt (轻蔑)and irony.” Limited by personal modesty, her domestic duties, and the expectations for women in her lifetime, Sophia never even considered seeking fame of her own. Yet Tolstoy would never have been able to produce the work he did without Sophia's vital contributions.28.What advantages did Sophia's marriage bring to her? A.A strong interest in literature. B.A superior sense of gracefulness. C.A profession at a literary agency. D.A chance to put her literary gift to use. 29. What can be inferred about Sophia from paragraph 3?A , Her revision of The Kreutzer Sonata was admirable.B , Her grammar textbook was easy and simple.C.She had a dramatic and imaginative writing style. D.She almost went through a marriage breakdown. 30. Which of the following words best describe Sophia according to the last paragraph?In a fascinating paper published last year in Science, a team led by Andreas Nieder oftheUniversity of Tubingen in Germany showed that crows - already known to be among the mostintelligent of animals - are even more impressive than we knew. In fact, the evidence suggests that they are self-aware and, in an important sense, conscious (有意识的).Crows had been observed previously to use tools to solve certain problems.Nieder'sexperiment showed that the birds were actively evaluating how to solve a particular problem ; in effect, they were thinking it over. This ability to consciously assess a problem was associated with the cerebral cortex (大脑皮层)in the brains of humans, which birds don't have.Other studies support the idea that the bird brain can, in principle, support the development of higher A . Talented and selfless.C , Thoughtful but strong-willed.31. What is the text mainly about?A. Sophia, a delayed publisher.C. Life of Tolstoy and Sophia.B , Loving and ambitious. D, Responsible but proud. B , Sophia, the other Tolstoy D. Literature on Russian women. Dintelligence. It had been dismissed in the past due to the small size of birds, brains. But recent research has shown that in birds, the neurons (神经元)are smaller and more lightly-packed, which makes sense to reduce weight and makes it easier lo fly. The total number of brain cell in crows (about 1. 5 billion)is about the same as that in some monkey species. But because they are more tightly-packed, the communication between the neurons seems In be better, and the overall intelligence of crows may be closer to that of gorillas (猩猩).This research has important consequences for our understanding of the evolution of higher intelligence. First, a cerebral cortex is not needed, and there are other means to achieve the same outcome. Second, either the evolution of consciousness is very ancient tracing back to the last common ancestor of mammals and birds about 320 million years ago, or, equally interesting, consciousness arose at least twice later on, independently in mammals and birds. Both options raise the possibility that higher intelligence on other planets may not necessarily be mammal or human-like, but could very well be birdlike.32.What did Andreas Nieder's team find out about crows?A.They are more intelligent than other animals.B.They have left people a very good impression.C.They are much cleverer than previously thought.D.They can use tools to solve certain problems.33.What does the underlined “it" in paragraph 3 refer to?A . The idea.B.The bird brain.C. The development.D.Higher intelligence.34.Why do crows have high-level intelligence?A. They have more tightly-packed brains.B , They have a small number of brain cells.C, Their brain neurons could communicate well.D , Their brain cells are the same with the monkeys.35.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. Cerebral cortexes are necessary for the evolution of higher intelligence.B , Both mammals and birds got their intelligence from common ancestors.C.Higher intelligence has already developed separately in different species.D.Higher intelligence on other planets might be different from what we imagine.第二节(共5小题;每题2.5分,总分值12. 5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。
比较A 和C发现,C项更合适,不仅有多的含义,还有丰富之意。
模拟(二)参考答案一、听力理解A. 听句子1-5 CBABBB. 听对话6-10 ACACB 11-15 ACBCBC.听短文16—20 CBBAAD. 听填信息21.twice 22. never 23. rice 24. twenty/20 25. once二.单项填空26-30 ABBCA 31-35 CCDBB 36-40 DABAD 41-45 DDBAD三、完形填空。
46-50 BABCA 51-55 BDCBC四、阅读理解。
56-60 CBDAB 61-65 ADDBC 66-70 EGAFB五、短文填空。
71. fans 72. video 73. by 74. wants/wishes 75. how76. see 77. throwing 78. surprised 79. the/that 70. showed六、读写综合A.信息归纳81. To list the goals you didn’t reach this year82. They have a really strong why83. Actionable steps with specific deadlines86. Six / 6B. 书面表达听力原文A、听句子根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。
1. M: 1. It’s cloudy today and it’s going to be rainy tomorrow.3. M: I often go skateboarding at 9:00 on Sunday morning.4. W: Smoking is not allowed here. You have to put it out.5. M: We’d better plant the trees in front of the house.B、听对话回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
解析: 起锯时需要拇指将锯条限定在锯割位置,以防锯割点偏移
• 11.如图所示为一款壁灯。当杆1与杆2成90°时,杆1与杆2的主 • 要受力形式是 • A.杆1受弯曲,杆2受弯曲、受扭转 • B.杆1受压,杆2受压、受拉 • C.杆1受压,杆2受压、受扭转 • D.杆1受弯曲,杆2受弯曲、受拉 NhomakorabeaB
解析: 系统报警,体现的是该系统的目的性
18.以下对该系统的优化措施中,不正确的是 A.配备蓄电池,在停电的情况下能正常工作 B.夜间直接将220V电源接入围栏,增大电击强度 C.增加联动输出接口,与公安部门的报警中心实现联动 D.增加利用网络进行远程布防、撤防操作的功能
解析: 会死人的
如图所示为公共厕所人体感应自动供水系统示意图。当探头检测到有人进入厕所,控制 器控制电磁阀打开,向水箱供水。请根据示意图和上述说明,完成19-20题。 19.该供水控制系统的执行器是 A.水箱 B.进水阀 C.探头 D.电磁阀
20.适合用作探头的是 A.红外传感器 C.水位传感器
16.比较优化前后的流程图,下列关于优化目标的说法中,不合理的是 A.达标水回用主要是为了节约用水 B.纤维回收主要是为了减少原料的浪费 C.污泥制肥主要是为了提高综合效益 D.滤液回流主要是为了废物再利用
17.以下关于该系统的说法中,不正确的是 A.该系统具有威慑、阻挡、报警等作用,体现了系统的目的性 B.该系统遭到触碰和破坏时都会报警,体现了系统的相关性 C.当电子围栏中的导线出现故障时,会影响系统正常工作,体现了系统的整体性 D.该系统不受气候等因素的影响,体现了系统的环境适应性
湖南省公务员行政职业能力测验模拟试题二第一部分言语理解与表达(共20题, 参考时限20分钟)本部分包括三种类型的题目:一、选词填空: 共10题, 每题0.5分, 共5分。
要求你从所给的四个选项中选出一个填空, 使句子的意思表达得最准确。
【例题】只要方向正确, 任何一点积极性都应当得到和支持。
()A尊重B肯定C表彰D重视【解析】用“肯定”填空使句子的意思表达得最准确, 故应选B。
请开始答题:1. 很多家长都希望请家庭教师来( )孩子文化课的学习。
A. 帮助B. 教导C. 教育D. 辅导2. 航空运输、公路运输的快速发展在一定程度上使铁路系统受到( )。
A. 冲击B. 威胁C. 震荡D. 削弱3. 江泽民同志在人民大会堂( )旅外青年学者团体负责人回国访问团成员。
A. 会晤B. 会见C. 见面D. 接见4.日晕和月晕常常出现在卷层云上, 当卷层云后面有一大片高层云时, 是大风雨的( )。
A. 预兆B. 先兆C. 征兆D. 预示5.学校做出决定, ( )大面积补课。
A. 取消B. 取缔C. 禁止D. 停止6.最近几年, 家长( )孩子上大学仍是新生报到时校园内的一大景观。
A. 携同B. 偕同C. 陪同D. 随同7.王校长对财务科拿出的修建学生公寓的预算方案, 仔细地进行了( )。
A. 审查B. 考察C. 考查D. 审核8.整个安定医院应该环境优雅, ( )合理, 让人心情放松。
A. 布局B. 安排C. 规则D. 统筹9.大型货运飞艇使用惰性气体代替了传统的氢气, 从而从根本上( )了发生火灾的可能。
A. 杜绝B. 消除C. 排除D. 避免10.目前许多国家和地区都在寻求和采取各种有力的( ), 减少恐怖分子的袭击。
A. 手段B. 举措C. 措施D. 方法二、语句表达:共5题, 每题1分, 共5分。
【例题】从给出的几句话中选出没有语病的一句: ()。
高二语文模拟试题(2)参考答案1.A (A伫倚.yǐ/欹.枕qī 槛.菊jiàn/彩笺.jiān蒙毡.zhān/砧.上zhēnB.曲.江qū/衢.州qú 霓.旌ní/琉璃.li 扁.舟piān/翩.跹piānC蓬蒿.hāo/蘅皋.gāo京畿.jī/珠玑.jī地坼.chè/恻.隐cèD罟.师gǔ/商贾.gǔ 霎.时shà/痛煞.shā 翠幕.mù/蓦.然mò)2.D (卷土重来:比喻失败之后,重新恢复势力,含贬义。
A苦心经营:用尽心思去筹划安排 B一蹶不振:一跌倒就再也爬不起来。
)3.D (A项关联词语序不当,最后一句三重否定,不合逻辑 B搭配不当,“防止”和“态势”不搭配。
)4.C5.C (指有多种颜色的华丽衣服)6.D (A.以:连词,来;介词,凭。
)7.A (③写夫妻的生活情趣;④⑤写“收书既成”后阅读时如何小心谨慎。
)8.C (“得胜者常常故意把茶给泼了”错,不是故意为之。
二模考试题及答案大东区一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项是正确的?A. 地球是平的B. 太阳是银河系的中心C. 光速是可变的D. 月球是地球的卫星答案:D2. 以下哪种元素是人体必需的微量元素?A. 铁B. 钙C. 钠D. 氧答案:A3. 根据牛顿第三定律,作用力和反作用力的关系是什么?A. 大小相等,方向相反B. 大小不等,方向相反C. 大小相等,方向相同D. 大小不等,方向相同答案:A4. 以下哪个国家不是联合国安全理事会常任理事国?A. 中国B. 法国C. 德国D. 俄罗斯答案:C5. 以下哪个选项是正确的?A. 1千克等于1000克B. 1米等于100厘米C. 1升等于1000毫升D. 1小时等于60分钟答案:D6. 以下哪个选项是正确的?A. 光年是时间单位B. 光年是长度单位C. 光年是质量单位D. 光年是速度单位答案:B7. 以下哪个选项是正确的?A. 地球的自转周期是24小时B. 地球的公转周期是365天C. 地球的自转轴与公转轨道平面垂直D. 地球的自转轴与公转轨道平面平行答案:A8. 以下哪个选项是正确的?A. 细胞是所有生物体的基本单位B. 病毒不是生物体C. 所有生物体都有细胞结构D. 病毒有细胞结构答案:B9. 以下哪个选项是正确的?A. 酸雨是由于大气中的二氧化碳过多造成的B. 酸雨是由于大气中的二氧化硫过多造成的C. 酸雨是由于大气中的臭氧过多造成的D. 酸雨是由于大气中的氮气过多造成的答案:B10. 以下哪个选项是正确的?A. 氧气不易溶于水B. 氧气易溶于水C. 氧气不溶于水D. 氧气在水中的溶解度随温度升高而增加答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 地球的大气层中,最外层是________。
答案:散逸层2. 人体最大的器官是________。
答案:皮肤3. 牛顿的三大定律中,描述物体运动状态改变的定律是________。
答案:牛顿第二定律4. 联合国安全理事会的常任理事国包括中国、法国、俄罗斯、美国和________。
二模考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项是正确的?A. 地球是平的B. 太阳从西方升起C. 光速是恒定的D. 月球没有引力答案:C2. 以下哪项是人体最大的器官?A. 心脏B. 肝脏C. 皮肤D. 脾脏答案:C3. 哪个国家是联合国的创始会员国之一?A. 中国B. 美国C. 俄罗斯D. 以上都是答案:D4. 以下哪种元素是人体必需的微量元素?A. 铁B. 钙C. 钠D. 氧5. 以下哪个是植物光合作用的场所?A. 细胞核B. 线粒体C. 叶绿体D. 内质网答案:C6. 以下哪个是牛顿三大定律之一?A. 万有引力定律B. 相对论C. 动量守恒定律D. 牛顿第一定律答案:D7. 以下哪个是英语中最常见的不规则动词?A. goB. beC. haveD. run答案:B8. 以下哪个是法国的首都?A. 柏林B. 伦敦C. 巴黎D. 罗马答案:C9. 以下哪个是人体最长的神经?B. 坐骨神经C. 迷走神经D. 背神经答案:B10. 以下哪个是计算机编程语言?A. HTMLB. CSSC. JavaScriptD. 以上都是答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 地球的自转周期是______小时。
答案:242. 人体最大的淋巴器官是______。
答案:脾3. 联合国的总部设在______。
答案:纽约4. 人体必需的微量元素包括铁、锌、______等。
答案:铜5. 植物光合作用的产物是葡萄糖和______。
答案:氧气6. 牛顿第一定律也被称为______定律。
答案:惯性7. 英语中不规则动词be的过去式是______。
答案:were/was8. 法国的国花是______。
答案:百合9. 人体最长的神经是______神经。
答案:坐骨10. 计算机编程语言中,用于网页开发的是______。
答案:HTML三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. 简述光合作用的过程。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
模拟试题二答案一、填空题(0.5 40=20)1.Visual Basic6.0中应用可视化的面向对象的程序设计方法,采用事件驱动的编程机制。
2.Visual Basic6.0的主要功能特点是具有面向对象的可视化的基于事件驱动设计工具,非常适合于面向对象的编程方式。
3.当进如Visual Basic集体环境,发现没有显示“工具箱”窗口,应选择视图菜单的选项,使“工具箱”窗口显示。
5.Visual Basic6.0中文版的菜单栏共有13 个菜单项。
6.Visual Basic6.0的控件分为3类,即:常用控件、ActiveX控件、可插入对象控件。
7.十进制整型数的表示范围为-32768~+32767 。
逻辑表达式为:NOT(Year MOD 4) AND (Year MOD 100) OR NOT(Year MOD 400) (2)一元二次方程有实根的条件为:a不等于0且b2-4ac>=0逻辑表达式为:a<>0 AND b^2-4*a*c>=09."name"为字符串常数;False为布尔型常数;"11/16/99"为字符串常量;12.345为浮点数常量。
10.以下语句的输出结果是BeijingS$="China"S$="Beijing"Print S $11..列表框中项目的序号是从0 开始的,ListCount-1 表示列表框中最后一项的序号。
12.滚动条响应的重要事件有Change 和Scroll 。
13.控件数组的名字由Name 属性指定,而数组中的每个元素由Index 属性指定。
14.visual Basic中有一种控件组合了文本框和列表框的特性,这种控件是_组合框__15.计时器控件能有规律的以一定时间间隔触发_Timer__事件,并执行该事件过程中的程序代码。
Form1. PopupMenu Pmenu18.制作菜单的分隔栏时,选用的符号是___-____。
19.Visual Basic提供的对数据文件的三种访问方式为随机访问方式_顺序访问方式__和二进制访问方式。
21.Data控件是Visual Basic 6.0和数据库之间的桥梁,而数据绑定控件则把Data控件和用户界面联系起来,两者构成了Visual Basic 6.0开发数据库的主体。
二、选择题(2 19=38)1.可以用来在启动程序时对属性和变量进行初始化的事件( D )A ClickB UnloadC ActivateD Load2.当窗体上有多个控件时,最多只有( A )个控件是活动的。
A 1B 2C 3D 多3.当对被选择的控件进行对齐、调整大小等操作时,将以( C )为准。
A 所有控件B 某些控件C 基准控件D 以上说法均不对4.Visual Basic中的语句通常按“一行一句,一句一行”的规则书写,但也允许多个语句放在同一行中。
在这种情况下,用来隔开各语句的符号是( A )A 冒号B 分号C 逗号D 感叹号5.一般来说,在用Visual Basic开发应用程序时,其通常的步骤为( A )A ①设置可视界面②编写代码③程序测试、运行B ①建立可视用户界面②设置可视界面特性③编写事件驱动代码C ①编写事件驱动代码②程序测试③程序运行和维护D 以上步骤均不对6.下面4个选项中属于字符型数据的是( A )A “Hello”B `Hello`C HelloD #Hello7.双精度浮点数存储时占的字节数是( B )A 4B 8C 16D 328.下面为正确的整型常量的是( C )A &624B 0347C &0127D &01289.把小写字母转换为大写字母的函数是( B )A Lcase$B Ucase$C InstrD Len10.“x是小于100的非负数”,用Visual Basic表达式表示正确的是( C )A 0<=x<100B 0<=x<100C 0<=x And x<100D 0<=x Or X<10011.假定Picture1和Text1分别为图片框和文本框的名称,下列语句不正确的是( C )A Print 100B Picture1.Print 100C Text1. Print 100D Debug. Print 10012.表达式4+5\6*7/8Mod9的值是( B )A 4B 5C 6D 713.在窗体上画一个命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程:( D )Private Sub C ommand1_Click( )a=InputBox("Enter the First Integer")b=InputBox("Enter the Second integer")Print b+aEnd Sub程序运行后,单击命令按钮,先后在两个输入对话框中分别输入456和123,则输出结果是 A 579 B 123C 456D 12345614.若要使标签控件显示时不覆盖其背景内容,要对其设置的属性是(D)A BackColorB BorderStyleC ForeColor D. BackStyle15.下面程序x$="a"y$="b"z$="c"For I=1 to 2X$=y$:y$=z$:z$=x$Next IPrint x$+y$+z$运行后的输出结果是(D)A cabB bcaC bcbD cbc16.下面程序段For I=1 To 3 Step 1Print Spc(5-I);For j=1 To 2*I-1Print "*";Next j;PrintNext I运行结果为(B)A * * * * *B ** * * * * ** * * * * *C *D ** * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * *17.设有语句open "c:Test.Dat" For OutPut As#1则以下错误的叙述是(A )A)该语句打开C盘根目录下一个己存在的文件Test.DatB)该语句在C盘根目录下建立一个名为Test.Dat的文件C)该语句建立的文件的文件号为1D)执行该语句后,就可以通过Print#语句向文件Test.Dat中写入信息18.表的每一行就是一个( A );表中的每一列称作一个(),描述了它所含有的数据。
A.记录字段B.索引字段C.字段记录D.记录索引19.Data控件的很多方法,当我们在运行时修改了Record-Source属性后,需要调用( A )方法刷新记录集。
A.Refresh方法B.UpdateRecord方法C.UpdateControls方法D.Cancelupdate方法三、程序填空题(2 18=34)1.下面的程序段是检查输入的文字段中大括号是否配对,并显示相应的结果.本程序在文本框中边输入边统计大括号的个数,以+输入回车作为结束标志,然后显示结果.请将程序补充完整.Dim Count1%Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(Key Ascii As Integer)If Key Ascii ="{"ThenCount1=Count1+1Else If Key Ascii ="}"ThenCount1=Count1+1If KeyAscii=13 ThenIf Count1=0 ThenPrint "左右大括号配对"Else If Count1>0 ThenPrint "左大括号数多";Count1;"个"ElsePrint "右大括号数多";-Count1;"个"End IfEnd IfEnd Sub2.阅读程序:Private Sub Form_Click( )num=0Do while num<=2num=num+1Print numLoopEnd Sub程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果是 123 。
3.在窗体上画一个命令按钮(其Name属性为Command1),然后编写如下代码:Private Sub Command1_Click( )Dim n( )As IntegerDim a,b As Integera=InputBox("Enter the first number")b=InputBox("Enter the second number")ReDim n (a To b)For k=Lbound(n,1)To Ubound(n,1)n(k)=kPrint"n("";k;")=";n(k)Next kEnd Sub程序运行后,单击命令按钮,在输入对话框中分别输入2和3,输出结果为n(2)=2n(3)=3。
4.在窗体上画一个命令按钮(其Name属性为Command1),然后编写如下代码:Private Sub Command1_click( )Dim a(5)For I=0 To 4A(i)=I+1T=I+1If t=3 ThenPrint a(i);A(t-1)=a(I-2)ElseA(t)=a(i)End IfIf I=3 Then a(I+1)=a(t-4)A(4)=1Print a(i);Next IEnd Sub程序运行后,单击命令按钮,输出结果为 1 2 3 1 4 1 。